Are you wondering how to get a solid start to your manual testing career? Here are 7 ways to successfully start your testing career.
The first and second parts of our Manual Testing Series cover the basics of Manual Testing and its process. If you haven’t read it yet, it will be good to do so before continuing with this article to understand its content better.
However, the thoughts and suggestions shared in this article can be used independently as well. This last part is about the preparation and possible ways to get into a software testing job/career successfully.
Table of Contents:
- Preparing for a Manual Software Testing Career
- How to Become a Manual Tester: 7 Ways to Kickstart Your Manual Testing Career
- #1) Aptitude Test
- #2) Software Testing Theory
- #3) Software Testing Interview Questions on the Internet
- #4) Practicing Constructive Communication: Reading About It
- #5) Know the Qualities You Already Have
- #6) Testing Dummy Software and Getting Your Results/Approach Evaluated
- #7) Learning to Tell Yourself – What You Find Enough Is Not Enough
- Possible Manual Testing Roadmap
Preparing for a Manual Software Testing Career

If you have read the very first article about my software testing journey, then you will know that I became a Software Tester by accident. I took the aptitude and technical tests (this had one question around writing test cases for some application/feature, don’t remember exactly though) under the impression that it was for a Java development opportunity. Somehow, I was shortlisted for Software Testing and was called for further interviewing.
I wasn’t well prepared for it because of the short notice and unfamiliarity with practical testing. I went for the interview with some theoretical knowledge. The only reason I was successful was because my company evaluated me on logical thinking, clarity of thoughts and approach to a problem/situation rather than just testing theoretical knowledge. But I understand that not all companies in the market do it.
Even though companies have different criteria, processes and expectations, there is a central pattern of the interview process for testing opportunities across companies. They all have different criteria, processes, and expectations.
I am writing this series for those who are willing to choose software testing as a career and hence I will have to cover as much as I can, even the few evaluation types I don’t believe in personally.
How to Become a Manual Tester: 7 Ways to Kickstart Your Manual Testing Career
Here is a list of things you should be focusing on before calling yourself ready for it:
#1) Aptitude Test
Very crucial; because this tests your natural ability to solve problems and reasoning. Questions can span across multiple categories like Quantitative, Logical, and Verbal abilities. If you are not naturally strong in this stuff, you will need to practice. Don’t take this lightly. I have been involved in the hiring process for years now and as many as 60-80% of candidates get filtered out after the Aptitude test round. So, prepare well.
Book recommendation: Quantitative Aptitude by R. S. Aggarwal is a good choice as far as I know. Practice questions from all sections. Don’t expect the same questions but focus more on how you apply your knowledge and practice answering un-straightforward questions.
#2) Software Testing Theory
I think everyone who is from a Computer science background must have studied Software Testing and Quality Assurance. How seriously we take the subjects during college days is altogether a different story though 🙂
I mention this academic subject because it does cover some theory, and makes at least some impression of what software testing might be (Before my interview I had referred to STQA book for few hours. I didn’t know what to read back then). And yes, having a clear understanding of the subject always helps.
I agree that most of the books which an entry level tester or fresh graduate finds easy to understand might have orthodox content on software testing, but still helps.
A better option if reading books is not your thing is browsing the internet. Read everything you can about Software Testing basics. Make sure you focus on the terminologies and definitions. Gain comfort and expertise in terms and concepts such as test scenarios, test cases, test plans, requirement specifications, test data, etc.
#3) Software Testing Interview Questions on the Internet
I agree that no list on the internet can give you the assurance that you don’t need to read anything else. However, something from the many lists floating in the internet space might just help you answer most of what you will be asked in an interview.
The reason is that many experienced people have documented their experience in the form of questions and answers, and many companies still go the traditional way to evaluate testers.
Further reading => Software Testing Interview Questions
Note: Before you form the opinion that I am listing some hacks to crack a job interview and not helping you become a perfect tester, please read on. To get practical experience on complex applications and practice, you need to get into the workplace first. Hence, these efforts are required.
