Read this tutorial to find out How to Improve Communication Skills with valuable strategies. Explore some statistics and interesting facts about communication skills:
If you have even seen a job posting, I am positive you have come across good communication skills as one requirement. This is not just for a software testing job but for almost all professions. What is it about good communication that makes it so critical?
The answer is, no one works in solitude. We are all part of a team, big or small. Unless we learn to communicate and communicate well at that, ideas remain unexplored and unshared. Collaboration is truly only possible when we share thoughts and ideas, seek feedback, exchange best practices, etc. We can only achieve all of this through good communication.
In case you ever wonder why communication matters, remember that poor communication can cause disagreements and misunderstandings. Even in interpersonal relations, poor communication makes for higher friction and strained connections.
Table of Contents:
Improve Communication Skills – Valuable Strategies
Why are Communication Skills Important
Good Communication skills make you a better communicator. That is important because:
- It helps build your professional image
- Improves relationships with coworkers and managers
- Makes client and customer communication smoother
- Improves your confidence
- Eases collaboration in terms of better idea sharing
What is Effective Communication
So much is said about communication that we can lose the essence of what effective communication is. In my opinion, it is simply achieving ease in translating thoughts into words and making sure the audience(whether it is one person on the other end, the entire team, an interview panel, etc.) understands it with as little distortion to the information as possible.
Let’s look at some statistics and interesting facts about communication skills.
Here is a quick chart from that shows what companies are expecting from their newly hired employees and it is not surprising that communication skills are at the forefront.
Check out another chart that shows what are the most important soft skills that employers expect their employees to have:
[image source]
Effective communication at the workplace is an absolute must and the good news is that it’s a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured.
Communication can further be categorized into:
- Verbal
- Non-verbal
- Written
Let’s look at each of these in detail and come up with some communication strategies that can help you improve your communication skills.
Verbal Communication
Verbal communication, simply put, is interaction in the form of speech. When communicating verbally, it is important to be clear and straightforward. This could either be a formal work-related conversation or an informal chat in the elevator or break room.
[image source]
A good communicator may be able to negotiate a salary increment, set actionable performance goals, or ace an interview. Whereas poor communication can really set things back.
This article is full of tips on how to improve communication skills for an interview or how to improve communication skills at home and other several situations and other workplace situations.
Here are the 10 tips to improve Verbal Communication skills:
#1) Be clear:
- Speak clearly and get straight to the point. Especially in today’s world of virtual meetings, it is important to be clear and to the point, so that what you intend to say reaches its audience.
- If you are a non-native speaker, understand the nuances of language. Avoid expressions and references that you are not unsure of.
- Pause to allow for questions and discussion points
#2) Prepare: If it is a meeting that you have advanced notice about, prepare some communication points. Make notes if necessary. If it’s an interview, anticipate questions in advance and practice your answers. It may also be a good idea to record yourself speaking and notice where your responses can be improved or if there are fillers in your speech that need editing.
Watch out for “you know” or “so”, etc. We all have those connectors that become crutches and make our speaking sloppy. Work towards eliminating them and creating better flow in your sentences.
#3) Listen: Actively listen to what the other person is saying and make notes if necessary. When things are unclear, paraphrase or ask for clarification.
#4) Follow up: In large meetings, it helps to note the minutes of the meeting and follow up with an email outlining the points discussed and any action items agreed upon. You can also seek verbal confirmation, such as:
- We agree to meet the deadline by the end of the month, correct?
- There are no follow-up items on this discussion.
- Do I understand correctly that we want to move to the cloud from on-premise?
#5) Avoid controversy: When discussing informal subjects, do not venture into controversial topics- such as politics- keep it light and professional.
#6) Set aside distractions:
- Don’t use your phone or answer texts while engaging in a one-to-one conversation.
- Give the speaker your 100% attention.
- Avoid judgments or preconceived notions.
- Do not assume that you know what they are going to say.
#7) Include: When there is more than one person in the room, do not just focus all your attention on one person. Make everyone feel included.
