A Complete Guide to Agile Methodology: (20+ Detailed Agile Scrum Methodology Tutorials)
This is a guide for software developers and testers to understand and start working on the very famous Agile SCRUM methodology for software development and testing. Learn the basic but important terminologies used in the Agile Scrum process along with a real example of the complete process.
We have listed all the Agile Tutorials in this series for your convenience. Hope they will be of immense help to you.
Topics covered: What is Agile, What is Scrum, Agile Methodology in Software Development and Testing, Agile Testing, Agile Scrum Process, Scrum Methodology with Scrum Team and Scrum Master.
Table of Contents:
Introduction to Agile Methodology
Agile Methodology Tutorials List
Tutorial #1: Agile Scrum Methodologies (This Tutorial)
Tutorial #2: Agile Manifesto
Tutorial #3: Scrum Team & their roles and responsibilities
Tutorial #4: Scrum Artifacts
Tutorial #5: Scrum Events
Tutorial #6: Defect Triaging In Scrum
Tutorial #7: Self Sufficient Scrum Teams
Tutorial #8: Three Amigo Principle
Tutorial #9: SAFe – Scaled agile framework
Tutorial #10: Agile Scrum Quiz
MORE Recommended Agile Scrum Tutorials:
Tutorial #11: Top Agile Estimation Techniques
Tutorial #12: Agile Waterfall Hybrid Model
Tutorial #13: Kanban vs Scrum vs Agile
Tutorial #14: JIRA Agile Tutorial
Tutorial #15: Agile Retrospective Meetings
Tutorial #16: Role of Business Analysts at SCRUM
Tutorial #17: QA’s Role in Scrum
Tools and Interview Questions:
Tutorial #18: Agile Testing Tools
Tutorial #19: Best Agile Project Management Tools
Tutorial #20: Top Agile Interview Questions
Tutorial #21: Top Scrum Interview Questions
Let’s start with the first tutorial in the series – Agile Scrum Introduction.
Introduction to Agile Development
Agile in Software Development:
Agile is one of the world’s most widely used and recognized software development frameworks.
Most of the organizations have adopted it in some form or the other but there is still a long way to go in the maturity of their adoption programs. The sole aim of this series of tutorials is to onboard technology and non-technology professionals into the Agile World.
We will take you through the agile journey in a step by step manner until you understand the philosophy behind using Agile, its advantages and how to practice it. This series aims to equip and enable the readers to apply Agile and Scrum learning into their work.
This particular tutorial is dedicated to explaining to you why there was a need for Agile and how it got created. The fundamentals here are to help you understand the concept of Agile Adoption in Software Development Industries.
History of Agile
Agile was born when on one fine day when 17 people with different development methodologies background, got together to brainstorm if there was a possible alternative solution to software development which could lead to faster development time and was less documentation heavy.
At that time, software development used to happen so long that by the time projects were ready to be delivered, the business had moved ahead and the requirements had changed. Thus a project was not able to meet the business needs even if it was able to meet its defined objectives.
Thus these champions of different software engineering techniques got together and the end result of their meeting was what they called the “agile manifesto’ which we will be discussing in detail in the next tutorial of this series.
But the agile that was born that day is not what we see today in organizations. The methodology that those experts agreed upon was described as “lightweight” and fast. But the main win out of this meeting was the thought that faster delivery of a product and constant feedback were the keys to achieve success in software development.
The existing waterfall techniques were too cumbersome and had no provision for feedback until the final product was ready to be delivered. This meant that there was no scope for course correction and the customer had no view on the progress until the whole product was ready. And that is what these experts wanted to avoid.
They wanted a solution that would have scope for constant feedback in order to avoid the cost of rework at a later stage.
Agile Challenges
The existing waterfall techniques at that time were too cumbersome and had no provision for feedback until the final product was ready to be delivered. It was called a waterfall model of development because the teams first finished one step completely and only after that they moved ahead to the next step.
This meant that there was no scope for course correction and the customer had no view on the progress until the whole product was ready. And that is what these experts want to avoid. They wanted a solution that would have scope for constant feedback in order to avoid the cost of rework at a later stage.
That is why agile is also about being adaptive and continuous improvement, as much as it is about constant feedback and speed of delivery.
What are Agile Promises?
Agile is not only about applying set practices in developing software. It also brings in a change in the team’s mindset which drives them towards building better software, working together and eventually landing them a happy customer.
Agile values and principles enable the team to shift their focus and change their thought process of building better software.
What Exactly is Agile?
Agile is not a set of rules. Agile is not a set of guidelines. Agile is not even a methodology. Rather, Agile is a set of principles that encourage flexibility, adaptability, communication and working software over plans and processes. It is very succinctly captured in what is called the agile manifesto.
