This Guide Covers Top Call Center Interview Questions and Answers With Examples. This List of Questions Can Help You Prepare For Any Call Center Interview:
Working in call centers is an attractive proposition for many. Whether you want to make some extra money or looking for a part-time job along with studies, flexible working hours at the Call centers suit everyone’s needs. On top of that, you don’t need to be highly educated nor need a lot of experience for this job.
At times, you have to deal with irate and unpleasant customers, however, you get paid to help people.

Usually, the questions asked in the Call Center Interviews are straightforward, and just a little preparation beforehand adds to your chances of clearing the interview.
Table of Contents:
Frequently Asked Call Center Interview Questions
Enlisted below are some of the commonly asked call center interview questions.
Q #1) What is the best way to handle an Irate Customer?
Answer: Regardless of the industry you work in, at some point, you will come across an irate, angry, or rude customer. It happens quite often with the call center jobs.
Thus, your employer would like to know if you can stay calm while handling calls from such customers. You will have to show that you can remain professional during their outbursts and try to help them.
You can say that you will hear them out and let them express their anger. Meanwhile, you will take notes of the key points mentioned in their outbursts.
After they calm down, you will repeat the issues they have been facing and then you will find the appropriate solution that will not only satisfy the irate customer but also lies within the parameters of the company’s policy.
Once the issues are resolved and the customer is happy, you will politely wish them a good day and end the call.
Q #2) Why did you leave your previous job?
Answer: This is a standard question in almost all the interviews. It is always advisable to have a convincing answer ready for this question, regardless of the reasons for which you left your past job. You must approach it in a positive light.
Say that you were looking for growth and you found your previous job saturated to offer you new horizons. Or, you can tell them that you are more interested in the products and services here and you think you can do better here.
Never bad-mouth your previous company or employer. It will only make you look unprofessional. Your interviewer is more inclined to know about how you will fit in this company rather than why you didn’t fit the previous one.
Q #3) Have you ever disagreed with your boss or have you been in conflict?
Answer: Here, the interviewer wants to know if you are brave enough to voice your opinion and yet follow the orders without being disruptive. Tell them that you are not afraid to interject if you think something can be done better.
If you disagree with your boss, you make it a point to have a discussion that helps you understand your boss’s perception and vice versa. It helps you manage conflicts constructively. You believe that good interpersonal skills and strong communication can resolve conflicts.
But at the same time, you are capable of following the orders given by them.
Q #4) Can you handle a High-pressure work environment?
Answer: Call center jobs are usually fast-paced and stressful. Hence, your employer wants to know if you can handle the pressure and that you will not crumble if the work starts getting hectic.
Tell them that you are a relaxed and calm person. You can organize and multi-task effectively. This will help you stay focused. Or, you can tell them that you push yourself under pressure, and that brings out the best in you. You like to work in an environment that is dynamic and fast-paced.
Q #5) Tell me about your weaknesses.
Answer: This is yet another common question asked at the interviews. You should be careful about how you answer it as it will say a lot about how you perceive yourself. Hence, turn your weaknesses into your strengths.
Avoid clichés like I am very punctual or ‘I am extremely dedicated to my work’. Demonstrate how self-aware you are and how you work on them.
You can say things like you can be easily convinced by customers to give them special rates and discounts. But you have learned conflict resolution and negotiating skills and now you can comfortably handle such requests assertively and courteously.
Q #6) Where do you see yourself in the future?
Answer: In this question, your employer wants to know about your career goals and ambitions. Let them know you are ambitious and want more than just collecting your paycheques. You can tell them that you want to work hard and distinguish yourself from your co-workers.
You want to be the top performer, and always be the best in what you do. You can also tell them that you want to evolve your communication and sales skills in a competitive environment and show yourself and everyone else that you have what is required to succeed.
Q #7) What do you like about the Call Center job?
Answer: Call center jobs have high turnover and not everyone enjoys working here. However, while answering this question, you have to show positivity. You can say that you love interacting with different people every day and enjoy helping them with their issues.
It gives you a strong sense of accomplishment. You can tell them that you love helping people and you like working with a tight-knit team.
Q #8) How do you rate your People Skills?
Answer: Don’t go overboard by praising your skills. Tell them that your people skills are good and you love working with people. Let them know that you can communicate pleasantly and effectively.
You can say that you can gel well with almost everyone and people always find it easy to talk to you. If you have ever volunteered for tasks like calling for donations or raising funds in schools or colleges, then let them know that as well.
If you have worked with call centers previously, let them know that you enjoyed working with people, solving their problems, and making them happy. Also, mention that you are a team player.
