Atlassian Confluence Tutorial for Beginners: A Complete Guide

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated January 19, 2025

We Provide Atlassian Confluence Tutorial for Beginners: How to Use Confluence Software

In our previous tutorial in this JIRA Training Series for All, we learned about Zephyr for JIRA. Here, in this tutorial, we will explore Atlassian Confluence in detail.

As defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word confluence means “a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point”.

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True to its definition, Confluence software, developed by Atlassian, is an effective team collaboration software that provides a common platform for teams to work together and share information efficiently.

This is a great tool to centralize the knowledge repository. Confluence can be thought of almost like a wiki with advanced content creation tools.

Atlassian Confluence Tutorial for Beginners

Atlassian Confluence Tutorial for Beginners

The Confluence content collaboration tool is available both as a SaaS i.e. subscription-based hosting centrally on the cloud as well as the Self Hosted application with the option of installing an in-house dedicated server or utilizing Confluence Datacenters.

In this Confluence tutorial, we will be discussing the features of the subscription-based option.

Why do we need Confluence?

How often does it happen that we testers raise bugs, only to find out that the requirements were changed sometime after development started, and due to lack of communication about the change testers were not made aware of this change before testing started?

The reported bug is then closed as Invalid. This can be frustrating for testers as their creditability is affected along with confusion and uncertainty about what other uncommunicated changes may be present in the application being tested.

Another common nuisance is when important information is buried under chains of emails over several mail threads and is difficult to retrieve.

Collaboration tools are a good solution for these scenarios because:

  • All information is stored in one central location, which makes it easily accessible to all users, so no more scanning of email chains or meeting notes to look for the required information
  • Any updates made to the information trigger a notification to other users, which makes it easy for users to remain up to date about the latest discussions
  • This tool has an easy learning curve so does not require any special training or certification to start using the tool
  • There are numerous real-life applications that confluence can be used for, we will be discussing some of these applications in this article.

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Its Advantages

#1) Content management

Content management includes the creation, maintenance, organization, and deletion of content. Content creation tools are easy to use and include a variety of functions – from basic text formatting and creating tables all the way to linking documents and embedding macros.

The content can be organized into separate spaces, sorted and arranged in hierarchical order as required.

#2) Search

This tool supports a full-text search for all the content. The search results will include any matching results for the text in the page’s main content and comments. This results in a very detailed search.

#3) Confluence Templates

This tool comes with some best practice templates that can be used to create pre-formatted pages.

#4) Integration with JIRA

JIRA and Confluence are both developed by Atlassian and have seamless integration with each other. Development work can be tracked in JIRA and the corresponding reports can be generated by automatic linking.

#5) Page and File versioning

As this is a collaboration tool, needless to say, it would be used by various cross-functional teams at all levels multiple times. To keep track of the changes made since the last edit, Confluence saves older versions of pages and files automatically.

This older version can be used to compare the difference or even revert to the last edit if required.

#6) Feedback

Team feedback in the form of comments can be put on the pages and always referred to or even searched for when required.

#7) User Management

Users and group-based permissions can be set up. It is even possible to set up separate viewing, editing, and admin permissions for each space. We will discuss the concept of spaces in the next section.

#8) Add-ons and plugins

This tool has a wide range of available add-on plugins that can be used to perform functions above and beyond what standard the tool has to offer. Some popular add-ons are Diagrams, Balsamiq Mockups, Scroll PDF exporter, etc.

Recommended Reading => An in-depth tutorial on Confluence Cloud Migration

Getting Familiar with Terminology


The dashboard is the landing page that a logged-in user sees after a successful login. The dashboard gives a quick snapshot of the recent updates by the team along with the recent updates done by the user himself.

Along with the updates, the dashboard also shows the Spaces that the user is a member of. We will discuss more spaces in the next section. The sidebar containing updates and space details is collapsible to optimize the viewing experience.

Below is an example of the Confluence Dashboard.

Confluence dashboard

The dashboard is customizable and the admin can set up a universal dashboard that all users will see.

Concept of Spaces

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, one of the meanings of the word space means “a limited extent in one, two, or three dimensions”. Spaces in this tool are a way to organize the content. Spaces can be thought of as individual file containers where the content can be categorized and organized in a meaningful way.

There is no standard rule of how many spaces need to be or should be created. The user can create any number of spaces with their own specific purposes to facilitate collaboration within teams.

Below is an example of the spaces being created based on the different organizational units.

spaces organization

The space directory contains a list of all the spaces that are created by confluence. You can browse the spaces based on the space type – site, personal, or my spaces. My space refers to the sites created by the logged-in user himself and can be either a site or personal space.

