How To Write A Follow Up Email After Interview?

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated January 5, 2025

This Tutorial is a Complete Guide to Write Follow up Email after Interview with Example Templates for Various Scenarios that will Help you get Hired:

Job interviews are a crucial part of your career but a lot of people neglect to write follow-up emails correctly. Writing a follow-up email after an interview with the employer in the correct manner will make a positive impression. In this tutorial, we will examine some examples of follow-up emails and we will also look at the reasons why you should do this.

By implementing the lessons that you will learn from this article, you will dramatically increase the chances of being hired for the job that you want.

How to Write a Follow-Up Email after an Interview_

Follow Up Email After Interview

Why do we write follow-up emails?

Being professional means that you can inquire about the interview results without coming across as being rude or arrogant. A well-written follow-up email will give you an advantage in the hiring process over other potential recruits because you’re selling your skills and knowledge to the employer intelligently. Professionalism is rewarded.

Recommended Reading => Learn How to Write Thank You Email After Interview

Example Templates

Here are 5 examples of the follow-up emails that you can use as a template.

Use the following example templates as a model but the main point to remember is that you’re asking an important question in a professional manner. That question is “whether the employer is still interested in hiring you”. You don’t have to follow these templates exactly but they can be treated as a guide.

#1) Writing An Email After An In-Person Interview

Subject lines: Thank you for the opportunity/ Thank you for your time and consideration/ Thank you (Name of the potential employer).

Dear (Full name of potential employer),

Thank you for the interview about the position of (name of position). It was very helpful to learn about (Company name) and the expectations that you have for it.

As you have provided me with details about the position, I am sure that I can become a valuable asset at (Company name) given my background as a (make reference to your skillset and how it can directly benefit the company).

I also gave some thought to an issue you raised in regards to (name the specific issue). When I was in a similar role at another company I found that (explain in detail how you solved the issue).

You will find in the attachment section, details of some of the projects that we have discussed as requested. Please contact me if you need more information regarding these projects. I am looking forward to our next meeting as discussed.

Thank you once again for the opportunity.

Yours sincerely,

(Your sign-off)

Notice that, everything that is necessary is in the email and that nothing that is not necessary is included. Be polite, professional, and stay on point. You are also selling the value that you bring to the company.

#2) Writing An Email After A Phone Interview

Subject Lines: Thank you for the opportunity/Thank you for the interview/Thank you for talking with me today.

Dear (potential employer’s name),

Thank you for the interview/talk we had today. I thoroughly appreciate the opportunity to learn about (Name of the Company). It was good to know that your expectations are well within my capabilities. Please know that I am willing to adapt to any circumstances in a professional manner should the situation arise. I was particularly interested to learn (specify an important fact about the company that is relevant to the position).

I’m looking forward to meeting you and discussing the possibility of being a (name the position you’re applying for) with (name the employer). Please find my resume attached to the email and a letter addressed to you about the details of my full work experience.

Yours sincerely,

(Your sign-off)

P.S. Thank you for the opportunity.

This is what you can write after a phone interview and it gets straight to the point. It might also be important to apologize for any background noise that was encountered during the interview as this could be beyond your control.

Writing a follow-up email after a phone interview is just as crucial as after an interview in person.

#3) Sending Follow Up Email After No Response

Subject Lines: Thank you for the opportunity/ Thank you for the interview/ Thank you for talking with me last week.

Dear (potential employer’s name),

Thank you for (the week or the date) with me having an interview last (name the day of the interview). I’m still interested in the position that you have an opening for. I’m writing to check whether you are interested in hiring me because you mentioned that the final decision would be made by (list the date here) for the position of (name the position).

If there is any additional information that you require then I would be willing to provide it for you.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Yours sincerely,

(Your sign-off).

Emails of this type should be written with tact and restraint even though you might feel anger at the time. It serves the purpose of reminding the potential employer that you’re still available. Be mindful that unexpected events happen in the real world and this could be a reason for the delayed response.

#4) Sending A Follow Up Email After Second Interview

Subject Lines: Thank you for the opportunity/ Thank you for the interview/ Thank you for talking with me last week.

Dear (potential employer’s name),

Thank you for the opportunity to have an interview with me a second time. After learning more details about the position I am even more enthusiastic about becoming part of the team.

