We have covered many tutorials on Software Testing Certifications. Here is another ‘Sample Exam Questions’ tutorial on CSTE certification. CSTE testing certification is the basic certification to check the testers skill and understanding of Software Testing theory and Software Testing practices.
If you are applying for the CSTE certification, check if you can answer at least 75% of the following test questions. The four and half hour CSTE exam consists of 4 parts, two multiple-choice parts, and two essay parts.
Here you will find 20 Multiple Choice Questions from all skill categories. There are around 10 skill categories and we have included 2 questions from each category.
Skill Categories:
- Software Testing Principles and Concepts
- Building the Test Environment
- Managing the Test Project
- Test Planning
- Executing the Test Plan
- Test Reporting Process
- User Acceptance Testing
- Testing Software Developed by Contractors
- Testing Internal Control
- Testing New Technologies
These are the latest sample questions from the CSTE CBOK.
Mark the answers somewhere so that you can check the score at the end of the test.
Q #1) The customer’s view of Quality means:
a. Meeting requirements
b. Doing it the right way
c. Doing it right the first time
d. Fit for use
e. Doing it on time
Q #2) Testing of a single program, or function, usually performed by the developer is called:
a. Unit Testing
b. Integration Testing
c. System Testing
d. Regression Testing
e. Acceptance Testing
Q #3) The measure used to evaluate the correctness of a product is called the product:
a. Policy
b. Standard
c. Procedure to do work
d. Procedure to check work
e. Guideline
Q #4) Which of the four components of the test environment is considered to be the most important component of the Test environment?
a. Management support
b. Tester competency
c. Test work processes
d. Testing techniques and tools
Q #5) Effective Test Managers are effective listeners. The type of listening in which the tester is performing an analysis of what the speaker is saying is called:
a. Discriminative listening
b. Comprehensive listening
c. Therapeutic listening
d. Critical listening
e. Appreciative listening
Q #6) To become a CSTE, an individual has the responsibility to accept the standards of conduct defined by the certification board. These standards of conduct are called:
a. Code of ethics
b. Continuing professional education requirements
c. Obtaining references to support experience
d. Joining a professional testing chapter
e. Following the common body of knowledge in the practice of software testing
Q #7) Which of the following are the risks that testers face in performing their test activities?
a. Not enough training
b. Lack of test tools
c. Not enough time for testing
d. Rapid change
e. All of the above
Q #8) All of the following are methods to minimize loss due to risk. Which one is not a method to minimize loss due to risk?
a. Reduce the opportunity for error
b. Identify any errors prior to the loss
c. Quantify loss
d. Minimize loss
e. Recover loss
Q #9) Defect prevention involves which of the following steps?
a. Identify critical tasks
b. Estimate expected impact
c. Minimize expected impact
d. a, b and c
e. a and b
Q #10) The first step in designing a use case is to:
a. Build a system boundary diagram
b. Define acceptance criteria
c. Define use cases
d. Involve users
e. Develop use cases
Q #11) The Defect attribute that would help the management determine the importance of the Defect is called:
a. Defect Type
b. Defect Severity
c. Defect Name
d. Defect Location
e. Phase in which a defect occurred
Q #12) The system test report is normally written at what point in Software Development?
a. After Unit Testing
b. After Integration Testing
c. After System Testing
d. After Acceptance Testing
Q #13) The primary objective of User Acceptance Testing is to:
a. Identify Requirements Defects
b. Identify missing requirements
c. Determine if the Software is fit for the use
d. Validate the correctness of interfaces to other software systems
e. Verify that software is maintainable
Q #14) If IT establishes a measurement team to create measures and metrics to be used in Status Reporting, that team should include individuals who have:
a. Working knowledge of measures
b. Knowledge in the implementation of statistical process control tools
c. A working understanding of benchmarking techniques
d. Knowledge of the organization’s goals and objectives
e. All of the above
Q #15) What is the difference between testing a software developed by a contractor outside your country, versus testing software developed by a contractor within your country?
a. Does not meet people’s needs
b. Cultural differences
c. Loss of control over reallocation of resources
d. Relinquishment of control
e. Contains extra features not specified
Q #16) What is the definition of a critical success factor?