#8) Be positive: Keep in mind that the outcome of a meeting or discussion may not result in the outcome you expected. In cases like that, try and understand the other person’s perspective, agree to disagree, or take time to get back to them after you have had time to ponder over their opinions.
#9) Interrupt: If you do need to interrupt someone midway, do so respectfully. Employ terms similar to “the following” and intend them:
- Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to divert our attention to topic XYZ.
- Thank you for bringing up that point, but I am looking for a little more detail on the previous topic.
- I would love to hear more, but we are close to the end time for this meeting. Can I set up a follow-up?
- Raise your hand if it’s an online meeting or other features that the online meeting platform might offer.
#10) Ask questions: Asking questions is not only a perfect way to achieve greater depth in a conversation but a great way to steer into new thinking paths.
- Ask questions to seek clarification
- Ask questions to play devil’s advocate
- Ask questions to go deeper than the current conversation level
- Ask questions to get confirmation of your understanding
- Do not ask questions to prove the speaker incorrect. If you do find their knowledge incorrect, correct respectfully.
- Do not ask questions in an offensive manner
Another variation to verbal communication is presentation. It is very important to keep your audience interested and engaged. It is no easy task and takes some skills and practice to achieve that.
Tips to keep your audience engaged:
- Make sure the topic of your presentation is useful and tailored to benefit its audience. Example: If there is a presentation on good golf equipment, no matter how charismatic, I am going to lose interest since I am completely disinterested in this topic. However, if this presentation was made for golf players, they would be the right audience.
- Keep the presentation short and to the point.
- Use images, charts, and pictures to simplify complex concepts.
- Ask your audience questions and encourage them to ask you questions.
- When possible, paint a picture or tell a story. For example, it can be very boring to just present numbers and data. But instead, if we talk about how a certain statistic has a real-life impact, that is most useful to the listeners.
- Do your research and be the subject matter expert so you can tailor your presentation to a high level of detail.
The other side of a presenter is the listener. Being a good listener is also an important aspect of being an effective communicator, especially in the workplace.
How to be a better active listener?
- Remove distractions. Keep your devices away and if you are using a device to make notes, let the speaker know of it.
- Give your 100% attention to the speaker.
- Ask questions if you have any.
- Repeat what you have heard and ask if there are any gaps in your understanding.
- Keep your preconceived notions and judgments aside.
- Provide feedback if your opinions are not in line with the speaker in a respectful manner.
- Maintain appropriate body language, such as making eye contact, keeping your voice at the appropriate volume level, etc.
Non Verbal Communication
Humans are sensory beings. There is more than one sense at play at all times. You might say one thing, but your attitude and demeanor might convey something else.
For example, you might say you are really interested in the job but might be late for the interview or you are not appropriately dressed for the role. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the nuances to be an effective communicator.
[image source]
5 tips to improve your nonverbal communication skills:
#1) Make eye contact: Nothing says “I don’t care about you or what you are saying” like not looking the person in the eye when you are talking to someone. In addition, stand straight and avoid slouching. Speak slowly and at the right volume, depending on where the conversation is happening.
#2) Be earnest: Be a person of integrity because no matter how neatly told, a lie is still a lie. Keep your conversations truthful and earnest.
#3) Develop empathy: Be mindful of others, their feelings, and their emotions. Someone might be having a bad day and an offhand remark can really make it worse. Therefore, choose your words carefully and empathetically. Thank people genuinely. Mutual respect can go a long way in interpersonal communication.
#4) Be consistent: Be on time for meetings, communicate if you are going to be late, apologize if you have a reason to, and greet people with a smile on your face. Small actions have a big impact.
#5) Keep your emotions in check: If there is a topic or a person that causes your emotions to go berserk, defer conversations or knee-jerk email replies. Take time to compose yourself, prepare what you have to say, say it clearly, and avoid reacting rashly.
Last, but not least, written communication.
Written Communication
Written communication is interesting because you can take your time to compose your response, but written words have longer posterity. Written communication can be informal via Skype, Slack or Microsoft teams chat. Or it can be more formal such as writing white papers, project reports, etc.
