In this article, we are going to see all about “How-to” test the retail banking system. So, come on along.
Introduction to Retail Banking:
It refers to the banking that executes direct transactions with consumers/customers rather than corporations / companies or other banks.
Retail banking is also known as Consumer banking. It provides different banking services like savings account, current account, check transactions, credit cards, online banking, loans etc. to fulfil individual customer requirements.
Table of Contents:
- Retail Banking System
- Functions in Retail banking:
- Services in Front End Banking:
- Backend Banking:
- Services in Channel Banking:
- Test Scenarios for Retail Banking:
- Positive test scenarios for banking applications:
- Negative test scenarios:
- Performance testing scenarios:
- Security testing scenarios:
- Tips for testing a retail banking application:
- Conclusion:
- Was this helpful?
- Recommended Reading
Retail Banking System
The main activity of retail banking is to accept deposits from one customer and lend credit to other customers in the form of loans. It is all about making different asset products and liability products available to customers. This has grown widely in the last few years.
Recommended reads =>
Functions in Retail banking:
- Front End Banking
- Back End Banking
- Channel Banking
Services in Front End Banking:
#1) Account opening:
Account opening plays a vital role in banking. To proceed with any services in retail banking an account should be opened.
The following is the process to open an account.
#2) Teller Transactions:
In general terms, a teller means “Cashier”. Below are the two types of teller transactions.
- Cash Transactions: This type of transaction does:
- Cash deposit/withdrawal – Account holder asking the teller to deposit or withdraw cash from his/her account.
- Currency note exchange – Exchanging the foreign currency to local currency or local currency to foreign currency as per the customer’s request.
- Non-cash Transactions: This type of transaction does:
- Standing instructions – A customer instructing the bank to pay the set of an amount to the other customer for a fixed/indefinite time period at a particular regular interval frequency.
- Transfers – Transferring the amount from one account to another account.
#3) Liability products:
- Savings account: Savings bank account is generally opened by salaried individuals or those who have a fixed regular income. Commercial banks, co-operative banks and postal departments accept deposits by way of an opening savings bank account. Below are the main features of a savings account:
- Minimum balance should be maintained.
- Pays interest as per the balance.
- There are restrictions on transfers and withdrawals.
- Current account: In your current account, the amount can be deposited and withdrawn at any time without giving any notice. It is also suitable for making payments to creditors by using cheques. The current account can be opened in co-operative and commercial banks. Below are the main features of your current account:
- An overdraft facility is available.
- There are no restrictions on transfers or withdrawals.
#4) Remittances: Transferring money from one account to another account using the options below:
- Electronic form:
- Electronic fund transfer is nothing but transferring money through the online banking system from one account to another account via NEFT/RTGS.
- Telegraphic Transfer is done abroad which means transferring money online from one account to another. Generally, transfer charges will be applicable to the sender’s account by sending bank. There won’t be transfer charges for receiving banks. But in very rare cases receiving banks could charge some amount.
- Non-Electronic form:
- Demand draft / check: These are one of the oldest negotiable instruments used in the banking system for transfer of money in paper form with a clearing mechanism.
#5) Cards: Listed below are different types of cards.
- Debit cards: Debit cards are integrated with automated teller machines (ATM) and point of sale (POS) features. Whenever a customer uses the above options, the amount will be debited directly from his/her bank account.
- Smart cards: It stores cash in an electronic form which is embedded with an integrated circuit.
- Credit cards: It gives freedom to “pay later” if an emergency comes up or if you need something and don’t have the money at that point of time, credit cards are very useful. Once the statement is generated the minimum amount can be paid.
- Charge cards: This is the same as a credit card, except that the card payment cannot be deferred. This is a card that requires full payment upon statement generation.
- Below is how to read a card.
#6) Asset Products: Asset product is nothing but a debt given by the bank to a customer. Here, the bank is a lender and the customer will be a borrower.
Loans are classified as below:
- Secured loans: In this type of loan, collateral will be given by the borrower to the lender as a security at the time of borrowing money, which is in turn used by the lender to recover loan amount from the borrower. For example: In Mortgage loans, house property documents are provided as security. For Vehicle loans, vehicle documents are provided for security purposes, etc.