Agile software development allows the team to work together more efficiently and effectively in developing complex projects. It consists of practices that exercise iterative and incremental techniques which are easily adopted and display great results.
In applying Agile into action, we have various Agile-based methods and methodologies. These methods and methodologies cater to all the needs of a software development industry right from the software design and architecture, development & testing to project management and deliveries.
Agile methods and methodologies are also open scope for process improvement as an integral part of each delivery.
Agile is a software development approach where a self-sufficient and cross-functional team works on making continuous deliveries through iterations and evolves throughout the process by gathering feedback from the end users.
How to Practice Agile?
There are various Agile Methodologies that are in practice in various diversified industries.
However, the most popular methodologies amongst all of them are:
- Scrum
- Kanban
- Extreme Programming
All these methodologies focus on lean software development and help in building better software effectively and efficiently.
That is all with Agile Introduction. This part is structured to help you understand the core values and principles that shall be adopted for a team to be working in an Agile mode and mindset.
Agile Methodology
Introduction to Agile Models:
As we all know, Agile is a software development methodology.
We have also learned about the values and principles which were mentioned in the agile manifesto by the founders of agile. In our initial discussions, we also skirted upon the differences between agile and the traditional waterfall models.
In this tutorial, we will get to know about the advantages and disadvantages of agile methodology.
Can we see what the scrum is? and how it is different from agile. Then we will understand the various agile methodologies that are being used by different organizations and how we can implement agile use them.
You will also be able to appreciate the difference and also the advantages/disadvantages of these methodologies.
Advantages of Agile Methodology
Given below are the various advantages of Agile Methodology:
- The customer continuously gets a look and feel of the project’s progress at the end of each iteration/sprint.
- Each sprint provides the customer with a working software which meets their expectations as per the definition of done provided by them.
- Our development team is quite responsive to changing requirements and can accommodate changes even in the advanced stages of development.
- There is constant two-way communication which keeps the customers involved, thus all stakeholders – business and technical – have clear visibility on the project’s progress.
- The design of the product is efficient and fulfills the business requirements.
Disadvantages of Agile Methodology
Though there are several advantages of Agile methodology, there are certain disadvantages involved in it too.
They are:
#1) Comprehensive documentation is not preferred which can lead to agile teams incorrectly interpreting this as agile doesn’t require documentation. So the rigor gets lost on documentation. This should be avoided by continuously asking yourself if this is sufficient information to proceed or not.
#2) Sometimes, at the beginning of the projects, the requirements are not crystal clear. The team might proceed and find that the customer’s vision got realigned and in such situations, the teams need to incorporate many changes and it is difficult to gauge the end result as well.
Types of Agile Methodologies
There are several agile methodologies in practice across the world. We are going to learn more in detail about four of the most popular ones.
#1) Scrum
Scrum can easily be considered to be the most popular agile framework. The term “scrum” is much considered synonymous with “agile” by most practitioners. But that is a misconception. Scrum is just one of the frameworks by which you can implement agile.
The word scrum comes from sports rugby. Where the players huddle together in an interlocked position pushing against the opponents. Each player has a defined role in their position and can play both offensive and defensive as per the demand of the situation.
Similarly, the scrum in IT believes in empowering self-managed development teams with three specific and clearly defined roles. These roles include – Product Owner (PO), Scrum Master (SM) and the development team consisting of the programmers and testers. They work together in iterative time boxed durations called sprints.
The first step is the creation of the product backlog by the PO. It’s a to-do list of stuff to be done by the scrum team. Then the scrum team selects the top priority items and tries to finish them within the time box called a sprint.
An easier way to remember all of this is to memorize the 3-3-5 framework. It means that a scrum project has 3 roles, 3 artifacts, and 5 events.
These are –
Roles: PO, Scrum master, and development team.
Artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and Product increment.
Events: Sprint, Sprint planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint review and Sprint retrospective.
We will get to know more in detail about each of these in our subsequent tutorials.
#2) Kanban
Kanban is a Japanese term which means a card. These cards contain details of the work to be done on the software. The purpose is visualization. Every team member is aware of the work to be done through these visual aids.
Teams use these Kanban cards for continuous delivery. Just like Scrum, Kanban is also for helping the teams work effectively and promotes self-managed and collaborative teams.
But there are differences between these two as well – like during a scrum sprint, the items being worked upon by a team are fixed and we cannot add items to the sprint whereas, in Kanban, we can add items if there is available capacity. This is particularly useful when the requirements change frequently.
Similarly, another difference is that while the scrum has defined roles of a PO, scrum master, and development teams, there are no such pre-defined roles in Kanban.
