Learn how to write an effective test summary report using this simple 2-step guide and Sample Test Summary Report Template:
Several documents and reports are being prepared as part of the testing. Some are Test Strategy Docs, Test Plan docs, Risk Management Plans, Configuration Management Plans, etc. Among these Test Summary Reports is one such report that is prepared after the testing is completed.
I have tried to explain the purpose of the ‘Test Summary Report’ and provided a sample Test Summary Report template along with an actual report for download.
Table of Contents:
- What is a Test Summary Report
- Guide to Writing an Effective Test Summary Report
- Step #1: Purpose of the Document
- Step #2: Application Overview
- Step #3: Testing Scope
- Step #4: Metrics
- Step #5: Types of Testing Performed
- Step #6: Test Environment & Tools
- Step #7: Lessons Learned
- Step #8: Recommendations
- Step #9: Best Practices
- Step #10: Exit Criteria
- Step #11: Conclusion/Sign Off
- Step #12: Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
- Few Points To Note While Preparing The Test Summary Report
- Conclusion
What is a Test Summary Report

As we know, Software Testing is an important phase in SDLC and also it serves as the “Quality Gate” for the application to pass through and be certified as “Can Go Live” by the Testing Team.
Test Summary Report is an important deliverable which is prepared at the end of a Testing project, or rather after Testing is completed. The prime objective of this document is to explain various details and activities about the Testing performed for the Project, to the respective stakeholders like Senior Management, Client, etc.
As part of the Daily Status Reports, the team will share daily testing results with involved stakeholders every day. However, the Test Summary Report provides a merged report on the Testing performed so far for the project.
Recommended reading => How to Report Test Execution Smartly (Status Report Template download)
Assume that if the Client who sits in a remote location needs to understand the results and status of a Testing project that was performed for a period of, say for example – four months, Test Summary Report will solve the purpose.
This is also an artifact required to be prepared as part of the CMMI process.
What does the Test Summary Report Contains?
A typical Test Report template will contain the information below, however, based on each Company’s format & practice, the contents may vary. I have also provided real examples for better understanding.
At the end of this article, you can download a Test Summary report sample.
Guide to Writing an Effective Test Summary Report
Step #1: Purpose of the Document
<Short description of the objective of preparing the document>
For example, this document explains the various activities performed as part of the Testing of the ‘ABCD Transport System’ application.
Step #2: Application Overview
<Brief description of the application tested>
For Example, ‘ABCD Transport System’ is a web-based bus ticket booking application. Online facilities allow booking tickets for different busses. The ‘Central Repository System’ provides real-time passenger information, which is consulted before confirming bookings.
There are several modules like Registration, Booking, Payment, and Reports which are integrated to fulfill the purpose.
Step #3: Testing Scope
- In Scope
- Out of Scope
- Items not tested
<This section explains the functions/modules in scope & out of scope for testing. Any items that are not tested due to any constraints/dependencies/restrictions>
For example, testing a functionality verification that requires connectivity to a third-party application is not possible due to technical limitations preventing the establishment of connectivity. If this section isn’t documented, it will be assumed that testing covered everything in the application.
- In-Scope: Functional Testing for the following modules is in the Scope of Testing
- Registration
- Booking
- Payment
- Out of Scope: Performance Testing was not done for this application.
- Items not tested: Verification of connectivity with the third-party system ‘Central repository system’ was not tested, as the connectivity could not be established due to some technical limitations. The team can verify this during UAT (User Acceptance Testing) when connectivity is available or can be established.
Step #4: Metrics
<Metrics will help us to understand the test execution results, the status of test cases & defects, etc. Required Metrics can be added as necessary. Example: Defect Summary-Severity wise; Defect Distribution-Function/Module wise; Defect Aging etc. Charts/Graphs can be attached for better visual representation>
- No. of test cases planned vs executed
- No. of test cases passed/failed
- Total defects detected, including their Status and Severity.
- Defects Distribution – Module Wise
Step #5: Types of Testing Performed
- Smoke Testing
- System Integration Testing
- Regression Testing
<Describe the various testing performed for the project. This will ensure the application is being tested properly through the testing types agreed upon as per the Test Strategy. If several rounds of testing were done, the details can also be included here.>
For Example,
a) Smoke Testing
Upon receiving a Build and deploying it into the Test environment, testing is promptly conducted to confirm the functioning of essential functionalities, allowing the Build to be accepted and Testing to commence.
b) System Integration Testing
- The testing conducted on the application is to validate its adherence to the requirements.
- Testing is conducted in critical business scenarios to ensure error-free operation of key functionalities in the application.
c) Regression Testing
- Regression testing is performed each time a new build is deployed for testing, which contains defect fixes and new enhancements, if any.
- Regression Testing is done on the entire application, not just the new functionality and Defect fixes.
- This testing guarantees that the existing functionality remains intact after fixing defects and adding new enhancements to the application.
- Test cases for the new functionality are added to the existing test cases and executed.
