A Step-By-Step Guide To Integrate QTP with ALM/QC

By Vijay

By Vijay

I'm Vijay, and I've been working on this blog for the past 20+ years! I’ve been in the IT industry for more than 20 years now. I completed my graduation in B.E. Computer Science from a reputed Pune university and then started my career in…

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Updated February 1, 2025

Learn the step by step process for HP QTP and QC  tools integration:

Topic: QTP and QC Integration

Audience: Users of QTP and QC

Pre-Requisites: QTP and QC installed, QC URL, Valid User Name, and Password, Domain, and Project to which the username is added to in QC

HP ALM/QC can be integrated with other HP tools like HP UFT. In this tutorial, we have provided step by step process to QTP and QC integration.

QTP and QC Integration

An Overview of QTP & QC Integration

Task #1: Connecting QTP and QC

Let us see a step by step process of how we can integrate QTP and QC

1) Login to QTP and click on File-Quality Center option

File- Quality Center

2) Now a dialog box opens where we need to specify the QC URL.Mention the QC URL


The Reconnect on Server Startup option enables QTP to establish a connection with QC every time QTP is opened.

Click on Connect.

3) In this section, we need to specify details of our QC credentials.

details of QC credentials

In above screenshot

Step 1 – we have already connected to the QC server successfully.

Step 2 – Authenticate User information – Provide the QC login id and password in this section and click on Authenticate.

Enabling Authentication on startup will help QTP to automatically check for the login details for QC

4) Now once you click on Authenticate Step3 gets enabled

click on Authenticate

5) Step 3 Login to Project is where you select the particular domain and project to which QTP and QC should be synchronized.

Click on Login.

Click on Login

In the above screenshot, QTP is connected to Domain: Default and Project: Shri of QC

QTP and QC are connected. Click on Close

6) Next step is to direct QTP to communicate with QC. Let us see how we do that.(Refer screenshot below)

Go to Tools – Options and click on the Run tab in this pop-up.

Select the check boxes “Allow other Mercury products to run tests and components”.

Click Apply – OK


Task #2: Checking on the synchronization

1) Now let us test if the QTP tests are synchronized with QC. Record some script on QTP and click on Save or Ctrl+S. The pop window will show you the folders as per the Test Plan view that is available in Quality Center of your login.

folders as per the Test Plan

2) Select the project in which you want to save your test and mention the test name under which the script should be saved.

save test

If you enable the Save Active Screen files the screens that are captured during the record session will be uploaded in QC

Click OK

Now the test is successfully saved in QC.

Task #3: Running the script from QC

1) Login to QC into the domain and project where you saved the QTP test script. Go to Test Plan and click on the Folder Name. This will contain the test that you saved from QTP.

Now to run the test create the test set in test lab and add the test to it

Running the script from QC

2) Now click on Run button and the below window should pop up

Run button

3) Click Run All Tests Locally check box if you are running the tests on the same host machine. The Status column will show you if your connection was successful or not

4) If you are running the test remotely mention the correct hostname in the Run on Host column.

5) Now to Run the test close the QTP window and click on Run in QC

click on Run in QC

QC will establish a connection, invoke QTP and run the script and the Status shows the result.


6) Results are updated in the Test Lab also.

Test Lab

7) To view, the results open the test in the test lab and click Launch Report. This would invoke the Test Results window of the QTP.


This article clearly explains about the Integration of QTP and QC with few tasks.

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