Another difference is that while the scrum suggests a prioritization of product backlogs, Kanban has no such requirement and it is totally optional. Thus Kanban requires less organization and avoids non-value added activities and is suitable for processes which require responsiveness towards changes.
#3) Lean
Lean is a philosophy that focuses on waste reduction. How does it do that?
In lean, you divide a process into value-adding activities, non-value adding activities and essential non-value adding activities. Any activity which can be classified as a non-value adding activity is a waste and we should try to remove that wastage in the process to make it leaner.
A leaner process means faster delivery and less effort wasted in tasks which don’t help to achieve the team goals. This helps to optimize every step in the software development cycle. That is why the lean principles were adapted from lean manufacturing into software development.
Lean software development can be used in any IT project by applying the seven lean principles which are shown below:
These are quite self-explanatory as their names suggest. Eliminating wastage is the first and most important lean principle and we saw how to do that, we just classify activities as value and non-value add.
A non-value add activity can be any part of the code which might make it less robust, increase the effort involved and take up a lot of time while not adding justifiable business value. It can also be vague user stories or poor testing or adding features that are not required in the big picture.
The second principle amplifying learning is again easy to understand as a team needs various skills to deliver products in a rapidly changing environment with new technologies cropping up in quick durations.
Making late decisions can be rewarding in circumstances where it reduces rework as if there are any changes expected then it is better to delay it so that the team does not have to redo the work as the business needs to change.
But there is always a trade-off here as the teams need to balance this with the fourth principle of delivering faster. Delayed decisions should not impact overall delivery and must not reduce the pace of work. One eye should always be on the complete picture.
Having empowered teams is also very common nowadays and this is something that even agile suggests. Empowered teams are more responsible and can make decisions faster. The sense of ownership in an empowered team leads to better results. To empower a team, they should be allowed to organize themselves and make decisions on their own.
Thus, we see that lean and agile have a lot in common, with one stark difference – while lean teams can help to refine a product, agile teams are the ones who build the product.
#4) Extreme Programming (XP)
Extreme programming is another of the most popular agile techniques. As per extremeprogramming.org, the first XP project was started on March 6, 1996. They also mention that XP impacts software project development in 5 different ways – communication, simplicity, feedback, respect, and courage. These are called the values of XP.
Out of these, it all starts with communication. XP teams collaborate with business teams and fellow programmers on a regular basis and start building code from the very first day. The focus here is on face to face communication as much as possible with the help of other visual aids.
Extreme programmers also build a simple code and start getting feedback on it from the first day itself. The focus is on not going overboard or predicting requirements that have not been shared. This keeps the design simple and produces just the minimum product which will serve the requirements.
Feedback helps the team to improve and produce a better quality of work. This helps them build respect for each other as they learn from each other and learn how to share their views.
This also gives them the courage as they know that they have gathered everyone’s best ideas and produced a good product with feedback from others. Thus, they are also not afraid to include changes or receive further feedback on their work.
This is particularly useful in projects where the requirements are going to change often. Constant feedback will help the teams in including these changes with courage.
Thus we have seen the different agile methodologies like Scrum, XP, Kanban and Lean along with their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Now, we can easily differentiate between them and also appreciate the subtler differences amongst them. We also learned the fundamentals of each of these methodologies and saw how to apply them in our projects as and when required.
In the next part, let’s understand everything about Scrum.
Scrum Methodology
SCRUM is a process in agile methodology which is a combination of the iterative model and the incremental model.
One of the major handicaps of the traditional Waterfall model was that – until the first phase is complete, the application does not move to the other phase. By chance, if there are some changes in the later stage of the cycle, then it becomes very challenging to implement those changes, as it would involve revisiting the earlier phases and redoing the changes.
Some of the key characteristics of SCRUM include:
- Self-organized and focused team.
- There are no huge requirement documents, rather they have very precise and to the point stories.
- Cross-functional teams work together as a single unit.
- Close communication with the user representative to understand the features.
- Has a definite timeline of a maximum of one month.
- Instead of doing the entire “thing” at a time, Scrum does a little of everything at a given interval.
- Resource capability and availability are considered before committing to anything.
To understand this methodology well, it’s important to understand the key terminologies in SCRUM.
Also read => How to Deliver High-Value Software Features in a short time period using Agile Scrum Process.
Important SCRUM Terminologies
1) Scrum Team
The scrum team is a team comprising of 7 with + or – two members. These members are a mixture of competencies and comprise of developers, testers, database people, support people etc. along with the product owner and the scrum master.
All these members work together in close collaboration for a recursive and definite interval, to develop and implement the said features. SCRUM team sitting arrangement plays a very important role in their interaction, they never sit in cubicles or cabins, but a huge table.