#4) Practicing Constructive Communication: Reading About It
Yes, this is important. I understand that in college days or just after that we like to say it all loud, we love to dominate, to crack jokes, to win arguments. The same habit, if not changed, may cause huge trouble once you become a software tester.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying you should not be aggressive. You have to be aggressive as a tester, but while respecting others around you and their work. Our job is to highlight what did not happen as expected, but you cannot say, “Hey developer, you have failed to do this right. You made a mistake.’ No one likes to see or hear their work criticized. Testers have to be very structured and constructive while sharing views and feedback.
If you get into a company where email is the dominating communication channel, then it is even more crucial to watch your words carefully. It is hard to communicate tone via email and the wrong choice of words could offend someone.
For example, let’s say you wanted to say “Please look into this.” But you missed the word “please” and suddenly it sounded like “Look into this, you poor developer. This is my order.” Makes sense?
#5) Know the Qualities You Already Have
Understand which qualities you already possess to be a great software tester and which are the ones you will have to earn or manage without.
I am a firm believer that you can’t augment something that is non-existent. Being a great tester or not is an innate quality, something that is within you; the majority of it at least. Curiosity, Attention to Detail, Imagination, Logical thinking, Ability to Focus, Discipline and Constructive Communication are some of those qualities.
Well, I won’t stretch this and here I am requesting you to read my article on Must have Qualities of a Highly Effective Tester. Read more here (and a few more here and here as well).
#6) Testing Dummy Software and Getting Your Results/Approach Evaluated
I know not all of you would have contacts that can help you with finding and helping you evaluate your proficiency as a tester. But if you are able to do this, it will help you a lot. It is like learning the great practical stuff even before getting a company ID card.
Look around; find a tester/mentor with a good testing background. Approach them and seek help. If you don’t know of anyone personally, reach out to the virtual community. Give it a try; you will be amazed at how many of them won’t mind helping you.
All you have to do is test an application, apply your knowledge, prepare your test and bug report and send it across to the mentor of your choice. The testing community needs to help each other so that we can all grow together.
I myself would be more than happy to help a few of you with the assessment if you find me the right guy to learn from. Worst case, if you fail to receive any help from established testers (which is very rare, believe me), you can always share with your friends and ask them for their feedback.
Also read => Beta Testing to gain experience.
#7) Learning to Tell Yourself – What You Find Enough Is Not Enough
This is a philosophy that is best adopted early on.
There is a reason people say that zero defective products are impossible. The possibilities are endless and the time is limited. So whenever you think – you have thought about all scenarios, have done enough testing, tell yourself that it is not the end. There has to be more.
Develop a “never give up” attitude and tenacity. Give more, push yourself.
Possible Manual Testing Roadmap
The above 7 points will help with the required preparation before launching yourselves. Now let’s see what are the possible routes that can pave your path to a testing job.
#1) Prepare the Right Resume
I honestly don’t know what the industry-accepted version of the right resume is. It should be minimal and accurate.
List everything you know so far and list it at your level of expertise. If you know something at a very basic level, acknowledge your basic understanding of so-and-so skills. Never lie with those unnecessary ‘hands on’ tags.
If you are a fresher, try focusing on detailing your project experience. Anyway, if you have done the right preparation we have talked about, then you know what all things to include and what all things to present as highlights.
If you look on the internet space, you should find a huge variety of templates to use. Personalize it, don’t just copy. Make it your own version.
Here is a good guide on preparing a professional resume.
#2) LinkedIn Profile
Create a profile that reflects your personality, experience (if any) and skill set. Build your connections wisely. Follow your dream companies and their HR people. If you are good at something, then do share it with others. Help other job seekers. Most importantly, stay active to make the most of your LinkedIn presence.
