How to Write Two Week Notice Letter [Template With Examples]

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated January 22, 2025

Learn the process of writing a Two Week Notice Letter by exploring different examples and templates:

Transitioning jobs can be nerve-wracking. There is the excitement of something new, but at the same time, there is the sadness and uncertainty that comes with leaving familiar territory. It truly is a bittersweet experience that literally begins with your two-week notice period.

However, in an ever-changing world, job transitions are inevitable. Humans have been in search of greener pastures since time immemorial and changing jobs is often part of this process.

After several harrowing rounds of networking and interviews, there comes a time when you find a new job that ticks all the boxes for you and makes you excited. Congratulations! Now you have to break the news to your current employer that you are resigning.

Write a Two-Week Notice Letter

How To Write a Two Week Notice Letter

This is the part that’s not always pleasant. But don’t worry, we have you covered. If you are thinking about how I should tell my boss and how I should write my two-week notice letter, you are in the right place. This article is going to be all about writing a killer two week notice letter and making a graceful exit.

Most companies in the United States require a 2 week notice for a smooth transition process to either fill the vacancy caused by your move or to transfer the knowledge and the job’s know-how to someone in the company, so there is no loss of information. The initiation of this transition process is your two week notice letter.

As the saying goes, all’s well that ends well. The 2-week notice letter is the initiation of the ending.


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In this article, we will see examples of the two week notice letter, how to write it, do’s and don’ts, etc. so when the time comes, you are ready to exit your current job, the right way.

Am I Ready to Give My Two-Week Notice

Before you tender your two weeks’ notice for your resignation, do your due diligence. Ask yourself if you are absolutely certain you want to leave this job. Be sure that your current job is no longer serving you in your onward career journey.

Do not let petty grievances or vengeance fuel your decision. Do not move out of your current job to prove a point to someone. Don’t use your job transition as leverage in your current position.

Don’t assume that your two week notice is going to coerce the company/your manager into fulfilling your wishes, such as a pay increase or promotion, in an attempt to retain you.

quitting your job

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Consider the following:

  • If you have outgrown your current role, try if you can get a department change or title change to better align with your goals.
  • If pay is the reason, try to discuss that with your manager or HR to see if they can match your expectations within your current role.
  • If the location or commute is an issue, check if you can transition into a remote role.

If you have tried all the above and still want to change jobs, then absolutely go for it.

Remember, once you give your two-week notice, there is no looking back. Things are set in motion and it’s an onward journey towards your exit from your job.

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Is it Absolutely Necessary to Give a Two-Week Notice

There are many interpretations of this question. One of them can be, do I have to let my company know I am leaving? The other can be, do I need to stay the entire two weeks if I decided to quit?

Let’s look at the first scenario, which I think is the worst-case scenario. It is to say nothing and simply not show up. Unless you want to cut all ties with the company and erase all references to your tenure, do not simply abscond.

Some jobs can be truly painful, co-workers can be hellions and the pay could be an insult, but no matter how bad it gets, take a minute to let your employer know you quit.

If you end up going this route, remember that there is no future employment with this company, no references, and in smaller circles, a ruined reputation that might be hard to recover from.

Coming to the second point, yes, it is a good idea to serve the two-week notice period with a business-as-usual attitude. It is not uncommon to feel disengaged once you have resigned, but do your best as you normally would to finish up any last tasks left and help with transitioning your duties to whoever is taking over.

Not only is this the right thing to do, but could go a long way in cementing your professional reputation and future references. Also, are you under contract? – If you are under a contract that has a variable contract period, then you are obligated to serve that period if you want to avoid legal complications.

How to Go About Tending My Resignation


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You found your next big role, and you are ready to move on. Here are some things you can do to set things in motion:

#1) Decide for yourself when you want to exit. A two-week notice is the norm, but you know your role best. Sometimes your manager can ask you to stay an extra week or there might be an upcoming holiday that might shorten your notice period’s duration.

In any case, bring out the calendar and get a sense of when your last day could be so you can communicate that with your employer. If possible, accommodate your employer’s request to stay longer but please note that you are not obligated to work beyond 2 weeks of notice.

#2) There is often the question of whether I should meet with my manager before or after I send my two-week notice letter. It is always best to tell them beforehand than catching them off guard.

So, meet with your manager or call them and let them know you are resigning from your position and to expect an official two-week notice letter from you. Discuss an end date and seek confirmation for mutual agreement. Offer help with the transition process.

#3) Your boss should be the first one to know of your resignation decision before any of your other colleagues.

#4) Expect follow-up questions and be prepared to answer them. You can always expect the question, “Is there anything I can do to retain you in your current job?” At this point, since the decision to move on has already been made, it is best to stick to your ground.