2) Sprint
Sprint is a predefined interval or time frame in which the work has to be completed to make it ready for review or ready for production deployment. The time box usually lies between 2 weeks to 1 month.
In our day to day life when we say that we follow 1-month Sprint cycle, it simply means that we work for one month on the tasks and make it ready for review by the end of that month.
3) Product Owner
The product owner is the key stakeholder or the lead user of the application to be developed. The product owner is the person who represents the customer side. He/she has the final authority and should always be available for the team.
He/she should be reachable if anyone has any doubts that need clarification. It is important for the product owner to understand and not to assign any new requirements in the middle of the sprint or when the sprint has already started.
4) Scrum Master
Scrum Master is the facilitator of the scrum team. He/she makes sure that the scrum team is productive and progressive. In case of any impediments, the scrum master will follow up and resolve them for the team. SCRUM Master is the mediator between the PO and the team.
He/she will keep the PO informed about the progress of Sprint. If there are any roadblocks or concerns for the team, discuss with the PO and get them resolved. Like the team’s Daily Standup, a standup for the SCRUM Master with the PO happens every day.
Recommended read => How To Be a Good Team Mentor, Coach and a True Team-Defender in an Agile Testing World?
5) Business Analyst (BA)
A Business Analyst plays a very important role in SCRUM. This person is responsible for getting the requirements finalized and drafted in the required docs (based on which the user stories are created).
If there are any ambiguities in the User Stories / Acceptance criteria, he/she is the one who is approached by the technical (SCRUM) team and he then takes it up to the PO or else if possible resolves on his own. For large scale projects, there may be more than 1 BA but for small-scale projects, the SCRUM Master may be acting as the BA as well.
It is always good practice to have a BA when the project kick starts.
6) User Story
User stories are nothing but the requirements or features which have to be implemented.
In the scrum, we don’t have those huge requirements documents, rather the requirements are defined in a single paragraph, typically having the format as:
As a <User / type of user>
I want to <Some achievable goal/target>
To achieve <some result or reason for doing the thing>
For Example:
As an Admin I want to have a password lock in case the user enters an incorrect password 3 consecutive times to restrict unauthorized access.
There are some characteristics of user stories which should be adhered to. The user stories should be short, realistic, can be estimated, complete, negotiable and testable. The user story was never altered or changed in the middle of Sprint.
It is the responsibility of the SCRUM Master and the BA (if applicable) to make sure that the PO has drafted the User Stories correctly with a proper set of the Acceptance Criteria”. If any changes that will impact the sprint release are to be made, then such stories will be pulled out of the sprint or they will be done as per the hours available.
Every user story has an acceptance criterion which should be well defined and understood by the team.
Acceptance criteria details down the user story that provides the supporting documents. This will help us to further refine the user story. Anybody from the team can write down the acceptance criteria. Testing team bases their test cases/conditions on these acceptance criteria.
7) Epics
Epic is an equivocal user story or we can say that these are user stories which are not defined and are kept for future sprints.
Just try to relate it with life, imagine you are going for a vacation. As you are going next week, you have everything in place like your hotel bookings, sightseeing, travellers check, etc. But what about your vacation plan for next year? You only have a vague idea that you may go to XYZ place, but you have no detailed plan.
An Epic account is just like your next year’s vacation plan, where you just know that you may want to go, but where, when, with whom, all these details you have no idea at this point in time.
In a similar way, there are features which are required to be implemented in the future whose details are not yet known. Mostly a feature that begins with an Epic account and then is broken down into stories that can be implemented.
8) Product Backlog
The product backlog is a kind of bucket or source where all the user stories are kept. This is maintained by the Product Owner. The product backlog can be envisioned as a Wishlist for the product owner who prioritizes it as per the business needs.
During the planning meeting (see next section), one user story is taken from the product backlog, then the team does the brainstorming, understands it and refines it and collectively decides which user stories to take, with the intervention of the product owner.
9) Sprint Backlog
Based on our priorities, user stories are taken from the Product Backlog as one at a time. Scrum team brainstorms on how to determine the feasibility and decides on the stories to work on a particular sprint. The collective list of all the user stories that the scrum team works on a particular sprint is known as Sprint backlog.
10) Story Points
Story points are a quantitative indication of the complexity of a user story. Based on the story point, estimation and efforts for a story are determined.
The story point is relative and not absolute. In order to make sure that our estimate and efforts are correct, it’s important to check that the user stories are not big. The more precise and smaller the user story, the more accurate the estimation will be.
Each and every user story is assigned to a story point based on the Fibonacci series (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13&21). The higher the number, the more complex the story is.
To be precise
- If you give 1 / 2 / 3 story point it means that the story is small and of low complexity.
- If you give points as 5 / 8, it is a medium complex and
- 13 and 21 are highly complex.
