Pytorch Vs Tensorflow: Key Differences and Comparison

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated February 1, 2025

Here is a comprehensive guide that will help you explore and understand the differences between PyTorch vs TensorFlow, along with their pros and cons:

Both PyTorch and TensorFlow are the most popular deep-learning frameworks used today by developers. Both of them have enhancing features and comparing them will result in a long debate.

Therefore, in this article, we have deeply discussed both PyTorch and Tensorflow software libraries, functionality features, supportable programming languages, the way of executing code, and their specific pros and cons.

By reading this article, the architects will get assistance in selecting the framework that would be easy to learn, build and train diversified neural networks.

PyTorch vs TensorFlow: Comparative Study

PyTorch vs TensorFlow

What is PyTorch

PyTorch is a framework of machine learning that is derived from the Torch library and used in applications like computer vision and natural language processing. Initially, it was developed by Meta AI and now, it’s part of the Linux Foundation umbrella.

PyTorch is a free and open-source software liberating under an altered BSD license. While the Python interface is smoother and the focus of development. It also contains a C++ interface. The demand for PyTorch has increased because of its simplicity, easy usability, dynamic computational graph, and productive use of memory.

PyTorch is crucial as it makes computations function promptly. Therefore, users aren’t required to type the whole code to examine whether it works. It enables you to run a part of the code systematically and analyze it in real time.

Suggested Reading => Difference between Deep Learning and Machine Learning

PyTorch is a deep learning development tool that has the following features:

  • Its API is very easy to use.
  • Python Support: PyTorch easily incorporates a data science stack of Python.
  • Dynamic Mathematical Graphs: PyTorch offers a framework to construct computational graphs and even modify them during runtime, despite predetermined graphs with specific functionality. This service is useful in occasions where the memory necessities for creating a neural network are not revealed.
  • TorchScript: It provides a flawless conversion between graph mode and eager mode to quicken the path to production.
  • Distributed Training: It has a spread-out backend. Torch allows optimization of performance in production and research and scalable distributed training.
  • Tools and Libraries: A vigorous ecosystem of tools and libraries expands PyTorch and supports development in computer vision, NLP, and more.

Some companies that utilized PyTorch are JP Morgan Chase, SalesForce, Microsoft, and Facebook.


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In the field of Artificial Intelligence, PyTorch and TensorFlow are the most popular and renowned technologies. Machine learning and deep learning are the two libraries that can be compared.

What is TensorFlow

Google developed TensorFlow, which is a renowned deep learning open-source library for data flow and distinguishable programming over a variety of tasks. Originally, Google’s Google Brain department designed it for internal use, since then, this platform is utilized by big giant companies, such as Airbnb, Twitter, Intel, and Coca-Cola.

TensorFlow is a figurative maths library, with applications of machine learning, such as neural networks utilizing it. The main use instances are research and production. TensorFlow is extensively used by companies, startups, and business firms to automate things and generate new systems.

Its reputation is extracted from its distributed training support, flexible production and deployment options, and support for diverse devices such as Android.

TensorFlow, which competes with structures like PyTorch and Apache MXNet, can train and manage deep neural networks for handwritten categorization of the digit, image recognition, repetitive neural networks, word embeddings, sequence-to-sequence models for machine translation, natural language processing, and PDE (Partial Differential Equation) -based imitations.


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The entire training and deployment process for TensorFlow is depicted in the diagram. Higher-level API, eager execution, and flexible model building are some of the most simplified and feasible features to use in the TensorFlow 2.0 version.

On top of all, TensorFlow can support production prediction at balance, and for training, the same models are used. It holds an inclusive library of pre-trained models you can use for your own projects.

Some important features of TensorFlow are:

  • Secure Model Building: With the help of intuitive high-level APIs like Keras, the library enables you to construct and train ML models with a swift iteration of the model and simple fixing.
  • ML Production Anywhere: It trains as well as deploys models in the cloud, in the browser, on-premises, or on devices disregarding the language used by the user.
  • Robust Experimentation for Research: A scalable and direct architecture to transfer new ideas from concept to code, integrating innovative models, which results in quicker publishing.

TensorFlow vs PyTorch

TensorFlow and PyTorch both provide convenient abstractions that have eased the development of models by lessening boilerplate code. They vary because PyTorch has a more Pythonic approach and is object-aligned, while TensorFlow has offered a variation of options.

We have thoroughly explained the difference between the two:

#1) Original Designers: TensorFlow was designed by Google and established in Theano, a Python library. Whereas Facebook designed PyTorch with the help of the Torch library.

#2) Computational Graph Building: TensorFlow works on a static graph concept, which signifies that the user initially has to define the model’s computation graph, and then the ML model is run. PyTorch holds a dynamic graph approach that enables influencing the graph in real-time. PyTorch presents an edge with its dynamic nature of graph formation.

