HP QTP Certification Dumps – HP0-M47 & HP0-M98 Exam 220 Questions

By Vijay

By Vijay

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Updated January 11, 2025

220 QTP Certification Dumps with Answers

Helpful Question and Answers to Clear QTP 11.0 Certification Exams (HP0-M47 & HP0-M98) – HP UFT certification guide

Here, in this guide, we have programmed the top best and effective “QTP 11.0 Certification Exams Question and Answers”. By providing more than 200 QTP Certification Dumps (Objectives), we have tried to cover most of the sections of QTP 11.0 certification exams.

See also => HP QTP Certification Exam Complete Guide

QTP Certification Dumps

These objective type questions and answers are for both, QTP 11.0 certification exam (Code: HP0-M47 & HP0-M98). Users who are planning to give the exam; read all objective type questions and answers carefully will increase your motivation at the exam time.

QTP 11.0 certification exams, objective type questions & answers

Let’s start from here,

1.Q) Which is the scripting language fully supported by QTP?
A) Java Script
B) VB Script
C) Visual Studio.NET

Answer: B

2.Q) Assistive properties are not required when mandatory properties are more than enough to recognize an object
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

3.Q) Select the correct type of Ordinal Identifiers – 1) Index, 2) Location, 3) Duration, 4) Creation Time
A) 1, 2, & 3
B) 1, 2, & 4
C) 2, 3, & 4
D) All – 1, 2, 3, & 4

Answer: B

4.Q) Does Index based ordinal identifier displays the sequence of objects in the application code relative to other objects?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

5.Q) Does Location based ordinal identifier displays the sequence of objects in the main (parent) window frame/page or dialog box relative to other objects?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

6.Q) The location where Creation Time ordinal identifier can be used
C) Web
D) Java

Answer: C

7.Q) To identify any object the ordinal identifier that has been selected can be modified in the Object Identification Window?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

8.Q) In Index based ordinal identifier, the first Index Property value of the object in the source code should be
A) 1
B) 0
C) 2
D) 3

Answer: B

9.Q) The type of properties used for Smart Identification
A) Set Properties
B) Database Properties
C) Optional Filter Properties
D) Stable Properties

Answer: C

10.Q) VBScript Runtime Error number 505 means,
A) Division by Zero
B) Invalid or Unqualified Reference
C) ActiveX component can’t create object
D) Invalid Picture

Answer: B

11.Q) In keyword view, the Documentation will be automatically in
A) Read-only mode
B) Write-only mode
C) Read and Execute both
D) Write and Execute both

Answer: A

12.Q) Which cell in the keyword view presents the activity to be performed on the item listed in the Item Column?
A) Operation
B) Documentation
C) Item
D) Value

Answer: A

13.Q) Thus, Item column displays just before the Operation column, then too; to see a list of operations from Operation column, you have to first select the Item from the Item column.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

14.Q) There is only one type of Descriptive Programming – Dynamic Descriptive programming
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

15.Q) Which function is helpful in identifying the timing delays between transactions?
A) stop
B) sync
C) services
D) wait

Answer: Services

16.Q) “Active Screen” window in QTP is used in,
A) Capturing Application Under Test (AUT) screens
B) Object Repository
C) Test Data collection
D) Checkpoints

Answer : A

17.Q) Choose the valid states of Panes in QTP,
A) Data
B) Flow
C) Docked/Floating
D) All of the above

Answer: B

18.Q) In QTP, which is the correct recording mode?
A) level Recording mode
B) Normal recording mode
C) High-level Recording mode
D) Dynamic recording ode

Answer: B

19.Q) Does QTP facilitate you to open and execute unlimited test at a time?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

Explanation:- QTP facilitate you to open and execute one test at a time

20.Q) Can you open a function library that is not currently associated with the opened test application?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

21.Q) Which toolbar contains Record, Run, Insert Call to Action, and Insert Checkpoint buttons for your test?
A) Standard
B) Tools
C) Automation
D) Edit

Answer: C

22.Q) Is it possible to drag & drop a function (or part of a function) from one document to another?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

23.Q) Which “Output Value” displays property value of any kind object?
A) Standard output value
B) Text output value
C) Database output value
D) XML output value

Answer: A

24.Q) While creating a new test, an object associates with which object repository?
A) Per-Action (Local) Object Repository
B) Shared Object Repository
C) Doesn’t associate with any object repository
D) Both, Per-Action (Local) Object Repository & Shared Object Repository

Answer: A

25.Q) What is the purpose of the Operations Tab in the Object Spy window?
A) Display all the operations that can be performed on a particular test object
B) Display all the operations that can be performed on an application
C) Displays all the operations that can be performed on all objects together
D) None

Answer: A

26.Q) Conflicts resolved by object repository merge tool?
A) Different Name Different Description
B) Same Name Different Description
C) Same Description Different Name
D) Both, B & C

Answer: D

Explanation:- Merger of two object repositories that contain similar objects bring result in conflicts. The Object Repository Merge Tool recognizes three possible conflict types,
1) Similar Description Conflict
2) Same Name Different Description
3) Same Description Different Name

27.Q) Which method returns number of rows present in the run-time data Table?
A) getrowcount
B) getlinecount
C) GetCurrentRow
D) GetSheetCount

Answer: A

28.Q) VBScript’s Conditional Statements – “Select Case” ends with
A) End Case
B) Exit Case
C) Exit
D) End Select

