Python Built-in Data Types: None and Numeric

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated October 9, 2024

This tutorial on Python Built in Data Types explains various data types including None and Numeric in Python along with examples:

As a newbie, one of the first data types we usually learn is string, number, and boolean. However, these are not often sufficient to represent more specialized data objects.

In this modern age, more complex applications are emerging, with data as the backbone. So representing data in the most efficient way is the key.

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Python Built-in Data Types None and Numeric

Python Built In Data Types

In Python and most programming languages, data types are considered as a representation, collection, or categorization of data.

In Python, data can be categorized into: numeric, sequence, and mapping. Of course, we can’t forget the None object which denotes an empty value, typically represented with Null in JavaScript. Most often, numeric and None are considered scalar types.

Given below is a table of the various data types in None and Numeric.

Table 1: Data types and their categories in Python

CategorySub-categoryData TypeDescription
ScalarNoneNoneThis is an empty object
NumericintThese are whole numbers(positive and negative) e.g. 3, 55, -2, 0
floatThese are floating-point numbers(positive and negative) e.g. 3.2, 4e2, -4.0
complexThese are positive and negative numbers with real and imaginary components specified as + j e.g. -4 + 5j, 2 + 40j
boolThis is either True or False representing yes or no, 1 or 0 respectively.

None Type

None is an immutable object that represents an empty value. Other programming languages, such as JavaScript, C++, etc , use null instead.

The None object can be used in many ways. One of the ways is to initialize a variable that will be assigned a value later in the program. This helps us to verify the variable’s value and take appropriate decisions.

Example 1:

KEY = None  # Initialize variable

# Check variable and take decision 
if KEY is None: 
    # condition holds 
    print("Key hasn't been set yet")
    print("Key has been set")

# set the variable
KEY = '3848774939'

# check variable and take decision
if KEY is None:
    print("Key hasn't been set yet")
    # condition holds
    print("Key has been set")


None Type

By default, it is returned by other objects that don’t explicitly return a value. We can bet that when we started learning Python, we didn’t know about this, mainly because the Python interpreter doesn’t print this default None returned by objects unless explicitly asked to do so.

Example 2: Define a function that explicitly doesn’t return a value

def test():
    print("This function returns nothing")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test() # returns None but not printed
    print(test()) # returns None and printed.



We see from above that the first call to test() printed a text on the console. But mind you, this is not a returned value. The function actually returned a None object but the interpreter didn’t print it. This is because all objects by default return this None object, so printing them each time will be inconvenient.

We had to explicitly instruct the interpreter to print it by using the print() function as seen above.

Note: All Python functions that seem to return nothing, actually return the None object type. Even object’s methods that modify their objects in-place do return the None type. Let’s take a look at the list’s method sort().

Example 3: Investigate the return type of the list sort() method.

>>> myList = [4,2,8,1] # define a list
>>> result = myList.sort() # sort the list in-place and assign  the return value
>>> myList   # check the sorted list
[1, 2, 4, 8]
>>> print(result) # print the returned value

Numeric Type

As seen in the Table 1 above, Numeric or Number types in Python include integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers and Boolean(subtype of integers). In Python, they are defined as int, float, complex and bool class respectively.

As we shall see throughout this section, numeric literals, built-in functions and operators generate Numbers. Integers are generated by integer literals including hex, octal and binary numbers. Floating point numbers are generated by numeric literals having a decimal point or an exponent sign.

Complex numbers are generated by numeric literals with ‘j‘ or ‘J‘(imaginary part) appended to it and an optional integer or float that represents the real part.

Let’s dwelve a bit deep into each of these numeric types.


Integers are signed whole numbers of unlimited range. Meaning, the size of the number represented is only limited by the available memory.

It is important to note two things:

  • Python 2.x had both signed and long integers. However, the latter was dropped in Python 3.x
  • Unsigned integers don’t exist in Python 3.x.

The table below shows some integer constants and their interpretation.

Table 2: Integer constants and their interpretation

Integer ConstantInterpretation
4553, 0, 2, -343, -1Signed Integers
0o1, 0o2, 0o62Octal
0x1, 0x2, 0x32Hexadecimal
0b1, 0b10, 0b110010Binary

From the Table 2 above, we see Octal, Hexadecimal, and Binary. These may confuse us as to why are these considered integers. Well, the Decimal number system or base 10 numbers are the commonly used numbers for our day-to-day work.

However, our computers actually work with binary(base 2), hexadecimal(base 16), and octal (base 8) number systems behind the scene.

As seen in the Table 3 below, they are represented with prefixes.

