In this Selenium IDE Tutorial, learn Selenium IDE commands with examples on the Firefox browser:
This tutorial is by far one of the most important tutorials to get a hold of Selenium IDE.
This is the 3rd tutorial in our multi-part Selenium Tutorials series. We started this Selenium online training series from this tutorial where you can find the list of all tutorials covered.
In the introductory tutorials, we got a brief idea about Selenium IDE installation and its features.
Table of Contents:
Selenium IDE Commands
Going ahead, we will exercise and implement these features in real-time by creating our very first Selenium IDE script. Peek into the details of recording fundamentals and available types of commands in Selenium IDE. Apart from that, we will also have a glance at the modifications that can be incorporated into our Selenium scripts.
Before jumping on to the creation of the Selenium IDE script, let us take a moment to introduce elementary information about the application under test (AUT).
As a specimen, we will use “Gmail” – an email service designed by Google. I believe because of its unbounded popularity, it needs no more introductions. The URL we will use is “”. I have also created dummy credentials to represent test data.
Creating First Selenium IDE Script
So let us now create our first script using Selenium IDE.
You can classify the entire script creation process into 3 chunks.
Process #1: Recording – Selenium IDE aids the user in recording user interactions with the browser and thus the recorded actions are termed as Selenium IDE script.
Process #2: Playing back – In this section, we execute the recorded script to verify and monitor its stability and success rate.
Process #3: Saving – Once we have recorded a stable script, we may want to save it for future runs and regressions.
Let us now see their implementation.
Process #1: Recording a Test Script
- Open “”.
- Assert Title of the application.
- Enter a valid username and password and submit the details to login.
- Verify that the user is redirected to the Home page.
Step #1: Launch the Firefox and open Selenium IDE from the menu bar.
Step #2: Enter the address of the application under test (“”) inside the Base URL textbox.
Step #3: By default, the Record button is in the ON state. Remember to tune it ON if it is in an OFF state to enable the recording mode.
Step #4: Open the application under test ( in the Firefox.
Step #5: Verify if the application title is correct. To do so, right-click anywhere on the page except the hyperlinks or images. The right-click opens the Selenium IDE context menu listing a few of the commands.
To get an entire list, select the “Show All Available Commands” option. This will open another menu containing the rest of the available and applicable commands. Select the “assertTitle Sign in – Google Accounts” option to verify the page title.
(Click to view enlarged image)
As soon as we click on the “assertTitle Sign in – Google Accounts” option, a test step will be included /appended in the Selenium IDE editor.
Step #6: Enter a valid username in the “Email” Textbox of Gmail.
Step #7: Enter a valid password in the “Password” Textbox of Gmail.
The simulation of the same user actions can be seen in the Selenium IDE test editor.
Notice that, for ease of understanding, I have already created test credentials. I would strictly advise the readers to create their own credentials instead of using these.
Step #8: Click on the “Sign in” button to complete the login process. The user should be re-directed to the home page provided the credentials entered are correct.
Step #9: At the end, we would end the recording session by tuning the record button into OFF state. Below is the recorded script.
Process #2: Playing back/executing a test script
Now that we have created our first Selenium IDE script, we would want to execute it to see if the script is stable enough. Click on the playback button to execute the script.
Post-execution, all the test steps would be color-coded in green for the successful run. The same would be evitable from the test case pane.
For unsuccessful execution or test case failure, the failed test step would be highlighted in red. And the test case pane would mark the test case execution as a failure.
Process #3: Saving a test script
Once, we have played back the script, now it’s time to save the created test script.
Step #1: To save the test script, Click on the File menu and select the “Save Test Case” option.
Step #2: The system will prompt us to browse or enter the desired location to save our test case and to provide the test script name. Furnish the test name as “Gmail_Login” and click on the “Save” button.
The test script can be found at the location provided in the above step. Please note that the test script is saved in HTML format.
Using Common Features of Selenium IDE
Setting Execution speed
While testing web applications, we come across several scenarios where an action performed may trigger a page load. Thus, we must be cognizant enough while dealing with such scenarios.
So avoid failures while playing back these test scenarios. We can set the execution speed to be minimal. Refer to the following figure for the same.
