I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…
Post-Processors are actions that are performed after your sampler has been executed. You can use them to perform some actions on your response or extract some values out from the response and save them in a variable that can be used later. You can achieve co-relation functionality by making use of post-processors.
XPath Post-Processor uses a Regular Expression string to fetch some values from the response to your request. The value(s) that is extracted can be stored in any variable and can be a reference in any further request in the test plan. Values can be extracted from the main sample, subsamples, and all other fields provided when you add this processor to your test plan.
XPath Syntax is “ //tag-name[@attribute=’value’] where tag-name is your HTML Tag name. Make sure you check the Tidy Parser option checked when the response to be parsed is (XML and HTML). In case it is a pure XML response, you can uncheck this option.
In this tutorial, you will learn to use JMeter Post Processor such as Regular Expression Extractor, BeanShell, JDBC, Boundry Extractor, etc.: Processors are of two types Pre-processor and Post-processor. Pre Processor executes before the sampler execution. Post-processors are used to execute the response data from the server and to save the…
Overview: Hi Testers!! In this tutorial, you will learn how to use controllers in JMeter. Below are the topics which are covered in this session: Recording Controller Interleave Controller IF Controller => Click here for The Complete Free Training On JMeter (20+ Videos) Here is a Video Tutorial: << PREV…
Overview: Hi Testers!! In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Blazemeter plugin for recording scripts and some of the JMeter's already stored templates. Below are the topics covered in this session: Jmeter Templates Blazemeter Plugin => Click here for The Complete Free Training On JMeter (20+ Videos) Here…
Hi Testers!! In this tutorial, you will learn how you can use variables and functions in Jmeter and make your scripts re-usable. Below are the topics which are covered in this tutorial: Using Variables in JMeter Using JMeter inbuilt functions like threadnum, counter, machineIP etc. => Click here for The…
Overview: Hi Testers!! In this tutorial, you will learn how to use controllers in JMeter. Below are the topics which are covered in this session: Simple Controller Loop Controller Transaction Controller => Click here for The Complete Free Training On JMeter (20+ Videos) Here is a Video Tutorial: << PREV…
Overview: Hi Testers!! In this tutorial, you will learn more about BeanShell scripting used with JMeter scripts. Below are the topics which are covered as part of this session: BeanShell Scripting Basics Using commonly used methods Setting variables and using in Jmeter scripts => Click here for The Complete Free…
Overview: Hi Testers!! In this tutorial, you will learn a very interesting topic i.e. integrating your selenium scripts with JMeter and measuring the performance. Below are the topics covered in this session: Integrating Selenium with JMeter. Using WebDriver Sampler Plugin. => Click here for The Complete Free Training On JMeter…
Overview: Hi Testers!! In this tutorial, you will learn how can Jmeter record scripts directly and load can be applied to them later. Below are the topics covered: Non-Test Element – HTTP(S)TestScriptRecorder => Click here for The Complete Free Training On JMeter (20+ Videos) Here is a Video Tutorial: <<…