How to Create an NFT: Make and Sell NFTs – A Complete Guide

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated November 12, 2024
Edited by Kamila

Edited by Kamila

Kamila is an AI-based technical expert, author, and trainer with a Master’s degree in CRM. She has over 15 years of work experience in several top-notch IT companies. She has published more than 500 articles on various Software Testing Related Topics, Programming Languages, AI Concepts,…

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Get to understand how to mint NFTs, what to use, the technology involved in minting them, etc. along with the simple process of how to create an NFT that can earn you more money:

NFT or Non-Fungible Token is a blockchain-based token that has a unique digital cryptographic fingerprint/identifier and authentication method that renders it unique to the owner and makes it not possible to exchange for another, copy, or duplicate. They are also indivisible into smaller units of themselves, unlike cryptocurrencies.

To successfully make NFTs for sale, you need to learn the platforms that are used to mint them, the process and technology of minting, how to do it and what content to use, and how to monetize them including sourcing for the market.

Creating NFTs is easy on multiple platforms but the difference is creating impactful, meaningful, and sellable NFTs.

How to Create an NFT: An In-Depth Study

How to Create an NFT

This tutorial explains exactly how to mint NFTs, what to use, the technology involved in minting them, and how to create NFTs that can earn you money.

Market Trends: 

  • The global NFT market will grow at a CAGR of 35% from 2022 to 2027 or from $3.0 billion to $13.6 billion with the Americas region holding the largest share. Men and millennials are the largest users of NFTs at 45% and 42% respectively as seen below.
  • There are about 3,000 officially listed NFT collections, 500 NFT coins, and over 50 NFT marketplaces.
  • Creating and trading NFTs is rather quick these days and you do not need coding unless when creating NFTs with advanced features. All you have to do is sign up, wait for approval, and upload the necessary content for crafting the NFT.
  • The cost of creating and listing an NFT for sale on modern marketplaces costs between 1% and 15%.
  • NFTs work on smart contracts to enable trading, transfer from wallet to wallet, and listing on exchanges and marketplaces.

NFT usage is high among millennials and men:

NFT Usage stats

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Expert Advice:

  • To determine which platform to use in creating and listing an NFT, check the features available for customizing your NFT, the listing price, and selling fees. Marketplaces also allow settings for royalties from the resale of your NFTs by other people. Most marketplaces pay between 5-10% on average in royalties. Therefore, you should check the percentage offered.
  • Another factor to check when deciding before deciding on the platform to use in creating and listing NFTs is the approval process with SuperRare and Nifty implementing tight approval procedures before you can list and sell NFTs.
  • Other NFT derivatives include NFT staking as offered on marketplaces like Kraken.

Uses of Non-Fungible Tokens

It is imperative to understand what the applications of NFTs are. This will help you create NFTs that can earn money or ones that can create the desired impact and intention.

  • Non-fungible tokens are mainly works of art but purely in the digital world but they can also be used economically, politically, religiously, historically, or otherwise to digitally and securely represent artwork, real-world assets, fantasy, personal/group/brand fame, or celebrity, virtual land or real-estate, music, games, in-game items, and videos in a way that gives their owners true ownership of that property through proper identification and authentication protocols. Technology, processes, and protocols must do so in a way that does not lead to infringing the owner’s intellectual property rights.
  • Non-fungible tokens are traded on cryptocurrency platforms commonly known as NFT marketplaces for economic and price speculation purposes but can also be sent, received, and stored in an NFT or Decentralized exchange wallet.
  • Non-fungible tokens can be in the form of a collectible where their owners can keep a library of tokens about issues they care about – games, etc. This is common with regular NFT buyers and the public. On the other hand, NFTs can be used for branding and marketing. They can allow companies to monetize the content that their fans, followers, and customers love and care about.
  • Non-fungible tokens can be used to tokenize real-world assets. For instance, each NFT can represent real estate.
  • Today, NFTs can also be staked. Some platforms allow users to mint or buy and stake NFTs to earn passive income from them as a form of investment.