Using “Execute this command” Option
Selenium IDE allows the user to execute a single test step within the entire test script without executing the entire test script. “Execute this command” is the option that makes this obtainable.
The “Execute this command” option can be used when we want to debug/see the behavior of a particular test step.
The “Execute this command” option can be used in the following four ways:
#1) Using the Actions tab from the Menu bar.
#2) Using the shortcut key (“X”).
#3) Right-click the test step and select “Execute this command”.
#4) Double-click the test step
In all the above cases, a user is expected to select the test step that he/she wants to execute.
Steps to be followed:
Step #1: Launch the web browser and open the target URL (“”), Select the test step that we desire to execute. Remember to open the correct web page to mitigate the chances of failure.
Step #2: Press “X” to execute the selected test step. Alternatively, one can use other ways too.
Step #3: Notice that the selected test step is executed. The test step would be color-coded in green for success or red for failure. The test step would simulate an action on the web browser.
Note that the user is responsible for bringing the script before executing the test step and Firefox in context. Failure is probable if the user has not opened the legitimate web page.
Using Start Point
Selenium IDE allows the user to specify a start point within a test script. The start point points to the test step from where we wish to start the test script execution.
Start point can be used when we do not desire to execute the entire test script starting from the beginning rather we customize the script to execute from a certain step.
Start point can be set and clear in the following three ways:
#1) Using the Actions tab from the Menu bar
#2) Using the shortcut key (“S”).
#3) Right-click the test step and select “Set/Clear Start Point”. A menu similar to the above image will be displayed.
In all the above cases, the user is expected to select the test step from where he wants to start the execution before the set start point.
As soon as the user has marked, the test step to indicate the start point, an icon gets affixed to it.
Now whenever we execute the test script, its execution would be started from the start point i.e. fourth line (type | id=Passwd | TestSelenium) of the test script.
- There can be one and only one starting point in a single script.
- Clear the start point in the same way you set it.
- The user brings the script after applying the start point and Firefox in context. Failure is probable if the user has not opened the legitimate web page.
Using Breakpoint
Selenium IDE allows the user to specify breakpoints within a test script. The breakpoints indicate Selenium IDE where to pause the test script.
Breakpoints can be used when we desire to break the execution into smaller logical chunks to witness the execution trends.
The breakpoint can be set and clear in the following three ways:
- Using the Actions tab from the Menu bar.
- Right-click the test step and select “Toggle Breakpoint”.
- Using shortcut key (“B”).
As soon as the user has marked, the test step to indicate the breakpoint, an icon gets affixed to it.
Now whenever we execute the test script, the execution pauses at the breakpoint i.e. fourth line (type | id=Passwd | TestSelenium) of the test script.
Apply multiple breakpoints
Selenium IDE allows the user to apply multiple breakpoints in a single test script. Once the first section of the test script is executed, the script pauses as and when the breakpoint is reached. To execute the subsequent test steps, the user is required to execute each of the test steps explicitly.
In the above test script, the execution pauses at the line “assertTitle | Sign in – Google Accounts”. After explicitly executing this test step, the control moves to the next test step in sequence “type | id=Email |”. Thus, the user needs to explicitly execute this test step. A similar trend is followed for the rest of the subsequent steps.
Thus, this feature lets the user spend more time executing each step and reviewing the outcomes of the previously executed test step.
- There can be as many breakpoints as you wish in a single script.
- The breakpoint can be cleared in the same way it was set.
Using Find Button
One of the most crucial aspects of Selenium IDE test scripts is to find and locate web elements within a web page. There are web elements that have analogous properties associated with them, thus making it challenging for a user to identify a particular web element uniquely.
To address this issue, Selenium IDE provides a Find button. The Find Button is used to find out that the locator value provided in the Target test box is indeed correct and identifies the designated web element on the GUI.
Let us consider the above-created Selenium IDE test script. Select any command and notice the target text box. Click on the Find button located just beside the Target text box.
Notice that the corresponding web element would be highlighted in yellow with a fluorescent green border around it. If no or wrong web element is highlighted, then the user is required to rectify the issue and would need to impose some other locator value.
