CSQA Certification Sample Questions with Answers and More Tips – Part 2

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated October 20, 2024

We have covered all the logistic based details about the CSQA certification examination in the previous article. I am now going to give you some sample CSQA exam questions. There are two parts – Essays and Multiple choice questions. I am going to list out 2 multiple choice questions from each skill category. For essays, I am going to give you one question each on Quality control and Quality Assurance with answers.

CSQA Certification Sample Questions

CSQA Multiple Choice Sample Questions

(The answer key is at the end)

CSQA Certification sample questions

Tips to answer multiple-choice questions:

  • In my opinion, this is the easiest part of the examination. If you are thorough with CBOK this is a piece of cake for you.
  • You don’t have to answer the questions sequentially so move on if you don’t know something.

Skill Category 1: Quality Principles And Concepts

Q #1) The Quality attribute “Interoperability” is defined as:
a. The effort required to couple one system to another
b. The extent to which a program satisfies its specifications
c. The number of computing resources and code required by a program to perform a function
d. The effort required for learning, operating, preparing input and interpreting output of a program

Q #2) Money spent to train IT professionals in the concepts of quality is included in which category of the Cost of Quality:
a. Cost of production
b. Prevention costs
c. Appraisal cost
d. Failure cost

Skill Category 2: Quality Leadership

Q #3) Which of the following is considered a Quality Management philosophy as opposed to the more traditional management philosophies?
a. Competition between organizations
b. Motivation from fear of failure
c. Motivation from within (self)
d. Correct the error
e. The accomplishment of meeting quotas, the monthly or quarterly bottom line

Q #4) In a Quality Management infrastructure, which of the following is the responsibility of the quality council?
a. Commits resources
b. Forms teams
c. Develops plans
d. Oversees practices
e. Develops processes

Skill Category 3: Quality Baselines

Q #5) Which of the following groups normally does not conduct an IT baseline study?
a. Quality Assurance groups
b. Quality task forces
c. IT management
d. Internal auditors

Q #6) Which of the following is not one of the five maturity levels in the SEI CMM framework?
a. Repeatable
b. Testable
c. Defined
d. Managed
e. Optimized

Skill Category 4: Quality Assurance

Q #7) Which of the following is considered the most desirable skill for a successful Quality Assurance professional?
a. Systems knowledge
b. Business system design knowledge
c. Project management knowledge
d. Verbal communications
e. Knowledge of computer operations

Q #8) The Quality Control tool that is a technique used to quickly generate a quantity of creative or original ideas on or about a process, problem, product, or service is called:
a. Forcefield analysis
b. Benchmarking
c. Quality function deployment
d. Playscript
e. Brainstorming

Skill Category 5: Quality Planning

Q #9) What is the first question that needs to be answered when doing Quality Planning?
a. Where do we want to go?
b. Where are we?
c. How are we going to get there?
d. Who is responsible for what?

Q #10) Which is the preferred approach to Quality Planning?
a. Develop a quality plan – no updating needed during execution
b. Develop a quality plan – updating may be needed during execution
c. Ask the development team to do quality planning
d. Perform quality planning only when there is a quality problem
e. Develop a quality plan as a guideline for performing quality initiatives

Skill Category 6: Define, Build, Implement, and Improve Work Processes

Q #11) In the PDCA Cycle, the letter “C” stands for:
a. Control
b. Compare
c. Check
d. Continuous
e. Custom

Q #12) Who within the IT organization has the responsibility for developing IT policies?
a. IT management
b. Quality assurance function
c. Human resource function
d. Internal audit function
e. Quality control function

Skill Category 7: Quality Control Practices

Q #13) Which of the following types of Testing assumes that a path of logic in a unit or program is known?
a. White-box testing
b. Black-box testing
c. Incremental testing
d. Thread testing
e. Regression testing

Q #14) The “V” model of Testing shows two development paths, which are the two sides of the
“V.” These two processes are:
a. Developmental process and test process
b. The Rest planning process and test execution process
c. Requirements development process and programming process
d. Test planning process and acceptance test planning process
e. The System design process and system programming process

Skill Category 8: Metrics and Measurement

Q #15) Which of the following Data types would be used for ranking data?
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Racial

Q #16) Which of the following metrics are used to indicate the size of a program?
a. The number of programmers needed to build a program
b. Cost to build a program
c. Function points
d. The number of paths
e. Complexity of logic

Skill Category 9: Internal Control and Security

Q #17) A system of internal control in an IT organization is the responsibility of:
a. IT management
b. Quality assurance function
c. Quality control function
d. Internal audit function
e. Project managers

Q #18) Routines in a computer system that check the validity of input data are referred to as what type of control:
a. Environmental control
b. SOX control
c. Preventive control
d. Detective control
e. Corrective control

Skill Category 10: Outsourcing, COTS, and Contracting Quality

Q #19) What is the first step an organization should do prior to acquiring COTS software?
a. Define their requirements
b. Identify the cost
c. Develop an acceptance test plan
d. Evaluate the ease of use
e. Determine the reputation of COTS developer

Q #20) In a contract to develop software, what contractual section explains the guarantees provided by the contractor?
a. Deliverables
b. Vendor support
c. Warranty
d. Foreign attachment
e. Governing law

Here Is The Key

1. b The effort required to couple one system to another
2. b Prevention cost
3. c Motivation from within (self)
4. a Commits resources
5. d Internal auditors
6. b Testable
7. d Verbal communications
8. e Brainstorming
9. b Where are we?
10. b Develop a Quality plan – updating needed during execution
11. c Check
12. a IT management
13. a White-box testing
14. a Development process and test process
15. b Ordinal
16. c Function points
17. a IT management
18. d Detective Control
19. a Define their requirements
20. c Warranty

Have you tried answering these and got most of them right? Great! But if not, don’t worry. All of these questions are based on your CBOK knowledge. So again, CBOK is your bible.

