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STH Editorial Policy: STH is one of the most popular portals for anyone looking for reliable software tools and service provider companies. We have been helping our community since 2006 with over 500 million+ visits. Our mission is to answer all unanswered questions and help you choose the best software…
STH is one of the most popular portals for Software professionals with over 400 million visits. Our mission is to answer all the unanswered questions in the Software Testing Community through original and high-quality content. The trust and reliability we have built in our reader’s hearts have brought us so…
Through this tutorial, you will get to know the reasons and solutions for the issue "Can't Take Screenshots Due to Security Policy": When I like something, the first thing I try to do is take a screenshot. It is the best way to save and share something the way it…
Learn about GPResult Command to view Group Policy and its variations for different purposes with syntax and example screenshots: This tutorial is all about the Group Policy Result Commands and its syntax, along with some examples that are explained with the help of screenshots. By executing this command, we can…
This tutorial explains the best Network Security Policy Management NSPM tools that will perfectly cater to your specific requirements: Network Security Policy Management tools are nothing short of a godsend for system administrators. These tools empower admins with the ability to enforce and manage device settings as well as configurations…
In this tutorial, you will understand how to test an Insurance domain application and are the different modules to be tested in an Insurance Application. Each and every insurance company relies on various types of software that will help them to run their business. This software application helps them in…
Insurance Domain Knowledge for testers: We live in an unstable world and the catastrophic events like the Tsunami Disaster, earthquake, flood, volcanic eruptions etc., remind us that anything may happen anytime. And the compensation against such loses is a remarkable one. Thus Insurance is the sole factor that supports human…
We at STH would absolutely love to see your ideas, experience, tips and suggestions on software testing and related topics. Your expertise would be immensely useful for the young minds getting into this field! This is the place where we always want to share interesting things on Software testing. So…