How Domain knowledge is Important for testers?

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated January 11, 2025

Jayant Deo asks:

“Looking at the current scenario from the industry, it is seen that the testers are expected to have both technical testing skills as well and either need to be from the domain background or have gathered domain knowledge mainly for BFSI is commonly seen.

I would like to know why and when is this domain knowledge imparted to the tester during the testing cycle?”

How Domain knowledge is Important for Testers

First, let’s get introduced to the three-dimensional testing career mentioned by Danny R. Faught. There are three categories of skills that need to be judged before hiring any software tester.

What are those three skill categories?

  • Testing skills
  • Domain knowledge
  • Technical expertise

No doubt any tester should have basic testing skills like Manual Testing and Automation Testing. Testers with common sense can even find most of the obvious bugs in the software. So would you say that this much testing is sufficient? Can you release the product on the basis of this much testing being done? Certainly not.

You will certainly have a product looked at by the domain expert before the product goes into the market.

While testing any application you should think like an end-user.

But every human being has limitations and one can’t be an expert in all the three dimensions mentioned above. (If you are an expert in all of the above skills then please let me know ;-)) So you can’t be sure that you can think 100% like how the end-user is going to use your application.

A user who is going to use your application may have a good understanding of the domain he is working on. You need to balance all these skill activities so that all the product aspects will get addressed.

Nowadays you can see that professionals being hired in different companies are more domain experts than technical skill experts. The current software industry is also seeing a good trend so many professional developers and domain experts are moving into software testing.

We can observe one more reason as to why domain experts are most wanted! When you hire fresh engineers who are just out of college, you cannot expect them to compete with experienced professionals. Why?

Because experienced professionals certainly have the advantage of a domain and testing experience and they have a better understanding of different issues and can deliver the application better and faster.

Given below are some of the examples where you can see the distinct edge of domain knowledge

  • Mobile Application Testing
  • Wireless Application Testing
  • VoIP Applications
  • Protocol Testing
  • Banking Applications
  • Network Testing

How would you test such applications without the knowledge of a specific domain?

Are you going to test the BFSI applications (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) just for UI or functionality or security or load or stress?

You should know what the user requirements are in banking, working procedures, commerce background, exposure to brokerage etc and should test the application accordingly, only then you can say that your testing is enough – Here comes the need of subject-matter experts.

Let’s take an example of my current project:

I am currently working on the search engine application. Where I need to know the basics of search engine terminologies and concepts. Many times I see some other team’s testers asking me questions like what is ,”publishers” and “advertisers”, what is the difference and what they do?

Do you think they can test the application based on the current online advertising and SEO? Certainly not. Unless and until they get well familiar with these terminologies and functionalities.

Once I know the functional domain better I can better write and execute more test cases and can effectively simulate the end-user actions which are distinctly a big advantage.

Here is a list of the required testing information:

  • Testing skills
  • Bug hunting skills
  • Technical skills
  • Domain knowledge
  • Communication skills
  • Automation skills
  • Some programming skills
  • Quick grasping
  • Ability to work under pressure

This is going to be a huge list. So you will certainly say, do I need to have these many skills?

It depends on you. You can stick to one skill or can be an expert in one skill and have a good understanding of the other skills or a balanced approach to all the skills. This is a competitive market and you should definitely take advantage of it. Make sure to be an expert in at least one domain before making any move.

What if you don’t have enough Domain knowledge?

You will be posted on any project and the company can assign you any work. So what if you don’t have enough domain knowledge for that project?

You need to quickly grasp as many concepts as you can. Try to understand the product as if you are the customer and what the customer will do with the application.

Visit the customer’s site if possible to learn how they work with the product, read online resources about the domain you want to test the application, participate in events addressing such domains, and meet the domain experts.

At times, the company itself will provide all this in-house training before assigning any domain-specific task to the testers.

There is no specific stage where you need this domain knowledge. You need to apply your domain knowledge in each and every software testing life cycle.

If you are reading this tutorial till this point, then we would like to hear about the domain you are working on? Thereby, our readers can get a better idea of different domains and projects. 

Note: As per the request from our readers, we have updated our Software Testing Resource Page for BFSI domain online documents and articles for downloads.

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551 thoughts on “How Domain knowledge is Important for testers?”

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for this information. I also was thinking the same way as the question is asked. I had only thing in my mind that to become a tester you just have to find bugs from anything. but but reading this article I come to know what all other things are important and why. Thanks a lot for sharing!

  2. Hi

    If you can provide with you personal mail ID I will be of some help to you. Do also mention where are you from?


  3. hi
    i want to know how the process goes in insurance and banking domain projects need brief explanation of insurance ,banking and financial projects.

  4. Hi All

    Those from Pune City having functional experience in Banking Domain either in development or testing and looking for domain knowledge in detail wth hands on project experience!!

    HERE IS A OPPORTUNITY!! 2 week ends full time course o BFSI Domain Knowledge.

    For details contact Geeta @ 30287272 / 73

  5. Hi all,
    Thanks a lot for your kind words…

    I will make sure if any training institute is providing some sort of basic BFSI domain training to our readers. (It may be some online training, BFSI domain guide material, guide to BFSI domain with some discount fees to our readers)
    If you are from any institute, organization or individual giving BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance) domain training you can contact me through our contact form or comment out here that you are ready for providing guide.

    @ Thulasi Suresh
    It’s great that our reader’s are waiting for more and more articles from Definitely I will try to keep the momentum going in right way..

  6. hi vijay
    thanks for your reply.
    Actually i joined one month back, when i joined they ask me to test the dog care website- In which you can search the dog professional for taking care of your pet and also the professionals can register themselves in teh site.
    Now i am testing the academic website. In this you can view the confrence papers and articles and books. You can buy books and articles. etc(still in development).

    It would be helpful if you provide your id. so that i can ask my other doubts.

    thanks & regards

  7. Hi
    This is Rajesh. I am working in e-learning domain.
    This post is really very usefull and which help anyone to excel his/her knowledge in testing.

    Thank You

  8. Hi ,

    I am curently working in matrimonial sites, previously i worked on e-commerce site, have Knowledge of WAP applications as well.

    if u can elaborate more on BFSI domain it will help me cause i want to know more on this


  9. Dear all,

    AM looking for job in Telecom domain(Testing Engineer),can any one send me telecom domain documents to my email:,Please send as soon as possible,I need to attend an interview they prefer only d candidates having experience on telecom domain,so that i need to gain knowledge on telecom domain.Please can anybody help me out regarding this.

  10. Dear Mr Suresh Kannan R

    Towards the shift in IT witht the past experience you need to take up short term course in teh similar domain from software testing perspective. Kindly provide with your email ID to send you the relevant information if interested. Regards Jayant

  11. Hi,
    no doubt it is a good article, but i believe a session of a day or two with expert in that domain my benefit to those who looks for in depth knowledge on that area otherwise it will be like saying some thing else..

  12. Hi …
    Its really usful information portal..I really liked the postings and comments..
    I am working as a test engineer in an MNC.I am doing manual as well as automation testingin Telecom domain…I want to get more knowlwedge in Telecom Domain..So if any one can help me out, then it will be great releif for me..My id is

  13. Hey! I find it an extremely good blog. I found all the necessary information and topics that I wanted.
    I am new to this testing line. But this blog made it very easy for me to find stuff. I can find all in one.

    Thank you so much. It really helped. 🙂

  14. Hi,

    This article is very informative and I agree that Domain Knowledge is a basic important perspective in testing.

    I’m working into E-Commerce domain.

    If anyone have more articles related to the same, please share here.

  15. Hi ,
    I am working on web based project ,i would like know more about Protocol testing ,can u please provide more knowledge on protocol testing and how exactly it is been tested

  16. Hi ,
    I appreciate for the artice published by you.
    I am interested in knowing about BSFI domain , could you mail me related imnformation regarding.

    Thanks & Regards

    Usha Kiran

  17. Really a Good & Useful article.
    Am Currently working in ERP Domain and have exerience working with Web Applications…

  18. Working as a Quality Lead gets me a lotta challenges daily, the points mentioned here are so relevant. I agree and feel that our experiences at personal level matter a lot.

  19. Hi
    I am currently working on Warehouse management, Bio-Technology management. Previously i worked on Printer domain.

  20. Hi testers,
    This article is very informative, & makes us familiar with the current trends in software testing, as it becomes important to work smartly in a competative environment, one should have enough knowledge about the functionalities from the end -user point of view.

    I work in a financial domain, i query the database for different datamodel tables & check the entries done through the mappingcomposer, where the datafields are mapped based on the bussiness logic.
    Here it becomes essential for me to understand the bussiness scenario to check the relavant entries in database, financial domain is very vast.. equities, bonds, futures & derivative, options,commodity,… & each has different chapters,,,
    also verify DB for duplicates, integrity constraint, unique constraint… etc..
    So we can exchange information on finance and make our work more interesting…!!

  21. Hi, Can you please provide some information or tutorials on Banking and Insurance Domain Knowledge. I need to prepare for Interviews.

  22. Hi! Writer,

    Really this is very useful information for the tester.

    I am working on ERP software on Logistic Domain.i .e. freight forwarding, Import, Export.

  23. Dear Mr Ravindra

    And to all looking for BFSI Domain Documents


    Kindly forward me email ID’s where the ifnormation can be sent.


  24. Hi..

    Can you suggest me which domain in best among Retail and Securities in terms of career growth, oppurtunities and technical development ?

  25. hi,
    all my freinds
    pls give me your email ids
    my email id is
    you can chat with me on this id
    i am tester working in infrasofttech
    who needs the jobs in testing there is opening pls send your CV to my email ID and i will forward it.



  26. This is Sundar requesting an help from friends who are interested to share there experience in INSURANCE Domain. Send me required documents & materials.
    Please mail me material/articles/webistes/download any sample demo applications…. on INSURANCE domain.
    I’ll be greatful if anyone can share their knowledge on INSURANCE domain. Please mail me at

  27. Hi,
    Jagdish can you please mail me relevant information regarding telecom domain certifications in market?

  28. hI
    Presently i am working in the web application but i want to gather some knowledge on the retiled Domain,so if any have this share with me


  29. Hi vijay,
    This is really a very good article and indepth analysis of why domain knowledge is neccessary for any testing.

    I am currently working on online airline booking web application and previously worked on domains like sound systems and ERP implementations.

    This site is providing really a good information for testers.

  30. Hi

    This is very good. I got some idea about domain knowledge. Can u please mail me some documents on telecom domain and interview tips for it.

    Thanks in advance

  31. this is rajalaxmi.i want your help dear.actually right now i am doing one project based on ecomm domain in nageshwar rao software institute.but i have an opportuanity in insurance domine.but i don’t have any idea about that domain.can you pls send me documents related to insurance domain.that will be great help to me.


  32. i want more about the domain “telecom ” what is mention is only the introduction but plz give it in detail.

  33. Hi Shahul Hameed,
    Thank you.I have another doubt Boundary valu analysis testing come under Block box testing technique.Then suppose if u are checking the value in the code for loop i=0;i

  34. Hi Venkat

    As of now the most attractive domain is Banking & Finance as per my information. Pls take a look at it.


