QTP Tutorials – 25+ Micro Focus Quick Test Professional (QTP) Training Tutorials

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated February 1, 2025

Today we are publishing part one of a multi-part guest post series on Micro Focus Quick Test Professional (QTP). In this multi-part QTP training series we’ll be covering all QTP tutorials and concepts in detail with adequate illustrations. Our expert author Swati S. will be helping us in bringing this series to our readers.

These QTP tutorials are designed for beginners to advanced users. Starting from QTP basics you will learn all advanced scripting with practical examples for your easy understanding.

QTP Tutorials

NOTE: The below text tutorials are enough for you to get started with learning on the QTP Automation tool. But if you are interested in hands-on QTP training, then please check our Comprehensive QTP video course by the experienced professionals.

Considering the big list of these QTP tutorials, we’ll be publishing new articles frequently. Keep track of all articles in this Quick Test Professional Online training series so that you won’t miss any topic. Follow the topics closely, practice at home on the QTP trial version and ask your questions in the respective article comment section. We will make sure all relevant questions get answered.

If you are an expert QTP user, please share your experience to improve this QTP training series by discussing advanced QTP concepts and answering the readers’ questions.

QTP Training Series Tutorials

QTP Introduction

Learn VB Scripting

QTP Checkpoints

Test Automation Frameworks

Enhance Your Tests

Test Your Understanding

Here is the first article in this QTP training series – “Introduction to QuickTest Professional (QTP)”

Introduction To QuickTest Professional (QTP)

What is QTP?

Micro Focus ’s Quick Test Professional (QTP) is a software that facilitates Automation Testing for software applications – Functional and Regression testing to be more specific. QTP comes with a user interface that can be considered an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the test itself.

IDE has various features that aid the tester in developing a comprehensive script that would successfully validate the purpose of the test. All these features will be discussed in detail as we proceed through the series of these articles.

Some of the important aspects of QTP:

  • It uses VB Script as its scripting language (The scripting language is the one that gets interpreted at runtime).
  • QTP runs only in a Windows environment.
  • The current version of QTP is 11.0 (Latest version of Unified Functional Testing – UFT 11.5)
  • The technologies it supports are Web, Java.Net, SAP, Oracle, Siebel, PeopleSoft, Web Services, and many major languages. However, some of the older versions don’t support all the technologies listed.

How Does it Work?

The basic test creation method is record and playback. What does this really mean? Let’s talk about “Record” first. When a tester launches QTP and performs a series of operations on the AUT (Application Under Test) QTP generates lines of code that correspond to each operation performed.

This will be the basic test script. Moving on to ‘Playback’. When the test script created is run, it performs the exact same operations on the AUT thus playing back the sequence of steps already recorded.

For Example, when I launch QTP and try to access the login page of a web-based email program, I enter the login ID, Password and press the OK button. These actions are recorded in their equivalent VBScript lines of code in the QTP IDE. When I save this test script and play it back, QTP will enter the same login ID and Password I entered before and clicks on the OK button for me.

Now this being the gist of the basic test creation technique, record and playback are not always sufficient for a robust test script. The tester will have to use the other features in the IDE in conjunction with a few of his programming skills to achieve the required results.

There are various technical aspects to be taken into consideration before we attempt to record and playback, like the state of the AUT, synchronization, the exact menu options, the exact code that QTP generates, etc. We will get to that as soon as we discuss the basic concepts of the tool itself.

Here’s how all this works. QTP identifies the various objects in the AUT by a name or handler ID or any other unique property/properties that the object possesses. During the recording phase, it captures all these properties and during playback, it performs the desired operations like a mouse click, checkbox checking, etc. on these objects.

What Will You Need to Get Started with QTP?

A valid QTP license or in the case of a learner a trial version on their computer.

QTP Download: Here is a link to download the QTP trial version: Download Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing (UFT).

In the above link, go to the “Trials and Demos” tab and select the ‘Micro Focus QTP Essentials 11.0 English Evaluation (web GUI Testing only) option’. You can also select the latest version of Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing 11.50 CC English SW E-Media Evaluation.

Let us know if you want more detailed instructions on downloading and installing QTP trial version on your machine. There are two kinds of licenses i.e. Seat license and concurrent/floating license. Seat license is for a single machine at one time whereas a current license is for a particular number of concurrent users.

Now that we have some background information about QTP, let’s examine the tool itself starting with the UI.