[image source]
5 tips to improve your written communication skills:
#1) Understanding context: Consider what is the best way to convey your message email vs. chat vs. phone call vs. walking to someone’s cubicle.
Sometimes it might just be better to walk to someone’s cubicle and get the answers you need versus long email chains. But if the teams are remote and there is more than one person a message needs to reach, it might have to be an email.
Another aspect of context is editing or designing your message as per the audience. For example, for a project report, technical teams might want to know different information vs. the management team. Therefore, your report must be written keeping in mind the audience it’s catering to.
#2) Avoid wordy sentences: If and when you decide that an email is the best way to go about it, avoid writing long sentences and verbose paragraphs.
- State your information succinctly and unambiguously.
- State your purpose and the outcome precisely.
- If you need a report(or something else), mention that clearly. If there is a deadly, underline it and make sure it stands out.
- Only send the email to those who need to act on the information or need to know the information. Do not CC the entire world.
- Similarly, when replying to a mass email communication, take a minute to consider the recipients’ list.
- Have the subject match the email content.
- When it is too much information, consider calling for a quick meeting.
- Check for the size and contents of the attachments
- Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
#3) Use visual aids such as images, graphs, and charts. A picture is worth 100 words, right? Sometimes, it’s very hard to communicate complex ideas, trends, and outcomes in words. In such cases, use visual aids.
Some useful tips:
- Utilize authentic visuals. If not, acknowledge the creators.
- Use high-def images.
- For charts and graphs, use color to your advantage and include legends.
- Create flowcharts or state diagrams if you are creating technical documentation.
- Avoid abbreviations or include expansions when using short forms that aren’t universal. For example, SOS may not need an expansion but SRS might mean system requirement specifications or a Simple real-time server. Do not make the assumption that the meaning is apparent.
#4) Review: Reread what you wrote at least twice to ensure that your meaning is conveyed simply, correctly, and has the right tone required for the purpose at hand.
For more formal and wordier documents, take a day and read with fresh eyes. There are bound to be a few areas for correction. If it’s an official white paper or project document, have a colleague or a team member read it for you.
#5) Avoid written communication in case of negative or sensitive situations. When conveying a bad performance review or when providing acute criticism, avoid writing it in an email. A face-to-face conversation is best in such cases. If not, a phone call might be better. Also, do not send emails out about confidential information or information that should stay private.
How to Improve Your Communication Skills in the Workplace
To state the obvious, follow the rules written in this article. But if you feel you need to further your skills in workplace communication, these are something you can do:
- Consider enrolling in a soft skills course. There are many classes either in person or online on platforms such as Coursera or Udemy that can help.
- Practice: Record yourself speaking, make small talk when there is an opportunity, write in advance, and review. Just like any other skill, communication improves with focused practice.
- Read books on writing better. One of my favorite books that I would highly recommend is: The Elements of Style Workbook
- Volunteer to moderate meetings and/or to keep notes during meetings. This will improve your active listening and note-taking skills.
- Invest in spelling or grammar-checking apps such as Grammarly. I found this fun article about grammar and its importance.
- Find a public speaking club such as Toastmasters near you and participate actively to overcome shyness and gain confidence.
- Develop Emotional Intelligence and genuine compassion for your coworkers. Check out this quick-read article Harvard Business School that really presents a quick gist on emotional intelligence.
Improving Communication Skills a QA Tester
Good Communication Skills are a must for Software Testers. You might have seen this line in every job requirement especially in the openings in QA and testing field. As testers require communicating with different project team members including clients, communication skill plays an important role.
If you want to win the argument (i.e. arguments that are right) and find a common solution for your problems with your subordinates, then you should be able to express your views effectively.
As a part of the ‘Soft Skills for Testers’ tutorial series, we are sharing a detailed powerpoint presentation on “How to improve Communication Skills”.
Keep these simple rules in mind for Effective Communication:
- Listen carefully when others are clarifying their thoughts. Don’t interrupt others in-between.
- Do not speak too fast. Slow down while speaking.
