HP Quality Center/ALM is now changed to Micro Focus Quality Center/ALM but still, the content on the page is valid on the new Micro Focus domain as well as tools.
Here, we are at the end of the QC series. If you are here for the first time, I highly recommend you go through all the Quality center tutorials published as of now. After reading these tutorials, I’m sure you should be able to start using this tool for your live projects. If you are thinking of introducing a Test Management tool to your project, you can also recommend it to the management team for evaluation.
=> Click Here For ALM Quality Center Tutorials Series
This last topic will help you use the inbuilt analysis feature of Quality Center in a way that reduces a lot of work on the tester or test manager’s end to explicitly record, collect and understand the data related to the entire QA process.
Table of Contents:
Quality Center Dashboard
The analysis feature in Micro Focus ALM/QC is so robust & extensive and this is what makes many companies or projects to go for it.
Nobody wants to go deeper into their projects without knowing how far you have come and how much longer you need to keep going or if you need to keep going at all. ALM provides excellent insights into this.
There are many graphs that are readily available and if that does not work for you, you can always define what you would like to view.
Apart from the graphs, ALM can generate Excel reports and Project reports for you.
QC Dashboard has the following 2 components:
1) Analysis View
2) Dashboard View
Let’s discuss these components in detail:
#1) Analysis View Module
It contains the Analysis tree in which you organize all your analysis items.
There are two tabs for this view.
- Analysis View
- Analysis Menu
Tab #1) Analysis View
You can use the “Graph Wizard” that will guide you to add the graph or you can add a custom graph.
a) Using the “Graph Wizard”:
Choose the Graph type:
Choose Entity:
Choose Project:
Choose Filter:
Select Graph Attributes and click “Finish”.
The graph gets generated and you will have the option to add it to the Analysis tree.
b) Custom Graph:
Here you can create Graphs and Reports that are custom to your project. To do so, you can create a folder. Under the folder you have the option to create the following:
Choose the relevant option. I am going to go with “New Graph”. The following dialog opens up.
Under Entity, you have the following option, and depending on the entity you choose, the graph type field is populated.
For example, for defects, given below are the options.
I am going to leave the default values as-is and choose the graph name as “Test” and click “OK.”
As you can see, the “test” graph is added under the folder. I can now configure the values as I wish and view the graph.
Tab #2) Analysis Menu:
This second tab to the Analysis view has a lot of inbuilt reports based on each sidebar menu item. Choose the report you would like to view. I chose “Tests with Linked Defects”. On the right-hand side you can see its details:
Once you click on the “Configuration” tab, you can set the proper parameters for the Report or Graph you would like. Set the parameters and click on “Generate”.
The view tab will have a link to the previously generated Reports.
The Report:
#2) Dashboard View Module
This is similar to the portfolio page of your Demat account. This is where all the Graphs and Reports that you have created using the Analysis view are displayed for you in a single view.
Click on this icon to create a new dashboard page.
Provide a name for the page and click OK.
Once the page is created, you can add the graphs that you would like to be a part of this page. Graphs will be from the Analysis view.
You can choose the graphs you would like. I am just going to choose one for the sake of this tutorial – “test”. It gets added to my “Configuration tab” and I can view it from view.
View tab:
Now let’s add both the graphs to our dashboard page and see how it looks.
Configuration Tab:
View Tab:
So, there you have it, all in one place!
Miscellaneous Topics
I am now going to introduce to you the other options that are available in the sidebar of ALM. They are not widely used (at least not so far) but I believe that they come with huge potential. So, I encourage you to try and use them in your projects (if applicable) and see if they would help.
The topics are:
#1) Libraries and Baselines: Libraries are nothing but a set of entities in your projects and the relationships between them. For example, a library can have all the requirements that are specific to UI changes that are being made to your AUT
ALM lets you share libraries among projects so that you can identify dependencies.
To create a library – Click on the “Libraries” option from the sidebar and on any folder (or create a folder), right-click and choose “New Library”. The following window opens up and as you can see, a library can consist of Requirements, Resources, Components, and Tests. You can choose them in the below window.
Once you create a library you can create a baseline with it. A baseline is a snapshot of your library at any given time. To create a baseline, you can right-click on any library and select the “Create Baseline” option.
So when you compare different baselines, you will know what the progress of your library has been like at a certain time.
#2) Test Resources:
- If you have a consolidated sheet in your project (MS Excel) of user IDs and passwords that you can use for your testing. Instead of having a local copy on each machine, you want to maintain it in ALM. You can do so by uploading it to QC as a Test Resource.
- Test resources can be used for one or more tests.
- You can also define what tests depend on what resources.
- To sum up – You can upload and download resources, link resources, and view dependencies through ALM.
Points to Note:
- ALM can be used for Agile, Iterative, or Sequential models of projects.