(Click to view enlarged image)
Thus, this procedure makes the user assured about the target value being used and that it corresponds to the correct web element on the GUI.
Using Other Formats
Converting Selenium IDE test scripts to Other Programming Languages
Selenium IDE supports the conversion of test scripts into a set of programming languages from a default type (HTML). The converted test scripts cannot be played back using Selenium IDE until and unless it is reverted to HTML. Thus, the conversion is beneficial and constructive only when we are executing it from other tools of the Selenium Suite.
Step #1: Click on the options tab under the menu bar and select the programming language format under the format option to convert the test script into our desired format.
Step #2: As soon as we select our Desired Programming language format (“Java/JUnit4/WebDriver” in our case), a prompt box appears which says “Changing format is now marked experimental!
If you continue recording and playback may not work, your changes may be lost and you may have to copy and paste the text into a text editor to save. It is better to make a copy of your test cases before you continue. Do you still want to proceed?” Click “OK” to continue.
Thus, the above-converted code can be executed by using WebDriver.
Mark that editing or modifying Selenium IDE test scripts from Source View is not advisable. If done so, the tool might introduce several repercussions. Several known bugs are already associated with it.
Selenium IDE Commands
Each Selenium IDE test step can chiefly be split into the following three components:
- Command
- Target
- Value
Types of Selenium IDE commands
There are three flavors of Selenium IDE commands. Each of the test steps in Selenium IDE falls under any of the following categories.
- Actions
- Accessors
- Assertions
#1) Actions
Actions are those commands that interact directly with the application by either altering its state or by pouring some test data.
For Example, the “type” command lets the user interact directly with the web elements like a text box. It allows them to enter a specific value in the text box and when the value is entered; it is shown on the UI as well.
Another example is the “click” command. The “click” command lets the user manipulate the state of the application. The test script execution will stop and the remaining test steps will not be executed if an action type command fails.
#2) Accessors
Accessors are those commands which allow the user to store certain values to a user-defined variable. These stored values can be later on used to create assertions and verifications.
For example, “storeAllLinks” reads and stores all the hyperlinks available within a web page into a user-defined variable. Remember the variable is of array type if there are multiple values to store.
#3) Assertions
Assertions are very similar to Accessors as they do not interact with the application directly. Assertions are used to verify the current state of the application with an expected state.
Forms of Assertions:
- assert – The “assert” command makes sure that the test execution is terminated in case of failure.
- verify – The “verify” command lets the Selenium IDE carry on with the test script execution even if the verification is failed.
- wait for – The “waitFor” command waits for a certain condition to be met before executing the next test step. The conditions are like the page to be loaded, the element to be present. It allows the test execution to proceed even if the condition is not met within the stipulated waiting period.
Commonly used Selenium IDE commands
Command | Description | #Argu ments |
open | Opens a specified URL in the browser. | 1 |
assertTitle, VerifyTitle | Returns the current page title and compares it with the specified title | 1 |
assertElementPresent, verifyElementPresent | Verify / Asserts the presence of an element on a web page. | 1 |
assertTextPresent, verifyTextPresent | Verify / Asserts the presence of a text within the web page. | 1 |
type, typeKeys, sendKeys | Enters a value (String) in the specified web element. | 2 |
Click, clickAt, clickAndWait | Clicks on a specified web element within a web page. | 1 |
waitForPageToLoad | Sleeps the execution and waits until the page is loaded completely. | 1 |
waitForElement Present | Sleeps the execution and waits until the specified element is present | 1 |
chooseOkOnNext Confirmation, chooseCancelOn NextConfirmation | Click on ”OK” or “Cancel” button when next confirmation box appears. | 0 |
In this tutorial, we tried to make you acquainted with the creation of Selenium IDE scripts. We also briefed you about the usage of various selenium features.
Here are the cruxes of this article.
- Test script in Selenium IDE can be created using Record and Playback feature.
- The script creation mechanism can be divided into 3 processes – Recording, Playing back, and Saving the test script.
- Selenium IDE allows the user to execute a single test step within the test script without executing the entire test script. “Execute this command” is the option that makes this obtainable.
