Create Generic, Python and Docker Package Repositories with JFrog Artifactory

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated June 20, 2024
Edited by Kamila

Edited by Kamila

Kamila is an AI-based technical expert, author, and trainer with a Master’s degree in CRM. She has over 15 years of work experience in several top-notch IT companies. She has published more than 500 articles on various Software Testing Related Topics, Programming Languages, AI Concepts,…

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This JFrog tutorial will deeply educate you on how to create local, remote, and virtual repositories for Generic, Python, and Docker Package types with easy examples for your quick understanding:

In the previous tutorials of the JFrog Artifactory series, we learned about the different types of repositories, Property sets, and examples of usage of JFrog Artifactory using the Maven Package type.

In this tutorial, we will look at how to use the Generic and Docker Package type.

JFrog Artifactory supports creating a repository of Generic package type which does not have any specific type associated. You can upload any kind of artifact to the repository of generic types.

JFrog Artifactory supports creating a repository of Docker package types which helps to store built Docker images and also pull images from the external Docker Hub registry.

=> Series of Simple JFrog Tutorials

Generic, Python, and Docker Package Repositories

Generic, Python and Docker Package type

Generic Package Type

Create Local Repository

Local repository is a central location to upload and store your artifacts generated by builds. To create a local repository as an Admin user, select Administration TAB -> Repositories. Now click on + Add Repository in the top right and select Local Repository.

Create Local Repository of Generic Package Type

Select Generic package type.

Select Generic package type

Provide a Repository Key and click on Create Local Repository.

Create Local Repository

Once the generic package-type repository is created, we will look at how to upload and download files using the generic repository.

generic package type

Click on Set Me Up and look at the CURL commands to upload and download files.

Upload files example

Upload files example
Download files example

Download files example

Download file

The API key can be copied and saved from the user profile. See part 1 of the series for the same.

Docker Package Type

Create Local Repository

Local repository is a central location to store your artifacts generated by builds. To create a local repository as an Admin user, select Administration TAB -> Repositories. Now click on + Add Repository in the top right and select Local Repository.

Create Local Repository of Docker Package Type

Select Docker package type.

Docker package type

Enter the repository key and click on Create Local Repository.

Enter a repository key

Create Remote Repository

Remote repository is the cache of a repository that is managed remotely. Let’s look at how to create a Maven remote repository.

As an Admin user, select Administration TAB -> Repositories. Now click on + Add Repository -> Remote Repository in the top right.


Select Docker.

select docker

Provide the repository key and leave the remote URL as is. Also, enter Docker Hub credentials and click on Test. You will see a successful connection message at the top.


Click on Create Remote Repository. The remote repository should be now available in the list.

Create Virtual Repository

A virtual repository is a combination of both local and remote repositories having a common endpoint. To create a Virtual repository as an Admin user, select Administration TAB -> Repositories. Now click on + Add Repository ->Virtual Repository in the top right. Select Docker.

virtual repository

Select Docker.


Provide a repository key and scroll down to add both local and remote repositories.


Scroll down and set the Default Deployment repository as the docker local repository.

Create Virtual Repository

Click on Create Virtual Repository. The virtual repository should now be available.

Also Read =>> Docker Installation and Terminology

JFrog Artifactory Docker Example

In this section, we will look at how to pull docker images from the remote repository and push docker images to the local repository.

To set up, a user goes to Application TAB -> Artifactory -> Artifacts. Search for the Virtual repository and click on Set Me Up.


Let’s start with the docker login as given on the above screen. Enter your Artifactory username and password.

log in

Let us pull a few docker images by running the following commands:

Pull Docker image format:



docker pull
docker pull
docker pull

pull docker image

All three docker images are now downloaded using the Artifactory remote repository which is part of the Virtual repository.

Build Docker images using Dockerfile Push to Artifactory local repository:

Sample Dockerfile

COPY index.html /var/www/html

Run the docker build and push the image:

docker build -t  .