When a test is recorded or created, it can be viewed in one of these two views:

  • Keyword view: This view is a tabular representation of all the objects and the actions that are performed on them. Every row in the table is a step performed on the AUT and can be modified. Some of the most common columns displayed are the item, operation, value, and documentation.
  • Expert view: As the name indicates, this view is for more technical users who would like to tweak the source code as per their requirements.

Both views are available simultaneously so the user can switch between them anytime during test creation or modification.

Let’s record a little something to get started

Step #1: Launch QTP. The first thing that comes up is the Add-in manager. It displays all the add-ins that are available and the user can check or uncheck the ones as needed. Active-X, Web and Visual Basic are available by default. (This feature can be turned off if required).

QTP Add-in manager

Step #2: On Clicking OK in the Add-in Manager QTP, the start page comes up.

QTP start page

Step #3: On choosing the “Record” option (F3 key) the “Record and Run settings” screen comes up with “Web” and “Windows Application” tabs. Click OK without changing any settings. However, all the features of this screen will be discussed at length later on.

QTP Record and Run settings

Step #4: For our example, I am going to launch the ‘Flight’ application from the samples that come with QTP. I am going to enter the “Agent Name” and “Password” on the Login screen. Now, let’s examine the code it generates.

The following is the keyword view. As you can see, the actions are in the form of a table with columns: Item, Operation, Value, and Documentation. The item corresponds to the object in the AUT on which we performed an action, the operation is the action itself, value is a data we set the particular object to and documentation is more or less like a description.

QTP keyword view

The corresponding keyword view for the same test is as follows: As you can see, this view contains the source code for all the actions performed.

QTP keyword view source code

Step #5: The code can be manipulated from either of these views.


Here is a list of everything we discussed in this article.

QTP is a software that aids automated Functional and Regression testing of software applications. The current version runs only in a Windows environment and uses VB script as a scripting language. The basic method for the creation of a test is Record and Playback, although that’s not always sufficient. It comes with two kinds of licenses, seat and concurrent.

The default add-ins are Active X, Web, and Visual Basic. Tests can be recorded on a Web or Windows application; specific details are to be provided in the record and run settings pop-up window. The GUI provides two views: Keyword and Expert.

The Keyword view is a tabular form that shows details like the name of the objects, its value, and the operation performed, etc. The Expert view displays the performed actions on the AUT in the form of source code.

Additional operations to be performed on the test objects can be added or deleted either from the Keyword view or programmatically from the Expert view. More details on this in the next article.

About Author: This is Swati and with these articles, I am trying to establish a comprehensive learning experience for QTP beginners. Having worked for more than 4 years on QTP in my overall 8 years of life as QA, I realize that the potential for Automation Testing is immense. I attempt to exercise that very potential collectively with all our readers through these articles.

Want to learn QTP from Experienced Professionals? Join Our Online Video Training Course

Please join and share this FREE QTP training series with your friends. Ask your questions in the comments below. Bookmark this page as we’ll be updating links to all QTP tutorials from here.

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190 thoughts on “QTP Tutorials – 25+ Micro Focus Quick Test Professional (QTP) Training Tutorials”

  1. Swati, Appriciate you for your initiation. You artical is perfect for beginner and for those who want to brush up the QTP knowledge. Thanks!!!

  2. @Komal: First of all, your choice to work on QTP is a good one. However, it needs some work. You will need a working knowledge of VBScripting along with some basics. The good news, its not difficult. So use our tutorials and give it a try. let us know if you face any issues…

  3. Appreciate your work Swati. It reminds me of QTP again, long back I have learned it now because of no practice I lost touch in QTP. Now I will try to learn and recall my memories with QTP.
    Can you please help on VB script?

  4. @Lakshmi: There are minute differences, for example in 11 micClass values are not case sensitive but in 10 they are. So if you are trying to learn then the older version is fine too.

  5. @dhaval dosi: Well, you ask the most difficult question and it took me a while to get back to you. Here are your answers:
    1. Which automation tools don’t require coding knowledge: I am really not aware of any that don’t require coding knowledge at all. A minimum level of expertise is important.
    2. About testing jobs: It is not hard to get a testing job than it is to get any other IT job. About salary being less, that’s not true. Testers are some of the best paid folks in the industry.

    I hope I answered your questions!

  6. @Ujwala: What would you need to test in your case? The conversion itself or the way the converted data appears on the webpage…Please provide more information, so we can help you decide if QTP is a feasible tool for you….