- The user is leveraged to set the execution speed from the option within the toolbar.
- The user can define any test step as a Start point. Thus, the execution will always initiate from that particular test step only.
- The user can set multiple Breakpoints to pause the execution at a certain test step.
- The user can find and verify if the provided target value corresponds to the correct web element within the web page using Find
- Changing the source view to other formats is not recommended, as there is a probability of loss of data.
- Remember to keep a copy of the HTML test script before converting the test script into other non-HTML formats.
- There are majorly three types of commands – Actions, Accessors and Assertions.
- Actions directly interact with the application and alter its state.
- Accessors are used to store an element’s property in a user-defined variable.
- Assertions are used to check if a specified condition is met or not.
- Assertions can further be categorized as verify, assert and waitFor commands.
- Verify makes sure that the test script execution is never halted if even if the verification fails.
- Assert lets no further execution of the test script in case of failure.
- WaitFor waits for a stipulated period for a certain condition to meet.
- Some of the Selenium IDE commands which are used commonly are:
- open
- assertTitle / VerifyTitle
- AssertForElementPresent / VerifyForElementPresent
- AssertForTextPresent / VerifyForTextPresent
- type / typeAndWait / sendKeys
- click /clickAt / clickAndWait
- waitForPageToLoad
- waitForElementPresent
- chooseOkOnNextConfirmation / chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation
Next Tutorial #4: There is another tool that plays a very important role in assisting us to create effective test scripts known as “Firebug”. Firebug helps us in inspecting the properties of web elements and web pages. Thus the next tutorial comprises an installation of Firebug and its usability. We would also create a test script manually using firebug and Selenium IDE.
Note: Do not miss the next tutorial because of its great importance regarding our forthcoming tutorials on WebDriver.
As usual, let us know your queries in the comments below.
I am feeling glad that I found this article….I am thinking of learning a selenium from long time…and this article giving me a good start off…Thanks again for your great job!!
Hi Experts,
Really appreciate your efforts to explain everything in detail. Such a great guidance 🙂
Many Thanks !!!
Very nice tutorial
but with two pages login how works
good explanation..!!
please help me
i have problrm in execution
recording is fine but when i tried to play getting an error
Thanks for the good tutorials… Really it is very useful… Keep going… All the best
Nice and in depth tutorial! So many elements of the IDE are explained!
Hi Shruthi,
I have clicked find button for
3.type (Username)–It Highlighted the text box in Yellow color.
4.Type (Password)—It Highlighted the text box in Yellow color.
5.ClickandWait (sign In)–It Highlighted the sign in button.
But for 1.Open —It did not highlight anything.
2.Assert Title—It did not highlight anything.
Can you please comment on the above.
Thanks in advance!!!
hello Team,
I have a question..How to handle Mouse hover elements in selenium IDE only without help of webdriver???
After clicking //assert title gmail// in my editor window Table tab gmail page is not simulated but the source widow has got all the details . Where it would have went wrong.Table tab remains the same as before.Thanks
very nice and helpful article!!
Hi, how are you? I would like if you could help me by telling me what command I can use in Selenium IDE Screenshot take i am using version 3.17.2
thank you
Can anyone help me Selenium IDE Command for Sorting and Paging Functionality in a GenView.aspx grid
Thanks for all your effort. Keep up the good work.God bless.
Thanks for sharing. This article is very helpful.
Hello Shruti,
I have a question about converting selenium IDE scripts to other format.
As you mentioned test cases may fail if you change the format of the test case .Is it not possible to change the format back to HTML again reuse the same test case ?
Hi, Very Nice article. But when I try this on Bamboo, It gives me an error. But when I try the test locally it works fine. I will post the error here, Can you provide some help
Nice tutorial..I want to read for tutorial 2 but facing database error issue..could you please fix that problem??
Shital B.
asdfasdf sdaf asdf asdf
#Shraddha Shakya
i think your browser taking more time to load the page .
That’s why the error is occurring . please use fast internet connection other wise use the command “waitForTitle” (available in all commands)
Hope this will work fine.!
amazin clarity and patient explanation . super awesome work.
thank u, u saved my day thank u soo much
and please do more of these tutorials
thank u once again
Hi, excellent tutorial even for non programmers to do a kind of automation needed.