- Unsecured loans: For these types of loans there will not be any collateral as a security by the borrower to the lender. For example Educational loan, personal loan in which borrower cannot produce any collateral as a security to the lender.
Backend Banking:
It mainly deals with checks i.e., check truncation, clearing and settlement.
Below shows what a check looks like and detailed information of a check.
(Note: Click on any image for an enlarged view)
#1) Check Truncation is the settlement of clearing transactions on the basis of images and electronic data without any physical movement of the instruments.
#2) Clearing & Settlement:
- Inward clearing: All checks drawn by our bank and deposited with other banks are received through clearing, and applied to the drawer’s accounts is inward clearing. Process of inward clearing is that all instruments are matched against the respective account balances as well as status (stopped, used, etc) and then passed or rejected by the system
- Outward clearing: Checks deposited and drawn by another bank, which have been sorted and are presented for clearing, are known as outward clearing. The process of outward clearing is a group of checks packaged, sent to the clearing house or federal reserve office and a cash letter is accompanied by a list containing the amount of each check , the total amount of checks and the number of checks.
#3) Check clearing process:
The check clearing process is shown below:
Services in Channel Banking:
#1) Mobile Banking
- Mobile banking includes alerts and transactions.
- When a customer registers his/her mobile number during account opening he/she can receive alerts to the mobile, like credit/debit alerts, account balance alerts, bill payment alerts
- The customer can also perform operations like funds transfer, bill payment, account balance enquiry, etc.
#2) Internet Banking
- Internet banking is nothing but online banking in which customers will be logging into the banking website.
- This includes transactions like fund transfers, bill payments, cheque book requests, enquiries, mutual funds, insurance, etc.
#3) ATM Banking
- Automated Teller Machine banking involves an ATM machine where a customer can insert a debit/credit card into it and withdraw cash
- This also includes transactions like enquiries, cash deposits into the account, etc.
- Point of sale is used in stores where a customer pays the amount through debit/credit card instead of cash.
- An invoice will be generated indicating that payment was made by the customer for the goods purchased.
Test Scenarios for Retail Banking:
Below are the sample screenshots related to the retail banking application:
#1) Sample screenshot to open a savings bank account with local currency.
#2) Sample screenshot to open a savings bank account with foreign currency.
#3) Sample screenshot to open the current account.
#4) Sample screenshot to transfer the amount from one account to another account.
#5) Sample screenshot for teller transaction – cash deposit local
#6) Sample screenshot for teller transaction – cash withdrawal local
#7) Sample screenshot for adding payee and transferring through channel banking
Positive test scenarios for banking applications:
1) Verify if the customer details are available in the application before creating an account.
2) Verify all mandatory fields like customer ID, currency, product code, etc. are entered to open an account
3) When opening a savings or current banking account, verify that the product code is selected appropriately.
For example, when you are opening a current account, select the product code appropriate to your current account and when you are opening a savings bank account, select the product code appropriate to the savings account.
4) When opening an account, verify that the currency is selected appropriately i.e., either local or foreign currency.
For example, if you are opening a local savings account then select currency as INR and if you are opening a foreign savings account then select a foreign currency.
5) While transferring the amount from one account to another, verify that all mandatory fields are entered, such as debit amount, debit account number, credit amount, credit account number, etc.
6) For telegraphic transfer, verify debit currency and credit currency is different.
7) For teller transactions like cash deposit or withdrawal, verify credit amount or debit amount is entered correctly. Also, verify that all the denominations entered match the total debit or credit amount.
8) Verify check details are captured in the retail banking application by entering check number, amount, customer, etc.
9) Verify inward clearing is done by providing details like debit amount, debit account and credit account.
10) Verify outward clearing is done by providing details like credit amount, credit account and debit account.
11) Verify all the card details like card number, valid through, customer, etc. are encrypted and stored in the system as it is very sensitive data.
12) Verify if a payee can be added through channel banking by providing all the mandatory details like account name, Account number, etc.,
13) Verify if the account transfer was done successfully through channel banking by providing all the mandatory details like transaction type, amount and from an account for an existing payee.
14) Verify whether messages are received once a transaction is done through Channel Banking.
15) Verify collateral details are given while creating a secured loan.
16) Verify collateral details are not given while creating an unsecured loan.
