A Complete Guide to Create and Insert Database in MongoDB:
Our previous tutorial in this Free MongoDB training series explained to us all about the Installation of MongoDB on Windows.
In this tutorial, we will see how to Create & Insert Database in MongoDB.
The most basic step in MongoDB is to make a Mongo Database and a Mongo Collection in it. Remember, that Database bears all collections while collections store documents in them.
Furthermore, mongo documents would be having specific Field Names & Field Values as well.
Figure 1: Field Names & Field Values in MongoDB.
The Field Names are “staff_id” & “Staff_member_name” while the Field Values are “01” & “Jhon“. Just like this, multiple mongo documents together make up a mongo collection.
Table of Contents:
MongoDB – Create Database
Creation of a database is so easy. All you have to do is to put “use” before the name of the database and press Enter.
Figure 2: Mongo list collections with the command “Show dbs”.
Description: In MongoDB, the command “use” is used to create a database. If there is no database in the MongoDB already, then one will be made.
Upon successful execution, you will get the result as shown below.
Figure 3
Switching into the database is itself a successful execution of the “use” Command.
Recommended reading =>> How to create a database in MySQL
Create Collection Using insert ()
As we have created a database. Now, let’s create a mongo collection in it. For this purpose, a user must insert certain records which make up a mongo document in collection i.e. via Field Names & Field Values.
If there is no collection in the database, then one would be made. The command given below would be used to generate a collection.
Figure 4
The following output would come upon successful execution.
Figure 5: In Shell
Figure 6: In Robo 3T
The following output would come upon successful execution.
Figure 7
Description: As you see, using the insert command, we have successfully generated a collection in the database.
How Mongo Documents Have Been Made?
As we know, MongoDB has insert () command to make a collection by inserting documents into it.
Let’s see how it is done!!
Step 1: Launch MongoDB by writing commands “mongod” and “mongo” on command prompt. You can check the previous tutorial on Installation of MongoDB on Windows for detailed information on this.
Step 2: Write insert () command, which is in our case is:
db.staff.insert ( { -+ "staff_id": 01, "staff_member_name": "Jhon" } )
Press Enter.
- The first component of the command is Insertion of the statement, through which a user can insert documents into the collection.
- The second part of the command is adding Field Names & Field Values, which is the actual stuff in documents.
If the execution is done successfully, then the given output would be displayed.
Figure 8
The output given above displays that the insertion has been done successfully.
In this tutorial, we learned how to create a database and insert mongo collections and documents in it. We also had a look at the step by step guide for database creation and insertion of mongo collection.
Also read =>> How to use MongoDB with Flask
Stay tuned to check out our upcoming tutorial on Using arrays for an insert statement on MongoDB!!