a. The specified requirement
b. Software Quality Factor
c. Factors that must be present
d. Software Metrics
e. High cost to implement the requirement
Q #17) The condition that represents a potential for loss to an organization is called:
a. Risk
b. Exposure
c. Threat
d. Control
e. Vulnerability
Q #18) A flaw in a software system that may be exploited by an individual for his or her advantage is called:
a. Risk
b. Risk analysis
c. Threat
d. Vulnerability
e. Control
Q #19) The conduct of the business of the Internet is called:
a. e-commerce
b. e-business
c. Wireless applications
d. Client-server system
e. Web-based applications
Q #20) The following is described as one of the five levels of maturing a new technology into an IT organization’s work processes. The “People-Dependent technology” level is equivalent to what level in SEI’s compatibility maturity model?
a. Level 1
b. Level 2
c. Level 3
d. Level 4
e. Level 5
Done? Check the Answers
In the upcoming articles, we will emphasize more on sample CSTE essay papers and explain how to answer multiple-choice and essay type questions. You can refer to our previous Software Testing Certification Articles here.
If u hav som more, it wil really help us…..
Thanx, for giving such a useful information
Hi vinay or any one pls can any one send dumps for istqb
i want to know about the exam pattern and its benifits..
plz give information all about cstp and how we take this certification.thnx
excellent if any body have more questions send me imm
which certification is good. Either CSTE or ISTQB
This Test is completely retarded. This is a manager oriented .. SOMETHING … and does NOT resemble ANY part of good software testing expertise. For does who said this is better then ISTQB… Well… Try doing your job when you met the standards of this test and if you take ISTQB. You will tell the difference. I’m a software tester and automation engineer for 6 years now and a QA manager for half a year. This test is just plain stupid.
But never the less i very much like this site!! Please keep up the good work.
What is the difference between testing software developed by a contractor outside your country, versus testing software developed by a contractor within your country:
!! Answer option C: How does cultural differences make difference? If you can explain, it will help.
Hi All,
Can anyone suggest which is the best organization or website to take CSTE certification ?
Thanks You ,
Plz do publish similar questions and answers at regular interval of time.
Hi All,
If any of know about more sample questions on CSTE then pls let me know.
call me : +91-9830704327
mail me : bishalchaperia@gmail.com
This is fantastic, if you could add more questions that will be helpful for whom are seeking to appear CSTE.
My name is ritesh sanyal.
I was working with hotel industry for 8 years then jump into BPO in hardcore technical process.
Please tell me if I want to get into software testing industry and choose this proffession as my carrer then what should I need to do I mean to say which course and I am eligible for software testing proffession.
Please tell in detail.
Hello All Its a very usefull site
Hi Friends,
I am working as s/w Test Engg in a co. & i want to become QA Manager so i want to know the information regarding testing certiicattions, diploma’s . Which certifications will help me to acheive my goals & considered in abroad?
so.. how to apply & where to apply for this certifications. Please tell me the criteria for this exams ,fees strucutre also . Please tell me where these exams are conducted. please provide me the information as i want to give exam in this year
I have done software testing diploma. I am not woking anywhere.
So I want to know which certification I should do?from the job point of view. ISTQB or CSTE and what is the difference between them?
The question two answer is given B. its wrong its A if i am worng make me correct .
2. The testing of a single program, or function, usually performed by the developer is called:
This Unit testing is done by developer.
i think it require 8weeks to know the result after you written the exam.
hav u taken the exam, plz share the exp…
Pls tell me how can i mail my Query to you ? I like your study material very much.Discussion on every Topic is very helpful.
Where can i find more more sample questions on CSTE certification. Please let me know.
hi ,
please do suggest me sample papers for CSTP exam
do provide me sample papers
Isthere a certification course available for testers
3 years of education + 2 years of IT experience?
i want to take up a QA course. do u know any institution in US.
Hi, I am preparing for CSTE exam, can you please send me Dumps/CBOK and sample papers. my email id is rashmi.jain20@gmail.com
Thank you
Hello all,
I am willing to take up CSTE certification exam.
It would be of great help if anyone provides sample papers.
My Email ID: mailbox.kalish@gmail.com
which one is better ISTBQ or CSTE
What are the questions asked to client regarding System testing
Thanks a lot for the information…
Suresh Kumar K.
Hi, this is goverdhan
How should I prepare for CSTE Certification or for S/W Testing. Can u give me information about this certifications.which type of books are best.
I am preparing for CSTE. Could anyone help with dumps and latest version of CBOK?
Hi All,
Thanks for the producer of this questionnaire,
This really helped me in as mock cste.
Any more materials please mail me to vinayparimi@gmail.com
All d best .
