Top Questions to Ask an Interviewer in a QA Testing Interview?

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated February 2, 2025

Have you ever clammed up in an interview with an uncomfortable pause when you heard the following question from an interviewer: “Any questions for me?” and finally answered with a “No”. I know I have.

I thought about this a lot and asked myself, ‘Did I not have questions?’ I sure did. But then, why did I not voice them?

It is simply because I was not sure if it was OK to ask the questions that were lingering in my thoughts.

Questions To Ask An Interviewer

Top Questions to Ask an Interviewer in a QA Testing Interview image

I sat researching and analyzing this aspect and put together these few questions that we can ask an interviewer. Should we wish to do so?

I have categorized them into areas to make it an easier read. So here is the list:

Category 1: Project-Related or Technical Particulars

Q #1) What is my role going to be?

For example, are you going to be a test lead? If yes, then what is the expectation from you? Are you going to be more management-oriented or are you going to be more hands-on with testing activities? Also, would you be involved in appraising your team members?

Q #2) Is this a new position or am I filling in for a previously existing one that is currently empty?

Q #3) What is the project about, the methodologies, the working model and what technologies do we use?

Testers can inquire about the test strategy followed within the project. Are there any existing automation tools or plans for automation?

Q #4) What is the current stage at which this project is in?

Usually, new entry-level testers get added to the team during the test execution. However, this is not always the case. So it helps to figure out what your immediate tasks are going to be.

Q #5) Who are you going to report to?

Q #6) Organizational structure?

All of these questions and the reasons we are asking these questions are obvious. Hence, there is no need for any further elaboration.

Also Read => Manual and Automation Testing Interview Questions

Category 2: Culture Related Questions

Q #1) What is the dress code?

This might sound silly, but on my first day at a famous US-based clothing client’s place, I was the only one dressed in a business suit while the rest of them were in shorts and flip-flops. And yes, I suffered a whole day of being the odd ‘woman’ out. This could have been avoided easily.

Q #2) What kind of work environment can we expect?

Some places are more formal than others. Others are less serious than some. In some companies, playing music all day is allowed, while in others, listening to music with earphones is impolite. So, know the place you are going to work at and see if it is a fit for you.

I once worked for a banking company that would not let in any devices with memory, Bluetooth, or data services in them. I went through a whole year feeling like a juvenile delinquent who was refused a connection with the world. Good for me, it was a consulting engagement.

Had I been a permanent employee, I would have quit and moved on. Sometimes, chemistry has to work, even at an organization’s culture level. It helps to find out about it in advance.

Category 3: The Steps Following The Interview

Q #1) What are the next steps in this interview process?

This question will let you know if there is going to be another round of an interview or if it’s the decision time. This will avoid surprises.

Q #2) When am I expected to start?

This is very important if you are interviewing for a position that requires relocation or providing notice to your previous employer. It always helps to be informed.

Q #3) Is there anything you need from me (like my references or any other documentation) before we move to the next step?

This will give you an idea of whether or not the interview was a success.

In addition to these, you could ask about:

Q #1) What would career growth be like in this company?

Q #2) How long has the company been in this business? (Also, if you could research this kind of information beforehand, it will be more beneficial. But if you haven’t, it is ok to ask the interviewer.)

These are not all, but a few of them to give you a general idea.


Remember to ask these questions at the relevant time and direct them to the appropriate interviewer. For example, questions belonging to category 1 are most apt for a Project Manager or a technical interviewer. If you have questions about benefits, leave policies, or any other organizational policies, it might be best to approach HR.

I hope this article has given some pointers as to what you might want to find out about your future employer. My personal experience tells me that career advancement is better when there is a long-term commitment between a company and an employee.

Job hopping might be great for gathering skills from all around the place and to diversify our experiences, but the chances of moving up the career ladder and the chances of taking on more responsible positions happen when you are in for the long haul.

So, as much as it is important to make it through an interview, it is also important to make an educated choice as to whether or not to accept the job. Choose wisely and have fun at your dream job! 🙂

We always value your input and want to hear about your experiences. What criteria do you use to determine whether or not to choose a company? Which questions did you pose to the interviewer? Please leave your comments and questions below.

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24 thoughts on “Top Questions to Ask an Interviewer in a QA Testing Interview?”

  1. If (Condition 1)

    Statement 1


    Statement 2

    If (Condition 2)

    Statement 3


    Statement 4
    Can anyone explain in detail the Cyclomatic complexity for the above program?

  2. Dear swati,
    I think you should post article which tells WHAT SHOULD NOT BE ASKED..
    By the way, current helps too..

  3. @rahul: we can only hope for honesty 🙂 also, the interviewers also seem to think that the interviewees are lying. I guess we have to make the best of the situation

  4. Nice article,but 5th and 6th questions from 1st part.
    They are to be asked to HR rite ? because when i asked to one of the technical interviewer,though he gave me the answer he was red-faced at that time when i asked it.

  5. Hi Chetna , you can definitely start your career with testing field .. you do not need to go for any courses for software testing , if you are thinking to go for manual testing ..there are so many opportunities available , just you need to pick up it .. go through google sites and read all testing interview questions and do practice .


  6. @Bibhishan: Well, there is no right way to deal with this. If you have given an answer to a certain question during an interview- if you ask the interviewer whether or not that is correct, it shows a lack of confidence in the answer given. However, if you are curious about a certain aspect- technical or otherwise, you could ask about it. Either ways, it helps to remember that the interviewer is under no obligation to provide an answer.

  7. hi
    i m 2007 pass out. i m B.Tech in computer science having 4 yrs of teaching experience. for the last 3yrs (2012 -2015)i m not in job.
    i want to restart my career as a software tester. what are the chances of getting job with such a profile also can u plz suggest me what course should i do to enter as a software tester………


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