Here, complexity consists of both development plus testing effort.
To decide a story point, brainstorming happens within the scrum team and the team collectively decides a story point.
It may happen that the development team gives a story point of 3 to a particular story, because for them it may be 3 lines of code change, but the testing team gives 8 story point because they feel that this code change will affect larger modules so the testing effort would be larger. Whatever story point you are giving, you have to justify it.
So in this situation, brainstorming happens and the team collectively agrees to one story point.
Whenever you are deciding on a story point, keep the following factors in mind:
- The dependency of the story with other applications/modules.
- Skill-set of the resource.
- The complexity of the story.
- Historical learning.
- Acceptance criteria for the user story.
If you are not aware of a particular story, don’t size it.
Whenever a story is = or > 8 points, it is broken down into 2 or more stories.
11) Burn down chart
Burn down chart is a graph which shows the estimated v/s actual effort of the scrum tasks.
It is a tracking mechanism by which for a particular sprint the day to day tasks are tracked to check whether the stories are progressing towards the completion of the committed story points or not.
Example: To understand this, check the figure below:
I have assumed:
- 2 weeks Sprint ( 10 days)
- 2 resources working on the sprint.
“Story”-> This column shows the user stories taken for the sprint.
“Task” -> This column shows the list of the tasks associated with the user story.
“Effort” -> This column shows the effort. Now, this measure is the total effort to complete the task. It does not depict the effort put in by any specific individual.
“Day 1 – Day 10” -> This column(s) shows the hours which are left to complete the story. Please see that the hours are NOT the hours which are already done BUT the hours which are still left.
“Estimated Effort” -> Is the total amount of effort? For the “Start” it is simply the sum of the entire individual task: SUM (C5: C15)
The total amount of effort that has to be completed in 1 day is 70 / 10 = 7. So at the end of day 1, the effort should reduce to 70 – 7 = 63. In a similar way, it is calculated for all the days till day 10, when the estimated effort should be 0 (Row 16)
“Actual Effort Left” -> As the name suggests, is the effort left to complete the story. It may also happen that the actual efforts increase or decrease than the estimated one.
You can use the inbuilt function and Chart in Excel to create this burndown chart.
Burn Down Chart steps would be:
- Enter all the stories ( Column A5 – A15).
- Enter all the Tasks ( Column B5 – B15).
- Enter the Days ( Day 1 – Day 10 ).
- Enter the starting efforts (Sum of the tasks C5 – C15 ).
- Apply the formula to calculate the “Estimated Efforts” for each day (Day 1 to Day 10). Enter the formula at D15 (C16-$C$16/10) and drag it for all days.
- For each day, enter the actual effort. Enter the formula at D17 (SUM (D5:D15)) for summing up the actual efforts left and drag it over all the other days.
- Select it and create the chart as follows:
12) Velocity
The total number of story points a scrum team archives in a sprint is called Velocity. Scrum teams are judged or referenced by their velocity. Having said that, it should be kept in mind that the objective here is NOT to achieve the maximum story points, but to have a quality deliverable, respecting the scrum team’s comfort level.
For example: For a particular sprint: the total number of user stories is 8 having story points as shown below.
So here will be the velocity of the sum of the story points = 30
Definition of Done:
A Sprint is marked as Done when all the stories are completed, all dev, research, QA tasks are marked ‘Completed’, all bugs are fixed-closed else the ones that can be done later (like not completely related or are less important) are pulled out and added in the backlog, the code review and unit testing is completed, the estimated hours have met the actual hours put up in the tasks and most importantly a successful demo has been given to the PO and the stakeholders.
Activities Done in SCRUM Methodology
#1) Planning Meeting
A planning meeting is the starting point of Sprint. It is the meeting where the entire scrum team gathers, the SCRUM Master selects a user story based on the priority from the product backlog and the team brainstorms on it.
Based on the discussion, the scrum team decides the complexity of the story and sizes it as per the Fibonacci series. The team identifies the tasks along with the efforts (in hours) which will be done to complete the implementation of the user story.
Many a time, the planning meeting is preceded by a “Pre-Planning meeting”. It’s just like homework which the scrum team does before they sit for the formal planning meet. The team is trying to write down the dependencies and other factors which they would like to discuss in the planning meeting.
#2) Execution of Sprint Tasks
As the name suggests, these are the actual work done by the scrum team to accomplish their task and take the user story into the “Done” state.
#3) Daily Standup
During the sprint cycle, the scrum team meets for no more than 15 minutes (could be a stand-up call, recommended to have during the beginning of the day) and states 3 points:
- What did the team member do yesterday?
- What did the team member plan to do today?
- Any impediments (roadblocks)?
