CSTE, CSTP, CTM, and HP QTP Testing Certification Guide

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated January 17, 2025
Edited by Swati

Edited by Swati

I’m Swati. I accidentally started testing in 2004, and since then have worked with at least 20 clients in 10 cities and 5 countries and am still counting. I am CSTE and CSQA certified. I love my job and the value it adds to software…

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Quality assurance and software testing are the most crucial steps in any software development process. This ensures requirement adherence, performance reliability and defect-free product delivery to the client.

As the demand for the role of the tester keeps increasing, more attention is being paid to the quality testing professional.

Hence, it is high time to get certified and acquire the capabilities to fit in this demanding position. However, it is equally challenging to find the standard certifications that are being recognized all over the world.

This tutorial is intended to enlighten the readers about the established certifications available in the market today.

Guide to CSTE, CSTP, CTM, and HP QTP Testing Certifications

Software Testing Certifications

This is part – I of the testing certification series. In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing the following four important software testing certifications.

  1. CSTE
  2. CSTP
  3. CTM
  4. HP QTP Certification

Let’s see one by one!!

#1) CSTE


CSTE stands for “Certified Software Test Engineer”. CSTE is a benchmark certification program for all Testers and Managers that emphasizes professional competency and best practices in Quality Control in the IT industry.

Requirements and eligibility criteria for CSTE certification include one of the following:

  • 4-year degree from a recognized institution+2 year experience
  • 3-year degree from a recognized institution+3 year experience
  • 2-year degree from a recognized institution+4 year experience
  • 6 years of experience in the IT industry

How to Apply:

The applicant should submit the request on Customer Portal with the payment of $350 (PDF + initial exam) or $420 (PDF + Book + CD + initial exam).

You can apply for this certification through the Customer Portal for Software Testing Certifications. You can also share your concerns at certify@softwarecertifications.org.

Exam Pattern:

The exam is divided into the following parts:

  • Two sections for multiple-choice questions which consist of 50 objective type questions.
  • Two sections for 10 subjective type questions such as Short answers or essays.
  • The exam duration is 4 hours and 30 minutes and the passing marks are 75%. The examination retaking fee is $100.

Check out some more CSTE sample questions here.

#2) CSTP

CSTP is the short form for “Certified Software Test Professional”. This was initiated by the International Institute for Software Testing (IIST) in 1991 and so far this has been successful in enhancing the careers of thousands of aspirants by providing the professional skill set for Software Application Testing.

This certification program can be taken by any newcomer in the testing field as well as for the managers and leaders in the testing field.

The requirements to take this exam include a minimum of 10 days of formal training or education which includes the following topics:

  • Principles of Software Testing
  • Test Design
  • Managing the Testing Process
  • Test Execution and Defect Tracking
  • Requirement Definition, Refinement, and Verification.
  • Test Automation
  • Static Testing

Along with this, the applicant must be experienced in testing related roles for at least one year. Formal approval from the candidate’s manager is also necessary for him/her to apply for this certification.

A minimum of 80% marks is required to claim this certification successfully. The cost of this certification exam is $120, which is non-refundable and upon clearing the certification, it will not expire for 3 years.

How to Apply:

Visit: International Institute for Software Testing for the application form or Call at (763)546-0072 or shoot your query to info@iist.org.

#3) CTM

CTM stands for “Certified Test Manager”. This certification aims to support test managers and Senior Testers to handle the test projects efficiently by enhancing their management capability. Test Management Body of Knowledge (TMBK) is the foundation of CTM certification.

This program is focused on managers, senior-level testers, or anyone with over 3 years of industry experience and folks who are already done with CSTP certification.

The formal educational requirements to take this exam include the following compulsory topics:

  • Test Process Management
  • Test Project Management
  • Test Process Measurement and Improvement
  • Test Organization Management
  • Risk Management
  • Test Automation Strategies and Architecture
  • Software Quality Assurance


As mentioned above, a minimum of 3 years of experience is the eligibility requirement for appearing on this test.

How to Apply:

Application forms are available at the IIST office and should be submitted to the IIST chairperson, along with a non-refundable fee of $120. Upon grant, the CTM certification will not expire for 3 years. A minimum of 80% marks is required to get CTM certified.

The application form is directly accessible at IIST. You can forward any of your concerns to info@iist.org or call them at (763)546-0072.

#4) HP QTP Certification
HP QTP Certification

QTP certification by HP is meant for QuickTest professionals who wish to gain mastery in testing tools by HP called QuickTest. On August 1st, 2010, HP came out with the HP QTP Certification v10.0.

