A Complete List of the Best Selenium Tutorials to Learn and Master Selenium From Scratch:
After several frequent requests from STH readers, today we are finally launching our FREE Selenium Tutorial series. In this Selenium training series, we will cover all Selenium testing concepts and its packages with easy-to-understand practical examples.
These Selenium tutorials are helpful for beginners to advanced-level Selenium users. Starting from the very basic Selenium concepts tutorial, we will gradually move on to advanced topics like Framework creation, Selenium Grid, and Cucumber BDD.
A Complete List of The Selenium Tutorials in This Series:
Selenium Basics:
- Tutorial #1: Selenium Testing Introduction (Must Read)
- Tutorial #2: Selenium IDE Features, Selenium Download, and installation
- Tutorial #3: My first Selenium IDE script (Must Read)
- Tutorial #4: Creating a script using Firebug and its installation
- Tutorial #5: Locator Types: ID, ClassName, Name, Link Text, Xpath
- Tutorial #6: Locator Types: CSS Selector
- Tutorial #7: Locating elements in Google Chrome and IE
Selenium WebDriver:
- Tutorial #8: Selenium WebDriver Introduction (Must Read)
- Tutorial #9: Selenium WebDriver Installation with eclipse
- Tutorial #10: My first Selenium WebDriver script (Must Read)
- Tutorial #11: Introduction to JUnit
- Tutorial #12: Introduction to TestNG (Must Read)
- Tutorial #13: Handling Drop-downs
- Tutorial #14: Looping and Conditional commands
- Tutorial #15: Explicit and Implicit Waits
- Tutorial #16: Handling Alerts/popups
- Tutorial #17: Commonly used commands
- Tutorial #18: Handling Web Tables, Frames, Dynamic Elements
- Tutorial #19: Exception Handling
Selenium Framework:
- Tutorial #20: Most popular Test Automation frameworks (Must Read)
- Tutorial #21: Selenium Framework Creation & Accessing Test Data from Excel (Must Read)
- Tutorial #22: Creating Generics and Testsuite
- Tutorial #23: Using Apache ANT
- Tutorial #24: Setting up Selenium Maven Project
- Tutorial #25: Using Hudson Continuous integration tool
Advanced Selenium:
- Tutorial #26: Logging in Selenium
- Tutorial #27: Selenium Scripting Tips and Tricks
- Tutorial #28: Database Testing using Selenium Webdriver
- Tutorial #29: Selenium Grid Introduction (Must Read)
- Tutorial #30: Automation Testing Using Cucumber and Selenium Part -1
- Tutorial #31: Integration of Selenium WebDriver with Cucumber Part -2
- Tutorial #32: Assertions In Selenium Using Junit And TestNG Frameworks
- Tutorial #33: Selenium Assertion Examples – Practical Applications In Projects
- Tutorial #34: Page Object Model In Selenium Without Using Page Factory
- Tutorial #35: Page Object Model In Selenium Using Page Factory
- Tutorial #36: Keyword Driven Framework In Selenium With Examples
- Tutorial #37: What Is Hybrid Framework In Selenium?
- Tutorial #38: How To Handle Windows Pop Up In Selenium Using AutoIT
- Tutorial #39: Debugging Techniques In Selenium
- Tutorial #40: Handling IFrames Using Selenium WebDriver SwitchTo() Method
- Tutorial #41: XPath Functions for Dynamic Xpath in Selenium
- Tutorial #42: Xpath Axes for Dynamic Xpath in Selenium
- Tutorial #43: WebDriver Listeners in Selenium
- Tutorial #44: How To Select The Check Box In Selenium With Examples
- Tutorial #45: How To Handle Scroll Bar In Selenium Webdriver
- Tutorial #46: How To Take Screenshot In Selenium
- Tutorial #47: How To Select Radio Buttons In Selenium WebDriver?
- Tutorial #48: Selenium Actions: Handle Double & Right Click In Selenium
- Tutorial #49: How To Upload File Using Selenium Webdriver – 3 Methods
Selenium Tips and Interview Preparation:
- Tutorial #50: Selenium project test effort estimation
- Tutorial #51: Selenium Interview Questions and Answers
How to start Learning Selenium?
This is the best time to start learning Selenium testing on your own with the help of this free Selenium Training series. Read tutorials, and practice examples at your home, and put your queries in the comment section of the respective tutorials. We will address these queries.
This is our genuine effort to help you learn and master one of the most popular software testing tools!
Table of Contents:
Selenium Introduction
We are delighted to launch yet another series of software testing training tutorials. The belief behind introducing this tutorial is to make you an expert in one of the widely used software test automation solutions, Selenium.
In this series, we will look at the various facets of Selenium. Selenium is not just a tool, it is a cluster of independent tools. We will look into some of the Selenium tools, with practical examples wherever applicable.
Before you jump into reading this exciting and useful series, let us look at what it has in store for you.
Why Selenium
The current industry trends have shown that there is a mass movement towards automation testing. Hence a cluster of repetitive manual testing scenarios has raised a demand to bring in the practice of automating these manual scenarios.
There are several Benefits of implementing an Automation Test; let’s look at them:
- Supports execution of repeated Test Cases
- Aids in testing a large Test Matrix
- Enables parallel execution
- Encourages unattended execution
- Improves accuracy thereby reducing human-generated errors
- Saves time and money
All of these benefits result in the following:
- High ROI
- Faster GoTo market
Several automation testing benefits are well understood and largely talked about in the software testing industry.
One of the most commonly asked questions that come with this are –
- What is the best tool for me to get my tests automated?
- Is there a cost involved in it?
- Is it easy to adapt?
One of the best answers to all the above questions for automating web-based applications is Selenium. Because:
- It’s an open-source
- It has a large user base and helps communities
- It has multi-browser and platform compatibility
- It has active repository developments
- It supports multiple language implementations
First Glance at Selenium
Selenium is one of the most popular Automated Testing suites. Selenium is designed in such a way to support and encourage Automation Testing of functional aspects of web-based applications and a wide range of browsers and platforms. Because of its existence in the open-source community, it has become one of the most accepted tools amongst testing professionals.