#3) Personal Networking
No one helps job seekers more than friends and connections in the testing world. Offer to go for a coffee meeting with a recruiter to help them understand the roles you are seeking and the roles they have. Ask your friends if they can forward your resume to their HR departments. Reach out to the virtual community to seek online recommendations. Stay in touch.
#4) Job Portals
Get your profile on popular and right job portals and do your own research. However, don’t put your profile on every portal out there. There is no point in spreading it so much that you can’t even check all notification emails. Keep it limited.
Applying to just about every job doesn’t make sense. It will only discourage you from seeing that you are applying to the hundreds and receiving a response in a single figure or at worst zero. If you find that your profile is not suitable for a particular requirement, don’t apply. And yes, do keep an eye on any and all communications.
#5) Referrals
Referrals are another way to get in, but again it is very much connected to networking so don’t stress too much about this. The key is staying in touch with your contacts that are in the same field and most importantly, being in touch with your college seniors. They can always help.
#6) WhatsApp groups
Well, this is a new thing. I see so many people posting on LinkedIn asking for contacts of other fellow job seekers to form a group where they can discuss things and share job postings. This is a quick and new age way to communicate with the community.
At times it may get annoying, as people post irrelevant stuff there, but it might just help you land your first job.
Share the right content with others and help them get better.
#7) Software Testing Courses
I have not done it myself so don’t know its effectiveness, but I know people who got the job after doing a Software Testing Course.
To be honest, in my opinion, more than the training, an association of these institutes with IT companies helps more. Obviously, they try to prepare their students for the corporate world but I recommend you to not simply rely on any training. Start preparing yourselves as well.
#8) Internal Job Postings
Lastly, if you already have a job and want to get into Software Testing now, apply for internal job postings. Discuss with testers in your company. Ask them how things work for them and visualize yourself in the role. If you feel confident, don’t hesitate.
That’s it from my side in this Manual Testing series.
Do share your views/feedback with me. Wish you all the very best and Happy Testing 🙂
Sir I have 4 year of gap in last year bscit which I clear recently can you pls guide what should I am very much stressed about my gap pls guide me properly. What’s your suggestion
Hi Anna,
I think testing can be done without test cases or test scenarios, we call it Exploratory Testing.
Having Test cases and test scenarios just help you track it better or it doesn’t really fully depend on Tester’s ability to think more scenarios at the moment he is testing.
So I assume when you say you only have Function list, you are doing exploratory testing. I personally think this approach demands highly skilled exploratory testers(covering all scenarios/use cases in test cases/scenarios too demand testing skill of course, but here at least some one else can easily review help).
Hello Everyone Please help Me.
I’m Reporting Bug Can u tell Me some word How To report Bug.
Like:- Observe,inaccurately Etc..
Please any one tell me the percentage cretica for software testing job…. Nd manuall testing which book is best for preparation…. I m a freshers… Pls help me..
Thanks for your tutorial. but i have question. How do you think about testing without test case? Currently, my company always use function list for testing.
Good tutorial. Thanks for sharing
Hi Akshay! The following tips might be helpful.
1. The summary/title of the bug must be understandable enough to the devs. (e.g. Unable to access the website even after entering valid credentials)
2. Add detailed steps on how you encountered the issue
3. Attach logs/images/recording if applicable. This greatly helps the devs to find the root cause of the issue.
4. Indicate the observed behavior and expected behavior. (e.g. observed=I was unable to access the website. expected=Using a valid credentials, I should be able to access the website)
Hello Pooja,
Do not go for any specific book, you can get ample of data when you google. Refer to for ‘James Bach’- a software tester, author, and consultant) as well. Testing is a process which you can never bound in any book. It’s all about how widely you think and make software user-friendly.
Articles published on this website are really helpful go through it one by one.
Thank you 🙂
Well done great work from Mahesh sir & Vijay sir.
It would be very helpful for fresher for doing career in Software testing.
Very educational and informative. Also, not as much filler content as in other Posts I have read about this topic so very nice to see that. Keep it up!