Below is an example of the space directory.

space directory

Confluence permits the creation of two spaces- site spaces and personal spaces. Below is a comparison of these space kinds:

CharacteristicSite Spaces Personal space
PurposeCollaborationPersonal work space
Accessible by– All Confluence users

– Access can be restricted based on Groups of users (similar to JIRA)
– Creator of space if site marked as private

– All Confluence users, if space is made public
Listed in Space directoryyesNo, accessible under personal profile of the creator

Space Sidebar

The space sidebar is a collapsible menu on the space and pages and is used to navigate different pages. The pages are shown in the form of a hierarchical tree structure.

Space sidebar

Header menu

The header menu is visible on all pages and contains the Confluence Logo and the default menu with default options – Spaces, People, Create, Help Menu, Notifications, and Personal Profile Management. This header menu is customizable and more menu options can be displayed as required by the user

This dashboard page is accessible from any page – the user can click on the logo on the main menu and the user will be redirected to the dashboard.

Create functionality

Create functionality is used to create new pages within any chosen spaces in the desired hierarchical order. We will discuss this functionality in more detail in the next section.

The image below pretty much summarizes the main functionalities that you would be using as a confluence user:

Brief Functionality overview

How to create and manage your own space and pages

In this section, we will discuss how to create and manage your own space and pages from scratch.

Step #1: Creating your space

creating your own space Step1

Now choose the kind of space you want to create

Choose your space

Now fill in the required information for the next step. You will be required to enter a space name, a space key, and other mandatory or optional fields depending on the kind of space you chose.

The space key is a unique key used in the space URL and is auto-generated when the user types in the Space name, but you can change it if required.

creating team space

Congratulations, you just successfully created your first Confluence space!!

Now let’s move on to creating some pages and content to share in this newly created space.

Step #2: Creating new pages

You have the option to create a blank new page or choose from available templates.  The very first page will be created as the Parent page. Subsequent pages can be created under this parent page or as separate pages depending on how you want to structure your space.

  • Creating a blank page
Create button in header
Create blank new page
  • Create a page based on available templates
Create page from template
Choose template type

Depending on the template chosen, you will be required to perform a few additional steps like entering the page name, etc. I chose the Retrospective meeting template and was asked to enter the Title and Participants.

Create a Retrospectives

A new page will be created where you can edit and fill in the required information.

Run a Retrospectives

Step #3: Formatting options

This tool has a huge variety of text formatting and display options.  Let us discuss some commonly used options from the text formatting menu bar briefly.

Text formatting menu Bar
  • Formatting styles: there are several in-build styles available for the text e.g. Paragraphs, headings, quotes, etc.
Formatting styles
  • Font-related options: basic functionality to update font color, make text bold, italics, etc. is provided
Font related options
  • Lists: By default, there are 3 types of list options provided – bullet point list, a numbered list, and a task list. The Task list is shown in the checkbox in front of it. A checkbox can be checked after the task is done to indicate the completion
  • Align options: The text can be aligned left, right, or center as required
Align options
  • Page layout: Using this option, the user can define sections within the document and manage the layout of the page
Page Layout
  • Inserting files and images: User can upload files and images to the Page as desired
Inserting files and images
  • Inserting Links: The user can add links to other web pages or other Confluence pages in the Confluence document for easy reference
Inserting Links
  • Working with Tables: Table options and the toolbar provided in Confluence software is similar to table options in MS Word. The symbols are self-explanatory and the functionality is easy to understand and use
Table Options
  • Insert more content options: There are already default options available in Confluence for inserting files and images, inserting links, and creating tables. For any additional content like adding Google sheets, inserting plugins, etc. we use the Insert more content option
Insert more content option

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Sample Document

Below is a sample page that I created to demonstrate some of the functionalities we have discussed thus far.

sample page

Some Common FAQ’s About The Tool

Q #1) This tool seems to be a great way to share and store information. Can you provide some practical applications?

This tool can be used in various technical and non-technical environments.

Some applications are as follows:

  • Knowledgebase: A knowledge base is basically an information repository. It usually contains documentation about how to do certain things and maybe even information about how to troubleshoot products. An example of this can be for the QA team to manage and share information about processes, how to test documents, informative articles, troubleshooting tips, etc.
  • As your own Intranet: An intranet refers to an internal network of any organization and is a hub for displaying and sharing information. An example of this can be a space created by the Human Resources department to share company policies, vacation policies, upcoming events, and user guides for common tools like time off requests too, etc. Information can be easily shared and access is restricted to Confluence users within your company so it is a secure platform
  • Business and Software Teams: For business and software teams, this tool can be used to write and manage product requirements, build and share release notes, collaborate on and record team decisions, create technical documentation, create blogs to share teams’ progress, etc.

Q #2) I want to rearrange the pages in my space. How do I do that?

This tool provides the functionality to move and reorder your pages within the space as desired by the user. The operation is quite a simple drag and drop operation that allows you to reorder pages under the same parent or move pages from one parent to another parent page.

To move or reorder a page, go to Space Tools-> click on Content Tools -> Click on Reorder pages.

Space Tools
Space Tools

Click on the Space name to expand the branches of the space. Now drag the required pages and drop them to the required location. Alternatively, you can also sort the pages alphabetically.