Is thr any time frame for the validation for the CSTE certification
Any one answer me the Question to microenjoy@gmail.com
What is critical in Web testing?
wanted to have some details of how to clear this exam..
right now i am persuing my b.tech 3rd year in information technology…
Please tell me how to prepare for CSTE certification
Hello All,
With my personal experience, I am posting this message. To prepare, practice & take the Software testing certification exam, please go to SCRIBD.com. You can get everything you need to get certified, no need to pay any tuition for any training. The text book for the test is also on-line. I was able to take the test successfully, in just 45 days preparation. Good luck all 🙂
Please tell me how to i prepare CSTE certification . What is eligibility for CSTE certification.
i want to write QTP Hp Certification can any body let me know the details plz.how to apply where can i get forms how it is?
Hi vijay,
currently working for a company as a Test Engineer, i would like to go for ISTQB certification in upcoming June 2008. i would like to know from ur side what will be the standard referral book for istqb preparation. It will be of greater help if u refer me any book/ material for the ISTQB preparation. And also let me know some sites where i can get ISTQB sample papers.
Hi, I need more details on other certifications also, bcoz i secured CSTE with 80% marks.
Very nice to assess urself and check if prepared for CSTE or not. Request you to please add more CSTE mock questions
Hii all
can anyone expain me what is scrum approach and Extreme programing approach in Agile model and please differentiate it…
please here so other people will also hav a look on that.
Anyone’s help would be highly appriciated.
which one is better ISTBQ or CSTE for getting the job ASAP.kindly suggest
Please suggest & give me the details of cste certification program.i would like to know the training centers,fee and process of study.
Thanks & Regards,
G.shiva kumar
hello sir/mam actually i want to know that freshers can
give cste exam or not please mail me
thanking you
hi, working as a trainee software tester in an it co., but donthave any testing backgroud can u pls suggest me a way to get gud training to hv a approaching career in testing. also advise for testing certifications which one is better ISTQB and CSTE
@Anil, tulasiram
Check out this post for CSTE eligibility and next date of exam:
@Bharath ,
Preparing CBOk is enough. I will cover how to answer essay questions with some sample answers.
The answer ‘Fit to use’ is correct. In this exam you will find more than one similar answers for objective questions. You need to eliminate one by one and choose the final correct answer.
As ‘Fit to use’ includes ‘Meeting customer requirements’ plus application is fit in customer environment so it’s the appropriate answer.
Hello All,
I would like to share more info about CSTE
Exam Pattern:
• Exam has four sections and total exam duration is 270 min.
• There are 2 section having objective and 2 sections having subjective paper.
• Objective paper has 50 questions and time limit is 45 min. You may be asked to match the pairs also.
• Subjective paper may have 6 to 10 questions and time limit is 75 min.
• 10 min, break after each paper. Total duration is (45 X 2 + 75 X 2 + 10 X 3 = 270 min)
• Passing = 75% >.
• You have to write the exam using HB pencil only.
Exam fee is 350 USD and you can pay by credit card by mentioning your number in the application form
@anuprita ,@ Rajesh
i have forwarded CSTE meterial in this thread..please look my previous tpst..
I want information about CSTE certification. Please forward me detailed information regarding how to & where to apply for this exam? & what are the fees of this course? Please send case papers of this exam
Could anyone send me the latest version of CBOK. I am preparing for CSTE. I would be glad for that dear friends.
Q5) What do you enjoy the most about Software Testing?
Q6) What do you enjoy the least about software Testing?
Q7)How do you feel aout repetitive tasks?
Q9)If 3 of your managers assign you with 3 different work at same time and ask you to complete immediately what do you do?
Hi All,
I am planning to sit for CSTE exam.Could anyone help me out with Dumps/CBOK.
My email id is cste2014@gmail.com
Hi All,
I am planning to go for CSTE exam.Could anyone help me out with Dumps/CBOK.
My email id is “chaudhary.navi@yahoo.com”
I am also intrested in doing CSTE, what is the procedure for that. I am working as software test engineer from last two years. Now i want to add some certification to my resume.
Very informative blog 🙂 … even i am planning to appear for the CSTE certification this Sept ….. please let me know if apart from the CBOK should we be refering any other books… also if someone has recently applied for CSTE i would like to interact with them …. i am not too sure of how the payment is to be made and also latest by when should it be made.