(Name of company) has a very bright future ahead of it and crucial to its development will be one of the projects that we discussed. I’ve included some ideas that are in the attachments that might be of assistance to you and I hope to discuss this matter with you at our next meeting.

Please let me know if there is anything else you would like to know and I want to let you know that I’m looking forward to our next meeting.

Yours sincerely,

(Your sign-off).

The applicant has provided further value to the potential employer in the form of some suggestions contained in a file in the attachments. Both at the start and at the end of the follow-up email the applicant is willing to express gratitude. This will make a positive impact on the employer.

#5) Writing Follow-Up Email After Declining The Position.

Subject Line: Reason for declining the (position name) position.

Dear (name of employer),

Thank you for the opportunity. Unfortunately after much thinking I will have to decline your offer.

The reason why I’m declining is that (name the reason) and not because of you. At all times I’ve found you to be friendly, helpful, and professional throughout this application process.

I wish you all the best for the future.

(Your sign-off)

Unfortunately, there are times when we have to decline job offers and the best way to do this is to explain exactly why this is happening. Make sure to compliment the person who interviewed you as this is the professional thing to do. Straight forward and honest is the best policy.

Timing and Tone

Timing And Tone Of Follow-up Emails

How we write follows-up emails is highly important.

As mentioned earlier, a tone of polite professionalism is required to write emails of this type. In North America, in some tech companies, the tone now is one of friendly informality. In these companies opening with Hey/Hi might be the correct option. In other parts of the world, this might not be appreciated so much and so it might be best to avoid this.

Being on point is a highly prized commodity in any industry but it is the value that you can bring to the company that is the most important point in these emails. You’re selling your skills and work ethic to the company. Showing this to your best advantage is highly beneficial for your future prospects.

It is best to write a follow-up email within one day of the interview. If you leave it too late then this will be interpreted as a sign that you’re not particularly motivated to join the company. This will hurt your chances of being hired by the company.

If you’re following up after a deadline has passed for a hiring decision to be made then it is advisable to write after one day after the deadline has passed. If you write an email within a few minutes of the deadline passing then this might come across as being pushy and not being patient enough.

Eliciting Correct Response

When writing a follow-up email it is important to remember the goal that we have in mind.

The whole purpose of writing emails of this type is to get the response that you want from your potential employer. The essential point is that you need to demonstrate that you’ll add value to the company.

There are 3 steps to follow:

  1. Write a list of things that they’re looking for. Have an answer for these issues before you write the follow-up email and take note of what was mentioned in the interview. If you mention these issues and have a good answer based on your experience then this might settle the case in your favor.
  2. What are some questions that previous employers asked you? This could be relevant if the position is roughly the same. You might be surprised if you sit down and write a list of these questions that there could be many potential answers that could be used to your advantage.
  3. Finally, do some homework. Make sure that you know about the company and the position that you’re pursuing. Get to know the culture and whether it is formal or informal. This could give you a big advantage when it comes to becoming employed. We’re social animals and there is no avoiding this.

Here are some other points to remember:

  • The key question is whether or not the employer is still interested in you.
  • You need to demonstrate how you’ll add value to the company.
  • Follow-up emails should be professional and to the point.
  • Answer any questions that were raised at the interview that require evidence or documented proof as requested by the employer.
  • Conduct research of the company to understand exactly what is expected of you.
  • Write the follow-up email within a day of the interview.
  • If there hasn’t been a response written to you by the time a deadline that was promised to you has passed then it is appropriate to write a follow-up email.

FAQ For Follow Up Emails

Q #1) How do you write a follow-up email after an interview?

Answer: A good way to do this is to write a draft and check with someone who has experience in doing this. Peer review is often underestimated but worthwhile.

Another worthwhile way is to understand what the employer is asking from you and to give this person the impression that you’re capable of delivering it. Provide value in a professional package.

With the rise of the big American tech companies, a culture of informality has been introduced. Be aware that not all companies share this approach so doing research is a good idea before writing the follow-up email.

Q #2) How long should you wait after an interview to follow up?

Answer: It is best that you write back to your potential employer within one day after the interview has taken place. This will show that you’re keen to get hired but that you’re also not overly pushy. Be sure to wait a few hours before replying.