- Speak clearly. Your pronunciation should be loud and clear.
- Make eye contact with whom you are speaking. This increases the chances of mutual agreement.
- Read, read and read. For better communication and effective words in your speech, your vocabulary should be very strong. Reading more and more will increase your vocabulary.
Besides these 5 golden rules for Effective Communication, here is a PPT presentation on improving your communication skills.
Main topics covered in this PPT:
#1) What makes a good communicator?
#2) Process of communication
#3) Active listening
#4) Using non-verbal communication effectively
#5) Presentation skills while appearing for an interview.
Frequently Asked Questions
Short, straightforward answers to some of the FAQs are given here, but detailed explanations for each of these questions will be discussed in the following sections.
Q #1) Why are communication skills important?
Answer: Good communication is the key to many areas of successful personal and professional areas. For example, to be successful in the workplace, to ace interviews, to work as a team better, and to enhance interpersonal relations.
Q #2) What is effective communication?
Answer: Communication is all about relaying information. The more honestly and completely the information can be relayed, the better. That is exactly what effective communication entails.
Q #3) What are the different types of communication?
Answer: Communication can be broadly classified into Written communication and Oral communication.
In addition, we can add presentation skills to this list that might include image-based and word-based aspects to represent your data. Then there is also what is not directly said or written; the non-verbal body language, attitude, and tone-oriented communication that really underlines everything.
Q #4) How to improve communication skills?
Answer: Communication, just like any other skill, can be honed. Practice helps. Subject matter expertise to gain confidence can be worked on. Being an open and friendly person goes a long way.
There are numerous courses and classes available for improving vocabulary, body language, and etiquette-related skills, just like any other skill. Please keep reading this article for further expansion of each of these areas and many helpful tips to become an ace communicator.
Watch the below Slide On Communication Skills
=> Click here to download this PPT on Communication Skills
Watch the Slides on How to Improve Communication Skills in the Workplace
Good Communication at the workplace is not only essential but critical to being a successful professional irrespective of the field of your work. As you can see, good communication is a totally learnable skill and I hope the above resources will be helpful in your journey.
What communication problems have you found to be hard to overcome in your professional journey? What are your communication skill-related goals?
Please share with us your questions, experiences, and comments below.
it’s a tremendous presentation but i could’nt find the ppt about this
its really nice article… its very useful for us.. we can improve our communication skill
hi Vijay ,please tell how we can we download this PPT
hi this is balu
this topic is really good not only software but it is useful every one to improve thir skills
Hi Mr Vijay
This article is very nice & will help me a lot but the ppt was not found. Please send me that on my email I’d
I hv to give training on one project. Describing project indetails. I don’t have detailed idea of some part and concerened is not taking interest in explaining. Pls guide how to answer if any question comes from that part.
Hi Pavithra,
There is no ISTE certification.
CSTE & CSQA certification is there. If you want to do that just go to this website and see the detailed information
Hi Evangalin Golina
Please forwrd your queries regarding communication skills at
Good skills
Hi all,
very nice article thank you so much It is very hellpfull for everyone. am expecting more articles like this
educational,motivational must go site
Hello .. every one this is sameer i hope u r all fine, yes i am agree with u people that communication makes the all way in to u r success of life any where whether it is company or friends discussion..
this is the biggest article site to learn something from over it to remove hesitate lackness of our language
it is an nice ppt which wil help people to improve their communication skills………give stell more ppt like this….
very usefull for my all friends
Very nice and useful article…Thanks
this is nice site for all sudent and professitionl people..
this site improve our communcation …
It is very nice to read & it’s so much helpfull to every one.
it’s a good article but there is no link for “PPT” if possible please include in the PPT how to improve written skills as well, so that it will be useful when we send emails to client(or) any other team member
this article help for every one it leads communication skill
hello……… plz send me a link on my email to improve my communication….i’ll grateful…… i need someone who can communicate with u me……
very use full for us thank u vry much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please send PPT’s on my mail id.thanks
Hi all,
Any one it ppt is ther,plz send my mail id.
their is no clear idea about topic
Such a nice articles it too good.
it’s a very good article and than improve goodcommunication skill & different ideas.