Looking forward to a reply.
thank you so much in advance.
it is very good for tester
please send me cste sample question papers
I am planing to do CSTE certification.
please send it to my mail id mangai_blr@yahoo.co.in
Please tell me how to i prepare CSTE certification . What is eligibility for CSTE certification. just i have finished my cource . one of my friend told to this certification course . ok
Let me know my eligibility
Can I take the test please.
Thanks for the Questions….
It really helps one to Prepare for CSTE…..And can prevent further errors
Even i need the information on the good books for ISTQB exams. Please do send me any links or books to muzamil1984@yahoo.co.in
Regarding CSTE Preparation:
1) Is it enough to read the material available in CBOK or we need to study beyond this book
2) Also, please inform me how to prepare for essay type questions for CSTE exam.
i want to know the fresher can do this cste exam or experienced tester should participate in this exam.
If experience tester need to do how many years of experience neede for this can any one tell me
Hi Frnds,
Please let me know if there are any sample papers for CSTE. My mail id: m.v.vijayasanthi@gmail.com
I have a few competency based questions as well related to testing?
Q1) You are doing UAT testing which is due to be released the next day. You find a severe bug and report it. The developer analyses and says it is impossible to fix this bug within one day. How will you deal such a situation?
Q2)You are giving a important presentation to clients, and notice that all calculations and figures are incorrect in midst of presentation. Every client has a copy of your presentation. what will you do?
Q3)You are asked to test 100 high priority tests in a week. You find it an impossible target. what will be your reaction and how will you handle such a situation?
Q4)You report a bug to the developer, and the developer sends you an email saying it is fixed. When you re-test the application you notice that the bug still exists. You report it again and after sometime the developer sends you another email saying the problem is now fixed. On re-testing the bug occurs again. what will you do?
How much time is approximately needed to prepare for CSTE exam? Is it possible to complete studying the material in CBOK in 2-3 months, if one hour is dedicated for it every day?
I am preparing for CSTE. Could anyone help with dumps and latest version of CBOK?
HI pls can any one mail me cste dumps to deepashreevs@gmail.com
please send me cste sample question papers
I am planing to do CSTE certification.
Hello all,
I am willing to take up CSTE certification exam.
It would be of great help if anyone provides sample papers.
My Email ID: vasisolar@gmail.com
Hi all
I plan to give my CSTE cerification on 14 th may
Please let me know if there are any sample papers for CSTE exam
My email id is ronykroy.39@gmail.com
thanks rony
i need clear description about roles and responsibilities of a test engineer or else roles involved in software testing.
hi reenu,
its better to take ISQTB foundation level, as you are not aware of testing. first you should know about basics of testing and go for CSTE.
CSTE has some limitation, it require 3yrs of exp i think so.
Hi ,
Can i have some sample papers of CSTP exam or any website to download those.
hi one and all,
pls anyone can refer the standard
referral author for ISTQB preparation. Even let
me know about somesites where i can get sample
ISTQB papers
let me know the eligibilty for CSTE certification,i have done PG in computer application and have one and a half years of testing experience.
The information provided here will be like a drop in a sea. CSTE is based on stratragy you follow to crack it.
I would appriciate if you will add more sample papers.
I had done my graduation in science(biology) and MBA in Business Economics.I want to enter in IT Field.Is CSTE a suitable for me????
I am living in jordan,how can I take this Exam,and what is the difference between CST and CSTE
For ISTQB i recommend
This will get you started. This is the book for the first exam. It is pretty boring and mostly basic 🙂 But it will help you with terms and such.
hi, can anyone give me online instructions to install bugzilla
I am preparing for ISTQB foundation exam, please asist me with latest question papers or mock test papers.
Thanks in advance,
Hi All,
If any of know about institute at Kolkata imparting training to take CSTE exam .
call: 09830704327
mail: bishalchaperia@gmail.com
1.wht is the boundary condition of the following conditional statement?
Quite useful!
Hi Sreevani,
I dont know how to attach a file here.
however i have few QTP material about scripting and descriptive programming.
If you want i can share it with you.
Really this is very useful .. Thanks all.
i am planning to write HP QTP certification. could you please provide full details for the same.
Hi Sreevani,
i have e-mail you the required document please check it out.
I need CSTE materials, question papers,books for CSTE.
Can somebody pls help me? Mail id: mail2mb@gmail.com
I am working as Test Lead with 5.5 yrs of exp.I am interested in doing testing certification.Can anyone tell which testing certification should I opt for?
Any one have any idea about the details of Critical Listening in software testing
Mail me to microenjoy@gmail.com
About the Questions:
• Almost all objective type questions you can find from the CBOK study guide. So it important that you read the CBOK properly at least thrice before the exam.