Table 3: Non-based 10 representations

Number SystemAbbreviationBasePrefixDescription
Binarybin2‘0b’ or ‘0B’(zero + lowercase letter ‘b’) OR
(zero + uppercase letter ‘B’)
Hexadecimalhex16‘0x’ or ‘0X’(zero + lowercase letter ‘x’) OR
(zero + uppercase letter ‘X’)
Octaloct8‘0o’ or ‘0O’(zero + lowercase letter ‘o’) OR
(zero + uppercase letter ‘O’)

Example 4: To better understand that these are integers, let’s compare their types to that of a decimal(base 10) number.

>>> type(50) # decimal
<class 'int'>
>>> type(0o62) # oct
<class 'int'>
>>> type(0x32) # hex
<class 'int'>
>>> type(0B110010) # bin
<class 'int'>

We see that they are all of type ‘int’.

Python has built-in functions that are used to convert from decimal to hex, bin and oct. Check the example below.

Example 5: Convert decimal number 50 to hex, oct and bin.

>>> hex(50)
>>> oct(50)
>>> bin(50)

Floating Point Number

Floating point numbers or floats are represented as 64-bits double precision numbers. Floats have the data type float.

From the example in Table 1, we can deduce that floating point numbers can be represented in two ways using:

  • Decimal point (.)
  • Scientific notation ‘e‘ or ‘E‘ followed by a signed integer where the notation basically stands for the power of 10.

Example 6: Ways to represent floating point numbers.

>>> a = 45.32 # decimal point
>>> a
>>> type(a)
<class 'float'>
>>> b = 34e-3 # scientific notation
>>> b
>>> type(b)
<class 'float'>

Unlike integers, floats have limits. The highest represented number of floats is about 1.7 * 10^308 or as exponential notation, 1.8e308 and the lowest represented number of 2.2e-308.

These can be derived from the system sys.float_info named tuple using its min and max attribute. This named tuple holds low-level information about the precision and internal representation of the float type.

Any number beyond this range will be considered infinite. Meaning, the number is beyond the allowed floating point value on your machine. Infinity in Python is also of type float and is named inf. We also have negative infinity, i.e any floating point number below the minimum limit of about 2.2e-308

Example 7: Check Python floating point limits

>>> f = 1.8e308 # define a float above the max limit
>>> f
>>> type(f) # check data type of infinity
<class 'float'>
>>> nf = -1.8e308 # define a float below the min limit
>>> nf
>>> type(nf) # check data type of negative infinity
<class 'float'>

The Float() Function

Python built-in float() is a function that returns a floating-point number. It takes in an optional input and returns its floating-point representation. If the input is a string, it should be Numeric else a ValueError will be raised.

Example 8: Derive floating-point numbers from strings with float() function

>>> s1 = '4'
>>> s2 = '45.99'
>>> s3 = '-05'
>>> s4 = '2a' # not numeric
>>> print(type(s1), type(s2), type(s3), type(s4)) # check all types
<class 'str'> <class 'str'> <class 'str'> <class 'str'>
>>> float(s1)
>>> float(s2)
>>> float('-03')
>>> float(s4) # error, s4 is not numeric
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '2a'

Special Numbers

In Python, we have various special numbers that turn out to be floats: +/-infinity(inf), nan. In the section above, we saw infinite and learned what they represent. We also have the nan, commonly known as “Not a Number” but as ironic as it may seem, nan is a floating point number.

In example 7, we saw how we could obtain the infinity float. Mind you that with the float() function, we can generate these special numbers as well.

Example 9: Generating the special numbers with the float() function.

>>> x = float('nan') # 'NaN', 'Nan', 'naN', 'nAn' will work.
>>> x
>>> x == float('nan') # are not equivalent
>>> x == x # not equivalent to itself
>>> x is float('nan') # are not identical
>>> x is x # is identical to itself
>>> float('infinity') # or '-infinity'
>>> float('inf')
>>> float('-inf')

As seen above, another strange behavior of nan is that they are not equivalent.

NB: The difference between the two operators == and is is that, the former checks for equality of values while the latter checks for identity of object. We will see more on these operators later.

Complex Number Type

If we did calculus math in high school, then we should already know about complex numbers. Mostly popular in the domain of scientific computing and computer graphics, Python supports them under the hood.


n + mj

Where n and m are any numbers(signed integers, floating point numbers). The n represents the real part and m the imaginary part, with the letter j at the end.

Example 10: Define a complex number with real value of 4 and imaginary value of 10.

>>> a = 4 + 10j
>>> a
>>> type(a) # check type
<class 'complex'>
>>> a.real # get real part
>>> a.imag # get imaginary part

We can see that the output is enclosed in braces. This is to make sure that the different parts that make up the complex number are tight together and not confused to an expression.

As seen above, this data type comes with two properties, real and imag which returns the real and imaginary values(floats) respectively.

We will end this section by looking at some basic mathematical operations that can be performed on complex numbers.

Example 11: Mathematical operations on complex numbers.

