Software Testing Exercises: Read on to refresh and strengthen your brain.
With excellent response to the STH posts as always, we have decided to fill this place with more fun and help.
No matter, who you are – a senior quality manager or a fresher who has just joined the software testing industry, everyone wants (or I would say, loves) to work on exercises, to keep our brain working.
With that, if you get to communicate with fellow testers and if you get a platform to share ideas too, would there be anything greater than that?
Table of Contents:
Software Testing Exercises

Saying that we are announcing the brand new sub-section of STH – Software Testing Exercises. The purpose of this subsection is to provide our readers with an opportunity to test their analysis capabilities and thinking power.
We are planning to publish this kind of post once a month to keep your brain active. I am sure you all will enjoy these exercises.
OK, I will not take long to introduce you to your first Software Testing exercise.
So, here is the first-ever kind of Software Testing Exercise. Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to participate, communicate and share. You need to leave your answers in a comment box and we will store them for future reference for anyone.
Exercise #1: Finding Defects
As a software tester, what do you do? Of course, testing the software, you would say. Okay, can you find out the defects on the page shown below?
Here is how you can judge yourself:
If you find:
0 – 4 defects => Poor
5 – 6 defects => Average
7 – 8 defects => Good
9 – 10 defects => Excellent
10+ defects => Best tester!
(Mind well, you are the judge and you need to count on valid defects)
Here is one example of a defect as a hint:
– Confirm password field does not show content in encrypted mode.
List all the other in the comments below.
Exercise #2: Writing Test Scenarios
We do not only test, but we also develop test scenarios too. There is a real-life scenario and you need to write test ideas for the same.
Again, we do not want a step-by-step procedure; we want ideas with a brief description.
Write test ideas for this Scenario: You are at the grocery store’s checkout counter. You have bought five items (x, y, z, a, and b). You make payment and move to the EXIT door.
Example Test ideas as a hint:
- If the checkout counter is humanless, scan all five items, scan your card, and make payment.
- The scanners should scan proper relevant information.
List all possible test scenarios in the comments below. You can also refer to this sample web application test scenarios article as well.
Exercise #3: Defect Reporting
As a tester, the best part of the job is to report defects. We would like to know how you would report the following defect (you can decide upon the fields you want to include while reporting the defect in the best way).
Write a detailed defect report for this sample defect: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
No hint here. 🙂 Just write a good and complete defect report. If you need help check this post for a sample defect report and this post on how to write a good defect report.
Exercise #4: Providing Suggestions
Providing suggestions to improve quality or user experience is the extension of a Software Testing job. So why not try that? Can you tell us how user experience can be improved for the following sign-in page?
Here is an example suggestion as a hint:
– Rather than asking the customer to select whether he is a new customer, the system should check the status of the customer based on the e-mail address or User ID he had provided.
Exercise #5: Bug Hunting
One of the trainee developers has developed a text pad kind of application. Below is one screenshot of the application. Can you list out bugs/issues that the trainee developer should take care of?
Sample Answer as a hint:
The name of the application does not appear in the Title space.
Exercise #6: Think Testing
Food for the brain–you need to think now. 🙂
We are living in the Eco Era, right? Our question also relates to Green Products.
How would you test a 5 kg capacity grocery shopping paper bag?
Very simple. Start writing up your test ideas in terms of Test Scenarios.
Sample Answer as a hint:
I would put 5KG package rice in it and will try to accommodate a 150 gm biscuit packet too, as I do not have another bag to put the biscuit packet. Will like to see whether the paper bag (whose capacity is 5 kg) able to carry just extra weight till I travel for 10 minutes.
Exercise #7: Show Defect Reporting Skills
Defect reporting for the following issue:
Requirement: After registering to the site –, a new user receives an e-mail, which contains a link to reset the default set password.
Issue: When the user registers via mobile, he receives the e-mail two times.
Log a defect report for this issue with all required defect report fields.
Exercise #8: Role of an End-User
As a tester, we do not test the application product. We play the role of an end-user. We try to generate real-time scenarios where the end-user might not behave the way they are expected. How the product would respond is what we test.
Let’s reverse the process to a small degree –
As an end-user, how would you like to modify the ATM (Automated Teller Machine) so that it can be more beneficial? Don’t provide just ideas, provide relevant reasons too.
Sample Answer as a hint:
I would suggest removing “the cash withdrawal default setting” at the end of the transaction as most of the time, we do not want to set the same cash every time so we dislike to set it. It unnecessarily wastes time when you have to push NO and will have to wait for the debit card.
Sample Answers
These are the sample answers to the software testing exercises given above.
Exercise #1: Finding Defects
Defects :
- The user ID field accepts special characters.
- Confirm password field does not show content in encrypted mode.
- The name field does not seem to have any validation for a number of characters.
- Captcha is not at all readable.
- There is no way the user can reload the captcha.
- Register button should be at the bottom rather than on the side.
- Register button’s label has “r” instead of “R”.
- There is no cancel button available if the user wants to cancel the procedure.
- There is no close button available if the user wants to close the page.
- The page title shows the wrong spelling of Registration.
- Password selection guidelines should be provided like the password should be alphanumeric or password strength factor should be present.
- The page title should be New User Registration rather than New Registration.
- Field length and labels should be the same for the whole page/form.
- The country field should by default show “Select” rather than selecting a value default.
Exercise #2: Writing Test Scnearios
Test ideas/scenarios:
- If the checkout counter is humanless, scan all five items, scan your card, and make payment.
- The scanners should scan proper relevant information.
- If the checkout counter is human-processed, a person to help should be available.
- All the items bought should have barcodes so that they are scanable.
- All the items should have MRP printed and scanable so that the software can read it
- The relevant software and printers should be in working condition
- Once all items are scanned, a bill should be generated and given to the customer.
- For payment multiple options should be allowed, cash, card (credit card, debit card), coupons (meal passes), etc.
- If payment is done by card, the transactions should be secured.
- If payment is done by cash, a counter person must have enough cash to balance the bill.
- If any of the items bought are not scannable, the counter person should be able to help the customer.
- Customer should be able to see the EXIT sign easily
- At EXIT, there should be some check that the customer carries only the bought and billed items.
Exercise #3: Defect Reporting
Defect: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Title – Gmail login navigates to Google home page rather than mail inbox.
Severity: High
Priority: Critical
Observed on: Windows – FF x.x and IE x.x and Mac – Chrome x
Module: Login
Reproduction Steps:
1. Launch a Gmail link with compatible browsers.
2. Click on the Sign in button in the link, Gmail login window screen appears.
3. Enter a valid login credentials.
4. Click on the SIGN IN button,
Defect Status: Open
Assigned to: Project Manager x.x
Exercise #4: Providing Suggestions
- Rather than the question “What is your e-mail address?”, it should be simply “e-mail address”.
- Sign-in facility should be available via e-mail as well as the user.
- Rather than asking the customer to select whether he is a new customer, the system should check the status of the customer based on the e-mail address or user ID he had provided.
- Most of the time, end users are not concerned about info that the system is using the secure is assumed by default. So the button should be simply Sign In.
- Help link should be available for any customer who is stuck for any reason.
- Page title should be backgrounded.
- A close button should be available.
- A Cancel button should be available.
Exercise #5: Bug Hunting
- The name of the application does not appear in the Title space.
- The title space seems cutting on the right side where the close button is placed.
- No button for minimizing.
- The Edit menu should be displayed in a way that the menu’s left wall should be aligned to the Edit option.
- Copy option is enabled by default.
- For Undo the generalized shortcut key is Ctrl+Z and it’s difficult for users to get used to different keys for the default action like Undo.
- For Cut, Copy, and Paste, no shortcut keys have been displayed/provided.
- The Title bar does not show the application logo.
- The Title should be centralist.
- The Edit menu seems to be incomplete at the end.
Exercise #6: Think Testing
- I would put 5KG package rice in it and will try to accommodate a 150 gms biscuit packet too as I do not have another bag to put the biscuit packet. Will like to see whether the paper bag (whose capacity is 5 kgs) able to carry just extra weight till I travel for 10 mins.
- Put exactly 5 KG wheat flour packet in it and carry it for half an hour while walking around.
- Put 10 items which sums up as 5 kg in terms of weight.
- Test scenarios for checking the quality of paper used for the bag.
- Test scenarios to check the quality of the handles of the bag.
- Put a 5 KG package of rice in the bag and just throw it in the car dickey. Is the bag able to tolerate that punch?
- Test scenarios of the bag being kids friendly (what if the child starts chewing it if he finds it on the floor)
- Test scenarios to check the overall look of the bag.
- Try to put an 8 kg package off the floor in it, how does it react?
- Is the bag paper writable? I mean, if someone wants he should be able to label it.
- What if the paper bag gets wet?
- What if you try to accommodate it in the purse or another bag, by folding it?
Exercise #8: Role of an End User
- I would suggest removing “the cash withdrawal default setting” at the end of the transaction as most of the time, we do not want to set the same cash every time and so we do not like to set it. It unnecessarily wastes time when you have to push NO and will have to wait for the debit card.
- I would suggest including face/finger-based authorization rather than password/pin because password/pin can be hacked but the face cannot be 🙂
- The ATM should have a card scanner rather than a card insertion facility as sometimes the faulty machines does not work properly and the card gets stuck.
- The ATM should not provide a facility for printed statements as it’s a waste of paper. If a person needs it, he can manage from a bank or via online banking. The printed statement is a waste of paper as 95% of users throws it away immediately. We need to be more environmental conscious and should see the balance or statement online rather than taking a print of every transaction.
We hope these Software Testing exercises would have been an energy booster to your brain.
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below!!
Happy Testing and Happy Brain Exercising. 🙂
Exercise 1
1- Id field should not accept special characters
2- Error message should be “Invalid Id”
3- Confirm Password should be in encrypted form.
4- Verification field should be cleared if provided wrong .
5- “R” of “Register” label should be in capital.
6- Name filed should not accept numeric values.
7- Spelling missed in “New Registration”
8- Email field: Message should be “Requires Email, will not be published”
Exercise 3
Bug Name: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Bug ID: 00001
Area Path: Log In page
Severity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Reported By: Zeeshan
Reported On: 26-08-2014
Reason: Defect
Status: New
User provided correct user name and password and click “Sign In” button, user landed on “” rather user should see GMail page.
Exercise 1: Defects:
1-Registration spelling at top of page
2-confirm password textbox showing characters should be showing encrypted text
3-Name textbox containig numbers
4-captcha not showing numbers correctly
5-captcha box should only allow numbers to be entered
6-Register button having small r in spelling
7-Register button should come at bottom of form instead of right bottom
8-User Id should be in capital
9-Two blue color scheme coming at top of page
10-country dropdown defaulting to india it should let the user select a value
11-requires verification text coming in red, if its an error message coming before form being submitted
Exercise 2: Scenarios:
1-check if scan machine is on
2-scan each item x,y,z,a & b one by one
3-scanner should be scanning bar code properly
4-correct item information to be displayed
5-correct invoice to be printed
6-correct invoice with correct item info and item list
Exercise 3: Defect Report
Bug Name: Application navigating to when after logging into gmail
Bug ID: bug track tool id e.g [ISSUE-101]
Area Path: User sign in > Gmail
Build Number: Version Number 4.0.1
Severity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Assigned to: Developer-X
Reported By: Zain
Reported On: 07-09-2014
Reason: Defect
Status: New
Application navigating to when logging into gmail
Steps To Reproduce:
1) navigate to login page of gmail
2) enter email address and passworn
3) click sign in button
4) navigated to
5) See the attached logs for more information (Attach more logs related to bug..IF any)
6) And also see the attached screenshot of the error page.
Exercise 4: Suggestions
-There should be just one Sign In section
-Password box should be right after email address box
-No, I am new customer should be a link, instead of radio buttons
-Sign In button should display sign in text
1. User ID field does not recognise entered data
2. Password field does not recognise entered data
3. Confirm password not encrypted
4. Name field accept special chars and numeric(it should only accept alphabetic)
5. Required fields not marked with a red asterisk
6. Email validation message not appropriate
7. Verification number is not visible(there should be and option to request another one)
8. Validation error messages are in different colors
1 take each product from basket
2 scan each product from scanner
3 scanner should scan correct price and other details
4 calculate correct total price
5 produce the correct billing
6 check the credit card
7 accept money and return the remaining
8 packed all products and exit
Excerise 1:
1. New Registration label is not visible properly and background color also different.
2. Enter User ID and Enter Password labels are not required and should be displayed as tool tip
3. All the lables should be displayed with intial caps (User Id renamed as “User ID”)
4. Mandatory symbol and Mandatory alerts should be displayed for mandatory fields.
5. Captcha image is not visible properly.
6. Register button is not proper (“r” should be changed as “R)
7. “Name” text field should not allow special characters.
9. Confirm Password should be displayed in the encrypted format.
10. Captcha should not allow to enter alphanumeric characters.
11. All the text boxes and drop down box should be displayed in same size
12 Gaps between fields should be same
13. User Id should not allow to enter special characters and white spaces except underscore.
14. Country drop down should be displayed as “Select” by default.
15. System should display “Refresh” button to generate a new captcha.
16. Border should be same for all the fields (“Text box” displayed with gray border whereas “drop down” displayed with black)
17. “Requires Verification. Will not be published” has spelling mistakes.
18. “Requires Verification.Will not be published” and “Please enter the verification number exactly as shown in left” should be displayed as tool tip and labels should be displayed in same format.
19. Labels should be displayed in Bold format.
Excerise 2:
1. Verify whether scanners are working properly.
2. Verify whether scanners are capable to capture all the bar codes.
3. Verify whether all the products are contain bar codes
4. Verify whether Product name , quantity and price are scanned correctly.
5. Verify whether Total Count and Sum are calcuated correctly.
6. Verify whether printer is working properly.
7. Verify whether the customer able to make payment using cash.
8. Verify whether the customer able to make payment using card and also verify POS device working or not.
9. Verify whether customers redeem points added properly. If he is a new customer then Customer registration page should be displayed
10. Verify whether customer able to exit.
Excerise 3:
Write detailed defect report for this sample defect: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Defect Id : 1001 (Auto generated)
Level Of Testing : SIT
Logged Date : 26-AUg-2014
Test Case Id : SIT_GMAIL_001
Requirement ID : GMail_1001
Module Name : GMail LOgin
Defect Desc : After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Steps To Reproduce :
1. Open Login Page
2. Enter Valid User Name and Password
3. Click on “Login”
4. Verify the page is navigated to
Build Version : Build 1001
Attachment :Screen Shots & Logs attached
Release Tag : Release_UAT_24_Aug_2014
Environment : Windows 8, Browser Version Chrome 36
Severity :Show Stopper
Priority : High
Status : New
Defect Category : Functional
Defect Type : Incorrect
Defect Cause : Deviation from Specification
Defect Source : Construction
Tester Name : XXX
Assigned To : YYY
Resoulation Date :
Remarks :
Excerise 4:
Providing Suggestions
1. “What is your e-mail address?” label is not required
2. “My e-mail address is” is renamed as “Login ID”
3. “Do you have password”, “No I am a New user” and “Yes I have a password” labels are not required
4. System should not ask new user or existing user instead of that should display “Create Account” button for New User Registration Page
5. “Yes I have a Password” should be renamed as “Password”
6. “Sign-in using our secure server” should be renamed as “Sign-in”
7. System should display “Stay Signed in” check box
8. System should display “Need Help” link
9. “Forgetten Password” should be renamed as “Forget Password”.
10. System should display logo at the top.
#some more
width of all text field should be same & there are not any option to refresh the verification number
Excersice #1
1)Heading should be more clear.
2)Heading colour should be same.
3)Name field should come first.
4)password strength should display.
5) Email verification message is not correct.
6)captcha is not clear.
7)’r’ should remove from the field.
8)Register ‘r’ should be capital letter
9)password help desk need(password should be in characters,alpha-numeric etc).
10)password should be in encrypted form.
11)Need password matches message.
Exercise #1
1. New Registration spelling is not clear.
2. Background color
3. It should not be Choose User Id. It can be User ID.
4. _in the User Id text box is overlapping with the text box
5. * is overlapping with the text box for password field
6. Confirm password should not text.
7.Email field is empty. should throw correct exception if it is left blnak.
8. Verification number is not clear
9. Background color for the verification text is not clear
10.’r’ is typed by default in the verification text box.
11. ‘r’ should be capital for Registration button.
12. As per my knowledge “&” should not be used for user Id
Excercise #3
Issue Type: Bug
Issue ID: 001(Auto Generated)
Summary: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Priority: High
Severity: High
Reported in Version: Version1.0
Issue source: Adhoc
Component Level: Login Module
Environment Details: Browser:Chrome 26
Steps to reproduce
1. Open the url( in the browser
2. Enter user name (xyz)
3. Enter Password (abc)
4. Click on Login. and observe the page.
Expected Result: Gmail login page should be displayed
Unexpected Result: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to Attached screenshot “abc.png”
Excercise #4
1. Instead of using “What is your e-mail address?” we can use ” Enter e-mail Address”
2. We can have “Enter Password” instead of having different options.
3. Simply it could be Sign In.
4. Instead of having “Forgotten your password?” it can be “Forgot Password”
5. We can add Company logos.
Exersice #1:
1) spelling mistake in “new registration”
2) choose user_id and enter user_id both are at same time is of no use.they should be provided as diffrent diffrent options.user will choose user_id automatically or enter user_id manually.
3)enter password label should be removed as there is said “password”already written.
4)there should be an sign of require fileds (like email and password)
5) there should be an condition for choosing the password like( one latter capital,one small later,one special character)
6)name should not contain any blank character and numbers.
7)confirm password filed should show encrypted password.
8)there is “r” already presented in captcha field.
9)captcha field should have refresh(new captcha) option.
