Python Vs C++ | Top 16 Differences Between C++ And Python

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated November 27, 2024

This tutorial will explain features, advantages and key differences between Python vs C++ in detail:

Python and C++ are two different languages that have different features and different behavior. Both these languages have one thing in common i.e. strong support for object-oriented programming.

In this tutorial, we will discuss some of the Python features and the key differences between Python and C++. Later in this tutorial, we will also discuss the advantages of Python along with some of the advantages of C++ over Python.

=> Visit Here To Learn C++ From Scratch.

Python Vs C++

C++ Features

Enlisted below are the various features of C++.

  • Compiled language
  • Strongly typed, case sensitive language.
  • Machine independent or portable and modular.
  • Fast and efficient
  • Syntax based, powerful
  • Uses pointers and has a huge functions library.
  • The object-oriented programming language. It supports the following OOP features:
    • Classes and objects
    • Abstraction
    • Encapsulation
    • Polymorphism
    • Inheritance

Python Features

Now let’s see some of the features of Python language.

  • It is easy to learn and has clear syntax.
  • It is extensible to a greater degree.
  • Python is free, open-source, and cross-platform.
  • It is an object-oriented programming language with high readability and reliability.
  • Can be used for prototyping and testing of code that can later be used to develop a full-fledged application using the other higher-level languages.
  • Ships with a huge standard library consisting of XML parsers excel interface etc.

Let’s explore some of the key differences between C++ and Python.

Table Of Differences Between Python Vs C++

Comparison ParameterC++Python
UsageNot easy to write code.Easier to write code.
Nature of languageStatically typedDynamically typed
PortabilityNot portablePortable
Garbage collectionDoes not support Garbage Collection.Supports Garbage Collection.
InstallationNo difficultyDifficult to install
TypesData types bound to names checked at compile time.Bound to values, checked at runtime.
Scope of the variablesLimited within the loops or blocks.Accessible outside the loops or blocks.
Rapid prototypingNot possiblePossible
FunctionsRestrictions on the type of parameters or return value.No restrictions on the type of parameters or return value.
EfficiencyDifficult to maintain. Easier to maintain
Syntax complexityUses blocks and semicolons.No blocks or semicolons.
Speed of executionFasterSlower
PerformanceHigh performanceLow performance
PopularityMore popular for embedded or enterprise applications.Most popular for machine learning.
Simplicity and usabilityDifficult to learn and is used in a low-level application.Simple and is used for machine learning or web applications.

Key Differences Between C++ And Python

The key differences between C++ and Python that are important from the programming languages’ point of view are discussed below.

#1) Compilation

C++ is a compiled language. C++ compiler generates an object code from the C++ source code and is then executed to produce the output.

Python is an interpreted language. The Python code with an extension py need not be compiled. We can directly pass it to the Python interpreter and generate the output.

#2) Usage

C++ has a lot of features and also has a comparatively difficult syntax. It is not that simple to write the C++ code.

Python is easy to write and has a clear syntax. Hence writing Python programs is much easier when compared to C++.

#3) Nature of Language

C++ is a statically typed language i.e. the declaration of a variable, the data type of variables, etc. are verified at compile time. This keeps the source code error-free at runtime.

Python, on the other hand, is not statically typed. There is no type checking done at compile time. Hence, the code is prone to errors.

#4) Portability

C++ is not portable i.e. we need to recompile the code on every different platform. C++ is mainly “Write Once, Compile Anywhere”.

Python is portable. It is also cross-platform and we can execute programs on any platform.

#5) Garbage Collection/Memory Management

In C++, memory management is manual. C++ does not support automatic garbage collection of resources.

Python, on the other hand, has a feature of automatic garbage collection. Its memory management is system-controlled.

#6) Rapid Prototyping

We cannot do rapid prototyping using C++.

Using Python, we can do rapid prototyping of code so that it can be used later for building applications using higher-level languages.

#7) Scope of the Variables

C++ has code demarked by blocks using curly braces ({}) and loops. The scope of the variables is limited to these blocks and loops demarked by {}.

The scope of the variables used in Python is not limited to blocks or loops. The variables are accessible even outside the curly braces.

#8) Installation

C++ can be easily installed on Windows. Python, however, is difficult to install.

#9) Types

In C++ data types are bound to names and get checked at compile time. This reduces the possibility of any errors at runtime.

In Python, the data types are bound to values and are checked at runtime. Code may be more error-prone at runtime as we do not catch those errors at compile time.

#10) Functions

Functions are blocks of codes with one or more parameters and a return value. Each of the parameters and return value has a type.

In C++, the types of parameters and return type during function call has to match with that in the definition of the function.

In Python, there is no such restriction on parameter and return types.

#11) Efficiency

C++ code is difficult to maintain as it can get complicated to read as solutions become bigger.

Python, on the other hand, has clean code and simple syntax. The source code for Python is easier to maintain.

#12) Syntax Complexity

In C++ there is a clear demarcation of the code by using blocks enclosed in {}, semicolons indicating the end of the statement, etc. Thus in C++, the syntax is well organized.

In Python, there are no blocks or semicolons. Instead, Python uses indentation.

#13) Speed of Execution

As far as speed of execution is concerned, C++ programs run faster. In fact, C++ is known and used widely in applications that are required to run faster like gaming platforms.

Python, on the other hand, runs slowly. Moreover, Python programs run slower than Java programs. Hence, we employ Python specifically for applications that can compromise on speed.