Scrum master who facilitates this meeting. If any team member is facing any kind of difficulty, the scrum master will follow up to get it resolved. In Stand ups, the board is also reviewed and in itself shows the progress of the team.
#4) Review Meeting
At the end of every sprint cycle, the SCRUM team meets again and demonstrates the implemented user stories to the product owner. Product owners may cross verify the stories as per their acceptance criteria. It’s again the responsibility of the Scrum master to preside over this meeting.
Also in the SCRUM tool, Sprint is closed and tasks are marked done.
#5) Retrospective Meeting
The retrospective meeting happens after the review meeting.
The SCRUM team meets, discusses & document the following points:
- What went well during Sprint? (Best practices)
- What didn’t go well in Sprint?
- Lessons learned
- Action Items.
The Scrum team should continue to follow the best practice, ignore the “not best practices” and implement the lessons learned during the consequent sprints. The retrospective meeting helps to implement the continuous improvement of the SCRUM process.
How’s the Process done? An Example!
Having read about the technical jargon of SCRUM. let me try to demonstrate the whole process with an example.
Step #1: Let’s have a SCRUM team of 9 people comprising of 1 product owner, 1 Scrum master, 2 testers, 4 developers and 1 DBA.
Step #2: The Sprint is decided to follow a 4 weeks cycle. We have 1-month Sprint starting 5th June to 4th of July.
Step #3: The Product Owner has a prioritized list of user stories in the product backlog.
Step #4: The team decides to meet on 4th June for the “Pre Planning” meeting.
- The product owner takes 1 story from the product backlog, describes it and leaves it to the team to brainstorm on it.
- The entire team discusses and communicates directly with the product owner to have a clear understanding of the user story.
- In a similar way, various other user stories are taken. If possible, the team can go ahead and size the stories as well.
After all the discussion, Individual team members go back to their workstations and
- Identify their individual tasks for each story.
- Calculate the exact number of hours on which they will be working. Check how the member concludes these hours.
Total number of working hours = 9
Minus 1 hour for a break, minus 1 hour for meetings, minus 1 hour for emails, discussions, troubleshooting etc.
So the actual working hours = 6.
A total number of working days during the Sprint = 21 days.
The total number of hours available = 21*6 = 126.
The member is on leave for 2 days = 12 hours (This varies for each member, some may take leave and some may not.)
The number of actual hours = 126 – 12 = 114 hours.
This means that the member will be available for 114 hours for this sprint. He will break down his individual sprint task in such a way that a total of 114 hours is reached.
Step #5: On the 5th of June the entire Scrum team meets for the “Planning Meeting”.
- The final verdict on the user story from the product backlog is done and the story is moved to Sprint Backlog.
- For each story, each team member declares their identified tasks, if required they can have a discussion on those tasks, can size or resize them (remember the Fibonacci series!!).
- Scrum masters and teams enter their individual tasks along with their hours for each story in a tool.
- After all the stories are completed, Scrum master notes the initial Velocity and formally starts the Sprint.
Step #6: Once the Sprint has started, based on the tasks assigned, each team member will start working on those tasks.
Step #7: The team meets daily for 15 minutes and discusses 3 things:
- What did they do yesterday?
- What do they plan to do today?
- Any impediments (roadblocks)?
Step #8: The scrum master tracks the progress on a daily basis with the help of “Burn down chart”.
Step #9: In case of any impediments, Scrum master will follow up to resolve those.
Step #10: On 4th July, the team meets again for a review meeting. A member demonstrates the implemented user story to the product owner.
Step #11: On 5th July, the Team meets again for the Retrospective, where they discuss
- What went well?
- What did not go well?
- Action Items.
Step #12: On 6th July, the Team again meets for a pre-planning meeting for the next sprint and the cycle continues.
SCRUM Activity Tools
There are several tools that can be used extensively to track scrum activities.
Some of them include:
- Jira
- XPlanner
- VersionOne
- Sprintometer
- ScrumNinja
In the upcoming tutorial, we will be shedding light on the Agile Manifesto which is a notion that drives effective Agile Teams.
Anshul Kumar Srivastava – A result-oriented Product Management professional and Agile practitioner with 7 years of experience across BFSI and Telecom sectors.
Awesome explanation for Agile!
Thanks alot!
Very very nice and useful.
Thanks a lot Shilpa for your valuable efforts…!!!!
Thanks for sharing this document, Its very useful. Well written, easy to grab. Thank you very much
Hi shilpa,
Can u explain why user story is assigned a story point based on the Fibonacci series (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13&21).
Really a good article. expalined the whole picture of scrum with simple example.Thanks alot.
Assigned to Agile project, had a day training for Agile. What a co incidence, its agile guide in front of me.