10)spelling mistake in register button.
11)register button should be place bellow captcha field and not beside it. also it should be attractive for the user.
12) there should be an option of accept t&c.
Exercise 2#
1)check weather the all items are scanned perfectly or not.(name,price,weight,item id should be shown on scan)
2)if there is any promotional price for particular item than it should be reflected on counting of final price.
3)at payment page the amount should be debited correctly and if not than the refund should be given asap.
4) fraud payment or phishing activity should be ban.
5) all the items should be received bu the receiver along with bill.
Exercise #3
Defect Id: 1
Description : After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Date Identified : 12 -dec-2017
Severity : Critical
Priority : High
Reproducible : Yes
Steps : 1. Enter in the browser
2. Enter your credentials
3. Click on the ‘Sign in’ button
4. page will be dispalyed
Status : Open
Identified By : XXXX
Assigned to :YYY
Exercise #4
1) text label for “what is your e-mail id?” and “do you have password?” should be removed and it should simple as placeholder as email_id and password.
2)there should an option of signup along with an option of login via google.
3) text in “sign in with secure server should be as simple as sign in”.
4) text in forgotten password should be simple as “forget password?”.
hiiii i am new to the testing as fresher if you have any suggesion pls reply this comment. and if you like my answer than appriciate me.
jay hind!
Exercise #1: Finding defects
1) Spelling mistake in title “New Reaistratio”
2) Name field should accept only character letter [a-z or A-Z]
3) Size of all the contorls are not same on form
4) Unable to read text which is written inside captcha code field
5) In Register commanad button “R” should be capital and whole text should be displayed in bold
6) Register command button is not aligned with other controls
7) Country should not be default selected
8) Refresh button is missing in captcha field for generating a new captcha code
9) Star(*) field is missing for mandatory fields
10) Proper CSS is not applied on form
11) Space is not required in “Register” command button text
12) Two different colors displayed in title bar
13) Extra label for User ID and Password field are displayed
Exercise #2: Writing test scenarios
1. Verify scanners is working properly
2. Verify all the items are being scanned
3. Verify all the product details after scanned
4. Verify for any offer and discount
5. Verify after applying any offer and discount
6. Verify details which is displayed in invoice
8. Collect the invoice
9. If scanner or machine is not working then customer is able to pay by cash
10. If scanner is not working then person at counter can manually do entry for product
Exercise #3: Defect reporting
Defect ID : Auto generated
Subject : Incorrect page navigation after login
Steps To Reproduce :
Platform : Web
Test Environment : Windows Vista + Chrome 30.0
1) Go to URL “” – Login page will display
2) Enter valid credential ( / keyur123)
3) Click on “Submit” button
Expected Result : Page should be navigated to “” Home page
Actual Result : Page navigated to “”
Status : New
Start Date :
End Date :
Assignee : Name of Assignee
Priority : High
Severity : High
Resolution : Open
Bug Found in Build : Build-1
Files : Attached screen shot for details
Exercise #4: Providing suggestions
1. Remove label of email and password fields instead of that used water mark text inside text box field
2. Sign Up link should be displayed at the end of form
3. Remember Me functionality should be required
4. Forgot password icon should be displayed instead of text description
5. Tool tip text should be displayed on mouse hover
6. For simplicity used “Sign In” text instead of long text description
Exercise -1
1. Spelling mistake In Page Title
2. Space between first two lines is more
3. User-Id and Password are self explanatory, so “Enter User-id & Enter Password” are not needed
4. Data are not clear to type verification number
5. Title case is not followed for “register”
6. No control to clear the typed data
7. No control to come out from the page
8. Text boxes length are not same
9. No specification for mandatory field
1. Calculate Price for each item and Total price for all the items
2. Subtract discount if any and calculate Amount to be Paid
3. Select the payment mode and pay the amount
4. Enter the Customer Address for communication
5. Verify the products, collect Invoice and collect Compliment if any
Defect Description: After Logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Severity: Medium
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Login Page
2. Enter correct User Name and Password
3. Click on “Login”
4. Verify the page navigated
Origin: Hyperlink is not given correctly
1. Question and Answer are not necessary for the Email and Password
2. Design two labels for Email & Password
3. Design two text boxes to enter Email & Password
4. Add two buttons for New Customer and Forgotten Password
1. Typo in form name: it should be Registration instead of Registratio
2. Special characters are not allowed for used User_Id
3. * sign must be there for required or mandatory fields like (user_ID, Password, conf password)
4. Instead of choose user id, it can be Enter User ID:
5. Confirm password should not be visible
6. Numeric and . is not allowed for Name field
7. R should be capital for label register on register button
8. Captcha should be clear and visible.
9. For verification number field, alphabet should not be allowed.
10. Enter User ID and Enter Password can be represented as help with help icon (?)
11. Form header UI should be in same or uniform color.
12. Country drop down is not adjacent to its label
13 Email help text should be “Required for verification. Will not be published.”
Defect Summary: After login to gmail, Page is navigation to
Product: Gmail
Severity: Critical
Priority: High
Status: Open
Defect Type: Product
Category: Page Navigation
Reported Build/Version:
Reproducible: Yes
Reported On: 25-08-2014
OS: All (Linux/WinXP,7 and 8)
Assigned To: yyyyy (Dev memeber name)
Reported BY: xxxxxx (QA memeber name)
Customer Escalation: No
Steps to Reproduced:
1. Open “” url in supported browser (say chrom/FF or IE)
2. Click on “Sing In” link
3. Enter valid login credentials (user_Id/password).
4. Click on “Sign In” button
Actual Results: Instead of going to Gmail inbox, page is navigating to
Expected Result: Page should navigate to Gmail Inbox.
Methodology: Manual Test
Source: QA
1. Sign up option should be there on page for new user.
2. My e-mail address is redundant, since it is already written there ” What is your e-mail address”. So no need to “My e-mail address is redundant”.
3. After text box of e-mail address, you can have a link called “Verify”, so that it can be verified for valid user id.
4. If valid mail id exist then obviously it must have password, so no need to asking about password.
simply is should have one label “Password” adjacent to it a Text box for password.
5. Stay signed in check can be added.
6. Logo of organization should be there on page.
6. “Sing In” button size and content can be reduced.
Exercise 4:
1. “Forgot Password” should be used instead of “Forgotten your password”
2. User name should be used in place of e-mail address. Email address can be used as tool tip or soft text
3. System should straight away ask for user name and password and a separate link should be provided for new users
4. “Sign In” is enough for the button, “Using our secure server is not needed”
5. A check box to remember password/stay sign in should be placed
6. Forgot User name link can also be provided
7. Font size of all labels should ne same
Exercise 2:
Assumption scenario 1: checkout counter is human operated or human less
Test case –
Scenario 1: all 5 items are scanned
Scenario 2: information required for billing is scanned accurately
Scenario 3: Cost of all 5 items is scanned as per price tags
Scenario 4: discounts if any are made and final billing price is calculated accurately
Scenario 5: customer (myself) is asked for payment method – card or cash
Scenario 6: If the customer chooses to pay by card, verify that the card is swiped and card reader accepts the card
Scenario 7: If the customer chooses to pay by card and the card reader accepts the card, verify that customer is asked to enter PIN number if prompted by reader
Scenario 8: While making payment via card, verify that the PIN number if entered is correct and payment is done successfully
Scenario 9: In case of payment via card, verify that 2 copies of bill are generated – Merchant copy and customer copy
Scenario 10: In case of payment via card, verify that the customer signs the merchant copy of bill
Scenario 11: In case of payment via card, verify that the customer is handed over the customer copy of bill
Scenario 12: If the customer chooses to pay by cash, verify that the customer gives cash to the counter
Scenario 13: In case of payment by cash, verify that the balance amount if any from paid cash is returned back to customer
Scenario 14: In case of payment by cash, verify that the bill is generated and handed over to customer
Scenario 15: Verify that the bill thus generated has all the scanned details of all 5 items purchased.
Scenario 16: All five items are handed over to customer
Scenario 17: Customer is able to identify the exit door
Scenario 18: Customer is not able to exit the store if payment is not completed
Scenario 19: After successful payment, customer is able to exit the door
Assumption scenario 2: checkout counter is human less
Test case –
Scenario 1: The scanner is easy to use
Scenario 2: All instructions are clearly mentioned on the scanner
Scenario 3: All operation buttons/tabs are working as expected on the scanner
Defects in Exercise 1:
1. Label of the form is truncated.
2. Header bar does not have a uniform color.
3. ‘Choose User ID’ is the incorrect label for the field, as the field is an input box and not a list.
4. ‘Enter User ID’ label should be placed at the left of the field.
5. ‘Enter Password’ label is not required as already ‘Password’ as the label for the field is available.
6. ‘Confirm field’ password is not encrypted.
7. Entries in the ‘Name’ field are not valid entries.
8. Captcha is not clear.
9. Captcha field is prefilled with alphabet ‘r’.
10. Font of the button ‘register’ is not uniform and label should start with Capital letter.
Exercise: 04
1.Rather than Sign in using Our secure server simply place login button.
2.Semicolon placing in My e-mail address is.
3.May be need to ask do you have Password and What is e-email address section
4.Simply place Enter email and Enter Password.
5.Sign In header no need to mention.
6.Where we are signing like Gmail account sign or any application sign in.
1 Name field wants to be on the head
2 Then there should be Enter Email id
3 Then field of User Id
4 The label wants to be Re-enter Password insist of Confirm password
5 Confirm Password field should not display the entered password
6 Name field should not be numeric or alphanumeric
7 Email fields label want to be required for verifation
8 On form there has been said please enter the verification number exactly shown on left but in the verification field there is character
9 In left box for verification number the numbers are not in completly visible mode.
10 There is no any mandatory field displayed
11 The caption of the form is New Registratio
12 There is no any button to Reset the form
13 There is no need of displaying label after text field like enter password insist that use the tooltip
14 Text on the button should be Register
Exercise #1:
1. Typo of the page ‘New Registration’ should be readable propely.
2. Label should be ‘User Id’ instead of ‘Choose User Id’.
3. Background color of New Registration should be Unique throughout whole line.
4. Confirm Password characters should be encrypted.
5. “Enter User ID” and “Enter Password” should not needed. It should pop-up after validation fires.
6. For more usablity, it is better to have same length of text box.
7. “(Requires Verification. Will not be published)” should not be in Red text. As Red text is preferable for validation message.
8. Beside Email Textbox, there should be “Varification Required”. no need to mention “Will not be published.” It doesn’t have meaning over there.
9. Country label and dropdown menu should properly aligned.
10. Background of dropdown menu should be White for better consistency.
11. Captch should be readable properly.
12. fiiled character ‘r’ in Captch textbox.
13. ‘r’ in Register button label should be in caps like ‘Register’.
14. “Register” button should be in new line. In short, Button position should be such that it can easily eye captured by user.
Exercise #2:
1. Scan all items sequencially. and wait for scanner output.
2. Provide 5 items but making payment through Cash.
3. Scanner scanning the all items.
4. Swip the card but no balance then what is output of scanner.
5. Swip card and check the accumulate of items.
6. Aftering swiping card and click on payment, verify the amount deducted from account.
7. Scan the item but not displaying in PC screen.
8. while swipping the card, showing invalid card error.
Exercise #3:
Reported on: 26/08/2014 6:55 pm
Modified on: –
Product: Gmail
OS: Windows
Bug Id: BUG_Login_001
Bug Status: Confirmed
In “Login” Module, when entered proper login details and click on ‘Log In’ button, it should navigate to Gmail Inbox page instead of ‘’
Priority: High
Severity: Critical (because it don’t work as it should be and blocking further features)
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open the browser. (Ex. firefox, chrome)
2. Enter the URL in address bar.
3. After loading Gmail home page, Enter correct username and password.
Input Data:
Password: 123456
4. Click on ‘Sign in’ button located below password field.
5. After clicking ‘Sign In’ button, observe the page navigation.
Attachment: Two Screenshot in which one is filled with login details and second with next page navigation.
Reporter: RushiSK
Assigned To: xyz
Exercise #4:
1. Here focus is on email address, then better to write Email address.
2. Inline varification of mail is good to know current or new customer.
3. “Sign In” label should be in different color.
4. It will be better to write Email address only instead of ‘My e-mail address is’.
5. It seems, it is for Some Secure Server sign in page, then no need to write questions, instead of just two labels “Email Address” and “Password” with text box and password box will be better.
6. For new customer, provide ‘Guest User’ link will be more good.
7. Both Email and Password box should be of same size for better look and feel.
8. Link title should be ‘Forget your Password?’ instead of ‘Forgotten your password?’
9. There should be Logo or Name of organization which uses Secure Server Sign In.
Exercise #1
1. Form title has spelling issue
2. Confirm Password must be encrypted
3. Confirm Password must have similar hint as Password
4. Name cannot contain two names
5. Email requires verification – there is no instrations on how exactly it will be verified
6. Verification number is dificult to read
7. Button register should begin with upper case – “Register”
8. Name does not contain hint “Enter Name” like UserID and Password
9. Password format is missing (what characters are allowed
Exercise #2
1. Check that cashier counter is operable, scan at least one itme
2. Put items in different order (bazyx, abzyx, zaybx, etc) on the counter
3. Put only 2 items
4. Verify that there is ability to pay for items, scan device works
5. Scan all 5 items
6. If item is not scanned automatically ask cashier to enter code manually
7. Pay with credit card or pay with cash
8. Check that Exit sign directing to the door
Exercise #3
Pre-conditions: GMAIL login page isopened
1. Enter existing username and password
2. Cick Login button
3. Pay attention to obened web-page
Actual Result: page is opened.
Expected result:
Gmail page with Inbox folder for entered account is opened.
Exercise #4
1. Change title from “My e-mail address is” to “Email”
2. Provide hint under the textbox for email or inside about the email format
3. “No, I am a new customer.” should have a link to redirect where user can create new user
4. “Sign in using our secure server” should not contain “Play” icon, it should be a simple button
5. “Forgotten your password?” should be in present form
1. Page header is incorrect and not clear. i.e. the word registration is spelled incorrectly as ‘Registratio” and the letter ‘g’ is not clearly visible;
2. The field name appears as ‘Choose User Id’, whereas the instruction appearing next to the textbox field says ‘Enter User ID”. Hence the word “Choose” and “Enter” are deviated;
3. Confirm Password field is not in encrypted format;
4. Instructions not provided against ‘Confirm Password, Name, Verification code fields;
5. No asterisk sign available next to any fields making it difficult for user to identify which field is mandatory;
6. Email field is left blank. For registration purpose, email id field should be mandatory field;
7. The caption name should appear as “Please enter the verification code exactly as shown in image” instead of “Please enter the verification number exactly as shown in left”;
8. There is no option of ‘Refresh Captcha Code’ on the ‘New Registration’ page;
9. Button name should be renamed as “Register” instead of ‘register’;
10. Field “Choose User ID” should carry only Alpha Numeric characters;
11. Field ” Name” should carry only Alpha Numeric characters;
12. New Registration Page header row carries two different colour schemes. The colour should be same;
13. All the field selection and field entering should be identical i.e. proper aligned;
14. The Name field should be placed on top of the page i.e. should form the first field on the ‘New Registration’ page;
15. There is no option of ‘Cancel’ button on the ‘New Registration’ page;
16. The field name “Please enter the verification number exactly as shown in left” should appear in the left side. Currently the field name appears on the right side;
17. User has entered incorrect Captcha code as against the one provided in the image box;
18. The instruction provided against ‘Email’ field appears in ‘Red’ colour. To maintain standardization, it should be displayed in the same colour as applied for instructions against other fields on the page;
19. The instruction provided against ‘Email’ field needs to be reframed as “Requires verification and will not be published’.
12.Confirm Password not Encrypted
Exercise #1:
1. New Registration title is not display properly
2. Back ground Color flickering in Registration header
3. “Enter user id” text is not required
4. “Enter password” text is not required
5. Confirm password field not showing content in encrypted format
6. Email field required field Validation message is not proper and rendering on form load
7. Country field render with pre selected country
8. Captch code is not Readable
9. Captch code field is prefilled with r
10. Register button not display properly
11. Register button caption should be “Register” instead of “register”
Exercise #2:
1. If the checkout counter is human less, scan all the five items, scan your card and make payment.
2. The scanners should scan proper relevant information.
3. Click on check out button it should be ask for payment details
4. Select payment option card payment
5. Then scanner should be scan proper relevant information of card
6. On successful payment it should be generate payment invoice
7. The payment should be made only on invoice amount
8. Cart payment fail invoice will not be generate and redirect to payment page option
9. Pay cash the payment should be update successfully and invoice should be generate
10. Total should be tally with invoice and card payment
11. Tally item qty and item total
12. Invoice should be generate after successfully card payment
Exercise #3:
Project Name: Gmail
Defect id: 111
Defect summary: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Steps to reproduce issue
Step1: Launch site
Step2: Login window, insert valid Email id and password
Step3 Click on login button
Actual Result: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Expected Result: After logging into Gmail, user should be logged in successfully and redirect to Inbox list
Defect severity: H
Reported by: xxx
Assign to: xyz
Release details
Status: Confirmed (depend on person who is logged defect)
Exercise #4:
1. System should render password field if user is already register otherwise display register button option to new user
2. If user is already register only display password field along with forgot password link
3. Instead of asking what is your email address question? Only user field caption Email same for password
4. Use short caption for sign in button
Exercise #1:
1. Password field does not have “eye”- show password.
2. Confirm the password field also does not have “eye”-show password.
3. Confirm password field is not encrypted.
4. The verification number on the left is not visible.
5. The placeholder for the verification number should accept only numbers.
6. The button “Register” has a visual defect. ( “r” is much bigger than other letters, should be the same size as other letters)
7. The Title has spelling mistakes.
8. Blue template which is the title has alignment issues.
9. All data on the page is not alignment.
10. Password field must be content password criteria. (for example, at least 6 characters, at least 1 capital letter, lower case, numbers, at least 1 special character)
11. “Choose User ID” field must be content USER ID criteria. (for example capital letters, lowercase, and numbers)
12. There is no close button.
13. There is no cancel button.
Exercise #2:
condicion: The counter is self-service.
