List of Most Frequently Asked Agile Interview Questions And Answers to Help You Prepare For The Upcoming Interview:
In this technologically advanced world, with the increase in automation and different technical scopes, the client demands more accurate and more precise projects.
To fulfill such needs one can’t handle the task as a whole, it must be broken down into small segments and done accordingly.
Agile is one of the best methodologies to do that. Each employee in an agile team is a great asset to one’s company and for the same reason, the interviewer always seeks good knowledge in a candidate. So preparing yourself is always good to be on the safer side.

Here are some of the top hand-picked Agile interview questions which will help a candidate to become a member of the agile team.
Recommended reading =>
Table of Contents:
Top Agile And Scrum Interview Questions
Let’s start with the top Agile Scrum Methodology interview questions.
Q #1) How long does the Scrum cycle last?
Answer: Basically, the Scrum cycle depends on the project size and team size. Team size may vary from 3 members to 9 members. Normally, it takes 3 to 4 weeks to complete a Scrum sprint. On average, a scrum sprint ends in 4 weeks.
Q #2) What is the scrum of scrums?
Answer: Suppose there are 7 teams working on a project and each team has 7 members. Each team leads its own particular scrum meeting. Now to coordinate among the teams a separate meeting has to be organized, that meeting is called Scrum of Scrums.
An ambassador (a designated person who represents the team) represents the team in the scrum of scrums.
Few points discussed in the meeting are:
- The progress of the team, after the last meeting.
- The task to be done before the next meeting.
- Hindrance which the team had faced while completing the last task.
Q #3) Explain the term ‘increment’?
Answer: When the team finishes the sprint, hopefully, they have completed everything they forecasted. The sum of all the product backlog items that were completed in a sprint is called increments. This new increment also has the value of increment of the previous sprints.
Q #4) What is Sashimi?
Answer: Sashimi is a Japanese word that means a pierced body. It is a Japanese dish that consists of fresh meat or fish, sliced into thin pieces. Each piece is similar in taste when compared with the other pieces.
Sashimi in scrum methodology means every phase of the software development cycle in a sprint which includes requirement analysis, planning & design, development, testing, documentation is complete or not and the product is ready to be displayed, etc.
Q #5) What are impediments?
Answer: Any hindrance which prevents the smooth flow of work or due to which the team is not able to perform its task in a better way is what we call ‘impediments’.
Q #6) Explain ‘scrum poker’ or ‘planning poker’ technique.
Answer: Scrum poker, also called planning poker, is a card-based estimation technique that is based on a general agreement.
- To start, the agile user story is read either by the customer or the owner and the estimator understands its features.
- Each estimator has planning cards with different no. on it like 0,1,2,3,5,8 and so on. These values on the card are ideal days or story points.
- Estimators select cards based on their estimation by discussing features set by the product owner.
- If a common value is selected, it is an estimate, if not they discuss their max. and min. estimation.
- This process is repeated until a general agreement is reached.
Q #7) What are the principles of agile testing?
Answer: Some major principles of agile testing are:
- Customer satisfaction
- Bug-free clean code
- Changes are welcome by the customer
- The whole team, business people, and developers work collectively
- Instead of lengthy documentation, focus on the essence
- It focuses on face-to-face conversation
- It promotes sustainable development
Q #8) What are the disadvantages of the agile model?
Answer: Some of the disadvantages of using the agile model are as follows:
- Not easy to predict: When you encounter a large project, it is not easy to get an idea of how much effort will it require.
- If the guidelines given by the customers are not properly grasped, then the outcome of the project is not as per customer satisfaction.
- Sometimes focusing on design and documentation is not proper
- High-level decisions are under the hand of Veterans, if not combined with non-experienced ones, freshers have little scope to grasp proper knowledge.
Q #9) When to use the agile model?
Answer: There are some development and methodologies where you can use agile like feature-driven development, lean software development, crystal methodologies, and dynamic development.
Q #10) What is the Release candidate?
Answer: The release candidate is a code /version /build released to make sure that during the last development period, no critical problem is left behind. It is used for testing and is equivalent to the final build.
Q #11) In what way does agile testing(development) methodology differ from the other testing(development) methodologies?
Answer: In Agile methodology, the code is broken into small parts, and at a time, only that particular code is worked or tested. Continuous communication on the particular code part is done by a team so that the focus is only on that particular code. This makes the agile process more flexible and focused.
Q #12) Can agile methodology also be applied in other than software testing and development projects?
Answer: There are several places where agile methodology can be applied in the fields of biochemistry, biophysics, and bio-medical or the places where there is insufficient data, where the project needs to be completed in a small team, where work in unknown and there are several areas.
Q #13) How do you know if you are using agile development?
Answer: Whenever you are using certain things like test-driven development, time-boxed task board, class responsibilities collaborators, daily stand meetings, pair programming, continuous integration, reviews, and much more, you will get to know that you are using agile development
Q #14) Explain what is a story point in the scrum.
Answer: It can be considered as a unit to estimate the total efforts required to complete or to do a particular task or implement a backlog.
Q #15) What does the X and Y-axis of the burndown chart?
Answer: In burn down, chart X-axis shows working days and Y-axis shows remaining efforts.
Here, in the image blue line depicts the ideal time suggested for completing the project. For Example, in a project ideally, 28 tasks (efforts) are pending on the starting day of the project. The project is scheduled to be completed in 20 days. So, on the 20th day, zero tasks (efforts) should remain, which means the project should be completed.
On the other hand, the red line depicts the actual task (efforts) given concerning the days. Here on day 5, 7 tasks need to be completed as per planning, however, in actuality only 4 tasks were completed.