Answer: D

29.Q) Types of Object Repository – 1) Per-Action (Local) Object Repository, 2) Shared Object Repository, 3) Unshared Object Repository
A) Both 1 & 2
B) Both 1 & 3
C) Both 2 & 3
D) All – 1, 2, & 3

Answer: Both 1 & 2

30.Q) Although, actions are in-build feature of QTP, by default; new actions are
A) Non-Reusable
B) External
C) Reusable
D) Standalone

Answer: A

31.Q) In Keyword View, you can show or hide the Action toolbar from,
A) Views -> Action
B) View -> Toolbars -> Actions
C) View -> Toolbar
D) View -> Toolbars -> Action

Answer: D

32.Q) Using which UFT/QTP entity, you can view either complete test flow (the calls to the actions in the test) or the steps of a selected action (reusable or external)?
A) Action Flow
B) Action List
C) Action file and Repository
D) Both, A & B

Answer: B

33.Q) Does BITMAP Checkpoint identify the size of an image?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

34.Q) What was the name of Local Object repository before QTP 9.x series?
A) Pre-Action
B) Primary
C) Action
D) Child-Action

Answer: A

35.Q) Which keyword view’s tab facilitates you to set and view the columns orderly?
A) Column
B) Fonts and Colors
C) Column Value
D) Variables

Answer: A

Explanation:- To view this tab in the keyword view, right-click on a column header and choose View Options. The Keyword View Options dialog box opens, click the Column tab to set the column items orderly.

36.Q) What is the purpose of the Properties Tab in the Object Spy window?
A) Display the properties and values of a selected object of an open application
B) Display the properties and values of all objects together of an applicatio
C) Display the properties and values of an application
D) None

Answer: A

37.Q) How many Tabs Object Spy dialog box carries?
A) One
B) Three
C) Two
D) Four

Answer: C

Explanation:- Object Spy dialog box carries two tabs – Properties Tab and Operations Tab.

38.Q) In the Object Spy dialog box, we can resize the Object Spy dialog box to view all the information clearly without scrolling down.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

Explanation:- If in the Object Spy dialog box, the object that is going to spy have a deep hierarchy with long property names and values, then resize the Object Spy dialog box is the best way to view all the information without scrolling down.

39.Q) QTP test actions,
A) Can be copy & paste/drag & drop to move them to different locations within a test
B) Can’t be copy & paste/drag & drop to move them to different locations within a test
C) Can be copy & paste/drag & drop to move them to different test applications
D) None

Answer: A

40.Q) Can QuickTest Object Repository automation object model manage some features of a local object repository?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

41.Q) Do statement always end with,
A) End while
B) Loop
C) End do
D) Exit

Answer: B

42.Q) Which is not the Output value type?
A) Standard output value
B) String output value
C) XML output value
D) Text output value

Answer: B

43.Q) What are the correct steps in creating Test Script?
A) Record, Develop, Debug, Plan
B) Record, Debug, Plan, Develop
C) Plan, Record, Develop, Debug
D) Plan, Record, Debug, Develop

Answer: C

44.Q) Which is the default data type supported by QTP?
A) integer
B) String
C) Variant
D) Boolean

Answer: C

45.Q) What help us in recognizing non-standard objects in QTP?
A) Object spy
B) Virtual objects
C) Object identification
D) Object Repository

Answer: B

46.Q) Does QTP only support the Keyword Driven Framework?
B) QTP only supports the Hybrid Framework
C) QTP only supports the Data driven Framework
D) All Frameworks – Keyword Driven, Hybrid, and Data driven

Answer : D

47.Q) Does QTP only support the Mozilla Firefox Browser?
A) Only IE & Netscape
B) Only Chrome & Safari
C) Yes
D) All Browsers (Mozilla_Firefox, IE, Netscape, Chrome, and Safari)

Answer : D

48.Q) Identify, which Checkpoint QTP doesn’t hold?
A) Bitmap Checkpoint
B) Text Checkpoint
C) Database Checkpoint
D) Non-Standard Checkpoint

Answer: D

49.Q) While statement always end with,
A) End while
B) Loop
C) Wend
D) Exit

Answer: C

50.Q) By default, Datable holds type of sheets,
A) Both, Action & Global
B) Only Action
C) Only Global
D) None

Answer: A

51.Q) Test Results Table (result of test) located in which folder?
A) Test Configuration Folder
B) Test Results Folder
C) Test Script Folder
D) None

Answer: B

52.Q) The process to give multiple Input/Test data to the test script at run-time is called
A) Parameterization
B) Debugging
C) Error handling
D) Synchronization

Answer: A

53.Q) Can you define and store the private functions in a Function Library?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

54.Q) Can Checkpoints be parameterized?
A) Yes, all type of Checkpoints can be parameterized
B) No, Checkpoints can’t be parameterized
C) Maybe, depends on the Checkpoint type

Answer: A

55.Q) What is the extension of Local object repository file?

Answer: D

56.Q) From which data sheet of the Data Table data can be used amongst various Actions?
A) Global sheet
B) Action sheet
C) Both, Global sheet & Action sheet
D) None

Answer: A

57.Q) A function stored in an action of a test can be called from any other action?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

58.Q) Text Output Value,
A) Outputs property value of any kind object
B) Outputs text string appears in on a Web page or application
C) Outputs contents value of database cells
D) Output all types of result

Answer: B

59.Q) What is the extension of Shared object repository file?