1. If is the checkout counter self-service, scan your article.
2. All the articles should have a bar code because of faster scanning.
3. Check it is article correctly scanned and put the article in the provided place.
4. If you have any problem with scanning your article, the merchant should be available to help you.
5. Check that the self-service counter supports cash, card, or both.
6. If you pay by card, the transaction should be secured.
7. If you pay by card and you don’t have enough money in your bank account, the system must tell you that you must pay another way.
8. If you pay in cash, the self-service counter must be able to return correctly the rest of the amount.
9. When you pay, you must get the bill, scan this bill, and exit from the grocery store.
10. The merchant must be able to help you if there appears a mistake with the self-service counter.
Exercise #3:
Title: Login to Gmail navigates to instead of Gmail inbox
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open
2. Click on the login button
Expected result: The login page is successfully opened, and you can enter your valid credentials for login. Then you see your Gmail
Actual result: Clicking on the login button, and opening the page instead of
Severity: HIGH
Priority: Critical
Type: Functional
Environment: Windows 64, Chrome 7
Exercise #4:
1. Instead of asking “What is your email address?” it will be better just “Email address”.
2. Instead of asking “Do you have a password?” it will be better just “Password”.
3. Instead of asking the customer if she/he is new, it will be better to have 2 separate sections one end of the other for login and
registration. One with the title “You have already an account?”, and the second with the title “This is your first visit?”
4. A close and cancel button should be available.
(1) word “Registration” is not properly visible on page header.
(2) There is some issue with css design of page header. It is not looking good.
(3) “Choose User Id” is not required to mention.
(4) User Id should be given as name and we should provide label in the text box in grayed out format.
(5) Enter Password is not required on the right side of the password text box.
(6) Confirm password data should be shown in encrypted format.
(7) help text for email is not mentioned properly.
(8) captcha is not visible properly.
(9) There should be strength shown for the password field(Low,medium,strong).
(10) There should be some guidelines for entering password format(for ex. 8-10 char. 0-9 digit,a-z char.)
(11) Label size for country dropdown is not matching with textbox size.
(12) There is no feature provided to refresh the captcha if someone wants to generate different captcha.
(13) first letter in register button should be renamed as “R”.
(14) Register button should be center aligned.
(15) captcha text should be provided in the middle just below all the details and label for the same should be given as captcha in the left pane.
1)Spelling mistake in title New Registration
2)Choose user id has to be replaced by enter user Id
3)Enter user id text after choose user id text box has to be removed
4)Enter password text has to be removed followed by password text box.
5)confirm password has to be encrypted
6)Name text box should accept only alphabets
7)First name and last name field has to be added instead of name field.
8)verification number is not readable
9)Recaptcha button has to be added
10)first letter in register button should be replaced with capital R
11)reduce R font size
12)text after email text box has to be corrected(Requires for verification.Will not be published)
13)Mandatory field has to be marked with * symbol.
1)Spelling of “Registration” is spelt as “Registratio”.
2) “g” in Registration is not visible clearly.
3)Background color is differing at the top Header.
4)In Place of “Choose User Id”, “Enter User ID” should be there.
5)In place of “Password”, “Enter Password” should be there.
6) In Confirm Password field, password should be in encrypted form.
7)Message incorrect beside Email Field.
8)Captcha image is not clear.
9)”r” should be capital in register button.
Exercise 1:
1.Confirm password should be encrypted.
2.User ID should be any alphabetical characters only and avoid using special characters.
3.Password strength validation is not added here. It should describe to let user choose strong password for security purpose.
4.Name coloum should not allow . (dot)or any other special characters.
5.Country should not be selected automatically if we have not measure Geo location at the time of registrations. Is would be great to keep “Select” as default and let the user select their country.
6.Verification code/captacha is not properly shown for human readability. You can keep various font styling to make it verified by manual user.
7.Register button’s UI is not good as per standered button. R is visible differently.
8.Register button must be clickable once all the mandatory fiedls are filled.
9.There are no marks to show which fields are Mandatory and which are optional.
10.In verification box, by default it shows “r”. instead of it, that should be blank.
Bug Report : 01
Title : Gmail login button navigated to page.
Steps to Reproduce :1.Enter Gmail URL in chrome
2.Enter User name and Password
3.Click on Login
Severity : Critical
Priority : P0(High)
Actual Result : page is open on clicking login button in Gmail login page
Expected Result :Gmail account page should open after login.
Reported by :Priyanka Yaleru
Reported on :24-03-2021
@ Yuneek – good start! you can also take rest 3 small exercises to enter the contest 🙂
Exercise #1
Form Title:
1) Few characters on the form heading text “Registration” are not visible properly.
2) The form heading text “New Registration” is not aligned vertically center on the title background.
3) There are two different colors are visible in the title (heading text) background area.
User ID text field:
4) User Id field should not accept special characters.
5) In place of “Enter user ID”, an appropriate alert message should be shown to the user. For Ex: “What combination of characters are allowed and min and max character length allowed”.
Password text field:
6) The first asterisk in the password is overlapping with the text box. Please see the screen shot below.
7) In Place of “Enter password”, an appropriate alert message should be shown to the user. For Ex: “What combination of characters a valid password must have and min and max character length allowed”.
8) Space between the “User ID” and “Password” fields is more. Please see the screen shot below.
Confirm password text field:
9) Confirm password field does not show content in encrypted mode.
Name text field:
10) Name field does not accept any combinations. Accepts only alphabetical characters and appropriate error message should be shown when entered wrong input.
Country Dropdown:
11) The background color of the country DD is not the same as other fields.
Verification number:
12) Verification number is not readable.
13) The text entered in the “Verification text box” is also reflecting on the call to action button “Register”. Or Initial caps issue with the call to action button “Register”
14) Different text fields on the form have different widths.
Exercise #2
1) Make sure all the required devices are switched on.
2) Make sure all the devices are working properly. (Scanners, Computers..Etc.)
3) Check all the items being scanned properly.
4) Check all the product details are correct. (Size, color, etc.)
5) Check if there is any offer for any of the product such as any discount, anything free, etc.
6) If there is discount applied, check the product price excepting the discount amount.
7) If there is anything free for any product, that should not be included in the count of ‘Number of products” and make sure no amount is deducted for free product.
8) Check whether the subtotal of the products are correct in case of same product multiple quantity.
9) Check whether Grand total is correct.
10) Check whether tax amount if any has been added to the grand total.
11) If there is any payback card for that particular store. Make sure appropriate discount availed.
12) Debit/Credit card should be scanned properly.
13) Should be able to make payment without any obstacles when used card.
14) Check you get the proper change when the method of payment is cash.
15) Able to get printed invoice with all the details such as, Total amount deducted, Product details, discount availed, method of payment etc.
16) Invoice printed should be readable.
17) Check all the details in the invoice are correct.
18) Collect your cards, bill, goods and move to exit.
Exercise #3
Bug Name: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Bug type: Functionality
Severity: Critical
Priority: HIGH
Assigned to: Xyz
Reported By: Latha
Reported On: 25/8/2014
Reason: Show stopper
Status: New
Environment: Windows 8, Google chrome latest version.
After entering valid credentials, as soon as user clicks on sign in button, it is directing the user to the page instead of directing to the user’s inbox. As it is show stopper not able to perform any further actions. Please fix it ASAP.
Steps To Reproduce:
1) Open the gmail application in chrome browser
2) Enter valid credentials
PWD: 1234
3) Click on sign in button
4) Directing user to page
Expected result: On clicking “Sign in” button, User should be able to see his inbox.
Actual Result: On clicking “Sign in” button, directing the user to the page.
Exercise #4
1) Instead of asking user a question. What is your email id? We can directly ask them to enter their email. So Question should be removed and label “My email address is “ should be replaced with “Enter your email id”
2) Do you have a password? question can be removed and instead of asking user to select any of the radio button and then enter the password, We can directly ask the user to enter the password by by incorporating a simple label “Enter your password”.
As per my opinion asking user to select radio button is simply an additional action.
3) From the look and feel point of view, It would be good if we maintain the same width for both the text boxes.
4) “Forgotten your password?” link can be replaced with “Forgot password?” link as it does not make any big difference. And we will get some space alongside the forgot password link to add new link saying “New user?” clicking on which direct the user to signup form.
5) It will be more user friendly if the sign in button is aligned to right.
1. “New Registration” section partly blocked (static)
2. “Id” in “Choose User Id” should read “ID”
3. Special characters should be none/limited in User ID
4. Password should not be visible in “Confirm Password” field
5. Name is not valid (special characters and spaces)
6. Verification number section partially blocked
7. Letters should not be allowed in number verification field
8. “r” in “register” button is different font and size
9. No “view password” button
10. Country field background should be white
1. Background Color is not uniform in the title
2. Text ‘Registration’ is not correct
3. User details like Name, Email id should come first and user id and password should be displayed below it
4. ‘Enter User Id’ text should be removed. this should be shown as tool tip if the user types in that field
5. ‘Enter Password’ ext should be removed. this should be shown as tool tip if the user types in that field
6. ‘Confirm Password’ should encrypt the password text
7. There should be an image showing the password strength
8. There should be a help text indicating how the password should be with example (i.e. a password should have characters, special characters and numbers)
9. Error msg near the Email field is not correct.
10. Captcha is not clear.
11. ‘Register’ button is misaligned and ‘r’ should be in caps.
12. There should be ‘Terms and conditions’(for the site) link in the registration page or a check box saying i accept the terms of the website.
‘Sign in’Button size and text could be reduced.
Exercise 3:
Defect ID: Defect#***
Defect Summary: User is navigated to upon logging in
Severity: High
Priority: High
Reproducible: Yes
Defect Type: Functionality Issue
Defect Reason: To be updated by developer
Assigned to:
Status: Open
Description: User is navigated to upon logging in instead of his/her gmail inbox
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the browser- Firfox or Chrome or IE Or Safari
2. Browse to
3. Enter Username
4. Enter Password
5. Click on Enter
Expected Result:
User should be navigated to his/her Gmail inbox
Actual Result: After clicking the enter button navigates to
Refer Word document attached for detailed steps and actual results
Detected by: Amita
Team: QC Team
Detected on: 26 Aug 2014
Detected in release: Release1
Detected in cycle: Cycle1
Target Release: Release1
Target cycle: Cycle2
-Exercises:1 Finding defects
1) In header part of form Colors should be proper(Bule background and Blue font color is not seems good)
2) Spell mistake should not be there in word ‘Registration’ in header part.
3) Lable ‘Choose User Id should not be there(As there is no dropdownlist)
4) If User ID is mandatory then “Enter User ID”(validation message) lable should be in Red font and it should be display once focus comes to next text box.
5)Same for Password field.
6)Conform password field values should be encrypted(With required field validation message)
7)For name there should be validation message for Alphabets values only.
8)Captch image quality(Style) should be good.
9)There should be option for Refresh captcha.
10)Help message for Captch input should be proper.
11)”Register” Button should be on proper place.
12)Label message for button should be visibel properly.
-Exercises:2 Test scenarios
1)Verify that check out counter is with human
2)Verify that each product has barcode label.
3)Verify thet Barcode reader reads valid values of produce.
4)Verify that software calculates valid total of all selected product values.
5)Verify that user has Valid bank Debit card.
6)Verify that user should have minimum balance equal to total amount of all choosen product.
7)Verify that user has entered valid password otherwise there should be valid worning message.
8)Verify that Paymet system not publish any confidential information about user.
9)Verify that Payment system should collect only requested amount(equal to total amount of all 5 products).
-Exercises:3 Bug Reporting
Bug Id: 01
Objective : After logged in to Gmail user should be redirect to Inbox page of Gmail.
Version: 1.0
Severity : Critical
Priority : High
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open URL
2. Click on Sign In link
3. Enter your email and password.
4. Click on the ‘Sign in’ button
5. It is redirected to (instead of gmail)
Attachment:Bug_ Screen1.png
Status : OPEN
Date Reported : 08/27/2014
Reported By : RJP
Assigned To : JTA
-Exercises:4 : Suggestions
1)Instead of “My e-mail address is” lable it should be like simply “Email”
2)Instead of two different radio button for two different types of users(with password and With no password)
3)There should be one email address field
4)There should be one password field.
5)There should be one link for new members which will redirect on new registration page
6)After logged in to Gmail user should be redirect to Inbox page of Gmail.utton text should be simple “Sign in”
7)There should be anothe button to cancle action(“CANCLE” button)
8)No any Lable is requird like “What is your email address?”.
Exercise 1:
TC 1: Chosse user id is wrong.
TC 2 : Enter User Id Id misplaced.
TC 3: Id Entered is using Punctuate mark.
TC 4: Page title not Clear.
TC 5 :Enter Password Is Misplaced.
TC 6: Password Not Contain Required Mark *
TC 7: Confirm Pwd is visible.
TC 8: Name Not contain Required Mark*
TC 9: Name Taking Dots too
TC 10: Email Not contain Required Mark*
TC 11: Code image not clear.
TC 12: Code must contain Redo button.
TC 13 : Register button is not on position.
TC 14: Register button not spelled correct.
Congratulations !!! for all the winners 🙂
Thank you for testing our skills, It is a nice article.
Exercise: 1
1. Heading name (New registration) is not displaying clearly.
2. Background color is not display proper.
3. Should display correct label name as “Enter user id”
4. In below the password text box display the message (“Password length is min and max 6 characters”)
5. Confirm password field text box currently shows as input type text, It must be input type password.
6. Capthca code is not readable it must be readable to user.
7. It must be display the Captcha code refresh button to generate new code.
8. Register button text should be proper and readable to user.
9. Register button should be properly aligned to form.
10.Name and Email id text fields should display at the top of the password fields.
11. Country label and drop down field is not alignment properly with country labels.
12. The name text field should not accept the numbers.
13. It should display the same gap between the Choose User id field and Password Label same as below fields.
14. Registration button should display in large size.
Exercise 2:
? Customer collect the x,y,z,a and b items, check correct price and barcode is available in all those products. Go to checkout counter,
? If a counter is human less then scan all products separately with price, If offers is available in any one Items then calculate products total price and offer price, check payment card type, swap the card, enter transaction amount, enter transaction security code, check transaction amount and offer amount, click on pay button, receive payment confirmation receipt, check total amount and deducted amount, collect receipt and exit door code number, push exit door,
? If cash counter is with human then, submit five items to the cash counter.
? Cashier enter the items price and calculate total amount and weight of Items (if offer is available on Items, enter offer price) and again calculate total price,
? Customer calculates items price and offer price (if available), pay amount and collect and check total amount and items price on receipt. And exit to door.
Exercise: 3
Bug Id: 0001
Reporter: Tester A
Assigned To: Developer A
Reported date: dd-mm-yyyy
Priority: High
Severity: High
Status: New
Platform: Window 7
Release Version: Release version 1.0
Description: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Step to reproduce:
1. Launch a Gmail link with compatible browsers.
2. Click on Sign in button in link, Gmail login window screen is appeared.
3. Enter a valid login credentials.
4. Click on SIGN IN button,
Expected Result: User successfully logged in to the Gmail account page should be appeared a logged in user Inbox page.
Actual Result: After successfully logged in to the user, currently page is redirect to the Google Account.
Exercise: 4
? For new user by entering new email id, when he select the “No, I am a new customer.” Radio button, it should disable the password field and must appear a new user registration form.
? For new user by entering new email id, when he select the “No, I am a new customer.” Radio button, it should disable the password field and must display the SING UP button beside of the ‘No, I am a new customer label
You are at Grocery store’s checkout counter. You have bought five items (x, y, z, a, and b). You make payment and move to the EXIT door.
1. Check that it is human less counter or manual counter.
2. If it is human less counter then your bought products must have bar-codes.
3. All bar-codes have perfectly printed on the label.
4. Scanner can scan those bar-codes.
5. After scanning the Bar-code, MRP and displayed price is same or not.
6. After scanning all the products the sum of bought products is perfect or not.
7. if summation is perfect then bill should be generated.
8. in Bill every product should have correct prices.
9. in generated Bill the summation of the product has to be same which the system was displayed.
10. If it is a manual counter then make sure that shopkeeper gives you the products you bought.
11. while taking the bill check billing amount on bill on manual counter.
12.If it is manual counter then make sure that the shopkeeper gives you all 5 items or not.
Compliance with industry standards isn t something you can build in later–it s part of the entire software development lifecycle.See a complete cycle on a Development Testing Platform with an emphasis on meeting compliance requirements for embedded systems.
Exercise 1:
1. New Registration – ‘g’ is not visible completely. Spelling mistake. ‘n’ is not displayed.
2. Mandatory mark(*) is not displayed for mandatory fields.
3. User ID – should not allow special characters.
4. Confirm password – is not in encrypted format.
5. Name – should not allow special characters and digits.
6. Email – ‘Requires verification…’ text is not understandable.
7. Captcha – is not visible correctly.
8. Place of Register button is not correct as it leads to confusion.
9. register button – r looks different and R should be capital.
9. No reset button in the page.
10. Enter user id and Enter password messages are displayed only for user id and password — leads to inconsistency.
Exercise #1: Finding defects
1. Header is cutting off, g is cutting and n is not showing.
2. There should be ” : ” after every label.
3. Label is wrong as “Choose User Id” as its box to enter
User ID. If its choose User Id then it should either combo or
list to choose from.