Selenium supports a broad range of browsers, technologies, and platforms.
Selenium Components
Selenium is not just a single tool or a utility, it is rather a package of several testing tools, hence it is referred to as a Suite. Each of these tools caters to different testing and test environment requirements.
The suite package constitutes of the following set of tools:
- Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Selenium Remote Control (RC)
- Selenium WebDriver
- Selenium Grid
Selenium RC and WebDriver, combined, are popularly known as Selenium 2. Selenium RC alone is also referred to as Selenium 1.
Brief Introduction to Selenium Versions
Selenium Core
Selenium results from the continuous efforts of an engineer named Jason Huggins from ThoughtWorks. Being responsible for the testing of an internal Time and Expenses application, he realized the need for an automation testing tool to get rid of repetitive manual tasks without compromising quality and accuracy.
As a result, he built a JavaScript program, named “JavaScriptTestRunner” in early 2004, that could automatically control the browser’s actions, which seemed very much similar to that of a user communicating with the browser.
Henceforth, Jason started demoing the tool to a vast audience. Eventually, the discussions were laid out to categorize this tool in an open-source category and its potential to grow as a reusable testing framework for other web-based applications.
The tool was later acclaimed with the name “Selenium Core”.
Selenium IDE (Selenium Integrated Development Environment)
Selenium IDE was developed by Shinya Kasatani. While studying Selenium Core, he realized this JavaScript code can be extended to create an integrated development environment (IDE), which can be plugged into Mozilla Firefox.
This IDE was capable of recording and playing back the user’s actions on a Firefox instance to which it was plugged in. Later on, Selenium IDE became a part of the Selenium Package in the year 2006. Later, this tool turned out the great value and potential for the community.
Selenium IDE is the simplest and easiest of all the tools within the Selenium Package. Its record and playback features make it exceptionally easy to learn with minimal acquaintance with any programming language. With several advantages, a few disadvantages accompanied Selenium IDE, thus making it inappropriate to be used with more advanced test scripts.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium IDE:
The disadvantages of IDE are not disadvantages of Selenium, in reality. Rather, they are just limitations to what IDE could achieve. These limitations can be overcome by using Selenium RC or WebDriver.
Selenium RC (Selenium Remote Control)
Selenium RC is a tool written in Java to allow a user to construct test scripts for a web-based application in any programming language he/she chooses. Selenium RC came as a result of overcoming the various disadvantages incurred by Selenium IDE or Core.
Loopholes and restrictions that were imposed while using Selenium Core made it difficult for the user to leverage the benefits of the tool to its totality. Thus, it made the testing process a cumbersome and far-reaching task.
One of the crucial restrictions was the Same Origin Policy.
Problem With Same Origin Policy:
The problem with the Same Origin Policy is, that it disallows to access the DOM of a document from an origin that differs from the origin we are trying to access the document.
Origin is a sequential combination of scheme, host, and port of the URL. For example, for the URL http://www.seleniumhq.org/projects/, the origin is a combination of HTTP, seleniumhq.org, 80 correspondingly.
Thus Selenium Core (JavaScript Program) cannot access the elements from an origin that is different from where it was launched.
For Example, if I have launched the JavaScript Program from “http://www.seleniumhq.org/”, then I would have been able to access the pages within the same domain such as “http://www.seleniumhq.org/projects/” or “http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/”. The other domains like google.com, and yahoo.com would no longer be accessible.
Thus, to test any application using Selenium Core, one has to install the entire application on the Selenium Core and a web server to overcome the problem of the same-origin policy.
So, in governing the same-origin policy without the need to make a separate copy of the Application under test on the Selenium Core, Selenium Remote Control was introduced.
While Jason Huggins was demoing Selenium, another fellow colleague at ThoughtWorks named Paul Hammant suggested a workaround of the same-origin policy and a tool that can be wired up with a programming language of our choice. Thus Selenium RC came into existence.
Unlike Selenium IDE, Selenium RC supports a wide range of browsers and platforms.
Workflow Description
- The user creates a test script in the desired programming language.
- For every programming language, there is a designated client library.
- Client library deports the test commands to the Selenium server.
- Selenium server deciphers and converts the test commands into JavaScript commands and sends them to the browser.
- The browser executes the commands using Selenium Core and sends the results back to the Selenium server
- Selenium server delivers the test results to the client library.
There are a few pre-requisites to be in place before creating Selenium RC scripts:
- A Programming Language – Java, C#, Python, etc.
- An Integrated Development Environment –Eclipse, Netbeans, etc.
- A Testing Framework (optional) – JUnit, TestNG, etc.
- And Selenium RC setup off course
Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium RC:
Please refer to the following figure to more about the advantages and disadvantages of Selenium RC.
Selenium Grid
With selenium RC, the life of a tester has always been favorable until the emerging trends raised a demand to execute the same or different test scripts on multiple platforms and browsers concurrently to achieve distributed test execution, testing under different environments and saving execution time remarkably. Thus, catering to these requirements Selenium Grid was brought into the picture.
Pat Lightbody introduced a selenium Grid to address the need for executing the test suites on multiple platforms simultaneously.
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver was created by yet another engineer at ThoughtWorks named Simon Stewart in the year 2006. WebDriver is also a web-based testing tool with a subtle difference from Selenium RC. Since the tool was built on the fundamental where an isolated client was created for each of the web browsers; no JavaScript Heavy lifting was required.
This led to a compatibility analysis between Selenium RC and WebDriver. As a result of which a more powerful automated testing tool was developed called Selenium 2.
WebDriver is clean and purely an object-oriented framework. It utilizes the browser’s native compatibility to automation without using any peripheral entity. With the increasing demand, it has gained a large popularity and user base.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium WebDriver:
Refer to the following figure for more information about the advantages and disadvantages of WebDriver.