Answer: A

60.Q) We define and store user-defined functions in – 1) Function Library, 2) Directly in an action within a test
A) Both, 1 & 2
B) 1
C) 2
D) None

Answer: A

61.Q) Which is not the valid type of Actions in QTP – 1) Shared Actions, 2) External Actions, 3) Reusable Actions
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) All – 1, 2, & 3

Answer: A

62.Q) Set TO Property changes the property value of the test object. The changed value is just used by QTP at run time (during recording) to identify the object and do not affect the values stored in the test object repository.
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

63.Q) Actions that introduced as “Call to Action” can be modified in the tests where they were created.
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

64.Q) An action that introduced as “Copy of an Action” in the Action Sheet of the Data Table is editable in the tests where they are copied.
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

65.Q) Can you choose various trigger events for a recovery scenario?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

66.Q) Descriptive Programming based Test Scripts are highly portable (can run on different machines very easily)
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

67.Q) Can we change the standard timing delay (60 seconds) for web based application via test settings in QTP?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

68.Q) VBScript Runtime Error number 507 means,
A) An exception occurred
B) Class not defined
C) Internal Error
D) Invalid Picture

Answer: A

69.Q) What is the extension of the procedure created with the help of the Function Library editor?

Answer: A

70.Q) The shortcut key to add new Test,
A) Ctrl + Shift + T
B) Ctrl + Alt + L
C) Ctrl + Alt + E
D) F6

Answer: A

71.Q) Text Area Output value,
A) Outputs text strings appears within a specified area of a screen in a Windows application
B) Outputs text strings of whole area of the screen in a Windows application
C) Outputs property value of objects of a Windows application
D) None

Answer: A

72.Q) Can we apply some major Microsoft Excel features on QTP DataTable?
B) No

Answer: A

73.Q) An action “Call to Copy” is only applicable to,
A) Reusable actions?
B) External actions
C) Non-reusable action
D) None

Answer: A

74Q). Test data can be parameterized using – 1) Virtual Object Manager, 2) Data Driver, 3) Object Repository Manager?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) All

Answer: B

75.Q) Role of Ordinal Identifiers is important when Mandatory and Assistive properties are not enough to recognize an object
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

76.Q) The Share Object Repository is preferable while
A) Dealing with dynamic object
B) Dealing with the objects on Internet Environment
C) Dealing with static object
D) None

Answer: A

77.Q) The given below QTP script has been recorded in which mode?

Window(“Calculator”).WinObject(“8”).Click 21,6
Window(“Calculator”).WinObject(“WinObject”).Click 14,13

A) Analog Recording mode
B) Normal Recording mode
C) Low Level Recording mode

Answer: C

78.Q) Which other objects we can use when standard objects cannot be recorded due to problems come in recording?
A) Virtual Objects
B) Static Objects
C) Dynamic Objects
D) None

Answer: A

79.Q) During execution of current line of script if any error occurs, QTP continues ahead to the next step. Which script command can be used to represent this process?
A)On Error Resume Next
B) On Error Go Next
C) On Error Step Next
D) On Error Stop Next

Answer: A

80.Q) Single quotes can be used for,
A) executable statement
B) non-executable statement
C) All statement
D) None

Answer: B

81.Q) Does “Astrix Mark” icon in Keyword View display as Optional Steps?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

82.Q) Which is the valid Descriptive Programming?
A) Static Descriptive programming
B) Object Descriptive programming
C) Database Descriptive programming
D) None

Answer: A

83.Q) The shortcut key to add new Business Component,
A) Ctrl + Shift + B
B) Ctrl + Alt + L
C) Ctrl + Alt + E
D) F6

Answer: A

84.Q) The correct order to setup a new recovery scenario,
A) Choose the Trigger Event, choose the Recovery Operation, and then choose Post-Recovery Test Run Option
B) Choose the Recovery Operation, choose the Trigger Event, and then choose the Post-Recovery Test Run Option
C) Choose the Post-Recovery Test Run Option, choose the Trigger Event, and then choose the Recovery Operation
D) Choose the Trigger Event, and then choose the Recovery Operation

Answer: A

85.Q) Identify the valid tabs display in the Test Settings dialog box (File -> Settings)?
A) Properties, Run, Resources, Environment, Web, Recovery
B) Properties, Run, Resources, Objects, Environment, Recovery
C) Properties, Run Options, Resources, Values, Environment
D) Properties, Run, Resources, Input values, Environment, Web

Answer: A

86.Q) “Generate Script” feature displays in which tab of Test Settings dialog box (File -> Settings)?
A) Properties
B) Log Tracking
C) Resources
D) Environment

Answer: A

87.Q) The following are the four main columns in the Keyword view
A) Item, Operation, Value, Comments
B) Item, Operation, Value, Documentation
C) Item, Operation, Property, Object
D) Number, Operation, Value, Object

Answer: B

88.Q) Can a single test script contain various Recover Scenarios?

