Database Normalization Tutorial: 1NF 2NF 3NF BCNF Examples

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated November 7, 2024

This Tutorial will Explain what is Database Normalization and various Normal Forms like 1NF 2NF 3NF and BCNF With SQL Code Examples:

Database Normalization is a well-known technique used for designing database schema.

The main purpose of applying the normalization technique is to reduce the redundancy and dependency of data. Normalization helps us to break down large tables into multiple small tables by defining a logical relationship between those tables.

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Database Normalization Tutorial

What Is Database Normalization?

Database normalization or SQL normalization helps us to group related data in one single table. Any attributive data or indirectly related data are put in different tables and these tables are connected with a logical relationship between parent and child tables.

In 1970, Edgar F. Codd came up with the concept of normalization. He shared a paper named “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Banks” in which he proposed “First Normal Form (1NF)”.

Advantages Of DBMS Normalization

Database Normalization provides the following basic advantages:

  1. Normalization increases data consistency as it avoids the duplicity of data by storing the data in one place only.
  2. Normalization helps in grouping like or related data under the same schema, thereby resulting in the better grouping of data.
  3. Normalization improves searching faster as indexes can be created faster. Hence, the normalized database or table is used for OLTP (Online Transaction Processing).

Disadvantages Of Database Normalization

DBMS Normalization has the following disadvantages:

  1. We cannot find the associated data for, say a product or employee in one place and we have to join more than one table. This causes a delay in retrieving the data.
  2. Thus, Normalization is not a good option in OLAP transactions (Online Analytical Processing).

Before we proceed further, let’s understand the following terms:

  • Entity: Entity is a real-life object, where the data associated with such an object is stored in the table. The example of such objects are employees, departments, students, etc.
  • Attributes: Attributes are the characteristics of the entity, that give some information about the Entity. For Example, if tables are entities, then the columns are their attributes.

Types Of Normal Forms

#1) 1NF (First Normal Form)

By definition, an entity that does not have any repeating columns or data groups can be termed as the First Normal Form. In the First Normal Form, every column is unique.

Following is how our Employees and Department table would have looked if in first normal form (1NF):

1001AndrewsJackAccountsNew YorkUnited States
1002SchwatzMikeTechnologyNew YorkUnited States
1007HarveyParkerAdminLondonUnited Kingdom
1007HarveyParkerHRLondonUnited Kingdom

Here, all the columns of both Employees and Department tables have been clubbed into one and there is no need of connecting columns, like deptNum, as all data is available in one place.

But a table like this with all the required columns in it, would not only be difficult to manage but also difficult to perform operations on and also inefficient from the storage point of view.

#2) 2NF (Second Normal Form)

By definition, an entity that is 1NF and one of its attributes is defined as the primary key and the remaining attributes are dependent on the primary key.

Following is an example of how the employees and department table would look like:

Employees Table:


Departments Table:

1AccountsNew YorkUnited States
2TechnologyNew YorkUnited States
4AdminLondonUnited Kingdom

EmpDept Table:


Here, we can observe that we have split the table in 1NF form into three different tables. the Employees table is an entity about all the employees of a company and its attributes describe the properties of each employee. The primary key for this table is empNum.

Similarly, the Departments table is an entity about all the departments in a company and its attributes describe the properties of each department. The primary key for this table is the deptNum.

In the third table, we have combined the primary keys of both the tables. The primary keys of the Employees and Departments tables are referred to as Foreign keys in this third table.

If the user wants an output similar to the one, we had in 1NF, then the user has to join all the three tables, using the primary keys.

A sample query would look as shown below:

SELECT empNum, lastName, firstName, deptNum, deptName, deptCity, deptCountry
FROM Employees A, Departments B, EmpDept C
WHERE A.empNum = C.empNum
AND B.deptNum = C.deptNum

#3) 3NF (Third Normal Form)

By definition, a table is considered in third normal if the table/entity is already in the second normal form and the columns of the table/entity are non-transitively dependent on the primary key.

Let’s understand non-transitive dependency, with the help of the following example.

