Zephyr for JIRA Test Management Tutorial

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated November 15, 2024
Edited by Kamila

Edited by Kamila

Kamila is an AI-based technical expert, author, and trainer with a Master’s degree in CRM. She has over 15 years of work experience in several top-notch IT companies. She has published more than 500 articles on various Software Testing Related Topics, Programming Languages, AI Concepts,…

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A Complete Guide to Zephyr for Jira Test Management Plugin and Various Reports:

We learned more about JIRA dashboard in our previous tutorial. Here, we will explore more about Zephyr Jira.

With Zephyr Jira, one can do all the testing inside Jira.

This means tests/test cases can be created, viewed, edited, and executed inside Jira itself. Also, there are several other things that can be performed, which we will see in detail in this article.

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jira zephyr

Zephyr for Jira Project

Zephyr for Jira facilitates test management capabilities for any Jira project.

Using Zephyr, tests (test cases) can be created inside Jira, and executed whenever required, or as part of a test cycle. With some customization (using appropriate gadgets), detailed test metrics can be viewed and tracked.


Installation can be done in multiple ways, a few of which are as listed below:

Note: Zephyr for Jira only works with Jira 5. x or higher.

#1) Download the installation file and use the ‘Upload add-on’ Jira option:

  • Download and save the installation file on the local hard drive.
  • With administrator login, click on the ‘Add-ons’ link. This will show up in the Add-ons menu.
  • Click the ‘Manage Add-ons’ link.
  • Click on the ‘Upload add-on’ link, available at the top right corner of the page.
  • Browse and select the installation file in the dialog which is displayed.
  • Click Upload. Zephyr for Jira will now be uploaded and installed.
  • Add license key (if any) or continue with the trial version.

#2) Zephyr for Jira Cloud

Search Zephyr Jira Add-on in Atlassian Marketplace:

  • With administrator login, click on the ‘Add-ons’ link. This will show up in the Add-ons menu.
  • Click the ‘Find new add-ons’ link.
  • Enter ‘Zephyr for JIRA’ in the ‘Search for Marketplace’ box.
  • Select ‘Zephyr for JIRA – Test Management’, from the search results.
  • Click on either the ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Free Trial’ button.
    • This will navigate to the Atlassian home page. One can enter the username/password or create a new account.
    • This will give a 30-day trial version or a proper license can be bought.
  • Add-on will be installed and now be ready for use.

#3) Directly opting for either ‘Free 30 Day Trial’ or ‘Buy License Now’ on Atlassian Marketplace.

  • Click on either the ‘Try if free’ or ‘Buy it now button, on the Atlassian Marketplace page.
    • This will navigate to the Atlassian home page. One can enter the username/password or create a new account.
    • This will give a 30-day trial version or a proper license can be bought.
  • Add-on will be installed and now be ready for use.


Its Features include:

  • Create, view, edit, clone, and execute tests (test cases).
  • Testing directly inside/through Jira.
  • Link test cases to user stories, tasks, requirements, bugs, etc.
  • Logical grouping of test cases, with proper folder structure within the test cycles.
  • Plan test execution cycles, like system tests, etc.
  • Link Sprint to folders and test cycles to have increased traceability.
  • Searching test executions that were carried out earlier, with an execution navigator.
  • Pre-defined/saved filters for executive search.
  • Export test execution data to the CSV file.
  • Configure and track Quality metrics. Streamlined tracking capabilities.
  • Inline editing capabilities.
  • High flexibility.
  • Real-time reporting.
  • Integration of agile boards with test boards.
  • Advanced searching using Zephyr Query language (ZQL).
  • Provision for Test Dashboards.
  • Supports many languages.
  • Navigation is more project-centric.
  • Integration with test automation tools.
  • Integration with CI/CD tools – Collaborative capabilities.

How to Create a Test

#1) Click the ‘Create issue’ (+) link. This will display a page as shown in the below image.

#2) Make sure that the desired project, for which the tests are to be created, is selected in the ‘Project’ drop-down box.

#3) Select ‘Test’ as the issue type in the ‘Issue Type’ drop-down box.

#4) Enter the required details and other required additional information in the respective fields.

Note: Creating an issue of type ‘Test’ is similar to that of any other issue types like Bug, Task, etc.

#5) Click the ‘Create’ button.

(i) This will create a new test, which is an issue of type ‘Test’.

createt est

(ii) To add test steps and their details test issue needs to be modified.

Add Test Steps

(i) Open the test to edit, preferably open the issue in a new browser tab. This will display a page as shown in the below image.

(ii) Go to the ‘Test Details’ section and start adding details in the ‘Test Step’, ‘Test Data’, and ‘Expected Result’ columns.

(iii) After adding the required details click on the ‘Add Steps’ (button with icon available under the ‘Actions’ column.) button.

(a) This will add Step1 for the test.

(iv) Continue adding more steps, as required.

add test steps
  • Edit a step and its details: Simply click on the cell of the ‘Test Step’ column and then click the pencil icon. Make the required changes and then click outside the cell. (This editing action is similar to the one which is done in Microsoft Excel).

=> Similarly, modify the ‘Test Data’ and ‘Expected Result’ columns.

=> Attachment (say for instance an excel file with details of configuration) can be added by clicking on the ‘Add attachment’ button (a button with icon + available under the ‘Attachment’ column of the respective step).

