Top 35 Management Interview Questions And Answers

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated January 17, 2025

In this Article, we have Discussed Frequently Asked Management Interview Questions and Answers to help you Prepare for your Upcoming Interview.:

Manager’s position is considered a critical position in every company. In this article, we will discuss commonly asked management interview questions for this particular role. The questions on handling an organization’s critical business, designing future targets, and their achievements are often becoming the deciding factor for any selection.

In short, you need to have a stable mindset, exhibit leadership skills, and provide quick and intelligent answers by citing examples wherever necessary. This will help to illustrate to the interviewer that you have firsthand experience as a manager.

Management Interview Questions and Answers

This article will explain the most frequently asked questions, their answers, and will also cover some of the practical based questions that are customary nowadays in an interview.

Thoroughly study these questions and answers before the interview to perform well. Rehearse them and have the required knowledge to crack the interview.

Frequently Asked Management Interview Questions

Q #1) How do encounter a challenge in the work front?

Answer: Your answer to this question must touch the following points:

  • Describe a challenge that you have faced in a professional setting and is also applicable to the managerial position you are interviewing for.
  • Explain the point of view you have taken to solve the problem including the process you have adopted, concepts you have utilized, and practical details on the challenge.
  • Try to convert the challenge you have discussed into a contingency. In conclusion, sum up how you reached a solution, learning from the whole process, and how this experience was useful in future work.

Q #2) Why do you think yourself fit for this managerial position?

Answer: Your answer should be like: I am honest, candid and I think that the measures that I have taken in my career shall help to achieve the company goals productively. I am approachable as a leader among my team members which works as a catalyst in pulling off success.

Q #3) How do you delegate work among the employees who report to you?

Answer: I measure the tasks and then try to equate them in terms of the quality and skill of the employee. If that particular employee is in transition or the learning phase, I try to provide the required help and verify that it’s effective and concluded properly. In such situations, I arrange for reverse knowledge sessions as well.

For the team members who have previous exposure to the tasks, I set up the initial plan and deadlines that are agreeable to them. Then sync up with them at specific intervals to check if we are on track for completion, progress, and any blocking issues.

Q #4) What is the size of the team you last managed (comprising of the gender, experience range of the team members)?

Answer: This should be answered based on your experience that you have faced at work. You may answer this like:

I have managed a big team having members of all genders, experiences, and cultural roots. In short, I have developed a diverse and broad work culture. I got myself involved in a crucial time of hiring stages to ensure that we hire the most suitable candidate for the position.

Q #5) How do you drive your employees in difficult phases?

Answer: Here the interviewer wants to get a fair idea on your people-management skills. You may answer like this:

Being a leader, I have always tried to infuse a positive thought process among my employees. I ensure that they are striving to achieve a bull’s eye in terms of delivery of work. I have always made it a point to praise and reward an employee on reaching a difficult milestone. I set objectives for the team and honor them on fulfilling small milestones. Touch base with them on their progress.

Q #6) Explain how you dealt with a problematic employee.

Answer: Here the interviewer wants to gauge the challenges that you have faced. You may explain your answer like the following example.

While explaining the solution to this scenario, you need to emphasize on how a manager gets out the best in an employee in his team.

A fresher, straight from the college was a part of our team. He was brilliant in his skills and deliverables. However, he was not a good team player and because of his arrogance and disdainful attitude towards other contributions to the team, he was not popular among his teammates.

As a manager, I approached him and explained to him the situation which he was not aware of and advised him to cooperate with the team members and change his behavior towards his teammates.

Q #7) How a manager can be successful in his operation?

Answer: A manager must have the imagination and innovation to take his company to the next level. He should have the leadership skills and should be able to bring out the best from the employees and guide them to the right channels.

Q #8) Describe your journey from the start to the last role as manager.

Answer: This is like an introductory question that relaxes a formal environment in an interview. Here, describe your full career track and graph.

Q #9) How do you refurbish your managerial skills?

Answer: I work on the responses received from my seniors and try to improve them. I take work which I think will confront my present strengths. Also, I make it a point to go through any managerial books, enroll, and complete different certifications in this field. You can mention any certifications you have earned here.

Q #10) Why should you be hired in the company as a manager?

Answer: Here you need to describe the accomplishments that make you stand apart from others. This may be handled in the following way:

I have around 10 years of work experience as a manager for an Information Technology company that has an employee strength of 800. In this period, I have handled various projects, gave leadership to teams both offshore and onshore. I was also involved both in people management and technical architect roles.

Q #11) How to resolve the dispute in a team as a manager?

Answer: The answer to this question will showcase your personality as a manager. You may cite a similar experience.

It is said that there are two sides of the same coin. In a time of dispute inside the team, it is crucial to be impartial and approachable from the mindset of a manager.