4. Label “Choose User Id” should be better as “Choose User
5. Side content “Enter User ID” should be better as either
place holder or toolip.
6. Side content “Enter Password” should be better as either
place holder or tooltip.
7. Content enter for Password is very much touch to left,
there should be space little before content.
8. Confirm Password should be encrypted too.
9. Name should be label as Full Name instead.
10. Content under name should be with “…” at the end if
lenght is big.
11. Email instruction is wrongly Sentence, It should be
“Requires verification and will not be published.”
12. Country combo shouldn’t be transparent. Also better to
have values in CAPS.
13. Captcha is not clear/proper.
14. Captcha instruction should be “Please enter the
verification number in below box exactly as shown in left
side Image.
15. “R” should be capital in “Register” button and if
possible then with shortcut key (R) underlined as (Alt+R).
16. There should be (*) sign for mandatory items.
Exercise #2: Writing test scenarios
(considering everything as automated system)
1. To check that all items having barcode labled or not.
2. To check the barcode scanner is working properly or not.
3. To check all the items barcode are being scanned or not.
4. To check if it allow to accept the item without barcode
and by just entering number or not.
5. To check all the items necessary information/details are
scanning properly and coming to system or not.
6. To check the total bill amount is calculating correctly or
7. To check the card scanner is working properly or not.
8. To check if it allow to accept the card without scanning
and by just entering number or not.
9. To check your card is being scanned and recognize the
information or not.
10. To check that payment option is working or not.
11. To check that after payment its printing receipt or not.
12. To check if receipt is showing all necessary details
along with card information and payment information or not.
13. To check that printed receipt is able to scanner through
Exit door or not (so that it confirmed that all items payment
has been made)
14. To check that is there any way to enter receipt at exit
door if scanner at door is not working to exit you.
Exercise #3: Defect reporting
Bug Id: 100
Description : After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Version: 1.0
Severity : Critical
Priority : High
Reproducible : Yes
Steps : 1. Open URL
2. Click on Sign In link
3. Enter your email and password.
3. Click on the ‘Sign in’ button
4. It is redirected to (instead of gmail)
Attachment: Screen1.jpg
Status : OPEN
Resolution: Assigned
Date Reported : 08/27/2014
Reported By : ABC
Date Modified: 08/27/2014
Modified By : PQR
Assigned To : XYZ
Remarks/comments: Tested on IE and Chrome.
Exercise #4: Providing suggestions
1. Business Logo should be available at login page.
2. Label should be simple text. For Example: E-mail and Password.
3. Extra information in BLACK label should be either as place holder or tool-tip.
4. Option for New and Existing customer should be first and based on selection it will follow further. For New customer it should open registration form and for existing it should ask for E-mail and Password.
5. While entering email system should verify the customer if its not exist then directly move to registration else ask for password.
6. Better to have Sign-Up option as seperate link. so that over here it will just simple asking for e-mail and password.
7. Sign in button should be labeled as “Sign In” only with tool-tip saying “It will sign in you using our secure server”
1. spelling mistake in registration at the top
2. $ and & can’t use in username
3. confirm password not encrypted
4.value entered in Name not valid info not correct
6. captcha not clear
7.captcha field pre-filled
8.r in register is big in size and small letter
9. background of top registration and register button at bottom is not clear and smooth
1)New Registration Text is mispelled
2)Background Colour Title is not matching
3)User id should not accept special characters
4)Enter userid text in Right hand side of choose userid is not needed
5)Enter password text in Right hand side of password field is not necessary
6)Confirm password field must be Encrypted
7)Country field should have default text like Select Your Country
8)Verification code should be fully visible
9)Verification code text box should not contain any default values
10)Improper case of Text used in Register button
11)Country field label and dropdown box should be aligned properly
@All Readers and Participants,
A big thank you to all for participating in the contest and posting their testing ideas. your ideas will be kept in safe locker with us and will be useful to anyone in future.
Thanks a lot again and keep pouring ideas….
And of course, get ready for this kind of exercises in future.
We would love to have your feedback about the exercise. Would you like us to add something? Would you like us to focus on something? Would you like us to change the format? Anything, anything, anything…….
You are always welcome 🙂
1. Exercise #1:
1. The name of the form “New Registration” is not clear enough.
2. There are 2 field names for user ID and Password.
3. Entering 2 different names using “and”.
4. The first character of the password field overlaps the border of the input field.
5. There is no reset button for the verification number if the user has to choose a different verification code.
6. The “register” button has the name with a different font sizes. The “r” is bigger than the rest of the characters.
Exercise #1:
1. Background Color is not uniform in the title
2. Spelling mistake in text ‘Registration’
3. User details like Name, Email id should come first and user id and password should be displayed below it
4. Enter User ID label should come in place of label Choose User ID
5. Enter Password label should come in place of label Password
6. ‘Confirm Password’ should encrypt the password text
7. red * sign should put in all mandtory fields
8. There should be a help text indicating how the password should be with example (i.e. a password should have characters, special characters and numbers)
9. Error msg near the Email field is not correct.
10. Captcha is not clear.
11. ‘r’ should be in caps in ‘Register’ button
12. There should be ‘Terms and conditions’(for the site) link in the registration page or a check box saying i accept the terms of the website.
13. Verification number is not displayed properly.
14. Verification number contains pre filled character “r”.
15. Name should not allow numbers.
Exercise #2:
1. All items should get scann
2. Scanners should work properly
3. Product details should be scanned properly
4. Check for bill amount is correct
5. Check for accepatance of CC
a. If not, pay with cash
b. if they accept card, pay with card
6.Check if only bill amount has been deduced from the account if you pay through the card
7. Check if all the items are received by you
Exercise #3:
Defect Id: 0123
Description : navigation to when we logging into Gmail.
Submisstion Date : 25 -AUG-2014
Submitted by: ABC
Severity : S1-Critical
Priority : P1
Reproducible : Yes
Build ID –
Steps : 1. Open browser (any) and Enter
2. Enter user name and password
3. Click on the ‘Sign in’ button
4. page will be dispalyed
Actual result: page is dispalyed
Expected result: gmail inbox should display
Addition Information: Attaching the screenshot.
Status : Open
Assigned to :XYZ
Exercise #4:
1. The password block could be displayed after entering the mail id.
2. Logo or details about the site could be given in the page.
3. Instead of having labels we can display them as placeholders inside the box.
4. ‘Sign in’Button size and text could be reduced.
Excercise #1
1. ‘New Registration’ truncated.
2. Customer Id shouldn’t accept special symbols like amp or $ (usually used in codes)
3. Confirm password field not encrypted.
4. Name field shouldn’t accept decimal(point) values, symbols or numbers
5. Gramatical mistake. (correct:’Required for verification’)
6. Country field not highlighted.
7. Captcha too distorted
8. Captcha field shouldnt accept charactars as its mentioned ‘verification number’
9. Register button text ‘Case’ issue.
10. Color mismatch on title bar.
11. Enter User Id , Enter Password warnings not required when already values are entered.
12. Refresh button for captcha missing.
I. Check if the counter is automated or Manual.
1. Check all items are properly scanned at the billing counter.
2. Check if the Items in the bill are 5(x,y,z,a & b) & matches the items in the cart.
3. Check if the price value matches with the once in the bill.
4. Check for any freebies and discounts that apply.
5. Make sure the total amount is correct.
6. Card Payments:
Check if the amount debited is the bill value.
Check the merchants & customer copies of bill pay matches.
Make sure to sign the merchants copy(If any).
Cash Payment:
Check you are paying the right sum as bill value.
Check if the right balance amount is returned if any.
1. Scan each item manually at the billing machine.
2. Check if the Items in the bill are 5(x,y,z,a & b) & matches the items in the cart.
3. Check if the price value matches with the once in the bill.
4. Check for any freebies and discounts that apply.
5. Make sure the total amount is correct.
6. Card Payments: Check if the amount debited is the bill value.
II. Make sure to keep a copy of the bill for any future references.
BugID 00EX#3:After logging into gmail, it navigates to
Affected Version:xxxxx
Browsers: FF xx.x/Chrome xx.x/ IE x.x /
After logging into google mail account with valid credentials, the application navigates to instead of the Inbox.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Launch page:
2. Enter valid user credentials in the login form.
3. Click Sign In & Observe
Actual Result:
Clicking on ‘Sign In’ after entering Valid credentials in the login page of ‘gmail’ takes the user to ‘’.
Expected Result: Clicking on ‘Sign In’ after entering Valid credentials in the login page of ‘gmail’ should take the user to his mailbox (inbox).
(Add screenshots for reference)
1. Text Sign In can be changed to ‘Login’ – New users Sign Up.
2. A register button which gets highlighted on selecting ‘No, I am a new customer’ can be provided.
3. A drop down for password & confirm password fields can be provided on registration of new customers.
4. ‘Sign In’ button can be aligned to the right of the box.
5. ‘Do you have a password?’ is gramatically more correct.
qwerty test
Exercise 1
1, Typo in form heading text (Should read as New Registration)
2, Choose User ID label is not required
3, Enter User ID label should come in place of label Choose User ID
4, Password label is not required
5, Enter Password label should come in place of label Password
6, Confirm password field does not show content in encrypted mode.
7, Country drop down is not adjacent to its label
8, Verification number is not readable
9, Verification input field already prefilled with character “r”
10, initial cap issue with register button , it should read as Register
11, Issue with Email help text, It should state (Required for verification. Will not be published)
Exercise #1: Finding defects
1.Spell error in the Title(It should be as New Registration)
2.Enter User ID label is not required(Since it is New Registration)
3.Enter Password is is not required(Since it is New Registration)
4.Label Password should be as create a Password
5.Confirm password field should be Masked or it should be in(Encrypted mode)
6.Issue with Email help text and its color, It should state as (Required for verification. Will not be published) and it should not be Red in color.
7.Country drop down is not adjacent to its label
8.Verification number is in unreadable format
9.Verification input field already filled with the character “r”
10.Initial cap issue with register button, it should be as Register.
11.Register button is not aligned properly
12.There should be a Gender label and it should have its corresponding drop down.
Exercise #2: Writing test scenarios
1.Scanners should work properly
2.scan the products individually, it should recognize the product details and should show the correct price of the product.
3.Print the bill receipt with tax
4.check the receipt,if the bill amount is correct.
5.Check the mode of payment for the shop
a.If card accepts(check the card is valid or not)
b.Check if only bill amount has been deduced from the account if you pay through the card
c.If it cash(check the cash with fake money detector machine)
6.check all the items are received by you
7.Theft detecting machine should be at the exit door
8.A person should be available at exit door with bill scanner device to scan the bills.
Exercise #3: Defect reporting
Bug ID:STH001
Bug Description: After logging into Gmail, it redirects to the
Version number: Version 10.11
Severity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Assigned to: XXX
Reported By: YYY
Reported On: 26/08/2014
Status: Open
Reproducable: Yes
Steps To Reproduce:
Description:After entering the user name and Password and clicking on submit it navigates to
1.)Enter the URL “” in the browser and Press Enter key
2.)Enter the valid user name and password
3.) Click on Sign in button and observe.
Expected Result: It should direct to Gmail inbox screen
Actual Result: It is navigating to the
Exercise #4: Providing suggestions
1.Email address should be validate and it should check the database whether it is registered email or not.
a. If it is registered email-id then it should automatically switch to password field.
b. If it is Not registered e-mail then switch to No,Iam a New customer.and it should leads to sign up page.
2.we can remove the question tags such as what is your e-mail address?,Do you have password?(since it is sign in page)
3.We can have the place holder’s or water mark instead of labels.
4.Better We can have text above the sign in button like(sign in using our secure server).
Regarding question marks display in above comments
I am entering a dash(-) sign for the points but it is display as question marks in the given comments,so please consider it as a points while reading.
Exercise #1
1,.Typing mistake in heading text of the form
2. Choose User ID label is not required
3. User id should not contain any special character+
4. Enter User ID label should come in place of labels Choose User ID
5. Enter Password label should come in place of label Password
6. Name field should not contain any special character
7. Confirm password field does not show content in encrypted mode.
8. Country drop down is not adjacent to its label
9. Captcha characters are not readable
10.Captcha help text should be “Please Enter Captcha for verification as shown in left” not like “Please enter verification number”
11.Verification input field already prefilled with character “r”
12. The register button should read as Register
13.Register buttion should place under the captcha text box not in the Right side to Captcha text box (because that gives user understanding purpose)
14. Email help text should state “Required only for verification. Will not be published”
Exercise #2
1. Check the Scanners are working properly
2. Check if all the items(x,y,z,a,b) are being scanned properly
3. Check if the product details (name, weight, price) are correctly scanned
4. Check Scanned items are displaying or not in display after Scanning
5. Check the total bill amount is correct.
6. Scan your card and put the correct bill amount
7. Check card owner name displaying or not in display
8. After you press the pay button in the machine it should give you a printed invoice with details that the total bill amount are being paid by card no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
9. collect the invoice/receipt, collect the card, your goods and move to exit door.
Exercise #1
1. Title text is not showing proper.
2. Mendatory mark (*) are missing for UserID.
3. Mendatory mark (*) are missing for password.
4. Mendatory mark (*) are missing for Confirm password.
5. Mendatory mark (*) are missing for Email.
6. Confirm password contant should be in encrypted format.
7. Verification captcha code is not showing proper.
8. Register button text should be in proper format (first letter should be capital OR test size should be simmiler.
9. All text boxes should be in equal width size.
Exercise 1:
1. Header has color formatting issue
2. Header text is cut off
3. User Id vs User ID – consistency
4. Register button has format/display issue
5. There’s no Cancel or Back button
6. There are no screen tips for the type or number of characters allowed for any given field
7. No fields are displayed as required
8. The note should say “code” vs “number”
9. The note should say “on left” or “in left box” vs “in left”
10. Verification code is not visible within the box
11. Note next to email should be reworded to state confirmation of registration is required & that your email will not be published or shared
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Exercise 2:
1. All items scanned successfully
2. One item was scanned twice by mistake
3. One item will not scan
4. Scanner is not working, get help/reboot, try again
5. Pay with cash – no change
6. Pay with cash – provide change
7. Pay with card – success
8. Pay with card – denied
9. Pay with card – not working
10. Pay partial card & partial cash
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Exercise 3:
– Date: 08/25/2014
– Priority: High
– Impact: High – Additional unnecessary steps to be taken by the user community – unhappy & inefficient customers
– Summary: Please correct the landing page received when a user successfully logs into their Gmail account. Currently, the user is landing on the search page. This behavior is causing additional unnecessary steps to be taken by the user community.
– Reproduction Steps Using Active Gmail Account:
access web address
input user name
input password
select to Log In
note the user goes to the wrong page
– Expected Results:
access web address
input user name
input password
select to Log In
user is presented with their Gmail account Inbox
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Exercise 4:
Simplify the page – only two fields, the link, and two buttons are needed;
– two text boxes, with the instructional text inside the boxes or to the left of the boxes:
1. email address
2. password
– the forgotten password link should remain below the password text box
– two buttons
1. Submit/Log-In/Log-On (whatever terminology)
2. Cancel
-Exercises:1 Finding defects
1) In header part of form Colors should be proper(Bule background and Blue font color is not seems good)
2) Spell mistake should not be there in word ‘Registration’ in header part.
3) Lable ‘Choose User Id should not be there(As there is no dropdownlist)
4) If User ID is mandatory then “Enter User ID”(validation message) lable should be in Red font and it should be display once focus comes to next text box.
5)Same for Password field.
6)Conform password field values should be encrypted(With required field validation message)
7)For name there should be validation message for Alphabets values only.
8)Captch image quality(Style) should be good.
9)There should be option for Refresh captcha.
10)Help message for Captch input should be proper.
11)”Register” Button should be on proper place.
12)Label message for button should be visibel properly.
-Exercises:2 Test scenarios
1)Verify that check out counter is with human
2)Verify that each product has barcode label.
3)Verify thet Barcode reader reads valid values of produce.
4)Verify that software calculates valid total of all selected product values.
5)Verify that user has Valid bank Debit card.
6)Verify that user should have minimum balance equal to total amount of all choosen product.
7)Verify that user has entered valid password otherwise there should be valid worning message.
8)Verify that Paymet system not publish any confidential information about user.
9)Verify that Payment system should collect only requested amount(equal to total amount of all 5 products).
-Exercises:3 Bug Reporting
Bug Id: 01
Objective : After logged in to Gmail user should be redirect to Inbox page of Gmail.
Version: 1.0
Severity : Critical
Priority : High
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open URL
2. Click on Sign In link
3. Enter your email and password.
4. Click on the ‘Sign in’ button
5. It is redirected to (instead of gmail)
Attachment:Bug_ Screen1.png
Status : OPEN
Date Reported : 08/27/2014
Reported By : RJP
Assigned To : JTA
-Exercises:4 : Suggestions
1)Instead of “My e-mail address is” lable it should be like simply “Email”
2)Instead of two different radio button for two different types of users(with password and With no password)
3)There should be one email address field
4)There should be one password field.
5)There should be one link for new members which will redirect on new registration page
6)After logged in to Gmail user should be redirect to Inbox page of Gmail.utton text should be simple “Sign in”
7)There should be anothe button to cancle action(“CANCLE” button)
8)No any Lable is requird like “What is your email address?”.
1- “New registration” text is truncated or misspelled.
2- if user enter credential in “choose user id” there is no option or button to select specific user id or there nothing to check user id availability.
3-“enter user id” text is not required after “choose user id”
4-“enter password” text is not required
5-the”name” text field should not take numeric characters because no name contain numeric .
6-in “name” text field we cannot use separators like “and” “or” they represent two things.