Selenium 3
Selenium 3 is an advanced version of Selenium 2. It is a tool that is focused on the automation of mobile and web applications. Stating that it supports mobile testing, we mean to say that the WebDriver API has been extended to address the needs of mobile application testing. The tool is expected to be launched soon in the market.
Environment and Technology Stack
With the advent and addition of each new tool in the Selenium suite, environments and technologies become more compatible. Here is an exhaustive list of environments and technologies supported by Selenium Tools.
Supported Browsers
Supported Programming Languages
Supported Operating Systems
Supported Testing Frameworks
In this tutorial, we tried to make you acquainted with the Selenium suite describing its various components, usages, and their advantages over each other.
Here are the cruxes of this article.
- Selenium is a suite of several automated testing tools, each of them catering to different testing needs.
- All these tools fall under the same umbrella of an open-source category and support only web-based testing.
- Selenium suite is comprised of 4 basic components; Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, WebDriver, and Selenium Grid.
- The user is expected to choose wisely the right Selenium tool for his/her needs.
- Selenium IDE is distributed as a Firefox plug-in and it is easier to install and use. The user is not required to possess prior programming knowledge. Selenium IDE is an ideal tool for a naive user.
- Selenium RC is a server that allows a user to create test scripts in the desired programming language. It also allows the execution of test scripts within a large spectrum of browsers.
- Selenium Grid brings out an additional feature to Selenium RC by distributing its test script on different platforms and browsers at the same time for execution, thus implementing the master-slave architecture.
- WebDriver is a different tool altogether that has various advantages over Selenium RC. The fusion of Selenium RC and WebDriver is also known as Selenium 2. WebDriver directly communicates with the web browser and uses its native compatibility to automate.
- Selenium 3 is the most anticipated inclusion in the Selenium suite, which is yet to be launched in the market. Selenium 3 strongly encourages mobile testing.
In the next tutorial, we will discuss the basics of Selenium IDE, its installation, and its features. We would also have a look at the basic terminologies and nomenclatures of Selenium IDE.
Next Selenium Tutorial: Introduction to Selenium IDE and its installation with a detailed study on all the features of Selenium IDE (coming soon)
A remark for the readers: Our next tutorial of the Selenium training series is in processing mode. Meanwhile, you can explore a bit about the Selenium suite and its tools by looking at its official website.
About the authors: Shruti Shrivastava (our main author for this series), Amaresh Dhal, and Pallavi Sharma are helping us to bring this series to our readers.
Stay tuned and participate by sharing your thoughts, comments, and knowledge. Also, let us know if you think we missed something so that we can include them in our subsequent tutorials.
wat does High ROI mean?
Nice Article..!
Looking forword for next tutorials.
Having around 5 years of experience in manual testing, Could anybody suggest which automation is better and provide some relevant links to study on the same?
Thanks for this selenium tutorial ,
and it is very use full
I am unable to set up eclipse, selenium on ubuntu. When I run the test suit it gives me jdk jre compatibility issue.
I have around 3 years of exp in java dev and i do manual testing as well ,as i am working on the mantinace project so i do frequents changes and do unit testing now i am finding more interest in testing means i have to develop my career in testing …..please give some direction…
Hi jieee,
Nice tutorials ,super jieee, continue your services.. easily understand concepts..THank U jieee Magizhichi
,,All this results in to the following:
•High ROI
•Faster GoTo market,,
thanx for this articles , in the above text
What is meant by : RoI
Awesome tutorial but given some examples with webdrivers
Fantastic work!!! , Nicely written …
Can i have this selenium tutorial fully in pdf format. thanks
Thanks For the wonderful information of selenium ….i like it more….keep going. thanks STH team.
I’ve learnt Java basics from the book Java For Testers by Alan Richardson
Thanks a lot for this wonderful tutorial.
I am downloading Java and it says “This type of file may harm your computer “. Should I continue or is there any other way?
Thank You!
This is the best free online tutorial i have ever seen on the internet. Has helped me a lot. Even though I am an experienced tester but it serves as a lifeline whenever I am stuck. Thanks a lot team STH.
Thank you for comment. We would be soon sharing tutorials on WebDriver once we cover the basics of Selenium IDE. Stay tuned, you would find a lot more on WebDriver in the store later in the series.
i want good job pls help
I have some doubt regardging testing which one i have to learn for selenium ide or selenium webdriver or selenium rc please tell me
Can you please tell me, in what language should I start learning Selenium – Java, C#, Python.
Which has more scope ??
You can start in Java as Selenium + Java has more jobs all around.
I am new to start selenium from scratch. Please help me out to start from beginning with basic concepts.
Real very nice Coverage…Thanks..
hi all,
You people have any doubts or queries(cuz i have too) send me an email:
“l.vijay.kumar225@gmail.com” we will discus.
Thanks for you work dude…Looking forward for your next post..;)
@shruti mem
hey mem,pls post tutorial#…
we all are waiting for next part of this turorials…
Dear Shruthi,
I just came to know and gone thru first tutorial..I really wasted much time and dint able to realise there is something in STH what exactly any tester needs..the presentation is awesome..and the way u reply to the comments is really encouraging…now i dont want to waste my time…lots of thanks..
ROI is Return on Investment
Its really detailed and good. But could you have selenium training tutorial with C#? So many websites have data about selenium with Java but very few have Selenium with C# tutorial. It will be really helpful
Java for testers book mentions chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 022. Where are in between chapters 5, 6, 7….., and 021 ???
Thanks in advance
Most Awaited Tutorial Series
I Request many times for Selenium
Egarly waiting for Frame Works
@ Shruti Shrivastava
Thank you for this effort and the fact that material is beautiful and a good effort and we are waiting for the next lessons
But is it possible to put the references that you collect information from them
Thank you
Good and useful article.