Types of NFTs

typical types of NFT

There are different types of NFTs that you can aspire to create: They include:

  • Collectible items that are tradable, event tickets that give owners access to events like music festivals and concerts, etc, and music and media NFTs which are music and media converted to NFTs.
  • There are also in-game content NFTs (representing skins, avatars, clothing, armory, etc), big sports moments NFTs which are NFTs made from game sessions and video clips and highlights, virtual fashion NFTs, and real-world asset NFTs for representing things like real estate and luxury items.
  • Other types of NFTs are meme NFTs, as well as domain names NFTs provided by Ethereum Name Service and Unstoppable Domains.

What is an NFT From a Technology Point of View

NFT Timeline

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First of all, you do not need to understand programming to craft an NFT today. You can use simple drag-and-drop features to craft NFTs.

Therefore, unless you are interested in developing complex NFT smart contracts, NFT marketplaces, or platforms that allow users to create and trade these NFTs, you might not need to understand or be skilled in NFT programming. Otherwise, you can use simpler tools to build all of these without even learning to code.

Most NFT creation platforms and marketplaces will automatically inherit the functions of the smart contract for the ERC 271 and other standards for you, provide the creation environment, and allow you to specify (through graphical interfaces) things like the name of the token, the number of tokens, and other things.

Technologically speaking, NFTs are based and crafted on the blockchain, which is a distributed database that enables nodes on distributed computers on the particular network to each simultaneously run and host a similar copy of a decentralized ledger of transactions carrying a similar version of the truth about these transactions and the state of the network.

They use the same type of programming as cryptocurrencies.

However, their unique characteristics make them non-fungible unlike cryptocurrencies or other monetary currencies like the USD. The non-fungible aspect is embedded right in the standards of the underlying blockchain.

Blockchain employs cryptographic protocols. The decentralized nodes in the network all verify transactions and once this is done, the transactions are added to a blockchain and become immutable. They employ cryptographic encryption and digital signatures and authentication hence making them secure.

NFTs also employ smart contracts which tell you that most are based on blockchains that support smart contracts (automated sets of code defining transactions and their states), making them possible to exchange and trade on a peer-to-peer basis.

NFTs use either on-chain or off-chain storage for their metadata files (where your image, name, description, and other attributes of the NFT are stored). Storing them off-chain will allow NFTs to interact with different blockchains with ease. Off-chain can include centralized (cloud) or decentralized servers (for instance the IFPS).

For centralized storage, only the link is stored on the blockchain and the owner of the server can obviously change the metadata and the link.

Once this metadata is hosted, an NFT creation platform, for instance, a marketplace provides access to the metadata to the client who wants to craft an NFT. The client can transfer these metadata to their preferred IDs etc.

Popular NFT Examples

#1) CryptoKitties: These are blockchain-based games in which a user can purchase, collect, breed and sell virtual cats.


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#2) NBA Top Shot NFTs: These are NFTs made from collectible and tradeable video clips of NBA top game moments from the National Basketball Association and Women’s National Basketball Association games.

NBA Top Shot

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#3) Decentraland real estate NFTs: Every piece of virtual land on Decentraland is an NFT that is tradable and can be developed by the owner.


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Common NFT Technology Standards

How to create NFTs on NFT marketplaces:

how to create NFT on marketplaces

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  • ERC 721: This standard was released in 2018 and the smart contract standard allows each token to be unique and independent from others on the same blockchain. Each token is identified by an unchangeable unique ID, a unit256 variable that cannot be assigned to any other. A new smart contract is needed to create each token.
  • ERC 1155: This smart contract standard allows people to create both fungible and non-fungible tokens with the same contract for instance both existing in the same gaming platform for different reasons. A function is used to create a new token and add it to a pool.
  • Flow-NFT standard: While ERC standards are written in Solidity coding language, Flow is written in Cadence. The blockchain employs proof of stake already. Smart contracts in the Flow-NFT standard are upgradeable. They are first deployed in a beta state and can later be improved to a final immutable state.

Ethereum Blockchain

Tools Used to Program NFTs on Ethereum and How to Do It

The first thing to start with is to understand the different coding languages that are used to craft NFT smart contracts. These include Solidity, Cadence, etc. Other tools needed include OpenZeppelin, Remix, Molaris, Rinkeby, etc.

FreeCodeCamp and have provided information on how you can craft an NFT without knowing a line of code. All you need is an Ethereum address like Metamask, Alchemy, NodeJS/NPM command line, or JavaScript runtime environment installed on your computer.