Answer: A

89.Q) Which Window menu command displays the open documents cascaded?
A) Tile Vertically
B) Tile Horizontally
C) Windows
D) Cascade

Answer: D

90.Q) Which Menu Item displays the option “Function Definition Generator”?
A) Tools
B) Resources
C) Insert

Answer: C

91.Q) The shortcut key to open an Object Repository is,
A) Ctrl + Tab
B) Ctrl + Shift + Tab
C) Ctrl+R
D) Shift+O+R

Answer: C

92.Q) Objects in the Local Object Repository window are not editable.
A) True
B) False

Answer: B

93.Q) Objects in the Shared Object Repository window are in read-only format by default, but can be edited in Object Repository Manager or just copy the object to the local object repository and then edit its properties.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

94.Q) Choose the valid option to delete objects from the Local Object Repository?
A) Object Repository Window
B) Object Repository Manager
C) Function Library
D) Object Spy

Answer: A

95.Q) Choose the valid option to delete objects from the Shared Object Repository?
A) Object Repository Window
B) Object Repository Manager
C) Function Library
D) Object Spy

Answer: B

96.Q) The Shortcut key to Insert and Remove a break point respectively,
A) F9, Ctrl + F9
B) F8
C) Ctrl + F5
D) Shift+b

Answer: A

97.Q) Is Reporter.ReportEvent Library Function helpful in displaying images screenshot in test results?

Answer: A

98.Q) Does HP QC (Quality Center) automatically store the test results after running the test script?

Answer: A

99.Q) Can we integrate Test Director (TD) with QTP?

Answer: A

100.Q) The tools that can’t be integrated with QTP – 1) Silk Runner, 2) Quality Center, 3) Winrunner
A) 1
B) 3
C) 2 & 3
D) 1 & 2

Answer: A

101.Q) Choose the correct syntax of CallFuncEx command,
A) CallFuncEx RunMinimized, Function, [ , Arguments ] ModulePath, CloseApp
B) CallFuncEx CloseApp [ , Arguments ], RunMinimized, ModulePath, Function
C) CallFuncEx Function [ , Arguments ], ModulePath, RunMinimized, CloseApp,
D) CallFuncEx ModulePath, Function, RunMinimized, CloseApp [ , Arguments ]

Answer: D

102.Q) The shortcut key to view Solution Explorer,
A) F4
B) Ctrl + Alt + L
C) Ctrl + Alt + E
D) F6

Answer: B

103.Q) In QTP, what kind of entity can be run together at the same time?
A) Processes
B) Sessions
C) Windows
D) None

Answer: D

104.Q) Can QTP run various processes, sessions, or windows of Application under Test?

Answer: A

105.Q)Select the valid syntax to retrieve data from local sheet of the DataTable
A) DataTable(“Column Name”, dtGlobalSheet)
B) DataTable(“Column Name”, dtLocalSheet)
C) DataTable(“Column Name”, dtdata)
D) DataTable(LocalSheet, “Column Name”)

Answer: B

106.Q)Which is the valid code to check the existence of a parameter in DataTable?
A) on error resume next
if err.number <> 0 then
‘Parameter does not exist
‘Parameter exists
end if
B) on error resume next
if err.number val then
‘Parameter does not exist
‘Parameter exists
end if
C) on error resume next
if err.number “ParamName” then
‘Parameter does not exist
‘Parameter exists
end if
D) None

Answer: A

107.Q) Does GetTOProperty return the property value of the test object, the property value used by QTP at run time (during recording) to identify the object?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

108.Q) Select the valid syntax to retrieve data from Global sheet of the DataTable
A) DataTable(“Column Name”, dtGlobalSheet)
B) DataTable(“Column Name”, GlobalSheet)
C) DataTable(“Column Name”, dtdata)
D) DataTable(GlobalSheet, “data”)

Answer: A

109.Q) Can we set the property of a run – time object?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

110.Q) Which command returns the property of a run-time object?
A) GetROProperty
B) GetTOProperties
C) SetTOProperty
D) GetTOProperty

Answer: A

111.Q) Object Spy facilitates you to view,
A) Only a specific Object
B) Only Test time Properties and Methods of an Object
C) Only Run time Properties and Methods of an Object
D) Test time and Run time both object Properties and Methods

Answer: D

112.Q) Does Descriptive Programming create test scripts for an application using “Programmatic description” of objects instead of recording them?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

113.Q) Select the correct syntax to identify a browser & page while using descriptive programming, without object repository
A) Browser(creationtime=4).Page(title=Editorial CompanySearch).Link(text=Codes).
B) Browser(creationtime:=4).Page(title:=Editorial CompanySearch).Link(text:=Codes)
C) Browser(‘creationtime:=4’).Page(‘title:=Editorial Company Search’).Link(‘text:=Codes’).Click
D) Browser(‘creationtime =4’).Page(‘title =Editorial Company Search’).Link(‘text =Codes’).Click

Answer: C

114.Q) The shortcut key to View Errors,
A) F4
B) Ctrl + F7
C) Ctrl + Alt + E
D) F6

Answer: C

115.Q) Choose the valid menu provides various options to display QuickTest in different manners on your screen?
A) Insert
B) File
C) Debug
D) View

Answer: D

116.Q) In Keyword view, the Value cell contains,
A) Constant
B) Local/Component Parameter
C)Both, A & B
D) None

Answer: C

117.Q) The shortcut key to Stop Run/Recording process,
A) F4
B) Ctrl + F7
C) Ctrl + H
D) F6

Answer: A

118.Q) To call the function that would not return any value, we can use
A) CALL function name
B) function name
C) Both A & B
D) None

Answer: A

119.Q) What is the standard timing delay for web based application in QTP?
A) 10 seconds
B) 60 seconds
C) Infinite
D) 200 seconds

Answer: B

120.Q) VBScript Runtime Error number 429 means,
A) Division by Zero
B) Class not defined
C) ActiveX component can’t create object
D) Invalid Picture

Answer: C

121.Q) The steps to build a programmatic description of dynamic objects,
A) Select object properties à Identify the object class à Create a programmatic description.
B) Create a programmatic description à Select object properties à Identify the object class.
C) Identify the object class à Select object properties à Create a programmatic description.
D) None

Answer: C

122.Q) In QTP, VB Script “IS” operator is to compare two objects reference variables?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

123.Q) Select the VBScript functions that invoke dialog boxes to interact with users?
A) MessageBox
B) OutputBox
C) InputBox
D) DisplayDialog

Answer: C

Explanation:- InputBox function: Displays a prompt in a dialog box, once users input a text or click a button. The function returns the contents of the text box.
MsgBox Function: Displays a message, buttons, and optional icon in a dialog box, once user click on a button. The function returns an integer value indicating which button the user clicked.

