In the last article, we did some heavy lifting in terms of understanding the healthcare domain. We are ready to put our “Tester’s hat” back on and now try to understand how to test the health care applications.
=> If you haven’t read part 1 please read it here: How to Test Health care application – Introduction
We are now going to pick each application/system and come up with conditions that we are going to validate in each one of them.
This article is useful for the testers who are already in the Healthcare domain or those who want to enter in this hottest career field.
Let’s get started!
Table of Contents:
Healthcare Application Testing – The Sample Test Scenarios
This is the Sample Test Scenarios for:
Testing Of Provider System
#1) Provider System should be let us enter, edit and save provider data.
#2) Positive flow System testing: include scenarios to enter different types of Providers, change, save and inquire about them.
#3) Negative flow System testing: include scenarios to
- Save a provider with incomplete data.
- Save a provider with a contract effective date less than the provider license date.
- Enter data of the provider which is already available in the system and save.
#4) System Integration testing should include scenarios to
- Validate the feed to downstream systems such as the feed to Member system, Provider portal, Claim system, and Finance system.
- Validate if the changes from the Provider portal are incorporated in the respective provider record.
Testing Of Broker System
#1) Broker System should be capable of the following:
- Enter, edit and save broker data.
- Calculate the broker commission based on the premium payment details from the member system.
#2) Positive flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Enter, edit and save broker record for different types of the broker.
- Calculate the commission for the active broker by creating a feed file with the respective record for members with a different plan.
#3) Negative flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Enter a broker record with insufficient data and save for different types of the broker.
- Calculate the commission for the terminated broker by creating a feed file with the respective record for members with a different plan
- Calculate the commission for the invalid broker by creating a feed file with the respective record for members with a different plan
#4) System Testing should include scenarios to
- Validate the feeds to the downstream systems such as the Broker portal, Finance system, and Member system.
- Validate if the changes from the Broker portal are incorporated in the respective broker record.
Testing Of Member System
Member System should be capable of the following:
- Enroll, terminate, reinstate and re-enroll a member
- Add and remove a dependent
- Generate premium bill
- Process premium payments
Enrollment: In an Individual Policy, a policyholder is added under a plan with an effective date from which he/she will be paying a premium for the benefits provided by the insurer and from which he/she is eligible for submitting claims and receiving coverage.
In Group Policy, a member is added to the group (which is already added under a plan) with an effective date of which he/she is eligible for submitting claims and receiving coverage.
Termination: In an Individual Policy, the policy is terminated with a termination date of which a policyholder will not be covered by the insurance plan.
In Group Policy, either the member alone can be terminated with a termination date or the whole group can be terminated.
Reinstatement: If a terminated member asks for the policy to be active again and the current date is within the grace period from the termination date then the member can be reinstated without a gap in coverage. The policy effective date will be the same old effective date and not the current date.
Re-enrollment: If a terminated member asks for the policy to be active again and the current date is beyond the grace period from the termination date then the member can be re-enrolled with a gap in coverage. The policy effective date will be the current/future date and not be the same old effective date.
For Example, A member is enrolled in a policy with an effective date as 1/1/2013 and terminated on 12/31/2013. lets us take 30 days as the grace period fixed by the insurance company.
Case 1: If the member comes back on 1/15/2014 and wants the policy to be effective against then it is Reinstatement if the member pays the premium for the period 12/31/2013 to 1/15/2014 then the policy effective date will be the same old 1/1/2013.
Case 2: If the member comes back on 2/1/2014 and wants the policy to be effective again then it is Re-enrollment and the policy effective date will be 2/1/2014. Here there is a gap in coverage (1/1/2014 to 1/31/2014).
Positive flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Enroll different types of members with past, current and future effective dates.
- Change and inquire about members.
- Generate a premium bill for an active member for next month.
- Terminate an active member with past, current and future termination date greater than the effective date.
- Re-enroll a terminated member with past, current and future effective dates.
- Reinstate a terminated member.
Negative flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Enroll a member with insufficient data.
- Generate a premium bill for next month for a terminated member.
System Integration Testing should include scenarios to
- Validate the feed to downstream systems such as Member portal, Provider portal, Broker system, Claim system, and Finance system.
- Validate if the changes from the Member portal are incorporated in the respective member record.