But , i do not get the google mail, password box, on clicking, instead, it is next. First you have to supply the mail id and then click next and then supply the password and then click sign in. Will it work correctly.
very nice tutorial, thanks a lot of your efforts for explaining in detailed.
Hi Shruthi,
Thanks for the good tutorials.
It is very helpful.
I have a question.
I have inserted Break point at 4th step i.e. password
But while playing it is executing up to 3rd step i.e. User name only.
Did I do any mistake?
Can you please clarify on this?
i get failure message when run script. i enter correct username and password. it is redirect to main screen of mail.
Very nice
I have store a value in Ide and also create a loop with condition but it work as a infinite loop please help me.
This Tutorial is still using the old Selenium IDe which is already out of date. New version Selenium IDE is totally different.
[info] Executing: |clickAndWait | id=yui_3_10_0_1_1455143499620_287 | |
[error] Element id=yui_3_10_0_1_1455143499620_287 not found
[info] Test case failed
this is the error im getting
Please help me.
In Other Eg. the text execution fails at last click event. The record is slight different. i.e. Enter Email -> Click Next -> Enter Password -> Click Sign In
For this, recording is fine but when played the same, it fails and says “[error] Element LOCATOR_DETECTION_FAILED not found”
Please help. I could not move further due to this error.
This tutorial is excellent! Its really helped me with my coursework. One rather stupid question, I need to make a manual test script to which I can then turn into an automated one via Selenium. Is process 1 a manual test script, whilst also showing you how it would look via Selenium?
I have been trying to use ‘FIND’ feature on the login page on my gmail, but it doesnt find any object. 2nd problem is when I record script to check on the checkbox while replaying it fails at that point. Can check boxes click event be recorded and played back using IDE.?
luke and shruthi discussion solved one of my problem.. once i selected ‘java/webdriver’ things were getting freezed, so removed the experimental version back to html
@ravi :– Assertions cannot be highlighted nor actions(open) .,, You should be able to highlight elements (like textbox,button) Assertion is a verification statement and not an element on the page
Also Break point means it will stop one step before that means if you put at 4th, 4th step will not get executed
@sharmila :- you can experiment with “options –>schedule test to run periodically”
Superb article, thanks for Shairing…
Please change the “format option” as stated below to “Clipboard Format”
Selenium IDE script 22
Superbb Tutorial….Its a smooth learning with no confusion. Thanks to STH Team.
I would like to see an example with a failed test case. Can someone please upload the same?
Very helpful! but I can’t seems to open on my firefox. Everytime I try it says “Server not found” Please help!
Insert following command in source tab
It would resolve the problem.
How can i give link in selenium ide?
Ex:create new account
I have test my website in selenium . But my problem is
how can i test login page
Superb article !! To the point and clear explanation with screenshots… Kudos to the “STH Team” and keep up the good work 🙂
Great job done STH team….looking forward to next articles
hi! I am new in it! please keep me updated about new tutorials in more details.
Thanks a lot to the the team. I am a beginner in Selenium and the way you had explained us is very nice. Looking forward with more articles. Also a small doubt the content whatever its put up here will it be sufficient to show an experience and search a new job? Provided if i practice a lot with all what you had taught!! Looking forward to hear. Thanks!!
Hi, I have saved the script as html. But when i click, it opens the html document instead of the action. Where i am erring. Please. i do not get replies to the queries raised thro your comment box. please.
Excellent!!!! Great work by STH team
Hello, Ronak here can i test the validations with the Selenium IDE?
Give me answer ASAP.
Thanks & Regards
the error is ” [error] Could not connect to Selenium Server. Have you started the Selenium Server yet? “
Ooops! Apparently that little Web Element above (emoticon???) is not converted the right Way….
Sorry about that:-)
Good One
How to generate test report and send to devloper.please explaint its in details.
hi, i am beginner in automation and i face a lots of problem. when i run a test case of login page the test is not excecuted and the open test is in red so its creates more difficulty to me.