Say a table named, Customer has the below columns:

CustomerID – Primary Key identifying a unique customer
CustomerZIP – ZIP Code of the locality customer resides in
CustomerCity – City the customer resides in

In the above case, the CustomerCity column is dependent on the CustomerZIP column and the CustomerZIP column is dependent on CustomerID.

The above scenario is called transitive dependency of the CustomerCity column on the CustomerID i.e. the primary key. After understanding transitive dependency, now let’s discuss the problem with this dependency.

There could be a possible scenario where an unwanted update is made to the table for updating the CustomerZIP to a zipcode of a different city without updating the CustomerCity, thereby leaving the database in an inconsistent state.

In order to fix this issue, we need to remove the transitive dependency that could be done by creating another table, say, CustZIP table that holds two columns i.e. CustomerZIP (as Primary Key) and CustomerCity.

The CustomerZIP column in the Customer table is a foreign key to the CustomerZIP in the CustZIP table. This relationship ensures that there is no anomaly in the updates wherein a CustomerZIP is updated without making changes to the CustomerCity.

#4) Boyce-Codd Normal Form (3.5 Normal Form)

By definition, the table is considered Boyce-Codd Normal Form, if it’s already in the Third Normal Form and for every functional dependency between A and B, A should be a super key.

This definition sounds a bit complicated. Let’s try to break it to understand it better.

  • Functional Dependency: The attributes or columns of a table are said to be functionally dependent when an attribute or column of a table uniquely identifies another attribute(s) or column(s) of the same table.
    For Example, the empNum or Employee Number column uniquely identifies the other columns like Employee Name, Employee Salary, etc. in the Employee table.
  • Super Key: A single key or group of multiple keys that could uniquely identify a single row in a table can be termed as Super Key. In general terms, we know such keys as Composite Keys.

Let’s consider the following scenario to understand when there is a problem with Third Normal Form and how does Boyce-Codd Normal Form comes to rescue.

1001JackNew YorkAccountsRaymond
1001JackNew YorkTechnologyDonald

In the above example, employees with empNum 1001 and 1007 work in two different departments. Each department has a department head. There can be multiple department heads for each department. Like for the Accounts department, Raymond and Samara are the two heads of departments.

In this case, empNum and deptName are super keys, which implies that deptName is a prime attribute. Based on these two columns, we can identify every single row uniquely.

Also, the deptName depends on deptHead, which implies that deptHead is a non-prime attribute. This criterion disqualifies the table from being part of BCNF.

To solve this we will break the table into three different tables as mentioned below:

Employees Table:

1001JackNew YorkD1
1001JackNew YorkD2

Department Table:


#5) Fourth Normal Form (4 Normal Form)

By definition, a table is in Fourth Normal Form, if it does not have two or more, independent data describing the relevant entity.

#6) Fifth Normal Form (5 Normal Form)

A table can be considered in Fifth Normal Form only if it satisfies the conditions for Fourth Normal Form and can be broken down into multiple tables without loss of any data.

Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

Q #1) What is Normalization in a Database?

Answer: Database Normalization is a design technique. Using this we can design or re-design schemas in the database to reduce redundant data and the dependency of data by breaking the data into smaller and more relevant tables.

Q #2) What are the different types of Normalization?

Answer: Following are the different types of normalization techniques that can be employed to design database schemas:

  • First Normal Form (1NF)
  • Second Normal Form (2NF)
  • Third Normal Form (3NF)
  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form (3.5NF)
  • Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
  • Fifth Normal Form (5NF)

Q #3) What is the Purpose of Normalization?

Answer: The primary purpose of the normalization is to reduce the data redundancy i.e. the data should only be stored once. This is to avoid any data anomalies that could arise when we attempt to store the same data in two different tables, but changes are applied only to one and not to the other.

Q #4) What is Denormalization?

Answer: Denormalization is a technique to increase the performance of the database. This technique adds redundant data to the database, contrary to the normalized database that removes the redundancy of the data.

This is done in huge databases where executing a JOIN to get data from multiple tables is an expensive affair. Thus, redundant data are stored in multiple tables to avoid JOIN operations.


So far, we have all gone through three database normalization forms.

Theoretically, there are higher forms of database normalizations like Boyce-Codd Normal Form, 4NF, 5NF. However, 3NF is the widely used normalization form in the production databases.

Happy Reading!!

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