So here’s my input for exercise #1:
1. The header text is incorrectly written
2. The header colour is displaced
3. “choose user ID” and “Enter password” strings to the right of the input boxes are redundant
4. The encrypted password input text is displaced from input field
5. Confirm password input text is not encrypted
6. “REquires for verification(…)” string to the right of user email address input field is incorrectly spelled. It should be written as “Required for verification(…)”
7. Inconsistency between “Country” dropdown menu horizontal alignment with “Country” string and the other user text input fields adn their respective description strings
8. “Please enter verification number exactly as shown in left.” string is incomplete and incorrectly written
9. Verification number input field contains an input by default
10. Bad display of register button label text
This could also be an issue but I chose not to mention it per-se as filtered user credential input could be company proprietary, but:
11. User id string can only contain letters(upper and lower case, and numbers) no special characters.
AGAIN, this could or could not be an issue, depending on company policy regarding user accounts. Please reply!
Contest 1.
1. Look and Feel is not good because the Title “New Registration” is not displayed correct.
2.Prioritisation of text fields is not correct as email then password and confirm password text fields should be there.
3.No requirement for Enter password and Enter user-ID label.
4.No Requirement of filled .
5. Verification Number itself not visible properly .
6.Instead of using label for Password and choose user-id .. there should be error message displayed when wrong password entered and user id is not filled.
7.The name of button register should be with ‘r’ caps.
8.Size of button ssould not be this much small and same for all Labels.
9.There should be cancel button , back button options , which are not present here.
10. There should be more text field for gathering the information .. As this is the Registration page .
11.On the same page there should be a link for terms and conditions so that before registration we can come to know about terms and conditions.
12. The space between User id and password and bettwen rest all fields is unequal . The look and feel should be best as many end users start usnig apps for this one reason.
13.The place rewarded to Register button is also not correct it should be in last not in left right side and should be very clear.
14. As one will click on county dropdown list, dropdown list will cover othe option that is again not a correct thi g . Country option should be placed on side so that it do not give a odd look as well as do not cover other option.
15. In Country Dropdown list -select country- should always be displayed as default value not India.
Exercise #1:
1. Background Color is not uniform in the title
2. Text ‘Registration’ is not correct
3. User details like Name, Email id should come first and user id and password should be displayed below it
4. ‘Enter User Id’ text should be removed. this should be shown as tool tip if the user types in that field
5. ‘Enter Password’ ext should be removed. this should be shown as tool tip if the user types in that field
6. ‘Confirm Password’ should encrypt the password text
7. There should be an image showing the password strength
8. There should be a help text indicating how the password should be with example (i.e. a password should have characters, special characters and numbers)
9. Error msg near the Email field is not correct.
10. Captcha is not clear.
11. ‘Register’ button is misaligned and ‘r’ should be in caps.
12. There should be ‘Terms and conditions'(for the site) link in the registration page or a check box saying i accept the terms of the website.
Exercise #2:
1. Check if all the items are being scanned
2. Scanners should work
3. Product details should be scanned properly
4. Check if the bill amount is correct
5. Check if the shop accepts cards
a. If not, pay with cash
b. if they accept card, pay with card
6.Check if only bill amount has been deduced from the account if you pay through the card
7. Check if all the items are received by you
Exercise #3:
Defect Id: 1123
Description : After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Date Identified : 25 -AUG-2014
Severity : Critical
Priority : High
Reproducible : Yes
Steps : 1. Enter in the browser
2. Enter your credentials
3. Click on the ‘Sign in’ button
4. page will be dispalyed
Status : Open
Identified By : XXXX
Assigned to :YYY
Exercise #4:
1. The password block could be displayed after entering the mail id.
2. Logo or details about the site could be given in the page.
3. Instead of having labels we can display them as placeholders inside the box.
4. ‘Sign in’Button size and text could be reduced.
1. Registration text misspelled.
2. Color presentation not proper
3. Choose ID should not be there.
4.Enter the user ID should be properly aligned.
5. Confirm-Password should be encrypted and should not be displayed.
6.The verification text should be proper and clearly displayed.
7.Country name should not displayed by default India, It should contain grey data “select country”.
8. Email message should be properly written.
9.All the texts should be aligned and properly written before all input box.
Topic 2:-
1. payment should be done for 5 items.
2. All 5 items should be scanned.
3. Scan for 3 items and pay for 3 items and try to exit with 5 items, exit should not open.
4. After payment of 5 items exit door should open.
5. If the payment option is cash, then cash should be payable.
6. If the payment option is Card, then card payment should be allowed.
7. If there are any discounted item, then after scan the billing should be done on discounted rate.
8. Without scanning try to exit the gate.
Exercise #1
1. Spelling mistake in header text.
2.Enter User ID should be disable mode when user enter ID.
3.Enter password should be disable mode when user enter password.
4.Confirm password is not encrypted format.
5. Name field is accept conjunctions.
6.Name field is accept Float and decimal numbers
7.Verification number is accepts characters also.
8.Email Validation message not clear .
Exercise One
1, Typing mistake in heading text of the form
2. Heading Color Mismatch
3, Choose User ID label is not required
4. User id should not contain any special character
5. Enter User ID label should come in place of labels Choose User ID
6. Enter Password label should come in place of label Password
7. Name field should not contain any special charecter
8. Confirm password field does not show content in encrypted mode.
9. Country drop down is not adjacent to its label
10. Captch characters are not readable
11.Verification input field already prefilled with character “r”
12. The register button should read as Register
13. Email help text should state “Required only for verification. Will not be published”
Exercise Two
1. Check the Scanners are working properly
2. Check if all the items(x,y,z,a,b) are being scanned properly
3. Check if the product details (name, weight, price) are correctly scanned
4. Check the total bill amount is correct.
5. Scan your card and put the correct bill amount
6. After you press the pay button in the machine it should give you a printed invoice with details that the total bill amount are being paid by card no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
7. collect the invoice/receipt, collect the card, your goods and move to exit door.
Exercise Three
Bug Name: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Bug ID: 001
Area Path: Login into gmail
Build Number: Version Number xxxxx
Severity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Assigned to: Developer-X
Reported By: Saiful
Reported On: 25-08-2014
Reason: Defect
Status: New
Environment: Windows 7, IE11
Description: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Steps To Reproduce:
1) Open Browser
2) Navigate to
3) Filled all username and password field
4) Clicked on ‘sign in’ button
5) sign in occur and browser navigate to
Exercise Four
1. Only put e-mail address and a text box
2. Put enter password and a text box after the e-mail address option
3. Rather asking the user if he/she have a password or not, system should automatically check.
4. There should be a link or button for new user to sign-up
5. There should be a check box saying “Stay Signed in”
4. Instead of saying “Sign-in using our secure server” only “Sign-in”.
Exercise #1
1)Heading in the page :
2)two labels for a single field not required
choose userid and password field can be replaced with enteruserid and enterpassword
3)Name caan be specific like (user name or company name)
4)IN password test box first * coming out of box
5)Confirm password box can be encrypted
6)mark all mandatory fields with required field indicators(if all are mandatory give the message to user)
7)Name field should not accept decimals
8)Captcha Should be in redable mode
9)Box Filled in default with r
10)on Register Button r is not same as other leters
11)Can give change captcha button for user (reload icon)
12)‘Please enter the verification number exactly as shown in left’ should be aligned with other labels on the form
Exercise #2 :
If the checkout counter has customers : Wait in a queue
IF its u’r turn /Its human less:
Ask the representative to bill the items
see all your items are scanned on to display board
Check the bill if it has billed only for out items
payment has the following options :
credit card
Debit card
Pay the cash
Collect your items
Exercise #3
Summary : Navigating to after logining into gmail
priority: High
user impact : affeted critical functionality
Affected user : ALL
Type : Functionality
Description : Navigating to after logining into gmail
Steps to reproduce :
1) open : in browser
2)Enter user name
3)Enter password ex:******
4)click on sign in Button
Excepted result : Should navigate to Inbox page of gmail
Actual result : Navigating to
Exercise #1:
1 –> User Id Entered By User still displaying message (Enter user id)
2 –> User Id validation message should be in Red color.
3 –> Password Entered by user still displaying message (Enter password)
4 –> Password validation message should be in Red color
5 –> Top of the page in Registration g and o or not properly printed and n is missing at the end of registration word
6 –> name field should not accept numbers and dots
7 –> Top of the page heading part showing two different colors.
8 –> In country drop down background is not white
9 –> Verification code is not visible properly
10 –>Verification code validation message should not be in black color
11 –> In Register button “R” is not in capital letter also button text is not properly visible to user
12 –> Country drop down border is different than other fields
13 –> Displayed Email id validation message is not related (it should be enter u r email id)
Exercise #2:
1 –> Verify the expiry date and quantity of the items and pay the cash by hand (cash counter and cash collector should be there in cash counter)
2 –> Verify the expiry date and quantity of the items and pay the cash through Credit card/debit card (Credit card /debit card payment should be available and payment gateway should be proper)
3 –> Verify the expiry date and quantity of the items and pay the cash through invalid credit/debit card (debit/credit card payment should not process the bad request)
Exercise #3:
TESTED ON : 07/12/2014
1 -> Enter URL of Gmail on browser
2 -> It opens Gmail login page
3 -> Enter user id and password given in test data
4 -> Click on login button
5 -> It should Redirect to Gmail home page but it was redirecting to ” ” page .
Exercise #4:
1 –> Instead of question and label to “Enter your mail id “ only one label is sufficient
2 –> Yes I have password is not required
3 –> Sign in itself a button in that other button is not required
4 –> Do you have pass word is not required “forgot password is sufficient”
5 –> password field should contain label not radio buttons
6 –> New customer should be a link not radio button
7 –> Text box and label should be aligned properly
8 –> Sign in should be aligned Center
Exercise #2# Test scenario
1. verify that load time is in acceptable range
2. verify that scanner recognize bar code on items
3.. verify that scanner display amount value with correct currency symbol
4.. verify that scanner generate the total bill per purchase
5.verify that scanner accepts card by displaying “verified”
6. verify that scanner display “decline” for invalid card
7. verify that scanner display “cancel” if customer decides to cancel purchase
8. verify that scanner display “successful” after payment
9. verify that customer must input pin “4-digit number”
10. verify that scanner display ” invalid pin'” error message
11. verify that scanner print out invioce after payment
12. verify that scanner display “eject card” after printing invoice
You are at the grocery store’s checkout counter. You have bought five items (x, y, z, a, and b). You make payment and move to the EXIT door.
1. all product must be a barcode
2. capturing correctly all details during barcode scanning.
3. debit card details not share like any last no and cvv pin also.
Exercise 2
1 The scanner should scan the exact 5 items not more or not less than it.
2 The scanner should scan the prize of exact items and should calculate it correctly
3 If any item is expired then it should consider for any billing
4 Going to pay by card then check that card is going to be accepted
Exercise 3
Defect Id- 1521
Description – After entering the email id for logging in to gmail then it redirects the page on insist of opening the gmail account.
Objective – login to the gmail account
Version – 1.0.1
Severity – High
Priority – High
Assigned to – Abc
Reported by – tester1
Date – 26 – 8 – 2014
Valid/Invalid – Valid
Environment – Windows 7 , 2.62Ghz
Browser – Mozilla Firefox , Google chrome
Steps –
1 Open the browser
2 Enter the Url
3 Enter the User name and Password
4 Click on the Sign In
Expected Result –
After entering the valid username and password then it should open the desired gmail account
Actual Result –
While entering the username and password then it redirects the gmail page on the
Exercise 4
1 Insist of My email address is there should Email id
2 System should autometically check that the user is new or existing
3 If new then there should be separate link for Sign In
4 Simply put the button sign In
5 If it is existing user then it should display email id field , Password Sign In button and Forgotten password link.
ex 4
we can make it more user-friendly amd qualitative by:
instead of asking ‘do you have email id’ just put the ’email address’ in label and in the text box we can put watermark text of valid email structure ( so it look tidier and also easy for user guidance.
For password,instead of asking to the user, there should written just ‘password’ and a guidance or hint can be put there at right hand side of textbox like (password should be 8 character long etc)..
then at after sign in button, there also should keep ‘New User?’ and after that put ‘Register’ link, so that if user is new he can click on register link rather than that confusing question ‘do you have pwd or not?’ instead system should check status of customer based on e-mail address he had provided.
Exercise – 1.
1. Texture is different on title of the window.
2. Registration Spelling incorrect in the title of the window.
3. ‘g’ and ‘o’ appear to be cut in the registration spelling in the title of the window.
4. Field name appears twice with same meaning i.e. choose username and enter userid.
5. Same as 4th defect but for passowrd field.
6. Dropdown field texture for country is different from other fields.
7. Capthca not clearly visible.
8. Edit box for captcha should be blank.
9. ‘R’ should be in caps on Register button.
10. All fields length should be same.
11. Numbers in Name field.
Exercise – 2.
1. Scan all items at the counter,scan your card,make payment and exit.
2.After scanning the card
2a. If less money in the card,pay remaining by cash and exit
2b. If less money and no cash,adjust your items as per available money and exit
2c. If no money in the card and no cash, return all the items and exit
3. In case of successfull payment take the bill and exit
4. In case of non-issuance of bill, convince the shopkeeper to give the bill(funny but cant help).
Exercise – 3.
After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Open browser and open gmail link.
2. Enter necessary details.
3. Click on Sign In.
4. Notice that incorrect page is opened.
Actual Result – After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Expected Result – Correct page gets loaded.
1. About the environment and other details.
2. Provide Screenshot if any.
Severity,Priority,Build etc and other details
as per the defect tracking tool and our version of the application on which we are testing.
Exercise – 4.
1. Asking questions like what is your email-id ? etc not necessary.
2. Forgot Password ? instead of Forgotten your Password ?
3. “Sign-In” instead of “Sign-In using our secure server” as by default secure servers should be used for login.
4. Field names like Email-Id and Password instead of “My email address is” etc.
5. No radio buttons on Sign-In page.
Exercise #4:
Make page with following details :
Enter username/emailid:
Sign in (button)
NEwuserpleaseclick here (link)
1. New Registration heading is having spelling error.
2. New Registration back ground color is having different size and color.
3. Choose User Id is not required.
4. Enter User ID should be in place of Choose User ID.
5. Password label is not required.
6. Enter Password should be in place of Password label.
7. Confirm Password field should show the characters in encrypted format.
8. Name field should not accept “and” keyword.
9. Message in Email field should display as “Required for verification purpose only, It will not be published”
10. Country drop down is not aligned properly with Country label.
11. Verification number is not displayed properly.
12. Verification number contains pre filled character “r”.
13. Register button is not aligned properly.
14. register button label should start with capital letter “R”
1. Password field should display a message for number of valid characters and combination of valid characters
@ All Participants,
Thanks a lot for overwhelming response from everyone. We are glad that we as a community were able to generate the idea bank and now we need to deposit our ideas every now and then.
Thanks again.
1. User ID should not contains special characters
2. Confirm Password should not be displayed in encrypted mode
3. Field Name should not contain dots(.) and keywords like”and” and digits
4. Field Name should have specific length
5. Email should be entered in specific format(
6. Captcha should be clear so human can read and enter value
7. Button “register”-fonts are not same
8. Next to password text”weak,strong,very strong” must be displayed as per entered password
9. fired validation message is not proper for “Choose User Id” and “Password” field
10.Once user clicks on register button Email should sent on mentioned Email ID If entered Email ID is proper
11.Text ” Requires Verification. will not be published” must not be in “Red” Color.It should be in black color.
12 Validation must be fired in red color
13.Validation must be fired as per text entered in text box
14 Validation message fired for password field though value entered.
15. Word ” Registration” – Text Cutting
16. New Registration- Throughout background is not same
17. New Registration- N missing in spelling
18. All Fields(in our scenario Field name) length must be specified
19. UI is not proper ( i.e. BG of Header and Body)
1.New Registration is not clear
2.Name should be given in First
3.Name should not allow numeric characters
4.User ID is correct so label should change
5.Enter User ID should be removed
6.Enter Password should be removed
7.Email Tip is not required
8.Country alignment is not proper
9.Capcha is not clear
10.Capcha Hint should be shown below the text box
11.Register Button R should be in Caps
Some of my findings::-
1.) Title Bar Background N’t Clear
2.)Title Text Hidden
3.)Manadetory field n’t Have astersik(*) mark
4.) Space :: Too Much between choose User ID and Password
5.) Confirm password n’t hidden completely Visible
6.) In Name field “.” and numeric value..I dnt think They Should be allowed
7.)Border of Box touches the text in case of password
8.) CAPTCHA hidden :: N’t Visible
9.) Register Button Tampered
10.) Inconsistencies in size of boxes
11.)BAckGround behind Register button is white
Do Tell Me where am missing???
exercise 1.
#1 Title bar. problem with the field lenght displayed?
or misspelled word “registration”
#2 Title bar. problem with the field height/aligned of the content: The letter “g” from registration does not show proper
#3 Title bar: the dark overlay over the light blue bar is not positioned well, after the caption text ended, extra pixels of overlay below the light blue bar
#4 lack of indication which field are mandatory, plus an explanation text what that indication implies.
#5 lack of button for stopping the registration process (abort)
#6 input on field “email adres” not shown?
#7 poor display of the “verification number” (captcha)
# 8 missing input validation on input fields? (e.g. on field user name, verification number)?
# 9 display of country name if different character size, perhaps font, background-color
#10 length of inputfield “email adress” too short
# 11 placement of button “Register”ambigeous: there is no relation with the line “verification number”
# 12 Caption of button “Registration” seems to be corrupted. Link with the “r” in the verification number field?
#13 missing explanation texts on fields Confirm password, name, and country.