#1) Using Remix

Step #1: Create a wallet address on Matamask; choose the network. You can start with Ropsten for test projects. Otherwise, use the Mainnet.

Download and install IPFS on your desktop/laptop to become an IPFS node – most NFT data is stored offline on IPFS. Upload any files you want and get a sharable link for the files.

Step #2: You can then use the free open-source Ethereum Remix IDE web app to create the NFT smart contract by making a Solidity file as shown in the image below. You can, for instance, use the 0xcert/ethereum-erc721 contract to create the NFT contract. Other protocols can be used as well.

Create a new file on Remix tool:

Ethereum Remix IDE

You can copy the following code to the file created. This will import the ERC71 contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.6;

import "";
import "";

contract myNFT is NFTokenMetadata, Ownable {

constructor() {
  nftName = "myNFT";
  nftSymbol = "myNFT";

function mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId, string calldata _uri) external onlyOwner {
  super._mint(_to, _tokenId);
  super._setTokenUri(_tokenId, _uri);


Compile the contract by clicking on the compiler from Remix. Click Deploy and Run transactions to deploy the contract. Choose Inject Web3 to deploy it and make sure it is connected to Metamask’s Ropsten testnet. Click Confirm on MetaMask to deploy it.

Step #3: Mint the NFT: Visit Deployed Contracts on Remix and expand the contract. Insert the Ropsten address in the _to the field (you can use the Mainnet address if that is the case), put any number value in the _tokenid field, and insert the IPFS URL to the _uri field.

Click transact and confirm on MetaMask.

Deployed contracts on Remix tool:

Deployed contracts on Remix

#2) Using Alchemy (see further instructions from the Alchemy page to do this)

Step #1: Download and install MetaMask and select Ropsten as your network as a test network or the Mainnet if ready. Create an account on, select Buckets from the left sidebar menu, enter the bucket name, choose the IPFS storage network, create the bucket, select the bucket from the list click upload, and then upload the files for the NFT.

Create an account on Alchemy which allows you to connect to an Ethereum node, and create an app there. Initialize the project by running the necessary code to create the nft project directory (mkdir and cd).

Step #2: Create an Ethereum folder inside the previous folder and initialize the latter with Hardhat tool that needs to be installed on your computer. It is a development tool to deploy and test Ethereum software.

Step #3: Proceed to initialize the web app using Next.js. After this, you will need to create .env variables inside the Ethereum directory and install the dotenv. All these things are done using code. Then write the smart contract for the NFT. This is done by accessing the contract’s source files in the Ethereum folder.

Step #4: The next thing is to build a simple API endpoint to resolve the NFT information as JSON. This is done using the Next.js project by accessing the web/ folder. The next thing is to use a tool like ngrok to expose the metadata.

This will expose the local host to a publicly accessible URL. The next thing is to deploy the NFT after which it is visible on the blockchain on the ropsten test network.

Step #5: The NFT can now be transferred for listing and sale on any marketplace like OpenSea using the URL.

Flow Blockchain

Coding an NFT on Flow Blockchain

API endpoint to mint NFTs on Flow:

API endpoint for minting NFT on Flow

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Step #1: Generate a wallet and a wallet address to be the minter address on the blockchain. This is done using Tatum. The next step is to create and deploy a standard NFT smart contract on the blockchain through one simple API call.

The blockchain will register a pre-deployed Flow smart contract to mint from. Otherwise, it will take weeks to deploy a completely new one as it requires auditing by the Flow team. Each address is used once to deploy an NFT smart contract. You can register for multiple sections of the smart contract.

Step #2: From the transaction ID, you can generate a contact address that you can use to issue new unique tokens using the Mint NFT endpoint. The NFT has a unique automatically generated token ID.

Step #3: You can use the Transfer NFT Token endpoint to transfer tokens from the address where they are issued. The NFT Account balance endpoint is used to display the balance.

Other Software Used to Craft NFTs

There also is tens of NFT creator software including NFT Creator, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Krita, Nifty Ink, NightCafe, SketchAR, Corel Painter, GoArt, TwistedBrush Pro Studio, DropKit, Async, and PixelChain, among others.