Hi,it is very useful but i can’t find the PPT.Can u sent the PPT to my mail.
Its really nice article for all
thats great
good article
Hi All,
Can any one send me PPT for download and save it on my local disk.
Ravi Kanth
I sincerely appreciate the effort.
I am into this field for long & had been associated with Organizations viz. Franklyn, ICA, Don Bosco Tech as Communicative English & Soft-Skill Trainer.
Now I’m starting a Training Institute providing the same type/s of Training to Rural Bengal Youth & helping them to be Job-Ready.
Would you please suggest me a Name for the same?
I want to Highlight ”Placement/Job Ready” word in the name itself (e.g: RICE= Roy’s Institute of Competitive Exams).
Kindly sms me at:
or mail me at:
@ Prashant & preethi
U can see the entire PPT slides by mouse over through the flash object.. No need to go to…
hi i think this site is very important and article also use full
hare krsna it is must to have good communication in the
age of compitition .it may be improved with of best tutor
I am not able to view the PPT’s.
Can you please send it to my mail
it is a quite good for human being learn
I have got Firefox browser but still it is not displaying.Can anybody suggest me suitably since i want to view ASAP i go through each & every sentence of this website with lots of interest since i found it to be most informative in the software testing world.
Thanks to all of them who have initiated for the launching of this website.
Awaiting your reply.
Pavan Ankus.
wow…excellent its very useful for all.
I can able to see the PPT by saving it to my local drive.
Very nice and useful article
Unable to open PPT on communication.
Kindly send to my e-mail id ”
THis is very nice and very helpful to improve their confidence……
Dear All,
Many many thank for above article. Really communication skill is main power. Without this skill we are incomplete in life as well as field.
can you give the details of ISTE certification
I am a fresher working as a software engineer- Testing
I want to do that certification ASAP.
please guide me.
super thank u
Hi all,
very nice article thank you so much It is very hellpfull for everyone. am expecting more articles like this
Hi posting the articles are very nice i would liek to improve the testcases skills and testing , process documents , please share to us
hi………………What way we can choose to improve our communication skills…………..
wow!… very interesting website and very useful too
hi veejay,
may i ask you to also please send the ppt of the above topic in my email?
Hope for your response.
hi all
iam a BCA graduate in 2005 iam looking for a job in software testing and i have almost 3 years gap from when i passed out please suggest me how to plan for testing job
waiting for ur replay
Hi…. please anyone can send me PPT.
My mail id:
Thanx in advance
very nice and usefull to every one
very useful and informative, thanks
Hi suhas,
Page title: at the top of the browser window– it will tell us the current page name where we are, that one is page title.
In prj few of the modules have wrong page titles, that issues are identified by clients then it become big issue thats y I asked…
Plz send me download web site ppt
Hi friends,
it was very article but i cant found the ppt link could anybody send that ppt to my mail id pls……
this topic is really interesting i would like this topoc
this is a gud project as gtu refrences…………..
solved u ur more thgan 9 c.p.i…….
Hello Sir
Very nice article !!!!!!
Helpful to everyone.
there are lots of gud points on this site but PPT is not opening
hi this is very nice article.
I would like to ask can anyone tell me how to write testcases for simulation tool with example please send it to my mailid
Hi, i am Arun kalbele from nagpur, right now i am persuing MBA from raisono college ,nagpur. this artical is nice but i didn’t find ppt for this.
Can you send me ppt on this topic.
Hey, all soft-skill, English, Communication trainings are useless. They are bull shit. The reason is that they repeat what you have already seen in the high school. We need to go something different so that it will directly come to our heart and will remain in our heart for long time. Just see the Espoir products like “Sharpen Your English through Love & Romance” or “Smarten Your Communication through Wit & Wisdom”. These are the type of products which will seduce you to build new skills. You can apply the new skills the next day in the office. Try it. Good luck.
hi atlast ‘m here this is amazing which have seen on net ….. its v useful not only to beginers but for proffesionals as well who know something””
when i go through this article i came across many use full information regarding communication skills.I request to release many information regarding communication skills topics related to the interview.