Thanks for sharing.To the point and clear explanation with screenshots. Very nice.
But i want to ask you Record and Play Back are out dated from market. No company is using these functions.
So i want to learn descriptive programming in selenium.
Hi, nice tutorial with screenshots.
In the above example, the text execution fails at Password. The record is slight different. i.e. Enter Email -> Click Next -> Enter Password -> Click Sign In
For this, recording is fine but when played the same, it fails and says “[error] Element name=password not found”
Please help. I could not move further due to this error.
any buddy can give me training in software testing???
Hello, Nice Article. Do you have any idea regarding Selenium C# Web Driver? Please anyone have knowledge about that contact me.
Very nice tutorial with snapshots….kudos to the team
superb, clear information how to use selenium along with screenshot..thanks for this post,it really helped me lot
Hi, nice tutorial with screenshots but it would be easier if videos were included as well.
->In the above example, the text execution fails at Password. The record is slight different. i.e. Enter Email -> Click Next -> Enter Password -> Click Sign In
For this, recording is fine but when played the same, it fails and says “[error] Element id=next not found”
Please help. I could not move further due to this error.
Hi, how are you? I would like if you could help me by telling me what command I can use in Selenium IDE to record a script where I have to upload an image to a form. it sends me an error, the command it gives me is: type.
When I choose the image from my computer I get the error: type on id = mediaLinkRoom_FileNew with value C: \ fakepath \ hotel 2.jfif Failed:
{“code”: – 32000, “message”: “Not allowed”}
Thank you
I have created the test scripts and i can run those. however, i just wanted to know if i can schedule all these scripts to run every 15 mins ? Can this be done? Please help.
@Shruti, I have a question for you tho, if converting an HTML test script to another Programming language is buggy and therefore not advisable, why have they kept that feature alive in the Selenium IDE tool? Any idea?
Thanks again,
Does Selenium IDE supports to automate Flex application?
i don’t know how to use selenium. pls help
design a web pages with a two text boxes and two buttons.write selenium script using IDE to enter Username and password and click the submit button after submit button is clicked redirect it to the new page and compare its title .if the title matches display the message “title matched” in the output window
can anyone give the answer of this question
Hi folks!
Thanks for the tutorial, like many here , even i am getting an error while playing back the test case. Please help. Below are the error logs :
2017-06-21 16:52:46 [info] Playing test case Untitled
2017-06-21 16:52:46 [info] Executing: |open | /signin/v2/identifier?passive=1209600& | |
2017-06-21 16:52:47 [info] Executing: |assertTitle | Sign in – Google Accounts | |
2017-06-21 16:52:47 [info] Executing: |click | id=identifierId | |
2017-06-21 16:52:47 [error] Element id=identifierId not found
2017-06-21 16:52:47 [info] Test case failed
How can I add a custom command to Selenium IDE. I’ve found this source on documentation but as I’ve never created any chrome extension it is quite hard to start.
Are there some sources or real examples of some selenium extensions?
Hello team ,
Good job guys !!
I tried to run a test script from selenium IDE . I have recorded the steps and I tried to play the script step by step but , I end up with an error that the selenium server is not started yet . Can u help me on this pls.
I used selenium IDE 2.8.0
Many Thanks!!
very helpfull article for us.
# Vijayakumar.M
Can you please tell us exactly what the problem you are facing while installing /using selenium?
i know that record and play are out dated.
but for regression testing also you can use the ide script.
that will make a major role in testing a testing large no of test cases.
I am getting problem, whi;e following the tutoial i am tyring to play the test script but the play test case button is disabled… will anyone help!
I am newbie to Selenium. And this is very helpful. So excited to learn everything. Please keep updated more on this
I am self learning Selenium through STH tutorials. I tried downloading IDE. It downloaded but not working. The version seems to be 3 point something. Can somebody help?
Selenium 2.x is obsolete and incompatible with Firefox since version 55.
This article should be deleted.
Moreover in the test case pane one thing
Test case
Untitled 2 * is there how to delete that
to the point tutorial
Very Helpful!! Thanks
I am beginner in Selenium.It is very understandable to me.Thanks for giving such nice explaination.
