TestLink Tutorial 4 – Test Metrics, Keyword Management, Custom Fields and Test Report Charts

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated June 19, 2023

TestLink Tutorial 4 – How to Effectively Manage Test Metrics, Keyword Management, Custom Fields and Test Report Charts

This is the 4th tutorial in TestLink teat management tool series. Check out all the tutorials in this series here:

=> TestLink Tutorials

Test Metrics provides full overview about execution status of test cases (in percentage) for a build.


To view the execution status of all test cases (in percentage) click on “Metrics Dashboard”.Test Metrics 1

Step -2:
It will navigate to the Metrics dashboard page, where you can find the execution status of all test cases for a build.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 2

Keyword Management:

We can assign keywords to a test case and by using those keywords we can filter test cases.
Step -1:
Click on “Keyword Management” link in the Desktop page. It will navigate to the Key words page.

Test Metric 3

Step -2:
Click on “Create Keyword” button.

 Step -3:
Give Keyword name and Description as shown in Figure, and click on “save” button.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 4

Keyword will be created and displayed as shown in figure

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 5

Step -4:
Click on “Assign to Test cases” button, It will navigate to the test specification panel.
Select a particular test case from the left side panel.
Select desired keywords from the right side panel and assign it the test case by clicking ”arrow ” button.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 6

Click on “Save” button.
Keyword will be assigned to the Test case, we can verify it by going to the specific test case in Test Specification.

Filtering test cases based on Keyword:

User can filter test cases based on the keyword assigned to it.
Step -1:
 Go to Test Specification Panel and Select keyword from the Filters section and then click on “apply” button.
It will filter test cases with the specified keyword and shows in the left side panel.

Test Metrics 6

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 7

Custom Fields:

User can create and assign their own custom fields to test cases. It involves the following steps,
Click on “Define custom fields” link in the Desktop page. As shown in figure,

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 9

It will navigate to custom fields creation page.

Step -2:
Click on the “Create” button on that page.

Step -3 :
Enter Name of your custom field, Label and select Type of the custom field (either Radio, Checkbox, String etc.) in the custom field definition page.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 10

Click on “Add” button. Custom field will be created and shown in the list.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 11

Assigning Custom Fields:

Step -1:
Click on “Assign Custom Fields” link on the Desktop page.

Test Metrics 11

Step -2:
Check the check box of the custom field to be assigned and click on assign button. It will be assigned and displayed, as shown in figure

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 13

Step -3:
You can even change the display order in the list, based on the display order, custom field will appear in the test case.

 Step -4:
To verify whether the custom fields added successfully, go to Test specification panel and open a Test case.

Where you can find a custom field is appearing on the test case.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 14

You can add custom field values by editing the test case.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 15

[Note: this is an example for creating and assigning string custom fields, similarly you can add checkbox, radio button fields by changing type in custom fields]

Test Report Charts:

Test execution status can be presented in graphical charts. But to use this feature we need to enable php_gd2 in your php.ini file.
Step -1:
Open php.ini file in the php installation directory, and remove “;” before gd2 extension. As shown in Figure,

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 16

Save the configuration file. And restart apache from “services” panel.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 17

Step -2:
After Restart, Open Testlink URL in browser and Go to “Test Reports” Panel in Testlink.

Step -3:
Click on “Charts” option from left side panel.

Test Metrics 17

Results will be displayed in graphical charts on the right side, as shown in figure.

(Click on image enlarge)

Test Metric 20

Test Metric 21

Test Metric 22

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