#14) Performance

C++ is a statically typed language, thus we have fewer errors to take care of at runtime. C++ also creates a more robust and faster runtime code. This makes C++ a language with high performance.

Python being dynamic, has a possibility that some errors or unwanted situation may arise at runtime. So as far as performance is concerned, Python lags behind C++.

But when it comes to machine learning, Python is the one that has the upper hand.

#15) Popularity

Python is easy to learn and easy to put in practice when compared to C++ which becomes harder as we advance through its features. Another advantage of Python is its libraries that allow us to write any functionality especially data analysis and machine learning.

So popularity-wise Python scores over C++. Especially for the development of machine learning applications, it is the number one choice for programmers.

#16) Simplicity and Usability

Python with its simplicity and easy to use features allows us to write concise, easily readable code, etc. This is helpful when we develop complex applications for machine learning as we don’t have to struggle with a programming language.

Secondly, Python is easy to learn and is a simple language. The same cannot be said about C++. C++ is more of a lower-level language that is easier for computers than humans.

Thus Python scores on these parameters especially when we have to choose between C++ and Python for developing machine learning applications.

Key Advantages Of Python

  • One of the major advantages of Python language is clean, simple, and straightforward syntax. For C/C++ programmers, the syntax seems familiar but easy without semicolons and braces.
  • Python has a huge standard library that has CSV and zip file readers/writers, several XML parsers, a library for using every internet protocol and data type.
  • The language is great for building web applications mainly because of its simplicity and efficiency.
  • Python supports “duck typing” i.e. we can go ahead and call any object without worrying about its specific type etc.
  • Especially suitable for machine learning development.

Advantages Of C++ Over Python

Having seen the specific advantages of Python, let’s discuss the advantages of C++:

  • The major advantage of C++ is performance. C++ performs efficiently and the speed is faster when compared to Python.
  • C++ is suitable for almost every platform including embedded systems whereas Python can be used only on certain platforms that support high-level languages.
  • Being a strongly typed language, C++ is more predictable than Python which is dynamically typed. This feature also enhances the performance of C++.
  • C++ can be used for system programming including writing Operating systems.
  • We can also use C++ to learn low-level programming as the language is closer to hardware. With Python, such a feat is not possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q #1) Is it better to learn C++ or Python?

Answer: Well, ideally it’s up to the programmer as what to learn. Secondly, it also depends on the current requirements. Suppose if you want to learn system programming or any such low-level programming, we would suggest you to go for C++.

If you want some machine learning knowledge and put it to practice, then we would suggest you to go for Python. Alternatively, if you want to make yourself comfortable in web programming, then you could opt for Ruby or JavaScript or angular JS, etc.

Thus it depends on your interest and requirements to choose a programming language. Anyways in the programmer’s world, it’s never enough to know a few programming languages. Hence if you can learn both, go ahead.

Q #2) Is Python better than C++?

Answer: Yes. As far as language simplicity and easiness is concerned. One can learn Python just to get the hang of programming. It is free of those compulsory braces and semicolons, pointers, templates, STL, specific types, etc.

So as a programmer if you want the knowledge of simple a programming language then Python is anytime better than C++. But again as mentioned in our previous answer, it depends on requirements.

Overall Python is better than C++ in terms of its simplicity and easy syntax. But C++ is better in terms of performance, speed, vast application areas, etc.

Also Read =>> Python Vs Javascript – What Are Key Differences Between Javascript and Python

Q #3) Can Python replace C++?

Answer: NO. C and C++ form the basis of every programming. Python is in fact built on C with web programming in mind. So there is no possibility that Python will replace fundamental languages like C or C++ at least not in the near future.

Having said that it can just move a bit ahead of C/C++ in the cases where interfacing with hardware devices, performance, detailed resource management, etc. is not required.

Q #4) Which is better C++ or Java or Python?

Answer: Actually, all three languages have their own uses and advantages. C++ is known for its high performance, speed, and memory management. Java is famous for its platform independence while Python is known for its simplicity, less complex syntax, high readability, and active community support.

Personal preference and specific requirements help us to make a choice between these languages. So in a nutshell, unless we are comfortable with a particular language and we know our specific requirements, we cannot evaluate which one is better.

Q #5) Why is C++ faster than Python?

Answer: Given below are the various reasons for which the C++ code runs faster than Python:

  1. C++ code that is well written spends less time on CPU than Python code.
  2. There is no interpretation step that’s interpreting the program statement by statement.
  3. There is no garbage collector running continuously.
  4. More control over system calls.
  5. We can write a machine-level code easily whenever required.

All these reasons contribute to the faster performance of the C++ code. Some features of Python that are listed below are also responsible for its slowness.

These are:

  1. Python is not compiled but interpreted.
  2. There are no primitives in Python, everything is represented as an object included built-in data types.
  3. A Python list holds objects of different types. This makes each entry to hold an additional space to specify the type that adds overhead.


C++ and Python are two different languages that have very diverse features as well as applications. While Python has easy syntax, high readability, etc. it is far behind C++ in terms of system programming, performance, and speed.

While Python can be the best choice for machine learning development, C++ is best for a whole range of applications including system programming as C++ offers us all the features available under the sun.

In this tutorial, we have seen the major differences between C++ and Python and discussed the advantages of Python and C++ over Python as well.

=> Take A Look At The C++ Beginners Guide Here.

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