I just started learning selenium automation, searched Google to find out the best website. At last I found it, thank u so much!! ????????
Is any “Clear “commands to delete the fields???
This is just test
Good Question.
The feature to convert the IDE scripts into another programming language is an experimental feature.
Go to Selenium IDE -> Options -> Enable Experimental Features.
If you disable this feature, all the format options would disappear. Thus, Selenium IDE itself says that this feature is just experimental. You can try it and play around with it but cannot be completely trusted for the results as they are just experimental.
Thus, it is advisable to work with WebDriver or Selenium RC if you really desire to create your own programming scripts.
very well explained
very detailed. thanks for sharing.
These tutorials are very useful and well done. The only problem I have is that I’m working with the latest version of Selenium IDE (Firefox&Chrome extensions) which is quite different from what you are describing here. For example, here we don’t have any option to export a test. Would be please add a little update for the new version? Thanks a lot.
We can export the test, for that, first we have to save the current test which will be save as a .SIDE file (which is default). You will have three options under the name of the project, select any one of the options (better to go with – Tests or Test Suites). Right click on the name of the test case and you will find the option “export”.
Can someone suggest how can find a element using IDE if there are no id and name options?
this tutorial is very helpful .thanks so much for your great job.
I can not find the Actions tab from the Menu bar. The latest version of Selenium IDE don’t have Menu Bar.
@Malvika, @Nikolay @Surbhi @Anisha
Thank you very much for the appreciation.
Hello Team
Great job guys,I am a beginner in Selenium and I would be interested to learn more from your site thanks a lot guys for wonderful job keep it up…….
Hi Gurus,
I have recorded he test scripts, but if i run this test scripts it’s not moving forward, i need to run each step manual, is there any way to fix this issue in selenium?
Kindly help me guys
which command i use for the one time password functionality so that the system remain sleep mode for some time?
Is FIND used only for “text” types?
I tried it for the sign in button. I did not notice the yellow colored change.
Hi, When I am trying to run the scripts, im getting below error.
There was an unexpected error. Msg: NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED: Component returned failure code: 0x80520015 (NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED) [nsIFileOutputStream.init]
Can you please explain how to overcome this?
how to convert code in java in latest version selenium ide
You can export either a test or suite of tests to WebDriver code by right-clicking on a test or a suite, selecting Export, choosing your target language, and clicking Export
hey guys,
I experimented the same script provided in the tutorial.
When i run the entire test suite, my script step gets failed at “PASSWORD” field, may i know the reason behind this??
If i just execute the step to validate the password, steps run successfully.
i have a problem in execution
when i entered the credentials
its not redirecting to the home page
and showing error when executing
please help me
Thank you for your Input. Makes More Sense Now!
Hi, please help me out for below problem:
Screen is partitioned into two panes: left and right
if i am editing any text/type field of right pane then it enables Save and Cancel button at top corners of right pane and left pane get fade out….but when I’m playing the recorded test case back, it gets passed but left pane does not get faded and Save and Cancel button doesn’t appear…only values of text filed gets changed.
Keep Learning…
can someone say what is this error about?
[error] Element //div[@id=’view_container’]/form/div[2]/div/div/div/ul/li[2]/div/div[2]/p[2] not found
also my suggestion would be to use yahoomail since… Google has some new url everytime… does not work properly..
also i believe there should be a way to hide password …
Also it would be good if you can add … how to open the saved HTML(is it file–>open–run)
Great!!! I am a beginner in Selenium and I would be interested to learn more from Please keep updated more on this.
What Can I say? Amazing Job Guys!! Looking fwd for the Next Tut.
I am not getting step #5 on right clicking anywhere on FF it shows only these options .
select all
Add a keyword for this search
fill login
inspect element
i got this under stand the full toturial but stil not get any script like this recording of web pages,
so please share every one person like this type of script.
personal email
Does not work
Dear Team,
Thank you for putting up the tutorial series. I am a beginner in Selenium and I am finding these tutorials really useful. Kudos to the team.
In case of if i want to fail test script then what should i do?
can we have apply the wrong values of an attributes or something else?