NFT Marketplaces

NFT marketplaces

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There are also multiple other NFT creation platforms that also serve as NFT marketplaces. These include Rarible, OpenSea, NBA Top Shot, Binance, Nifty Gateway, and SuperRare.

How to use Software to Craft NFTs: A General Guide for Most Marketplaces and Platforms

Typical steps for creating an NFT:

Typical steps for creating an NFT

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Step #1: Decide what type of NFT you want. You also need to research a few things including the types of files accepted by different marketplaces and platforms (e.g., JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, MP4, WEBM, MP3, WAV, OGG, GLB, and GLTF).

Research the file size accepted by different platforms and marketplaces. Think about your audience, marketing, and features that make NFTs stand out, learn from other creators, and invest in knowledge.

Step #2: Choose the platform on which to sell your NFT. Some require you to pay a one-off fee and then you can mint without paying any other fees. You also need to decide on the platform based on fees.

For instance, Flow and Polygon lets you craft and sell NFTs at a lower cost. Of course, many people want to create NFTs for sale and therefore choose platforms based on that.

Step #3: Set up a wallet. This is where you store the NFTs. In this case, MetaMask is one of the most common because most NFTs are built on the blockchain. Of course, there are mobile, desktop, web, and extension wallet apps each having its own different usage protocols.

Step #4: Connect the wallet to the platform. Connecting wallets to modern-day NFT marketplaces and platforms is as easy as pressing a button. After this, you can log in and sync your wallet. Most NFT marketplaces and NFT platforms allow you to select on which blockchain you are minting the NFT.

A good number support the top ten blockchains that support NFTs including Ethereum, Tezos, Flow, Polygon, and Solana.

Step #5: Create an NFT – Most NFT marketplaces allow you to access the Create/Mint NFT page to initiate the project. We should say some are drag and drop and open an interface that allows you to add content by way of drag and drop. Others allow you to upload images and other content before starting to process the NFT.

For most, unless you are crafting an advanced NFT using smart contract code from scratch, it requires uploading content from which to craft the NFT, writing a name, and description, and putting a link to your web or social media for users to learn more and deciding on the pricing and pricing method (fixed price, auctions, etc).

Some platforms let you create a collections folder before you can narrow down to minting NFTs in these collections. Others will place your newly created NFT on a default collection that you can edit later on by adding more NFTs or changing the name. It is up to you.

For most marketplaces and platforms, you can start by creating a new item. Some have icons like the image icon that lets you upload from a computer or drag an image. The process is easier if you are converting an image or video into an NFT without other additions. Otherwise, the process can be more complicated.

For some, you can add a URL pointing to your websites and/or your social media accounts/pages like Twitter and Facebook. You will, on almost all platforms, have to name the new NFT. The description field allows you to type in content for your buyers to see what your NFT is all about when buying it.

Step #6: The next process after listing it on a marketplace is marketing the NFT. For most marketplaces, it happens with a click of a button.

#1) OpenSea

How to Create and Sell NFT on OpenSea

NFT Opensea

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Step #1: Create an account on the website

Step #2: Click on the Create tab. This takes you to the NFT item creation page. Upload the videos, images, or any other files you want to use for creating NFT.

Step #3: Fill in the name of the NFT, its description, and a link to your web page or other pages you want to be included in the description section of the NFT. The link will help customers who want to find more details about the project.

Step #4: Customize the NFT. This stage allows you to add the NFT to an existing collection, the number of items to mint, the blockchain on which to mint the NFT, etc.

How to sell NFTs on OpenSea

Step #1: Click the Profile icon from the top right of the page. Select the NFT you want to sell (must be created), and click Sell on the top right.

Step #2: Price the NFT. Click on the Type of Sale and Price. You can establish the NFT price for the Fixed Price sale. From the Method on the Timed Auction button, you can also set Timed Auction sales. Timed means it ends after a specified period.

Auctions allow you to sell to the highest bidder or with a declining price (price falls till someone buys). With a declining price, you set the starting and ending prices.

The Auction sells, by default, to anyone who finishes with above 1 ETH as the bid price, otherwise, the seller decides to whom to sell the NFT.

The seller can accept the bid at any time and the seller needs WETH to create a bid. The seller can cancel the auction at any time at the cost of some gas fees. If any bids are made in the last 10 minutes of an auction will extend the auction by 10 more minutes.