Tag the image:

docker tag e488cd6a605a

Push the image:

docker push

All the above commands are run and shown below is the output:


Look at the Docker image uploaded in Artifactory.


Pypi Package Type

Suggested Reading =>> Python Tutorial Series for Beginners

Create Local Repository

JFrog Artifactory supports PyPI repositories by providing the following features:

  • Ability to install PyPI packages from Artifactory
  • Access to remote PyPI repositories (such as through Remote Repositories
  • Access multiple PyPI repositories through Virtual repositories which provide a single endpoint

To create a local repository as an Admin user, select Administration TAB -> Repositories. Now click on + Add Repository in the top right and select Local Repository.

create a local repository

Select Pypi package type.


Enter a Key and click on Create local repository.

Enter a Key

Create Remote Repository

Remote repository is the cache of a repository that is managed remotely. Let’s look at how to create the Pypi remote repository.

As an Admin user, select Administration TAB -> Repositories. Now click on + Add Repository -> Remote Repository in the top right.

Remote Repository

Select the Pypi package type. Provide a repository key, ensure all details are as below, and click on Create remote repository.


Create Virtual Repository

A virtual repository is a combination of both local and remote repositories having a common endpoint. To create a Virtual repository as an Admin user, select Administration TAB -> Repositories. Now click on + Add Repository -> Virtual Repository in the top right.

Select Pypi. Enter the Repository key and scroll down to add both local and remote repositories. Also, provide the local repository as a Deployment repository.


Click on Create Virtual repository.

JFrog Artifactory Python Example

Pre-requisite: Download and install the latest python3 and pip on your system.

Create Python package

Create a folder called ~/pypi_pkg/pythonex and create a new file called . Add the content below.

def multiply_number(a,b):
return result;

Add one more file called with the content below.

def Helloworld():
print("Hello World from Artifactory")
Add one more file

This file is needed to treat the directory containing files as packages.

from pythonex.pymultiply import multiply_number
from pythonex.hello import Helloworld
.py file with the contents1

Create the file one level up in the package folder.

from setuptools import setup
description='Testing the installation of package'

Deploy the Pypi package

Click on Set Me Up in the Virtual repository and setup .pypirc file. To deploy packages using setuptools we need to add the Artifactory URL to this file. It is located in the home directory.

home directory

Add the content to the .pypirc file.

Now cd to the package folder where the file is located and run the command.

python3 bdist_wheel upload -r local

Look at the local repository in Artifactory.


Resolve/Install the deployed Pypi package

The deployed Pypi package in Artifactory is installed below.

deployed Pypi package

Test the python package

Create a file in ~/pythontest directory and add the following contents.

from pythonex import multiply_number
print ("Multiplication of 10 and 10: ", x)

Run the file

$ python3

Working With Corporate Proxy

Normally, corporate connectivity to public sites requires setting up a proxy with or without authentication.

In the above example of Generic and Docker package type before running the CURL and Docker commands the proxy commands should be run in the command line or can be set up in the profile file.

Before the proxy can be set you should request your proxy admin to whitelist the JFrog Artifactory SAAS URL for the proxy server.

On Linux

$ export http_proxy=http://proxy-server-ip:port
$ export http_proxy=
OR with authentication
$ export http_proxy=

On Windows

$ set http_proxy=http://proxy-server-ip:port
$ set http_proxy=
OR with authentication
$ set http_proxy=

Post whitelisting and setting up the proxy, you should be able to perform CURL, pip, and Docker commands.

To set up a proxy for Maven add the proxies tag in the ~/.m2/settings.xml file.

<settings xmlns=""

After adding the above steps, you should be able to run mvn build and deploy commands.


In this tutorial, we looked at the Generic and Docker package types. This article focused on both of the package types with an example of both upload and download.

In the next tutorial, we will look at how to use JFrog Artifactory for NPM Package type and how to use the Artifactory plugin with Jenkins and its example of maven, npm, and docker.

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