Hi Shruthi,
Thanks for the wonderful intro, but have below questions after going through this article please answer to clarify
1. What is meant by a testing framework and What are different testing frame works that selenium supports
2. Reason for RC doesn’t directly communicate with web browser
3. What is meant by direct communication with web browser? Any Examples
4. Advantages of selenium compared to QTP?
A good start…Thank u..
Hi Divya,
From Firefox 55 onward,Selenium IDE will no longer work.
The most important question I have :
Can selenium That is to portray what the user of the scenarios examined as Video ?
or at least screen shot
Thank you for the appreciative words…
All the selenium tutorials are already launched. You can find them over the website. Also, in the beginning of the page, the links to previous and next article is given.
Thank you so much for this meaningful, easy and well-explained article, I like the way of presenting this article.
Thankful for this.
We will expect much from your side.
Please post regarding how to build the framework with the practical example.
Thank you so much STH. Introduction is very clear. Looking for all tutorials.
It was Clear and Straight to the Point, I’m looking fwd to learn from the rest of it !! 🙂
Thank you STH team for providing us the Selenium tutorial for learning, free of cost and very descriptive and in easy method. Looking forward for more informative releases.
Thanks Again!!
Good content
Thanks for the selenium tutorial.
Please tell me more on Web driver & Mobile Apps
@ spandana ROI means Return on Investment
Hi Team,
I am working on a desktop application which requires automation testing. Can you please help me know if we can use selenium 2 for automating desktop applications.
How old is this tutorial? Selenium IDE is already available for Chrome as well:
“The Selenium-IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the tool you use to develop your Selenium test cases. It’s an easy-to-use Chrome and Firefox extension and is generally the most efficient way to develop test cases. It records the users actions in the browser for you, using existing Selenium commands, with parameters defined by the context of that element. This is not only a time-saver, but also an excellent way of learning Selenium script syntax.”
Thanks for sharing this very important information.
Nice Work.
I have read your post and very much pleased to know about Field Automation Software.
I will keep your tips in mind in my future business solutions. Also find more info about it, visit :
My query is for using selenium for mobile applications Android Testing.
Hi all,
I implemented page object model for my project.
Ieally the case is like this:
had the below classes in page_objects package.
then, my java class for testing.java in in another package and imports the above said packages.
All these page object model classes, has the below sample structure.
public class Account_Page {
private static WebElement element = null;
public static WebElement lnkHome(WebDriver driver){
element = driver.findElement(By.id(“lnkHome”));
return element;
One more page object model class
public class Tools_Page {
private static WebElement element = null;
public static WebElement lnkCertificate(WebDriver driver){
element =driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(“a[href*=’Certificate’]”));
return element;
main.java file will be like this:
public class test_login_logout {
private static WebDriver driver = null;
public static void main ( String[] args) throws InterruptedException,NoSuchElementException{
I’m getting error at invoking the Tools_page method:
The below are the error:
*** Element info: {Using=css selector, value=a[href*=’Certificate’]}
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorHandler.createThrowable(ErrorHandler.java:206)
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorHandler.throwIfResponseFailed(ErrorHandler.java:158)
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.execute(RemoteWebDriver.java:678)
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.findElement(RemoteWebDriver.java:363)
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.findElementByCssSelector(RemoteWebDriver.java:492)
at org.openqa.selenium.By$ByCssSelector.findElement(By.java:430)
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.findElement(RemoteWebDriver.java:355)
at Page_Objects.Tools_Page.lnkCertificate(Tools_Page.java:13)
at Automation_Framework.test_login_logout.main(test_login_logout.java:54)
Please help me with this
I am a big fan of this site. I like the way the article is presented. Hope to learn selenium web driver. Can’t wait for the next tutorial?
Thanks for sharing the history behind Selenium which is so well written in very precise manner.
Hello Rajkumar,
My Pom.xml i observed this error its not going after several way of troubleshooting could u please help me here
Hi team,
You all have done great research and have brought out this
tutorial to be really awesome. Great effort and continue this
I am also agree with Savi. Could you have selenium training tutorial with C#? It will be really helpful.
Nice Explanation
Hi Team,
Well I would definitely appreciate you guys for putting in lot of efforts in articulating this series. I have started learning Selenium as a new beginner. I have gone through few of the websites about selenium automation training. The difference i could able to figure out from other websites to your portal is that Your explanation is Simple, Straight to the Point and Informative.
Well Done Guys…..
Hi Team please help me to resolve this issue in selenium webDriver.
Console error:
SLF4J: Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder”.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
You need to specify at least one testng.xml, one class or one method
Usage: [options] The XML suite files to run
Should MethodInvocation Listeners be run even for skipped methods
Default: true
Configuration failure policy (skip or continue)
Output directory
Number of threads to use when running data providers
The dependency injector factory implementation that TestNG should use.
Comma-separated list of group names to exclude
Should TestNG fail execution if all tests were skipped and nothing was
Default: false
Should TestNG generate results on a per suite basis by creating a sub
directory for each suite and dumping results into it.
Default: false
Comma-separated list of group names to be run
Ignore missed test names given by ‘-testnames’ and continue to run
existing tests, if any.
Default: false
Should TestNG report all iterations of a data driven test as individual
skips, in-case of upstream failures.
Default: false
List of .class files or list of class names implementing ITestListener
or ISuiteListener
An implementation of ListenerComparator that will be used by TestNG to
determine order of execution for listeners
The factory used to create TestNG listeners
Comma separated of test methods
Default: []
List of .class files or list of class names implementing IMethodSelector
Mixed mode – autodetect the type of current test and run it with
appropriate runner
Default: false
Fully qualified class name that implements org.testng.ITestObjectFactory
which can be used to create test class and listener instances.
Comma separated fully qualified class names of listeners that should be
skipped from being wired in via Service Loaders.
Default: false
Parallel mode (methods, tests or classes)
Possible Values: [tests, methods, classes, instances, none]
Should TestNG consider failures in Data Providers as test failures.
Default: false
Extended configuration for custom report listener
Should TestNG use a global Shared ThreadPool (At suite level) for
running data providers.