In this situation, disregarding the thought that the dispute shall be solved on its own should not be the approach of a manager. The manager should debate with each of the members of the team and come out with a sensible and professional outcome that is agreed upon by all of the members.

Q #12) As a manager, how do you handle the workload?

Answer: For handling workload, I set priority for each task that I have in hand. I jump into the task that has the urgent priority and once done, move to the lesser critical tasks. Also, if I am overburdened, I delegate some work to others.

Q #13) Cite a situation, where you have taken a tough decision.

Answer: Here you need to describe the tough decisions you took that make you stand apart from others. This question can be answered in the following way:

I was a part of the hiring team for a position in the company I was working at that time. After, various interviews, there were two individuals selected for that particular role. I had to take the final decision between the two, where one of them turned out to be my friend. While going through the feedback from other interviewers and their backgrounds, I found that the other person (who was not my friend) was more apt for the position.

I had to make the tough decision of choosing the right candidate for the company hence at that time I ignored my friend. I would have liked the idea of selecting my friend but I had kept the company’s interest above mine.

Later made my friend understand the situation and looked to see if other opportunities suit his skills. It was one of the difficult decisions that I took but later it was proved to be the correct one. I would not hesitate to take such decisions in the future as well.

Q #14) How will you give back to this company?

Answer: I shall give back the skills and experience that I have gathered in all these years to this company. I have the creativity as a leader which I shall utilize in securing the growth and achieving great business for the company.

Q #15) How do you handle budgets for a project?

Answer: I have the experience of fixing the budget for a project.

I consider the following factors before setting up the budget:

  • Estimate the billing or pricing of resources required to complete the project.
  • Go through the previous cost of similar activities and add my managerial acumen to that.
  • After brainstorming these factors, I come up with certain metrics.

Q #16) Describe certain weaknesses that you believe are in a management role.

Answer: Here you need to discuss your measures in handling crises as a manager. In the interview, you may recite a similar situation like this.

I believe that although a manager is an individual who is responsible for a project‘s ultimate success or failure, however, there are situations when I need to depend fully on my employees to perform the tasks they are supposed to perform. In situations wherein there had been an escalation, I tried to fix and find a solution myself eluding the person who is supposed to perform the task.

Even though my involvement in the process helped to solve the problem efficiently, it had other implications. The team developed the idea that I no longer had faith and conviction in their abilities.

This was my takeaway from that whole incident and I realized that in any difficult circumstances, I should drawback first and then try to gauge the situation and decide how to solve it without hurting my team member’s self-esteem.

Q #17) Are you aware of your weakness as a manager?

Answer: Yes, I am aware of my weakness as a manager. I often kick off more than one project in a particular time frame. We indeed deliver our work more efficiently while we have a single task at hand.

So if I have too many jobs at hand I withdraw myself for some time to set priorities on the tasks at hand.

Further reading =>> Interview questions for Managers

Q #18) If your team members are stressed, how will you able to manage that?

Answer: An interviewer will ask this to see how well you are at managing a team. You should cite an experience that you have faced similar to the one discussed here.

I have a habit of monitoring each member’s behavior of my team. If at any moment I sense any stress or negative vibes within the team, I try to deal with it aggressively. I approach the team members to understand their problems and gradually come up with a solution that shall ease the situation.

I was a manager of a team that was assigned a project with strict deadlines. To achieve the objective, the project was split into various parts and assigned to each individual. The success of the overall project depended on the successful completion of each part of the project within a stipulated time.

As the project kicked off, each team member was given a timely delivery of tasks barring one. Naturally, other team members were getting demotivated by the fact that a certain part of the project was not getting into a proper shape and thus overall success was in jeopardy.

I decided to talk to this individual and found that he was going through some personal issues which were interfering with his professional work. Both of us, worked into some other options so that he was able to accommodate his issues along with his deliverables in office.

Soon he was at par with his mates and we were successful in completing the project at the promised time. The client was too happy with the team’s performance and each of them was rewarded.

Q #19) What are the qualities of a good manager?

Answer: The qualities of a good manager are as the followings:

  • Mold expertise into performance.
  • Acknowledge each individual’s role in work.
  • Understand each employee’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Hire the correct expertise.
  • Identify and utilize distinctive qualities in employees.

Q #20) What are your goals as a future manager for this company?

Answer: My goals as a future manager for this company will be:

  • Pursue knowledge as a manager.
  • Shoulder further responsibilities.
  • Deliver tasks to the best of my capacity.

Q #21) How has your management skills evolved as you got more exposure?

Answer: Yes my management skills evolved as I got more experienced. This was primarily due to growth in career paths and eagerness to learn.

In the early years as manager, I had micromanaged my team thinking this was an ideal way of tackling them. I thought that getting involved in every respect of work would ensure success. However, I got the feedback that the team felt suffocated with too much of my involvement. The team needed space to work in its pattern.