- Process the payment of a generated premium bill with the feed from the Member portal that has details of payment made.
Testing Of Claims System
Claims in healthcare have diagnosis code and procedure code for the claim to be in detail.
- Diagnosis Code: Refers to the disease the patient had.
- Procedure Code: Refers to the treatment provided to the patient.
Claims System should be capable of the following:
- Enter, edit and process claims for the member as well as a dependent.
- Should throw errors for invalid claims based on the incorrect data entered.
Positive flow System Testing should include scenarios to enter, edit and process claims for the member as well as a dependent.
Negative flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Enter and validate a claim with invalid diagnosis code and procedure code.
- Enter and validate a claim with an inactive provider ID.
- Enter and validate a claim with a terminated member.
System Integration testing should include scenarios to validate the feed to downstream systems such as finance and provider portal.
Testing Of Finance System
Finance System should be capable of writing paychecks and making EFT payments to the respective recipient by processing the feeds from various upstream systems such as claims, member, provider, and broker system.
Positive flow System Testing should include scenarios to check whether the correct address or account number is chosen for the respective provider, member or broker for the payment.
Negative flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Check whether payment is done for the invalid member, provider or broker ID by creating respective records in the feed.
- Check whether payment is done for the invalid amount (Zero or negative) for the member, provider or broker by creating respective records in the feed.
System Integration Testing is not needed as this doesn’t have any downstream systems and the feeds from the upstream are validated in the System Integration testing of respective systems.
Testing Of Member Portal
Member Portal should be capable of the following:
- View policy details and claim status.
- Make change requests in policy details.
- Make premium payments.
Positive flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Log in and view policy details and claim status.
- Make change request to change address, name, phone number, etc.
- Make premium payments.
Negative flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Log in with invalid credentials.
- Make payment for a paid premium bill.
- Make payment with an invalid check.
System Integration Testing is not needed as this doesn’t have any downstream systems and the feeds from the upstream systems are validated in the system integration testing of respective systems.
Testing Of Provider Portal
Provider Portal should be capable of the following:
- View provider details, member details, and claim status.
- Make change requests in provider details.
Positive flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Log in and view provider details, member details, and claim status.
- Make change request to change address, name, phone number, etc.
Negative flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Login with invalid credentials
- View member details with an invalid member ID
System integration testing is not needed as this doesn’t have any downstream systems and the feeds from the upstream system are validated in the system integration testing of respective systems.
Testing Of Broker Portal
Broker Portal should be capable of the following:
- View broker details and commission payment.
- Make change requests in broker details.
Positive flow System Testing should include scenarios to
- Log in and view broker details and commission payment.
- Make change request to change address, name, phone number, etc.
Negative flow System Testing should include scenarios to login with invalid credentials.
System Integration Testing is not needed as this doesn’t have any downstream systems and the feeds from the upstream are validated in the System Integration Testing of respective systems.
That’s it- that’s all the modules and the aspects we would test in them.
Further Reading => TOP Reading Healthcare Software Development Companies
Important Tips For Testing Healthcare Software
Tip#1) Dates are important and have to be accurate because a slight change in the date may cause a major defect to be un-noticed.
Tip#2) In Healthcare, there are many test parameters such as different types of plan, members, providers, brokers, commission calculation method, etc., – so care should be taken while designing test cases by having a track of parameters covered and not covered.
Tip#3) Know the business users for the respective systems and think from their perspective to find any the best defects.
Tip#4) It is not needed to follow the same order for system testing and the scenarios provided here just cover the overall functionality of a healthcare application. You may also need to include some more scenarios (more hints at this post) based on the requirements you receive.
Tip#5) Health care is now moving towards a cost-effective way of providing care. Thus they have introduced an exchange model where the subscriber can have a view of plans given by all the insurers which increases the competitive nature of the insurers thereby indirectly stating the need for cost reduction.
As healthcare evolves, there will be a need for the change in software being used and there comes the revenue for IT by creation, modification, and testing of software applications involved- which means we can anticipate more projects in this domain. So, keep a lookout, if this interests you.
Tip#6) The key to success in health care application testing is claims – the complete knowledge of them and how they are adjudicated, etc.
Well, that covers the basics of the healthcare domain and a way to test healthcare applications.
