How to Cite a YouTube Video in APA, MLA and Chicago Styles

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated October 8, 2024

Learn How to Cite a YouTube Video using different citation styles such as APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, etc, with examples:

YouTube videos are a great source for learning so many things quickly and easily. And it is often tempting to neglect to cite them properly in your research paper.

Now, it is important to cite the source of information so that the original authors and creators get the credit for their work. It is also to document where you have taken the data from.

Here, in this article, we will tell you how to cite YouTube videos.

What Information is Cited and Why

How to Cite a YouTube Video

Generally, you must provide the source of the information that you ordinarily wouldn’t have known before starting your research. It also goes for the information that you assumed the readers must not be aware of.

Cite a reference when you are:

  • Paraphrasing, discussing, or summarizing the work of someone
  • Quoting directly
  • Using data
  • Using images, videos, graphics, and other media

Things of common knowledge don’t require citation, like a famous event or sayings and proverbs that everyone knows of. But we must cite the original conclusion from common knowledge.

Information Needed For Citation

The best way to cite your work is to keep developing them as you go. This way, you will not miss citing any important information and you will not be accused of plagiarism. The information you will need to cite an online video will depend on the source of your reference and your citation style.

Here’s the general information you will need:

  • Name of Author/Contributor
  • Title of the video
  • Name of the Website of the video (in this case, YouTube)
  • Date when the video was published
  • Who published the video
  • Date when you viewed the video
  • Video running time
  • URL

How to Cite a YouTube Video

Let us understand different citation styles for YouTube videos.


When taking a reference from an online video, you will need to include an in-text citation to tell the readers the origin of the information. In-text citation can be added in the sentences in parenthesis (like this). Or, you can use the footnote that matches up with the bibliography citation of a similar number, like the one below:

Cite a YouTube Video In Text

[image source]

However, it will again depend on the type of citation you are using.

APA Style

It can be difficult to cite YouTube videos in APA style, which is usually used for Psychology, education, social sciences. You might want to cite a quotation in the videos, user comments, or the entire channel.

Here is the video reference, taken as an example:

Enlisted below are the step-by-step instruction on how to cite a YouTube video in APA citation:

#1) Start with the last name of the uploader with the capital first letter.

#2) Put the comma after the last name and put the first letter of their first name followed by a period. Example: Wright,J.

#3) If there is a middle name, it will go after the first initial and the period.

#4) If the name is unavailable, start your citation with the next step.

#5) Now, use the bracket and list the screen name of the uploader, followed by the period after the bracket. Example: Wright,J. [Jake Wright].

name of video uploader

#6) Now you will put the parenthesis in which there will be the full year in numerical with a comma, full month in words with the capital first letter, comma again, and then comes the numerical day when the video was uploaded. After the parenthesis is closed, put the period.

Example: Wright,J. [Jake Wright]. (2014, January, 15).

date of upload

#7) Then comes the title of the video in Italics in sentence case, which means capital first letter and proper nouns. And there will not be a period after the title.

Example: Wright,J. [Jake Wright]. (2014, January, 15). Learn CSS in 12 Minutes

title of the video

#8) Put the word video in the capital first letter after the title in a bracket for the format of the source and place a period

Example: Wright,J. [Jake Wright]. (2014, January, 15). Learn CSS in 12 Minutes [Video].

#9) Put the source name of the video, YouTube in this case, and put a period after that

Example: Wright,J. [Jake Wright]. (2014, January, 15). Learn CSS in 12 Minutes [Video]. YouTube.

#10) Now put the full URL of the YouTube video you are citing and no period after that

Example: Wright,J. [Jake Wright]. (2014, January, 15). Learn CSS in 12 Minutes [Video].


video url

Note: Indent all lines after the first one.

If you want to cite the entire YouTube channel, the format will be similar. However, there will be a few key differences.

These are:

  • Instead of the date, you will use no date (n.d.) because YouTube channels are not dated.
  • The default name of every YouTube Channel is Home.
  • If you are citing another tab from the account like Channels, Playlist, About, etc, put the tab name instead of Home.

YouTube channel

#11) Instead of the name of a specific video, use YouTube Channel since you are citing the entire channel

Example: Wright,J. [Jake Wright]. (n.d.) Home [YouTube Channel].

citing the entire channel

MLA Style

Now that you know how to APA cite a YouTube video, we will talk about citing in MLA. MLA citation is entirely different from APA style and is used usually for humanities.