124.Q) Object Spy is helpful in
A) identifying the object’s properties and methods used in a particular environment
B) identifying the properties and methods of the Internet application
C) identifying the properties and methods of the objects in per-action repository
D) identifying the properties and methods of objects in global action repository

Answer: A

125.Q) Does “Exclamation Mark” icon in Keyword View display as Optional Steps?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

126.Q) Does a breakpoint stop test execution at the specified step, after executing that step?
A) Yes
B) Breakpoint stops test execution at the specified step, before executing that step
C) Breakpoint pauses test execution at the specified step, after executing that step
D) Breakpoint pauses test execution at the specified step, before executing that step

Answer: B

127.Q) Does Analog Recording mode record each and every operation happen through mouse and keyboard?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

128.Q) The RunAnalog function is helpful in executing
A) Tracks
B) Applications
C) Analog operations
D) Analog properties values

Answer: A

129.Q) Does a sub-routine always return a value?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

Explanation:- Sub Procedures / Sub-routine: In QTP, it is a user-defined procedure (Procedure: A series of executable statements), enclose with the Sub and End Sub statements, perform actions, but does not return a value. The procedure can take arguments, but without arguments; it must include an empty set of parentheses ().

130.Q) Choose the valid menu helpful in adding different types of components and function library steps?
A) View
B) Insert
C) File
D) Debug

Answer: B

131.Q) The shortcut key to start recording process,
A) F2
B) Ctrl + F7
C) Ctrl + H
D) F6

Answer: D

132.Q) Silent Test Runner is a QTP supported tool, used to run QTP Script
A) Without the Application Under Test Interface
B) Without Network and Mouse movement delay
C) Without QTP interface
D) With QTP Interface

Answer: C

Explanation: Silent Test Runner tool runs QTP test scripts similarly as like a QTP test scripts run from LoadRunner and Business Availability Center, without opening the QTP user interface, and the test execution speed is same as how speedily it executes via LoadRunner or Business Availability Center. The test run via Silent Test Runner tool cannot use the ResultDir QuickTest environment variable. At last, when the test execution gets over, you can view the result about the test run and transaction times using Test Run Log. This tool is also useful in checking QTP test script compatibility with LoadRunner and Business Availability Center.

You cannot run the test script using Silent Test Runner tool if another test is already opened or running. To run your test, first close/End properly the test that is currently running and wait for the process to end before running your test using Silent Test Runner.

133.Q) Is SetSecure Method is used to decrypt the password?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

Explanation:- QTP, SetSecure Method is used to encrypt the password.

134.Q) Is Action Conversion Tool used to convert test Actions created using QTP to scripted components for use in business process testing?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

135.Q) Which of the following conditional statement can create a branching condition steps in a test?
A) ..Wend
B) ..Else
C) ..Next
D) ..Until

Answer: B

136.Q) Which QuickTest Debugger feature can be used to stop the test run at a specific step in the test?
A) Console
B) Local Variables
C) Call Stack
D) Break point

Answer: D

Explanation:- Breakpoints facilitate you to stop the test at a particular line of code. A useful feature to stop and check the cause of the failure comes while running the long test script. It pauses the test script in between the test script execution process.

137.Q) The list of categories the Step Generator includes,
A) Object, Utility Objects, Return Value
B) Library, Local Script, Object
C) Built-in, Operation, Value
D) Test Objects, Utility Objects, Functions

Answer: D

Explanation:- Open the UFT window, go to the menu bar and then Insert à Step Generator à Category.

138.Q) In Test Settings of QTP, Run the Data Table iteration options are for which data sheet?
A) Local data sheet
B) Global data sheet

Answer: B

139.Q) What is helpful in handling irregular testing exceptions?
A) Do Loop
B) Recovery Scenario
C) Object Repository
D) Object Spy

Answer: B

140.Q) Where to associate a function library to strengthen the test script?
A) Run Options
B) Test Settings
C) View Options
D) Object Repository

Answer: B

Explanation:- To associate a function library in Test Settings dialog box, open the UFT window, go to File à Settings à Resources à Associate Function Library option and then click on “+” Button to Add Function Library File.

141.Q) Where do you set the action iterations for a specified action?
A) Action Settings
B) Test Settings
C) Action Run Settings
D) Action Call Properties

Answer: D

142.Q) Choose the valid menu helpful in managing your object repositories and other valuable resources?
A) Debug
B) Resources
C) Tools
D) File

Answer: B

143.Q) If you don’t want QTP to recognize the Virtual Objects stored on your machine while  recording then what to do?
A) Remove Virtual Objects from Test Settings
B) Disable recognition of virtual objects while recording
C) Remove Virtual Objects from your machine
D) Remove the Collections from the Resources list

Answer: B

Explanation:- To disable the virtual objects, go to Tools à Options à General tab and then select the checkbox “Disable recognition of virtual objects while recording”.

