20+ MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners: Free MongoDB Course

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated January 19, 2025

An Exclusive range of 20+ in-depth MongoDB Tutorial for beginners to learn MongoDB from scratch:

MongoDB is an open source cross-platform and document-oriented NoSQL database program for modern apps. MongoDB allows to organize and use data in real time anywhere.

In this tutorial series, you will learn about MongoDB and its functionalities like installing MongoDB, Creating Database, Aggregation, Projection, Sharding in MongoDB, etc., by end of this Detailed MongoDB Training Series.

[Scroll down to check the list of all the tutorials]


List of all the MongoDB Tutorials

Learn MongoDB in detail with the help of this Comprehensive MongoDB training series for beginners and experienced professionals.

Overview of Tutorials in MongoDB Series

Tutorial_NumWhat You Will Learn
Tutorial #1:Robo 3T Robomongo Tutorial

Robo 3T is a free and lightweight GUI for MongoDB. It is a MongoDB management tool which has a shell-centric cross-platform and is supported by JSON. This introductory tutorial in the MongoDB series will explain you all that you need to know about Robo 3T in simple terms.
Tutorial #2:Install MongoDB on Windows

In this tutorial, we will discuss the installation and configuration of MongoDB in detail . Learn how to install MongoDB without any background knowledge of MongoDB installation.
Tutorial #3:Create Database

This tutorial will clearly explain you how to Create & Insert Database in MongoDB.The most basic step in MongoDB is to make a Mongo Database and a Mongo Collection in it.
Tutorial #4:Insert Multiple Documents Using Arrays

This tutorial will explain about the usage of insert () command for insertion of multiple documents at a time. You will also get to know how to use the function Each () with find () function and the function PrintJson with Each () function.
Tutorial #5:Update and Delete Document

This tutorial will explain more about update and delete document within the MongoDB collection. MongoDB Update method is used to modify specific fields in the whole document and deleteOne method is used to delete a particular document within the MongoDB collection.
Tutorial #6:MongoDB ObjectId

This tutorial will explain you all about ObjectId() in MongoDB. Object ID is treated as a primary key within the Mongo DB collection and is generated automatically. We can generate object ID manually and we can also define the hexadecimal value according to our requirement.
Tutorial #7:Query Document Using Find

This tutorial will explain you about the usage of Find() in MongoDB Query Document. Find method is used to fetch a document from the MongoDB collection. Usage of Find by ID, Find in Array, Find all, Find and Update with examples.
Tutorial #8:MongoDB Cursor

This tutorial will explain you all about usage of Cursor and its methods within MongoDB. The cursor is a MongoDB Collection of the document which is returned upon the find method execution.
Tutorial #9:Sort method

This informative MongoDB Sort() tutorial will explain all about Query Modification using Sort Method. Sort method helps us to arrange the record in a specific order i.e in ascending and descending order.
Tutorial #10:MongoDB Performance

Before deploying an application for the end user we have to analyze the performance of the database to ensure the speed and concurrency. This tutorial will explain you all about MongoDB Performance in simple terms.
Tutorial #11:Database Profiler

This tutorial will explain you the ways to manage MongoDB Database Profiler. MongoDB database profiler is used to monitor the queries and their performance within the MongoDB instance.
Tutorial #12:Create User and Assign Roles

In this tutorial, we will learn all about MongoDB Create User, Add User, Create Admin User and Assign User Roles. You can copy, paste the given code in MongoDB and Robo 3T for creating an user, assign role and role creation.
Tutorial #13:User Authentication

Authentication is the most critical point of view according to the security of Mongo DB. It will allow us to validate and verify the information of the user who is connected with the current instance of Mongo DB. This tutorial will explain about Authentication in MongoDB in detail.
Tutorial #14:Aggregation in MongoDB

This tutorial will explain all about Aggregation in MongoDB. Aggregation means to combine different resource of information and provide the most authentic record.
Tutorial #15:Projection in MongoDB

In this tutorial, we will discuss in detail about Projection in MongoDB. We generally use projection when we want to retrieve only the selected fields of a whole document instead of all.
Tutorial #16:Regular Expressions

This tutorial will explain Regular Expression in MongoDB in a detailed manner. We can define regular expression as finding a pattern or word in any string which is useful in almost all kind of languages.
Tutorial #17:Sharding in MongoDB

Sharding in MongoDB is explained in detail in this tutorial. With the help of sharding, we can connect multiple servers with the current instance of the database to easily support growing information.
Tutorial #18:MongoDB Replication

This tutorial will explain all about Replication in MongoDB. In replication, each copy of the MongoDB instance is treated as a node. One of those nodes become a primary node and the rest of the nodes become a secondary node.
Tutorial #19:Backup the Database

In this tutorial, we have provided a simple solution to Create Backup in MongoDB with few commands. This approach would indeed be a perfect approach for backup of your collections.
Tutorial #20:Deployment Guide

In this tutorial, you will get to know all about Deployment in MongoDB in detail. MongoDB provides a free trial package to test the features of the cloud. By following the step by step procedure mentioned here, anyone can create a cluster on the cloud and deploy the application.

Start with the first tutorial in the series => FIRST Tutorial

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