Here’s how to cite a YouTube video MLA style:

#1) Start with the Title of the video followed by a period in quotation marks

Example: “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.”

#2) Next comes the name of the website of your source in Italics followed by a comma, YouTube in this case

Example: “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.” YouTube,

#3) Next comes the name of the YouTube uploader followed by a comma

Example: “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.” YouTube, Jake Wright,

#4) Now put the date, month, and year of the upload followed by a comma and the month doesn’t have to be completely spelled, followed by a period when abbreviated

Example: “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.” YouTube, Jake Wright, 15 Jan. 2014,

#5) And at the end comes the video URL

Example: “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.” YouTube, Jake Wright, 15 Jan. 2014,

Note: Indent all lines after the first one.

Chicago Style

When you are citing a YouTube video in Chicago style, you can do it in two types- footnote and bibliography. Also, you can opt for a full note or a short note. It is generally used to cite history, humanities, sciences, social sciences, etc.

Chicago Citation Footnote

To cite a YouTube video Chicago-style full note, here’s what you need to do:

#1) Start with the name of the uploader followed by a comma

Example: Jake Wright,

#2) Next, put the title of the video followed by a comma between quotation marks

Example: Jake Wright, “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes,”

#3) Now put the name of the website of the source, YouTube, in this case, followed by a comma

Example: Jake Wright, “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes,” YouTube,

#4) Then comes the date of upload, month in full with capital first letter and date, followed by a comma and the year and a comma again

Example: Jake Wright, “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes,” YouTube, January 15, 2014,

#5) Lastly, put the URL of the video followed by a period

Example: Jake Wright, “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes,” YouTube, January 15, 2014,

For shortened links, just put the last name of the writer and a shortened title of the video.

Chicago Citation Bibliography

Here’s how to cite a YouTube video in Bibliography Chicago style:

#1) Start with the last name of the uploader followed by a comma and then the first name followed by a period

Example: Wright, Jake.

#2) Next, put the title of the video followed by a period between quotation marks

Example: Wright, Jake. “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.”

#3) Now put the name of the website of the source, YouTube, in this case, followed by a period

Example: Wright, Jake. “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.” YouTube.

#4) Then comes the date of upload, month in full with capital first letter and date, followed by a comma and the year and a period

Example: Wright, Jake. “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.” YouTube. January 15, 2014.

#5) Lastly, put the URL of the video followed by a period

Example: Wright, Jake. “Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.” YouTube. January 15, 2014.

Harvard Style

This is how to cite a YouTube video in Harvard Style which is usually used for Economics.

#1) Start with the last name

Example: Wright

#2) This followed by the year of publishing of the video in a parenthesis

Example: Wright (2014)

#3) Then put the name of the video followed by a period

Example: Wright (2014) Learn CSS in 12 Minutes.

#4) Next comes Available at the URL of the video

Example: Wright (2014) Learn CSS in 12 Minutes. Available at:

#5) And lastly the date month and year of the day you access it in parenthesis, followed by a period

Example: Wright (2014) Learn CSS in 12 Minutes. Available at: (Accessed: 29 January 2022)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q #1) How do you MLA cite a YouTube video?

Answer: Last name, First name of the video uploader. “Title of the video.” The website name, Publication date, URL.

Q #2) How do you in-text cite a video in APA?

Answer: Last name of the Uploader (year of upload)- that’s all it takes to in-text cite a video APA.

Q #3) What does APA stand for?

Answer: APA is an abbreviation for American Psychological Association. It is a standard format usually used in Social sciences to document sources and avoid plagiarism.

Q #4) Is APA or Harvard better?

Answer: Both these citing styles are used for different fields. APA is mainly used for citing education, behavioral and social science-related work while Harvard is mainly used for academic scientific writings.

Q #5) What are the two common styles of citation?

Answer: Among all the two most commonly used citations are APA and MLA.


Citation is not as difficult as it sounds. However, the minor difference between each citation style makes it vital that you know whether to use comma or period, bracket or parenthesis. Each citing style is used for a specific style of writing.

So, before citing, make sure to check if you have picked the right style.

Also Read =>> How to Download YouTube Videos

Here we have discussed in detail APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard citation styles. Although this is in reference to a YouTube video, the rules are almost the same for citing any source. Make sure you pick the appropriate style and cite properly.

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