Exercise 2:
scanner is at starting point
scan all 5 products, per product it is correct recognized, shows correct price (for the piece or weight)
sum of the 5 products is shown correct.
able to make payment
print cash receipt
able to leave the counter.
exercise 3:.
defect: after logging in the email
the home page is seen
steps to reproduce:
#1opening browser Firefox
#2 open page
#3 fill in credentials
#4 click button sign-in
expected: to see my inbox of gmail
actual: home page of
exercise 4:
first screen for validation only refers to email adress.
the system checks the email adress is known:
when email adress is known
second screen asked for password, with the link for forgotten password
when email adress is not known
ask for password to use and confirmation of the password to use
button to register, button to return to first screen (in case of misspelled email adress)
Defect ID: 0454
Subject: Page navigation issues once login into the System.
Description: Enter Correct UN – PWN > Click on the Sign In Button > Wait for the process > It should redirect to the Gmail Page instead of the Google Home Page.
Severity: High, Priority: High
Screen: Login.jpg
Assign: Admin Dev.
Type of Bug: Functional
Exercise 1:
1. Page header – New Registration is misspelled
2. Page header – background color is not uniform
3. Confirm password is not encrypted
4. Verification number is unreadable
5. Register button is not formatted properly – r in different font, size and small letter
6. Enter user if and enter password is not needed – if required, should be placed as tool tip or soft text
7. Name should be broken into first name and last name
8. Choose user Id should be displayed as user Id to align with formatting with other fields
9. Refresh option for verification number should be provided for session time out and non-readable cases.
10. Background color around register button is not uniform
11. The ‘country’ dropdown is prefilled with India, it should either be blank or display Select
12. No fields are marked mandatory
13. Instruction provided for email field is displayed in red color which gives an impression of error message
14. Spacing between “Choose User Id” and “Password” is fields is more than rest of the fields on page. It makes the page look less neat
15. Indentation of Country dropdown is not aligned to label.
Exercise 1:
the bugs:
• Gaps should be the same all accross the form
• The username accepts special characters.
• Confirm password and password should be both encrypted.
• Typo in the word Registration
• Required field nor marked
• No confirm email
• Country selection not possible
• Captcha not clear, and field not filled right.
• top bar has two colors. should be one
• Check if the counter has a person
• if there is. Hand to the cashier
• Scan yourself if there’s no cashier
• try scanning just 4 items and go
• Scan in system a non-Credit card.
Exercise 3:
Bug Id: 08
Objective : After logged in to Gmail user should be redirect to Inbox page of Gmail.
Version: 2.6
Severity : Critical
Priority : High
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open URL
2. Click on Sign In link
3. Enter your email and password.
4. Click on the ‘Sign in’ button
5. It is redirected to (instead of gmail)
Attachment:Bug_ Screen1.png
Status : OPEN
Date Reported : 08/27/2014
Reported By : ANR
Assigned To : QUN
-Exercises:4 : Suggestions
1)Instead of “My e-mail address is” lable it should be like simply “Email”
2)Instead of two different radio button for two different types of users(with password and With no password)
3)There should be one email address field
4)There should be one password field.
5)There should be one link for new members which will redirect on new registration page
6)After logged in to Gmail user should be redirect to Inbox page of Gmail.utton text should be simple “Sign in”
7)There should be anothe button to cancle action(“CANCLE” button)
8)No any Lable is requird like “What is your email address?”.
Exercise #1
1)Heading in the page :
2)two labels for a single field not required
choose userid and password field can be replaced with enteruserid and enterpassword
3)Name caan be specific like (user name or company name)
4)IN password test box first * coming out of box
5)Confirm password box can be encrypted
6)mark all mandatory fields with required field indicators(if all are mandatory give the message to user)
7)Name field should not accept decimals
8)Captcha letters are not in redable mode
9)Box Filled in default with r
10)on Register Button r is not same as other leters
11)Can give change captcha button for user (reload icon)
12)‘Please enter the verification number exactly as shown in left’ should be aligned with other labels on the form
2) Excerise#2
IF the counter is filled with customers:
Wait in queue
2) IF it is free/or its your turn :
Ask the representative to bill your items
Check if all items are billed
Check its billed correctly
Check for payment options:
Pay the bill
collect the items
Exercise #3:
As soon the user is logged in, the system takes the user to the home page instead of his inbox.
Exercise 1:
1-Title should be set properly as “New Registration”
2-“Enter user id” should be placed instead of “Choose USer id”
3-“Enter Password” should be placed instead of “Password”
4-“Enter User ID” is not requiered to display
5-“Enter password” is not required to display
6-Confirm password field should be Encrypted
7-In the name field, Special characters “.” is not allowed to enter
8-Example email address should be placed as a place holder in Email field.
9-Country dropdown should display “Select country” value
10-Registration button have some UI issue
Defects:Exercise #1:
1) Lable on top “New Registratio” should be be “New Registration”.
2) User ID field should be alphanumric currently its shows special characters.
3) After User ID textfield there should no lable again “Enter User ID”.
4) After password textfield there should not lable again”Enter Password”.
5) Name field should be alphanumric currently its shows special characters.
6) COnfirm password should be hidden from end user.
7) Captcha text not showing proper.
8) “Register” button lable font design should be proper.
9) Fields “USer ID”,”Password”,”Confirm Password”,Name,”Email” should have max character limit.
10) On top blue color strip shows 2 different color pattern.
11) Need to remove lots of blanck space between lables and their textfields.
12) proper css not applied on textfield.
13) Need colon after each lable on registration form.
14) “Register” button alignment not proper.
15) Verification number contains pre filled character “r”.
Exercise #2
1] The person standing @ check out counter will as for the the payment by cash or by debit card or by credit card.
2] The person standing @ check out counter will ask whether the buyer want the item to be delivered or he will carry by own.
3] minus the discount on the total amt to be paid.
4] Verify the products, collect Invoice and EXIT.
5] Take offers, if any, on the product.
6] If the checkout counter is human less, scan all the five items, scan your card and make payment.
7] The scanners should scan proper relevant information.
8] The Invoice should display all the items with any discount or offer in details.
Exercise 1:
1-Title should be set properly as “New Registration”
2-“Enter user id” should be placed instead of “Choose USer id”
3-“Enter Password” should be placed instead of “Password”
4-“Enter User ID” is not requiered to display
5-“Enter password” is not required to display
6-Confirm password field should be Encrypted
7-In the name field, Special characters “.” is not allowed to enter
8-Example email address should be placed as a place holder in Email field.
9-Country dropdown should display “Select country” value
10-Capcha field should be Blank
11-Registration button have some UI issue
12-R of teh registration should be capital
Exercise 2:
Check that all the items have scan bar
check taht all the items scanned properly
Check that if all items are exists in inventory
check that amount are matched for all items with the database
check that if the quantity gets changed, It gets updated fine on bill
check that scanners works
check that card has enough amount to be paid
check that after payment , Amount has deducted from your card
Check that when amount deducted from card, It gets updated in the inventory database
Check that invoice ae properly updated after making payment.
Exercise 3:
Bug summary: When logging into Gmail, It navigates to
Bug Description: When user login in to gmail with valid user id and password, It takes user to the page instead of redirecting to the gmail page.
Bug status: New
Bug Priority: High
Bug Severity: Critical
Steps to reproduce:
1-Go to
2-Click on signin button:
3-Enter user id and password
4-Click on Login button
Expected Result:
User should be redirected to Gmail inbox page
Actual Result:
It navigates to page
Exercise 4:
1-Instead of using twice Email address, Label should only be “Email Address”
2-Instead of using long phrase, Label should only be “Password”
3-For new users, there should be a button “New customer signup”
4-Fields lenght should be same
5-Sign in button lenght should be small
Exercise #3
Summmary : Gmail page should navigate to inbox page
priority : high
user impact: All
Description : Gmail page should navigate to inbox
steps to reproduce :
Enter in browser
enter user name
enter password
clcik on signin button .
expected: user should navigate to inbox page of gmail
actual : navigating to
New Registration the letter did not complete
Password there is no Option encrypted mode and not encrypted mode
Captcha did not show clearly
Captcha consist not only number but also consist of letter
Name cannot have number
Name cannot have symbol
Color in New Registration not even
Upper alignment is to high (New Registration)
Error message it should be under the email
register is should be Register
Space between Choose user Id and Password is to big
Padding at Password too close to the left
Exercise #1
1)Heading in the page :
2)two labels for a single field not required
choose userid and password field can be replaced with enteruserid and enterpassword
3)Name caan be specific like (user name or company name)
4)IN password test box first * coming out of box
5)Confirm password box can be encrypted
6)mark all mandatory fields with required field indicators(if all are mandatory give the message to user)
7)Name field should not accept decimals
8)Captcha letters are not in redable mode
9)Box Filled in default with r
10)on Register Button r is not same as other leters
11)Can give change captcha button for user (reload icon)
12)‘Please enter the verification number exactly as shown in left’ should be aligned with other labels on the form
2) Excerise#2
IF the counter is filled with customers:
Wait in queue
2) IF it is free/or its your turn :
Ask the representative to bill your items
Check if all items are billed
Check its billed correctly
Check for payment options:
Pay the bill
collect the items
Exercise #3
Summmary : Gmail page should navigate to inbox page
priority : high
user impact: All
Description : Gmail page should navigate to inbox
steps to reproduce :
Enter in browser
enter user name
enter password
clcik on signin button .
expected: user should navigate to inbox page of gmail
actual : navigating to
Adding to Excerice #1
1. Captcha Refresh icon is not presented to generate a new captcha image.
Exercise #1
1- Spelling mistake on the page title “New registeration”
2- no need for the hints after fields like “Enter User ID”
3- confirm password to be encrypted
4- confirm email required
5-the text field of verification number to be clear
6-the verification number seem to not be clear
7-the top bar seem to have two colors
8- the special characters and symbols to be used according the requirments
9- button “register” to be “Register”
10- the button “register” should be clear will be better to be on the last below on the center not on the right
11- button to change verification number is required
1. There is a typo error on the word “new registration”.
2.Choose User ID must be written as Enter User ID.
3.Confirm password should be encrypted.
4. Country dropdown bar should not display country until selected.
5.Captcha field should be blank.
6.Register button tag has UI issues.
1.Verify whether all the items have Scan code.
2.Verify whether the manual scanner works.
3.Verify whether the scanner display is working properly.
4,Verify whether all the items are listed in the display scanner.
5.Verify whether the scanner have options of increasing or decreasing the quantities.
6.verify whether the scanner have all the names of the items printed correctly.
7.Verify whether the bar code on the items matches with the bar code on the scanner.
8.Verify whether the scanner reads the card.
9.Verify whether the scanner has the option to produce the bill with all the item listed.
10.Verify whethr the scanner has all details to accept the customer’s card and payment.
Bug name: Wrong navigation to google.
Bug ID: *******
priority: high
Assigned to: *****
Reported by:*****
Reported on:****
Application directed to while trying to login to the Gmail account
Steps to reproduce:
1.Open URL
2. Click on that.
3. Enter the LOGIN name and password.
4. Click SIGN IN.
Expected results:
Users should be able to view the INBOX of their Gmail account.
Actual result:
Users are navigating to the Google page after signing in,
1.Instead of what’s your email address, ENter your Email or Username can be done.
2.Forgotten password can be replaced with Forgot password with question mark.
Exercise #1: Finding defects
1. New Registration should be displayed instead of New Registratio, words are cut and not displayed
2. Choose User ID is not appropriate and it is not a correct terminology to be used.Instead enter User ID should be displayed on the left side. “Choose” can be used for Radio buttons and drop down
3. Lot of gap is displayed between user id and password field.
4. Confirm Password should be encrypted
5. Name and Email fiedl length field does not match.
6. None of the fields length is same. It should be aligned and length should be same
7.Country drop down is highlighted in black color. The color should be displayed as other fields.
8. Country field is not aligned to the label
9. Verifcation text is not clear
10. Default letter “r” should not be displayed in the text box.
11. Register button should not be displayed on the right side of the form. It’ll be good if it is displayed in the bottom of the form
12. It should be displayed as Register( r should be caps) instead of register
13. White space is displayed on the register button
14.Top of the register button, back ground color is diplayed white.
15.Validations are not done for the Name field. It should accept only text
16.Back ground for New Registration is not same.
17.There should be space between New and Registration.
18.For the Pass word field, there should be some space for the text, but “*” is displayed on the border of the password field.
Exercise #2: Writing test scenarios
Scenario 1: Verify if all scanners are working if checkout counter is humanless
Scenario 2: Verify if bar code is displayed on all the items to use scanner
Scenario 3: Verify the type of payment grocery store’s accept( Cash, credit card/ Debit card, Cheque)
Scenario 4: Verify if the correct price is displayed after each item is scanned
Scenario 5: Verify the sum of all 5 items is displayed correctly
Scenario 6: Verify if there are any credit card offers, if payment mode is Credit card
Scenario 7: After paying the bill, verify the items displayed in the bill(x, y, z, a, and b) are same as you purchased(x, y, z, a, and b).
Scenario 8: Collect the bill and leave the grocery shop.
Exercise #3: Defect reporting
Bug Description: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Bug ID: 3456(Generates Automatically)
Build Number: Version 10.11
Sprint Number: Sprint 14
Severity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Assigned to: XYS
Reported By: TestA
Reported On: 8/25/2014
Status: Open
Environment: Windows 2007
Browsers: IE10, IE9, Firefox 22, Google Chrome
Reproducable: Yes
Number of times Reproducable: 5/5
After entering the user name and Password and clicking on submit it redirects to instead it should redirect to
Steps To Reproduce:
1) Enter the URL “” in the browser and click enter
2) Enter the valid user name and password . Enter the below credentials for example (Already created credentials)
Ex: Uname:xyxkim
Password: Testerabc
3) Click on Sign in button
Expected Result: It should direct to inbox screen
Actual ResultL It is navigating to
Exercise #4: Providing suggestions
It should display as below:
Sign in ( Already registered users)
Email Address:
Forgot password link Click here if you are a new customer link
For already registered/existing customers, they can directly enter the e-mail address and password and hit submit. If they have forgotten password, a link should be displayed.
For a new customer , one more link should be displayed in the page stating ” Click here if you are a new customer” . Once the new customer clicks this link, new tab should be opened with the registration details.
1. “New Registration” Spelling Mistake
2. Color of the heading is not proper
3. Choose User ID shouldn’t be there
4. Enter User ID should be the field label and should be prefix of the text field
5. Password is not needed
6. Enter Password should be the filed label and should be prefix of the text box
7. Confirm Password field value is not encrypted
8. Country drop down field border is not alligned with other fields borders
9. Verification number is not clear
10. Verification field should not be pre populated
11. Register button should be near the text field of verification number text box
12. Register field label should have the first letter as Capital R
13. Mandatory fields are not informed to the user
14. Requires verification. will not be published meaning is not clear to the user
15. Allignment of the text fields is not even
Exercise #1: Finding Defects
These defects are written with the assumption that user clicked “Register” button after providing the values (as shown in the screenshot)
The title of the form is not correctly displayed.
No consistency in the background color of the title bar
User should be notified about the mandatory fields (by providing an asterisk (*) against the mandatory fields)
Validation messages are not proper – For example: “Enter User ID” shown against the “Choose User ID” field, should be displayed only if the user skips this field. But, here, some value is entered in the field. So, if some rules exist for choosing the “User ID”, and the entered value doesn’t adhere to those rules, then that should be displayed as a validation message, instead of the message shown. Same is the case with “Password” field
The value entered in the “Confirm Password” field should be in encrypted form
The validation message provided when user skipped the Email field should be changed to “Email Verification Required. Your email address will not be published”
Captcha is not clearly visible to the user
Full stop after the validation message provided for captcha should be avoided
The caption provided for the Register button should start with “R” (caps)
The labels used in the form should be more user-friendly (e.g. Select Country)
Exercise #2: Writing Test Scenarios
Scenario for self-checkout (payment by cash)
(1) Bring the items to the self-checkout machine ? (2) Press the start button on the touch screen ? (3) Select the language of your choice ? (4) Take the first item from the shopping cart? (5) scan its bar code (Make sure that the item is scanned – listen for a beep sound) ? (6) Remove the scanned item from the scale and place it onto the bagging platform ? (7) Take the next item from the cart and repeat steps 5 & 6 ? (8) Perform step 7 for the remaining items in the cart ? (9) Press the “Finish Checkout” button ? (10) Pay the cash by inserting the coins and paper money in appropriate slots ? (12) Take the receipt along with your change (if any)
Exercise #3: Defect Reporting
Summary: User is navigated to google search page, on signing into his/her Gmail account
Priority: High
Reporter: xxx
Reported On: YYYY-MM-DD
Assignee: xxx
Description: On providing the Gmail login credentials to access the Inbox, user is not taken to the Inbox; instead he is directed to the google search page.
Test Steps:
• Type the URL: in the address bar of the browser
• Enter email and password in the respective fields & click the “Sign In” button
Expected Result:
User should be directed to his Inbox
Actual Result:
User is directed to the google search page
Additional Information:
Environment :
Exercise #4: Providing suggestions
The interface could be a little more attractive (for example: The area where the text “Sign In” is displayed, could use a different back ground color than the rest of the area.)
Instead of “What is your email address”, the label could be changed to “Email address”. Also, “My e-mail address is” could be removed. Just a label “Email address” and a text box (for entering the email) would be enough
The “Do you have password” section can be taken out. Instead it would be better to provide a label “Password:” and a text box for entering the password
The link “Forgotten your password?” can be changed to “Forgot password?” This can be placed just below the text box for entering the password
A check box “keep me signed in” can be provided
The caption of the button could be changed from “Sign in using our secure server” to “Sign In”
The labels “Email Address” & “Password” should be properly aligned to the left
The text fields, the check box field, and the “Sign In” button should be aligned in a straight line
I cannot see my comment
Exercise 1:
New Registration –
1.Letters are not clear liek ‘g’ is fully not shown and ‘o’ also not showing fully.