  35. Hi All,

    Currently am working on Android, wants to know more about Junit testing frame work to test the application on Android system.

    Thanks in advance.

  36. Hi am working as QA in a Online trading company[Forex], i would like to use some testing tool in our organisation.
    Can u pls suggest me ,which will be the best suitable Tool for our organisation which is easy to use without much technical skills with some low price cost.
    —–I got some good information through this site, this site is very valuable for me.

  37. Hi
    I just started my career as a software tester and looking for job as a tester. Could u please provide me with some test cases on medical imaging technology(Digital X-Ray’s), Kiosk Machines, and for a banking application. Thanks in advance.

  38. hi i am shubhangi presently taking private testing projects. But i don’t know the domain knowledge of anything. please forward me the links materials of bfsi,insurance,medical domains on my mail id & i also looking for a job & i worked as testing engineer for one year in small firm in nagpur & i am not ready to relocate.
    my email id is

  39. I am Trilochan. This article is very nice. I am really appriciate, but i need some more information regarding the domain concept becuase i am the new in testing.

    Trilochan Panda

  40. Hi David,

    Recovery testing means how our application software
    recovers from abnormalities like application crashes, Data Loss and other similar failures.

    For Eg, Recovery testing on a TV means how it recovers from abnormalities like improper power supply, voltage problems,etc.

    Whereas, Stress testing tries to break the system under test by overwhelming its resources or by taking resources away from it (in which case it is sometimes called negative testing). The main purpose behind this testing is to make sure that the system fails and recovers gracefully — this quality is known as Recoverability.

  41. Hi Vijay,
    This Article is very good , Testers should know about these topics also…
    Good Work buddy…keep going..

    Thank You.

  42. Hi.. Iam working as Test Engineer.. I want to become a business Analyst.For that we need to be strong in one domain. How to get strong knowledge in one particular domain? Is there any course?

  43. Hi I have two years of experience in trade finance domain and one year in testing core banking applications. Is it possible for me to get into investment banking domain for testing ?

  44. Hello,

    Its very helpful .I am attending the interviews but not getting cleared when it is abt the project..i kept Banking Domain project ..if possible can u send some details .waiting ewagerly for your reply.

    My id is Archanaaap26@yahoo.

  45. Hi,
    This is Arun working as a SSE-QA

    I’m working in Retail chain domain, where we need to test the applications for a online photo printing service provider.

  46. Dear All

    I am fresh Graduate. I would like to work in S/W Testing / QAs. Pls guide me what are the areas i need to concentrate and whare are the skills I need to develop?

    How to write Test scripts / Test Case? etc… Pls give me any sample scripts.

    I am looking for experiences people advise. Kindly help me to develop good carrier in S/W QA

    I’ll be greatful if anyone can share their knowledge on testing / QA / BFSI domain. Please mail me at


  47. hi i have very much interest to know the new idea and idelogies about the domain knoweldge of health care in modern technology and i learn more from this to give me an good apportunity.

  48. This is Giridhar requesting an help from friends who are interested to share there experience in BFSI Domain. Send me required documents & materials.
    Please mail me material/articles/webistes on BFSI domain.
    I’ll be greatful if anyone can share their knowledge on BFSI domain. Please mail me at

  49. I am software developer (solo). I have developed s/w in many domains from design to delivery of s/w. I have also done software testing course. I have also cleared the ISTQB foundation with 70%. I wish to work as sotware tester where from I can get the job?

  50. Dear Reader,

    I know the value of Analyst Because i’m working as a functional analyst in IBM (I) PVT LTD from past 3 years. So,Domain Knowledge is must for any software tester and Developer. Without Domain Knowledge any person cannot get through his job as a s/w Engineer.

  51. hi, i am working on a trading domain where i have to test the application used by Stock brokers to place orders in stock exchange.
    This article is really a valuable one….

  52. hi plz guide me how to develop domain knowledge on healthcare & ERP fr my projects. plz send me links internal meanings acts like that

  53. Hi…I know DOMAIN knowledge is imporant.But During
    Interveiw if they ask me like What did u do in your recent project that based on Financial.(More concern about Security) Can Anyone Explain me or If you have any document that’s great for me.

  54. Congrates for such a nice conversation among all!
    Is there any website/Institute or any other resource that can provide the Banking/Finance/Trading domain knowledge?

  55. Right now i am working in financial service domain.
    Is it possible to send a revelvant document to get knowledge in this domain.

  56. Hi All,


    Here is the schedule for BFSI training scheduled to be held on 2 week ends.

    The topics covered will be:

    Basic Testing:

    – coverage on Manual Testing

    – exercise on test plan, test case writing & bug report

    Real Time Application handling & working

    overview on Product based & Project Based companies coverage on basic terminologies of Internet banking, application server, web server & DB Server banking functions – fund transfer, bill payment and other related services and functionalities
    overview of banking applications available and commonly used by banks required list of documents before starting the project & study of those documents in relation to testing &/or BI/BA real time & off line transaction management test plan & test scenarios creating test data for application testing database migration activities, approach on DB migration DB migration in details Credit Card function management, ATM process and other transactions like clearing house, transfer etc SQL database server and coverage


    – hands on banking application

    – test plan & scenarios

    Training schedule
    Dates:8th, 9th, 5th & 16th Dec 2007

    Timings: 10am to 5pm

    Courseware & documents: for each participant

    Fee : At nominal charges

    For details please write to

  57. Hi,
    I am working Retail Domain.. Supply Chain Management.
    Can any one tell any web site which has the details of all the technologies or is it enough if I simply Google it.

  58. Hi,
    i lately got project from BFSI domain, as i am fresher in IT field i dont have knowledge of this domain, kindly send me some useful documnets regarding the same.


  59. Really it is nice but now a days very few company are product base. And there are large no. of process based company, i am one of them who work in process based company. so how i could gain domain knowledge?

  60. Dear friends

    Well I am trying to get a job as manual test engineer
    in my last interview they asked about SQL injection
    but, I don’t know about it.

    If anybody will know about please tell me about SQL injection,

    Is it SQL statements ? Is there any tool for SQL injection
    How to enter a SQL injection statement in web application?

    I hope I can get the help from this site

    Thank you

  61. Hi,

    This is rama working as a Tester . Currently i m working in Banking domain. I would like to get more details about banking domain. I also planning to write certifications exams related to banking domain.
    Could any one please send details, docs and URLwebsites to my mailid . Thanks in advance.
    Mail id :

  62. hi , i am software tester taking private project.But i don’t have domain knowledge.can u tell me how can i learn the domain knowlede. what is mean by erp domain please explain in detail.

  63. HI Aruna, All the possible cases which comes below has to be used to Test a Website. Based on these U have to develop the Negative Test Scenarios and Cases to come accross maximum Issues.

    1. Functionality:
    All Internal Links
    All External Links
    All mail links
    Check for Broken Links

    All Field Level Checks
    All Field Level Validations.
    Functionality of Create, Modify, Delete & View.
    Handling of Wrong inputs (App Error messages has to be Displayed)
    Optional and mandatory fields checks

    2. Usability:
    Application navigation is proper through tab
    Navigation through Mouse
    Main features accessible from the main/home page.
    Any hot keys, control keys to access menus.

    Spellings and Grammars
    Updated information

    General Appearance:
    Page appearance [Eg… Overlappng, Missing]
    Color, font and size
    Consistent design

    3. Server Side Interfaces:

    Server Interface:
    Verify that communication is done correctly, Web server-application server, application server-database server and vice versa.
    Compatibility of server software, hardware, network connections.
    Database compatibility (SQL, Oracle etc.)

    4. Client Side Compatibility:

    Check for the compatibility of
    Windows (98, 2000, NT)
    Unix (different sets)
    Macintosh (If applicable)
    Solaris (If applicable)

    2. Browsers:
    Check for the various combinations:

    Internet Explorer (5.X, 6.X, 7.X)
    Netscape Navigator
    Browser settings

    3. Graphics: Loading of images, graphics, etc.,

    4. Printing:

    Text and image alignment
    Colours of text, foreground and background
    Scalability to fit paper size
    Tables and borders

    5. Performance:

    Connection speed : Try with various connection speeds, Time out
    Load :
    Check/Measure the following:
    What is the estimated number of users per time period and how will it be divided over the period?
    Will there be peak loads and how will the system react?
    Can your site handle a large amount of users requesting a certain page?
    Large amount of data from users.’


    Stress testing is done in order to actually break a site or a certain feature to determine how the system reacts.
    Stress tests are designed to push and test system limitations and determine whether the system recovers gracefully
    from crashes. Hackers often stress systems by providing loads of wrong in-data until it crash and then gain access
    to it during start-up.

    a. Typical areas to test are forms, logins or other information transaction components.
    b. Performance of memory, CPU, file handling etc.
    c. Error in software, hardware, memory errors (leakage, overwrite or pointers)

    Continuous use :
    Is the application or certain features going to be used only during certain periods of time or will it be used continuously 24 hours a day 7 days a week?
    Verify that the application is able to meet the requirements and does not run out of memory or disk space.

    6. Security:

    Valid and Invalid Login
    Limit defined for the number of tries.
    Can it be bypassed by typing URL to a page inside directly in the browser?


  64. Hi,
    I am new to testing area, please pass the information about BFSI domain knowledge. Any information about TSYS and DOCUMENTUM. Thanks for sharing the information.

  65. Well I am working in one of the US based company as a tester.My domian is Firmware testing .Baiscally i am not electronic back ground but still I ramp up soon and executing my work very well .Lot of learning happening day to day

  66. Hi Vijay,

    Thanks a lot for such a nice article. Now I am working in Retail & Manufacturing domain as a tester.
    I am a fresher so I don’t have that much of knowledge about the domain, please send me some links or article related to Retail & Manufacturing domain.

  67. Hi,

    I would like to know about Microsoft CRM testing, what is the best approach to test it and if it is a Agile process then what should approach and kind of testing it should be. Is automation testing is possible in Microsoft CRM.

  68. Hello,

    I’m a fresher and wirking on Healthcare Domain which works with HL7 concepts NOT HIPAA.
    Can any one of you guid me, what all to be gained for tester on Healthcare Domain.

    Thank You,

  69. Hi Shahul Hameed,
    what u told i accept stress testing how is reacts from the failure then tel me wt u mena recovery testing?

  70. Hi,

    Can any body provide domines meterial:

    BFSI, CRM, Hospital, Insurence and
    1)Mobile application testing.
    2) Wireless application testing
    3) VoIP applications
    4) Protocol testing
    5) Banking applications
    6) Network testing
    7) CAD (Engineering application)
    8)Edication (online schoolinng)
    9)Stock Market & Financial Data
    10)TV & entertainment (TV channel website)
    11)Online Recruitement Process (including tests & interviews schedules,..)
    12)HR Management System (for employees & projects management)
    13)Online Sales
    14)Forum & Community

    Thanks inadvance

  71. Hi,
    It’s Good…I am working on Health Care Domain.If you have any material Plz send it to me(Health care or BFSI etc.).

    Thank you,

  72. Hi Vijay,

    This site is really helpful for getting the knowledge, Please help me how to get more knowledge about finance domain testing.

