Create Appium Tests for an Android App

By Kamila

By Kamila

Kamila is an AI-based technical expert, author, and trainer with a Master’s degree in CRM. She has over 15 years of work experience in several top-notch IT companies. She has published more than 500 articles on various Software Testing Related Topics, Programming Languages, AI Concepts,…

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Updated December 2, 2024

Steps involved in creating Appium Tests for an Android App:

Step by step procedure involved in the creation of Appium tests for an Android App is explained precisely for your easy understanding.

Snapshots of each step are available for your reference along with few video tutorials. And this tutorial is a part of our Appium Studio tutorial series.

Create Appium Tests for an Android App

VIDEOS: Here are few Video Tutorials

Download the free Appium Studio Community Edition

Connect an Android device

To connect to an Android device, follow the instructions here:

Connecting Android Devices

Approve the Android Add Dialog

Add Android Device

Open the Device

Open the device by double-clicking it once it is added or single-clicking it and selecting “Open.”

Open device

The device reflection will then open.

(Note: Click on the below image for an enlarged view)

Device Reflection Screen

The device reflection screen can now be used to interact with and control the device being tested.

Import Android Application for testing

Click “Import” Import an App to import an Android application.

Then, select the APK/IPA/APP file associated with your app. It will then be added to the repository.

Also available in the application repository is the EriBank demo app, which you can use for testing purposes.

Select whichever application you wish to perform the tests upon.

Then select “Capabilities.” This will establish your test/app lifecycle.

Capabilities will impact Recording, Code Generation, and Execution in the Appium Studio.

Record your Appium test

Click “Record” Record.

The device will then be prepared for recording.

Once it is ready, begin performing whatever operations you wish to test.

Mouse clicks and click-and-hold movements will simulate touch and swipe actions, while keystrokes will act as key inputs.

We recommend that you complete your recording on the same screen as you began. This will allow you to cycle your execution much more efficiently during the debug process.

Once the recording is complete, a script will be generated in the Appium Studio test lab.

Appium Studio Test Lab

There, the command parameters can be modified and new/existing commands can be input or edited.

The validity of your recording can be ensured by executing this recorded script. In order do this, press “Play” Play.

Know more about creating an Appium test for an iOS app from our upcoming tutorial.

PREVIOUS Tutorial #5 | NEXT Tutorial #7

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