These are formed by interpreting the line of code correlating to a certain feature of the graph. Nevertheless, in TensorFlow, the establishment is fixed, and it is necessary for the graph to go through compilation, after which it is performed.

#3) Debugging: The debugger of TensorFlow works on a linear equation through gradient descent. With PyTorch, the user isn’t required to learn another debugger, as it utilizes a quality Python debugger. We can execute debugging in two ways, that is by learning the TF debugger or by requesting variables from the session.

#4) Features: The code is used to reverse certain dimensions of a tensor. TensorFlow endorses a top functionality level. Along with this, it provides a wide spectrum of options to work with by giving operations such as

  • Examining the Tensor for infinity and NaN.
  • Overturning a Tensor as well as the dimension.
  • A package named contrib is used for model formation.

On the contrary, PyTorch has lesser features compared to TensorFlow.

#5) Serialization: PyTorch has provided an easy API that preserves all the distinguished weights of the model or saves the whole class. TensorFlow enables the whole graph to be saved as a protocol buffer, which incorporates parameters as well as operations.

Some other supported languages, like Java and C++, can load the graph. This is crucial for deployment stacks where Python isn’t presented. It is beneficial when the user changes the model source code and wishes to run old models as well.

#6) Deployment: The ML frameworks are simple to envelop with server-side small-scale deployments. For embedded and mobile deployments, TensorFlow works well. Nevertheless, the deployment of iOS or Android needs a significant amount of work.

Another feature that TensorFlow provides is that the models cannot be exchanged effortlessly without making the server down.

#7) Visualization: Visualization has a critical role in presenting any project in an organization. The machine learning models are envisioned by TensorBoard in TensorFlow. TensorBoard is the real-time representation of the graphs of a model that portrays the representation of the graph and presents the precise graphs in real-time.

#8) Device Management: In TensorFlow, the user isn’t required to describe as the defaults are effectively settled. For example, if a user is available, it automatically presumes that the user desires to be on the GPU. For device management, TensorFlow has a drawback.

Even if only one GPU is in use, it still takes up memory on all available GPUs. Whereas, with PyTorch, the user is required to transfer everything on the device if CUDA is absolutely installed. Also, the code needs constant checks for the availability of CUDA.

#9) Ecosystems: Around PyTorch and TensorFlow, large ecosystems are built. TensorFlow has things such as the Model Garden, which makes the source available for SOTA models. It also has TensorFlow.js, Vertex AI, Playground, and Colab.

PyTorch has Hub, SpeechBrain, TorchVision, TorchText, and various other – renowned toolkits. It also contains PyTorch Lightning. TensorFlow has a broad diversity, along with the benefits of merging with Google.

#10) Available Models: PyTorch and TensorFlow contain their separate collections of available models, and this will influence your consideration. For Hugging Face, you’ll see that most of the models are special to PyTorch.

Considering this, PyTorch succeeded over TensorFlow, however, this might change in the future. Some advancements are happening regarding this instance, but PyTorch undertook this skillfully.

Which is Better PyTorch or TensorFlow

PyTorch and TensorFlow both have distinctive development stories along with complex design-decision histories. Formerly, this has made it a complex technical discussion about the comparison of their present features and the predicted features. Specified that the framework of both has developed rapidly since their establishment.

Various of these technical variations are vestigial now. For those people who don’t want to get in the middle of this PyTorch vs TensorFlow debate, there are three practical considerations:

APIsPyTorch only supports low level APIs that focuses on array expressionTensorflow supports both low level as well as high level APIs
ArchitectureThe architecture of PyTorch is not easy for a beginner to understand in the beginning. But, after a period of time it is totally understandable.The architecture is complex and difficult to understand.
Debugging AbilityAs compared to Tensorflow and Keras, the debugging process is easier.Debugging process is highly complex in Tensorflow.
CapabilityPyTorch can handle huge volume of data.The processing speed of Tensorflow is high, therefore Tensorflow can handle huge volumes of data.
FeatureFor building natural language processing and neural networks, PyTorch framework is used.For teaching the machine many computational methods, Tensorflow framework is used.
Ramp-Up TimeWith the usage of Numpy, PyTorch can be used for creating graphic cards.Leveraging the Tensorflow execution engine, the Tensorflow compiled code can be made run.
ProjectsHorizon, CheXNet and PYRO are the top PyTorch projectsMagenta, Ludwig and Sonnet are the top Tensorflow projects

Example of a simple addition operation using TensorFlow:

Import tensorflow as tf
x=tf. constant(2.0, dtype=tf.float64)

Using PyTorch

Import torch
a=torch.tensor (2.0, dtype=torch.float64)
b=torch.tensor (2.0, dtype=torch.float.64)

Example of a simple training loop with both Tensorflow and PyTorch

Using TensorFlow

model.compile(loss=‘binary_crossentropy’, optimizer=‘Adam’, metrics=[‘accuracy’]) (x=X,y,batch_size=64, epochs =num_epochs, verbose=2, validation_spilt=0.2)

Using PyTorch

criterion = nn.BCEloss()
optimizer = optim.Adam (model.parameters (),lr=0.001)
for epoch in Range (num_epochs): iterator=iter (dataloader)
for batch in iterator: optimizer.zero_grad()
out= model (batch [“x”])
loss = criterion (out, batch [“y”])
loss. backward ()
optimizer.step ()

What Can be Built with PyTorch or Tensorflow

#1) Availability of Model: As the field of deep learning widens constantly, the models become bigger as well, and training these advanced models from scratch isn’t practical anymore. Fortunately, there are various models that are accessible publicly, and it is vital to use them wherever possible.