  73. anybody have an idea regarding openings in the Security domain qa[ Antivirus , Firewall, Antispyware testing]

  74. Hi iam Saritha i want some domain knowledge on projects like banking and Insurance .plz forward me as soon as possible iam preparing for interview.
    I will be waiting for ur reply…
    my Id

  75. Hi All,
    Great to see like this article ,ppl can get boost and they can do more effective work on testing .
    i do believe like if we have domain knowledge ,we can test in better way in that project. i am working in hcl as test engineer,i also learn BSFI domain if any one have please send it to me on my e-mail id

    keep posting article….

  76. Good Article, myself working in VoIP Domain.

    From my experience, I strongly believe that domain knowledge is very essential for generating efficient test cases.

  77. Hi Vijay your article was very help full. I am looking for gaming domain knowledge .if any body into gaming domain knowledge please help me

  78. hai Vijay

    I am software test engineer up to now worked on land survey project, but now i have moved to another project which on Karnataka state Bar Council i don’t have any idea on this just i known newly LLB complited people will register through this plz if u have any idea plz guide me to test this web application

    Thanks and regards

  79. Hello all,
    I m working as web test engineer and currently i m working on domain for online ads.


  80. Hi,
    Am interested 2 wrk in telecom domain with Protocol testing,but i dnt knw abt protocols culd any1 can help me out ths procols n testing..ya i knw manual testing concepts..

  81. Hi,

    Presently i am working in a mobile product company and involved in mobile application testing….I would like to know more abt telecom domain…….cud anyone pls post the necessary info….

    thanks in advance.

  82. Hello there,
    First of all Thanks to all of you for such a great contribution to this site.
    I am rahul working as project traniee in one of the reputed companies in bangalore i have completed 2+ years in this company and now want change the company i’m working on Mobile handset application testing now i want to work on GSM/GPRS protocol testing kindly can you help me how can i get detailed info abt GSM/GPRS protocol testing and even i want to improve my skills on language’s so kindly suggest me one good language which is widely used in Wireless may it can be some scripting language as well.

    waiting for your response.

  83. Hi every one,

    can any one provide me the methodologies use to test the application use for Banking and Finance domain.

    Thanks in advance

  84. hi frends
    pls help me…
    i want to knw abt health care domain (hospital management sys) and posible test cases….please reply me asap

  85. Hi,
    i m working on bankng domain .Just tell me major area to concentrate while testing the application.

  86. Hi Vijay & everyone!

    I would like to know if anyone has knowledge of any projects in the UK.. on the travel & tourism industry..I have a vast knowledge of travel Tarsc,Amadeus,Galileo..etc..and looking for a QA and Testing role.

    Thanks All.

  87. This is Supriya working as anTest Engineer in Hyderabad. I thank Mr. Vijay, Shahul Ahmed, and Jayant for their contribution to this site. It is very helpful.
    Please mail me material/articles/webistes on BFSI domain.
    I’ll be greatful if anyone can share their knowledge on BFSI domain. Please mail me at

  88. Hi,
    Really a nice article. For the past 3.5 years i have been working on Engineering & Manufacturing (Control valve and Safety Relief Valve) domain. Currently i am working on US Export Compliance domain.

  89. Iam working on Health care domain.please can u send some information on the health care dmain application.

    Iam working on Kisok / cvm applications

  90. Hi Arindam,
    If u tell the Application domain or flow of any modules, then I can post u some useful comments.

  91. Hi Sir,
    I m manoj, I want informtion about manual testing ,black box testing ,white box testing, gray box testing,intregration testing,quality assurance,quality control,system testing,performence testing,functional testing

    Thanking you!

  92. Am currently working in hostiptal domain .
    i am a software testing who test LIS application
    previous i was wrking in retails domain
    any one wanna share their knowledge shall mail me


  93. Hey Labu,

    What kind of domain knowledge i should learn as QA Tester ?

    This answer depends upon the type of products (or) services which is Organization is dealing with…..

    As of for a fresher it would be better if are well aware of BFSI, Telecom these are most opted domain in may of the MNC companies………

    Pls fell free to buzz me for any futher information


    Kiran Darapureddi

  94. Hello Vijay,
    Very informative article. I have an interview on monday. The company has opening for Healthcare,Insurance and ERP. Can you help me with these domains?

  95. WOW! we are getting good idea of different domains and the career opportunities you can have in these domains.

  96. i am looking for testing job(banking domain) can any one send banking domain document to my mail. my mail id is Please send as soon as possible,I need to attend an interview they prefer only d candidates having experience on Banking&healthcare domain,so that i need to gain knowledge on telecom domain.Please can anybody help me out regarding this.

  97. hi everyboday this is very helpful,i was reading only questions and that too without any answers for going crazy…

  98. Hi ,
    Article is quite impressive and informative.I am working in an automotive industry.I want to have a good knowledge of telecom domain if you people can help me in getting the same i would be very thankful to you all.
    If you have some good stuff to help me please mail me at

  99. hi 🙂
    this was really very useful.
    currently i am working on testing related to website developement. I would also like to have detailed knowledge about the mail and messaging domain.I would highly aapriciate if provided with this soon.
    thanks !!

  100. Hi, can someone pls send me the details about insurance and finance domain a tester shud will be really helpful for me if somebody cud reply at the earliest as I am expecitng an interview anytime
    thanks alot in advance

  101. This is really very good site for testers. I worked on Insurence domain. I want to improve my knowledge on BSFI. Can you please point me there.

  102. hi all,
    I’m working on wireless domain
    and my project title is Functionality testing of Smart Card Application.

  103. I just started my career as a tester and looking for job as a tester. Could u please provide me with some matrials and test cases on mobile applications. Thanks in advance.

  104. Hi Vijay,
    The article is very very good,
    I am working on ERP system. This article solve many of the doubt as how can a tester grow and can create the expertise in a specific domain.
    Thank You !!!

  105. I found this article today while searching for articles on banking domain. this is really awesome article. keep it up.

  106. Hi Vijay,
    Thanks for u r comments on Testing. It is really good and also helpful to others who r in testing as well who r seeking for testing job.

    Can u send me any links, doc for domain knowledge…?

    Once again thanks a lot

  107. Hi all,
    i am job training on Telecom domain plz send some suggestions for me about telecom domain, how to use siebel CRM in telecom domain any one have documents for telecom domain please send me based on that i am prepare for interiews or any sites u know please tell me.


  108. Dear friends.
    Good Evening Am Nataraj Currently am searching for a Job, My nature of work is Hardware Lab Incharge, am good in asembling borads , rewoking based on engineers request, am familary with any SMD packages till BGA, but about testing knowledge is less,
    am requesting if any one help me how to start Board bringup testing & debugging,what are the steps do i need to take before start, & i want to know what r the steps need to take befor start EDVT testing, because of not knowing this am not getting proper job any where, if any one help me in this this will be helpfull for me….

    Thanks in Advance

  109. I have one simple difference and quite clear difference between Verification and Validation.

    Verfication: Have we made the software right?
    Validation: Have we made the right software?

  110. Hi
    This is really good artical…

    am working on diagnostic Healthcare domain.
    if any of you have some thoughts on creating innovative ways to upgrade or improve domain knowledge. please share…
    we all read lots on be creative and innovative testing, how can some one attempt to develop these skills..

  111. i am in to healthcare domain i want to gain knowledge in health care domain
    can any one send the documents for healthcare domain

  112. Hi,
    This is a very gud article and thnx to vijay for a wonderful explanation. Im a test engineer and i would like to know more abt the media domain which im currently workin on. Please send me any info to my id that is

  113. hi,
    this is jesica currently i am working in mobile game testing industry i just want to know the future about mobile game testing as we test games from low end to high end devices like from blackberry games to i-phone,nokia basic models……. game testing i want more information what is future of mobile game testing

  114. I am RamaSubramanian and presently residing in Chennai!….I am interested in getting Valuable knowledge as a Software Testing Engineer in the BFSI (Banking Finance Insurance ) Domain. I would also like someone to send me good reading material on Capital Market and Investement. ………..any URL’s of any website giving important valuable information is also welcome. Also kindly send me the various Roles played by QA persons who handle these projects, related to documentation Bug Report, Test Cases and Test Plan,
    Also kindly send me useful material on Web Testing.

    Thanks in Advance

  115. Hi,

    May I know Ppl need core banking or capital market domain details ?. If it is capital marktet I can help them out…

  116. Hi mate,

    This is Raja Rajan. A software developer, in java tech.
    I had recently joined an IT company addressing banking domain clients.

    Can you pls share some knowledge of the banking domain, which will be very helpful, for my work.

  117. We are looking for fresh engineering graduates with the following eligibility to work out of our Bangalore facility:

    Ø Engineers – B.E/B.Tech with 70% and above

    Ø Graduation year of pass out – 2009

    Ø XII Std – 75%

    Ø X Std – 75%

    If you have any of your acquaintances who satisfy the above criteria, you may please ask them to apply through the following link:

    Shortlisted candidates will be called for a technical written test to be held in Bangalore, shortly.

    Please note that:

    Ø candidates not meeting any one of the above criteria will not be considered

    Ø applications directly sent to the recruitment / HR team at Bangalore / Chennai will not be considered

    Ø applications registered thro’ the above link will only be considered

    Ø the above link will be open only till EOD of 15 Dec 09 and applications received beyond 15 Dec 09 will not be considered.

  118. hi i am a fresher and i am currently working for a software concern as QC , so please send me the procedures about this domain …….

    thankyou vijay

  119. I am currently working in education and training domain, i.e, testing products (software) related to education. I would like to know more about telecom domain, banking domain, BFSI and others. How to get domain knowledge in other areas without practical experience??

  120. Hi…just happend to read the article ..& belive me its really very helpful…especially for the begineers…which guides for a rite start 🙂
    After being in support(app) for 4+ yrs…want a change in career. I am new to testing… could u please share with me some guides, tutorials abt domian knowledge..and hw can we make a lucartive career in testing.
    Thanks in advance for ur valuable inputs

  121. Hi
    This Really good article for tester to know domain knowledge is play role in testing application,
    My self I am working in industrial Automation domain, I can say domain knowledge will defiantly help to make Good Quality products

    Thanks for your Good valuable article

  122. Hello…
    Thanks for the nice article on the importance of domain knowledge..
    I am working in telecom domain for about 4.5 yrs.


  123. hi guy

    how will u test a website from the begining to end in working environment? please explain with an example.

  124. Hi

    It was interesting to read this article and to know the importance of domain knowledge in software industry.
    I am new to testing and i am into database testing.

    Please mail me material/articles/webistes on BFSI domain and database testing to

    Thanks in advance

  125. Hi Gary, #470

    Learning domain knowledge in not like doing course. You’ve to google for the knowledge. I think no other best way is there to gain domain knowledge than GOOGLE.

    Just browse with different keywords in the domain. Search each and every technical words, so that you can get more than what you want.

  126. Hi,
    I am working in the healthcare domain.
    So , i would like to know ,on which topic in healthcare domain, utter most importance has to be given & if u have the related links please do send me.


  127. Domain knowledge means we are completely validating customer’s requirement without their much intervention and to their full delight.