For any other questions that might come up, keep the answers honest, professional, and brief. Go into only the amount of detail that you are comfortable sharing.

#5) Send an official two-week notice letter of resignation. This is an email in most cases.

A two week notice letter or template is as below:

Subject: Resignation Letter. Two-week notice- <Your Name>
To: <Your manager’s email>

Hi <Manager Name>,

This is to let you know that I am resigning from my current position as <role/title> and my last working day at <Company Name> will be <Date.>

Thank you for the opportunity, the mentorship, and the skills I have acquired during my employment here. I am happy to help with any transition and knowledge transfer tasks to ensure a smooth succession.

<Your Name>

#6) Work with your manager and ensure a smooth transition. Sometimes meeting with colleagues in those last few weeks can make you nostalgic and show you how valued you were on the job. It is all part of the process. Don’t let that make you second guess your decision to leave. Aim to do your best in terms of transition but with a sense of detachment.

#7) When it’s finally the last day, express gratitude and send a goodbye email to your colleagues. Share your personal email or other modes of communication to stay in touch after your tenure, if you would like.

The above resignation letter is one sample. Other ways to word your resignation are:

Example #1:

Subject: Resignation Letter. Two week notice- <Your Name>
To: <Your manager’s email>

Hi <Manager Name>,

Please accept this email/letter as my official resignation from the role of <designation> at <company name>, effective <date of leaving- two-week period>

I greatly appreciated the skills and guidance I received during my time here. I would love to stay connected for any future collaboration opportunities.

I am happy to help with the knowledge transfer process during the notice period. I wish the team and the company a very bright future.

Thanks and Regards,
<Your Name>

Example #2:

Subject: Resignation Letter. Two-week notice- <Your Name>
To: <Your manager’s email>

Hi <Manager Name>,

I am writing to let you know that I am resigning from my current position as <your designation> at <company name>. My last working day is two days from the day, <date>

I am very grateful for the skills and mentorship I received during my time with the company. Thank you very much.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make the transition smooth. I hope we can collaborate on other opportunities in the future.

<Your Name>

Tips for an Effective Two-Week Notice Letter: Do’s and Don’ts

#1) Write the letter with 100% honesty but keep the details vague. An exit/two-week notice letter should not be an initiation to negotiation.

  • I found a job that is remote or to accommodate my spouse’s move: A statement like this will mean you are open to remote work.
  • I found a job that is a managerial position: This will mean if you are promoted to a management position you would stay.
  • I found a job that pays better: This means this move is a failed pay negotiation

#2) Express gratitude and stay positive. Whatever the circumstances, every job teaches us something. Every role becomes a part of our DNA. So, don’t forget to thank your manager.

#3) Do not express regret or remorse. Avoid sentences such as “I am sorry that I have decided to leave the company.” Severing ties with your job can be a very emotional experience, but it does not have to be guilt-ridden. At the end of the day, it’s a job.

#4) Keep it short and brief. Again, this ties in with the first point. Too many details are unnecessary and sticking to the important points is critical.

So, a simplified two-week notice template can be summarized as:

  • Communicate that you are resigning
  • Communicate your last day
  • Say thanks

Anything else you include is extra information.

#5) Like all emails, avoid spelling and grammar errors.

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Some Other Useful Tips:

Here are some tips that will help you write a crisp and short two-week notice letter.

Tips for Writing a Simple Two Week Notice Letter

#1) Opt for Business Letter Format

Opt for Business Letter Format

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Your resignation notice is professional correspondence, hence a Business Letter Format is the best format to use. Your contact information should be at the top of the letter, then the date, and the contact information of your employer. Start the body with why you are writing, followed by a little detail and then a proper salutation.

#2) Last Date of Working

Last Date of Working

Make sure you mention your last working day in the company in your resignation notice. You can mention the exact date or just say that two weeks from your current date will be your last working day.

#3) Don’t put unnecessary information and say thank you.

Thank you image

Keep your resignation letter short and crisp. Just mention that you are resigning, your last working date, and express your gratitude for the chance to work in this organization in a line or two.

#4) Use Brevity and Be Positive

Use Brevity and Be Positive

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Use concise and exact words and refrain from saying anything negative about the company, your coworkers, or your employer. You never know when you will meet and need in the future.

#5) Offer Your Help

Offer help

Offer your help with the transition, like knowledge transfer or even training your replacement. Or, you can just offer your general help before your last date.

#6) Send it to the Right People

You should send this letter to your manager and HR so they have a copy of your resignation. If you have an immediate superior, send a copy to them as well.