144.Q) Which method for the DataTable utility object facilitates you to fetch information from the Data Table during a test run?
A) Value
B) Import
C) Item
D) GetValue

Answer: A

145.Q) Each new action by default creates,
A) Local Data Sheet, Global Data Sheet
B) Global Data Sheet, Action Folder
C) Local Data Sheet, Global Data Sheet, Local Object Repository, Action Folder
D) Local Object Repository, Local Data Sheet, Action Folder

Answer: D

146.Q) Environment variable type(s),
A) Built-in
B) User-defined
C) Built-in, User-defined
D) None

Answer: C

147.Q) In both of the datasheets (Local and Global), only Local datasheet contains 3 rows of data, how many times the test iteration should be?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5

Answer: A

148.Q) The first element a Recovery Scenario to handle the exceptions is,

  1. A) Trigger Event
  2. B) Recovery Operation
  3. C) Post-Recovery Test Run
  4. D) None

Answer: A

Explanation:- Trigger Event: It is an unexpected event that interrupts your run session, like; Appearance of a Pop-up window and object state without notification, QTP application run error that may crash or break our running session.

149.Q) Choose the sensitive factors that strongly affect the bitmap checkpoints are,
A) Image size and object type
B) Object properties and image type
C) Screen resolution and object value
D) Screen resolution, Operating systems and RGB settings

Answer: D

150.Q) What is the first step to avail low-level recording feature?
A) Initiate a new test
B) Step to the Keyword view
C) Recording in Normal mode
D) Click Low Level Recoding under the Automation Menu

Answer: C

151.Q) Choose the valid menu helpful in debugging the steps of your component and any involved function library?
A) File
B) Debug
C) Tools
D) View

Answer: B

152.Q) After examining the results of an SQL query, how do you close the database session?
A) Use the close method for the RecordSet object
B) Use the close method for the RecordSet and Connection objects
C) Set the RecordSet and Connection objects equal to Nothing
D) None

Answer: B

153.Q) Types of trigger events,
A) Pop-up window, QTP crash, VBScript event
B) test run error, VBScript event, Application crash
C) Pop-up window, object state, test run error, application crash
D) Pop-up window, QTP crash

Answer: C

154.Q) What are the ADODB objects properties/methods, helpful in communicating with the databases?
A) Only Fields
B) Only Connection, ADODB.Command
C) Connection, ADODB.Command, ADODB.Field, ADODB.RecordSet
D) Open, ConnectionString

Answer: C

155.Q) The GetTOProperty method,
A) Retrieves the value of a property from a test object’s description
B) Retrieves the properties from a test object
C) Retrieves the value of a property from a run-time object
D) Retrieves the properties from a run-time object

Answer: A

Explanation:- GetTOProperty: The method returns the value of the property from the test object’s description. The value used by QTP to recognize the object during the recording (run time).

156.Q) Choose the Checkpoint that verify the web page with W3C standard?
A) Bitmap checkpoint
B) File Content Checkpoint
C) Accessibility checkpoint
D) Page Checkpoint

Answer: C

157.Q) In Object Spy dialog box, the pointy hand is capable in pointing on a particular object whose properties and the corresponding values you want to observe.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

158.Q) Which statement is helpful in declaring a constant?
A) Dim statement
B) If statement
C) Select statement
D) Option Explicit statement

Answer: A

159.Q) In custom checkpoint, Data table,
A) To fetch data from external data source
B) Records Output values and Formulas
C) Compare headers
D) None

Answer: B

160.Q) Which web browser QTP-11 uses for recording?
A) Mozilla Firefox
B) Google Chrome
D) Opera

Answer: A

161.Q) Why to use Virtual Object?
A) To point to an object name that might be located in any object repository
B) To map unrecognized objects to a standard class
C) To utilize an object without pre-defining the object type
D) To point to an object that will be defined later, possibly by another tester

Answer: B

Explanation:- Sometime, while running a test QTP displays an error “Object not found”, just because QTP is unsuccessful in recognizing non-standard objects. Here, Virtual Object is helpful in resolving the object recognition. This process maps the unrecognized objects to standard class which then can be used as standard object to record the test.

162.Q) Choose the valid menu helpful in managing your component or function library steps?
A) File
B) View
C) Edit
D) Tools

Answer: C

163.Q) Choose the valid option of View menu to expand all steps in the keyword view?
A) Expand Column
B) Expand All
C) Expand Items
D) Expand Rows

Answer: B

164.Q) The shortcut key to open a Step Generator,
A) F2
B) Ctrl + F7
C) Ctrl + F3
D) F7

Answer: D

165.Q) Which Window menu command displays the open documents one above the other?
A) Tile Vertically
B) Tile Horizontally
C) Windows
D) Cascade

Answer: B

166.Q) The shortcut key to clear all Breakpoints?
A) Ctrl+Shift+F9
B) Shift+Ctrl+F9
C) Alt+Shift+F9
D) Alt+Ctrl+F9

Answer: A

167.Q) Is it possible to print the content of the Keyword View using your windows default printer, and is it possible to preview the content before taking print of the content?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

168.Q) In the Keyword View, you can also view and modify properties of the items such as checkpoints using checkpoint properties.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

169.Q) Which menu item opens the Object Spy?
A) Edit
B) Tools
C) View
D) Resources

