IBM Rational Quality Manager RQM Tutorial

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated February 4, 2025
Edited by Kamila

Edited by Kamila

Kamila is an AI-based technical expert, author, and trainer with a Master’s degree in CRM. She has over 15 years of work experience in several top-notch IT companies. She has published more than 500 articles on various Software Testing Related Topics, Programming Languages, AI Concepts,…

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In this tutorial, we are going to have an in-depth look at the test management solution “IBM Rational Quality Manager (RQM)”. This includes support for Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Scripts, manual execution of test cases and defect management.

In this hands-on IBM RQM tutorial you will learn:

  • How to Create a Test Plan in IBM RQM
  • Creating Test Cases within a Test Plan
  • Add Manual Test Scripts to the Test Cases
  • Execute the Test Case
  • Raise Defects as appropriate
  • Viewing Test Execution Records

Application Lifecycle Challenges

IBM Rational Quality Manager RQm Tutorial

IT project execution involves the use of many tools. The basic ones are those used for requirements management, project management, version control, build management, test management, deployment etc.

The normal practice is to identify a good tool for each of these tasks. Using tools improves efficiency in operations to some extent. 

However, in most cases the tools do not talk to each other. There is no visibility as to who has made any changes, what has been done, when and why. Also, there is no proper traceability of artifacts which keeps some of the stakeholders in the dark. (For e.g. A Business Analyst might wonder what is going on with the high priority requirement; whether it is developed or tested.)

Planning and scheduling of tasks is also often done offline. Lastly, there is a lack of standardization as far as using an appropriate process (e.g. Agile or Waterfall).

Alternately, if tools are connected to each other and information flows through them in a seamless fashion, the project execution efficiency improves and all of the above challenges can be resolved.

What is Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

Application Lifecycle Management helps bridge the above gaps and connects various disciplines across SDLC. It also helps address the challenges listed above since the entire delivery would be transparent and on a single platform.

Introduction to IBM Rational CLM based on JAZZ platform

IBM Rational CLM (Collaborative Life Cycle Management) is an application lifecycle management solution which includes 3 tools in an integrated manner:

  • IBM Rational DOORS NG
  • IBM Rational Team Concert
  • IBM Rational Quality Manager

The integration of the above 3 tools in one single platform gives you requirements management, project planning, version control, build management, test management and reporting capabilities and support.

More information on IBM Rational CLM can be found here.

IBM Rational CLM

IBM Rational Quality Manager

IBM Rational Quality Manager (RQM) is the test management solution part of the CLM that helps the user with quality management activities such as Test Planning, Test Case creation, Test Case execution and Test Reporting.

Rational Quality Manager:

  • Leverage Web access
  • Captures test related data in a single repository
  • Accelerates test case creation and its execution
  • Provides complete traceability across the life cycle for all test data
  • Minimizes the need for manual documentation
  • Promotes better and earlier collaboration between all stakeholders

IBM RQM Installation

IBM RQM is part of CLM hence the installation is done as a complete package. Here are the steps involved to install RQM


  • Download IBM Installation Manager from here => IBM Installation Manager 1.8.3. This software is needed to install IBM Rational CLM
  • Download the CLM version 6.0.1 or as appropriate from the download page. For version 6.0.1 download from here => Rational Team Concert 6.0.1
  • You will need to register for a ID to download it. This is a one-time registration. This registration has a lot of benefits and gives you access to presentations, tutorials, posting questions at Jazz forum etc.
  • Download the highlighted package under Installation Manager Repositories
Installation Manager Repositories

Installation Steps:

IBM Rational CLM is a three-tier architecture that requires the installation of a database, an application server, and web client to connect to the server.

1) To install and use CLM for demo or POC (Proof of concept) purposes, you can use the default package which uses Derby database and Tomcat application server. This topology is designed to support only 10 users. The trial version comes with a 60-day validity.

2) To install for an enterprise setup you will need to purchase and install the appropriate components of Database and App Server as per the hardware topology suggested by IBM.

3) The complete installation steps can be found at IBM Knowledge Center.