Step #6: Test Environment & Tools
<Provide details on the Test Environment in which the Testing is carried out. Server, Database, Application URL, etc. If any tools were used like Quality Center (now HP ALM) for logging defects>
For Example,
Step #7: Lessons Learned
<This section is used to describe the critical issues faced and their solutions (how they were solved during the Testing). Lessons learned will help to make proactive decisions during the next Testing engagement, by avoiding these mistakes or finding a suitable workaround>
Step #8: Recommendations
<Any workaround or suggestions can be mentioned here>
For Example,
- Admin control for defect management tools can be given to the Offshore Test manager to provide access to the Testing team.
- Each time the onsite Admin does not need to be contacted for requests whenever they arise, saving time due to the geographical time zone difference.
Step #9: Best Practices
<There will be a lot of activities done by the testing team during the project. Some of them could have saved time, some proved to be a good & efficient way to work, etc. These can be documented as a ‘Value Add’ to showcase to the Stakeholders>
For Example,
- A repetitive task done manually every time was time-consuming. This task was automated by creating scripts and running each time, which saved time and resources.
- Smoke test cases were automated, and the scripts were run, which ran fast and saved time.
- Automation scripts were prepared to create new customers, where a lot of records need to be created for Testing.
- Business-critical scenarios are separately tested on the entire application, which is vital to certify they work fine.
Step #10: Exit Criteria
For Example,
- All test cases should be executed – Yes
- All defects in Critical, Major, and Medium severity should be verified and closed – Yes.
- Any open defects in the Trivial severity – Action plan prepared with expected dates of closure.
No Severity1 defects should be ‘OPEN’; Only 2 Severity2 defects should be ‘OPEN’; Only 4 Severity3 defects should be ‘OPEN’. Note: This may vary from project to project. Plan of Action for the Open defects should be clearly mentioned with details on when & how they will be addressed and closed.>
Step #11: Conclusion/Sign Off
<This section will mention whether or not the Testing team agrees and gives a green signal for the application to ‘Go Live’ or not after the Exit Criteria is met.
If the application does not meet the Exit Criteria, then it can be mentioned as – “The application is not suggested to ‘Go Live’. It will be left with the decision of Senior Management and Client and other Stakeholders involved to take the call on whether the application can ‘Go Live’ or not.>
For Example, as the Exit criteria were met and satisfied as mentioned in Section 10, this application is suggested to ‘Go Live’ by the Testing team. Appropriate User/Business acceptance testing should be performed before ‘Go Live’.
Step #12: Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
<This section mentions the meanings of abbreviated terms used in this document and any other new definitions>
=> Download Sample Test Summary Report:
Click here to download a sample Test Report template with an example.
Few Points To Note While Preparing The Test Summary Report
- As part of the Test Execution, collect all the required information on the Testing performed. This will help prepare a sound test summary report.
- Lessons learned can be explained, which will convey the responsibility that was taken to solve these issues. This will also be a reference for upcoming projects to avoid these.
- Similarly, mentioning the Best Practices will portray the efforts taken by the team apart from regular testing, which will also be treated as a “Value Addition”.
- Mentioning the Metrics in graphics form (Charts, Graphs) will be a good way to visually represent the status & data.
- Remember, the Test summary report shall mention and explain the activities performed as part of the Testing to the recipients to understand better.
- A few more appropriate sections can be added if required.
The Test summary report is an important deliverable and the focus should be to prepare an effective document, as this artifact will be shared with various stakeholders like senior management, clients, etc.
After performing exhaustive testing, publishing the test results, metrics, best practices, lessons learned, conclusions on ‘Go Live’ etc. are extremely important to produce that as evidence for the Testing performed and the Testing conclusion.
We have also made a Test Report sample available for download. This is a perfect example of how to prepare an effective Test Summary report!
About the author: This is a guest post by Baskar Pillai. He has around 14 years of experience in Test management and end-to-end software testing. CSTE certified Testing professional and trainer, worked in IT majors like Cognizant, HCL, and Capgemini. I am currently working as a Test Manager for a large MNC.
Please let us know your Comments/questions/thoughts.
I am finding this article quite neat and useful to you all for the same.
Thanks again.
Hi Sir,
Are test summary report and test closure same??
Please reply.
@Karthick: Check Step#12 above – “Download Sample Test Summary Report:”
@Abhishek-Good that this post helped you..Sure will try posting more..
@Sumedha – There are many formats followed in companies. This is one such format. Summary Report can be tailored to suit project requirements.
Really awesome !!!
Wow. Great! Excellent posting !
Can you please create the test summary report that you have so clearly articulated in an excel format. I have been reading your online help for years and this is one my favorite articles. Creating a test report excel including a dashboard, would be extremely helpful for those starting out as well as those who work in companies that do not have process; your report then can be use as a proof of concept to show testing status and hence the decision to setup and install TestLink.
The Information shared is Very Good and Useful the people promoting to senior’s.
I need that for a report
hi this article is very useful to me and you guys provide very good explanation with example.actually i don’t have any experience in testing but want to test my project for checking load balance.so which test i should have to used for that and using which tools? if is there any free tools please let me know. Thank you
Do you mind to share this report ? thx
Sample Test Summary Report is missing.