- Version control is an inbuilt feature.
This finishes our QC tutorial and I sincerely wish that you got to get a feel of what this tool is all about and what it can do for you through this series.
=> Visit Here For ALM Quality Center Tutorials Series
If you feel we missed any Quality Center topics, then do let us know and we will try to include them in the upcoming days.
Please leave your comments and questions.
It’s very useful.
I had used QC quite a long before, so going through this tutorial helped me to recall concepts and learn additional new concepts too, thanks. the way of explanation is pretty simple and smooth flow.
Any idea on how to set filter to be able to view only those defects which have linked entities
Good tutorial!!!!HP ALM is used for development team or testing team.And It is this tool use for ETL TESTER.And how it will use for the ETL Testers.Anyone can explain
Few Questions for QC experts……..If you Know you can answer it.
1) How to bring all defects of same project from different versions in to one excel sheet?
2) If We execute same Test case twice nor thrice in Test Lab how to import those execution times of that particular Test case in to excel sheet?
Waiting for answers guys…………
I need to report defects which are not linked to any test cases. Can i create a graph to see this? or is there any other way to find them out.. Please help…
Hi Swathi,
This article was very useful.
I have a question.
I need test baseline with test cases versions on 13.05.2015.
Is it possible to do it backwards?
Appreciate your efforts.
This is a great tutorial and I have achieved a lot after going through all the 7 tutorials. I was just wondering that;
– How do we export our Test Cases to Excel file?
– How can we import our existing Requirements or Test cases from excel file to QC ?
Thanks & Regards
Thanks a lot.
@Lakshmi: Test resources and libraries are very specific to individual projects and not a part of the main stream QA process. So it is beyond the scope of this series to go into them in detail. So, may be, later.
Hi All .. thanks alot for the very useful tutorials..I just started my new job in software testing and these information is really iuseful 4 me as a beginner in testing field..
Syed Faizal
KL , Malaysia
very useful information Thank you.
Gone thro the entire ALM tutorials.. way of explanation is very simple and gud even for a beginner who has never used QC..! kudos n thanks
Excellent effort and all the tutorials helped me in understanding ALM. Thank you so much 🙂
This is good effort from the group to share the knowledge on QC and to also implement in the Projects
This all 7 tutorials are very helpful , thanks a lot
Thank’s…Nice Explination!!!
Hi Swati,
Thanks much for the well presented tip-of-the-iceberg about QC. Would it be possible to add some Information about SELENIUM too? THanks
Thank you very much. All topics covered are explained well .
Hi , this is great tutorial , helped me understand QC .
May Almighty reward you for the help.
best website for learn the QC 11.5 with installation.
thanks to s/w testing help
What is the use of document generator and Analysis…when both are same functionality..Is ther eany postive or negative side to analysis or document generator that makes each other unique?
@Priyabrata: if you want the test cases in your test lab to be exported to Excel there is a direct menu option available. I believe it is “Test Sets->Export”.
If you want to upload the test cases from Excel into QC, you will need an addin. Once you install that you will have to create a map between the column in the excel sheets to the columns in ALM.
I hope this answers your question.
Excellent tutorial
Hi to all ..
Any body has the manual the tasting notes please send to my mail id and you know any testing opening please inform to me my mail id palani1388@gmail.com .
@Renuka: For reporting there are times when SQL queries and VB script are used for analysis(even for data creation in ALM). It is done using Excel Query builder and tools similar to that. For this you will need to have admin access on your QC DB which is normally not available to testers. So the answer to your question in a nut shell is, regular users don’t need to have an understanding of this.
How do I extract defects in excel mapped to a release?
You have missed downloading tests from QC to Excel and exporting from excel to QC. Please explain
how to add user to QC? for example, testers who will run the cases, or developer need to know the defects. the user type maybe different.
Thanks for this tutorials, it is very useful. I need some guidance on requirement & test case mapping. Following is my scenario:
1. Created two requirements – R1 & R2
2. Created a generic Test Case in Test Plan as T1
3. Mapped this test case to both requirements R1 & R2
4. In Test Lab, created two Test Sets for each requirement TS1 & TS2
5. Selected test case T1 to both test sets TS1 & TS2
6. Executed both test sets
7. TS1 is Passed & TS2 is Failed
8. When checked requirements R1 & R2, both shows Failed status, even if TS1 for R1 is Passed while TS2 for R2 is failed
How can I show correct status in Requirements Direct Cover Status
Very informative…Thank you!!
Wonderful explanation… thanks a lot.
Good tutorial!!!!HP ALM is used for development team or testing team.And It is the tool use for ETL TESTER?.And how it will use for the ETL Testers.Anyone can explain?