Default: false
Comma separated fully qualified class names of listeners that should be
skipped from being wired in via Service Loaders.
Default name of test suite, if not specified in suite definition file or
source code
Size of the thread pool to use to run suites
Default: 1
The list of test classes
A jar file containing the tests
Default name of test, if not specified in suitedefinition file or source
The list of test names to run
-testrunfactory, -testRunFactory
The factory used to create tests
Number of threads to use when running tests in parallel
The threadpool executor factory implementation that TestNG should use.
Should TestNG use a global Shared ThreadPool (At suite level) for
running regular and data driven tests.
Default: false
Whether to use the default listeners
Default: true
-log, -verbose
Level of verbosity
The full path to the xml file inside the jar file (only valid if
-testjar was specified)
Default: testng.xml
this book mentions chapters 1, 2, 3,4 and directly 022. where are chapters 5,6,…..???
thanks in advance
Java For Testers
Learn Java fundamentals fast
Alan Richardson
This book is for sale at http://leanpub.com/javaForTesters
This version was published on 2014-06-13
Firstly thanks to all STH team to presents a selenium tutorial series.specially thanx to vijay sir.
Its a very useful and osm tutorial and useful information cover all that things.
Thanx to STH
Awesome Guys!! This Tutorial is Exactly what I’ve been looking for, for a very Long Time….Clear, Informative, straight to the Point, I’m looking fwd to learn from the rest of it 🙂
Thank you So Much!!
does the selenium support the all the language like .net or VB if have to test the application and which selenium tools will be usedful
I am working on a automation script to have it working on both browsers (Firefox and Chrome)
I have located element individually in both browsers as well with there respective tools (For ex: Identified relative xpath for an element which is common and element is located in both the browsers).
Now the issue is that the scripts are working in firefox but the same set of scripts are not working in chrome. due to its not able to identify elements
While running in chrome it gives below message:
“Element is not click-able at point(x,y) ”
I have tried with the methods to overcome this kind of issues by searching in google and relevant sites but those are not working. So, if anyone knows regarding this kind of issues and probable methods to resolve then request to please let me know.
Thanks for the information. Very clear and easy to understand. Can you plz tell me how to install selenium suite?
Nice work Shruti…Can you please email me some examples which are implemented using Framework @Sandeep.008d@gmail.com
Thank you all for the appreciative words.
Hi, Reading this article in 2017, The article needs an Update since Selenium 3 is launched.
Thanks for sharing a valuable information.
Yes Selenium is definitely made our lives easier with great features for automation.
Thanks a lot.
Hi all,
I am using Windows 8.1 and IE 11 and firefox 37 versions.
I am trying to execute my selenium program, I am getting an exceptions. Can anyone resolved my issue
My sample code is
package com.phani.first;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class Consts {
public static void createBasicAccount()
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
My TestNG result is
[TestNG] Running:
FAILED: createBasicAccount
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/base/Function
at com.phani.first.Consts.createBasicAccount(Consts.java:13)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.testng.internal.MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod(MethodInvocationHelper.java:84)
at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod(Invoker.java:714)
at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(Invoker.java:901)
at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(Invoker.java:1231)
at org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods(TestMethodWorker.java:127)
at org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.run(TestMethodWorker.java:111)
at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun(TestRunner.java:767)
at org.testng.TestRunner.run(TestRunner.java:617)
at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest(SuiteRunner.java:334)
at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(SuiteRunner.java:329)
at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(SuiteRunner.java:291)
at org.testng.SuiteRunner.run(SuiteRunner.java:240)
at org.testng.SuiteRunnerWorker.runSuite(SuiteRunnerWorker.java:52)
at org.testng.SuiteRunnerWorker.run(SuiteRunnerWorker.java:86)
at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesSequentially(TestNG.java:1224)
at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(TestNG.java:1149)
at org.testng.TestNG.run(TestNG.java:1057)
at org.testng.remote.RemoteTestNG.run(RemoteTestNG.java:111)
at org.testng.remote.RemoteTestNG.initAndRun(RemoteTestNG.java:204)
at org.testng.remote.RemoteTestNG.main(RemoteTestNG.java:175)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.google.common.base.Function
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
… 25 more
Default test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
Default suite
Total tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
[TestNG] Time taken by org.testng.reporters.JUnitReportReporter@626b2d4a: 19 ms
[TestNG] Time taken by org.testng.reporters.SuiteHTMLReporter@73a8dfcc: 46 ms
[TestNG] Time taken by org.testng.reporters.EmailableReporter2@6f2b958e: 11 ms
[TestNG] Time taken by [FailedReporter passed=0 failed=0 skipped=0]: 7 ms
[TestNG] Time taken by org.testng.reporters.jq.Main@aec6354: 63 ms
[TestNG] Time taken by org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter@c2e1f26: 8 ms
Please, resolved my issue. and also tell me i need to change my OS or i need to make code changes or anything else… Thank you in advance…
Hi Dhanalakshmi, you sais firefox 55 onwards selenium IDE will no longer work.. is there an alternative to download?
hi i m using firefox 43 version and selenium 2.53 version but it did not respond
error show.
noexception connection.
please tell me which selenium version is suitable for firefox version.
Which is the best selenium Framework with python language?
Great article…..want to learn more through vidoes visit way2automation
Can you please help me in suggesting a preferred language to a new project which is going to start doing selenium automation.
This is a great series of Selenium, I have learn till now.
One small request I want to convey that, it will be great if you include how to handle captcha in any registration form
Thank you for the tutorial, as a novice manual tester (without any programming language knowledge), i am very eager to learn automation testing and selenium. Can you suggest or upload a video tutorial on how selenium testing tool can be a useful tool?
Hey Shruti awesome explanation, just started with the first tutorial and wana cover all 31 in few days time so that I can get better knowledge and practical experience on webdriver.