Q #9) Why do you think we should hire you?
Answer: For this question, you need to emphasize your people’s skills. Say your people’s skill makes you empathize with people pay attention to what they are saying and try to resolve their problem as simply and effectively as possible.
You can say that you have been appreciated for your work and that motivates you to outdo yourself every time and you enjoy helping people with issues. If you are bilingual, then you can mention that as well.
Q #10) Why do you want to work for us?
Answer: This is one of the most cliche questions that is asked in the interviews. Hence, before attending the interview, know about the company, its products, and its services. Settle on what interests you and why. It will tell them that you are interested in the job.
The answer that you give to this question will tell the interviewer if you are the kind of candidate that they are looking for. Don’t let this question stump you. It will tell them that you are not interested in the job or the company, nor just the paycheque. No company would like to hire such an employee.
Q #11) How are you planning to deliver great Customer Service?
Answer: While answering this question, tell them how actively you listen to customers and do everything possible to manage their time well by resolving their issues effectively and quickly. Let them know that you are invested in getting an in-depth knowledge of the product which would help you do your job efficiently.
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Q #12) Have you ever Poorly/Well-Handled a High-pressure situation?
Answer: Call centers often go through high-pressure situations. Hence, the employer wishes to hire someone who can handle such pressure and perform well.
In the answer to this question, the employer wants to know what steps you took when you were in this position and what was the outcome. Your experience with the call centers will give you stories to tell and based on those stories they will identify how you can face the stress at the job.
They will get a sense of what you consider as “good” handling, and if it is the same idea as them it is easier to train someone with similar ideas.
If you have stories about how poorly you handled a situation, it will tell them how critical you are of yourself. Don’t let them think you know it all. Own your mistakes as it is a sign which denotes that you are eager to learn and perform well.
Q #13) Are you familiar with different types of Call Centers and what is the difference between them?
There are two types of call centers:
- Inbound
- Outbound
In an Inbound call center, the customer service associates receive calls from the customers regarding the issues they are facing with the product, their demands, or queries.
In an Outbound call center, the customer service associates call people regarding the products and services related to the business or sales.
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Q #14) What are the main attributes that a Customer Service Representative must have?
A Customer Service Representative must be:
- Helpful
- Polite
- Friendly
- Professional
- Courteous
Without these qualities, a Customer Service Associate will not be able to survive and excel in the job. Concentration, good listening skills, Patience, and Problem-solving skills will help them to turn into a perfect customer service representative.
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Q #15) What is the procedure to follow while talking to a Customer?
Given below is the procedure for talking to a customer.
- Begin with greeting the customer.
- Introduce yourself.
- Ask them how can you be of any help to them.
- Listen patiently and wait till the customer finishes talking.
- Repeat what you have understood to make sure that you have got the issue right.
- If you have, then you can offer the best possible solution.
- Cross-check if the solution has helped them.
- Lastly, make sure they don’t need any further assistance.
- Bid them a good day.
Q #16) What do you understand by a Virtual Call Center?
Answer: A virtual call center is a software service or technology that enables a Customer Service Representative to connect to the customer from any location. There is a host server in this technology and several types of equipment that run the call center.
The service is provided on an annual or monthly subscription basis. The representatives can connect to the host server to get access to the consumer data. The best part about the virtual call center is that it allows you to work from home.
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Q #17) How will you turn down a request from a Valued Customer?
Answer: To turn down a request from any valued customer, the Customer Service Representative must do the following:
- Must remain calm, polite, and well-mannered.
- The agents must strictly adhere to company policies.
- Must explain the situation and give the customer a reason for denying the request.
- Make sure that the customer understands without feeling offended and that you stay reliable for him/her.
Q #18) If you have performance issues, how will you address them with your subordinates?
Answer: Here, you must elaborate on the steps that you will take and the solutions you will offer to them to improve their performance. If you have handled a similar situation, then cite an example from it.
For example, if you have a subordinate whom you see is struggling then you can do the following.
- You schedule a one-on-one conversation with them and that would help you to understand the root cause of the issue.
- Once you get a clear picture of the problem hampering the performance of that particular junior, then you offer them a detailed plan to help them find their way back.
- You then work with them to make sure that they understand the performance expectations and executions better.
Interviews are often nerve-racking for everybody. Taking some time to prepare thoughtful answers for the commonly asked interview questions will not only boost your chances to ace the interviews but will also help you gain confidence.
Remember that at the end of the day, all the call center employers want are employees who can calmly deal with all kinds of situations and job-related stress along with conflict handling. If you demonstrate that in your answers, then there could be no reason why you will not be hired.
All the best for your upcoming call center interview!!