Thus, it provides proper tracking down of the progress of the project and thereby helps in improving the efficiency and on-time taken to deliver the project.
Q #16) What are the main roles in the scrum?
- Scrum Team: A Scrum team is made by a person who works collectively to achieve a particular task. The team works in a bond to deliver committed and requested products.
- Scrum Master: The Scrum Master is responsible for the proper execution or working of the scrum team. Being a servant-leader and a coach, he ensures the proper productivity of a team towards the scrum sprint goal.
- Product Owner: The product owner has the responsibility to deliver a complete picture of what to build and to convey that idea to the team.
Q #17) What is a product burndown chart?
Answer: A description in the form of a graph that shows implemented and not-implemented product backlog is called the burndown chart.
Q #18) What is the sprint burndown chart?
Answer: A graph used to describe the no. of implemented/non-implemented sprint in the Scrum cycle.
Q #19) What is the Release burndown chart?
Answer: The graph used to depict the pending release which was earlier planned is called Release Burn down the chart.
Q #20) What is the defect burn down chart?
Answer: The number of defects identified and removed is represented by the defect burn-down chart.
Q #21) What is the sprint planning meeting?
Answer: A sprint planning meeting is joined by all entities like the scrum master, product owner, and whole scrum team where they discuss the priority features of the team and product backlog items.
Q #22) What is a Sprint Retrospective meeting?
Answer: This is mostly the last part of the sprint or may be done after the sprint review meeting. The Scrum master and the whole team participate in it. They discuss ‘ what was good during the sprint’,’ what was bad’,’ what needs to be improved’. It generally lasts for 2-3 hrs.
Q #23) What do you know about ‘build-breaker’?
Answer: Sometimes developer accidentally commits a bug in the software and when such a bug stops the compilation process and generates a warning or failure in the normal execution of testing, we say that the build is broken and the major priority of the tester is to get back again to the normal stage by resolving the bug issue.
Q #24) Tell me something about Kanban?
Answer: Kanban is a tool that helps the team to overlook the work ie., its progress. Progress, as well as the status of your current development story, is perfectly described using Kanban and more accurately it is done by the ‘Kanban board’.
Kanban board allows you to write the whole scenario of your project in a single place so that you can get a perfect picture of the bottleneck, a task done, workflow progress, or the complete status of your project.
Q #25) Describe the places where ‘Scrum’ and ‘Kanban’ are used?
Answer: ‘Scrum’ is used when you need to shift towards a more appropriate or more prominent process while if you want improvement in running the process without many changes in the whole scenario, you should use ‘Kanban’.
Q #26) Why aren’t user stories simply estimated in man-hours?
Answer: Estimation of user stories based on man-hours can be done but preferably not. You won’t be able to concentrate on the quality product to be delivered to the customer. Moreover, you will concentrate on the cost and budget of the management while using man-hours.
Instead of, one can use story points, as they provide the complete idea about both the complexity of work and the required efforts
Q #27) Name three other Agile frameworks.
Answer: Test Driven Development, Feature Driven Development, and Kanban.
Q #28) Should the scrum master remove impediments on behalf of the scrum team?
Answer: Scrum master can do that, but he should not. The scrum master should neither over-rule nor pamper his/her team. Initially, there may be chances of failure, unplanned excursions, or dead-ends where the team can be trapped, here scrum master should support them and show them the proper way of getting out of it. A scrum team should be independent to make its own decision.
Also, read =>> Scrum Master interview questions and answers
Q #29) How does agile testing (development) methodology differ from other testing (development) methodologies?
Answer: In agile testing methodology, the entire testing process is broken into a small segment of codes, and in each step, these codes are tested. There are several processes or plans involved in this methodology like communication with the team, short strategical changes to get the optimal result, etc.
Q #30) How would Master recommend following up on action items?
Answer: The best way of doing that is by setting a follow-up of the task/list to be done by the member picked at the team retrospective. The scrum master should collect the information or status of the action items from the previous retrospective before moving further with the new one and if any of the action items remain uncovered or untreated, the cause or the reason should be known to avoid its further happening.
Q #31) Which are the top agile matrices?
- Velocity: Tracking your velocity gives you a clear idea about your progress, capacity, etc. Measurement can be done by the sum of all approved estimates of the stories.
- Work category allocation: This factor provides us with a clear idea about where we are investing our time or where to set priority.
- Defect removal awareness: Quality products can be delivered by active members and their awareness
- Cumulative flow diagram: With the help of this flow diagram, the uniform workflow can be checked, where the X-axis shows time and the Y-axis shows no. of efforts.
- Sprint burndown matric: Tracking on the completion of work along with the sprint is done.
- A business value delivered: Business value delivered is an entity that shows the team’s working efficiency. This method is used to measure, in which around 100 points are associated with each project. Business objectives are given value from 1,2,3,5 and so on according to complexity, urgency, and ROI.
- Defect resolution time: It’s a process where a team member detects the bug and priority intention by the removal of the error. A series of processes is involved in fixing the bug:
- Clearing the picture of a bug
- Schedule fix
- Fixation of Defect is done
- The report of resolution is handed
- Time coverage: Amount of time given to code in question in testing. It is measured by the ratio of no. of the line of code called by the test suite by the total no. of the relative lines of code (in percentage).
Agile methodology is designed to complete the task in a shorter time slot, which precisely satisfies the needs of the client and at the same time scrum is famous for its flexibility according to the requirements.
In this article, we have touched on the top Agile interview questions which are most popular and frequently asked. This, in turn, will surely benefit you from the point of an interview as well as brushing your Agile and Scrum knowledge.
All the best !!!
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