Very Happy, i was awaiting for such an excellent tutorial on Selenium in STH
Very much thanks to the author
Nice article and info is very useful, looking forward for next edition..:)
Hello team,
Thanks for the great tutorial. I would like to know what are flash/flex objects?
what do you mean by “support implementation of listeners”
Hi Vijay,
I am working as a QA Engineer in streaming area which involves testing on Video on demand,cable tv, OTT etc. Can you please start a tutorial on this.
This article is great. I have been trying very hard to study and understand Selenium but reading this has helped me a great deal.
Awesome article!!! Really great work in getting this thing together. Appreciate your efforts. Thank you!!!
Thank you very much for this most awaiting tutorial!! The tutorial will definitely help a software tester to become an expert in automation using Selenium. Once again thank you so much!!
We are working selenium webdriver 2.53 and C# ,I need to disable developer extension mode all browser while open in browser using selenium web driver , Most of code in java but i need to C# code level.if you have any answer plase help us resolve my issue.
Excellent content . Systematic approach for better understanding . Hats off
thanx…..very much.but please can u mail me this selenium material please.
can i know where the window handling topic. since it is very important topic in selenium. i couldn’t find here. Did i missed or topic id missing. In any case help me out with windows handling material. My mail is”satyaj222@gmail.com”
Urgent requirement for selenium trainers both offline & online
HI Guys!
thanks for the all the information provided above , some of the information is really helpful.
Note:- There is a urgent requirement for selenium trainer for both offline & online classes in bangalore.if any one are interested can contact me @ rajkconsultancy or 9164530165
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful tutorials… Hope to see more topics on Selenium soon 🙂
Very Good work. Appreciate all of you. All the very best for your future series.
Hi geetha don’t worry..i will help you.
thanku yo so much for the free selenium tutorial.It is very clear and simple to understand.
Very nice article to start . Congrats Shruti Shrivastava for writing in such a nice way with 4 years of experience… keep writing…. where can we follow you,, share your twitter blog etc
Thank you for the introduction
Can I get the PDF of every tutorial. It will easy for me to get printouts & go through. Its bit difficult to sit online for every tutorial. Please respond.
Great article…..As always…:)
Thanks for the very informative article.
I found this site interesting and easy to learn platform.
Thanks u r doing nice social work.
Thanks for the awesome explanation. Can’t wait to finish all the tutorial’s. Once again thanks for the whole team who ever are contributing their time and effort.
Awesome Tut.Use HTTrack software to download all the links in jst 2 mnts
What is meant by : Doc document
Thanks for this article post. It is really useful introduction for beginners.
Hi There,
Can you explain what is happening in real time agile methodology in company. How they are implement agile and from bigining to project realise.
Thank you for comment. We would be soon sharing tutorials on WebDriver once we cover the basics of Selenium IDE. Stay tuned, you would find a lot more on WebDriver in the store later in the series.
AWESOME Guys, thank you So Much for this Series of Free Tutorials on Selenium 2.
What is the difference between WAP based applications testing and Mobile testing?
WebDriver Supports WAP based applications testing and doesn’t support mobile testing didn’t understood this point.pls clarify anybody
Nagarani, when we open website in mobile browser like chrome or uc browser then its called WAP. for example if you browse http://www.google.cm in desktop then its called web. and if you browse http://www.google.com in mobile’s browser then its called WAP.
Thank you for your appreciative words.
Nice Article …very helpful for beginners of automation tools…
Thanks for great tutorial. Best stuff found on internet
In order to learn Selenium, apart from Java what all extra we nedd to know???
Thanks in advance
I was looking for such selenium tutorial, I m really excited to learn & became an expert in Selenium ,
I want to use Selenium with Python , will it be covered ?
Hello Kaizar, how is the selenium with python going with you? Please, advice me on where I can go get the best python course for selenium as a beginner, with no knowledge in python. Thanks in advance.
Here is my email akaniboy7@gmail.com, you can email me, please .
Thanks for the article..It is very informative.
please provide more notes on webdriver.
Hey Shruti the presentation is awesome…I have one question to ask…Which one is best to be used with selenium to automate a Web based application? Is it Nunit or TestNG? Please reply asap…
Explanation is clear and I can clearly understand
Thanks for sharing such a useful article from basic & expected one.
The words & the way of explanation is awesome. Also, very easy to understand for beginner too. Thanks again.
Very nice article. Thank you for sharing this !!
Thanks for your comment. You won’t have to wait much for the installation as our next tutorial is based on installation of Selenium IDE.
Thank you for the appreciation.
does the selenium support the all the language like .net or VB if have to test the application and which selenium tools will be usedful
Thanks for providing and we need a dummy project lyk how we implemented in real time for a specific project
thanku guys …. Great Job
Thank you for your comment. As far as your query is concerned, i would say you need not to be a pro in java to learn Selenium RC or WebDriver. All you need is a little knowledge on basic java constructs like loops, conditional statements, datatypes, classes, objects and OOPs concepts which you can learn beside WebDriver or RC.
The more you try and practice WebDriver, the more you will expand your expertise in the language.
can any one tell me when we have to write automation script?
before development(i.e. like test case) or after development of project.
Hi there
I am glad to find this website and looking forward to learn about software testing. I have passed my Microsoft certificate in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
I want to be a software tester.
Please help me to find exactly focused path in this field.
Great intro guys..will go through all topis..
Thank you for your appreciative words.
Want Online Course…
Thanks for providing the details of selenium.i have one doubt please clarify.
after recording the application i want to check the script in manually for all the text scenarios.how to passing the parameters.
Great efforts put it to find the list of Selenium Training Tutorials, Definitely will share the same to other forums.
I was very much helpful.
I was looking for the same for longtime, I will be sharing the reference to other forums as well.
Keep rocking!!
It will be great if we were showed videos of how to work with Selenium core and RC.
In that scenario a hands-on approach would render it manageable for beginners like us to understand Selenium
Why should we use System.SetProperty for Chrome and IE browsers?