#7) Go Through Samples

Check out a few two-week notice letters and emails to create your own. It will help you find the right words and format for your letter. Edit the samples according to your needs and make sure you proofread them before sending them.

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Warning! Be Prepared To Be Let Go On the Day Of Your Resignation

In some cases, especially with startups or high turnover contracting situations, you may be asked to leave on the day of your resignation without needing to serve the two-week notice period.

Companies/teams do this when there is no need for a transition phase with the loss of an employee so that they can save the two-week pay for the employee they are always going to lose.

Please keep in mind that this means:

  1. No pay for the notice period you expected.
  2. No life insurance, sometimes effective immediately.
  3. No time to clean up your digital devices.
  4. Sometimes, no time or opportunity to say goodbye to your colleagues.

The best way to minimize the impact of this situation is to anticipate what might happen in your case. Some things that might help you determine if letting go on the resignation day might happen to you are:

  1. Is there a history of this scenario happening in your company?
  2. Determine if in your role there is anything that needs to be transferred intellectually or otherwise.
  3. Your rapport with your team members and manager

In any case, be prepared. If you have another job lined up and you are asked to leave on the day of resignation and you can afford a no-pay period, use this time to rejuvenate and recenter. Take a break from the toil for two weeks.

What To Do vs. What Not To Do After Your Two-Week Notice

  1. Do not brag about your new job with your current colleagues. Your new job might have a super cool game room or free food or excellent benefits. Stay humble.
  2. Follow the transition plan that your manager and you put together as professionally as you did your job on day 1.
  3. Think about your team and make it less painful for them to cope once you leave.
  4. Stay open-minded if your manager is willing to let you go before the end of your two-week notice period.
  5. Be a good samaritan employee. In other words, Do not withhold information. Leave all the office resources behind. Clean up all your personal effects to the best of your ability. Shred confidential documents, if any. So on and so forth. Turn in your badges and other access control devices that you might have. Turn in your technology- laptop, mobile, headsets, etc.
  6. Erase all of your personal info from the office devices.
  7. Don’t leave early just because it’s your last day. I know it’s tempting to just get an early day off on your last day, but it might be best to treat it like any other workday and work for the entire duration that you are paid for.

If you have followed the above steps, you will be guaranteed to leave your job on good terms and gracefully.

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What is a Two Weeks Notice

You can leave your job for any number of reasons and before you leave, let your employer know of your departure. This period is called a notice period, and it gives you time to complete your pending work and hand over the rest to your coworkers. It also gives your employer time to rehire for your position.

What is a Two Weeks’ Notice

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Before serving the notice, go through your employment contract to see if you need to give more than two weeks’ notice. In some cases, you are not legally obliged to tender a notice. But you still should, for the sake of etiquette and ease of the company you have worked for.

Why is a Two Weeks’ Notice Important

These are the three main reasons a two-week notice letter is important:

  1. It respectfully informs your employer about your leaving. You could leave for any reason and quitting suddenly can leave your employer in a difficult situation. It can also result in financial losses for the company. In such cases, if your new employer talks to your ex-employer for reference and feedback on you, it could paint you as irresponsible and heedless for the company.
  2. This notice will also give your employer sufficient time to settle your account and make sure you get your full and final financial information and settlement in time. They will also be able to use that time to hire your replacement so that it does not hamper the work.
  3. Finally, the two-week notice will serve as documentation of your resignation. It will also help your employer understand why their employees are choosing to leave and if there’s something they can do about it.

Regardless of the reason, you are leaving your current job, try not to leave a poor impression throughout the process of your resignation.

How to Appropriately Resign From Your Job

Before you tender a notice, here are some things you should do. It might help you resolve your issues with the employer, if any, and give them the right perspective on your need to leave the job.

#1) Meet your Direct Supervisor

Before tendering your resignation, take some time to meet with your direct supervisor in person or through video or phone conferencing, if possible. And make sure your manager knows about your leaving before your coworkers. It is a simple courtesy. Your aim should be to part on good terms.

#2) Prepare for the Conversation

Before you meet your supervisor, be prepared for the conversation. Calm your nerves and find a way to tactfully tell your employer your reason for leaving. For example, if you are leaving because you don’t see any growth opportunities for yourself, tell them you are pursuing a new opportunity that you find fitting for you and your future pursuits.

Try to stay focused on the positives. Make sure you thank your employer for the opportunities and resources they have given you for your growth. Be prepared to be talked down if you are a good and efficient employee. If you have your heart set on leaving, find a positive way to decline their offer. Tell them the last date of your employment.

#3) Send an Email if Meeting isn’t Possible

If you cannot meet with your supervisor or manager in person, draft an email. Keep the subject line clear, keep the body brief and positive, and attach a short simple two-week notice letter.