2.Why 2 different style sheet given, always it should be one(Standard practice)
3.New Registration Heading it should be center so it could be good.
Choose User id – 1. Currently it shoiwng 2 lables like Choose user id and and Enter user id why 2 lables actually it could be Enter user id (Chosse user id not required)
2. Is it correct to allow specail caracter for user id ? as per me user id could not have special caractes.
Password – 1. Currently it shoiwng 2 lables like Password and and Enter Password why 2 lables actually it could be Enter Password
Confirm Password – 1. Confirm password not encrepted here.
Name – 1. Name INPUT TEXT box size is not as other input boxes like user id and password.. It could be good all are same size(Width and height)
Email – Its seems Email is mandatory but when click Register button it throwing some alert/help
message like verification required. will not be published ..Its not clear to end user.
Country – Drop down first row should be select always but here showing india
Verification Number – Its not clear to read Verification input box why showing r by default
Register button – Why reigester button not given at center of bottom..Its laying RIGHT side which not user friendly.
Register Lable – ‘R’first letter should be caps but here it shoiwng in small.
Common Issues:
In form there is no symbol of which is Mandatory fields.
All input box width and height should be same then look and feel is good but here not follwoing.
Exercise -1
1.New registration label is not visible properly ,check the spelling of word “REGISTRATION” text field should not contain digits
3.captcha image is not visible properly
4.enter user id and enter password is not required
5.password inner text is over lapping with border of the text field
6.background color is different
7.mandatory symbols should be displayed
8.Error messages should be displayed in RED colour
9.text fields inner text or tool tip text should be displayed
10.Register button is not proper (“r” should be changed as “R”)
11.Gaps between the text fields should be same
12.Confirm password should be displayed in encrypted format
1.lable New Registration is not visible properly.
2.The spelling of Registration label.
3. Placeholder “Enter User Id” is visible outside the box.
4. Confirm password did not show password in encrypted form.
5. Name field accepts numeric.
6.Password field character overlapping with the line of the box.
7. A country field should have the select option rather than India.
8. A captch image should be readable.
9. Register Button is not proper.
10.mandatory filed shoe * symbol
11. gaps between text field should be the same for all
12.background color should be the same.
13. Register field should be text should “R’ rather than “r” should have a cancel button.
15.also refresh button.
16.The error message should be displayed in Red color.
Excercise #1
Name of the form should be in the middle
Typo error in the form name
User Id should have validation check to enter valid user id
‘Enter User Id’ should come on mouse cursor on the text box
‘Enter Password’ should come on mouse cursor on the text box
User Id and Password controls should have same gap like other controls
Confirm Password is not encrypted
Name field should have validation check to enter valid Name
Country dropdown should have ‘Select’ as default value
‘Please enter the verification number exactly as shown in left’ should be aligned with other labels on the form
Captcha should be readable
‘register’ button should be named as”Register”
Background color of the buttton should be dark
Button control should be in the centre and bottom of the form
Excercise #2
Checkout register should be initialzed
Scanner should be able to scan all the items correctly
Verify if scanned item information reflected correctly on the register display
Payment using debit card
Payment using Credit card
Payment using Cash
Payment using Chaque
Discount Coupons are used to buy items
Price Match for items
Self Check out
Verify the invoice list is showing all requird information
Excercise #3
Defect ID: 123456
Defect: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Release info:
Severity: High
Priority: High
Assigned to: Developer
Department: R&D
Description: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Input Steps:
Open the browser- Firfox or Chrome or IE Or Safari
Browse to
Enter Username
Enter Password
Click on Enter
Actual Result: After clicking the enter button navigates to
Expected Result: After clicking the enter button should navigates to Gmail page
Attachment: Screenshot
Start Date: Aug 25, 2014
End Date:
Opened by: Deepika
1) Exercise 1
1 title spelling
2 choose user id *(from where to choose?)
3 confirm password not encrypted
4 Register button: cases not maintained
5 capcha not clearly visible
6 enter user id, enter password : tool tips but visible without hovering over textbox
7 no cancel button available
8 close button is not available to form
9 for name . should not be allowed (validation)
10 mandatory fields should be marked with *
2) Exercise 2
1 hold the item near the scanner and scan items one by one 5 items
IF the barcode on the item is not getting traced by the scanner find out the correct barcode and enter in billing system manually to get it added into invoice.
2 make the total of the 5 items prices
3 add the charges of polythin bag in the bill amount if required print the bill
4 scan the debit/credit card through machine collect the card with us
5 enter the correct password go next
6 2 payment receipts will be printed. make sure that the correct amount has been deducted through ur account
7 make a signature on one bill and return and keep the other one for own reference
8 get the bill copy attested
9 collect the items in carrybag
10 move towards exit counter
11 show the bill to security and move towards exit door
12 leave the mall place.
3) Exercise 3
Defect id summary Explanation Status Sevierity 1 After logging
Summary : AFter logging into gmail it navigates to
Explanation : Prerequisit : Valid gmail credentials should be available
Steps to reproduce
1. Navigate to gmail url
2. enter valid username
3 enter valid password for the username
4 click on login button and observe
Expected result :
after clicking on login button user should be navigated to correct gmail account
Actual result
user gets navigated to after clicking on login button
Defect snaps : login.docx
status : new
sevierity : high
assigned to : abc
4) Exercise 4
1 you can provide close button to form
2 you can provide cancel button on the form
3 there should be once space between password and :
Exercise 1 :
1. For the first field, the field name must be Enter User ID, instead of Choose User ID.
2. For the Second field, the field name must be Enter Password, instead of only Password.
3. Confirm Password field, the password entered in Encrypted Format. –Showstopper Issue.
4. Name filed, must accept only 1 Name, instead of 2 Names.
5. Name Field, must accept only Alphabets.
6. Country drop down, in place holder, it must be Select Country.
7. In verification field, user has entered alphabet ” r” in the field, as it clearly mentioned to enter verification number.
8. Register button, is so small & not properly displayed. —UI ISSUE.
9. Heading Name , New Registration word is misspelled.
10. captcha image is not visible properly
11. mandatory symbols should be displayed with asterisk symbol.
12. ”Register” Button should be on proper place.
Excercise 2 :
1)Verify that check out counter is with human
2)Verify that each product has bar code label.
3)Verify the Bar code reader reads valid values of produce.
4)Verify that software calculates valid total of all selected product values.
5)Verify that user has Valid bank Debit card.
6)Verify that user should have minimum balance equal to total amount of all chosen product.
7)Verify that user has entered valid password otherwise there should be valid warning message.
8)Verify that Payment system not publish any confidential information about user.
9)Verify that Payment system should collect only requested amount(equal to total amount of all 5 products)
Exercise 3 :
Bug Name: Gmail Application when logging into Gmail Application, is navigating to
Bug ID: 123
Area Path: Gmail > Login
Build Number: Version Number 2
Severity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Assigned to: Developer-X
Reported By: Prasanna Kumari S
Reported On: 09-10-2018
Excepted Date : 11-10-2018
Reason: Defect
Status: New/Open/Active (Depends on the Tool you are using)
Environment: Windows 2003/SQL Server 2005
Application when logging into Gmail Application, is navigating to
Steps To Reproduce:
1) Enter URL as (in Mozilla Firefox/Chrome)
2) Click on Login button
3) Enter valid login credentials username and password
4) Click on ‘Next’ Button
5) It is automatically navigated to page
Expected result: On clicking NEXT button, user should be navigated to Inbox page of Gmail
Exercise 4 :
1)Instead of “My e-mail address is” label it should be like simply “Enter your email”
2)Instead of two different radio button for two different types of users(with password and With no password)
3)There should be one email address field
4)There should be one password field.
5)There should be one link for new members which will redirect on new registration page
6)After logged in to Gmail user should be redirect to Inbox page of Gmail.utton text should be simple “Sign in”
7)There should be anothe button to cancle action(“CANCLE” button)
8)No any Lable is requird like “What is your email address?”.
Exercise #1
1. ‘Registration’ text is incomplete
2. ‘*’ Asterisk mark is missing near Name, Password fields and Email field
3. Few fields are missing – DOB,Phone number and Gender
4. User Id should be automatically generated. It should NOT allow users to choose
5. Default text missing near password field
EXPECTED : Default text could be ‘Please choose a password with special characters also’
6. Confirm password field type should be as ‘Password’
7. ‘ID’ text missing near Email and default text should be as ‘Please enter your email id for verification’
8. ‘Captcha’ code is not visible completely
9. ‘Register’ button, First letter is not in ‘Upper case’
10. Options text are not ‘Bold’
Exercise #2
Scenario 1 – Validating the items
1. Check the counter where ‘Q’ is less (Eg. Counter 3 is less in Q)
2. Go to counter # 3. Place the items and wait for scanning
3. While scanning [Done by seller]
a. Check for the price
b. Check for the product expiry date
c. Check if product tampered or not
4. If Items are good, calculate total amount and display
Scenario 2 – Card or cash
5. [Customer] Swipes card on machine
6. Check for the balance, if balance is enough generate the bill and then handover the items
7. If balance insufficient ask for cash
Exercise #3
Reporter – Nan Naney
Type – Defect
Priority – High
Environment – Desktop
Title – After logging into the account, Page is redirecting to ‘’
Description –
Steps to replicate :
1. Go to page []
2. Enter the valid username and password
3. Click on submit
OBSERVED- After submitting the credentials page is redirected to ‘’
EXPECTED- Page should not be redirected to ‘’
Exercise #4
Sugg 1 – It should verify the email Id first inorder to confirm that the user is already a ‘Registered’ user or a ‘Guest’
Sugg 2 – If user is a ‘Guest’ then ‘Default’ text could be displayed to register in the site
Sugg 3 – For registered user it could direct to Login page
Sugg 4 – Only for registered user, could be allowed to login with external plugins (Like ‘FB , Twitter and G+ ‘)
Sugg 5 – Help link could be present about how to login to the page
Exercise #1: Finding defects
1. New Registration should be displayed instead of New Registratio, words are cut and not displayed
2. Choose User ID is not appropriate and it is not a correct terminology to be used.Instead enter User ID should be displayed on the left side. “Choose” can be used for Radio buttons and drop down
3. Lot of gap is displayed between user id and password field.
4. Confirm Password should be encrypted
5. Name and Email fiedl length field does not match.
6. None of the fields length is same. It should be aligned and length should be same
7.Country drop down is highlighted in black color. The color should be displayed as other fields.
8. Country field is not aligned to the label
9. Verifcation text is not clear
10. Default letter “r” should not be displayed in the text box.
11. Register button should not be displayed on the right side of the form. It’ll be good if it is displayed in the bottom of the form
12. It should be displayed as Register( r should be caps) instead of register
13. White space is displayed on the register button
14.Top of the register button, back ground color is diplayed white.
15.Validations are not done for the Name field. It should accept only text
16.Back ground for New Registration is not same.
17.There should be space between New and Registration.
18.For the Pass word field, there should be some space for the text, but “*” is displayed on the border of the password field.
Exercise #2: Writing test scenarios
Scenario 1: Verify if all scanners are working if checkout counter is humanless
Scenario 2: Verify if bar code is displayed on all the items to use scanner
Scenario 3: Verify the type of payment grocery store’s accept( Cash, credit card/ Debit card, Cheque)
Scenario 4: Verify if the correct price is displayed after each item is scanned
Scenario 5: Verify the sum of all 5 items is displayed correctly
Scenario 6: Verify if there are any credit card offers, if payment mode is Credit card
Scenario 7: After paying the bill, verify the items displayed in the bill(x, y, z, a, and b) are same as you purchased(x, y, z, a, and b).
Scenario 8: Collect the bill and leave the grocery shop.
Exercise #3: Defect reporting
Bug Description: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Bug ID: 3456(Generates Automatically)
Build Number: Version 10.11
Sprint Number: Sprint 14
Severity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Assigned to: XYS
Reported By: TestA
Reported On: 8/25/2014
Status: Open
Environment: Windows 2007
Browsers: IE10, IE9, Firefox 22, Google Chrome
Reproducable: Yes
Number of times Reproducable: 5/5
After entering the user name and Password and clicking on submit it redirects to instead it should redirect to
Steps To Reproduce:
1) Enter the URL “” in the browser and click enter
2) Enter the valid user name and password . Enter the below credentials for example (Already created credentials)
Ex: Uname:xyxkim
Password: Testerabc
3) Click on Sign in button
Expected Result: It should direct to inbox screen
Actual ResultL It is navigating to
Exercise #4: Providing suggestions
It should display as below:
Sign in ( Already registered users/existing customers)
Email Address:
Forgot password link Click here if you are a new customer link
For already registered/existing customers, they can directly enter the e-mail address and password and hit submit. If they have forgotten passoword, a link should be displayed.
For a new customer , one more link should be displayed in the page stating ” Click here if you are a new customer” . Once the new customer clicks this link, new tab should be opened with the registration details.
1) Choose User Id/Enter User ID field accepts special characters;
2) some of the fields have two titles/names;
3) data in Confirm Password field is not encrypted;
4) required fields (if there are any) are not marked;
5) Country field is of yellow color (others are white);
6) Inconsistency in terms (Id/ID);
7) Verification field accepts letters (in is said in instruction that there should be numbers);
8) the fields are of different width;
9) the distance between fields is different;
10) the “register” word on a button is not capitalized (the first letter is not capital;
11) field names and the fields are not aligned (vertically);
12) different font size in field Country and others;
13) no space between data and field border in Password field;
14) if this is New Registration form, why there is Choose User Id field? If it has to be selected from already existing ones, then there should be drop-down list or something.
15) Pop-up title is shaded (although it might be done deliberately?). The same with number box and Register button.
First Ans.
1 “New Registration” is not properly visible and background is diferent.
2 Instead of writing “Choose user name” It should be “User ID”. All heading should be in same format if we are writng Email, Country, Name, password then should write User ID
3 There is no tooltip or help sign on the rigth side of input fields. Text description is not correct.
4 Confirm password input field is not correctly validated. It is accepting numeric or special characters.
5 There is no indication for required fields.
6 By default country list box is showing India, If we are not tracking the location then there should be no sselected country by defalut .
7 Captche field is not visible and there is no audio and refresh sign there
8 Captche input field is showing “r” by default it should be blank.
9 “r” in register button is in small letter it should be in capital and the button is not properly visible and the foramting is also not gud , not user friendly.
10 Register button should be in next row with sufficient space from the last field.
11 Formation issue in input fields. i.e background color, size, spacing in between, text formting, border formating
Second Ans
1 Check scanner is working properly or not. i.e scanning the items twice
2 Check invoice is printing with all ht informations or not.
3 Check offers are applying correctly or not.
4 Check the scanner the taking the cards details correctly or not.
5 Ceck the corect amount is taking from the card or not.
6 Check the card details are printing on the invoice or not.
7. Check calculation in invoice is correct or not.
Third Ans
Bug Name: Gmail login page redirect to on clicking the login button while login to the gmail account
Bug Id:
Serverity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Assigned to: Developer- X
Reported By: LATA
Reported on: 26-Aug-2014
Reson: Defect
Status: New
Environment: Windows 8, Firefox 31.0
Description: After clicking on the login button into gmail login account page, it navigates to
Steps to Reproduce:
1 Open firefox browser.
2 Navigate to
3 Filled correct username and password.
4 Clicked in “Sign in” button.
5 Browser navigate to
Fourth Ans
1 No need to write”what is your e-mail address?”.
2 It has to be E-mail instead of “My e-mail address is”
3 After the E-mail field there should be password field. No need to ask “Do you have password?”
4 Instead of writing “Sign in using our secure server” it shoud be “Sign in”
5 After the “Sign in” button there should be New User and Forget password options.
6 Color combination is not correct.
Test cases for exercise #1
1. Header’s color should be same throughout.
2. spelling mistake in header / header not clearly visible.
3. Create a username, create a password label can be shown inside the respective editor itself.
4. special character should not be allowed in user id. _ is overlapping with editor border in user id field.
5. password not properly fitting in editor.
6. confirm password is not encrypted.
7. number and decimal are allowed in name.
8. email id.. (help message can be improved). Background is not white.. editor is not proper.
9. captcha is not clearly visible.. Edit box for captcha should be blank by default.
10. Grammatical error in help message.
11. Asterisk to indicate mandatory field is missing but looks like all fields are mandatory.
12. register button should come at the end.. should appear distinctly.
13 Lots of white space.
14 All editors can be of same size.
Excercise 2:
Scenario 1: If checkout counter is having human service, he/she should scan all the 5 items (x,y,z, a and b) one by one in any order.
Scenario 2: Total bill should be calculated manually or by computer software application at checkout counter.
Scenario 3: Bill amount should be displayed to customer and print of bill should be generated and handed over to him.
Scenario 4: Bill receipt should have details of the item name, quantity and price of the purchased items along with details of any tax or service charges applied and at the end should have total amount.
Scenario 5: Customer should be able to successfully pay bill amount through one of the payment modes available for example cash/card/ewallet/etc.
Scenario 6: Customer moves to the exit door after making the payment where bill receipt of the customer should be verified again to match the count of items with the actual items the customer is having.