Nice and helpful article.
gud article …but ppt is nt pen pls anyone send to my mail… ….thanks
what a good!
Does anyone has software testing training PPT / document which can be used to train the fresh graduates on software testing.
Please share it with me , if anyone has a copy of the same.
Thanks a ton in Advance
very nice try to give compleate information
Good grammar is necessary for good communications, and you do need to remember the definite and indefinite articles in your sentences.
Otherwise, you express yourself well.
what are the different names for STLC or test strategy
and difference for methodology and test strategy in
software testing.
I found it to be most informative to the beginners of in
the software testing world.
Can you please send it to my mail
Thanks to all of them who haveinvolved in initiated for
the launching of this website.
@Prashant and preethi
I have embedded both the PPT’s in this page using slideshare flash player. This might happen that these PPT’s are not shown in some browsers. If you have another browser like Firefox or IE6 you can view these PPT’s without any problem.
If you are still not able to see it, contact me I will mail it to you.
hi i am renu bhardwaj
i am retail trainer,and i got help to this site so can u tell me how can i improve my personality and my skills as well.and i want to know that how can make better persentation
I could not find the ppt’s ,I eagerly waiting got the ppts ,could any body send the ppts to
Hi frnds,
If the page titles in our projects are wrong/missing then what priority should we give? pls reply immediately
hai,it is very useful to me and for you also
this artical is very nice,it improves communication skiill.
This PPT is usefull for everyone.
This is the good information to know the person about himself…..
Hi Vijay,
Your answ
er are really helpful.
I just want to thankyou for your efforts.
Thanks a lot.
boss its really a nice thing for general human being.
thanks a lot.
It gained more knowledge with the information given in ppt. I need some more explanations on Communication skills.
Really it is nice ppt.with this ppt i get help in good prestation and good communication skill.
very nice end usefull for all thank u
I could not find the ppt’s ,I eagerly waiting got the ppts ,could any body send the ppts to
this link isnot open plz sent ppt
send me solution how to download ppt
Could you please email these two presentations to my mail id ? If it is not possible, please upload them in any file sharing sites and give the link here.
Thanks to you & Mr Jayanth.
Its a really good article to read.According to me communication is first then work comes.
Could you please send more copy on to my email.
Thank You.
It is very nice article & helpful to all
hi,this is very interesting to improve our soft skills as it helped me a lot.THANK YOU
This is very useful artical and I think this will help u to improve yr communication skill
i am study iiet dharmaj…………
my all friends refer trom this projects.
and u?
Hi, It is reall nice ideas regarding communication skils
Hi preethi u click on thumb nail at right side bottom, then u ll get PPT
In real means its a great presentation not only for IT but also for Marketing field.
Will you please tell me how can I download the ppt proparly or can you send it to me on
this topic is really interesting i would like this topoc
Please send me the ppts to
it was a nice article, and the first ppt was amazing..
Hello …..
it is very much help full to those who really wants to be part of a big company or any organisation,it is to improve our communication skills as we as a good hope …………..
Really it’s very usefull to everyone in softwae field. Without communication we can’t do any thing
please give the ideas for how to improve the communication skills
Its useful to everyone to understand the commuication skill.
suberb info to know abt softskils excellent
It was very good ,could you please send me more of those.
Thank You.
Hi Every body
i am not able to find and download the ppt if someone can send it on my id please. Vijay you have mentioned that if someone wants he can ask. please send on my id
Can you send that PPT to me.
i need some information do people from medical background can for testing tools for career change or is it difficult to learn software.
hi, i am pavan. i was complet our diploma in machanical engg. , i am persoing auto CAD designing certificat course in nagpur.
its a nice ppt…i hope dis will help me to improve…..
it covers all the aspect of communication
@ Jaykay,
What do you mean by the “Page Title”, can you post this question with an example and your answer for it?