Thank you Dwarika for the appreciation and kind words.
what are all the basic things i should have to know before starting selenium tutorial?
can u pls tell me
Do we have all these topics covered in C#?? Kindly respond
Awesome Intro about selenium…. Thanks for the wonderful information….. Keep going… All the best….
Very nicely explained that can be easily understood.
JavaSkript programming language for Selenium is now also supported.
HI Vishal,
Contact me any time
Thank you for the appreciation and kind words.
IS there any one free to discuss and willing to learn selenium from scratch with frame work of POM and PAGE FACTORY.contact:josalim3 Skype and mobile:8668039881
Nice tutorial, Its very useful but something missing.
please provide the at least one complete example of IDE, WebDriver and RC with testing.
Good Work..
Thank you very much. This series is very helpful.
Thank you so much!
package com.flipkart.pagefactory;
****************************DRIVER HOME
package com.flipkart.pagefactory;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.PageFactory;
public class DriverHome extends FlipkartBase{
public static HomePage homePage;
public static HomePage getHomePage() throws Exception {
//return PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);
return PageFactory.initElements(driver, HomePage.class);
************************************************************************HOME PAGE
package com.flipkart.pagefactory;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.FindBy;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.How;
public class HomePage extends FlipkartBase {
//public static HomePage homePage;
@FindBy(name = “q”)
public WebElement productSearch;
@FindBy(xpath = “//button[@class=’vh79eN’]”)
public WebElement searchButton;
@FindBy(xpath = “//input[@placeholder=’Search Brand’]”)
public WebElement searchBrand;
@FindBy (xpath = “//input[@class=’_1p7h2j’]”)
public WebElement productSelectionCheckbox;
@FindBy (xpath = “//input[@placeholder=’Search Brand’]/following::div[2]/div/label/div[1]”)
public WebElement brandSelectionCheckbox;
@FindBy (xpath = “.//*[@id=’container’]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/div/div[4]/section/div”)
public WebElement ramSelection;
@FindBy (xpath = “//div[@id=’container’]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[4]/section/div[2]/div/div[5]/div/div/label/div”)
public WebElement GB3RamSelection;
@FindBy (xpath = “//h1”)
public WebElement resultMessage;
/* public HomePage ()
//System.out.println(“driver:: “+driver);
//this.homePage = PageFactory.initElements(driver, HomePage.class);
//homePage = PageFactory.initElements(driver, HomePage.class);
PageFactory.initElements(driver, HomePage.class);
//return homepage;
/*public static HomePage getHomePage() throws Exception {
//return PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);
return PageFactory.initElements(driver, HomePage.class);
//Enter the product Type
public void selectProductType(String productType)
public void selectBrandName(String brandName)
public void selectMobileRAM(String ramSize) throws InterruptedException
System.out.println(“before ram click”);
System.out.println(“after ram click”);
System.out.println(“after ram selection”);
public void verifyResultsStatus()
boolean status = resultMessage.getText().contains(“Showing 1 –”);
package com.flipkart.pagefactory;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
public class FlipkartBase {
public static WebDriver driver;
public static int i=10;
public void getDriver() throws Exception
String browserType = getReadConfigKey(“browser”);
if (browserType.equalsIgnoreCase(“ie”))
System.setProperty(“webdriver.ie.driver”, “E:\\Selenium_Training\\IEDriverServer.exe”);
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
else if (browserType.equalsIgnoreCase(“chrome”))
System.setProperty(“webdriver.chrome.driver”, “E:\\Selenium_Training\\chromedriver.exe”);
driver = new ChromeDriver();
else if (browserType.equalsIgnoreCase(“firefox”))
System.setProperty(“webdriver.gecko.driver”, “E:\\Selenium_Training\\geckodriver.exe”);
driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void quitDriver()
public String getReadConfigKey(String sKey) throws Exception
File file = new File(“./config.properties”);
FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(file);
Properties prop = new Properties();
return prop.getProperty(sKey);
package com.flipkart.testscript;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.flipkart.pagefactory.DriverHome;
public class SearchMobiles extends DriverHome{
public void verifyMobileStock() throws Exception
//Direct page factory usage
/*HomePage homePage= PageFactory.initElements(driver, HomePage.class);*/
//Constructor of PageClass
homePage = DriverHome.getHomePage();
/*String source = homePage.getPageSrc();
Boolean boolStatus = source.contains(“results”);
Great presentation and explanation. This is very good info for new starts.
When will Selenium 3 be released?
Seems one of the best researched and groomed article on Selenium mainly on its introduction.
Presentation is fantastic and easily digestible and each diagram is having the concept of 5 lakhs word in a single image.
Thanks for posting and thumbs up to its author..
Thanks very much for this tutorial
is this the window to communicate during a training session
I want make a excel utility using selinium MB: 9925229068 please..
Which is more trending open source tool for functional testing or performance testing that Tester need to learn
for earning good money in market
Hi ,,
thanks for the selenium tutorial ; and please tell me as a newbie how much ‘Java’ language is required to learn webdriver and selenium rc … Can you provide some insights on it.
Nice One!!!
i have one dought to take selenium clasess
i do not know any programing languge so can i learn selenium?
Thanks a lot for this much awaited tutorial. Nicely written so easy to understand. Great job Team STH.
Thanks for this
Selenium tutorial. It’s very much helpful for the beginners.
I am a beginner . Can you please explain more on ‘Selenium has active repository developments’
Awesome Tutorial!!
I this tutorial available in PDF format?
It’ll be great if it is..
Just started & found this awesome stuff.
Thank you for your kind words.
Vijay is planning to launch the publish of next set of articles soon.
I am a beginner . Can you please explain more on ‘Selenium has active repository developments’
great. looking for posts on all important topics.