Q #22) Suppose an employee wants to move to the next level, however, he is still not fit for this position, how will you make him understand the situation?

Answer: I would approach the employee and explain the roles and responsibilities of the new position and how his expertise is still not matching with the position.

I would then create a new set of objectives for him which will showcase his expertise in the new areas. Then sync up with him and verify how he is advancing and if he is in the correct path.

Q #23) How do you deal with an underperforming member in your team?

Answer: This should be answered to emphasize your skills as a leader. You may relate some practical scenarios like this.

As a manager, one of the key responsibilities includes keeping a watch on the performance of the employees. It requires a lot of skills to deal with an employee who is not performing to the best and also makes him aware of his current shortcomings.

In my previous company, there was a guy who was constantly missing the deadlines on his deliverables and after some time, it caught the attention of the clients. I had to set in to control the situation and ensure next time we were on bang on timing issues.

I sketched new action items for him to be completed in a specific time frame and ensured unburdening some of the tasks from him which were perhaps responsible for decelerating him.

Q #24) What will you do in a situation where you know your manager is incorrect?

Answer: If I feel that my manager is not correct in certain scenarios, I will hang back to discuss it with him and put forward my opinions in an unbiased way. I am sure my manager shall admit his mistake and later compliment me for my good observations.

It’s not a big deal in committing a mistake, however in a professional space it’s mandatory to rectify them as early as possible.

Q #25) How will you encourage an employee who is not keen on extra tasks?

Answer: I will attempt to know why he is not keen on taking additional tasks. I will understand his requirements and make sure that he gets all the essential tools required to work on the extra task.

I will come up with a new set of goals after discussing with him and declare a reward or a promotion to encourage him in his work.

Q #26) What was the most and least satisfying experience as a manager?

Answer: The most satisfying incident as a manager was to train the freshers from the college hired to the company. They were a bunch of enthusiastic people willing to learn and add value to the company.

The least rewarding experience was the amount of traffic jam that I faced while driving to the office. I had wasted a lot of productive hours on roads daily.

Q #27) How do you handle pressure at work?

Answer: I stay quiet and keep my entire concentration on finishing my work, rather than panicking under pressure.

Q #28) How will you ensure the health and safety of your employees as a manager?

Answer: The Health and safety of the employees at work are the two major responsibilities of a manager. I will ensure that employees reporting to me are in sound health. Often from the organizational level, annual health checkups are conducted.

As a manager, I will always encourage my employees to take part in them. The aim is to achieve sound physical and mental conditions at work. Also, I will push members of my team to participate in marathon events organized by the company on weekends to spread the message of staying fit and healthy.

As far as the safety of my employees is concerned, I take care that female employees feel secure and safe at work. Besides, I ensure they get proper travel safety measures on the occasions they need to stay long hours at the office. In the first place, I will always advise them to connect from home and finish their deliverables instead of staying back late in the office.

Q #29) How can a manager contribute to work?

Answer: A manager can contribute to work in the following ways:

  • Inspire the employees and ensuring that they are delivering on schedule.
  • Understand the mindset of customers and what they need.
  • Acting as a channel between clients and employees.
  • Ensuring customers appreciate our work.
  • Facilitate the employees with tools and means to be more productive at work.

Q #30) What are the salient features of a team?

Answer: A team that comprises multiple types of individuals, should have faith and respect for each other. Each member of the team should have open communication and be able to work as a single entity.

Q #31) Why do you think people fail to deliver as a manager?

Answer: I think often managers tend to fail if they are not clear and explicit in their work. There will always be some difficult decisions made at the higher levels but the manager should always be responsible and open to his employees about these decisions. Otherwise, he may lose the confidence and faith of his employees.

Q #32) How will you convey a piece of bad news to your employees?

Answer: I will convey the bad news and also explain the cause of this. Besides, I shall also concentrate on the positive outcomes that may come because of this tough decision. I will also reply to the queries that my employees have.

Q #33) How will you bond with a new employee as a manager?

Answer: I will set up a discussion with the new employee to make him understand his roles and responsibilities and also gather information about him and what he looks forward to from me. In this way, we will get to know each other’s wavelength and work in agreement with each other in the future.

Q #34) Why are you leaving your present role?

Answer: I am looking for more challenging roles at work. Also, I feel I am not getting proper opportunities for career growth in my present position.

Q #35) Do you like taking work home?

Answer: I have always valued and maintained a work-life balance. Having said that, I know how important it is to complete deliverables within the time frame. So if required, I am ready to work at home as well.


We are confident that many of your queries about how to answer management interview questions will be resolved after reading this tutorial. We have discussed a wide range of questions and answers that are generally asked in a managerial interview.

Study the style of answering the questions, read them thoroughly, and practice as much as possible. Stay calm and focused. It is rightly said, “Slow and steady wins the race”.

Best of luck with your interview!!

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