Are you facing any installation issues? Post your queries in the comments section below and we will try to answer them.

Create a Life Cycle Project

Once the installation is complete, you will need to create a Life Cycle Project which will create a requirements project area, change and configuration project area and quality management area. What this means is that a project will be created in all of the 3 containers mentioned which makes it easy for teams to collaborate and trace artifacts across the lifecycle.

This project creation gives clarity as to which process template, i.e. Scrum or Waterfall, you need to use for your end to end development.

Individual project areas can also be created but are not recommended as you will need to then manually link the project areas to other containers.

More on the creation of the Life Cycle project can be found here.


In this section, we will look at the following steps of Test Management activity:

  • Login to IBM RQM
  • Test Plan creation
  • Test Case creation
  • Manual Testing
  • Test Execution and raising Defects

Login to RQM

To login to RQM, you would need to use the URL in the following format since it is completely web-enabled: https://<JazzServer>:9443/qm/web

Your RQM administrator would have enabled your ID and password through your organization’s LDAP active directory.

organization’s LDAP active directory

Note: It is best to use Internet Explorer 11 or Firefox Browser’s latest version for use with any of the CLM products

When you login, you can select the project created for the team.

The following public dashboard is then visible to users who can have multiple widgets that show various custom reports for active projects.

various custom reports

Test Plan Creation

Test Plan is the starting point for all testing activities for any particular cycle. It contains multiple test cases which contain the scenarios that the user would be testing.

From the Planning menu select Create Test Plan:

Create Test Plan

Enter a name and SAVE the test plan.

SAVE the test plan

On the left, you see the sections that are part of Test Plan which will guide you in your Test Activities.

So typically when you plan you should have information about the Objectives, Risks covered, Test Schedules, Estimation, Entry Criteria (Defines the prerequisite items that must be achieved before testing can begin) , Exit Criteria (Defines the conditions that need to be met before the testing can be concluded) and also any additional related documents.

For e.g. You can assign a Formal Review to a senior member in your testing project like a Test Manager to approve/reject the Test Plan. You can click on the Formal Review section of Test Plan and create an Approval process.

Approval process.

Add the Description, Due Date and Approver ID. Save the review

Save the review

The best part is that this review is visible in the dashboard under My Reviews widget and is seen when the user logs in. This is an effective way to collaborate within the context of the artifacts.

My Reviews widget

Test Case Creation

As the Test Plan is open click on the Test Case section to start creating Test Cases. Click on the below icon to start creating Test Cases.

Test Case Creation

Enter the name for the Test Case and click OK

Enter the name for the Test Case
Enter the name for the Test Case 1

We can also link Test Cases to the Requirements.

Select the Test Case and click on Requirement Links section

Requirement Links

If Requirements are already populated as part of the Requirements Management container then you can link to the existing requirement else you also have the option to create a new requirement and link it.

Click on the below icon to create and link requirement.

create and link requirement
create and link requirement 1

Click OK and Save to continue.

create and link requirement 2

This provides traceability and ensures that the testing is done for every requirement correctly.

The Test Case section also contains Pre and Post Conditions as free text that you can add.

Manual Testing

As Test Cases are added, it is time to start adding the steps which are the test script for the execution of the test case.

In this tutorial, I am covering Manual Test Execution but it can also be integrated with Automated Functional Testing tools like IBM Rational Functional Tester, Selenium, HP QTP/UFT.

Select the Test Case created above and go to the Test Script section. Create the test script by clicking on the icon shown below.

Create the test script

Create the test script 1

Click OK and Save.

Create the test script 2

Click on the Test Script and add the manual steps that are necessary for Test Execution. Save the Test Script.

add the manual steps

Test Execution and Raising Defects

Now having completed the creation of the test case and test scripts, we can now execute the tests. During execution of the test, Rational Quality Manager will present the manual test script in the browser and store the execution results in the centralized RQM repository for future reporting and reference purposes.