My question is on whether to chose selenium as a career or QTP ?? I have 12 years of Managing a business development of financial services in India. Got a chance to be in US and want to settle here… Confused on choosing selenium or QTP..?? I dont have any experience in IT. I have a year to set my career here. Kindly advice
Thank you for your wonderful service, you are helping for people in a different way, your way of presentation is very simple and very clear, easy to understand. Please continue your service.
thanks really helpful…..\
I am unable to automate the Authentication popup. I am doing this for the Dynamic CRM. Please help me out with this.
Thanks for your help….this is the best tutorial i found in internet.
Thanks a lot and go on with your work.
Very nice
i m trying to download selenium 2.53.1 version but whatever file i download it is in win RAR zip ?so how to convert that file? reply me
Please tell me how can i test a web application from selenium IDE.
Thanks for the blog.
Very easy to understand basics structure of selenium.
Also it helps to differentiate the advantage and disadvantage of the this programming language
On a website there are 2 identical input box. I am able to locate the first one using xpath…
But now, i want to locate the input box just below this one, and exactly identical one.
It is always locating the first one. How do i locate the 2nd one..
Please advice.
If you have multiple elements you can specify using [n]:
Thank u for your dedication towards us.
Please share knowledge about how to test fields like Editor,Drag&Drop & Panel in Selenium.
Hi ,
I am using Windows 10 and firefox 60.0.1 (64-bit) version.
I am trying to execute automation test on latest selenium IDE but,issue that i am getting is – there is no menu bar and no options like ‘REFERENCE’ ‘UI ELEMENT’ and ‘ ROLL UP ‘ options in it Can anyone resolved my issue
will you guys elaborate the automation testing criteria for selenium. the 8 criteria???
Great Explanation of Selenium for beginners and I hope to learn step by step of this tutorial.
WebDriver is also a web-based testing tool with a subtle difference with Selenium RC. Since, the tool was built on the fundamental where an isolated client was created for each of the web browser; no JavaScript Heavy lifting was required. This led to a compatibility analysis between Selenium RC and WebDriver.
what does author mean by this??
thankyou all three of you. very nicely organised tutorial. full informative.
Its something which was I was looking for.
Thanks a Ton !!!
Hi Shruti,
I have one question. What type of URL can be accessed by selenium? Because I face error when i enter URL having ip address.
Hope you are getting my point.
most awaited post it was… thanks .. looking for more posts … 🙂
Pl. help me only if you can. I am in need
1. put yahoo.com in browser.
2. search cloud computing.
3. now url become https://in.search.yahoo.com/search?p=cloud+computing&fr=yfp-t&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8
4. paste this url in a file.
so a csv/ xls file have would have data like
a yahoo.com
b msn.com
c google.com
d bing.com
e wiki.com
output –
and i need a file which would have all
Described selenum Stuff is Simply Super..!
Interesting, Thank you for providing Valuable Content.
How to create test case for login page in selenium ide if there exists captcha code.
Vijay is planning to launch the publish of next set of articles soon.
Hi Vijay, I need your help in setting up Selenium Webdriver environment in my system. My both system has Windows 7 & 8 and Java 32 bit. Please help me with the right eclipse version which can identify selenium commands. I tried many of the eclipse version which throws typical error in sendkeys command. Thanks for such a nice tutorial which I am trying to follow and learn.
thanks, i learned a lot from this tutorial but i have some questions after reading this
1. how we can start it by writing a simple script suppose to login an application using selenium automation tool
2. Secondly how much we have to learn java programming language
hi.. i m php developer and having 6 years exp.. now i m looking for diff technology.. which is the better technology for future..someone suggested selenium.. any suggestions please.
im new in selenium web drive testing, so briefly explain that concept.
best tutorial .. thanku
Its a very helpful article. Obviously you guys put lot of efforts in doing that.
Keep up this Good Work.
Arguably the best readable selenium training material I came across. Easy, clear, comprehensive… good work!!
I’m following for these page..bcas i wolud like these blog…I have alot of knowledge from this blog..keep it up..Thank you
I have created the test scripts in python and running these scripts in the eclipse. I have also configured the selenium.
And my test scripts are working fine to navigate the page with the help of scripts but i am unable to report bugs automatically.
Please help me here to export the bug report and report the bugs automatically.
Thanks & Regards
Laxman Singh
i want to learn selenium testing.
i don’t no any programming language.
is it possible to learn selenium
If anybody wants a pdf version of every tutorial, then use the site http://pdfcrowd.com/ to convert each page into a .pdf file. You can generate 32 pdf files and read them offline.
Thanks for the Information!
Very short and descriptive article..
Hi, Can you any one tell me “Free automation tool” is available in Market for Mobile application (iOS & Android apps)?
I’m new to automation and would like to learn selenium from stratch. I tried installing Selenium IDE in firefox latest version (version 55) which says its not compatible with firefox. How to make it work? Please help.
Thanks to all Software Testing Help team to presents a selenium tutorial series.
Its a very useful tutorial for a beginner to learn from scratch.
Nunit is a unit testing framework specifically for dotnet where as Junit or TestNG are used for Java.
If you ask me which one should you use amongst Junit or TestNG, then i would definitely suggest you to use TestNG as it is a newer framework with lots of advance features.
Thanks for the article!
It’s really gonna help me.
Hi Team,
Thank you very much for such a wonderful tutorial. You guys are awesome 🙂 .
nice article ,,
its helpfull to me..thanks
Can any one plz let me know if we can automate SAP using selenium? And if yes how?
Thanks for your selenium basics it is very useful.please release selenium components description
Thanks for info, everything about selenium is available at one source.
Hello trio ,
I have read all the given information and it is well to understand .
I am clear about selenium till you explain and that is result of your work.
Can you please share expected date of your next doc. every one get it when it release ..:)
You Guys Really ROCK ,OMG , such a useful content for any one , who is confused from where to start on Selenium.
Stupendous Job . Great work . I can’t stop myself without praising .KUDOS the whole softwaretestinghelp, infact i have been following this site since lang.
I would like to get training on Selenium. So, can you please let me know what will be training duration and fees for the same?
hello all of you
if any of you project on selenium please mail it to me to given below address