  128. Hi,
    I am working on mobile application testing.Article is very informative and useful for tester. I would like you produce article on mobile application testing and share domain knowledge on same.

    Thanks in advance.

  129. I am working with infragistics from last 4 years, we guys are wrking on dot net platform and testing the dot net control’s advanced features using manual black box testing. In many of the interviews i m asked for my domain. but I am really not confirmed about that, Could you please suggest me something

  130. Hey Friends,

    this is going to be very good website for all f uss, Im wokring as a Software Test Engg in SALES n E-Service Domain for any queries fell free to ask me out any queries in these Domains………

  131. Hi friends, this is kishore.
    Can someone whoever worked on Retail domain give me some domain information and also 3 issues in Retail application testing (issues in Retail project).


  132. Hi guys,

    am fresher and presently am working for web application testing related to Sun times daily news paper.still i don’t know in which domain am working and how to develop my domain knowledge…so can any one please help me and clear my doubts regarding web application testing….thanks.

  133. Hi,

    I am dheeraj from pune. i am a Software tester but one problem is , explain if severity is high & priority is low in which condition u write it.give me example.

  134. Hi All
    Please any of you could help me, i am new to TESTING, I need the information on Banking domain, and how to automate with QTP, what is the procedure to start testing with automation tool like QTP.
    Please help me,

    Thanks in Advance

    Are they any weekend callsses on these issues in HYDERABAD.


  135. This is Sameer requesting an help from friends who are interested to share there experience in BFSI Domain. Send me required documents & materials.
    Please mail me material/articles/webistes on BFSI domain.
    I’ll be greatful if anyone can share their knowledge on BFSI domain. Please mail me at

  136. Hi all

    This is Srinivas working as an Associate Test Engineer in Hyderabad. I thank Mr. Vijay, Shahul Ahmed, and Jayant for their contribution to this site. It is very helpful. Please mail me material/articles/webistes on BFSI domain.

    Thanks in Advance

  137. hi,
    Article was very impressive,its true that domain knowledge is very important for testers.I am working on telecom project VSNL as a tester.I need some more information on Telecom Domain.
    How can i understand some depth domain knowledge?Please guide me

  138. hi all,

    Thanks for spending ur precious time to share ur views.. which is useful for contacting and knowing about how important is the domain knowledge is….!!!!

    If any of u have any document related to BFSI please please do forward it to me ASAP…

  139. Dear Hiring Manager,

    I am, Meenakshisundharam.M, seeking a suitable position in Software Testing as Project Manager. I am an IT consultant with more than 10+ years of experience in Automated/manual Software Testing and I also have knowledge in using SDLC, TLC, Aglie, QTP, WinRunner, Silk test and LoadRunner.

    Relevant Experience : 10+ Yrs
    Reason for Leaving : Career growth
    Earliest Joining Date : Immediate
    Current Location : Chennai
    Education : M.C.A., M.C.P., HPCP., Pursuing PMI-PMP
    ePayment : Proof of Concept for PayPal
    Contact number : 09840957716
    Total Managed Team Size : 50
    Total Onsite exp. : 3 months – US
    Valid US visa : B1 (10 yrs multiple entry)

    I have attached my resume for your kind perusal and I request you to consider me for a suitable position in your esteemed organization.


  140. Hi All,

    I would like to know what are the various testings done in BFSI Domain, apart from Manual, Automation & performance Testing.


  141. Hi I have experience of two years of experience in trade finance domain and one year in testing core banking application. Is it possible for me to get into investment banking domain for testing ?

  142. Hi i am a tester and currently working in Hospital management domain, but i wanted Life and car insurance domain knowledge and how to write test cases. Could somebody help me please. as i tried so many websites but i couldnt fine any.

  143. Hi Friends,
    First of all Thanks to all of you for such a great contribution to this site.
    I am Meenasri working as a s/w engg. I am currently into a finance domain project, where in which I need to know more about the domain than the application itself…
    i tried to reach Jayanth through email but unable to do it.
    So kindly if any of you can send me documents related to BFSI domain, it will be a great help to me.

  144. I am going to work on Banking Domain. I have very little about the same. where should i start to get domain knowledge document? Please revert on my mail ID.

  145. Hi,

    This site is really usefull for testers,and gives good information on why domain knowledge is important,or how much it has impact when u r recruted to a new company.

  146. Hi all,

    I have 12 years of domain knowledge in Retail Operations, Warehouse managment, Category management and Quality Asurance for food segment. I would like to enter into an IT company based on my domain knowledge. Can anyone guide me how to go about it?

  147. HI all this is very good place to find the solution and training regarding testing and on domain.

  148. hi all,

    I am finding this site is very informative and helping many of the people in the testing community, and am presently working in a Embedded domain, and would like to get more information related to this, if anybody in this domain has any resource please share to me, my mail id is or

  149. Hey,
    Good read…..m presently into automation (TestComplete)………and catering to financial institutions(to be presice in BFSI)……i totaly agree with u that domain knowledge really gives an upper hand ….

  150. You have provided valuable information about the domain knowledge.

    I would like to add one more domain is “Health care industries”

    I am working on the health care domain and now a day in US the health care market is on high demand.

  151. Hi All,

    In continuation to my communication with Mr Vijay please note that looking at the response and need of all fresher testers as well working professionals on some other domain looking for new domain knowledge, we have designed a fast track curriculum on BFSI Domain that covers the processes, documentation, functionality of application, application processes and the testing scenarios.
    This would run for 2 week ends on Full Time basis.

    Please let us your further interest to post the schedule of the same to you all.

    Happy Testing!!


  152. hi vijay

    pls tell me what type of testing can be done in insurance LOB. is it possible to do integration and system testing in this LOB,if it is. then how.. what are tools required or used for insurance project … for integrationa nd system testing.. plspls pls

    reply me asap.

  153. Hello…
    Thanks for the nice article on the importance of domain knowledge..
    I am working in telecom domain for about 4.5 yrs.

    Thanks in advance

  154. Thru SQL Queries trying to retrieve sensitive information. Without having proper credentials trying to get the information by randomly injecting the queries to the database.
    Example: Railway Reservation System
    While booking tickets in the url address page trying to send some queries and getting sensitive information’s.
    This is my point of view. Try to get information form Wikipedia…

  155. Hi Vijay,
    The article is very nice and useful, who wants to make career in testing. I am a Senior Test Engineer and have worked on follwing domains:
    1. CAD (Engineering application)
    2. Edication (online schoolinng)

  156. Hi Vijay,

    Am currently working on Retail domain where we test the functionalities of POS application..
    Plz let me know if u have any knowledge base material for retail domain.


  157. Hi All,

    i am currently working as Quality Assurance Professional with a Software firm which is product based and it basically deals with a CRM product in INsurance and Investment industry.
    i work with Investment module and i am interested in gaining domain knowledge related to it.
    Please can anyone help me?


  158. Hello :),

    Am rite now working in Telecom domain. Am into the interfaces testing.

    This article is very good, great work.

  159. can u pls provide me some documentation on health domain.can u help me out in getting domain knowledge on health domain

  160. I have gone through domain knowledge in testing. I got an idea about what is domain knowledge. i need a full knowledge on testing in banking domain. Please help me to know about the testing in banking domain

  161. hi

    Can u pls provide a sample project for testing or kindly provide related website for practicing purpose.


  162. I am working for a Medical health Insurance Company.
    Can you please tell me from where to get the documents related to this domain.

  163. hi,
    this article is really very gud n very helpful for those who r in testing field awesome one

  164. Hi Jagdish Reddy,

    Even I need the documents on Banking and Insurance Domain Knowledge.
    Could you please let me know your email id.

  165. hi

    Im Currently working on Arline domain(Travel).
    This is really a nice article and will surely help people to know the importance of the domain knowledge.

  166. Hi iam sudhir i want some domain knowledge on various projects like (bfsi)plz forward me as soon as possible iam preparing for interview.

  167. Hi all,
    Domain expertise does it starts with a Specific Project study or needs a specialised attention to the Domain standards. If anybody could hint me with the briefing of the differnet Domains currently existing, it would be of a great favor. I appreciate the other friends who have actively participated in posting their valuable comments.

  168. Hi…

    I would like to know the domain knowledge on banking and telecom application.


  169. Hello Vijay,
    This is one of a good site in my search.I think their is a lot of demand for domain knowledge.Please add it here. I am also looking for it esspecially in BFSI and automobile insurance/ Pharma validation. I f any one have any info please mail me. Thanks.


  170. Hi,
    I have done my testing course, but realy not sure about the domains, i am looking for job on testing.
    could you please advise me on the domains and help me in going forward. Thanks in advance.
    hoping for the reply.

  171. Hi Folks,

    The Article by Jayant …insights a skill ..which is very much needed in the current software testing arena…
    yes jayant , i agree 100 % on your thoughts…domain knowledge is very important….
    i have worked on Retail for 4 yrs & is currently in Banking domain….
    i need to make a point here..its really a herculean task to gather a particular domain knowledge..the best way to gather much of domain knowledge is to identify the sub domain with in each domain and learn…
    there is also an option to specialise in something which comes under different domains also…
    for example..
    for the past 3 years i have worked in retails POS systems..where i have gathered enough knowledge of the front end systems…n now i m working in banking domain..where the testing is concentrated in the back end..
    to make things easier…retail pos..take a scenario ..just think of a person swiping a credit card at the retail pos terminal..testing is pure front end ..where we are just concerned of the response..n there is no idea what happens in the back end…
    in the banking domain..just think of the scenario i told before..swiping the credit card..there are lot of processes happening in the back end …with the banking side..such as authorisation, message formats,re concillation, distribution , reporting etc…
    so working under the same systems under different domains..will make u a specialist…which ‘ll give u something extra apart from the domain knowledge…


  172. Insurance policy is vast area domain?So you fix up with one policy process.Which you can get through the google.You will get many process,but follow and fixup with one process.

  173. Hi Guys,
    I am working in Information Security domain.
    It’s really an useful article……………

  174. Hi,

    Nice topic and its very good idea to sharing kowledge about domain. I had worked on semiconductor and now working in Finance domain.

  175. Hi Vijay,
    it’s very nice article and thanks for information….
    1.Coming to my work I’m working as tester and since last 1.5 years i’m working HR domain project(Basically it’d out organization product),could you tell this is an good domain and how the organizations believe that he/she is an very good domain expert while during interviews.

    2.One more important question is let ‘In real world there are lakhs of testers and competition also’ very high,in such scenarios how to prove and get demand our self in the presence of organizations.
    EX: I have 3 years of experience my current CTC is 25K per month and i attended for an interview and i asked for 40K per month,in such scenarios why should take me by paying such amount,what we should show to him?

  176. Hi Sir ,
    Really the article is too good and worth reading it .
    im working as a test engineer (Automation testing -qtp)and my company is into BFSi and as u told the domain knowledge is always an upper hand..
    Thanks for the Article

  177. Hi All,

    Please any one of you help me, i need some sample descriptive programs in QTP.

    Thanks in Advance..


  178. Hi sheeba,

    This is Suresh Working as a Test Engineer.