Reorder pages alphabetical

Q #3) I need to find details about a project/document, how do I search for it?

There are 2 ways to search content in this Confluence wiki, you can use a quick navigation id or you can do a full search. When a user starts typing text in the search bar in the header, the quick navigation aid starts showing matching results by default.

Search navigational aid

After you add a search keyword, press Enter, then Full search mode gets activated. The tool will search for all spaces, profiles, etc. to look for matching results. Once results are displayed you can refine the search results by author, by spaces, by last modified date, or based on the content type.

Search- full search

Q #4) I am in the process of finalizing content on my page and that would require lots of edits. How do I prevent spamming everyone’s mailbox by sending a notification to people about every single update that I make?

This is quite easy!  When the page is first created, a notification is sent to all Confluence users in that space. This is set up by default, however, we can control when we want to send (or do not want to send) notifications about subsequent edits and updates made to the page.

no notifications

Remember to select this checkbox once you are ready to share the updates with other users.

Q #5) If I have feedback about the content of the confluence document, what is the best way to provide it?

Use the comments section. Leave your comments in the document and the notification will be sent to all users. Users will be able to see your comment and can choose to reply to your comment, like your comment, and can even post their own comment.

Q #6) I got a notification that someone mentioned me on their page, what does that mean?

This means that the person who mentioned you on a particular Confluence page needs your attention on something or has assigned a task to you.

Q #7) Someone updated the original document, how do I know who changed what in my document?

One of the most important features of Versioning and retaining a history of document updates. You can go to the page history and check who updated the document.

page history

From this page, you can select the page versions you want to compare and figure out the exact changes that were done. The following screenshot shows a comparison between the two selected versions of the page.

Versions Compare


Confluence is a very effective team collaboration tool and can be used for knowledge management and documentation purposes, as an intranet for internal information sharing, and potentially eliminate communication of changes via emails.

The information entered in Confluence can be managed with ease and the entire content is searchable.

Using confluence, companies can eliminate the need for physical storage space or shared drives. Various teams can use this tool to provide the most updated company policies, incentives, and announcements, etc., technical project teams can use it to manage requirements, plan a project, share process knowledge, share best practices, etc.

It seems to be a great tool for sharing knowledge, but how does that help our tester community?

Well, to start with, knowledge of this tool adds to our skill sets. This can act as a quick reference guide whenever you have any questions or need the most up-to-date information.

For QA Managers, Confluence provides a great platform to share information with the team about testing best practices, how to test documents, troubleshooting guides, automation project planning, updates, announcements, etc.

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Do you use the Atlassian Confluence tool at work? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

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24 thoughts on “Atlassian Confluence Tutorial for Beginners: A Complete Guide”

  1. Hi,

    I have been using Confluence for 6 months now and am only now starting to train on using the software. WOuld it be possible for you to update the training guide with the latest screenshots of Confluence? It looks different to those currently posted.

    many thanks,

    • Hi Claire

      Thank you for the feedback.

      Altassian updates Confluence and JIRA interfaces and flows quite frequently. Unfortunately, it would be difficult to keep the article updated with latest screenshots at all times 🙁 .


  2. Tutorial is very helpful, thanks
    1) How does one get rid of all automated formatting. I want to insert my own bullets, etc., when and where I want to. I do not want help from the system tries to help.. all it is for me is an aggravation. I know it has become a standard for all apps… but I don’t care for it, please add a toggle ON /OFF for any formatting in Confluence/JIRA

    2) why is the default a double space. why do I have to use the shift return to get a spacing of 1.5. Really what I would like is a true single space.

    3) I removed all automated formatting.. does not work.

    • Hi Bala

      As far as I know Confluence cannot be integrated with Active directory or similar authentication services – but not 100% certain. I welcome inputs from other readers regarding this query.

  3. I have so many documents in Word, Onenote, and PDF formats. Copy/paste never works. Pictures don’t copy, formatting disappears. Confluence is not very user friendly with existing documents. It seems you have to recreate the pages, unless I’m missing something?

    • Hi Alan

      Confluence has updated their functionalities and UI quite a bit since I wrote this article, probably worth a review. One cannot however still import a word document and expect pages to be created that way , but one page is created manually, the rest of the content can be copied pasted.

      • Hi Pearl

        Confluence has updated their functionalities and UI quite a bit since I wrote this article, probably worth a review. One cannot however still import a word document and expect pages to be created that way , but one page is created manually, the rest of the content can be copied pasted.

  4. I’m quite curious on the interplay between Confluence and SharePoint. Up until now, we had been using documents on SharePoint to record knowledge, but a wiki such as Confluence seems like a better solution. What should then go on SharePoint and what should go on Confluence?

    • Hi David

      In my opinion Sharepoint is good for storing and sharing documents similar to OneDrive and Confluence is almost like a live knowledge repository like Wiki that facilitates easy collaboration.


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