• In the subjective paper, mostly the questions are open ended. There is no right or wrong answer. They are interested in knowing how you deal with the problem or a situation. Your ability to implement a workable solution is the key to get thru those questions. You are supposed to answer in brief using bulleted points. DO NOT WRITE ESSAYS and LONG SENTENCES. DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE PAPER UNLESS OTHERIWISE TOLD. Candidates having 2/3 years of experience in software QA / Testing will find this section easy since questions are mostly day-to-day activities. But above all MAKE SURE YOU ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS
Good Luck, Best Wishes.
plz suggest CSTE centers in Navi Mumbai or Mumbai
Good Ideas
I am willing to take up CSTE certification exam.
It would be of great help if anyone provides sample papers.
My Email ID:
hi i want to do certification CSTE
but is it compulsory that on eshould have two yrs exp before doing certification please guide me
Hi… I want to be a Software Test engineer, Can you please give me the list of the things i have to do to be a software tester? And please list me as where to start and whats first and next … etc… please mail those details.
Thank you
Thanks a lot for all the useful tips and suggestions.I have few more interview Questions.
Q1) How do you decide on how much regression testing should be done after each fix?
Q2) How do you decide how many test cases are enough for any particular scenario?
Q3)When do you decide to automate tests?
Q4)How do you set up automation framework?
Q5)When will you actually start automating tests in SDLC?
can any one provide me quality centre certification dumps..
Please help me
Hi, Thanks for the “sample CSTE examination”
Will be glad if anyone pass the study meterial for CSTE or CSTP Exam at joshoaa@gmail.com .Thank you very much.
good information grateful if says how 2 apply
Is there any time frame for the validation for the CSTE certification
Hi friend,
i am working as s/w testing,Even let
me know about somesites where i can get sample
ISTQB papers.
Need some help from those guyz who passed CSTE..
I m looking forward to doing CSTE asap….
So plz contact me on by my hotamil ID …
Thanks in advance
BEST site!
Anurag, u can go for ISTQB/CSTE certifications.
ISTQB is valid for life long and CSTE for 3 years valid.
Hello All, Can anybody will help me how to proceed with preparation of CSTE Examination.
Thanks for updates.Would like to know the prerequisite for appearing in Advanced Level?
Is is mandatory to clear foundation level examination to appear in Advanced level.
Can anyone tell me which book to refer for taking up ISTQB Foundation exams as well as the site for getting the mock test papers for the same.
Hi Sreevani,
Better to learn QTP at any Institute.
good one
Hi All,
I am planning to go for CSTE exam.Could anyone help me out with Dumps/CBOK.
My email id is “mittaldipti42@gmail.com”
what is the min marks for CSTE exam and tell me some details like sylb….
How to justify that “Management Support” is the most important component of the test environment.
hi pls can you provide any document related to window registry and installation process i.e.internal mechanism behind istallation process.It will be very benificial for me.
Pankaj Sharma
Hi Anurag,
Yes, it is mandatory to clear Foundation level before appearing Advanced level.
I had done my graduation in science(Electronics) and MBA in Financial Management(IGNOU). I have 8 years working experience in insurance sector (Operation & Customer Service). I want to enter in IT Field. Is CSTE an option or other alternate available?
Hi All – Since I’ve been guiding CSQA and CSTE aspirants by coaching and helping them prepare since 2000, I may be able to help clarify queries and guide aspirants.
Thanks and Regards,
Can u please give details essays in CSTE.It will be more helpful
Hi friends
I am working as a Test Engineer.I want to learn QTP.
Pls send methe QTP material mainly scripting tome.
Tnank U.
Thank u all
I have done graduation in this year so can i do course of software testing nd how, plz help me?
CSTE preparation is easy –
we have to thoroughly read the CBOK book for 3-4 times .
objectives questions are easy if you read book 2-3 times
subjective questions need few experience knowledge in too
Can you please share me material of exam.
My email id “hsh@skywinds.tech”
Hi Please can any one help me by mailing cbook, pls……..
Hi all,
Friends i need some help.!!!!
I am preparing for CSTE exam..can any one do me a favour of sending the Descriptive questions/MOCK questions at least one complete question paper to my mail id,that would be very thankful and highly appriciatable.
Anyone kindly can call me to 09986555826..myself from Bangalore,basically from Hyd.
I need a little guidlines and previous question papers support to clear the exam….Awaiting for ur kind responses ASAP.