If you’re waiting for a deadline on whether you’re going to be hired or not and the deadline passes with no answer, then it might be optimal to write a follow-up email on the following day after the deadline has passed. As ever, passivity could be interpreted as disinterest if you leave it too long.

Q #3) How do you write a follow-up email after an interview with no response?

Answer: This requires some tact because you’re raising an awkward question from someone you hardly know. The best way is to write a polite and professional email that states that you’d be willing to assist them with any further questions that they might have and mention the fact that you’re still interested in the position that they were hiring for and you should also mention that the deadline for the decision.

This should be done within a day of the deadline passing. Your enthusiasm which you’re displaying will work in your favor as it reveals that you’re motivated to become an employee.

The old saying about the quick and the dead still holds true.

Q #4) How do you inquire about a job after an interview?

Answer: You should provide value to your potential employer when you’re doing this. Mention a question that was asked and provide undeniable proof that you have the capability of delivering a viable solution to this problem. Only after these criteria have been met, you should inquire about your future prospects with the company.

Also, you should attach any necessary materials to the email. Remember to be humble but also be straight forward. Such an email will often elicit a response that will include the answer to your question because you have created a positive impression on the person who could be hiring you. If you want to ask a direct question at this early stage of the hiring process then it might be disadvantageous to do so.

Q #5) What are some good signs you got the job?

Answer: Usually a positive response will come early whereas a negative response will arrive later. You can usually tell whether you got the job by the first few lines of the email that you’ll receive. Often if you don’t receive a response within a day or so of an interview then it looks like you won’t get the position that you were looking for.

Be prepared to answer any questions that the employer might have as this might make all the difference. This too might be interpreted as a positive sign that they’re genuinely interested in hiring you.

Q #6) How do you politely ask for an interview result?

Answer: This might be a highly necessary step if you’ve applied for more than one position. Be honest and mention that another company is showing interest in you at this time if you feel that you’re a strong candidate for the position. Go through the steps previously mentioned in providing value for your potential employer.

Such emails should be written within three days of the interview. Writing an email that asks this question the day after an interview could be seen as being too pushy. Write in a manner that asks the question directly but professionally.

A good inquiry could be written like this >>> ‘’If you have arrived at a decision as to whether you’ll be hiring me, could you please let me know at your earliest convenience’’.

Q #7) Is it OK to follow up after an interview?

Answer: It is often taken as a good sign that you follow up after an interview. A good follow up email will get the attention of your potential employer, especially if you’ve provided extra value. Making a positive impression as someone who gets the idea that business is an exchange mechanism will only benefit you.

Providing a good follow up email will highlight the areas of concern that were highlighted in the interview and win the argument for you to be hired. By writing at the correct time you’ll also make a positive impression of someone who is professional but not too aggressive in seeking a position with the company.

Q #8) Why do employers not follow up after interviews?

Answer: To be honest this is because they’re not interested in you if this happens. Or it could be that things happened at the company, everything else had to be put on hold and your hiring process was shoved down in the priority list.

There is also the expectation that it is up to the prospective employee to follow up and provide extra value to the employer.

Q #9) How do you follow up after an interview if you haven’t heard back?

Answer: It is best to write one day after a deadline has passed or if they didn’t mention a deadline then you should write back after three days have passed. There seems to be a convention in the business world that this timeframe is acceptable.

You should mention the interview, when it took place and what position you applied for. Mention that you have attached your resume and a cover letter with your work history. Mention the deadline and mention the fact that you’re still interested in applying for the position.

To be honest, once an employer doesn’t write back to you within a reasonable timeframe then you should consider applying for another position. Some companies that took a long time to write back turned out not to be so good to work for anyway.


Writing a follow-up email should be seen as an opportunity and not as a burden. Used correctly, it will give you the winning edge in applying for positions that you desire. Showing interest in your future with the company is a good thing if it is expressed in a polite and professional manner.

Care should be taken as to the correct tone and timing should be taken into consideration as well. By studying the templates and conducting your own research you should have a big advantage over other candidates who didn’t bother to write follow up emails. Getting hired is a job in itself and you should always make sure that you do the best job possible for your own sake.

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