    Domain means what is your application related to Insurance, banking, Healthcare, E-learning like this.


  179. Hi …
    Its really useful information portal..I really liked the postings and comments on Software
    I am also working as a test engineer in an MNC.I am doing manual as well as automation testingin Financial domain…I want to get more knowlwedge in Financial Domain..So if any one can help me out, then it will be great releif for me..My id is

    I would like to know the domain knowledge of
    Financial as well as Banking .
    can anyone giw a brief details of projects like the screens
    test cases written etc…..

    Please do the needful,

    it is require very urgent,b,coz my project is already started and i have to design Test Scenarios and Test Casesand Test Script buy using Automation Tool-QTP.

  180. nice article. I am fresher looking for a job in testing.
    I would like to know domain knowledge of BFSI.
    I’vl apriciate if any one can provide study material for BFSI domain.

  181. Hi… I was working for supply and chain management domain for the Microsoft clients… I was handling the bugs and was involved in the testing of the web applications…

  182. As far as domain is concerned
    its gud to know
    bfsi and investment banking apart from retail banking

    more we do not have to know much if u know operation level then its sufficient…
    there is a site called intutuion web really gud for BFSI

    google it n learn that

  183. Hi, I would really be Thankfull if somebody could provide me some information /articles on BFSI domain … as i have never worked on these domains .

  184. HI,


  185. I am new this article. it really intersting. i want to more abt banking domain. plz send any material or any institute in hyderbad which gives domain konwledge on banking……….plzzzzzzzz

  186. hi
    can anybody working in the album creation s/w if so kindly share your knowledge. So that i can get the domain knowledge in that.

  187. Hai, i am basically a sale guy in banking & Insurance industry – Exclusive in NRI services. Iam planning to swift to IT industry in banking and Life insurance domain. So, i need the training on this request you to guide me….

  188. really its very nice article for freshers
    i am also currently working as manual software tester.
    i want to know more about oppourtinities for graduate students. is skill important in industry or technical degree

  189. Hi…

    I would like to know the domain knowledge on banking telecom application.


  190. Hi!

    I am trying for a job in testing field for the past few months. Could any body send me study materials on preparation of test-cases, test-plan, BFSI domain. and how could I download QTP.9.2. FREE!


    Send to my email id :

  191. Hi,

    I am currently working as business analyst in Banking and financial service.could you provide more details about Banking domail

  192. Jay,

    One more option, you can add the TC ref as 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, etc…so that it won’t impact the previous numbers which you have already updated for existing TC’s

  193. Hi All,

    I am working as a Senior Test Engineer. I would like to expand my knowledge in Banking/telecom domain. As you are working in Banking/Telecom domain could you please share the material or the stuff that will help me in understanding the domain.

    My email id :

    Thanks in Advance.

  194. hi sushma,
    download istqb material from this link . It will be helpful to learn manual testing. Learn how to write test case,how to execute. and for automation just for initial step learn QTP concepts.

  195. Am into Banking Domain, as a Manual Tester. Just started learning QTP so as to move into automation. One good article this is, that i can refer any amateurs.

  196. I would like to know about Banking and MObile Application Domain,If anything more important plz send that also to my mail id……

    thanks collllllllllllllllllllll

  197. Hi Vijay ,

    Its very Useful Info. As I currently working Health Care domain..can u please post the info domain wise.. so that every once can easily get information for which domain they require.

    Thanks and Regards.

  198. This is really a very very good and insightful article. Thanks a lot for the knowledge sharing. I have been worked for BFSI vertical for more than one year. Now I’m planning to clear the second level certification for BFSI for better knowledge of this domain.

  199. Dear Vijay,

    This article is really very informative and helping for many of the people in the testing community.
    This really help me in improving my skills and knowledges toward become a good test engineer.

    Thanks & Regards:
    Abhishek Kandarp

  200. Hi,
    This is really a Good Article on Domain Knowledge.
    I want more information about Security Domain aspects.

  201. Hi All,
    Good Evening this is me Nataraj, currently am looking job basiclly am from Bangalore..

    if any one working in bangalore in Embeded area please share your mail id to my ID is i’ll forward my Resume.


  202. @thilak
    OK you are working in web applications but on which area or domine your project dealt with for eg banking telcom, hspitality, etc.

  203. hi frnds
    its realy nice article.& also useful for facing interview.
    currently i am working as a tester in website development company. so all tech. i am using except perfomance testing b’cos testing manually so any one can tell how can i test performance of application manually.& how &

  204. Hi,

    I am working in Banking Domain as a Test Engineer. Our company is totally in to BFSI Domain.Your Article is really good and Useful.

  205. Hi,

    i am working with web based financial domain. now i am allocated in banking domain.could you pls give me some basic knowldge in banking domain.

  206. Hi,

    Thanks for posting such a useful article. I am having around 3 years exp. in s/w testing & I am completely agree that tester should have good domain knowledge for better testing.


  207. Hi ,
    This is Santosh From Bangalore.
    Right Now I am working as a Testing Team Lead in an MNC Company..

    If you people having interest to learn it then please fell free to contact me …

    My course schedule

    1. Manual Testing
    2. Win Runner
    3.Load Runner
    4.Test Director
    6. Rational Robotics
    7. Embedded Testing

    With required interview tips…



  208. hi
    i am working as a fresher. i hav to improve my domain knowledge of regarding Insurance. and i would like to know abt mobile game testing. is their any material regarding these two plz send to me. my mail id is
    thanks in advance.

  209. hi folks!
    i am working on HR domain for 1 year and half.i found this article and others really help me in improving my skills and knowledges toward become a good tester.GOOD!

    keep it up!


  210. The information provided is very help ful. I am presently working on Insurance domain. It will be very good if you can provide some more model papers for the CSTE certifications with answers.

  211. 1. how many types of files and folders in qtpd? many types of thick and thin users are theredd? qtp recognize the objects while running the script?

  212. Hey Vijay

    Thats an excellent article. But I hold little different opinion. I am an engineer in printing and am doing as software testing professional in print related software making companies since I started my carrier. Though I am profited by my being a domain expert, but this is not something extra ordinary I hold. A professional with zeal to learn, can easily know the domain by putting little efforts, provided he should be a sincere tester. Moreover, pulling in same domain from last six years is growing little boring for me and I think a change in a different domain can bring challanges and more stuff to learn for me.

    Let me know your views on it.

  213. Hi! Sir

    Gr8 to see your article on domain specific knowledge. and the response received on this article from different domain working professional also sounds too good. One line I would like to say on this Great Indian Technical experts should always share there knowledge with every one.. Chak de India


  214. This is Rajesh from chennai I need your advice on my career. I am working at TCS for CITIBANK US process. My experience is 3 years in this Banking Domain. At present i plan to switch over on testing Job. Is it possible for me to get Job in Testing field. My qualification is B.COM (commerce). Thanks in advance.

    MY email Id

  215. Hi Vijay ,

    A very good article on why we need domain knowledge.
    I am working for an Investment bank in derivatives domain.
    One thing to add to this article , the importance of having domain knowledge makes you advance not only as a tester but also as a bussiness analyst, which is the current need in market.Hence opens new horizons for us to turn from testing to analysis.

  216. Hi Vijay,

    great!! your article is very nice and it is very useful for all software test engineers.


  217. i want more about the domain “telecom ” what is mention here is only the introduction but plz give it in details.
    thanks & regard
    Atul parashar

  218. Hi,
    I am working in Insurance domain now its in health project can we please ref some sites and can you please provide some information.

  219. HI
    this is a fantastic portal…
    Pls can you give me some info about airline domain as a tester.
    Looking forward for your prompt reply.

  220. i am a mechanical engineer with 3 yrs. experience in engineering & construction industry in oil & gas sector.
    could anybody pl tell me with this domain knowledge how can i get a job IT industry?
    ur kind response will be highly appreciated.

  221. Hi Vijay
    Am expecting more yaar from u……… Am waiting for ur next post.
    Everytime I check the Url leads to know that yet not been posted 🙂

  222. Hi,
    This article is very Useful for testing for all SQA’s . And how basic Skills of All Autmation & Domain related testers.

  223. Hi Vijay,
    Really thankfull for the specific article regarding “The domain knowledge is important for tester or not”. I am working on Hospital Management Domain.



  224. Hi Jagan, #475

    Surely you can. Your banking and financial knowledge will add value to your profile. Just learn and prepare well. Surely you can win.


  225. Hi Friends,

    Currently i am working in Non-IT field and planned to switch my career to testing.I had learned the basics of testing,and now i am very eager to learn testing practically with real time projects.
    If any one interested to teach testing personally with real time projects , i will be more grateful, or else show me the right place in chennai.
    Thanks & regards

  226. Hi,

    Very impressive article and I completely agree that domain knowledge is very much important. My personal experience says that.

    I feel the kind of domain i work on is quite unique and interesting in its own. The domain I work on is ATM Domain. I work in a QA dep. When I say ATM domain this includes testing of Software and Hardware both.

    Here we are not just individually testing software or hardware, its a combine process. Hardware would not work without Software and vice versa. To perform any kind of testing you really need to have good amount of knowledge of Hardware, Software, Networking…

  227. hi all,

    can any one explain abt the game testing.whatt actually done in game testing.r they going to write test cases in game testing.


  228. i don’t know about domain knowldge please give detailed explanation. i am a fresher QA now working in a sotware company.

  229. Hi,
    Thanks for this article, it’s really great. I’m currently working on multiple, & totally irrelevant domains like

    -Stock Market & Financial Data
    -TV & entertainment (TV channel website)
    -Online Recruitement Process (including tests & interviews schedules,..)
    -HR Management System (for employees & projects management)

    & I’m going to get involved in other projects that include:
    -Online Sales (buying, selling, credit card validations, payment using pre-recharged cards,…)
    -Forum & Community for family, mostly mother & baby stuff.

    This actually gave me good deal of experience in each of those fields which can be very good for me as a test engineer as I’m open to testing almost any kind of domain.

  230. Thanks Vijay

    I have expertise in Retail domain.
    Now, I have got chance to to work on Banking and Insurance domain
    I have a little exposure to Insurance domain and I am totally new to Banking domain

    I am interested in some articles on Banking and Insurance standards from a IT solution provider perspective.
    Could you please consider this request at the earliest

  231. I would strongly recommend that testers should try to acquire a certain amount of domain knowledge to make the functional testing effective for the following reasons.
    1. Purpose of the software utility and what each of the functions in the applications means to the end user. Tester should be able to translate the requirements validity into the end results which is usable and compatiable to the business need.

