WAPT Pro Performance Testing Tool Review Tutorial

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated January 11, 2025

In this article, we provide an extensive guide to web application performance testing using WAPT Pro for beginners. Let’s get started. 

Today, we will be reviewing one such useful web application performance tool – WAPT Pro.

If you have just started using this tool or want to try it, you will find this review helpful. 

Guide to Web Application Performance Testing Using WAPT Pro

WAPT Pro Load Testing

WAPT Pro 4.0 is the latest update to the popular web load testing tool developed by SoftLogice Inc. Their previous version was numbered 3.5, so this should be considered a major update. In this review, I will mainly compare these two versions.

Read more => Learn more about the WAPT earlier versions here.

(Note: Click on any image for an enlarged view)

wapt pro 4

The updated product features generally have the same GUI as all interface elements familiar to WAPT Pro users with only the graphical elements somewhat refreshed. The left view is structured a little bit better than before with more pages containing log and report settings.

Performance counters are now managed in a slightly different way, providing essentially the same functionality. The number of predefined counters has been extended.

When you create a new scenario, you see the Wizard as before.

WAPT Pro 4.0 1

It is still targeted for novice users, thus containing a lot of explanations and suggestions. However, in this version, they have removed the strange and misleading choice between different test types.

This page now lets you select the load type directly. The choice is limited to three options as before. Subsequent Wizard pages are generally unchanged.

New Recording mode

The first significant difference from earlier versions comes when you try recording a profile to play. After you click the “Rec” button on the toolbar, WAPT Pro enters the recording mode, which is completely different in the new version.

All HTTP requests intercepted by the recorder appear in the left view under the “Recorder” folder. They are not directly recorded on your profile as before. All requests, including “page elements” appear there in the raw format.

If you select a request, you will only see its headers in the right view. This is probably done to create better visibility of the recording process in general.

(Click image for an enlarged view)

WAPT Pro 4.0 2

You cannot edit anything in the properties until you finish recording, but you can insert bookmarks to highlight the profile structure and mark logically complete parts. When you click the “Stop Rec” button, WAPT Pro processes the recorded content and converts it to the usual profile, pretty much like it did before.

This conversion may take some time, so you may need to wait a few seconds. However, this is a small expense for a great improvement in recording speed and visibility. With previous versions of WAPT Pro, you could wait much longer during the recording process while guessing if something was still passing through or if the whole thing got stuck and broken already. This was quite annoying and now this problem seems to be resolved.

With WAPT Pro 4.0, SoftLogica has finally managed to create a 64-bit version for the workplace component. I remember that several years ago they added an option to use a 64-bit load agent for large tests. The workplace has so far remained 32 bit in all versions.

While this was not a problem for most users, those who wanted to work with very long profiles (like ones consisting of 5,000 requests) or tests requiring extraordinary data volumes did experience quite dramatic failures when the product crashed because of insufficient virtual memory.

Now this problem is resolved completely and what is quite remarkable is that this is done at no additional cost. If you have a WAPT Pro license, you can choose to install either the 32 bit or 64-bit version. The 64-bit load agent (called x64 Load Engine) still remains a separately paid extension.

The new version is probably more applicable to large and complex tests in other respects as well. All GUI elements work visually faster even when you have thousands of items in view. And this is not the only improvement in usability. In all previous versions, you were limited to only one workplace window on your system. This was inconvenient, because if you ran a long test, you couldn’t do anything in parallel. Now this limitation is gone. You can still only use one window at a time to run tests and one for recording. However, you can open as many windows as you want to browse and compare test results, work with profiles and logs, etc.

WAPT Pro 4.0 3

Another great achievement is that now you can specify pass/fail criteria for any test. This suggests to us that a test is not just an emulation of some real life load.

This is a part of the QA process that should determine if the system meets the performance requirements or not. Now in WAPT Pro, you can specify the exact conditions distinguishing between the successful and failed tests.

One of the new features that I do not fully understand is the “performance degradation” metric. You need to set so-called “baseline time” for each request and WAPT will calculate the difference from that baseline time in the test.

In my view, this only produces additional numbers in the report while presenting essentially the same results. Fortunately, you can disable all prompts related to that feature and remove the extra values from the report.

Another strange but interesting feature is the ability to process test results with your own JavaScript code. As I understand, this is another attempt to provide methods for automatic analysis of the results (in addition to the pass/fail criteria).

WAPT pro JS use

For example, you can find the slowest response in the whole test, or compare error rates of different users. Such things are rarely required in practice, but this may be useful in case of very specific complex testing where the functionality of the application may also somehow correlate with its performance.

There are other small new features like the ability to ignore errors on specific HTTP requests. Overall my conclusion is that most of us will only see the difference in product usability. However in some cases, this can make a dramatic benefit. Some users may also like new specific features. For example, integration with Jenkins may be useful for those who use it.

The regular version of WAPT was also updated at the same time as the Pro version and includes some of the features mentioned above.

Typically, a different numeration was used, so despite a higher number, regular WAPT 9.0 corresponds to WAPT Pro 4.0. You can even upgrade from one to another for a fixed price without affecting your maintenance period.

By the way, all types of upgrades are now listed on a separate page of the SoftLogica website, so you do not need to purchase a new licence at full price if you want to refresh your older WAPT or WAPT Pro licence.

For more information you can check out this quick start guide. You can download the WAPT Pro fully featured evaluation versions here.

We hope this tutorial was beneficial for you. Do let us know if you have any queries or doubts about this load testing tool in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you. 

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6 thoughts on “WAPT Pro Performance Testing Tool Review Tutorial”

  1. Thanks for this article. This article is very apt for me now as

    1. I used version of WAPT PRO 3.5 for load testing of our website
    2. Was again looking for the tool as we are getting ready with newer version of our site.


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