  7. Hello.

    I hope that you are doing good.

    How much your training and tutorials are helpful in attempting QTP certification (AIS).

    Thank you.

  8. I am having around 5 yrs of experience in manual testing. could you please assist on which automation tool is in corporate level, and can able learn in a short period of time..what is the future scope of the automation tool?

  9. Hi Swathi… I have installed QTP 11.0 trial version and i chose ‘run as administrator ‘ and tried to record but still its not recording. After stopping the record nothing is displaying in the keyword and expert view.

  10. Dear sudhakar,

    HI I am a test engg. at a semi govt organization, we have started using QTP 11 and we hav a doubt .

    Is it possible dat we can check the parametrized value of data table with the final outcome.

    like in a case of a web form we parametrised all fields of a registration form , now we have to check that the receipt generated is having the same values entered.

    Plz help me and revert me on my mail id if possible.

  11. Hi Swati,
    I started learning UFT(QTP) 12.50, i am finding difficulties in searching the keyword view. Please help me on this.
    With Help manual of UFT i tried to navigate and understand if things.

  12. Hello Vijay!

    Our company is planning to upgrade our QC windows machine from windows 2003 to windows 2008R2.
    Currently we have QC 9.0 version with sql server2000.
    The question i have is if we upgrade to QC 11.0 on 2008 R2 with 2008 sql server, can we able to copy all our projects from current machine to the new one and proceed with the ongoing stage for the project.
    Really appreciate your reply.


  13. Hi,
    Great effort on wide spreading this very useful technology to testing community in a simple and easy to understanding manner. As an expert, I will also contribute to this effort whenever required. Hots of to Ur work. Keep going. Thanks..

  14. Hi Swati,

    This is great article. Keep up the good work of making beginners learn QTP in an easy to understand way.


  16. Hello

    I clicked on the link above for the QTP and it took me to the website, I downloaded the application ok but i then had to enter the licence key which I do not have and I have tried to access this on the HP website and i just went round and round and round and round and nothing. I have not been able to download the application as i am now stuck on the keying in the licence key. Any idea how get the licence key please. thank you

  17. Dear Swati

    Really appreciate your effort, its really useful for me.
    Just a small info, in Step#4-para-3, it is mentioned as THE CORRESPONDING KEYWORD VIEW , whereas it is suppose to be THE CORRESPONDING EXPERT VIEW

  18. hi..i m begineer. i want to learn QTP. looks like this is a great start.I have done by science degree in electronics. My question is i m not aware of testing tools. n i dont have any knowledge of programming. So, do u think so its gonna be easy for me? Waiting for your reply…

  19. thanks. i am starting to learn qtp as i hear more and more about qtp and selenium these days. I amd manual testers with 4 years of experience and now want to make my career in automation.

    can you please tell if it is possible to learn qtp now after 4 years of manual testing experience? I am having little knowledge of VB scripting.

  20. Hi,
    I tried to download HP Unified Functional Testing 12.02 Software Evaluation. But in the personal information section it asks for company name and as I am unemployed, I do not understand what to do. Please help me with it.

  21. I am unable to create output values in datasheet for QTP 11.5 trial version

    1)SystemUtil.Run “C:\Program Files\HP\Unified Functional Testing\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe”,””,”C:\Program Files\HP\Unified Functional Testing\samples\flight\app\”,”open”
    2)Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Agent Name:”).Set DataTable(“AgentName”, dtGlobalSheet)
    3)Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Password:”).Set DataTable(“Password”, dtGlobalSheet)
    5)Dialog(“Login”).Dialog(“Flight Reservations”).Static(“Please enter agent name”).Output CheckPoint(“ErrorMessage1”)
    6)Dialog(“Login”).Dialog(“Flight Reservations”).WinButton(“OK”).Click

  22. Hi the series was very good, informative and really helpful.

    I wish you could start a tutorial for automation frameworks comprising of what is a framework, what are the uses of using framework, different types of frameworks, different parameters to come up with a proper framework etc.

    Hope to see some tutorials for the community.

  23. Hello,
    Outstanding tutorial!! I look forward to becoming more versed with QTP with the assistance of these tutorials! Thank you!!!

  24. Hi Vijay/Swati
    I am planning to enter in software testing field. I have gone over your website information and tried to download the HP QTP Essentials 11.0. from HP site. I could not find the Trials and Demo tab there. The HP Unified Functional Testing 11.50CC SW E-media is available. I tried to download this but HP needs to know the reason like evaluation, monitoring, networking, recommend to others to download it. I do not know what should I select as I want to use this for learning and This is not there.
    Can you please guide me? Am I at the right page of HP ? If yes then what should I select? Is it free download?

