Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…
learn Cut Command in Unix with Simple and Practical Examples:
Unix provides a number of filter commands that can be used for processing flat file databases. These filter commands can be chained together to perform a series of operations with a single command.
A flat file database is a file that contains a table of records, each of which contains fields separated by delimiter characters. In such a database, there is no structural relationship between records, and there is no structure for indexing.
The cut command extracts a given number of characters or columns from a file. For cutting a certain number of columns it is important to specify the delimiter. A delimiter specifies how the columns are separated in a text file
Example: Number of spaces, tabs or other special characters.
cut [options] [file]
The cut command supports a number of options for processing different record formats. For fixed width fields, the -c option is used.
$ cut -c 5-10 file1
This command will extract characters 5 to 10 from each line.
For delimiter separated fields, the -d option is used. The default delimiter is the tab character.
$ cut -d “,” -f 2,6 file1
This command will extract the second and sixth field from each line, using the ‘,’ character as the delimiter.
Two powerful commands for processing the databases are ‘cut’ and ‘paste’. The cut command in Unix is used to extract specified parts of each line in a file, and the paste command is used to insert the contents of one file into another line by line.
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