Suhas M
i read a nice atricle, it is very good, we can improve ourself
its really good
This will help us to improve our communication
i must apply it in my professional life……………thanx for this……..
Thanks for enlisting a very golden guidelines. It is worth writing for an effective communicator.
i need a few more articles on enhancing on the soft skills, a Good listening, speaking, reading, writing.
I am Porkodi, a budding soft skills Trainer in Chennai. I got an offer for
training B&*l employees for 20 days in chennai. I am very eager with this
opportunity. But the disappointment is i dont have training materials for
some Topics. Can u please help me out in having training materials for
thses topics. 1. Dealing with Difficult People 2.Negotiation
Skills 3.Customer handling 4.Managing & Leading in Times of Change I
will be grateful to u as this will be a stepping stone in my career.
Regards, Porkodi 9884433546
tis is very nice articles.and also we expect more articles related software tesing and improving communication skill
Good Morning, Please send this articles for me,
I want to improve my skill
mail id:
Any one who has this is PPT, please mail me
This website is excellent.Its really awesome.
I need suggestion from u , that i completed my general degree & pursuing my MCA , is it possible tojump in software field especially in testing field if i wait to completion of mca my age will become more , give me suggestions how i can enter .
mail me :
Hi ,
This is very nice article .it is very useful for software testers and doveloppers . i was really apprisate for this article. this is used in general people also .key points are rally very good .
But i did not find the PPT links
hi friends,
i think this is a awesome article which is definitly increase ur communication skill and facing the interviews.
I could not find the ppt’s ,I eagerly waiting got the ppts, could any body send the ppts to
very nice one.
Hi All,
It’s really a nice article and message not only for testers but also for other software professionals…
But I didn’t find the PPT link?
Please send PPT’S on my mail id.
send me tipes
Its realy a great artical……
There is some problem in PPT. It occur some error when it is opened.
Thanx for ur message to all friends. I will send PPT to all.
Hai I am doing B.C.A in cherraan’s college of arts and science in Kangayam. This presentation helps me lot to know about communication. So keep doing such a nice presentations like this. Because this will bring a good morale for those who are facing trouble with thier communication. Thanks for such a good one…………
Please provide PTT link
Hi All,
PPT IS working in Firefox browser, please open it and see.
This article had given me good ideas,knowledge and confidence….for communication skills……
Very nice article. It really inform about importance of communication. Thanx for giving such a nice article.
hi this article is very nice it improves those who are lack of communication
Hi Everybody,
It is great to see so many info in one website.
Can anyone tell me do we have any exclusive section for mobile application testing,
How are the opportunities for the same now, how well it is doing.
Hearing that the recession is very high, how much does this hit the mobile application testing field..
What are the key things we should be mastering to become an outstanding mobile application tester..
and so on…
looking for ur great valuable replies…
thanks in advance
excellent article
it is very nice ideas to increse our comminucation skill
helo give such a wonderful and useful things 2 us…so i sincrly tanking u…..god bls u…i 2 hav the same problm whil n talking wt my colleagues..!1anyway ur atclz is vry nic.
thanks for informative article to improve communication skill. please send me ppt to
i am waiting …….
I found the information given is fabulous.
Thanks for these points
need to improve communication skills
Hi Vijay,
Can u send me to my mail id ya, any chances for download this article i eager to see the ppt file how it is helpful for communication
its really interesting and useful
I know Testing (Manual and Automation) both, now I want to learn some thing more rather then testing, but I m not getting what should I learn which help me in my carrier in testing field.
I know basic Sql but not so good as well unix basic commands as read in your PPT. So please can you help me out and suggest which things I can learn which will help me in my futur for my carrier.
Any one who has this is PPT, please mail me and
Hey, This seems to be useful. Vijay, can you mail me this set of slides please? Also would like to interact with you on other trainign inputs.
hiiiiiiii this is very good site i got good imformation from it thank u
nice article, please send us more ppt to read.
hi v good
Nice article…
Helped me lot.