  25. I Want to know how different is the versions 10.0 and 11.5 . Currently the new version is 11.5. Is the tool changes drastically or updations. Could you please let me know.

  26. Nice article to start for QTP. I am into manual testing from Last 5years and now catching in-depth knowledge of QTP.
    Thank you, keep us updated, We’ll be following.

  27. hi Vijay I am unable to load web objects in object repository

    I am using windows 7 and IE 10 version qtp 9.2

    please help me to find the solution

    thanks and regards,

  28. could you please help me one of my FLEX project. I need to do scripting in QTP .
    4167258842 my number to call or sent me email

  29. Hi Swathi,
    It is a nice article,Please let me know in what framework QTP runs,What are the steps in QTP,What are files will get saved and why? And in step3: It is shown as web tab on record and play back ,but when i choose window applications tab and by choosing “Record and run test on any open windows-based application” this option only in qtp flight application got recorded as it is a window application

  30. Hi friends,
    I am Devi. Post 2 years I am working in manual testing. Right now I am moving to QTP. Little bit knowledge only I am having QTP. Where ever go there Flight reservation project only teaching. I no need that. I want work in real time project. Please anyone help me which is best institution to learn QTP and Real time project teaching in Chennai? Please help me

  31. Dear QTP Testers,

    There is a opening at FIS Bangalore for QTP Testers. Please find the details below

    Open Position: QTP Testing Professional

    Experience: 3-6years


    Skill- QTP,Banking Domain(Core Banking or Retail Banking or Any Banking Product or any Banking Application)

    Job Description-

    Person should have 3- 6 years of experience in testing
    At least 3 years+ of automation testing experience using QTP
    At least 2 years of Banking domain experience
    Should have strong testing experience in automation(QTP)
    Involved in preparing test plans, test strategy from the requirement documents
    Good knowledge of automation tools preferably with QTP
    Should be able to provide estimates & should be open to work as an individual contributor
    Should be well versed in working of library functions for automation framework with VB scripts (good at descriptive programming)
    Person should have experience in Banking Domain (Retail Banking / Core Banking / Finacle / Flexcube / T24 / Temenous / Loan / Payments/Bank Fusion/Finone/LoanIQ)
    Good knowledge on developing and analyzing test data and results
    Good knowledge of using issue management tools preferably QC
    To work with a group of automation engineers and manual testers
    Strong communication skills
    Ability to identify and discuss improvements to current processes
    Provide execution/defect status reports

    Must Have:

    Ability to work on automation testing frameworks
    Knowledge and full understanding of the QTP Object Repository
    Custom Library development in QTP
    Ability to write, run, edit and update QC-based manual test cases as required
    Ability to integrate QTP scripts into QC
    Good knowledge of JIRA defect tracking tool
    Person should have knowledge in Framework
    Person should know how to write VB Script(From Scratch)
    Person should have experience in Banking Domain ( Retail
    Banking / Core Banking / T24 / Finacle / Flexcube / Loan / Payments)
    Person should have very good presentation skill

    Kindly share your resume to me at tanushri.mukherjee@fisglobal.com along with the below details

    Total Experience-
    Relevant Experience in QTP Testing-
    Relevant Experience in VB Script –
    Relevant Experience in Banking(Finacle / Flexcube / Temenous / T24 / Retail Bank / Core Bank / Payments / Loan/Bank Fusion)-
    Current CTC-
    Expected CTC-
    Notice Period-(Immediate Joiner/30Days/Under Notice Period)
    Interested for Bangalore(Yes/No)-
    Open for F2f on working Days(Yes/No)-

    **********Immediate Joiners will be given more preference

  32. Hi,
    I am learning HP Unified Functional Testing version 12.51.
    I have tried several times to perform the basic testing, where I start the recording, then open the browser, go to facebook, type random email and password, it does not me through. I close the browser, stop the recording.
    However, when I play the recording it performs exactly what I did till it stops in the last action, when I closed the windows.
    It shows this “Window(“Window”).Click 394,132″.
    Can someone please help me understand that why I am getting this error.
    I am very grateful for your help.

  33. Hi Swathi

    This is very helpful information for beginners as am a manual tester and trying to learn QTP your step by step explanation is very appreciated.