AIS is a beginner level certification exam whereas ASE is an advanced level certification exam.

These exams are particularly famous with the following names:

  • Exam HPO-M31 – HP Quality Center 10.0 Software
  • Exam HPO-M39 – HP QuickTest Professional 10.0 Software

You can download the preparation guide by HP at HP QTP certification preparation, which covers the subject of examination precisely. The cost of HP QTP certification is $150.

Note: All HP certifications are now with Microfocus. You can visit this page to check all the related certifications and other details.

In Part II of this article, we’ll discuss in detail the ISEB & ISTQB, CMST, CASQ, CSQA, and CMSQ certifications.

Till then, if you have queries on any of the testing certifications, feel free to ask in the comment section below.

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99 thoughts on “CSTE, CSTP, CTM, and HP QTP Testing Certification Guide”

  1. Hi sir,
    I am B.E.(CSE) graduate 2013 passed out. I have 2years experience in non voice process. Now I am interested in studying about software testing to work in testing field at top MNC’s. Please refer me the good software testing course and certification. Also advise me how to start my carrier in IT field. I am waiting for your reply sir, please reply me soon.
    Thanks a lot

  2. sir,i want to write a manualy exam …for ceritification purpose..can u tell me..how i will write the exam and ..what is syllabus….and give any contact address…becoz iam in hyderabad sis..

  3. Hi,

    I have done with HPO-M47 (QTP) certification. Now, want to apply for HPO-M46 (QC) certification.
    However, It seems either with HPO-M47 or HPO-M46 exam, we are able to get HP-AIS certificate.

    So, is it feasible to appear for HPO-M46 exam or look for another certification exam?

    Awaiting for reply.


  4. I want to know whether the HP QTP certification is useful for getting job as i dont have work exp in software testing domain

  5. sir complt my b.tech in 2017 my carrer start to softwear filed pls suggest me which course suitable for fresher………

  6. hii,i am MCA holder with 2nd class want to do certification in software testing ?? what are options for certification.guide

  7. Hi!
    I am Dimple, currently working as a technical support officer. I have persued MCA, my intrest is to settle my career as a software tester .I have theoritical knowledge on Software Testing and now decided to join software testing course, please guide me regarding Testing courses available in the market.

  8. I am a BSc graduate completed in 2010. I am working as a Hardware & Network admin in retail Field. Am i eligible for learning testing tools, Kindly guide me.

  9. Can any one let me know is the IMTQN Certified Mobile Application Tester – Foundation Level (CMAT) certification is valid for lifetime or it has some expiry period?

  10. Hi,
    I have passed QTP certification exam,in 2010 i would like to know whether QC certification can i appear in 2012 and get HP-AIS certiifcation since AIS certification is combination oF QTP & QC. do i need to appear once again.The same HP learner’s ID can be used for QC certification. please help in this regard.

  11. I amMBA & i want to do software testing course.
    plz give suggestion to me is it possible to me
    what criteria is required for testing.

  12. hello sir… i have completed MCA in computer application(2010) but till now i have not any job…now i want to get training in software testing field..please tell me which type of course is suitable for me(fresher) and job oriented….. waiting for reply.

  13. Hello Vijay,
    Badly need your help in choosing the certification course. I am having 2 years of experience in Manual Testing as a software test engineer and i am planning to earn the certification. Kindly let me know what shall i go through!!

  14. IMTQN Certified Mobile Application Tester (CMAT) – mobile app certification
    Better Quality gives Better Quality Assurance…

    Choose your career as Mobile test Engineer and do mobile app certification.

