Hi Testers!!
In this tutorial, you will get to understand the building of JMeter’s sample test plan by making use of some components.
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Below are the topics explained in this tutorial:
- Test Plan
- Thread Group
- Workbench
=> Click Here For Complete Test Plan Tutorial Series
Here is a Video Tutorial:
Basically, a Test plan consists of all actions and components you need to execute your performance test script. You can add sampler, listeners, preprocessors and many other components in your test plan as per the scenario under test. All these components are explained in detail in later lectures.
Thread Group is a major part of JMeter as it defines the quality and quantity of load to be put on the server under test. You can ramp up all users concurrently or sequentially by setting your ramp up time and even can increase the iterations by changing the loop count configurations. Performance test can be scheduled to run at a later time by setting properties defined in scheduler section.
Workbench can be taken as a practice area or temporary storage as the components of workbench are not saved along with the Test Plan. A most important component in HTTPSTestScriptRecorder which can record the scripts directly and tester can put the load on those later on.
=> Click here for JMeter Tutorials: The Complete Free Training On JMeter (20+ Videos)
=> Visit Here For Complete Test Plan Tutorial Series