Negative test scenarios:
1) Verify the creation of an account with invalid customer details.
2) Verify the creation of an account by not selecting a product code or any of the mandatory fields.
3) Verify creating a savings banking account by entering the product code as your current account and vice versa.
4) Verify creating a local currency account by entering foreign currency amount and vice versa.
5) Verify telegraphic transfer by giving debit currency and credit currency for the same. This will be a normal account transfer and not a telegraphic transfer.
6) Verify teller transaction cash withdrawal by entering credit amount and vice versa.
7) Verify teller transaction by providing invalid denominations.
For example, if the credit or debit amount is 150 then provide denomination for 100 as 1 and denomination for 50 as 2. The system should not allow proceeding with the transaction.
8) Verify if a payee can be added through channel banking by providing an account name that does not match the account number.
For example, if the account name is Sita and the account number is 12345, then for testing this scenario provide Rama with the account name and account number as 12345. The system should not allow adding a new payee as the account name and number are not matching
9) Verify if a payee can be added through channel banking by providing an invalid IFSC code.
10) Verify if a payee can be added through channel banking by not providing any of the mandatory fields.
11) Verify if an account transfer through channel banking is done by not providing any of the mandatory fields.
12) Verify if a message is received when an incorrect mobile number is provided.
13) Provide collateral details while creating an unsecured loan.
For example, when you’re creating an educational loan, provide mortgage details as collateral. The system should not accept the creation of an educational loan with mortgage details.
14) While creating a secured loan, do not provide collateral details.
For example, when you’re creating a mortgage loan or vehicle loan, do not provide collateral details. The system should not allow us to proceed further.
Related => What is Negative Testing and How to Write Negative Test Cases?
Performance testing scenarios:
1) Verify different users’ logins to the same retail banking application using different systems at the same time.
2) Verify the user is able to log into the retail banking application within a few seconds by providing a valid user ID and password.
3) Verify logging into the application when the server is down.
Also read => Introduction to Performance testing
Security testing scenarios:
1) Try logging into the retail banking application by providing a valid user ID and password and verify that the password field is encrypted.
2) Verify logging into the retail banking application by providing an invalid user ID or password.
3) Verify logging into the application by providing one of the fields – userID or password is blank.
Also read => An approach for Security Testing of Web Applications
Tips for testing a retail banking application:
- It is important to know the retail banking terminologies to start with testing of this type of an application.
- The tester should mainly concentrate on the test data that is being created or used during testing. For example, the tester should be able to provide proper customer details or account details, etc for creating a savings account, current account or a loan account.
- Also, it is important for a tester to know the functionality of check processing while testing check transactions like inward or outward clearing.
In the current world, Retail banking applications are very important as every individual is involved directly or indirectly with it.
With the simple functionality and test scenarios provided in the article above, a tester can start testing the retail banking application.
What are your tips/suggestions for testing banking applications? We’d love to hear all about them in the comments section below!
Really very helpful ..
In addition to this is it possible to share info related ‘How to get domain knowledge of Retail n Corporate banking for testing ‘ or anyone having any links related to this …
I just would like to add two more test cases, please comment
-verify creation of an account with the exact same information of an already existed account.
-for internet banking
after logging into an account, save its url, logout.
copy and paste the url to a browser in order to log into the system again.
This is very informative and useful to those who wants to understand banks processing for retail products. You missed ‘Instant Voice Response (IVR) Banking’ or ‘Telephone / Phone Banking’ under Services in Channel Banking.
good post
great topic, i think the conclusion part of negatif testing is to expect the unexpected.
Good topic ..easy to understand..
good understandable information thank you for sharing this
Great topic , with a alot of useful information.
Thanks Mate .
Thank you for your helpful information about banking domain. Could you share your articles about forex trading system?
Great info for the beginners.I think Retail banking concepts cannot be made simpler than this.wonderful job.hats off
When testing, do you normally use live customers or Test Accounts
Very informative for those who don’t have the banking domain experience.
Keep it up STH.
Very useful information for banking domain
Very useful information. Verify Spelling of cheque.
Excellent info and very helpful for those doesn’t work
in Banking sector
Very Helpful for bigneres who are going to test Retail banking System….
very informative topic who don’t have banking domain experience