Micro Focus Quality Center Installation Guide – Learn QC (Day 2)

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated January 8, 2025

HP ALM/QC is now changed to Micro Focus ALM/QC but still, the content on the page is valid on the new Micro Focus domain as well as the tools.

After we published Quality Center tutorial 1, we figured that it would help our readers immensely if we add an article that elaborates on the download and installation procedure for ALM/QC 11.52. After all, you will enjoy these tutorials to the fullest if you can install and practice Quality Center Software at your home or office system.

Hence, we have introduced one more installation guide tutorial in our original 4 tutorial series.

=> Click Here For ALM Quality Center Tutorials Series

Micro Focus Quality Center Installation Guide

HP ALM/QC installation is a little bit tricky, but this comprehensive installation guide makes it super easy with exact steps and screenshots that you need to follow in order to install and start using HP Quality Center Test Management software on your machine.

Let’s get started.

HP ALM/QC Installation Steps

Step #1: Download: The first step is to download the latest HP Quality Center/ALM software (HP ALM 11.52).

To do so, please use the following link: Download Micro Focus ALM Free Trial

On this page, use the “Trials and Demos” drop-down and choose “HP ALM 11.5 English SW E-media Evaluation”.

(Click on images for an enlarged view)

HP QC download

If you have not registered with HP, do so quickly, and when the following screen appears, choose the version you need depending on the OS you have.  I will choose the first one.

Note: The set of instructions in this article are going to be for a windows machine.

HP QC download

Click Download.

Software_HP_QC_ALM_11.50_Windows_English_T7333-15018 is the file that gets downloaded. It’s a 2.5 GB file and it takes approximately 2 hours to download (also depends on your network speed).

Pro Tip: I have had more success downloading this file using the HP Download manager. Otherwise most of the time, the file shows that it is downloading but nothing really happens. Hence, I recommend going to your email (you provided while registering) that you will receive when you enter all the information during registration and follow the link provided there. Later, on the following screen, you will see the option “Use HP Download Manager”. The best thing about this is, in case the download stops for any reason, you can always resume it from where it stopped.

HP QC download

Pro Tip: If for any reason you have had an error while downloading the file, abort the process and restart.

Step #2: Extracting the files from the downloaded ISO file.

For some reason when I tried to extract the downloaded file using my regular WinZip app it did not work. I used 7-zip File Manager for it. Try this link for more information.

Again, if you encounter any errors, abort the process and restart.

This is how the files get extracted:

HP QC download

Step #3: The next step might feel like a chore, after all, you are just one step away from the installation, but this is the most important: Please read the Installation Guide.

You can find it in the “docs” folder of your extracted folder structure.

Step #4: ALM relies on client-server-based architecture.  You will also need a supported Database server installed on your machine before you can move forward with this process. The following are the requirements. You can also find the same in the “Read me” folder of your downloaded files.

Server Requirements to Install HP ALM/QC

ALM Server Hardware Requirements

The following table includes hardware requirements for installing ALM on a server machine.

QC System Requirements

Recommended ALM Server Configurations

The following table includes recommended configurations for each operating system.

QC System Requirements

Supported ALM Server Configurations

QC System Requirements

Client Requirements

QC System Requirements

Pro Tip: As you can see from the above list of requirements, having a separate server machine makes more sense. If you are trying to make one machine work as both client and server, then you might have to use some sort of virtual machine software like Microsoft Windows Virtual PC.

Running the Installation

Step #1: Run the setup.exe. Choose the “ALM Platform (Windows OS)” link from the below window.

HP QC installation guide

Step #2: Agree to the terms and conditions.

Step #3: Accept the default customer info or enter new info if you wish.

HP QC installation guide

Step #4: Choose the folder. I chose the defaults.

HP QC installation guide

Step #5: Confirm installation

Step #6: Installation begins

Step #7: Once the installation is complete the installation complete screen appears.

Click Finish, to begin the server set up.  The server configuration wizard opens up if your machine meets the server requirements that we discussed in the above section.

Server Configuration

Step #1: The welcome screen will be displayed first and on clicking Next the following screen will appear. Click Next.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #2: Enter the DB info and click Next.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #3: Accept the defaults on the site admin page and click Next.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #4: Enter the security info.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #5: Create site admin user credentials.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #6: Enter repository path.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #7: App server details

ALM installation server configuration

Step #8: Enter the username and password of the user to whom you would like to run the ALM server as. Choose the user who is the admin for the machine.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #9: Check the install mercury tools checkbox ON to install the demo project.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #10: Enter the mail server details or choose “None” if you do not wish to do so. This is to automatically send emails from QC.

ALM installation server configuration

Step #11: Once all the steps are done, you will be displayed with the summary of all the information you entered and when you confirm it the configuration is set up.  The Finish page opens up.