#2) Infrastructure Deployment: Training good-performing models is meaningless if they can’t be used. Lessening their deployment time is primary, mostly with the increasing fame of microservice business models, and productive deployment can make or break several business companies whose focus is on Machine Learning.

#3) Ecosystems: Deep Learning isn’t more declassed to certain use cases in immensely controlled environments. AI is introducing new potential into the industry’s litany. Therefore, a framework that stays inside a bigger ecosystem that eases the development of local, server, and mobile applications is extremely significant.

Additionally, the emergence of specially designed Machine Learning hardware, like Google’s Edge Tpu, signifies that successful practitioners are required to work with a framework that can blend effectively with the hardware.

#4) Code Style and Function: The code in Pytorch consists of individual lines, while the code in Tensorflow is small. To improve the accuracy of code, in TensorFlow, the code is written small and precise. In C, C++, and Java Tensorflow is compatible, while Pytorch supports only Python-based coding.

#5) Learning Curve: Pytorch is easy to learn as compared to TensorFlow. The syntax used in Pytorch is very much similar to the Python programming language. As Pytorch is object-oriented and data handling is also straightforward, Pytorch is easy to learn.

Pros and Cons

Pros of PyTorch and TensorFlow

Quick prototyping can be done using PyTorchTensorflow consumes less memory
Requires less time for trainingCustom features are supportable in Tensorflow

Cons of PyTorch and TensorFlow

PyTorch offers limited visualisation and monitoring interference to the users.Symbolic loop feature required for variable length sequence is not supportable on Tensorflow.
Community of developers is small as compared to other frameworks.Tensorflow does not support Windows. You need to install Conda or Python Package library (pip)

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Both Tensorflow and PyTorch are built in the Python language. PyTorch is based on the Torch library while Tensorflow is a software library for differential and dataflow programming.

PyTorch vs. TensorFlow: Which framework is best for the deep learning project?

Further Reading => A Complete TensorFlow Guide for Beginners

The framework of TensorFlow is a powerful and mature deep-learning library. It supports the mobile platform and has production-ready deployment features, too. PyTorch has a young framework, and it is more friendly with Python languages.

Why is PyTorch Preferred Over TensorFlow

One of the main reasons for people choosing PyTorch is that it supports the Python language and the code is very easy to understand. The framework is also designed and assembled in such a way that it supports only Python language.

On the other hand, TensorFlow supports many libraries. Therefore, a developer needs to learn several things for working on TensorFlow.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is PyTorch faster than TensorFlow?

It has been confirmed that PyTorch’s performance is better than TensorFlow. This can be attributed to the fact that these devices unload most of the computation into a similar version of the cudNN and cuBLAS libraries.

2. Is PyTorch harder than TensorFlow?

PyTorch utilizes instant implementation, i.e., eager mode. It is considered simpler to use compared to TensorFlow in the matter of debugging. Thus, when it comes to PyTorch, Python debugging tools can be used like PDB, ipbd, and PyCharm debugger.

3. Is PyTorch used for AI?

Data scientists mostly utilize PyTorch for research and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications.

4. Should I learn Keras or PyTorch?

Keras has magnificent access to reusable code and tutorials, whereas PyTorch has excellent community support as well as dynamic development. Keras is considered the best for working with small datasets, swift prototyping, and various back-end support. It’s a renowned framework due to its relative clarity.

5. What is TensorFlow used for?

The platform of TensorFlow assists you in executing the best applications for data automation, performance monitoring, model tracking, and mode retraining. Using production-level tools for automating and tracking model training across the life of a product, service, or business process is important to succeed.

6. Which language is used in TensorFlow?

TensorFlow is a framework of machine learning, which is open-source. Python is a renowned computer programming language. This language is used in TensorFlow. For TensorFlow, this language is suggested. However, C++ and JavaScript also work on it.

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It can’t be declared that one library is good, and one is bad. Both libraries are extremely beneficial and utilized on a large scale. Both are frameworks of machine learning used for several tasks.

TensorFlow is a useful deep-learning library that has debugging capabilities and visualization, along with various options to use for high-level model deployment. On the contrary, PyTorch is mainly suggested for research-oriented developers as it supports swift and dynamic training.

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