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Two Week Notice Letter Template

If you are wondering how to write a two-week notice letter, here are some templates you can refer to.

Two Week Notice Letter Template

Sample #1 (For Letter)

For letter

Start with your information, then date, then details of the organization, followed by the proper salutation. Start the body by announcing your resignation, mentioning two weeks’ notice. In the next paragraph, express your gratitude in two lines, and in the last two lines. Thank them for the opportunity and offer your help. Finish with your signature and name.

Your Name
Address with Zipcode
Phone Number


Name of the person you are sending it to
Job Title of that person
Name of organization
Address with zip code

Dear (Salutation) with the last name,

Announce your resignation by mentioning your two-week notice.

Mention that it was hard to make the decision and that you have enjoyed working there. Put in a few good words about your team and coworkers in one line.

Thank them for the opportunity and offer to help during the transition.

Your signature (for the hard copy)
Your name (for a soft copy)

Further Reading => Learn How to Write Thank You Email After Interview

Sample #2 (For Email)


Enter the subject line mentioning your purpose. Start the body with a proper salutation and in the first line, mention that you are resigning and your last date. In the next paragraph, express your gratitude and thank them for the opportunity. In the last line, another paragraph, offer your help and wish your company well. End with your name.

Subject: Resignation – with your first and last name

Salutation(Mr./Mrs. Last Name)

In this line, mention that this is your formal notice of resignation from (mention the name of the company). Mention your last date.

Express your gratitude and thank them for the experience you have gained in your working years in two lines.

Ask how you can help with the transition and wish them well.

Best Wishes/Regards
Your First and Last Name

Sample #3

This is a simple two-week notice letter template you can use for both letters and emails. For the letter, start with your details (name, address, phone number, email), followed by the date and then details of the organization you are tending the resignation to.

For emails, simply put out the subject line.

Then comes the salutation. Mention that you have accepted a position at another company and that this is your resignation letter in one line. In the next line mention your last working date. In the next paragraph, express your gratitude in one line and offer your help in another.

Followed by Regards and your signature for hardcopy and full name for email.

(For Letter)

Your Name

Address with Zipcode
Phone Number


Name of the person you are sending it to
Job Title of that person
Name of organization
Address with zip code

(For Email)

Subject: Resignation – Your First and Last Name

Dear (Salutation) with the last name,

Mention that you have accepted a job offer at another company. Mention your last working date or just mention that your last working day will be two weeks from this date.

Mention that you have enjoyed working with them and thank them for their support and guidance. Ask how you can help with the transition.

Your Signature (for letter)
Your Typed Name (for Email)

FAQs About Short Two Week Notice Letter

Q #1) How do I write my 2 weeks’ notice?

Answer: If you are writing an email, start with the subject line and if you are writing the letter, start with your name, address, phone number, and email address. Follow up with the date and then the details of the organization. Start the body with a proper salutation with the last name of the person you are addressing.

Next comes the first line stating that you are resigning with your last working date or just mentioning two weeks from the day of the email/letter will be your last working day. Add a line of gratitude and offer your help with the transition. Close with your signature.

Q #2) Is a 2-week notice 10 or 14 days?

Answer: A 2-week notice typically means two working weeks or ten business days.

Q #3) What should you not say when resigning?

Answer: Don’t say negative things about why you are leaving the company. Don’t show your grudges. Don’t offer unnecessary details and explanations and don’t sound rude.

Q #4) What happens if you don’t put in 2 weeks’ notice?

Answer: If it is in your contract to put a two weeks’ notice before leaving, you can get into a legal problem if you don’t put in the notice. However, if nothing is mentioned in your contract about the notice, you still should do that. You will leave your company with goodwill and a good reputation that will come in handy for references or if you ever want to come back.

Q #5) Do I need to give a reason for resigning?

Answer: No, you don’t give a reason for resigning. And if they persist to know, don’t say anything negative or express your grudge. Just say something generic.


In summary, we hope this article gives you an overall idea of what things to consider before quitting your job, how to let your manager know, how to write a two week letter with examples and templates and some general do’s and don’ts of good quitting etiquette.

Finally, this is not a must but do something fun once you exit the office on your last day. Meet a friend, go for dinner with family, enjoy a cup of tea in your garden, or whatever floats your boat. It is a chapter closed and literally a job well done. Pat your back, celebrate, and get ready for your next adventure.

Have you ever tended your two-week notice or are you planning to? What tips from this article did you find most helpful? And, how likely are you to use the two week notice letter examples and template mentioned in this article? If you were to change anything or do things differently, what would that be?

Please share your comments, experiences, and thoughts with us in the comments below.

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