ALM installation server configuration

At the end of this installation, the server is started and you can now start using ALM from a web browser by launching the client.

Starting an ALM Client

#1) In your Web Browser, type the address HTTP://<ALM Platform Server Name>[<: Port number>]/qcbin – The application server name and the port number are what you have selected in the “Application server” part of the server configuration process.

#2) An example URL is something like http://testqc.com:8800/qcbin

#3) Choose “Application Lifecycle Management” and you are all set to start!


We have detailed all the steps and provided you with all the resources that will help to make your HP ALM/QC installation process easy.

In the next tutorial, we will see how to manage requirements and release cycles using ALM.

=> Visit Here For ALM Quality Center Tutorials Series

Do share your successes or failures in the comments section below.

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52 thoughts on “Micro Focus Quality Center Installation Guide – Learn QC (Day 2)”

  1. I am getting below error while installing ALM 12.55 on Windows 7 SP 1 64 bit and MSSQLSERVER 2014.

    QcConfig.properties file could not be found under c:\ProgramData\HP\ALM\Conf

    Could anyone help on this… why i am getting above error

  2. Hi,

    I trying to install ALM, i am getting error after step 4 selecting defaults. like this.

    Software_HP_QC_ALM_11.50_Windows_English_T7333-15018\ALM_Win64\TARGETDIR\application\20qcbin.war\Extensions\QUALITY_CENTER\project-schema\11.50\FS\report_templates\project\hp.qc.component-instance-iteration-parameter-tabular-template. System error . please help me to install.

  3. Learning Chapter 2, error message “Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is not supported by license edition”

    Would you have any idea about what to do. I am on the License Key screen.



  4. Hi,

    I am not able to install it on my system because error is coming that “Operating System Windows 7 Service Pack1 is not supported by the license edition.

  5. How can I resolved the “Operating System Windows 7 Service Pack1 is not supported by the license edition” problem. Has any one managed to resolve this problem and how?

  6. Hi

    I have installed the ALM Server successfully but now am not able to start ALM client on the other machine in the same network.
    Can you help with this!

    Thanks in Advance
    Punarjit Singh

  7. Hi,
    i was trying to install ALM 11.5 in windows 7 it was giving me the error like (could not find the main class:com.hp.qc.install.setup.qcconfigmain) can u tell me solution for this

  8. Hi Everyone,

    Can anyone help me out I am having following error”

    “Operating System Windows 7 Service Pack1 is not supported by the license edition.

    I am not able to install on my laptop.


  9. i couldnt download 11.52 alm. it says”Operating System Windows 7 Service Pack1 is not supported by the license edition.”
    can any body help me . pla

  10. Thank you for the detailed instruction however i am stuck on step 8. I have tried every possibility but unable to get through. I am not sure which user name, password, and domain to put. i have even tried it leaving the fields blank. nothing worked. Can someone please help.

  11. @Akila: can you let me know the exact step when this error came up? Was it before the server configuration step or while installing the client itself? If its during the client installation itself, then I would suggest you to correctly extract the files in the ISO files and try again. If its happening before the server config step, then probably your machine is not compatible for it. Hope this helps!

  12. I am getting below error while installing ALM 12.55 on Windows 7 SP 1 64 bit and MSSQLSERVER 2014.

    QcConfig.properties file could not be found under c:\ProgramData\HP\ALM\Conf

  13. I was trying to install QC (ALM) 11.52 on windows 8 it saying error “HP ALM server can not be installed on windows NT”

    Can any one help with this error..

  14. Hi,

    I tried installing the trial version of HP ALM 11.52, but came across the following error:

    “Error attempting to open the source file

    Software_HP_QC_ALM_11.50_Windows_English_T7333-15018\ALM_Win64\TARGETDIR\application\20qcbin.war\Extensions\QUALITY_CENTER\project-schema\11.50\FS\report_templates\project\hp.qc.component-instance-iteration-parameter-tabular-template. System error code:3”

    Can any one help fix this issue as soon as possible?


  15. While registering for the HP QC Trial Pack, it asked for a company specific domain name in email id field..but in my company we don’t have so we have to use our personal email only. It does not accept gmail, ymail id’s.
    What should be done ?

  16. Hello can’t install on my window 7 laptop, notting happens when l click on the ALM platform window OS. A black screen just flashes and disappear.

  17. Please I have QC 10 installed on external HD and is working perfectly using VMware with server 2003
    After setup DOMAIN for project and add user name and add each individual access to it.
    At log in Domain for project were not showing for selection
    So I could not go further’
    Please help


  19. Hi Everyone,

    Can anyone help me out I am having following error”

    “Operating System Windows 7 Service Pack1 is not supported by the license edition.

    I am not able to install on my laptop.