    What is Mobile Application Testing:
    Mobile Application Testing is a process by which application software developed for hand held mobile devices is tested for its functionality, usability and consistency. Mobile applications either come pre-installed or can be installed from mobile software distribution platforms. Mobile devices have witnessed a phenomenal growth in the past few years. A study conducted by the Yankee Group predicts the generation of $4.2 billion in revenue by 2013 through 7 billion U.S. smartphone app downloads.
    Variety of Mobile Devices: Mobile devices differ in screen sizes, input methods (QWERTY, touch, normal) with different hardware capabilities
    Diversity in Mobile Platforms/OS: There are different Mobile Operating Systems in the market. The major ones are Android, IOS, BREW, BREWMP, Symbian, Windows 7.5 Mango, and Blackberry (RIM). Each operating system has its own limitations. Testing a single application across multiple devices running on the same platform and every platform poses a unique challenge for testers.
    The IMTQN Certified Mobile Application Tester is a one who is well versed with Mobile Application Testing.
    The field of mobile testing is popular these days. The IMTQN Certified Mobile Application Tester (CMAT) – Foundation Level Certification involves both device testing as well as application and software testing to assure you a better prospects in the field of Mobile Testing.
    Many of us think about pursuing a career in this field of testing. Starting from a beginner in this domain to becoming an expert, the IMTQN Certified Mobile Application Tester (CMAT) – Foundation Level Certification is interesting and helpful to know what could be the different questions that are asked to people by an employer while selecting them for various positions in the mobile testing field such as a software tester.
    This process of testing includes a set of activities from monitoring and troubleshooting the mobile application to content and services on the real handsets. Testing is nothing but the verification and validation of hardware devices and software applications.
    How is mobile application testing different from mobile testing?
    When you are asked to do mobile testing, you must test the mobile phone itself. It may include protocol testing, battery testing, network connectivity testing, software compatibility testing and more.
    On the other hand, mobile application testing is to test applications and software built for the mobile phones. In this case, the application needs to be tested to verify whether it meets the specified functional and non-functional requirements.

    IMTQN Certified Mobile Application Tester (CMAT) – Training Exam Code: CMAT-001
    What is Mobile Application Testing?
    Benefits of Mobile Application Testing
    The Mobile Boom
    The Mobile Boom: Facts and Figures
    Types of Mobile Application Testing
    Functional Testing
    Laboratory Testing
    Memory Leakage Testing
    Interrupt Testing
    Usability testing
    Installation testing
    Certification Testing
    Load testing
    Interface Testing
    Mobile Testing Challenges for Native Applications
    Why It’s Tough: The Soaring Expectations of Users
    Why Failing Hurts
    Key Questions
    Common Functional Issues for Mobile
    From The Experts: Functional Testing Tips
    Functional Issues to Consider in the Dev Phase
    Mobile Testing Challenges for Web Applications
    Devices: The Biggest Mobile Testing Challenge
    Network: A Regional Challenge
    Network Bypass
    Real Networks
    Scripting: The Repeatability Challenge
    Common Mobile Security Issues
    Common Mobile Localization Issues
    Why is Localization So Important?
    Why is Localization So Difficult?
    The Rise of Mobile Web
    Mobile Web vs. Native Apps: Differences in Testing
    The Future: Mobile Web Plus Native Apps
    The Distant Future: Hybrid Apps
    Test Sourcing Options: Lab + Wild
    Emulators & Simulators
    From Surviving to Thriving: Your Strategy Moving Forward
    Points to remember while performing mobile application testing
    The real challenges that Quality Analyst would be facing while testing Mobile Application
    Introduction to Mobile Streaming

  15. I have passed QTP certification exam,in 2010 i would like to know whether QC certification can i appear in 2012 and get HP-AIS certiifcation since AIS certification is combination oF QTP & QC. do i need to appear once again.The same HP learner’s ID can be used for QC certification. please help in this regard.

  16. I am BA graduate. & i want to do software testing course.
    plz give suggestion to me is it possible to me
    what criteria is required for testing.


  17. Hi sir,

    I am a graduate in computers and did MISCA . After 10 years i want to start a job with testing. This site is very informative but from where do i need to start for testing job? Do you know any online coaching and placements in US? please help me in this.

    thanks in advance.

  18. Sir, I am BCA graduate 2011 pass out, m working as a Tech support officer since 14 months. I want to start my career in testing field. Please help me with your valuable suggestions and experiences. Will be waiting for a response eagerly

  19. hi iam raji..
    iam completed mca in 2013 with 60%.
    which certification course is used to improve my professional career….
    i dont have any experience..recently got job in testing field…..just iam completed in software testing course…pls help me….which course i should chose….

  20. i am an Msc passed out in 2005.I have 4 year sexperience in software testing field.Could you please help me to choose which certification is good for me?Waiting for your replay…

  21. I am MBA (it). & i want to do software testing course.
    plz give suggestion to me is it possible to me
    what criteria is required for testing.


  22. great.
    I am mainly interested in CSTE and ISTQB certifications. planning to take these two this year. thanks for the help. Could you please post more on ISTQB

  23. Hello Sir,
    As a fresher with no experience in testing what type of of certification should i apply to enchance my resume ,I have good kowledge in manual and automation testing using selenium

  24. hi,

    i am an ISTQB Certified , i have completed my b.tech in 2010.i m looking for testing job.if there is any opening, Kindly let me know .

