I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…
Overview of Unix File System: In this tutorial, we will dive deep into Unix File System. The file system is central to how Unix organizes information, and all the information that needs to be stored and retrieved uses the file system. In this tutorial, we cover Unix file structure, types…
Overview of Unix File Access Permissions: In this tutorial, we will get to know how to change access permissions based on individual ownership and group ownership. The commands covered here include chmod, chown, and chgrp. Unix Video #7: File Manipulation #1) chmod: Change file access permissions. Description: This command is used…
Learn Unix Cat Command with Examples: The cat command is perhaps the most commonly used Unix command. It is derived from catenate – which describes the process of connecting things. The cat command is a filter that can be used for multiple purposes: Display the contents of text files. Copy text…
Overview of Unix Filename Wildcards or Special Characters or Metacharacters: In this tutorial, we will learn to use wildcards to specify and select multiple files for commands that manipulate files. Filename wildcards, which is also known as metacharacters, is a very helpful feature. Unix Video #9: Unix Filename Wildcards - Metacharacters…
Introduction to Find Command in Unix: Search files and directories with Unix Find File Command The Unix find command is a powerful utility to search for files or directories. The search can be based on different criteria, and the matching files can be run through defined actions. This command recursively…
A beginner's guide to Unix - A complete Unix tutorial series of 20+ in-depth text and video tutorials with hands-on examples. By the end of this series, you will be able to understand the basic and advanced concepts of Unix Architecture, Unix Commands, and applications including File Management, Text Processing,…
Overview of Unix File Comparison Commands : In this tutorial, we will cover the different ways involved for comparing two files. The file comparison command helps us to compare the files and find the similarities and differences between these files. The different file comparison commands used in Unix are cmp,…
Overview of Advanced Unix Shell Scripting: Unix shells provide a very powerful and extensible framework for scripting. A number of advanced mechanisms allow for more complex scripting using the inbuilt commands. Unix Video #24: Advanced Shell Scripting in Unix Unix includes commands for: Testing various conditions associated with specified files.…