Thanks a lot
Hi Shilpa,
I have a question, so what is the concept behind using the Fibonacci series? Why not any other estimation technique?
The article is very informative and it helped me a lot in understanding the Agile flow and process.
Can you please explain in more details- Burn up & Burn Down chart with examples.
Thanks a lot dear 🙂
Thanks Everyone!!
I thought of writing on SCRUM because their were quite a few questions on SCRUM in the CTAL – Test Manager exam and it required some practical exposure to answer those. All those who are planning to take up the Test Manager exam, this will help them to solve the scrum related questions. In case of any doubt, please feel free to ask. I will be happy to answer 🙂
Thank you for sharing . It is interactive ,explained very well with the examples .
Nice document for easy to understand
Nice article I really enjoyed and benefited a lot from it, thank you
Please send the E Text Book on this Agile methodology
Can you provide test plan template for Agile project.
Very helpful article
Thanks for the detailed explanation about scrum
Thanks a lot for Explaining Scrum methodology in a easier way !!
Interesting and bang on.
Thank you so much for this great explanation in this article.
Explained in very detail and clear. Great tutorial.
Best tutorial till i ever read on agile process.
Nice explanation, it is really usefull.
In SoftwareTestingHelp , the info shared has an in depth glimpse to the practical head of things explained .Good work
A very informative article yet to the point. Thanks for sharing.
very useful …
What is this? you are running software testing website and the design issue is this you cannot handle. Please, resolve this issue.
It’s very good article and learn a lot from this article.
This is really great work done my authors.. The concept very clearly explained with clear examples.
Thanks a lot… Much Appreciated.
A really helpful article! The Agile Scrum methodology is gaining widespread popularity among the development as well as the testing teams across the globe due to its many advantages.
In fact, the new JIRA test management tools designed for automated web application testing are really helpful to agile teams. QARA Enterprise is an example of such a tool.
This article help me gain clear idea about Agile methodology.Thanks a lot
Many of you have asked, why use Fibonacci series? Well in Fibonacci series, the next number is 60% more than the previous number so it helps to relatively estimate and size a story.
The tutorial is very detailed and helpful to beginners and experienced professionals alike.
Nice job, but you mentioned that user stories should be sized using fibonacci numbers, but in the Burn Down Chart if I sum the 3 tasks of the user story 1, column Start; the total is 8+6+3 = 17, and that’s not a fibonacci number. I don’t understand
Thank you for sharing this informative blog. Came across a lot of insightful information.
Putup very well. Good article
Very detailed yet easy to understand.
I have been reading explanations of Agile methodology, I think this is the best so far.
thank you so much.
very nice….learn a lot .
worth reading and well mapped to practical scenarios
Quite a clear and concise explanation about Agile and Scrum; it will be useful for those deploying from waterfall to agile.
content is written in very easy language , enjoyed learning it.
Great effort Shilpa, Very useful and easy to understand. Worth Reading.
Hi, Nice article. Can you explain other models of Agile methodology in the same way
Its awesome 🙂 thanks for the document
I am a newbie in QA Manual Testing but I want to learn the in and out of QA. Is this the right site for me? I have gone through the Agile Methodology. It is really wonderful. Please help me to study the in and out of QA. Thanks
Very useful.. Nice article about Agile.. Worth Reading 🙂
Very usefull to understand the concepts of AGILE
I had very little experience working on Scrum, I have just gone through your topics, it’s simply amazing, I could relate every topic to my previous experience!! Fantastic job, Kudos
Thanks and Regards
Thanks for sharing this information.. I was seriously looking out for such detailed info.it really helps me a lot for understanding about agile
Very well explained..Must read article on Agile
Nice Article..Point to Point to article..
Very nice & adorable article..Great Work
Way of explanation is very effective.
very nice explained
Nice way of explaining the process. The graph and sheet really helped me alot.
Nice article , gives clear understanding of process. Good work.
nice document
Simple and Easy words used to Understand Scrum methodology…Keep up doing the same work.
(Thumbs Up)
This is an excellent tutorial work done by authors , Agile concepts and terms are explained very clearly with supportive examples !. Keep up the good work !.
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really very useful article, very well explained…great work.
Great tutorial
I am thankful for your Great article.
It is very very useful for me.
Thank you so much for this informative page. Keep up the good work.
Nice very useful and easily understandable
Very simple yet accurate .thanks for sharing.
Guys please answer my query (thisisgaurav@gmail.com).
Suppose I have a project of developing a Website in which I have to procure hardware, software, do installation, and then execution / coding / designing starts. So how will I make user stories for hardware / software procurement and installation? since these usually have dependencies on multiple vendors?