Answer: B

170.Q) Which Window menu command displays the open documents side-by-side?
A) Tile Vertically
B) Tile Horizontally
C) Windows
D) Cascade

Answer: A

171.Q) Which shortcuts key can be used to open QTP Help?
A) F10
B) F5
C) F1
D) F8

Answer: C

172.Q) Which is the valid statement capable in retrieving property values of the runtime object during the run session?
A) GetROProperty
B) SetROProperty
C) GetTOProperty
D) SetTOProperty

Answer: A

173.Q) Sometime, QTP become unsuccessful in finding an object that matches to the object description, or sometime QTP finds more than one objects that match to the object description. So, to come out of this issue by identifying the correct object, QTP may use the mechanism,
A) Ordinal Identifier
B) Smart Identification
C) Mandatory Identifier
D) Descriptive programming

Answer: B

174.Q) Choose the valid option that view or modify the test object property values store within your test?
A) Object Properties
B) Object Repository dialog box
C) Data Table
D) Both, Object Properties & Object Repository dialog box.

Answer: D

175.Q) Which of the following statement is suitable in retrieving or editing property values of the test object during the run session in the Keyword View or Expert View?
A) GetROProperty
B) SetROProperty
C) GetTOProperty & SetROProperty
D) GetTOProperty & SetTOProperty

Answer: D

176.Q) Which pane provides a list of syntax errors in the test or function library scripts?
A) Information Pane
B) Missing Resources Pane
C) Data Table Pane
D) Debug Viewer Pane

Answer: A

Explanation:- The Information pane displays a list of syntax errors in your test. To view the Information pane, go to the View menu -> Information or just simply click on the Information button.
If any error comes, QuickTest automatically opens Information pane to display a list of syntax errors. To correct a particular error, simply double-click a syntax error to locate the error in the script or function library.

177.Q) Choose the valid pane provides a list of the resources that are specified in your test but cannot be found – 1) Missing object pane, 2) Missing Resources pane, 3) Missing Items pane
A) 1
B) Both, 1 & 2
C) 2
D) Both, 1 & 3

Answer: C

178.Q) QTP automatically checks the availability of resources to open a particular test application and function library.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

179.Q) Data Table does not help you in parameterizing your test?
A) True
B) False

Answer: B

180.Q) UFT Debugger mainly works on following areas,
A) Watch, Object, Debug
B) Watch, Data, Command
C) Watch, Local Variables, Console
D) Data, Variables, Command

Answer: C

181.Q) Which debug option facilitates you to set and view the current value of the selected variable and expression?
A) Watch
B) Console
C) Locate Variables
D) Call Stack

Answer: A

182.Q) What was the name of Shared Object Repository before QTP 9.x series?
A) Shared Object Repository
B) Parent Object Repository
C) Action Object Repository
D) Data Action Object Repository

Answer: A

183.Q) Which debug option facilitates you to see a list of current values of all script variables that have been documented up to the last step done in the run session?
A) View
B) Local Variables
C) Data
D) Call Stack

Answer: B

184.Q) While running the test script, does QTP run comments too for the resultant?
A) True
B) False

Answer: B

185.Q) Which shortcut key can add a new step below the selected step?
A) F8
B) Shift + Ctrl + C
C) F4
D) Shift + K + L

Answer: A

186.Q) In Keyword View, how to relocate the steps to different locations within a test or an action?
A) Copy & Paste/Drag & drop
B) Cut & Paste
C) Move Option
D) Relocate Option

Answer: A

187.Q) If, local object repository and shared object repository both contain an object with the same name and also the same action, then the action will take the use of both; local and shared object definition in a test script.
A) True
B) False

Answer: B

Explanation:- If, local object repository and shared object repository both contain an object with the same name and also the same action, then the action will take the use of the local object definition in a test script

188.Q) Can each action of a QTP test script use a group of objects from your local and shared object repositories?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

189.Q) While adding new objects to the local object repository QTP assumes; more than one   shared object repositories that are already associated with the test action should not be having objects with the same description?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

190.Q) Suppose, a local object repository contains child object and shared object repository contains parent object, do you have to manually relocate parent object from shared object repository to local object repository?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B

Explanation:- If, a local object repository contains child object and shared object repository contains parent object, then manually you don’t have to do any labor in shifting, QTP automatically moves a parent object from shared to local object repository.

191.Q) If an action is linked with a local and shared object repository, then while recording process; QTP will place new objects to both object repositories (Local and shared object repository).
A) True
B) False

Answer: B

Explanation:- If an action is linked with a local and shared object repository, then while recording process; QTP will place new objects only to the local object repository (not to the shared object repository).

192.Q) Which object repository is not accessible as a separate file?
A) Local
B) Shared
C) Both; Local & Shared
D) None

Answer: A

Explanation:- In local object repository, each action has its objects stored in its local object repository, while saving the test, all of the local object repositories will automatically saved as part of each action within the test. That’s why; the local object repository can’t be accessible as a separate file as like the shared object repository.

193.Q) In Keyword View, user can add, delete or edit the steps,
A) At the bottom of the test
B) Next to the currently selected step of the test
C) At the starting point of the test
D) At any point of the test

Answer: D

194.Q) Which QTP supported tool encodes your password by providing secure string value to the test script and Data Table?
A) Password Data Decoder
B) Password Data Encode
C) Password String Encode
D) Password Encoder

Answer: D

Explanation:- Password Encoder is a tool supported by QTP facilitates you to encode the password and gets the string value as a result. The resultant string value you can use in a test script and Data Table as an argument/parameter. It is necessary for you to check the integrity of the password.
To encode your password, first enter the Password you want to encode into the password field and then click on Generate button, encoded string value will display in the Encoded string field which can copy to clipboard via Copy button.