I am preparing for CSTE. Could anyone help with dumps and latest version of CBOK?
my email is kisongoch01@gmail.com
hi, This is very useful for CSTE exam.
Thank you guys
Please let me know if there are any sample papers for CSTE to my mail id.
Hi All,
I am planning to go for CSTE exam. Could anyone help me out with Dumps/CBOK.
My email id is “arungireesh007@gmail.com”
Arun G
Any one can help me for ISTQB certificate.
Foundation Level
Mail me: ravi.tambi@gmail.com
I m planning to give CSTE certification Can anyone help me with the Study Material for CSTE
My mail ID is
I am a testing professional and what to do certification in Software testing. I need you guys helf and suggestion regarding Testing certification and study materials and books. Please help..
Waiting for your reply.
Test director is now quality center like windows xp and vista.
Hi Everyone, can anyone help me how to be prepare for CSTE .
1. What are the books available in the market at an affordable price that can be referred for preparing for the test?
2. Is there any fixed syllabus structure for this exam? If there is something please mail me those.
Mock test is very useful for a tester to identify whether He/She is ready to take up the CSTE. Keep on doing mock test with different questions.
I am preparing for ISTQB certification,any body please send me MOCK test papers for Foundation level in the given mail id
I am preparing for CSTE. Could anyone help with dumps and latest version of CBOK?
My email is tennantv13@gmail.com
CSTE is better than ISTQB(I think)
How should I prepare for CSTE Certification or for S/W Testing. Can I learn online or have to refer books?
can i know what are the further levels of a software tester as like in devolpment they have >software devolper>pl >pm>deliveri maneger>&further
Could anyone send me the latest version of CBOK. I am preparing for CSTE. I would be glad for that dear friends.
My email is : ahussain.us@gmail.com
Hi All,
I am planning to go for CSTE exam.Could anyone help me out with Dumps/CBOK.
My email id is preetam.gochhayat@gmail.com
Can we process xml data file using QTP script
I wanna to take up this exam.
Hi…from where i can get the study material for this exam(CSTE)…how to prepare for these questionare
Hi Bhagyashree,
Please visit http://www.softwarecertifications.org
Hi friends,
I would like to learn QTP frmae work & VBscript and perlscript.anybody having i mentioned above material and pdf format.pls forward to me shasi5678@gmail.com
bye too allll
hello all
i am btech in 2009 and now i have 3 years of gap in my studies. Is testing course is beneficial for me ???? Kindly Help Me….
I am preparing for cste exam…can you send me CBOk and sample Papers. It will be really appreciated.
My email:
I plan to give my CSTE cerification on 14 th may
Please let me know if there are any sample papers for CSTE. My email id is ronykroy.39@gmail.com
thanks rony
Thanx, for giving such a useful information
Can you give some more questions which will help us to get the certification.
Its really helpful
What is the difference between Mercury Test director and Mercury Quality Center?
Please clear my doubt…
Hi Vijay,
This is really useful for me.
Can you give some more questions which will help us to get the certification.
Hi Ritesh,
u can join Software testing Course (Manual as well as Automation Testing especially QTP) then only u get the job.
send test mail to jay_reddy7@yahoo.com. I will send the sample papaers
Hello Jagdish ,
Could you please send me the ISTQB material for Foundation Level
I want to prepare CSTE examination, if anybody could send some study material or suggestions on books, question papers that would be very appreciable.
Thanks in adavace
Hi !
quality means meeting the requirements of the customer not the fit to use so the answer is wrong for first one
i want to know about this exam?????
i am btech cse 3rd year passout student……..
My email id is ssh7278@yahoo.com
Hi Friends,
Currently i am working in Non-IT field and planned to switch my career to testing.I had learned the basics of testing,and now i am very eager to learn testing practically with real time projects.
If any one interested to teach testing personally with real time projects , i will be more grateful, or else show me the right place in chennai.
Thanks & regards
Hi I have masters in science, what certification should i do to start the job in testing field. was on H4 for 9 yrs so, now trying to get job. Any help and suggestions.
hi. i am trying to sign up but getting error below;
An exception occurred
field “audiocaptcha” (Class com+utest+view+dto+registration+RegistrationStep1DTO), not marked as ignorable at [Source: org+apache+catalina+connector+CoyoteInputStream@3e216913; line: 1, column: 819] (through reference chain: com+utest+view+dto+registration+RegistrationStep1DTO[“audiocaptcha”])