>>> a = 3 + 5j
>>> b = 1 + 10j
>>> a + b  # addition
>>> a - b  # subtraction
>>> a * b # multiplication
>>> a ** b # raise to the power
>>> a / b  # division
>>> a.conjugate() # conjugate
>>> a // b # floor division
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't take floor of complex number.

We can notice that complex numbers don’t support the floor division operator(//). Also, we can get the opposite sign(imaginary part) of a complex number by using its conjugate() method.

Boolean Type

In Python, boolean type is a built-in data type that represents the truthy and falsy evaluation of an expression like 39 > 9(True) and 0 < -1(False).

As seen from the expressions above, we notice two possible values that make up the boolean type:

  • True
  • False

Example 12: Check the type of True and False.

>>> type(False) 
<class 'bool'>
>>> type(True)
<class 'bool'>

Just as integer numbers belong to a class int and floating-point numbers to a class float, boolean belong to a class bool.

About False and True

True and False are the only possible boolean types. They belong to the class ‘bool’ which is a built-in data type like int, float, list, etc. However, we should understand these about True and False

Are Keywords

True and False are keywords in Python with the added advantage that they can be used anywhere an expression is valid.

Like all Python keywords, False and True can’t be assigned a value. A SyntaxError exception is raised if that happens.

Example 13: Assign value to a boolean type

>>> False = 0
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: can't assign to keyword

Are Numbers

We saw in the Table 1 above as how boolean was classified under Numeric Type. This is because True and False are actually mapped and equivalent to 1 and 0.

Example 14: Check the equivalence of True and False with 1 and 0.

>>> True == 1  # is equal to 1
>>> False == 0 # is equal to 0
>>> True + True # same as 1 + 1
>>> True + False  # same as 1 + 0
>>> False + False # same as 0 + 0
>>> True - True # same as 1 - 1

We may ask ourselves how useful example 14 is. Well, think about the string count() method which returns the number of times a substring occurs in a string.

Example 15:

def substring_freq(s, substr):
     return s.count(substr)

def substring_freq_2(s, substr):
    l = [substr ==i for i in s] # compare each item to the substring 'a'
    print(l) # display the resulting boolean values
    b = [0 + 1 for i in l] # represent boolean as 0 and 1
    print(b) # 
    return sum(l) # sum all boolean values

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = 'aaebde'
    substr = 'a'

    print("Using count()")
    print(substring_freq(s, substr))

    print("Using boolean")
    print(substring_freq_2(s, substr))



Boolean Operators

Boolean operators can be considered as operators that compare one or more boolean inputs and return a boolean result. However, this is not the case always. We shall later see that the inputs and results are not always of type boolean.

The various boolean operators of built-in Python are:

  • OR
  • AND
  • NOT

Let’s take a closer look at each of them. But before we do that, let’s note that the boolean operators(OR and AND) use the short-circuit evaluation technique.

Short-circuit evaluation is a principle that determines if the right operand should be evaluated based on the value of the first operand.


The output of the OR operator is only True if at least one of the two inputs is True. Let’s see how it works in the truth table below.

Table 4: OR operator truth table


From the table above, we see that OR evaluates to False unless either the input is True. Let’s break this down and see how it can be used in a program.

Imagine we will like to run an operation only when a condition is False. For example, if the mark is not greater than 10, print the text “Try Again!“.

For this example, we take the advantage of the short-circuit nature of the OR operator.

Short-circuit in OR operator works this way. If the first operand evaluates to True, then the overall result will be True and the second operand won’t be evaluated. This is because in this case, the second operand becomes irrelevant since it’s value won’t have any effect on the overall result.

Example 16:

>>> mark = 6
>>> mark > 10 or print("Try Again!") # first operands's condition is False 
Try Again!
>>> mark = 12
>>> mark > 10 or print("Try Again!") # first operand's condition is True. 

NB: The operands in the example above are not boolean types but the first operand evaluates to a boolean type while the second operand returns a falsy value(None). We already saw above that functions or methods that don’t explicitly return a value, by default return None.


The output of the AND operator is only True if both the inputs are True. Let’s see how it works in the truth table below.

Table 5: OR operator truth table


Unlike the OR operator we earlier met, the AND operator is commonly used to run an operation if a condition is True.

For example, say we want to print “Bravo” if the mark is greater than 10.

Just as the OR operator, this takes the advantage of the short-circuit evaluation technique.

Short-circuit in AND operator works this way; If the first operand evaluates to False, then the overall result will be False and the second operand won’t be evaluated. This is because in this case, the second operand becomes irrelevant since it’s value won’t have any effect on the overall result.

Example 17:

>>> mark = 3
>>> mark > 10 and print("Bravo") # first operand's condition is False.
>>> mark = 12
>>> mark > 10 and print("Bravo") # first operand's condition is True.


The NOT operator takes only one operand and its output is the reverse of its input. If True, then the output is False and vice versa.