Can you please for forward remaining PPT files at
Thanks in advance.
hi this is rly nice but we can save n downlod so plz send me this ppt on my mail id ………………
hi ,
It’s a good article and fresher can aslo get advantage at the time of interview from this article..
kapil (QA)
Very nice article and very useful for all. PPT explain again one nice…
Nice article
All! it is very interesting topic. Everyone is having problem with communicating though they could express, but due to hesitation or not knowing the correct way to communite, for them it is very useful…
very good article, which is useful we espect more articles like this plz forward this articles/presentation to may mail address
its very nice
actually looking for job for testerin mumbai
HI all,
Its very gr8 article for all freshers . U really improve u r communication
hi frnds,
it’s nice article.its good to give more topics like motivation,team work,leader ship.
I am not able to view the PPT’s.
Can you please send it to my mail
Hi All,
It’s really a nice article and message not only for testers but also for other software professionals…
But I didn’t find the PPT link……????
Please mail me the presentation;
My Id:
I m 18 yr old.. how i remove my hesitation…when i speak with someone i hesitate and can not give reply because of fear …
Nd what fear i also donot know plzz plzzz help me
….I m waiting…
Its really nice article for all
Hi All,
Can any one send me PPT for download and save it on my local disk.
Ravi Kanth
This article is very nice . I am working in a famous financial organisation and persuinf MBA finance. It is very helpful but Icouln’t find any ppt. Can anybody send me this ppt?
I am not able to view the PPT’s.
Can you please send it to my mail
The global slowdown affected IT industry how badly Testers will affect ?
i went thru the article and really it is very nice in all way to improve the communication in all the way,once again thank you.
Its a gud article but PPt is not opening
it is very useful and awesome for beginners to improve their communication skills. Post even advanced articles. Nice…!
The Simple way to improve your communciation skills are:
– Read newspaper loudly
– Talk to yourself standing in front of a mirror.
for more information you can visit.
It’s very good artical.please send the PPTs.
it is really useful for budding engineers…..
This Article is very informative, My husband always says communication skills is key point for everything. Thanks for spread this article. Every one will get benefit of this, thanks Vijay for the sharing this kinds of articles, I learned a lot Thanks again.
hey this article seems to b very hlpful but i am unable to find the ppt!! pls do mail me at [i ll be very g8ful] thanks!! 🙂
Really good one, very helpful article
really a nice article,but PPT link not found!!!
any software testing engineer so help me wht to do test a software/?
It is really nice. & PPT is excellent And Thanks to SoftLogic.
i have completed bca ia waiting for a gd job
pls mail me abt ppt
am waiting
hi , such a fantastic slides which contains useful matter in a very beautiful manner………….
thanx 4 such facilities like downlodaing………..
hope it will really help me in my near future…….
This is really a good article. Effective communication skills are essential for success. By successfully getting your message across, you convey your thoughts, your queries and ideas effectively.
i read every object which described in presentation so communication skill not only depend on ur grammer or vocubalory power….its depends on ur skill what u have…
Super Really Nice
its very useful for my presentations…….
Thanks to SoftLogic
Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Hi sir, very nice article thank you so much It is very hellpfull for everyone. am expecting more articles like this
good luck
Yes it is a beautiful PPT. It gives good ideas for impoving comunication skills.
i am thiyagu doing my software engineering
this power point presentation is very usefull and it make me to get aware about communication …….
Very Nice….. thank you so much for the good PPT
Good article……..
In my company, I have been asked to study Perl scripting. Can anyone tell whats the use of Perl in testing?
Please send me mail to me
realy nice this is very useful for freshers..
thanks for your information…
Hi vijay,
It is great to see so many info in one website.
Could you please share the PPT to below mailid. Thank you in Advance
Very nice article……………… 🙂 and useful for learners.
cpuld you please send the PPT to me in this mailing ID:
Warm Regards,
T. Ramachandran
hai sir its very nice article to improve communication skill bt i want to see dat ppt.. could u snd dat ppt to my mail id??
hiiiiiiii it was a nice article.useful for everyone.
but ptt link not found