CSQA Essay Or Short Answer Questions

You will have 12 questions and 75 minutes to answer this section. There is no minimum word requirement or word limit for your answers. Make sure you write comprehensive answers – preferably pointwise. Use diagrammatic representation whenever applicable.

The evaluation is not based on your expertise in ‘English’ but since it is the medium to write your answers, try to use grammatically correct language. Though a particular criterion for score-giving is not specified, an educated guess is that relevant and elaborate answers are fetching.

Some tips for answering the questions:

  • Try to make some points roughly before you write the actual answer. This will ensure that you won’t miss anything.
  • Most of us have lost the habit of writing elaborately. But you will need to practice that because the second part of this examination is essay based. So, Practice writing answers and avoid shortcuts.
  • Most often we tend to use a term commonly but the standard word happens to be something else. So, try to use the standard terminology when writing your essay answers. For Example, You might call a test cycle a sprint. But in the examination use the term “Cycle” instead of a sprint.

Note: The below answers are samples only. You can choose to answer in any way you choose to.

Quality Control: Skill Category 1 – Quality Principles and Concepts

Q #1) The producer of a product views the quality of the product differ from the customer that uses that product. First, define the producer’s view of quality, and the customer’s view of Quality. Second, list the characteristics of the product produced from both the producer’s view and the customer’s view.

Answer: Meeting requirements is a producer’s view of quality. This is the view of the organization responsible for the project and processes, and the products and services acquired, developed, and maintained by those processes. Meeting requirements mean that the person building the product does so in accordance with the requirements.

Requirements can be very complete or they can be simple, but they must be defined in a measurable format, so it can be determined whether they have been met.

The producer’s view of Quality has these four characteristics:

• Doing the right thing
• Doing it the right way
• Doing it right the first time
• Doing it on time without exceeding the cost

Being fit for use is the customer’s definition. The customer is the end-user of the products or services. Fit for use means that the product or service meets the customer’s needs regardless of the product requirements. Of the two definitions of Quality, fit for use, is more important.

The customer’s view of Quality has these characteristics:
• Receiving the right product for their use
• Being satisfied that their needs have been met
• Meeting their expectations
• Being treated with integrity, courtesy, and respect

Quality Assurance: Skill Category 8: Metrics and Measurement

Q #2) The help desk in your computer operations department receives numerous calls from IT customers about the status of their work and some questions about their work. You have asked the help desk operators to write down the topics the customers addressed in their calls to the help desk. You collected these and are now ready to do an analysis.

You have been asked to do the following:

Create a Pareto chart using the process recommended for developing a Pareto chart. Do an analysis of the completed Pareto chart and describe your analysis of the information contained in that Pareto chart.

The following are the notes recorded by the help desk operators regarding discussion topics with customers:
• The terminal printer did not work.
• Do not understand instructions in the customer manual.
• Computer message not clear.
• Did not understand how to make a correction.
• Could not close down the terminal.
• Entered a code the software did not recognize.
• Could not find the needed topic in the customer manual.
• Could not activate the terminal screen.
• The terminal printer did not work.
• Computer message not clear.
• Could not close down the terminal.
• Could not find the needed topic in the customer manual index.
• Terminal printer out of ink.
• Did not understand how to change the customer account name in a software system.
• Lost an hour of input data entered into the terminal.

Answer:  (The following is not an exact answer, but a guideline on how to approach answering this)
• Do a brainstorming session to determine the causes.
• Rank the causes using the nominal group technique.
• Determine the frequency of occurrence for each cause.
• Draw a chart with frequency versus causes.
• Order the chart according to frequency.
• Compute the % of occurrence.
• Apply the 80-20 rule.
• 80% of frequency will affect 20% of causes.
• Find 20% of causes.
• Develop solutions to fix the causes.

So there, we have created a little niche on our website for all you aspiring CSQA’s out there. Reach out to us if you have questions or need any further guidance regarding this. Good luck to you all!

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13 thoughts on “CSQA Certification Sample Questions with Answers and More Tips – Part 2”

  1. i dont know what is the use of this certificate!!!
    can u please tell me what are the advantage to have this certificate ??
    thanks in advance !!!

  2. quality assurance is
    a. Evaluating overall project performance to ensure the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards
    b. identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and hoe to satisfy them
    c.Monitoring specific project results to ensure that they comply with the relevant quality standards while identifying ways to improve overall quality.
    d. all of above


  3. Does any one cleared CSQA, i need help please. I am afraid of subjective questions. Is there any collection for exam for subjective questions please

  4. The answer you are mentioned for Skill Category 1 – Quality Principles and Concepts is B, but it should point to A

    So my request when you publish for the whole world, please re-check. otherwise it is very good writing, I appreciate.


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