As testers, we know nothing is defect free. This article may also have some defects, if you find any defect or have a question please leave a comment. We welcome your valuable feedback on the article, as it will drive us towards excellence and improvement.
Wish you all the very best for your future endeavors as a Healthcare tester. See you around!
Hi,the article is really very helpful.Thank u so very much for sharing.Actualli I am new to health care domain.So i want a sample project where i can write tescases and run the project which will be useful in mentioning project in my resume.Appreciate ur help if done as per my request.
Can you please forward your articale to
I Will really appreciate all the help I can get,.
I was searching for Software testing career in healthcare domain. The information you provided is helpful.
Can you provide some details on software testing career if one has Biotechnology background ?
@ vishal.
Hi Vishal, can you please send those articles to my mail ID. Am not into healthcare domain. Trying jobs in testing. So if u send me those articles it will be helpful.
Nice article on Healthcare !!
Could you please cover HIPAA Compliant messages, specifically 834 and 820. How can we test these messages ? test scenarios and test case for NO APTC and with APTC
Please email me at
Diagram Highlighting Monthly Data Elements Required For Policy Purchased and No Financial
Assistance Requested – No APTC Calculated
Tax Filer 1. Name of tax filer 2. SSN of of tax filer 3. date of birth for tax filer 4. tax filer address.
Hi, Thats a nice article for begginers. Can you please give information on how a claim is loaded into FACETS application and what stages does it go through leading to final payments along with the testing scenarios.
Emai id:
What Kind of Tools or Applications are used for Maintaining all these Member, Claims, Finance, Broker Systems. Are there any famous Products in Market for these ??
This is good from Health Insurance which is only a part of Healthcare segment. Healthcare domain as such is vast and covers applications under various segments i.e., Healthcare Informatics, Healthcare Imaging, Healthcare Management systems, Healthcare Services, Healthcare Diagnostics, Healthcare Clinical systems, Healthcare Standards, etc..
Thank you very much.
I am preparing for interview ..i am from health care domain.It gave me very much clarity in explaing my project.
Thank you once again….
Good to read this, wanna get some idea DB testing procedures in Healthcare systems.
Ex: How Healthcare application DB testing differ from other application Back-end testing ect.
Please share the knowledge.. 🙂
Thanks in advance
thanks….very useful…
I want to know the domain knowledge of Banking Application & work Flow of Banking Application . Can You Please Forward To my Mail ID as son as possible.
Really useful. Hope you continue this series with all kinds of domains in testing field..
please can you send me or any one can help me about
health domain interview updated question and answere
These two articles are very helpful to beginners. I read both articles as i am also working in Healthcare Domain. I would like to ask you one question if you can explain it in detail and/or share specific link for that. My question is “What is Frontend Claim Testing and Backend Claim Testing in Healthcare? What is the testing Method for that if there is some different method?
I think when you are talking abt healthcare then its very unfair to be away from this topic like DICOM ,HL7 and RIS..
I have few articles to share as im working on this MEDICAL IMAGING domain from last 7 years.It will be very helpful for fresher’s…
Can you please provide us a healthcare software to test..?
so we can test it and will get practical knowledge..
Can you please forward your articale to
I really appreciate your cooperation.
Could please write an article on Claims Processing using Facets Application
I m working in a healthcare project now. This post is helped me a lot. Thanks a lot for the post.
comprehensive scenario list. good work.
Vishal M
Can you please share articles related to health care domain testing to my id.
Thanks for your help.
This article is very use full, Vishal can you please share the info which you have on Health care domain please is my mail id. please do the need full. thanks Vishal.
@Vairavan, Thanks for the basic and general info
Here, Testing of finance system says —- System integration testing is not needed as this doesn’t have any downstream systems and the feeds from the upstream are validated in the system integration testing of respective systems —- I understand we have checked integration (other system/systems to finance system) between finance system and other systems. But what about data which needs to reflected from finance system to portals? (i.e. your claim has been processed / In process.) Pelase guide.
can anybody send me a sample test case for any application/website?
i want to learn how to write test cases.
my email is :
Nice article on Healthcare !!
Could you please cover HIPAA Compliant messages, specifically 834 and 820. How can we test these messages ?
@ vishal M. can you pls also send me artical on health care. and pls provide some free project on health care.