    Thankyou verymuch.

  34. could you please help me one of my flex project in QTP.. that is so urgent please call me or send email then we can talk about.

  35. Thanks Swati for this informative intro to QTP.
    I entered the username password after launching flight however no code is generated. what am I missing here?

  36. great stuff to start learning qtp,currently i am working on selenium and i think,this is going to be good starting point for all beginners as well as experience

  37. @ananya: thank you for pointing out.

    about the license, can you stop and restart QTP and choose, trial during start up. If it is the first time, you should not be seeing that. If it does not help, please email us a copy of the message you are seeing. We will try to debug it.

  38. Hi Swathi,when I downloaded QTP in my system i mistakenly choosed concurrent license is there any way to change it to seat license.


  39. @Vinu: You might want to check the version of the browser you are using. If it is incompatible, its not going to record anything

  40. @Guarav Pavar: Absolutely! 4 years of manual testing is a great foundation for you to venture into Automation. I hope these articles will help you get a jumpstart.

  41. Hi,
    Greetings! I have gone through manual testing in STH. That was really great. Now I would like to learn QTP. But I couldn’t download QTP tool in tutorial-1. Could you please let me know how could I download.
    Looking forward to hear form you soon.
    Thank you.


  42. @ khristineskollections: From the start menu select Programs->HP Quick Test Professional->Sample Applications->Flight

  43. Hey Swati

    I have one question, if a person (Manual Tester) doesn’t have any programming background and want to secure his future in automation testing then what will be the best option for him to look forward – QTP or Selenium?

    I didn’t get a chance to read all the above posts, may be someone has already asked this question but would appreciate if you can answer this again for me.

  44. @Ritu: When you say the steps are not getting recorded, I hope you are talking about a webapp. Is that so?

    If yes, couple of things you need to check:
    1. Only select the browser that is compatible
    2. Also run QTP as an admin. that means, close QTP. on your desktop icon, right click and choose “Run as administrator” and then try to record

    I hope this help. Let me know if it works out or we provide more information and we will debug it

  45. Hi,
    Great and spoon feeding tutorial. I have gone through manual testing. I cannot download QTP as said in tutorial 1. Could anyone here help me please.

  46. The application that i’m testing is add-in excel, where I do the testing for conversion like data, charts in case of all browsers, and all version of Excel. The data entered in excel is converted into html, smartphone, flash format so I check the accuracy and proper conversion in various samples.
    Please suggest if QTP is helpful for it.

  47. hi..i want to learn QTP tool. Looks like this is the great start to learn it..My background is science degree in electronics. My question is i m new to all of this n plus i don’t have any experience in testing field. Can you tell me its gonna hard for me to learn it or not?

  48. I am unable to create output values in datasheet for QTP 11.5 trial version
    Here I am trying to write the output errors into global datasheet for invalid inputs for flight reservation application. I followed steps given in guru99. However my script is executed successfully without any errors but error messages is not getting written into datasheet.
    Can anyone please guide me on this?
    1)SystemUtil.Run “C:\Program Files\HP\Unified Functional Testing\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe”,””,”C:\Program Files\HP\Unified Functional Testing\samples\flight\app\”,”open”
    2)Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Agent Name:”).Set DataTable(“AgentName”, dtGlobalSheet)
    3)Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Password:”).Set DataTable(“Password”, dtGlobalSheet)
    5)Dialog(“Login”).Dialog(“Flight Reservations”).Static(“Please enter agent name”).Output CheckPoint(“ErrorMessage1”)
    6)Dialog(“Login”).Dialog(“Flight Reservations”).WinButton(“OK”).Click

  49. @Sai: The login ID and Password I was referring to are to be entered in any web based email page, example, gmail.com.

  50. Hi Uthra Umesh,

    you need to change the settings in Record and Run settings in order to view the Keyword view or Expert view screen. click on the Record button > ‘windows applications’ tab on Record and Run settings window > select the radio button ‘Record and Run test on any open window based application’ > click ok

  51. Hi,

    I have some scripts developed in QTP 11 as the version is upgraded to UFT 12.02. Can some one help me open the older scripts developed in QTP 11 in write mode in UFT 12.02. Currently the scripts open in read only mode.


  52. @Sri: Recording a script is not as bad as people make it sound. My suggestion is to initially start learning the automation to record tests(skeletons) and slowly try to add some steps programmatic-ally. Once you feel confident you can switch over to complete programming.