    2. BFSI Applications :
    These applications cater to the finance and banking world at large. The software can be on the global platforms or standalone systems. In such cases, there are various regulations and laws pertaining to the Financial domain across the world. So the tester’s knowledge on the domain and certain amount of these domain specific business needs will help the application have no loopholes when we complete the Release.
    For example: Take a simple Banking Online Portal- Unless you know how the “Methods of Payment” and “Scheduled Payments” , User Registration, and “Account Summary” will work in the real world, it would be difficult to test the requirements and confirm validity of the application. Where as if you take larger applications that cater to global needs of Trade Finance, Investment Banking, Capital Markets or Portfolio Management, unless you have the business acumen, it will be difficult to analyze the end results.
    2. Health Care Domain: The need is pertinent to understand certain common medical terminologies to provide accurate validations on the software performing as per the customer requirements or business objectives. Unless you know what the end results meet, like the reporting softwares of the Medical equipments, it would be very difficult to confirm that our testing is 100% accurate. That is where Test Analysts who work closely with Business Analysts who in turn will be Subject Matter Experts will come useful in the testing process.
    3. Manufacturing Domian – Having extensive experience in the Auto Domain industry, and overall manufacturing life cycle, one thing that I would strongly put here is that our understanding as Testers, Test Analysts or the Test Managers in the process of SDLC is predominant and this process cycle should be in tune with the actual software end users.
    For example, today, most of the software developed for the Manufacturing units actually are used in the plant floors. In such a case, unless you know what happens in the Plant Production units, you will not know how this software you developed and tested actually means to the end user.
    For example, we have a Resource Loading Software for a Component Industry. Where multiple parts are produced and shipped towards the main assembly plant and the main assembly plant completes the assembly and sends to the shipping unit. Here the production counts have an actual impact on the goods movement in the shop floors. Hence it is vital to know what these figures that pop up on the screens in the software mean to the end user. This makes our testing more efficient, reliable and acceptable.

    I would call this a balanced way of handling both the domain level of understanding and technical understanding, for at no point, the tester should feel that his job ends by testing the software application at his desk. I remember the days when we used to test if the Letters of Credit generated in an backoffice in India, is actually getting printed in Korea. Here the tester should also know who the end users are, how to manage their coordination and final testing for acceptance. Remember friends, we are a very important team, not just for testing but for the Entire application what so ever, for which so ever domain, our ultimate goal should be a bug free, user-friendly and usable software that has to be delivered. We should really act as Strong Gatekeepers and for that it is an added value to have the domain knowledge. You can always take expert opinion and sharing knowledge from SME in the respective fields to learn and know better before you begin your testing. Good luck Folks,


  232. Hi folks,

    Am in need of e-learning domain documents.
    If any of you are having, pls do forward…

    Thanx in Advance

  233. I am currently working on Finance domain. It is a loan application that checks and approves the loan application send from Applicants after proper verification.

  234. Hi,
    I’m currently working as a S/W Tester in a small concern. My project AIM is to create ,Manage and Organize the Non Profit Organizations. Like to collect funds thru Organizations and use these funds for some usefull programms. Please can any one try send me the domain document relavent to my project… Because i’m trying for a better one good job. So domain knowlege is very important for me now…. Please help me…

  235. Hi….

    This is Alok working as a Tester . Currently i m working in Retail domain. i want more about the domain “Retail” what is mention here is only the introduction but plz give it in details.

    thanks & regard
    Alok Srivastava
    Email ID :

  236. Hi.. what i understand from this is that domain expertise is essential… It would be very useful if basic concepts in BFSI is available… Can anyone share their ideas who and all are working in banking domain..

  237. I am working on etendering system. domian knowledge on tendering system.
    This article is really very gud for understanding the what are the process one has to go through after getting into (development + testing ) professional.

    Thanks for sharing .

  238. sir
    what are the options available for fresher in market, as you are talking about domain experts, and i havenot see any advertisement nowadays like companies are hirin freshers.

  239. Hi,
    Very useful content on net. I am working in BFSI – Retail/Investment banking – Temenos T24 App.

  240. hi vijay

    pls tell me what type of testing can be done in insurance LOB. is it possible to do integration and system testing in this LOB,if it is. then how.. what are tools required or used for insurance project … for integrationa nd system testing.. plspls pls

    reply me asap.

  241. As a tester we need some domain knowledge to analys the project more and test the application.

  242. hi,
    “Is there any testing like gamma testing”?I would like to know about this gamma testing.


  243. Hi,

    I am working on Airlines project, can any one tell me what are all the available certification in this domain.
    waiting for the reply at the earliest.


  244. Hello….
    i really njoyed reading this informative and interesting write up.
    I am working in Banking and Financial domain and i can say that….u should have a good domain knowledge before working to this domain.Only when u will be a good tester else it will be hard for u to cope-up with the work as u need to know the terminologies.

  245. Hi Vijay
    Could you Give me the link for online resources for domain knoweledge. am in trade domain for stock market

  246. This is really a very good article and indepth analysis of why domain knowledge is neccessary for any testing.

  247. Good article.

    I am currently working in Insurance and Healthcare(IHL) domain. My previous assignment was with Communication and Media Entertainment (CME) domain.

  248. I am working in iptv product testing for the past 7 months….really good domain…and this article is really very nice and great……….

  249. get me details of web application domain knowledge

  250. Hi man, this article is g8t!!!!
    Gud useful info …
    I worked as test engineer trainee , Business analyst & test engineer in domains like:
    (a) Social Networking site
    (b) Real Estate Site
    (c) Web based application
    (d) Ecommerce Application
    it always benefial to have domain knowledge

  251. Hello Vijay,

    This is a very nice article provided by you and this is very helpful to me. I am currently working in a online bidding/shopping site. The purpose of this application is the dealing between the buyer and the seller. Mainly its a bidding process. So can you provide me some good information regarding online bidding, so that I will be able to test the application in a better way.


  252. Hello!

    It’s very nice article. I have 3 yrs experience of manual testing & 1 yr automation testing. The domain working is Engineering. Previously my domain was Excise Mfg, Inventory, A/c, Trading . So what domain I should mention in resume? Will domain be problem for me?
    Thanks in advance

  253. hi man, give me one suggestion mow i am in general manual testing part can say webtesting, can u say which domain is good for learning and for my future.

  254. hi,

    recently i switched over to a mnc. previously i was working on mobile application testing. for now i want to shift to proper application testing. right now i’m on bench and waiting for a project to be assigned to me.
    considering my previous background of mobile testing what should be my approach to gain a particular domain knowledge.

  255. Can any one send me documents related to BFSI domain, it will be a great help to me.

    Thanks You,
    raju sunkara

  256. Hi ,

    Currenty i am getting many interview calls on BFSI. But i dont have any idea about that.

    Please provide me more details about this BFSI domain. Also send me the test cases and test plan to:

    Thanks in Advance.

  257. Hi Frnds i have worked on website developement and CMS(content management system) projects. Can anyone tell me under which domain it will come?? i have woked as a tester in both the projects.

  258. I would like to know the domain knowledge of Life Insurance and
    Financial as well as Banking .
    can anyone giw a brief details of projects like the screens
    test cases written etc
    send to the id

  259. Hi All,

    I’d like know about Datawarehouse testing. currently i’m doing manual testing. We are testing functionality of Hyperion Reporting product against SAP BW data source.

    I’d like to become Datawarehouse tester, so what are the skills/Knowledge require for datawarehouse domain. Should I learn SAP BW concept? so kindly let me about Datawarehouse domain and its future.

    Have A Nice Day!

  260. Solution for #341,


    If u need to add a new TC u can add after 10th TC.
    as per know knowledge, adding a new TC inbetween the exsisting TC is not recommended.

    if u are working with QC, u can set the TC Execution in order in Test lab tab.

  261. Hi Floks,

    I would like to know, how the back end (Database) testing process goes on…

    I need detailed explanation or materials or related sites..

    pls mail me to

    thanks in advance… waiting for ur valuable suggestions…

  262. Hi,
    I went thru this nice article.I am currently working on CRM application domain.
    I would like to know whats the scope of this domain and how is the growth in this domain.

  263. I have completed my B.E in Printing Technology and currently working as a QA in a software company which develops and tests software for the printing industry.

    The article is really good.

  264. Hi
    please any body help me
    i have knowledge on c,sqlserver2000,unix/linux,manual,qtp only this courses i know any other must telme please

  265. I am working in web application can i mention if any body asks waht is your domain as web application

  266. I would like to know the domain knowledge on banking Financial, insurance and telecoms application.

  267. hi vijay…i’m working as a QA in a gaming industry which controls and monitors the games.
    it is an awesome article…

  268. Am working as tester on a Banking Domain.
    Can you please help with a guide wherein it will help me to understand the domain, how it functions.

    This very imp for me since am a fresher for the testing in the Banking Domain.


  269. Hi,

    This article is very helpful.

    I am working in a company, which is specialised in Webtesting and making websites for foreign clients.

    Can you please tell me, what extra I have to learn to grow further in this field?

    Please suggest.

  270. i am a fresher can anybody tell me about the jobs in testing field .iam looking a job in delhi only and iam a simple graduate in arts field

  271. hi to all

    this article is very gud n helpful for those who r in testing field . The person who is working in real env can share there experience with this topic.

  272. sir ,
    your study &hypothisis is realy true and appriciable.
    it will be definately usefull for every new person who want to make his career in testing.

  273. Hi,
    I am jayant I am searching job in software testing & this artical give me boost in my studies related to testing. I was thinking testing is simple or less skilled work but after reading this artical I came to know that it required hardwork and patiente.

  274. hi,
    i am working as a software tester from last 7 months .actually when i have joined company by thinking to learn & expand my knowledge with qtp automation tool. but,here only manual testing applying.
    so,i am now just testing functionality.
    as per market requirement need to be an dynamic software tester who can skilled with manual+automation.
    & i have non-tech degree (zoology) so in some what manner i am tensed about my carrer.
    any one can tell me how can i grow or i have to switch myself towards backoffice where may be i will get growth.
    currently i am testing market application & also e-commerce,management type application by functionally also by applying sql injections & on different browsers .
    now i want to write own script test how it is?………..

    It is a very important aspect in terms of bringing the testing down to closure. Domain Knowledge matches the requirement (ERD/BRD) and the understanding of the developer in the building/fixing of an enhancement/issue. It also helps in structuring constructive test scenarios. It gives a virtual figure on the output during testing.

  276. Hi,
    Really a nice article. For the past 3.5 years i have been working on Engineering & Manufacturing (Control valve and Safety Relief Valve) domain. Currently i am working on US Export Compliance domain.

    Best Regards,

  277. Really a wonderfull site… u will find any topic related to Software Testing, u dont have to search another site 🙂 🙂
    Really helpfull if u are going to face an interview 🙂

  278. Hello Guys,

    My Name is Prakash , I have done professional diploma in software testing in the year 2008, but haven’t yet got job related to software testing.

    Can anybody help me out?

  279. I’m working on Order Management System, Pocket PC application, Inventory Management System and Billing applications.

  280. Hi,
    I want job without salery also i can for work
    please help me
    please help me bank domine deatiles


  281. Hi,
    Hi iam working on Banking Domain It’s really fantastic Article, i would like to know Test Plan design…

  282. Please let me know the courses available to get to know the BFSI domain at the earliest. I am good in technology, but due to lack of domain knowledge I am not able to come up in my career.


  283. Its a very good article and very useful too for teh testers.
    One thing is left out in the article. What are the Technical skills that a tester should possess.
    From teh three dimensional testing both testing skill and domain knowledge is provided except for Technical skill.
    Please provide that also. It will be useful

  284. hi all,
    i am santosh, and i have completed testing course, now i wana get into testing streem.

    please help me knowing about the same, mainly about the domain importance.

    you can mail me at thanks all .