@Revathy: There are the answers:
1. You can integrate automation tools like QTP with QC. You will need an addin for the same.
2. You can list all the defects logged or assigned to you by simply choosing to filter the defect list based on the Created by or Assigned to fields.
3. You can email a chart or report, or an individual defect directly from QC to whoever you would like.
Hi Swathi,
I am planning to do QC Admin training. Could you please let me know the job market in this area?
@Ramya: document generator and the analysis tools are two different aspects. Document generator will have a word document with the details you wish to include and might include graphs. Analysis module is where you create the actual graphs and customize them as needed. I hope I answered your question.
Thank you so much,
Really nice series of tutorial. It is very helpful for beginners.
expecting some really nice and useful tool tutorial series in future also.
Can you please add another tutorial about exporting and importing excel sheets to/from QC and also about integrating automation tool with HP ALM.
What different metrics are followed during testing
Great tutorial. Explain complex process in a very realistic and easy way.
Great tutorial. Thank you.
Hi Swathi, Thats a great explanation.
Could you please explain us about Test Resources and Libraries also the same way
Thanks for your valuable tutorial, i was very impressed after seeing this 7days tutorial’s.
I like the way of explanation among all the features in HP ALM. By Seeing this complete tutorial am able to work with ALM in all phases. It helped me lot.
Satish Namburi
@Pravin: You can export content in excel sheets to QC. You will need an addin for the same. Once you install the add, you can map the columns in Excel to the columns in QC and export. Hopefully we will do an article on how to do this soon.
Excellent explanation…I have few questions.
1) Can we run automated test cases using QC? how?
2) how can I list out all the defects found by me and /or assigned to me using QC?
3)Suppose i have found a bug. I need to inform this to my manager. how can i do this? Where can i prepare the Defect Report? in QC or in other word files?
Can you clarify these. Thank you
This is very helpful tutorial for the beginners.
If you can provide some knowledge on the API which is called open test architecture (OTA).
Want to learn how to script with OTA. I may be wrong in the terminologies mentioned in the comment.
Naveen N
all the articles explained by you are very useful to understand QC . Thanks a lot for this wonderful explanation . I was hoping for a series for the articles of Load Runner tool for performance testing . Hope you will provide that also . looking forward for your continuous support……..
Hi Swati, with regard to Priyabrata’s question #13, is HP ALM/QC able to export Test Cases to Excel?
This has been a feature that I had been waiting for HP QC. Once test cases have been exported from Excel to HP QC, and you update Test Cases in HP QC, there is no way that all Test Case details are exported from QC to Excel. Is this all possible now?
Thank you,
Please share the manual testing material on the belwo mail
i really like the way he explains i am going through all his classess they are excellent.thanks for your help
Thanks for the helpful information. I have read that we have to write queries and VB script to create reports in ALM. Can you provide some information on that?
Isn’t it possible to see the requirements in baselines ?? Or are they only visible in Libraries?
BR Ernst
Hi, thanks for the tutorial, although I’d like to have a demo how to create the RTM for the Release.
Simple and best explanation. Really found it helpful, nice write up.
Can anyone help me, i am using ALM 11.53
I am trying to create a view for how many defects are detected and closed trand for each day…is this possible?
I can do it in Excel but not in ALM11
superb, superb, superb material for the people who r new for testing like me. I got confidence regarding testing process in the project.
Thank you so much….
Hi, I am new to QC/ALM, I have a query – Do we need to learn VB Scripting in order to work only with QC/ALM ,if we don’t integrate QTP or any other automation tool with QC/ALM. Please clarify.
Really a helpful tutorials… thanks Vijay
Hi Swathi,
firstly, thanks for info , very nicely presented.
can you also help on below points.
1- explain severity categories .
2- can we export & import data onto/from tool.
I’ve lately come across the tutorials on QC, and I went through the first two tutorials only.
I’ve not installed QC yet. Is it possible to install on Windows xp(32 bit)? Please clarify.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
if we wan to import the content from excel sheet to QC where we can see the plugin to install and how much time does plugin usually take to install.
Hello Swathi
Thank you so much for explaining it step by step. It was easy for me to understand it easily. I was wondering about Requirement Traceability Matrix. I am curious to know about it in detail. Thanks in advance Swathi..
This is very good work.
Swati, could you explain how to add the requirements, test plan,test cases into QC by using Excel add in
Hi Vijay, I am very thankful to you for Posting articles on QTP and ALM/QC. Can you also post articles related to QC\ALM administrator.. since this field is also emerging, It will be helpful as to how we configure various artifacts related to project in QC\ALM.
this is really helpful thanks.
I’ve tried to upload my test scripts (with 5 test steps) in HPQC using the Excel Add-In. However, only the 3rd step was uploaded. What could I have done incorrectly?
This is a great tutorials and I have learn more through all the 7 tutorials
How to export excel worksheet to HP QC
How to create report in QC?