  20. this tutorial does not show the most important thing, which is the setup of database, so it does not help at all

  21. @jari can u tell me the solution for my problem

    i was trying to install ALM 11.5 in windows 7 it was giving me the error like (could not find the main class:com.hp.qc.install.setup.qcconfigmain) can u tell me solution for this

  22. We’re having the same exact file copy error coming up (both using 32 bit and 64 bit installer setup) during the installation process. We have Windows Server 2008 R2 SP 1. Did Akila get it solved?

  23. I was trying to install QC (ALM) 11.52 on windows 8.1 it saying error “HP ALM server can not be installed on windows NT”

    Can any one help with this error..

  24. Problem was solved. Installation path until the filename being copied (meaning the directorywhere ISO has been extracted) can’t be longer than 255 chars long in total. So to workaround simply rename the installation files directory where the setup.msi is to something short (like alm_11_50) and move it to c:\ root. Solution was found from HP partner site which says:


    When installing ALM 11.5 or ALM 11.52, the error “Source file not found” might appear.


    The Windows OS has a limitation of 255 characters for file path.
    The Unix OS has a limitation of 240 characters for file path.
    If the path of the files used during the installation is longer than 255 characters on Windows OS or longer than 240 characters on Unix OS, the error will appear.

    Make sure the path of the installation files is not longer than 255 characters on Windows OS / 240 characters on Unix OS.

    This is just for others not to bang their heads to the wall. Hope it helps.

  25. Hello,
    While registering for the HP QC Trial Pack, it asked for a company specific domain name in email id field..but, i am not working now.Please tell me, what should i do?

  26. Hi,

    When server configuration wizard is run on the windows 7 64 bit machine as an administrator, I received an error, it can’t be installed on win 7 SP1 machines.

    Is there any solution?
    Thanks in advance.

  27. While installing the HPQC in Windows 7 got the below error.

    Earlier also same error occured and after resetting the user profile it got installed. Due to some other installation get done in my PC i had to uninstall HPQC. When I am trying again to install the error is coming.

    Following client components were not downloaded successfully:

    1 . ReportViewerForTD.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    2 . QTGrid.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    3 . ArgsEditor.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    4 . Arguments.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    5 . ConfigViewerForTD.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    6 . ExGrid.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    7 . CompStrgHelper.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    8 . BuiltInScriptView.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    9 . QAIAd.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    10 . WITestType.dll :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    11 . RRV.cab :
    This file has no digital signature or the publisher is untrusted.

    Close all connections to Server and try again.

  28. Hi
    tried to install QC as well and getting an error message saying “Validating user input , please wait”.This error message displayed for a very long time and when tried to close the window it wouldn’t allow to do so. Please help…

  29. Hi I have a little problem and I’m from Argentina and again in this tool .
    Todabia not install the ALM and I have a database check on the server (which is a Windows server 2012 sp1 ) is a new acquisition . I have installed SQL Server 2012 and MySql.
    In the part of the server configuration database type of place it suits me . when I ask for DB host name, I must have a database check ?.
    and part of database administrator login is to raise , or which entry into the operating system ?.

    thank you very much hope someone can solve my problem.

  30. I am not able to install the latest version of ALM/QC i.e, 12.00. When I double clicking on Setup.exe & selecting ALM Platform (Windows OS) from the displayed window. The installation starts & when it is about to complete..it displayed error “Windows error 216 occured while loading the Java VM”. Provide me the needed solution.

    Thanks in adv

  31. Hi

    I was trying to install ALM 11.52 on my Windows 8 laptop, but I got the following error.

    “HP ALM Server cannot be installed on WIndows NT(unknown)”

    Can someone help resolve the above error.


  32. I can now install but can not run the server wizard because window 7 service pack 1 is not supported.
    Please any work around or how can I get window server 2008 on my window 7

  33. while installing QC 11.5 I am getting an error popup as “BPTRemoteInstallerAgent stopped working”. could you please help me on the same.

  34. Hello Sir,
    Very nice and helpful post. I have followed your post and install HP ALM 11.5 in my virtual machine as per following configuration :
    1. Win 2008 r2 of 30 days evaluation version with IIS 7 installed
    2. SQL server 2008 r2 with sp2
    3. do not have any DNS installed.

    the installation went fine except I have to put the TCP port address 1433 value in my regedit when configuring the database server. After the end of installation went to site administration, add project, domain and user. But the problem is :

    Whenever I went to site administration and want to add New Pc server ( i wish to use this local machine as pc server, i don’t know it is possible or not) getting the following error message :

    failed pinging url

    tried google it and many other solution but still can not progress. I am very much fan of this site and want to follow all your tutorial step by step but stuck in here. Don’t know whether you will reply this or not, but just hope to get some help.

    Thanks in advance.


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