  285. Hi ,

    Its really a very boosting article, it tells us how much domain knowledge is important. Thanks each one of you for your contribution to the site.
    Please email all testing related docs to my email ID
    Thanks & Regards,

  286. @veena
    Domain knowledge is very important for tester.since if u see main job of tester is validation and it remains same in all application but if u have domain knowledge u will get edge over the other..and it would really gera up ur thought process during Domain Knowlrdge is very very essential ..folks make mistake please try to bag as many domain expertise possiable or at least BAFI..for more ping me back

  287. Informative artice.

    I would like to know wht would be the best way to gain knowledge on Healthcare domain.I am working on EMR which involves lots of patient saftey.Can anyone suggest good websites.Will automation works for such domains.

  288. Can anyone explain me different domain knowledge like
    financial,pharma,network and what is secutiry in finance(what we have to speak during the Intervie)

  289. Hi Shahul,

    This is really a good place to clear doubts and to enhance the knowledge.
    Can you plz give me the brief idea that “What is the basic difference between Desktop Testing and Web Testing?”

  290. Hey nice article. I used to work on Pharma domain for 3.5 years. Now I am on banking domain. Can some provide me information on CC – frauds.

  291. Great!!! Site

    Sneha ,
    Life Insurance domain note has been sent to

    Shahul Hameed ,

    I need more information on white box testing and what are skills we required .

    Thank & regards

    “Everything is possible if you believe it is”

    Hamed Hussain

  292. Hi, It is a very good article. Good domain knowldge is very much important in testing applications. If you have a deep domain knowldge, it will be easy to find the critical defects which is hidden in the application. I’m also working in BFSI domain for the last 3 years. I like to share my knowldge to people who are interested and like to help the job seekers.
    feel free to contact me at

  293. HI

    this site is very very useful to a testor. Mentions what is mandatory for a Testor, without any of those mandatory definetely he or she cannot be a tester in QA.

  294. hi,
    you have shared very good ideas and usefull words.
    how ever i have doubt i am a bsc graduate how ever i completed degree in 4 years i mean i had back log and completed in 2006 could you please help me am suitable for testing job

  295. Hi Folks,

    This is really a wonderful portal to share knowledge.
    I have just started as a fresher I think there’s miles to go ahead. I would like to know more about what is domain knowledge? and what are the skills I need to develop. Kindly help me to build a strong career in S/W QA. Please mail me at


  296. hi readers,
    i have seen the site today itself while i m browsing for domain knowledge in testing and where we can get the domain kmowledge projects if anu knows please inform me there r many people working in testing.can any one help me getting those projects please.ik have an interview for bank of america.please do me this favour

  297. Hai all , I m a fresher and I am in testing, is this the right time to improve my domain knowledge , if so I am interested in BFSI, Is there any e-learning or any e-books available

  298. HI!
    Thanks for this article as this gives us an insight into the importance of domain knowlegde.Its also gives us tips about how to be a gud competitor in software world.I am currenlty workin in telecom domain, into billing application.Previously i have worked in investment banking domain.

    Could you please let me know how much of telecom domain and investment banking domian knowledge is expected of a person with 3 yrs of experience?

  299. Hi ,
    This article is really very nice.
    I am currently working on telecom domain with the CRM application.

  300. Hi,

    can any one pls send me the banking domain approach and its related documents thru my mail.


  301. i am currently working on an utility based project. So could you please send me some more information regarding this domain.

  302. hello,
    Really good article.
    Article is really helpful for all testers.
    This is really a good site that i found for testers of any experience.

  303. HI.. I’m working as a QA Engineer. I want know about Banking & healthcare domain. Please provide me the details of those domains as soon as possible. i need to attend interviews on those domains.

  304. hi,very nice .
    i am new in testing,i want to information about banking domain.and which field is imported in banking domain.

  305. this is good article…people i want to kw about doing manual testing for web application and its methodologies…with out using tools doing web testing is good…

  306. Hi,
    I like you are articles.
    Excellent information posted in this site & its very helpful.
    I am working on Healthcare domain. earlier i was working on Banking domain.
    If you know any link related healthcare domain then please forward it to me.

  307. Hi ,
    This article is really very nice.
    I am currently working on telecom domain with the CRM application.

    Can anybody provide me material or any website on telecom domain.

  308. Hi,
    This is good article. I wann to increase my domain knowledge in BFSI. Please fwd me some related links and data.


  309. Hi swetha,
    Verfication is the process of confirming that S/w meet is is also called static testing technique Checking the SRS document,review the code..

    Validation is the proecess of whether is saitisfies the user requirements.To check that what we requested that has been delivered

  310. Hi

    We all know that anyone of the following domain knowledge are required, but just by knowing concept it will not workout. We need to get a chance to work on any of these domains then it will be very useful in your futhure go. In same way for Automation tool, we should get chance to work on.
    1) Mobile application testing.
    2) Wireless application testing
    3) VoIP applications
    4) Protocol testing
    5) Banking applications
    6) Network testing

    do anyone have idea where we can get or download sample application to work out these domains and tools

  311. hi
    i want to know how theprocess goes in insurance domain projects
    need brief explanation of insurance ,banking and financial projects

  312. Hi guys.
    lovely information posted on this site ….

    I liked the info.abt the domain knowledge importance..

    and the one differences between the verification and validation was awwsome..

    lastly testing categories for a website..impressive

    U guys are genious…thanks..for the info.
    keep up the good wrk.

    can some one help me out to send me the health care domain information..


  313. I would like to know the domain knowledge on banking Financia, insurance and telecom application.


  314. hi friends,

    domain knowledge means having functional knowledge of any project eg: what are the module/components and what it is supposed to do.


  315. Please find the answer for “Difference between Verification and Validation”
    the most frequently asked question in anywhere in the software industry.
    | S No. | Verification | Validation |
    | 1. | Verification is a STATIC |Validation is DYNAMIC testing |
    | | testing procedure. |procedure. |
    | 2. |It involves verifying the |Validation involves actual testing |
    | |requirements, detailed design |of the product as per the test |
    | |documents, test plans, |plan (unit test, integration test, |
    | |walkthroughs and inspections of|system test and acceptance test |
    | |various documents produced |etc). |
    | |during the development and | |
    | |testing process. | |
    | 3. |It is a PREVENTIVE procedure. |It is a CORRECTIVE procedure. |
    | 4. |Are we building the product | Are we building the RIGHT product? |
    | |RIGHT? | |
    | | | |
    | 5. |It involves more then two to | It involves the testers and |
    | |three persons and is a group | sometimes user. |
    | |activity. | |
    | 6. |It is also called Human | It is also called Computer |
    | |testing, since it involves | testing, since errors are found out|
    | |finding the errors by persons | by testing the software on a |
    | |participating in a review or | computer. |
    | |walk through. | |
    | 7. |Verification occurs on | Validation occurs only on code and |
    | |Requirements, Design and code. | the executable application. |
    | 8. |Verification is made both in | Validation is done only on |
    | |the Executable and Non | Executable forms of a work product.|
    | |Executable forms of a work | |
    | |product | |
    | 9. |Verification finds errors early| Validation finds errors only during|
    | |in the requirement & design | the testing stage and hence cost of|
    | |phase and hence reduces the | errors reduced is less than |
    | |cost of errors. | Verification. |
    | 10. |An effective tool for |Various manual and automated test |
    | |verification tool is a |tools are available for Validation. |
    | |Checklist. | |
    | 11. |It requires cooperation and | It is to check that the product |
    | |scheduling of meetings and | satisfies the requirements and is |
    | |discussions. | accepted by the user. |
    | 12. |Verification tasks include: |Validation tasks include: |
    | |1) Planning |1) Planning |
    | |2) Execution |2) Testware Development |
    | | |3) Test Execution |
    | | |4) Testware Maintenance |
    | 13. |Verification activities |Validation activities include: |
    | |include: |1) Unit testing |
    | |1) Requirements Verification |2) Usability testing |
    | |2) Functional design |3) Function testing |
    | |verification |4) System testing |
    | |3) Internal Design Verification|5) Acceptance testing |
    | |4) Code Verification | |
    | 14. | Verification deliverables | Validation deliverables are: |
    | | (work products) are: | 1) Test plan |
    | | 1) Verification test plan | 2) Test Design Specification |
    | | 2) Inspection report | 3) Test Case Specification |
    | | 3) Verification test report | 4) Test Procedure Specification |
    | | | 5) Test log |
    | | | 6) Test incident report |

  316. Hi., I am karti., Now only finished my B.E(Computer Science and Engineering).Now only i am getting into Software Company.Here the company peaple doing project in “WIRELESS NETWORK DOMAIN”. Now i want to know what are the things i have to cover before i get in into training. Help me plz..,, Mail me

    Thank you very much.,

    Warm Regards.,

  317. Hi Jay,

    The article said all the correct things about testing domian .i am working in Life Science domain and being an Elect Engg it’s all the more difficult for me to understand the terminology.But when i combine the application knowledge with all the different articles that appear in newspapers related to Pharma industry i am in a better position to test and give justice to the application

  318. hi vijay,
    Indeed u did a great job by making aware freshers in the testers abt the domain importance.I really impressed with your concept.

  319. Hi man, this article is g8t!!!!
    Gud useful info …
    I worked as test engineer trainee , Business analyst & test engineer in domains like:
    (a) Railways project(Portal)
    (b) Insurance
    (c) Web based application
    it always benefial to have domain knowledge

  320. Hi Guys,

    I am a fresher. I am looking for a job in Testing field.

    I see here that there are many people working here in different domains like BFSI, Telecom, Retail.

    can you all please share your domain experience based on your project you worked on with some detail as this can help many to get an idea as to where having the domain konwldege comes into picture, what are the critical features you can test related to this project.

    My email id is :

    Any help is appreciated!!!

  321. I fill very gigantic myself when found this site . Thanks a million to all of you . I will be greatly appreciate if somebody guide me or send me some info . taht what kind of domain knowledge i should learn as QA Tester …Thanks again …

  322. hi i want to know about domains that a performance test engineer(loadrunner) tests .HOW MANY DOMAINS ARE THERE?AND ABOUT BANK DOMAIN,EDUCATION DOMAIN,SALES DOMAIN . SOME websites provide study loans and course details which domain it is? please……..tell me.

  323. hi i’m ashwini
    i am from CAD background
    & i’m new commer in testing field
    so ur artical helps me to choose job

  324. Hi
    This article is really very helpful for all the testers. I am currently looking for job in testing. I have already 3 yrs of testing experience in various domains. I have one question, how much knowledge is required for domain expertise? My last prj was in investment banking. Where can I get the knowledge of this domain? My email id is Please help me.

  325. Really nice article…i also agree with VIjay comments/views.Now a days most of the employers/clients looking for good knowdgeble tester as well as domain expertise.I have some idea about the usefull of domain knowledge….i will explain later…if some body interest.

  326. Hi Friends I need the list of technical skills required for developing applications in BFSI Domains.
    Can You please provide me the technical skills for developing these Banking Domain Finance Domain, Shares Domain, Insurance Domain applications.