Step #3: Click or tap Complete listing.

Fees and loyalties: 2.5% fees.

Website: OpenSea

#2) Rarible

How to create and sell NFTs on Rarible:

NFT Rarible

Rarible currently enables users to create NFTs on five blockchains. These are Ethereum, Tezos, Flow, Polygon, and Solana.

Step #1: Visit the Rarible website. You will need to also connect your Ethereum or other blockchain wallets. Examples of wallets to use include MetaMask.

You need some cryptocurrency in your wallet creating NFT on most blockchains. You will need to pay some gas fees. Thus, you can prepare for this by buying the cryptocurrency in question e.g. Ethereum if using the Ethereum blockchain, Blocto when using Flow, Spire, and others when using Tezos, and Sol if using Solana.

Lazy minting – where you do not pay any gas fees – is also available on Ethereum and some other blockchains, but it will cost your first buyer more in gas fees. Choose Free minting in this case.

The Create button is at the top of the page.

Step #2: Select the blockchain. After this, decide whether you want to create only one in a single series or several prints of the same series or edition.

Step #3: Upload the content and customize the NFT. The next screen allows you to upload the media with which you want to build the NFT. Choose the price. You can set to sell at a fixed price, an Auction price where the NFT sells for a limited time and the highest bidder takes it, or leave it open for bids.

Choose the name, description, royalties where you get a percentage from the resale of the NFTs by other people, and other information. Click Create item. The wallet asks you to sign and pay for gas fees. The lazy minting option allows you to the mint for free.

The NFT will be put under the Rarible collection once created but you can create a separate one.

Fees and loyalties: 2.5% fees.

Website: Rarible

#3) SuperRare

NFT SuperRare

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Creating and selling NFTs on SuperRare

Creating an NFT requires you to apply and gain approval from the Labs. Artists must also create one-of-one art NFTs (meaning there are no multiple copies of a series or edition) to ensure they are of high quality. It specializes in fine art and controls quality as a result of the rigorous admission procedure.

The good thing is that artists get a 10% royalty fee for all resale or secondary sales of the listed NFTs.

The marketplace also features mini-marketplaces called Spaces which also admit new artists every month. Each of these is controlled by operators who must submit proposals through an official forum.

It is recommended that they be posted on the Discord server for review before voting in a 48-voting window that comes twice each month. 10 new spaces are admitted each month.

How to Create and Sell NFTs on SuperRare

Step #1: Make an application: An application is made using an official Google Form. The application requires a one-minute video introduction and submitting your best original artwork on Google Drive.

Step #2: Visit This is what to do after you have been whitelisted or your application is successful. The link will take you to the uploading environment. Upload your artwork, enter the title, your username, tags, year of creation, and a description of your work.

Step #3: Click Issue token, agree to terms, and begin tokenization: The MetaMask extension pops up. Connect the wallet and approve it, set the gas price, and confirm the transaction on the blockchain. This applies to the case of Ethereum.

Step #4: Check minting progress: Etherscan provides progress or you can visit your SuperRare profile to see if there is a Tokenization complete message that confirms completion.

You can now navigate to Markets and check the recently minted NFTs from the Recently Active->Newest section.

Step #5: List and auction the NFT: Select collections or creations from your profile, then click on the three dots to view the fly-down and select Start the auction.

Reserve auctions let you set reserve prices or the minimum acceptable price (but bidding is a 24-hour action) while the scheduled auction lets you decide when the bidding starts, the starting price and the time bidding stops (up to 7 days).

Collectors can also offer a price for your NFTs under the Offer pricing option. Here, they determine the pricing. Set your gas price and confirm the transaction on the connected crypto wallet. You can visit Markets to view your Auctions.

Click or tap Settle Your Auctions to release NFTs to the highest bidder. You can also withdraw the offer.

Fees and royalties: SuperRare charges 15% reduced from the total sales, but this reduces to 10% on subsequent sales. You can set to earn 15% of royalties for each resale of your created NFTs, but royalties reduce to 10% per NFT for subsequent resale. Collectors get a 1% royalty from resale which diminishes to 0.625% each for subsequent resale.

Website: SuperRare

#4) Binance

Creating NFTs on Binance compares to doing it on Kraken, Coinbase, KuCoin, and Solsea.