  53. Hi,
    I have started to learn VBScripting and have few doubts can you please clear my doubt.
    while creating filesystmobjects in VBscripting we write syntax as
    set objFso = createobject(“scripting.Filsystemobejct”)
    but while creating excel object why do we write as
    set objExcel = crateobject(“excel.application”)
    why do we not us scripting here.

  54. I wanted to download QTP 11 but the HP site would oly provide UTF 11.5. I installed it but can’tsee how to coordinate running the first test sample app – “Flight” login – with the UTF GUI. You advised someone to change the settings in Record and Run, but I don’t see these buttons and the menu options don’t correspond. Any advice?

  55. Thanks for your wonderful initiative to start the QTP from the basics especially for testers like me with only Manual Testing Experience.

    One kind suggestion is the training would be even more helpful if you can explain the upcoming articles with simple examples and screenshots as it would help the concepts better.

  56. I was trying to learn QTP and in the process came across your website. Everything is very well explained and I really appreciate the effort you put into it.

    I have trouble installing QTP software on to my system. I followed the steps provided on the website (downloaded Software_HP_UFT_11.50_English_T6510-15080 from HP website) but every time I try to launch QTP, its asking for a license key. Also tried uninstalling and re-installing the software but that did not help.

    Could you please help me in resolving the issue?


  57. Is QTP helpful for the conversion application like for e.g. Spreadsheet converter plugin for excel, where we have to test the exact conversion of data, charts from a spreadsheet to webpage, flash or smartphone. If not QTP which tool would be helpful for such

  58. Dear Vijay,

    Can I know the best available test automation tool for testing Web based applications which includes end to end testing of both technical/functional test cases
    Top 5 Commercial Test automation application
    Top 5 Open source ( free ) Test automation application.
    Would appreciate to response asap.

    Dilip Bilurkar

  59. I installed QTP 11.0 evaluation version. I tried to follow the above record steps. But nothing got recorded in Keyword or expert view. Please assist me on this.

  60. Hi, I am trying to validate if a webelement property exists on the page or not. But QTP always returns true Sad and not moving to ‘Else’ part . Below is my code. pls help Sad
    BlnResult = Browser(“CDMS :: Master Agreement”).Page(“CDMS :: Master Agreement”).WebElement(“File Upload successfully”).Exist(0) Then
    Msgbox “Success”
    Msgbox “Fail”
    End If
    QTP always returns “true” even in case if web element doesnt exist on the page. when tried doing object spy, QTP recognizes the page, but not highlighting anything. Does it mean the object exists (like Hidden ). ? somebody Please help

  61. Yes really its a gud start for QTP. M into manual testing and now grabbing thorough knowledge of QTP is like a feast… Thank you,keep us updated,We’ll be following your upcoming articles..

  62. Hi,

    I like this URL. I am just started learning QTP, so request you to suggest me from where i can start directly scripting in stead of recoring


  63. I lauched QTP and also the flight application. But i could not see anything in Keyword view or Expert view screen in the launched QTP. I want to know if i have missed something? or if i have done something wrong?

  64. @khristineskollections: Initially you will be able to use QTP as a trial. So in the start up page, click Continue instead of install license button.

  65. Hi,

    I downloaded HP Unified Functional Testing 12.02 Software Evaluation. But while installing I got an error saying “Error reading from file (file path).. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it”. I am not gettig what to do. Please help me out


  66. Hi this really helps the beginners to start up with QTP..Swati U really made all the points clear and easy with the pictures too….Thanks and I want to make sure where we have to give the login details in the example u mentioned….(Is it in the welcome screen of QTp page??)

  67. All,
    I need some help on UFT script. I need to open one notepad through QTP then want to update one number from line 3. Each time I run the script the entry number on the notepad need to be increment one. Any one can help this to me?


  68. Thanks for ur share. I was learning to use QTP. I have a problem now. I use QTP11 on Win7, and it can’t load the datatable file named Default.sxl, how can I resolve this issue?

  69. I downloaded latest version HP Unified Functional Testing 11.50 CC English SW E-Media Evaluation. The screen on the top it says Quick Test Professional (Test*) , But mine shows Unified Functional Testing, How to get the screen which is on step 4 Flight Application . Please Waiting for ur reply


  70. I have a question, while recording an application if a action is not getting recorded in QTP, then what steps do we need to follow.