Go back to the Test Case level, select the Test Script and click on the RUN icon to begin Manual Test Execution

click on the RUN

Select the Test Plan and click on Finish to begin manual test execution.

click on Finish

The Test Case Execution window opens. You can select Pass / Fail at each step and record the actual results.  Other pre-configured results can also be selected.

Test Case Execution window

Once Pass is selected the cursor is moved automatically to next step. If any step fails, you can choose Fail and raise a Defect in the same step.

raise a Defect

Defect logged at the second step.

Defect logged

Defect logged 1

The Defect raised at this point is pre-populated with the steps to re-produce.

The Defect is also shown as linked to the step.

Defect logged 2

Now you can proceed with the last step as PASS and complete the manual test execution.

Click on Show Result to display the Test Execution results.

Show Result

Show Result 1

Lastly, a Defect affecting Requirements widget can also be added so that the developers can look at the defects assigned to them and resolve the same.

Defect affecting Requirements widget


The benefit of using the IBM Rational CLM platform is that all of the artifacts are stored in a single repository because of which lifecycle traceability can be seen in a single view and most importantly you get a real-time view of all the artifacts that are updated in the dashboards.

In my next tutorial, I will continue with how IBM Rational Quality Manager can be integrated with Rational Functional Tester. Stay tuned!

Feel free to post your queries about this tool in the comments section below.

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20 thoughts on “IBM Rational Quality Manager RQM Tutorial”

  1. Hi Monica

    HP ALM and IBM CLM are good tools. I am not that much aware of HP ALM but i believe it puts more focus on Testing/ Defect management and to some extent on Requirements

    Where as IBM Rational CLM is an entire single SDLC suite of tools which cover Requirements, UML based Design/ Work Items / Scrum , Watefall based project planning , Configuration Management inbuilt, Build Management for Java/.NET technologies and Test Management all in a single tool.

    In addition to this for release and deployment IBM Rational CLM integrates with Urbancode for deployment of applications built on Java/.NET.

    My future posts will cover all of the areas of IBM Rational CLM.

    V Niranjan

  2. Am running IBM Jazz Team server/ Quality Management on a MS-WIndows 2012 R2 Server and accessing it using Microsoft Edge 102.0.1245.39, 64-bit/Windows 10 PC. When I launch the Jazz portal in my browser using the latest version of Microsoft Edge (since IE 11 is soon to be deprecated), its giving a browser error and refusing to proceed:

    “The connection for this site is not secure: uses an unsupported protocol

    Unsupported protocol
    – The client and server don’t support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite

  3. Thank you very much for the article, it is one of the best. I learnt so much just going through it. You are truly one of a kind who wants to provide the best for others.

  4. What is a Standalone Test Case? I noticed that designation in the Test Cases Live report. How does a user create ‘standalone test cases’? That report’s parameters uses the Test Plan Name, but when I look at the Test Cases associated to the Test Plan, those ‘standalone test cases’ are not listed.

  5. Can You Please provide us a tutorial for the “Jazz tool for Software Testing”. Thank You so Much for your tutorial. it’s so helpful for all of us who want their carrier in the IT field.

  6. Great tutorial.
    I have one query what if two adapters are on at same time on different machines then by default it selects first one. Then how to run test suite for each adapter

  7. Hi, a license for RQM also provides access to (1) the Requirements Management run-time component of the IBM CLM tool suite and (2) the tracking and planning capabilities of CLM’s change and configuration management (CCM) run-time component. So, an RQM user can create and manage requirements to their heart’s content, create any type of work item, and use the project planning capabilities that the Track and Plan capability provides. And, naturally, you have access to the CLM capabilities that enable you to link requirements, test stuff, and work items, and the automations that support (among other things) automated test case creation from requirements and automated creation of defect records from test results.

  8. hey, I’m from Brazil. And I’m very grateful for this tutorial.
    Create a question.

    Can I have a test scenario in the “Test Suite Execution Console”?
    It is already within the scenarios, but I noticed an error in another scenario not included in the execution.

  9. Do you know if RQM has APIs that can be used to do automated reviews of written and executed test scripts. The reviewer tool will run through the script and identify any issues against standard configured rules


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