How to Create NFTs on Binance:

NFT Binance1

Step #1: Create and verify an account on the Binance website or mobile app.

Step #2: Create NFT. To create an NFT visit the NFT page, click/tap Create, add the name of the NFT, add a description, choose the blockchain network, and select which collection on which you want the NFT to be, or click on + Add a new collection to create a collection.

Click Properties to add content and up to 100 properties on the NFT from the Add More button. Read the minting rules and click Create. Wait for the completion of the minting. Go to View items and click List NFT to list in the marketplace.

How to Create a Collection:

NFT Collection Binance

How to create an NFT collection on Binance:

Create NFT collection – Visit Binance NFT Marketplace, click/tap Create, and click/tap + Collection on the pop-up. Alternatively, visit User Center on the Binance NFT Marketplace, and then + Create New Collection.

Name the collection, give it a description, select its category, upload images, and select which blockchain you want the NFT collection and NFT to be created (Binance and Ethereum so far supported). Enter the symbol to be used to create the smart contract and appear below the token tracker.

Click/tap Add a wallet to bind a wallet address to the collection or leave it (this makes it possible to claim ownership of the collection on the DeFi marketplaces).

If you choose to add a wallet address you will be prompted to connect a wallet (MetaMask or WalletConnect which adds on many other wallets with it).

Customize the loyalty fee by entering between 1-10%. You can also proceed to add social media accounts where your new collection will be published (Twitter, Discord, Instagram, Facebook, and Telegram).

Read and agree to the rules and service terms then click/tap Create. Read the sales policy and/or click/tap Continue. You will receive an email confirmation when the collection is ready and you can view and edit it from the User Center.

Fees and loyalties: 1% for creators and traders. Up to 10% of loyalties are paid to creators.

Website: Binance

#5) Nifty Gateway

Nifty Gateway offers a marketplace for the publication, sale, and resale of digital art. It is a centralized marketplace in contrast to decentralized marketplaces like OpenSea. It allows users to create from scratch as well as list existing NFTs for sale, for instance from the MetaMask wallet.

One advantage is that it uses credit card payment for selling and buying NFTs. The funds are converted into stablecoins when received as payments, though they are still withdrawable via bank. A second one is that traders can list as well as sell and buy NFTs to and from each other wallet to wallet directly from external wallets. It also features a secondary market.

How to Create, List, and Sell NFTs on Nifty Gateway:

  • Sign up and set up an account: Create a username, upload a profile photo, choose a budget, select an art type, write something about yourself, add a payment method e.g. credit/debit card or Gemini wallet from, and link your MetaMask wallet. You can also set up your 2FA.
  • Create Nifties from though you will need to apply as a creator: Click Create in the top right, add a collection, and add content to your NFT. Creating follows the same process of uploading, naming, describing, and then listing on the primary marketplace. You can create open editions that have no set supply, limited editions, and set sale auctions or offer instant selling.
  • List for sale: You must first all register as a seller on the Stripe dashboard and you need to connect a credit/debit card or bank account. Also, newly released NFTs must be reviewed and verified. Listings are allowed on the primary market for created NFTs. You can also mint it elsewhere and transfer it for sale on the platform. To list, visit your profile by clicking on your profile image on the page and going to Collections. Choose which NFT to sell within the collection. Click the List for Sale button below the NFTs release date. Enter the price and confirm the listing. Visit the Nifty Gateway Omnibus wallet via MetaMask and click on the Nifty you wish to sell on the secondary market. Choose a price and tap Put on sale. Approve the transaction. This will be for sale on the marketplace. You can also send and receive Nifties from and to anyone.

Fees and Loyalties: 5% plus 30 cents for every sale plus Ethereum gas fees.

Website: Nifty Gateway

Marketing Your Listed NFT

There are many ways through which you can market a listed NFT and collection. Marketing can be integrated as part of the NFT design and creation process and hence does not have to be an afterthought.

This is imperative if you are using an NFT for branding and to make money. Given there are millions of NFTs today, you might need to do hard selling especially if it is not a popular brand.

Ways of marketing your NFT and how to market it:

#1) Use NFT calendars: NFT calendars allow you to list an NFT drop regardless of the marketplace in which you list the NFT. People look at these calendars for new NFTs – including free drops – so it may gain some attention.