To get this tool visit,

C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software\HP Unified Functional Testing\Tools
Start -> All Programs -> HP Software -> HP Unified Functional Testing -> Tools

195.Q) Which Data Table menu option is helpful in encrypting strings in Data Table cells?
A) Encrypt String Value
B) Decrypt String Value
C) Decrypt Code
D) Encrypt

Answer: D

196.Q) Using Keyword view, apart from inserting standard statement steps into your test, you can insert Checkpoint step, Output value step, and Comment step into your test too.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

197.Q) Choose the valid conditional and loop statement,
A) Do While
B) Do End
C) Do Next
D) None of the above

Answer: A

198.Q) If an object is stored in both local and shared object repositories then, during a run session QTP will use the object from – 1) Local object repository, 2) Shared object repository, 3) Both, Local and Shared object repositories.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) None

Answer: A

199.Q) While testing, the Active Screen of QTP displays the test object properties and its property values, irrespective of whether the objects are stored in the object repository.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

200.Q) Object Properties dialog box of both Local and Shared object repository where one or more properties of objects are stored differ from each other.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

201.Q) You can rename the objects stored in the Shared object repository via
A) Object Repository Manager
B) Object Repository Window
C) Object Spy
D) Function Library

Answer: A

202.Q) “Browser navigation timeout” feature found under which tab of the Test Settings dialog box?
A) Properties
B) Environment
C) Web
D) Recovery

Answer: C

Explanation:- To avail this feature visit,

File -> Settings -> Test Settings dialog box -> Web

203.Q) How many tabs are displayed on the Test Settings dialog box (File -> Settings)?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 7
D) 10

Answer: C

204.Q) After the recording session, is it possible to insert more steps on the test objects captured in the Active screen?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

205.Q) QTP users can parameterize the object values and add the checkpoints in the test with the help of the Active Screen, also user can easily change (increase or decrease) the information of the Active Screen saved with the test.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

206.Q) Which identifier allocates numerical values to the test objects that specify its order or location comparative to other objects, using the ordered numerical value QTP identifies the object uniquely when the inbuilt properties and its values are not enough to do so?
A) Index identifier
B) Ordinal identifier
C) Object identifier
D) Data identifier

Answer: B

207.Q) Which option of Shared object repository helps in coping object from Shared object repository to local object repository?
A) Copy Object from Shared
B) Copy to Local
C) Copy from Shared Object Repository
D) Copy to Local Object Repository

Answer: B

Explanation:- Retrieving object in action which is stored in Shared Object repository, by default in Shared Object repository the objects are in grey read-only mode and that are not present in the Local object repository
To copy the object from Shared, just right click on the object and select “Copy to Local”. Once object presents in the Local object Repository that can be modified. Whatever changes you make on to the object in for Local object Repository that are only for Local object Repository not for Shared object Repository from where the object was taken from.

208.Q) Removing a step from test application can also remove its matching object from the object repository?
A) True
B) False

Answer: B

209.Q) During UFT record and run sessions, Shared Object Repository in object repository window is in which mode?
A)Read-write only
B)Read-write and enable
D)None of above

Answer: C

Explanation:- If team of multiple users is working on a same Shared OR, only one user can edit the Shared OR at a time and others have to wait until the user closes the Shared OR, otherwise it’ll come in read only mode.

210.Q) Although, object of the Shared object repository is shared across test projects, deleting\updating the object by mistake, fail all the Test scripts with which Shared OR is attached.

Answer: A

211.Q) In the Associated Repositories tab of the Action Properties dialog box, which item is displayed first in the priority list that can’t be moved down and deleted?
A) Local
B) Shared
C) Both, Local & Shared
D) None of the above

Answer: A

212.Q) Relative path of the file system helps users to run action of the object repositories stored in the file system into the same computer or drive.
A) True
B) False

Answer: B

Explanation:- Relative path of the file system helps users to allocation their QTP scripts from their computer to another drive or another computer.

213.Q) How many types of path the file System,
A) Three – Absolute path, Relative path, and Virtual Path
B) One – Absolute path
C) One – Relative path
D) Two – Absolute path and Relative path

Answer: D

214.Q) Which Shortcut Key can open a new Function Library?
A) Alt + Shift + N
B) Ctrl + Shift + O
C) Ctrl + Alt + N
D) Ctrl+N

Answer: A

215.Q) Which Shortcut Key can open Function Library?
A) Alt + Shift + N
B) Ctrl + Shift + O
C) Ctrl + Alt + N
D) Alt + Shift + O

Answer: D

216.Q) Which Shortcut Key can close all opened Function Library together at once?
A) Alt + Shift + N
B) Shift + A + C
C) Alt + Shift + O
D) None of the above

Answer: D

217.Q) Which Shortcut Key can be used to place comment on a test script?
A) Shift + U
B) Ctrl + O
C) Ctrl + M
D) Shift + H

Answer: C

218.Q) UFT/QTP Editor always displays the Action list and the test script of a selected action.
A) True
B) False

Answer: A

219.Q) Does QTP allow you to open and work on various function libraries concurrently?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A

220.Q) What should be the first character of the name of data table parameter while specifying the parameter name?
A) Hyphen
B) Underscore
C) Letter
D) Both B & C

Answer: D

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