@Sumit, Subair and Sahil
I agree that HIPAA, HL7, etc,. are standards that defines how data are entered, transferred and secured. the standards followed may affect the functionality of each system but does not have much impact on overall structure of health care application. The scenarios provided in this article are generic and can be applied to any standard since because these are basic scenarios.
Hi., I would like to the Standards which mentioned like dicom, hippa, HL7, etc.. Please include these in next part..
Very nice one for everybody to know about Health care Domain….
Hi Vishal, can you please send those articles to my mail ID. Am not into healthcare domain. Trying jobs in testing. So if u send me those articles it will be helpful.
It’s a nice for beginners on Health Care domain knowledge.
Could you please write an article on Health Care EDI claims process…
Thank you.
Can you please forward your articale to
I Will really appreciate all the help I can get,.
I’d like to read your articles as well. I’m software developer working with HL7, RIS for 3 years.
Anything you have to say towards testing such systems might be valuable for me
Can you please forward your articale to
I really appreciate your cooperation.
Hi Guys,
very helpful n deatiled!!!!
i am a begineer in DW testing.I need some real time project material like what type of data,hipaa 834 details ,test cases,some real time challenges faced in health insurance domain.Please send me on
really useful thanks.
this is a good guide to test health insurance systems. the scenarios are very detailed and useful.
thanks for sharing.
Hi Vishal!
Very interesting article. Could you please share those articles. I am about to start my work for health care domain. Would be really helpful and appreciate your help..
Thanks in advance:)
@Anjalim, Basheer, Veda and Kedar
Thanks for commenting.
It’s a nice for beginners on Health Care domain knowledge.
Could you please write an article on Health Care EDI claims process…with different transaction sets and
possible test cases.
Thank you.
@ Vishal,
mail id
could you plz share those articles.
Is health care domain a right choice to start with? Most of the companies which I here for is based on bfsi domain. Please help me out. Athena health is hiring testing for health care.
Helpfull article.. Please write for home and motor insurance…
Thank you again for a good article!
Can anybody send articals related to healthcare in my email your cooperation will be highly appricated.Thanks in advance
I have the same question as Sumit “In your health care domain testing you did’t mention about HL7 , Hippa, dicom e.t.c those are standards for healthcare domain testing”
Otherwise, it’s a great article.
HI In your health care domain testing you did’t mention about HL7 , Hippa, dicom e.t.c those are standards for healthcare domain testing 🙁
The article is very helpful.
I am very new in Healthcare domain, There are other Desktop applications in Healthcare like Interface (It connects legacy systems by using a standard messaging protocol. Because hospitals and other healthcare providers usually have different systems for different aspects of services, they are often unable to communicate with each other. interoperability platform to achieve Data flow between multiple Health care applications in the industry.)
So my query is How to do performance testing on those desktop applications.
Can you please share the articles related to HL7, HIPAA, DICOM etc for healthcare domain testing and mail id:
Hi what is the difference between Member Portal and Member System?. Thanks
I hope you can make something like this for Banking domain.. also i want to know more on FIX protocols and testing them
healthcare is evolving a lot with chance of many QA jobs in future like bfsi domain. so yes this article is a good starting point for all those.
How should I handle the volume of testing? Meaning that one plan would typically have multiple test cases and with little mites resources testing all plan boundaries would be impossible, since the project I own has 5 k plans? Thx
How should I handle the volume of testing? Meaning that one plan would typically have multiple test cases and with few resources testing all plan boundaries would be impossible, since the project I own has 1 k+ plans . Automation considered but time is limited. team has 3 months to test. Coverage seems insurmountable
This is some interesting and limited information about some possible testing scenarios for a Health Insurance Claims Domain. It is missing at least 10 different systems and scenarios for an entire HealthCare Domain. Pharmacy, Pre-Cert, DICOM (Medical Imaging and Storage), Referring Provider Systems (EEMR, RIS, PACS, etc…), Coding, Financial Auditing, Health Care Auditing, Quality Reporting Measures, Dictation, and Monitoring are just a few things covered. Great Article but not as complete as stated for the Health Care Systems Domain. Somewhat complete for a Heath Insurance Billing Domain, but only if you leave out all the Audit, Data security, and Government Regulation systems.
Hi Vishal,
Can you please share the articles related to HL7, HIPAA, DICOM etc for healthcare domain testing and mail id:
I really appreciate your cooperation.