  71. I was working with the Actions, all of sudden today i came to know that all my actions in one of the script are missing (showing the icon as missing actions).. can any one suggest how to get those actions back.. as these are the reusable actions we have used in many scripts

  72. I am a rooky in this field but will be asking questions when stuck with the processes. I am more than impressed with the forum and a lot can be learnt and shared.

  73. Hi swati

    After downloading the trail version, when I try to open the qtp, it says the demo license expired whereas I have downloaded qtp version 11 for the first time now. Can you please help me on that.

  74. Hello,
    This is Vijay, I have followed many of your articles, those helps a lot. Now I would like to know how check font size, background color, font weight of test box in QTP. I am using Firefox browser (56version).

  75. @dhaval – you need to learn vbscript.. its quite easy to learn, so dont worry. QTP as a tool is also quite easy once you get the hang of it.

  76. hi,
    i am beginner in testing.I am trying to learn automation testing but i dont know detail about automation testing,i got information about automation testing is that there is first create manual test cases and after these test cases need to convert into specific tool using code.what should i do and how ?plz give me suggesion.thanx.

  77. hiii i m in testing field since last 6 months and i m working in manual testing only,but now i want to learn automation,so i thought qtp will be the right choice to start with and i m getting great help from u to start learning qtp……….

  78. Hi,

    Its very useful info what you had given for a beginner level.Even i am interested with your conversation to start my QTP training.


  79. @suprahba: what was your application? Was it a web app? if yes, pls check if the browser is compatible and aslso run QTP as an admin.(Close QTP, on your desktop icon right click and select “Run as Administrator”.)
    If its not a web app and you are still not able to record, pls let me know more details about it and we will try to figure out the problem.

  80. Thanks for your Excellent initialization to start QTP from the basics.One kind suggestion is that,a training would be even more helpful if you can explain the upcomings information with simple examples and screenshots, so that it would help the concepts clearly.

  81. Hi vishwas am working as a manual tester and i would like to start learning selenium could you give me some notes or anything else.

  82. This is a nice article for the beginner to start learning QTP. Thanks for starting the initiative. Hopefully I will learn QTP by following these articles..

  83. @Bhavin: Right next to the install license option there is a ‘Continue’ button that you can use to try QTP…Did that not work either?

  84. can u give a suggestion how do i get knowledge on vb script as i dnt know any thng about it,,,,,,,,,,,,,as i m fresher and have only 6 months experience in manual testing

  85. i also think this is the greatest thing since sliced bread. can someone help me out with the downloading of the HP QTP -E 11.00 EVAL PACK Eng SWE-MEDIA i recieved my delivery confirmation number. i downloaded it and had several icons but nothing to let me launch QTP in order to be able work with while on this project.

  86. @ Sonali – We understand you needs but we can not support your request. If you want to learn, you need to start with trial version only. You may try reinstalling it. You can search online or take advice from forums.

  87. Hello,

    This is Rumi. I have bought your QTP course in the past and have been helpful for me. I have a functionality in the current project where I am using a desktop based application and after performing certain actions, I have to press a button which opens the printer window where I have to send the document for a print. I am not able to handle the certain functionality? your guidance will be very much appreciated.

    I am using Micro Focus UFT version – 14.53

  88. Hi Swati,
    I have downloaded trial version of QTP 11 .Now its expired;and for practice purpose i want to reinstall again trail version of QT.
    I tried to uninstall the previous trial version from control panel.Also deleted QTP from RegEdit.
    Still no success.It is showing me license expired.Can you please help me in this

  89. I Want to know how different is the versions 10.0 and 11.5 . Currently the new version is 11.5. Is the tool changes drastically or updations.

  90. Pls i tried to download the trial version of QTP for pratice.
    Pls am very keen follower of this blog, i will appreciate if anyone canput me through . thanks a million

  91. Hai, Iam new to this testing environment. i need help in executing the set of lab programs. pls help me .

    1.Study various tools such as Win Runner, Load Runner, Test Director, Rational Rose Suite etc.
    2. Perform various types of testing:
    a. Unit Testing
    b. Regression Testing
    c. Integration Testing
    d. Validation Testing
    e. Acceptance Testing
    f. System Testing
    3. Prepare test plan and develop test case hierarchy
    4. Generate Test cases and Test Documentation in the following case studies
    a. Library System
    b. Course Registration System
    c. Implement a Quiz System
    d. Student Marks Analyzing System
    e. Online Ticket Reservation System
    f. Stock Management System

  92. Hi Swati,

    I am very glad to inform you that I was searching for a suitable on line tutor for QTP. Now I have got it, that is you Swati. Very good article, very much helping.