Table 6: NOT operator truth table

Let’s see how it works in the truth table below.


This operator is commonly used to run an operation when a condition is falsy, instead of first checking if the condition is False using the equality operator(==).

Unlike the OR and AND operators, this operator takes only one operand and doesn’t support short-circuit evaluation. Hence, always evaluate its operand.

Example 18:

def compare(a, b):
    # function returns True if a is greater than b and False otherwise.
    return a > b

x = 10
y = 9

# using equality operator
if compare(y, x) == False:
    print("False using 'equality operator'")

# using NOT operator
if not compare(y, x):
    print("False using 'NOT operator")


not operator

Comparison Operators

Python has built in an awful plenty of operators that are used for comparison. What they do is that they compare a relationship between operands and return a boolean type. These operators can be grouped into various categories.

  • Value comparison [<, >, ==, >=, <=, and !=]
  • Membership test operators [ in, not in]
  • Identity comparisons [ is, is not]

In this section, we won’t try to dive deep into these comparison operators because this is not a tutorial on this subject. We will just see how these operators are related to the boolean type.

#1) Value Comparison

These operators can be further divided into:

  • Equality (==)
  • Inequality (!=)
  • Order(<, >, =<, =>)

They are all used to compare the values of two objects and not their types. We shall later see the operator group that compares types.

Example 19: Comparison of object’s values

# equality
>>> {'a':3, 'b':2} == {'b':2,'a':3}
>>> [3,4] == [4,3]
# inequality
>>> 2 != 4
>>> [3, 5] != [5, 3]
>>> 2 != 2.0

# Order
>>> 2 > 1 # 2 is greater than 1
>>> 1 < 1 # 1 is not greater than 1
>>> 1 <= 1 # 1 is lesser or equal to 1
>>> 2 >= 3 # 2 is not greater or equal to 3

For the first line of code, the order of the dictionary items is different but unlike the list in the second line of code, the equality is True. This is because dictionaries are unordered. Meaning their order doesn’t matter as they are accessed using their keys.

#2) Membership Test Operators

This group defines two operators, in and not in. In simple english, membership means being a member of a group. So, x in s returns True if x is a member of s, and False otherwise. On the other hand, x not in s returns the reverse truth value of x in s.

Example 20: Membership of objects

>>> 4 in [3,5,6,2] # 4 is not a member of the list elements 
>>> 4 in [3,5,6,2, 4]
>>> "the" in "the time is now" # "the" is a member as it is a subset. 

#3) Identity Comparison

This group defines two operators, is and not is. The is operator compares two object’s identity. That is, for x is y, it returns True only if x and y are the same object or they reference the same memory address. The not is operator returns the reverse truth value of the is operator.

The built-in id() function can be used to obtain the identity of an object. The is operator is commonly used when comparing to None, True and False.

Though the Equality and Inequality operators can be used here, they are not ideal since they can be tricked to return something different with the special methods __eq__ and __ne__ respectively.

Example 21:

>>> x = [3,4]
>>> y = [3,4]
>>> x is y # reference different memory addresses 
>>> z = x  # 'z' references same memory address as 'x'
>>> z is x
>>> x = None # 'x' references the same memory address as None.
>>> x is None 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q #1) What are the 4 built-in numeric data types in Python?


In Python, the 4 built-in numeric data types are:

  • int: These are whole numbers of unlimited range. For example, 23, -47, 884747
  • long: These are long integers in Python 2.x but deprecated in Python 3.x. For example, 43L
  • float: These are floating point numbers represented as 64-bits double precision numbers. For example 3.4, 0.0, -2.0
  • complex: Are unsigned numbers with real and imaginary components. For example 3j, 2 – 4j, -22 – 4j

Q #2) Why do we use None in Python?

Answer: In Python, None is of the data type class NoneType and it is used to represent an empty variable. There is a difference between an undefined variable and an empty variable. So, if we want the variable defined but empty, then None is the right object to use.

Q #3) Is NULL function in Python?

Answer: Unlike other languages like JavaScript, PHP, there is no null object in Python. Instead, None is used to represent an empty variable.

Q #4) What does bool() do in Python?

Answer: The bool() function takes in an argument and returns a boolean value. False is returned If the argument is a falsy value, and True if argument is a truthy value.

Some of Python falsy values are:

  • Empty sequences( [], (), {}, set(), “”, range(0))
  • Zero numeric types ( 0, 0.0, 0j)
  • Some constants (None, False)

Some of Python truthy values are:

  • None-empty sequences
  • Non-zero numeric types
  • Some constants (True)


In this tutorial, we looked at what data types are in Python. We explored a bit deeper by looking at two of these data types i.e. None and Numeric.

We saw that Numeric data types contain the following; integers, floats, boolean and complex numbers. For the boolean type, we had a bird’s eye view of the different boolean and comparison operators.

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