Really good document.
Cannot download the Test Summary Report
@Rameez, Sheetal – added the download link in article as well as in the comment. Sorry for inconvenience. There was an issue with our servers.
Now i am started my carrier in manual testing, what should i learn further.
Few peoples are there who take the ownership and move this ship ahead!
You are one of them.
Appreciated! Great Article
@Sachin: test summary and test closure are somewhat similar.It confirms completion of Testing.
Thanks to all for your feedback..
Is it just me or I still have no luck downloading the file, getting the “Server not found” error.
@Ravikumar verma: Thanks Ravi
please keep in mind..the purpose of testing is NOT just to validate what is written in Functional Specification document, but to ensure the tested application is “Fit for Purpose” (FFP).
Super Ji Super Ji
@Suresh,Ravindra,Jaya,Bala,Edwin: Thanks for your feedback!!!
Thanks Baskar.
I have been following this website for years to read new topics and enhance my knowledge in Testing. This article is very valuable as each release requires an execution summary. Keep posting !!
I am into Embedded testing with 4 yrs of experience. I have very gud experience in Manual testing.
Good knowledge Selenium and Perl(not used much in the projects as it is more of manual testing).
I am not getting interview calls.
Can u plz let me knw the current trend so that i can update on it.
Thank u
Awesome website and very nice blogs . Thanks a Lot , helping a lot
While the general content is fine, as a BI professional I would strongly recommend avoiding the use of 3D pie charts to present data.
This is very helpfull.
Thank you
Thank you very much!
It help me a lot !
@Latha: There is an article titled “ETL vs. DB Testing – A Closer Look at ETL Testing Need, Planning and ETL Tools” published in SoftwareTestingHelp.
You can also search for similar subjects in the website.
Awesome website,very helpful
Any one plz explain ETL testing ? How to learn it?
About Metrics:
Metrics are often requested by management, but are usually useless and should be avoided. Think about what value the information has, e.g. “We planned 234 test cases, executed 198, 190 passed and 8 failed”. Does that mean anything? Were the 8 failures important or trivial? Are 234 test cases better than 233? Why did we not plan 235 test cases? etc, etc.
It’s better to tell the story, e.g. “The ‘edit’ function fails frequently, even for basic scenarios which causes a poor user experience and loss of data. ‘New application process’ is working well and the interface is easy to understand. Minor performance issues were observed with multiple users accessing the application, but due to budget restrictions we could not perform proper load testing.”
nice post thanks for sharing this post.
Please download the sample test summary report from following page:
Many Thanks Baskar for writing such a nice post, It’s really awesome.
Try to testing rubber conveyor belt. But how much test. And how to test i should have to used for that and using which tools?plz friends provide me knowledge if having
Thanks guys
Very nice article as I was in search for a template for use in an UAT report. I am managing different IT projects, which are run by our vendors, as I have a position in a Govt. Sector Services oriented department. I am Mcs recently, can anyone guide me about, If I need to jump into the field of Testing Software etc. Thanks
This is not a Test Summary Report. As per the IEEE 829 standard Test Summary Report Template is as follows:
Test summary report identifier
Comprehensive assessment
Summary of results
Summary of activities
I am working as BA, BNFS vertical..
Recently Client ask me to prepare template ‘Summary Test case’. I gone through your post and it realy awesome & Helpful.
Bhaskar, Pls keep posting..
There is still an issue with downloading the sample test report summary.
February 2021. Issue still there.
Very informative article. Got what I needed. Thanks 🙂
@Pradip – You can try Loadrunner for Load testing.
a company asked me to appear for preliminary selection testing exam of two hours. This is what they will be examining for:
“Testing for this position includes the following:
Test Format
Basic Word Automated
Basic Excel Automated
Business Writing Manual
They will be checking MS WORD and EXCEL skills in automated format. I am not so sure what that entails. Does anybody have an idea. The position i applied for is “Test Analyst”
sample templat for mobile,land line phone,notepad,test cases please replay me
Hi Sir,
It is great to everyone know about the test summaries even Developers. keep on posting your valuable article’s.
The document is really good and it will help if some provide some PPT it will give some clear picture…anyway the content is great..
I need the sample to do a summary report
@Selvam, Vamsi-Thanks for the feedback.
@Savitha- Tools like Selenium, QTP, Loadrunner has steady scope. You can also focus on ETL testing which has demand recently. SAP, Peoplesoft, Datawarehouse etc testing too have their own share of demand.
For Automation tools – focus on the scripting part more.
Article is really informative,Especially Metrics.Please update some Sample Test Summary Report.it might helpful for one look into it….Great…
Very Informative, However things like “list of knows” , “Test bed” information links etc are missing.
@Atiana: Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. That’s a nice request. I do have few excel formats.These excel reports will be easy to create charts and graphs and of course Dashboards like.. Etc. If anyone still needs the copy pls email to usabaski@gmail.com.
Excellent Sir.
i have an experience in manual testing around 3 years and after experience i atten 2 interviews but i don’t know how to explain my work experiece