  93. @Komal: With the required time,effort and guidance, you will be able to make your way into the testing field. My advice though, is to first learn the concepts of manual testing well before you decide to learn automation. Good Luck!

  94. @Smriti Sudhir: You can download the QTP for a trial from the link we provided in the article. You will have to register and you will receive a code after which it is just a matter of following the instructions. Give it a try and let me know if you have a problem

  95. How to write a vbscript program to download 5 files from application1 and upload those 5 files in application2 using QTP/UFT?

    Having below constraints:
    1. All 5 files have the same name.(Ex:”abc”)
    2. Uploading of files in application2 must be in the same order in which the files have downloaded.

  96. Hi Team

    Thanks for starting the initiative.
    You have provided link to download 14 day trial version of QTP.
    But what after that. Do I need to format my machine after every 15 days.
    If you have any installer please share them also or at least send it to my mail id.


    Love Testing

  97. Well, you ask the most difficult question and it took me a while to get back to you. Here are your answers:
    1. Which automation tools don’t require coding knowledge: I am really not aware of any that don’t require coding knowledge at all. A minimum level of expertise is important.
    2. About testing jobs: It is not hard to get a testing job than it is to get any other IT job. About salary being less, that’s not true. Testers are some of the best paid folks in the industry.
    I hope I answered your questions!

  98. Swati,

    I stumble upon your article and found it so very helpful! It is easy to understand. You are such a nice person to put all this together for all to share. We all appreciate it a lot! Cheers!!

  99. @Manogar: Hi,i do’nt have any notes and i am also a learner for selenium (from last 4 months), i know core java very well for that i go for selenium. you can search online for qtpselenium videos and get very good stuff.

  100. @John B. : The flights app is a sample and it needs to be accessed from the HP QTP menu in the start programs. About QTP menu items not matching, could you please send me a screen shot at swatiseela@gmail.com and I will try to figure out what is happening. Thanks!

  101. hello to all can you please let me know what to learn next after manual tester to grow up as test engineer ? i have planed to learn QTP is it a good choice ?? please reply

  102. @Ujwala: I would suggest you to download the trial QTP and give your app a try. If you are facing issues, let us know the exact issue. That way you will be able to assess the feasibility of QTP hands on instead of going on a theoretical approach….

  103. hello swati,

    can you please tell me what is a market scope of a test engineer, m worring about it, heard two things

    1. testing’s job are hard to get
    2. less salary
    can you please share your experience with us, for better guidance.
    thanks and regards

  104. hello all.

    can anyone please tell me which automation tools do not require any coding knowledge. since coading is bool sucker thing.


  105. Hi,
    I had made an online transfer of Rs.5990 to via NEFT in order to obtain access to the QTP video recording tutorials. It has been 3 days since I made the transfer but I am yet to get access. I have been dropping mails to various emails/options provided on the web site. Ca n the site owners please confirm and do the needful?

  106. Hi Swathi… thanks for replying… M using firefox browser version 23.0.1. All the other browsers also latest version only. How will i get to know whether it is compatible or not? Now i have uninstalled the software. Can i install the evaluate copy again?

  107. Excellent article Swati, this would be immensely helpful to many beginners who want to learn QTP. Do continue writing many such wonderful articles.

  108. @ritu ,@suprabha this may be the problem try this too
    In step3: It is shown as web tab on record and play back ,but when i choose window applications tab and by choosing “Record and run test on any open windows-based application” this option only in qtp flight application got recorded as it is a window application

    @sonali: u no need to format ur system u can uninstall QTP then clear the registry entry for QTP then restart your system then install the QTP again

  109. @Archana: I am not sure I understand it clearly. You downloaded a trial version and entered the license key incorrectly while start up? If thats the case, try to reload QTP and try if it works. Personally I have never tried but my guess is it will work. Let me know how it goes.

    • I am having around 4 yrs of experience in manual testing. could you please assist on whcih automation tool is easy and can able to execute in a short period of time..what is the future scope of the automation tool? kindly advise on this.

  110. Dear Swati,
    and the entire Software testing help site
    thank you, I am blessed to have come through this
    this very positive and inspiring, please know that
    you have actually started today to contribute to my success and with there are many so we thank you for lectures and keep up the Awesome/great/Inspirational work


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