1. Form title bar background color is not uniform.
2. The title text “Registration” was spelling mistake.
3. The form controls alignment not uniform. The controls size should be unique.
4. The form controls should be align properly like Name, Email, Country, User Id, Password, Confirm password
5. The user Id label should be “User Id”. Remove choose user ID.
6. The user id field was filled. The Validation message “Enter user Id” displayed wrong.
7. The password field was filled. The Validation message “Enter password” displayed wrong.
8. The confirm password should be encrypted.
9. Message in Email field should display as “Required for verification purpose only, It will not be published”
10. Email address validation should be needed.
11. Captcha is not clear.
12. Verification number contains pre filled character. Remove prefilled characters.
13. Register button is not aligned properly.
14. Register button label should start with capital letter “R”.
15. The compulsory fields should be marked with “*” symbol.
Exercise 1:
1. Page header – New Registration is misspelled
2. Page header – background color is not uniform
3. Confirm password is not encrypted
4. Verification number is unreadable
5. Register button is not formatted properly – r in different font, size and small letter
6. Enter user if and enter password is not needed – if required, should be placed as tool tip or soft text
7. Name should be broken into first name and last name
8. Choose user Id should be displayed as user Id to align with formatting with other fields
9. Refresh option for verification number should be provided for session time out and non-readable cases.
10. Background color around register button is not uniform
11. The ‘country’ dropdown is prefilled with India, it should either be blank or display Select
12. No fields are marked mandatory
13. Instruction provided for email field is displayed in red color which gives an impression of error message
14. Spacing between “Choose User Id” and “Password” is fields is more than rest of the fields on page. It makes the page look less neat
15. Indentation of Country dropdown is not aligned to label.
1. Scan all five items and pay
2. The scanner should read the barcodes per unit item
3. The counter should receive the prices of all five items from scanner and calculate the total amount
3. If paid in cash the counter machine should calculate the amount paid and check if theres a change or not
4. The counter should produce a slip with all items per unit price and the total cost
Exercise #1
1. ‘Registration’ text is incomplete
2. ‘*’ Asterisk mark is missing near Name, Password fields and Email field
3. Few fields are missing – DOB,Phone number and Gender
4. User Id should be automatically generated. It should allow users to choose
5. Default text missing near password field
EXPECTED : Default text could be ‘Please choose a password with special characters also’
6. Confirm password field type should be as ‘Password’
7. ‘ID’ text missing near Email and default text should be as ‘Please enter your email id for verification’
8. ‘Captcha’ code is not visibile completely
9. ‘Register’ button, First letter is not in ‘Upper case’
10. Options text are not ‘Bold’
Exercise #2
Scenario 1 – Validating the items
1. Check the counter where ‘Q’ is less (Eg. Counter 3 is less in Q)
2. Goto counter # 3. Place the items and wait for scanning
3. While scanning [Done by seller]
a. Check for the price
b. Check for the product expiry date
c. Check if product tampered or not
4. If Items are good, calculate total amount and display
Scenario 2 – Card or cash
5. [Customer] Swipes card on machine
6. Check for the balance, if balance is enough generate the bill and then handover the items
7. If balance insufficient ask for cash
Exercise #3
Reporter – Nan Naney
Type – Defect
Priority – High
Environment – Desktop
Title – After logging into the account, Page is redirecting to ‘’
Description –
Steps to replicate :
1. Go to page []
2. Enter the valid username and password
3. Click on submit
OBSERVED- After submitting the credentails page is redirected to ‘’
EXPECTED- Page should not be redirected to ‘’
Exercise #4
Sugg 1 – It should verify the email Id first inorder to confirm that the user is already a ‘Registered’ user or a ‘Guest’
Sugg 2 – If user is a ‘Guest’ then ‘Default’ text could be displayed to register in the site
Sugg 3 – For registered user it could direct to Login page
Sugg 4 – Only for registered user, could be allowed to login with external plugins (Like ‘FB , Twitter and G+ ‘)
Sugg 5 – Help link could be present about how to login to the page
Exercise 1
1.New registration text is not written fully
2.Enter user id in front of text box not required
3.Enter password in front of text box not required
4.Confirm password text should be shown in encrypted mode
5.Name should not contain special character like .
6.Email id must be entered
7.Country drop down alignment is not proper
8.verification code is not readable
9.R should be capital in register button
10.Register button should be placed on bottom with same alignment as above text boxes
11.Verification code should be written in place of verification number
12.Extra spacing between choose user id field and password
1. Confusing for Users to have two User ID headings – what is it, Choose User ID or Enter User ID? Best to have users enter their ID.
2. Confusing to have “Password” and “Enter Password” for the same field.
3. There is no option to show encrypted password.
4. “Confirm Password” is not encrypted.
5. Name should specify one person only.
6. Name should be the first field.
7. Need to define space between text and numbers for “Name”.
8. Need criteria for entering User ID such as minimum/maximum number of characters, special symbols, express amount of numbers/letters.
9. Email requires verification, thus email should be in a field by itself as a prerequisite to registering.
10. “Country” field background is yellow, the same color as the main background and the only field that is yellow as the other fields have a white background.
11. “Email” requires a Send button.
12. “Captcha” instructions unclear – the “register” button is opposite the Captcha picture, which may be why the user entered “r”.
13. “register” should be capitalized.
14. “register” should be at the bottom of the page and not in line with other fields.
Bug name: navigate to after logging in to gmail
bug id:01
assigned to: ABC
created by: suru
created on Aug 26,2014
reason: defect
status: new/open/active (depend on testing tool)
environment: win7
description: After logging in to gmail account,it navigates to
steps to reproduce:
1 open
2 enter your username & password
3 click sign-in button
4 it navigates to google .com
expected result: it should open my email account after sign in
Excersize #1:
1] “Enter User ID” label should come in place of “Chosse User ID”.
2] “Enter Password” label should come in place of “Password” label.
3] Confirm password field is not encrypted.
4] Name field can not be numerical.
5] Non-uniform space is appearing between the two field box.
6] Incorrect message is appearing after the email field box. It should read “Requires for verification. Will not be published”.
7] Verification field box is already filled with a charcater.
8] Captcha is not clearly visible.
9] Register button is not aligned with the captcha verification field.
10] R is not in upper case for register button.
11] “Registration” text is not proper on the top of the page.
12] Background of the heading in not uniform.
13] Verification field should not accept alphabetic character if number is mentioned in the statement “Please enter the verification number exactly as shown in left”.
14] Field boxes should be aligned with the their label name.
15] Font style should be consistent for all the fields.
Exercise # 3
Defect Subject: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Defect Describtion: After logging into Gmail, it navigates to
1- Open the browser
2- Navigate to the gmail logging in page
3- Enter a right gmail address and right password
4- Press the Button “Login”
5- Observe the page which navigate to
Actual Result:
After logging into the gmail it is navigate to
Expected Result:
It must navigate to the gmail welcome page
Attaches: if there is a video about the defect will be better
1. UI is not perfect
2. enter user ID , Enter Password should be shown inside the text boxes
3. Confirm password not encrypted as said
4. Name field should have validation
5. Spelling errors – NEw refisratio
6. Verification image is not shown properly
7. Text inside register button is not proper
8. some string is already shown in the captcha text box
9. There is no option to refresh the captcha
How to nail ISTQB exam ? i missed by 2 marks…can anyone help me plz….
Exercise # 4:
1. A help text could be given for each of the fields. For Ex: give a help text like “” in grey within the email id field.
2. As soon as the user is in the Sign in page, set focus on to the first field so that the user does not have to take the mouse pointer to that field.
3. The email field name can either be a question or a 2-3 words field name like “Enter Email ID”.
2:) with the help of following Table one can create scenarios ..
Item Payment Door
Item Rearrangement “Payment type(Cash,Credit
DEbit)” “Distance of door
from payment”
Item Size “Payment Source (Manual
or Automatic)” “Assist of item
to destination”
Item Type Discounts and offers handling Handling of queue
Item assists (Carry Bag) Backup of power and resources Security Checks
good exercises
Exercise 1:
1. New Registration Spelling.
2. Choose User Id is incorrect.
3. Enter User ID should be on the left.
4. Should be Enter Password only
5. Name should not allow special characters and numbers
6. Confirm password should be encrypted
7. The verification number entry box should not allow alphabets.
8. Register button should have R in caps.
9. Register button should be greyed out until all the entries are filled.
Adding one more for Exercise 1:
12. Name field should not allow numbers.
Exercise 2:
1.Verify that entered product count and scanned product items count should be same.
2.Verify that scanner should scan only required data.
3.Verfiy that scan with not allowable card.
4.Verfi that scan with blocked card details.
5.Verify that scan when the card is zero balance.
6.Verify that Scanner with Ethical hacking testing.
7.Verify that deducted amount sum match to manual calculation of five Product.
8.Verify that PIN should accept valid only.
9.Verify that Payment is successful but amount not debited to the owner account.
10.Verify that if the IPIN is invalid.
11.Verify that if IPIN invalid more than 3 then account should lock.
12.Verify that Payment is on process then click on back button.
13.Verify that page refresh while payment.
14.Verify that payment is successful but amount is not credited.
15.Verify that session timeout.
16.Verify that give valid error and warning message when invalid occur.
17.Verify that Success message after payment.
18.Verify that after payment card should be in inactive status.
19.Verify that scan with expired card details.
20.Verify that card details should be encrypted format.
21.Verify that is server busy then should give warning message.
22.Verify that Error messages should not give any sensitive information.
1. New registration background color was wrongly.
2. Registration letter shows wrongly.
3. Only used user Id and password. choose user id and choose password not good clearness in login page.
4. Choose Password instead of only password. and inner char was overlapped.
5. Conform password must be encrypted form.
6. Name is only alpha and num-character.
7. Country dropdown will start in select option.
8. Capca not showing clearly.
9. Register “r” not like this instead “R”egister and background color wronly shows.
Exercise-1 Finding Defects:
Defect in page content:
1.In the word ‘New Registratio’ the letter ‘n’ was missed and it was not
correctly spelled.
2.The letter ‘g’was not corrctly displayed at header part.
3.The Background colour was not uniform at header part.
4.The lables are not correctly used and positioned at wrong place and they
are listed below:
i)The first label ‘Choose User Id’ was unnecessary at that place instead
we can use the label as ‘Enter User Id’ that available at right side of
text box.
ii)The second label ‘Password’ was unnecessary at that place instead we
can use the label as’Enter Password’ that available at right side of text
box and some defects in password field they are:
a)there is no guidance for keeping password such as
i)strong password
ii)weak password
b)there is no option to view the password content by user.
5.In username field special charactres are not allowed.
6.In name field numbers not allowed.
7.In third field ‘Conform Password’ the password field was in encrypted
8.Captcha is not clear.
9.In verification text box ‘r’ is entered as default.
10.register should mentioned as ‘Register’ at the bottom of page.
Defects in GUI:
11.text boxes are not in uniform size.
12.the label are not finished with uniform endings(such as semi colon).
13.register icon should place next to verification box.
Exercise-2:test scenarios:
1.check whether the scanner was work porperly.
2.ensure that scan report was correct by checking
check whether it generate correct following information:
a.MRP rate of product.
b.Quantity of the product.
c.Brand and name of the product.
d.sum of all price of the products.
3.card information:
a.first check which cards are allowable.
b.then check whether correct transactions are done based on price of all the products.
4.check the round off value of product price(if product price is 8.88 rupees it should rounded as 9.00 rupees).
5.check how much time it taken to scan the one product.
6.check how much time it taken to scan the five products.
7.check whether any beep sound are generated during scanning the product.
Exercise -3:Bug Report:
Bug Name:Navigation error after logging into gmail.
Severity: HIGH
Assigned to: Developer-X
Reported By: Tester-T
Reported On: 26-08-2014
Reason: Defect
By entering user name and password and logging into Gmail, it navigates to
Steps To Reproduce:
1) enter correct user name and password.
2) navigate to gmail account page.
Expected result:On clicking sign in button directs to gmail account page.
1.Simply mentioned e-mail and password as label name.
2.text box is not in uniform size.
3.keep the option for new user as ‘SIGN UP’ at top corner of right side.
Exercise 2:
Scenario 1: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all 5 items and given bill and made payment through debit card and move to exit door
Scenario 2: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all items but for one item scan machine is not able to read to scan so he/she manually checked in system and prepared bill.
Scenario 3: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all items and prepared bill and when customer given debit/credit card during swipe machine is not working(Shop machine)
Scenario 4: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all items
and prepared bill and when customer given debit/credit card during swipe debit/credit card not able to swipe due to card is too old(Not in a position to swap)
Scenario 5: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all item and prepared bill
but among one item there is discount but in bill discount is not showing.
Scenario 6: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all item and prepared bill and customer given
credit card but there is no credit card facility there in shop
Scenario 7: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all item and prepared bill and
customer given cash but she/he don’t have required change so customer paid change but in Receipt change which he given is not showing (Hope u understood what am trying to tell here)
Scenario 8: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all item and prepared bill and customer given card to pay bill swipe also done but when try to take print …printer is not
worked not given printout but showing in machine as collected (Printer Hanged)
Scenario 9: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all item and papered bill and while checking bill customer found she mistakenly scan one item more than actual
Scenario 10:There is a person at counter..she/he scan all item and prepared bill and while checking bill customer found she mistakenly scan less one item than actual
Scenario 11: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all item during this time she/he boss had called her/him so he left in mid of work
Scenario 12: There is a person at counter..she/he scan all items and prepared bill and during swipe machine is hanged and its not giving response.
Scenario 13:There is a person at counter..she/he trying to scan items but scanner is not able to read/scan i.e scan machine is not working here so she/he called their IT GUY for replacement.
Scenario 14: There is a person at counter..she/he trying to scan items but scanner is reading/scanning wrong information every items there is problem/defect in scanner.
Scenario 15: There is a person at counter…during he/she taking scan ..scanner are fallen down and it broken..
Scenario 16: No person available at counter, customer him/her self need to do scan and pay to bill and move from exit
Scenario 17: No person available at counter, him/her self need to do scan during scan, scanner not working than customer called for help in shop
Scenario 18: No person available at counter, him/her self need to do scan and after scan when try to make payment ..payment machine is not working so customer called for help
Scenario 19: No person available at counter, scanned all items but when seeing in machine in total system showing 1 item more or 1 item less or totally mismatch then actually he scanned so he called for help.
Scenario 20: No person available at counter, scanned all items and payment done but when going to exit form there exit machine door is not opening/Not working.
Scenario 21: No person available at counter, scanned all items but when trying to pay machine is out of order.
Scenario 22: There will be possible internet/LAN/Network issue will come and user will wait for some time in counter.
I don’t necessarily agree with what you determine as defects for the first exercise.
For example with the User ID field what if someone has a name like Charné shouldn’t they be allowed to include that special character in that field?
It’s not that Registration is spelt incorrectly, it’s more likely that the cell width and height are an issue as the “g” is cut off at the bottom end and the “n” is missing.
The country field could’ve been selected by the user before the screen shot is taken so it’s unknown if India is the default value or not. What I will say though is that the country field background is different from the other entry fields making it look like it cannot be changed.
The register button being out of place is not necessarily a defect but rather a suggested improvement in UI layout, it would be a defect if it did not work though.
As for defects or improvements that was missed I can think of a few.
1) “Choose” in the User Id field might indicate that the user chooses their Id from a number of options which doesn’t seem likely. More appropriate to say Enter User Id.
2) Choose User “Id”. There’s a change in how Id is presented from one side of the field to the other (Choose User “Id” and Enter User “ID”).
3) On the Confirm Password field you don’t have a note saying “Enter Password again” or “Re-enter Password” like in the first two fields, it’s an inconsistency in the design.
4) In your how you can judge yourself you say Best tester! for 10+ defects which is again inconsistent with the other fields, my suggestion is to show “Best!”.
5) Where is the mouse pointer?
6) Verification field is not labeled it’s just given an explanation that could be placed at the bottom of the field or next to it keeping in line with the other fields.
As for the other defects that you have listed I agree completely.
As for exercise 2 there are a number of scenarios that have been missed.
1) Does the teller have plastic bags to allow you to carry your items and are they in good condition?
2) If the customer left his wallet at home or does not have enough cash to pay for the items can he leave the items at the counter? Does the counter have sufficient space to accommodate for the items left behind?
3) In certain countries these tellers have buzzers to indicate to supervisors that the cashier may need assistance, is this provided for?
4) If one of the items was on sale does the system scan the sale price or the original price?
Next on exercise number 4
1) Why is there, what appears to be, a play button in the sign in field I would suggest removing it.
2) All other text in the form is in bold writing, I would suggest then that Sign In should also be in bold.
3) No password and email guidelines like what was said to be a defect in Exercise 1.
4) Mouse pointer missing here as well.
5)Sign In page title and Sign in button should follow the same text format.
6) If a close button should be provided then I suggest a minimize and maximize button should also be provided for.
Oh yes while I’m here, the comment field thinks that I’ve spelt the word “spelt” incorrectly (quite ironic isn’t it?). Also while typing the comments out the writing appears to be red and in bold. Suggest to follow the same format as that what is posted in the comments as the color red in general does strain eyes more than black.
Exercise #1
Form Title:
1) Few characters on the form heading text “Registration” are not visible properly.
2) The form heading text “New Registration” is not aligned vertically center on the title background.
3) There are two different colors are visible in the title (heading text) background area.
User ID text field:
4) User Id field should not accept special characters.
5) In place of “Enter user ID”, an appropriate help message should be shown to the user. For Ex: “What combination of characters are allowed and min and max character length allowed”.
Password text field:
6) The first asterisk in the password is overlapping with the text box.
7) In Place of “Enter password”, an appropriate alert message should be shown to the user. For Ex: “What combination of characters a valid password must have and min and max character length allowed”.
8) Space between the “User ID” and “Password” fields is more.
Confirm password text field:
9) Confirm password field does not show content in encrypted mode.
Name text field:
10) Name field does not accept any combinations. Accepts only alphabetical characters and appropriate error message should be shown when entered wrong input.
Country Dropdown:
11) The background color of the country DD is not the same as other fields.
Verification number:
12) Verification number is not readable.
13) The text entered in the “Verification text box” is also reflecting on the call to action button “Register”. Or Initial caps issue with the call to action button “Register”
14) Different text fields on the form have different widths.