  25. Hi!
    I am sumit srivastav. I have complited MCA, my intrest is to settle my career as a software tester .I have theoritical knowledge on Software Testing and now decided to join software testing course, please guide me regarding Testing courses available in the market.

  26. Hi,
    I have done Bsc with PMCs and worked in call center for one year i want to do software testing course and get job in IT field so I am eligible for this course and job?

  27. Sir,

    i am senthilkumar and i working and lives in Chennai,Tamilnadu in Devcare Solutions Chennai.I 2 yrs exp in Manual Testing , I want to write the CSTE (“Certified Software Test Engineer”) plz give suggestions and contact number and locations in chennai plz reply me Sir

    Thank You Sir.

  28. Hello,
    Thanks for the information.
    I would like to do AIS certification. I checked Hp site but i didnt find these two exams advise by you:-
    * Exam HPO-M31 – HP Quality Center 10.0 Software
    * Exam HPO-M39 – HP QuickTest Professional 10.0 Software.
    Can you please tell me what all certification is available for fresher in testing.

    Thanks in advance

  29. Is ISTQB certification of any use in india?
    some people say that it is of use in foreign countries and in india its of no use doing it…
    As i m fresher so I can’t go for CSTE,CSTP etc. so please guide

  30. sir, i am completed my b tech in 2012 with 53%, i have 2 years gap can u give me a suggestion to get a job in software field

  31. myself Unmesh Sawant, working as computer technician, in 3i infotech, but want to make career in software field, kindly help….i an doing M.Sc. in C.S.

  32. Is ISTQB certification of any use in india?
    some people say that it is of use in foreign countries and in india its of no use doing it…
    As i m fresher so I can’t go for CSTE,CSTP etc. so please guide

  33. I am B com graduate. & i want to do software testing course.
    am i elegible for testing tools course and
    plz give suggestion to me is it possible to me
    what criteria is required for testing.


  34. I am OCJP with 85% and ISTQB with 75% with 1 year experience in manual testing. I am 2008 pass out , I have 2 years of exp as a lecturer.

    will QTP certification will help me to get calls of s/w testing.

  35. Hi,

    I am a B.Tech Graduate and i have 6 months of experience in Software Testing. can u please suggest me any certification’s. I’m Done with ISTQB entrance level.

    Thank you,

  36. I amMBA & i want to do software testing course.
    plz give suggestion to me is it possible to me
    what criteria is required for testing.


  37. I would like to do ISQTB foundation level(HP-QTP) certification,but I didnt find these exams and center. How to apply Certification qtp foundation !

  38. Hello Sir,
    i am an MCA passed out in 2010.I have 1 year experience in software developement field.Now i want to move in to Software Testing.Could you please help me to choose which certification is good for me?And how to get a job in testing?Waiting for your replay…

    Thnanks and Regards

  39. Sir, i completed my B.tech 10 years back.I don’t have any job experience till now.i like to know whether i am eligible for any software certifications. if yes please suggest me how.

  40. for freshers or 1 or 2 years gap people, testing will be really good.
    some one may be intrested to keep some experence and enter in to it for them some training is required from experienced people. any one with basic knowledge can get job in testing “vamsiroyal2000@gmail.com”

  41. I would like to do ISQTB foundation level(HP-QTP) certification,but I didnt find these exams and center ..and also I found that Hp has changed the pattern for QTP Certification

  42. Hi iam BA graduate..wanna do software testing course..tell me will i get a job in tis field as i hav no experience in it..Please help n wich type of course is gud 4me.

  43. my name is chetan . plz help me out
    .iam pursuing m.tech in software engineering, my b.tech percentage is
    below 60% .
    i want to give istqb or qtp exam …so that will boost my
    resume during m.tech placements …iam confused between two exams
    ….iam not intersted in manual testing ….so which exam will help me

  44. hi, What is the eligibility criteria to take HP-QTP certification? How many yrs of exp needed to take up this exam?
    thank you

  45. hello sir
    i am a B TEch (ECE) fresher. I want to start carrier in software testing. please tell me which type of course is suitable for me(fresher) and job oriented….. waiting for reply.

  46. hello sir… i have completed btech in computer science(2010) but till now i have not any job…now i want to get training in software testing field..please tell me which type of course is suitable for me(fresher) and job oriented….. waiting for reply.

    thanks a lot..