Simply find the NFT calendar, create an account, and add your drop by filling in a form with the main details of the release, and submitting the drop and it will appear on a list after review.

#2) Use social media channels: You can post direct links to your drop, make a direct announcement about the release, or prepare an audience who knows nothing about NFTs by posting content regarding NFTs. Many people also create threads on Reddit/Bitcoin as a way of announcing to the crypto and tech community about your NFT.

#3) Create an eye-catching teaser: Teasers can be posted on social media or on NFT marketplaces where they are allowed.

#4) Feature an NFT on a marketplace: You can discuss and arrange for this one directly with the NFT marketplace in question or several of them.

#5) Newsletters: You can also arrange to feature newsletters run and sent out by NFT marketplaces or general media to their audiences, especially media in the field of NFTs. Some NFT Calendars also send out newsletters to their audiences.

#6) Ask friends and colleagues to support the NFT: You can ask them to post about the NFTs on social media.

#7) Try paid methods of listing on NFTs: These include paid ads, influencers, and PR articles about the drop and listing on marketplaces.

Brands create awareness about their NFT releases by collaborating with influencers with millions and hundreds of millions of followers, including artists, celebs, and other famous people. You can get a PR article on medium or crypto/NFT media, and niche websites.

#8) Create a website or separate page about your NFT: This will help your audience who want to get information about the project but can also be very helpful if the website already has a sizable audience.

#9) Build a community around your NFTs, albums, or series of them: How to create NFT, how to make an NFT, how to make NFT art, how to sell NFT, how to create NFT art, how to sell NFT art, how to make money with NFT, how to make and sell NFT.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best platform to create and sell NFTs?

The top ten NFT marketplaces currently include OpenSea, Axie Marketplace, Larva Labs, NBA Top Shot Marketplace, Rarible, SuperRare, Foundation, and Nifty Gateway.
These marketplaces are categorized as the best as each offers the best range of NFTs, has thousands to millions of creators each, allows minting at very cheap rates, pays royalties, and many other advantages.

2. How much does it cost to create and sell NFTs?

The cost to create an NFT ranges from $0.05 to over $150. The most costly is Ethereum at the cost of $70 while Solana is the cheapest at $0.01 on average to create NFTs. Marketplace fees range from 2.5% to 5%.

3. Can I create my NFT?

Yes, of course. You can create and trade NFTs on many NFT creation platforms and marketplaces today. It is very easy to create an NFT today. Simply sign up with a platform, upload content, name and describe your NFTs, and then come up with pricing. You will then need to publish it on the marketplace for sale.

4. How much do NFT owners make?

NFT sellers make 5-10% on average in royalties on most marketplaces. Most of these marketplaces allow traders to decide and set the royalty percentages. Creators and sellers of NFTs make much more than this based on how much an NFT is priced.

5. How to create an NFT for free?

Here are the steps:
Step #1: Creating an NFT requires you to sign up with an NFT marketplace although you can also code an NFT smart contract from scratch. Marketplaces are easier.
Step #2: NFT Marketplaces will allow you to connect to a wallet. After this, you create a collection, and then start creating NFT inside the collection.
From there, simply select the blockchain on which the NFT will be created, upload the original content from which the NFT is crafted, and then give it a name and description. The next thing is to give it a price and choose the mode of pricing and list it for sale on the marketplace.


This tutorial dwelt on how to create NFTs easily and through smart contracts. We detailed how to create NFTs on main marketplaces – Binance, Rarible, SuperRare, Nifty Gateway, and OpenSea as examples. The latter is the most domineering in terms of total NFTs created, NFT trading volumes, and the number of clients around the world.

All these allow you to create an NFT and list it for trading with Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. Creating an NFT and listing may require you to pay gas fees which vary per marketplace.

We see that creating and listing an NFT on most of these platforms is not difficult as it requires signing up and uploading the content needed to create the NFTs. However, you may need to apply for approval when needing to create NFTs on SuperRare and Nifty Gateway. These may have quality checks before you can list the NFT for trading.

=>> Contact us to suggest a listing here.

Research Process:

  • Time taken to write, research, and review this tutorial: 30 hours

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