    I am grateful to all of you if you people provide much more information as early as possible.

    Thanks to All of U..

  327. Hi All,

    Its great to see this response that boosts and improves the importance of domain mainly for a tester professionals as few comments above proves that.


  328. hi
    m working in software firm as Jr. Software Tester. I have all testing skills, but problem arise at the time of technical n domain things, though its my first job stimes i get confuse n its becums problem for me to go ahead.Hw could i get domain knowledge.
    If you prvide me all the through details bout domain n other suporting technical things, i will be thankful to u…dat will add value to my job.
    Thanx for such a valuable information

  329. Hi vijay ,

    Really a Good Information to Software Testers,

    I am Currently working on Banking Domain (Whole Sale Banking) , I worked with both Front end and Back End process ,

    Reply back what all i can learn more regarding this,


  330. Hi Shahul Hameed,
    Thank you.I have another doubt Boundary value analysis testing come under Block box testing technique.Then suppose if u are checking the value in the code for loop i=0;i

  331. hi..
    m sandeep..i hav just completed m.b.a(finance)..nw m lokg 4 a job , basically nt a marketing job.. hw ur above given information can help me??????? plz tell me,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  332. Hi,
    Tis is ramu i completed ma (economics) 2004
    recently testing course completed
    how can i get job
    i want banking domine knowledge
    i have good knowledge in realtime bank transaction
    its help or not bank domine please help me
    my mail
    Thank u Ramu

  333. Dear All ,

    Greetings ,

    Especially to Sahul Hammed , Vijay and Jayant for their wonderful contribution to this site . This article is really nice and helpful .

    Can any one please send me the BFSI – Docs /ebooks / articles to me . I can be reached thru . Please help .


  334. Hi all
    Can any body tell me, how to put domain knowlege in resume if im working in the website aplications.

  335. worked as test engineer trainee ,

    i would like know more about Protocol testing ,can u please provide more knowledge on protocol testing and how exactly it is been tested. what is actuly voip testing and what are all knowegde need in telecom domain

  336. I just started my career as a tester and looking for job as a tester. Could u please provide me with some test cases on mobile applications. Thanks in advance.

  337. Dear Sarath

    Please visit Iflex Solutions web site to check the opening in similar they have for more details.


  338. Hi Vijay,

    I am loking for software testing job and this article is awesome…helped me a lot…thank you

  339. Hi All,

    I am working on ERP Domain….Thanks for the info…. I will look forward for more information on probable technical bugs in web applications….Thanks

  340. Hi Guys,
    it was really amazing to see the posts………
    i’m into Banking domain.

    Kindly fwd me the materials/websites to know more abt Banking Domain……

    Keep Rocking !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  341. Hi
    Any one have the testing srs for Banking,Insurance and other domain means send me to my mail it is very use for my carrier.I am search job in testing side.

  342. Hi,

    I am working in mobile application testing for the past 7 months….really gud domain…and this article is also great…

  343. hi

    how will u test a website from the begining to end in working environment? please explain with an example.

  344. Hi Jayant Deo,

    Ur article is good and very useful. I want know how come a person get exprience (knowledge) in good domains unless he/she gets an opp. where he/she works. every one will not get chance to work on particular domain like banking/finance/telcom/network etc.
    so one should look in to thier testing (manual/automation), communiction skills etc and not domain. they should be hired and trained inhouse to work on particular domain. then every one gets chance to come across these domain. if a person knows only erp / application domain and does not know the above mentioned and not hired because of domain knowledge how come he will come to know it. i faced this problem having good testing, comunication skills but not the domain. we cannot learn domain skills outside. we should get chance. then still i will be working on the same. person having alone will be going on. it is not good.

  345. Hi Seeta,

    I am working as a Technical Lead (testing) and batch support lead (peoplesoft). I would like to expand my knowladge in telecom domain. As you are working in Telecom domain could you please share the material or the stuff that will help me in understanding the domain.

    My email id :

    Many Thanks in Advance.
    Durgasatish Kolukuluri

  346. Hi Priya


    Can you be specific about which domain you need information so as to provide you with the relevant information adn documents on the same.


  347. Hi Vijay,

    Thanks buddy, this article is very helpful for the testers community. I wish you all the best for contineuing the same efforts. I’m new to the testing field and trying to grasp as much as i can abt testing. Please provide details of the importance of UseTestCase Based Testing on Networking Domain.

  348. Thanks for ur prompt reply Shahul…i m hestitant to share my email ID on a public site..would u mind letting me know ur ID ..i shall reply to urs ..thanks again.

  349. Hi vijay,

    i have read your topic. i got a clear knowldge from this. Thanks for me how to improve testing skills…keep sending the topics…thank you…..

  350. freinds,
    i have been working in a private bank from 3 years and now want to change my career to testing please help ..i have engg back ground with rich domain knowledge on banking and finance …..plzz help

  351. Hi all,

    I am working health and govt domain project ..actualy i m from B.E(E&C) so i want change my domain to Telecom domain so,what are all the steps i need to take ,is that easy to test telecom application plz mail me or


  352. Really I got the detailed information about this topic. But pls suggest me about the BFSI domain. Because I newly assigned for the BFSI domail.

  353. Hi –

    This article is very informative. Can you please provide me more information about “Search engine application”. As I recently moved to this project. I appreciate your help. Thanks.

  354. Thanks for your valuable information. I am working for Legal domain can you share some domain knowledge.

  355. HI,Kiran Darapureddy,iam working as Tester in small org,hyd.iwant domain knowledge on Banking hw can i me.

  356. Hi!

    I am trying for a job in testing field for the past few months. Could any body send me study materials on preparation of test-cases, test-plan, BFSI domain. and how could I download QTP.9.2. FREE!


  357. I would like to know the domain knowledge of Life Insurance and
    Financial as well as Banking .
    can anyone giw a brief details of projects like the screens
    test cases written etc

  358. Hi,
    Can i get documents on domain “healthcare and lifesciences”.
    Please do the need ful

  359. Actitime is a standalone, web-based time tracking with intuitive and friendly interfaces. It is clear and simple way to register time expenses, analyze employee performance, and prepare timesheets for billing your customers. With active time you can collect timesheets by customers, projects and tasks. Its flexible reporting facilitates management work and streamlines time billing process allowing data to be exported for your customers’ invoicing. Active time supports both billable and non-billable tasks and allows user to define custom billing types.

    this is my project profile.

    plz let me know it belongs to which domain?

  360. Hi Vijay,

    really good article. I am working on Datawarehousing domain on ETL side as QA.


  361. I have been reading articles on this website for quite sometime, it is very good site. great work 🙂
    keep it up.

  362. Any one please answer these questions regarding domain knowledge acquisition
    1) Can we acquire domain knowledge without working into that particular domain
    2) If we take into consideration of some domain like BFSI, Telecom, Health these are very vast domain. Can any one tell me what should we focus on these domains
    3) Please give some reference of domain certification, if at all it adds value.
    4) Is SCM or SOA is a good domain to get into

  363. Hi ,
    Article is quite impressive and informative.I am working in an automotive industry.I want to have a good knowledge of telecom domain if you people can help me in getting the same i would be very thankful to you all.
    If you have some good stuff to help me please mail me at am currently working on load runner and QTP if some one wants i can provide online traings on the same.

  364. Hi Folks..

    I am in need of Daily and Weekly status report…
    And one more thing…

    How to maintain Test Case ID numbers when new feature is added or removed from the build.
    Test Case ID numbers should not affect for additon or deletion of TCs…..

    Suppose: I have TC IDs from 001 to 010….Now I need to add a TC in b/w 1 to 10.
    But it should not affect the previouscly created TC ID numbers…How to include new one…Pls help me out..


  365. Hi!
    I read your very knowledgeable lesson ya! lesson, I really like it and it really develops my interest in testing.
    please send me your valuable BFSI and also other important domain knowledge, it wll be very helpfull for me.Thank you .

  366. This is Venkatesh working as a Test Engineer in Chennai. I thank Mr. Vijay, Shahul Ahmed, and Jayant for their contribution to this site. It is very helpful.

  367. Hi Friends I need the list of technical skills required for developing applications in BFSI Domains.
    Can You please provide me the technical skills for developing these Banking Domain Finance Domain, Shares Domain, Insurance Domain applications.

    I am grateful to all of you if you people provide much more information as early as possible.

    My email id is:
    Thanks to All of U..

  368. Hi Writer,

    I am going to join a company as a tester and its a banking project.Please let me know what are all the things i need to know about banking.

  369. I’m working on Order Management System, Pocket PC application, Inventory Management System and Billing applications.

    Its nice experience to read this post.

  370. looking out for a job change.
    3 years exp in c/linux device drivers..
    if there is any requirement in this domain me on 07795692969

  371. Hi All,

    1st let me thank Mr Vijay for sharing such a good article regarding Domain knowledge for testers.

    Even i need information regarding BANKING DOMAIN. So, can anyone help me in this. Plsssss.

    Thank you,
    Raju Sunkara

  372. hi all
    i working as a test engineer in piyu soift systems since last three years i want to change my job please give me any openings in your compny.

    i am expert in banking domain

    sadavijay s poshengir

  373. Hi-

    This article is very helpful to test engineer. I am working in EMR(Electronic Medical Record) software, used by hospitals and clinic in US. I need some information about Winrunner, load runner, QTP. How I can learn that?


  374. Hi ,

    I found out that most of the requirements specify that insurance background is a must.So please can anybody help in explaining what actually we have to know in insurance domain.

    Thank u in advance

  375. Hi Shahul Hameed… Ur comment on web testing was too good.. I am also a web tester and it helped me a lot to improve…

  376. Iam presently working on Contruction domain integrated with ERP.I would like to share some valuable information with others who are working in the same domain.

  377. any one plz explain briefly about
    quality,quality policy,quality control,quality system,quality management, quality circle.

  378. Hi,

    Can anyone pls help me with how testing is done in Airline domain especially for backend testing and Internet Booking and also with the related documents.


  379. Hi
    this is manoj, i am really thnk full of this site as got lot of knowledge.
    please reply my query answer as i am working Cosmetic company name is AVON which deals with consumer and i am responsible for testing of every Chage request please let me know i am which domain as i hv read your domian article.

  380. Hi Depa,
    ThanQ for Ur Comments, Its unable to upload the Tutorials in this area. If u give ur Mail Id, I can forward it to u in that.

  381. Hi,

    I am not completely agree with above article. What is more important that a person must should have indepth knowledge of software testing activities. Domain knowledge is an additional attribute of the tester, it is good if has some hands on same domain. If requirements are clearly jotted then an expert tester can measure the quality of any software. By the way test team is a pack of east and west, so persons with different abilities should be hired to make a good team.

    Thank You!

  382. Hi Vijay,
    Thanks for sharing such an article with everyone. It just lets everyone know the importance of Domain knowledge while Testing.
    Great work 🙂
    By the way i am working with an MNC in Investment Banking Domain.

  383. This is really very helpful .Recently in Hyderabad also one person opened Domain Institute exclusively for BFSI and for testers.

  384. I just started my career as a tester and looking for job as a tester. Could u please provide me with some materials and test cases on mobile applications. Thanks in advance.

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