  47. hello sir,
    i have done my Diploma in Automobile Engineering.now i am doing BCA. but i wish to do my career in software testing plz plz suggest me proper course for that which is more useful and which have less time duration.plz suggest me information…

  48. Hello, I have completed ISTQB-Foundation level. Right now I am working as S/w Engg. in Capgemini. I want to do more certifications in Testing. What kind of certifications are suitable for me to become a professional? Suggest me…


  49. Hello,

    I would like to do AIS (HP-QTP) certification,but I didnt find these exams ..and also I found that Hp has changed the pattern for QTP Certification and anme as HP QTP-FUnctional testingv11.0 and it is valid from july 1st 2011…can you please clarify which one is correct(either HP -QTPAIS v10.0 or HP Functional Testing v11.0,and also if 11.0 is the new exam can you please let us knw the mode of the exam(is it multiple choice or descriptive)

    Ur response would be appreciated


  50. I am B.Tech (IT) passed out in 2010.I have no year experience in software developement field.Now i want to move in networking job. Please suggest me how to search job in this field.

    Thanks and Regards
    Harvinder Singh

  51. i have done m.sc (cs.)in 2013..and i have no IT experience..if i do one month diploma course in software testing..what are the chances to get a job?

  52. I am B com graduate. i want to do testing tools course. am i eligible for testing tools. can i understand that course and kindly help which way i have to approach this course. by pavan

  53. hi
    my intrest is to settle my career as a software tester so if there are any opportunity in any company please inform me and iam a istqb certifier.

  54. hello sir,
    I have finished my M.Sc(CS&IT).I would like to work in software testing field.I have a chance to study in Australia.so which course is suitable for my career.please guide me sir..
    kind regards

  55. I am B com graduate. i want to do testing tools course. am i eligible for testing tools. can i understand that course and kindly help which way i have to approach this course

  56. Hello Sir,
    i am an MCA passed out in 2010.I have 1 year experience in software developement field.Now i want to move in to Software Testing.Could you please help me to choose which certification is good for me?And how to get a job in testing?Waiting for your replay…

  57. Versions for the certification of HP QTP10 & QC10 is changed to HP QTP11 & QC11 and the Exam HPO-M47 for QTP
    and Exam HPO-M46 for QC, Up to my Knowledge.If any mistakes please excuse me.

  58. Hello sir,
    I had passed my BE in 2009.I have to start my carrier in IT industries as a fresher.Can you suggest some certified courses which helps to start up my carrier.Please reply as soon as possible.
    Thank you…

  59. Sir ,
    I am a Maths Graduate with PGDCA qualified in 1993 . Later I took M.Sc in IT and M.Phil in CS from annamali university , disatance education programme . Will I be able to start a software tester profession in this age of 41 . How should I begin with ?

  60. Which one is more internationaly Recognized among CSTE or ISTQB. and what is the validity period of both.
    Thanks for nice information

  61. I am a B.Tech Graduate and 2-years experience in software Testing. I want to write CSTE exam. Is there exposure to write exam for getting better job. where can I write CSTE EXAM

  62. Hi,
    I have done MCA , but I have 5years of experience in BPO and tech support.Am I eligible for the CSTE certification? If not what do I need to do to be eligible for that certification?

  63. Could anyone please send me the latest ISEM/ISTQB Foundation exam questions as i am desperate and about to take the exams. I don’t want to fail it this time..

  64. Hi,

    In the month of December 26th 2011 I have attended QTP certification exam (HP-M47).

    I have received examination score report immediately after completion of the exam.

    Do we get any certificate from HP regarding this? If so please let me know how to get that certificate..

    thanks in advance..

  65. Hello i have completed my bsc in visual communication but planning to do software testing in short period and guide me any institutions.

  66. Sir, I have around 2 yrs of exp in manual testing. But i had to take break for 2yrs and been a house wife. Now i want to ENTER TO TESTING FIELD AQGAIN SO WHAT CERTIFICATIONS WOUOLD U LIKE ME TO DO , SO THAT I CAN GET A JOB IN TESTING FIELD AGAIN

  67. Hi Swati,
    I appreciate your article, it gives complete overview of CSQA certification. I am planning for CSQA, I have few question in my mind as,
    a. Once we clear a certification it is valid till next 1year, is it correct? If yes then what we need to do to keep this certificate alive?
    b. Is provided CBOK enough to clear this certification? Along with our work experience.
    Kindly help us.

  68. sir i have completed diplomo in computer science (2010) and i was a technical apprentice trainee in bhel. Im persuing software testing course..so will i get any job as i have no experience in dis field..Please do reply it wud b very helpfull 4 me

  69. Hello sir
    i am a B.E fresher and i want to take certification, am i eligible for ISTQB certification and hw much fees does this costs me


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