  • Clone a step: Jira Zephyr provides a feature called ‘Clone’, with which a step can be copied.

=> Click on the ‘Clone’ button available under the ‘Actions’ column, besides the relevant step.

=> This will display ‘Clone Test Step <> & Insert’ page (refer below image).


=> Choose/enter the appropriate option and click on the ‘Clone’ button.

=> Make desired changes in the cloned step and then click on the ‘Update’ button. (Refer to the above section for ‘Edit a step and its details’ to edit a step)

  • Delete a step: To delete a step, click on the ‘Clone’ button available under the ‘Actions’ column, besides the relevant step.

=> This will display the ‘Delete Test Step <>’ pop-up confirmation dialog.

=> Click on the ‘Delete’ button.

Organizing Tests

Tests can be organized by Project or by Version (Fix version) or by Component or by Label.

  • By Project: As the tests are created for a specific project(s), they can be sorted/organized based on the Project.
  • By Fix-Version: Test issues can be further organized by their Fix-version.
  • By Component: If components are added to different tests, then tests can be organized based on the components.
  • Tests can also be organized by user-defined labels if the labels are mentioned on the tests.

Test Summary page will look as shown in the below image.

test summary

Plan/Create Test Cycle

To run tests, the user needs to create a test plan.

=> Click on the ‘Plan Test Cycle’ link available under ‘TEST EXECUTION’, from the menu items that are seen in the left pane. This will display a page as shown in the below image.

plan test cycle

=> Now click on the ‘+’ symbol, available in the ‘Cycle Summary’ section, which will open up the ‘Create New Cycle’ page.

=> Enter the mandatory and the other appropriate details and then click on the ‘Save’ button.

create new cycle page

=> Newly created Test Cycle will be seen on the ‘Cycle Summary’ page. (Refer to the below image)

cycle summary_with added cycle

=> Next step is to add tests to the newly created test cycle.

Add Tests to Test Cycle

#1) Click on the ‘Add Tests’ button (available at the right-hand edge of the page. This will display the page named ‘Add Tests to Cycle :< Name of the cycle>’. (refer to the below image)

add tests to cycle

#2) On the above page, select the appropriate Test, then assigned the test to the concerned user by selecting the user in the assign To’ drop-down. Finally, click on the ‘Add’ button.

=> Added tests should now be seen in the grid. (Refer to the below image)

test cycle after adding tests

Note: Before starting test execution, make sure that all the tests are assigned to the concerned users.

Test Cycle Execution

This can be achieved in 3 different ways:

#1) Execute from the ‘Test Cycle Summary’ page: The test cycle summary page displays a list of test cycles. Click on the desired test cycle to see the list of tests included in that cycle.

cycle summary page-ready to execute

=> Click on the ‘E’ button on the respective test row. (This button is available under the ‘Actions’ column).

=> This will open up the Test Execution page for the respective test, wherein the user needs to fill in the mandatory details and the other details as applicable. (Refer to the below image)

test execution from cycle summary


  • If a test step fails, either create an issue using the ‘Create New Issue’ button or select the issue number (in case it is an already known issue) in the ‘select defects’ dropdown.
  • It is important to note that, the overall ‘Execution Status’ of a test will not be updated automatically when there are multiple steps and if the status is different for step. Overall test execution status is to be updated manually too.

#2) Clicking on the ‘Execute’ button while viewing the test:

=> Open the test to see its details.

‘Execute’ button while viewing the test

=> Click on the ‘Execute’ button (Refer to above image). This will display the ‘Execute Test’ popup dialog. Appropriate details are to be selected in this dialog. (Refer to the below image)


=> Select the relevant radio button from the ‘Execute Ad Hoc’ and ‘Add to Existing Test Cycle and Execute’.

=> Select Version, Test Cycle, and Test Folder.

=> Select the user in the ‘Assign To’ drop-down.

Now click on the ‘Execute’ button. This will open up the Test Execution page for the respective test. For details about filling in data on this page, refer to option 1.

Test Progress/Metrics

Test progress or test metrics can be seen by clicking on the ‘Test Metrics’ link. It would show a page similar to the below shown image.

test metrics

Note: Above displayed graphs can be customized.

  • Test cycle(s) can be linked to the ongoing Sprints. This helps in identifying how the testing activities are related to the ongoing Sprint.

=> Open sprint backlog.

=> Click the‘….’ button at the top right-hand corner of the page and select ‘Link Test Cycle(s)’. This will display a page named ‘Link this Sprint to Test Cycle(s).


=> Select desired values in the drop-down fields on the page and then click on the ‘Save’ button.

Other feature:

Test Board: This facilitates the following operations:

  1. Checking the test details such as Status, Summary.
  2. Filtering of issues by Status.
  3. Quick execution of test cases.
  4. Defect and version information.

Test View – By Sprint: This view allows the user to see sprint and its corresponding test cycles, with progress bars.

Test View – By Issues: This view allows the user to see the issue to issue flow, for instance, a story that might relate to more than one test case.

Note: Columns on most of the pages mentioned above are configurable, which means a user can include/exclude columns as and when required.

Hope you enjoyed the whole range of tutorials in the JIRA series till now. I’m sure that this series will be an excellent guide in enhancing your knowledge of JIRA. Now we will continue the Jira training series with some advanced Jira tutorials.

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