Second question- if I have to say integrate with a charging system and I have dependency on customer for the API access details, then how will I show dependency on customer in my user story? Say I have 5md estimate for API integration…but since I did not get the access details so those 5md were unused in the sprint. How such a situation is handled?
By the way, the description on this page about scrum / agile framework is awesome.
Gaurav Sharma
Really detailed and very well explained article I’ve ever seen about agile methodology.
Thanks a lot Shilpa.
But question arise in my mind
Why/how user story is assigned a story point based on the Fibonacci series?
Thank u
Great job! Thank you very much for the simplicity of the language. It goes straight in the head!
Very good this article gave me a clear idea about Agile methodology.Thanks a million
Hi Shilpa,
This article has been very effective in providing me an insight on agile and its related concepts.
The idea has been elaborately explained with examples wherever required.
Thank you.
Very helpful article.. easy to understand
Very Very good article.
Thank You!
This post is really helpful to understand the basics and depth of Agile methodology. Each point is explained well….
The document is very much useful, thanks for sharing the document.
Thanks a Lot.
Simply understandable and thanks a lot .
Very well explained. Thanks.
Thanks for pondering. This is a very clear and informative article. Very well written!
tediosa lectura…
example is really useful. thanks for sharing.
You are at the right place:)
This is the best site to learn and understand software testing. Just browse and go through this site and I bet you will learn a lot, from basic concepts to advance ones.
Very useful and informative.
Hi Shipla,
A very informative tutorial to start up with.
Hi Shilpa,
Thanks for giving Clear idea about agile, Its very useful information
Thanks for sharing the article.. Worth reading the same, practical scenarios with examples helped a lot in understanding a clear picture
Thank you so much for sharing great artical…
Can you send Test Plan and test case template template for the Agile process…?
Shilpa, you have done a great job in explaining Agile methodology in a very simple manner. This article helped me in refreshing my understanding of Agile. keep up the good work. Thanks
Great article and COMPREHENSIVE description.
Also we can use atlassian tools like trello board to organize and get more done
Easy to Understand Agile Methodology
Wow superb article .thanks for sharing
Really helpful, thanks for sharing.
Hi Shipla,
This is the first article that I gain so much knowledge about the Agile. Moreover, it’s easy to understand and imagine where we are in Agile team.
Nice artical…
I want to ask 1 question. if there are 5 team members a,b,c,d and e each of them working 6 hrs daily,but d works only 3hrs daily.B was on leave for 2 days.and sprint is for 2 weeks.then what will be the total no of hr in that sprint?
This is so helpful and truly it’s Described like spoon feeding to new comers to understand the scrum end to end process
Thanks for providing this.
Yaba Daba Do!!
As per my experience, there is also a Pre review meeting before the last day of Sprint where Scrum Team demonstrate the user stories to the PO and based on that feedback given by the PO.The scrum team do it and show them on the next day.
Very well explained .commendable effort !
Very Detailed Information, Thanks For Sharing.
I really liked the content. we follow the same process mentioned here so its pretty clear in detail. thanks!!
i have little bit exprirence in my company. these tutorial was very helpfull
thqqqq kudos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well explained. Good article for beginners. Worth out of reading.
Thanks fro your time.
Hello Shilpa
Thanks a lot for your post it has been very useful. Right now I’m looking to implement Agile on my place of work so I’m looking for techniques, steps or whatever help possible to easy up the adoption of it.
Appreciate your help with any suggestion.
Easy to Understand Agile Methodology Concepts
Very nice !! and informative explanation. All in one simple but yet detialed info for everyone.
Can you add Time-box plan and Product Raodmap to the Article.
nice explanation….better understanding for beginners.
Awesome ………
good job mam…………
Great Explanation
Thank you writing such a simple and clear steps on agile development.
I am in learning scrum and following all your steps.
Helping me a lot.
Crystal clear and easy to understand . Great work , thanks.
This agile approach ensures enhanced communication with close collaboration, and brings about organizational adoption to changes to deliver value to the business owner. Various agile methodologies can be leveraged by businesses based on the project size and based on the project need. Read more to know more!!
One question,When will the grooming meeting occurs?
nice document…..
it is very descriptive and helpful session for the tester.I loved it, i understand each and every concept with short time.thank you so much for the great work.
Very nice explanation on Scrum!!!
Thank you very much!!
Can PO be part of daily stand up given that stand up is time bond. Additionally, in a 02 weeks sprint, how late is the latest that we can accomodate a change in requirement/user story without impacting teams burndown & velocity numbers ?
PO can be part of stand up as only the observer as stand up is time-boxed and everyone has to update on their status, however if developers need any quick clarification they can discuss with PO and request for his/her time for detailed dicussion.
very helpful ..thanks a ton 🙂