Complete Web Application Testing Guide: Learn How To Test A Website
We all have to agree that in today’s ever-changing and competitive world, the internet has become an integral part of our lives.
Most of us make our decisions by searching the information on the internet these days, hence hosting a website is no longer optional but mandatory for all kinds of businesses. This is the first step in becoming and staying relevant in the market.
Just having a website is not enough. An organization is needed to develop a website that is informative, accessible, and user-friendly. To maintain all these qualities, the website should be well tested, and this process of testing a website is known as web testing.
Table of Contents:
Web Application Testing: A Complete Guide

What is Web Testing?
Web testing is a software testing practice to test websites or web applications to find potential bugs before making them live.
A web-based system needs to be checked completely from end to end before it goes live for end users.
By performing website testing, an organization can make sure that the web-based system is functioning properly and can be accepted by real-time users.
UI design and functionality are the captains of website testing.
Also Read => Website Vs Web Applications
Recommended Website Testing Tools
#1) BitBar
BitBar ensures you are providing your customers with the best web and mobile experience on the latest and most popular browsers and devices with their cloud-based real device lab. Easily run manual and exploratory tests across a range of real browsers, desktop, and mobile.
Ditch the hassle and allow BitBar to reduce the burden of cross-platform testing by offloading the setup, ongoing maintenance, and browser/device upgrades.
Web Testing Checklists – How to Test a Website
- Functionality Testing
- Usability testing
- Interface testing
- Compatibility testing
- Performance testing
- Security testing
#1) Functionality Testing
Test for – all the links in web pages, database connections, forms used for submitting or getting information from the user in the web pages, Cookie testing, etc.
Check out all the links:
- Test the outgoing links from all the pages to the specific domain under test.
- Test all internal links.
- Test links jumping on the same page.
- Test links are used to send emails to admin or other users from web pages.
- Test to see if there are any orphan pages.
- Finally, link checking includes checking for broken links in all the above-mentioned links.
Test forms on all pages: Forms are an integral part of any website. Forms are used to receive information from users and interact with them. So what should be checked in these forms?
- First, check all the validations in each field.
- Check for default values in the fields.
- Wrong inputs in the forms to the fields in the forms.
- Options to create forms, if any, form deletes a view or modify the forms.
Let’s take an example of the search engine project I am working on. For this project, we have advertisers and affiliate signup steps. Each sign-up step is different but it’s dependent on the other steps.
So the signup flow should be executed correctly. There are different field validations like email Ids, User financial info validations, etc. All these validations should get checked for manual or automated web testing.
Cookie Testing: Cookies are small files stored on the user’s machine. This is basically used to maintain the session – mainly the login sessions. Test the application by enabling or disabling the cookies in your browser options.
Test if the cookies are encrypted before writing to the user machine. If you are testing session cookies (i.e. cookies that expire after the session ends) check for login sessions and user stats after the session ends. Check the effects on application security by deleting the cookies. (I will soon write a separate article on cookie testing as well)
Validate your HTML/CSS: If you are optimizing your site for Search engines then HTML/CSS validation is the most important one. Mainly validate the site for HTML syntax errors. Check if the site is crawlable to different search engines.
Database Testing: Data consistency is also very important in a web application. Check for data integrity and errors while you edit, delete, modify the form or perform any DB-related functionality.
Check if all the database queries are executed correctly, data is retrieved, and also updated correctly. More on database testing could be a load on DB, we will address this in web load or performance testing below.
In testing the functionality of the websites the following should be tested:
- Internal Links
- External Links
- Mail Links
- Broken Links
- Field validation
- Error message for wrong input
- Optional and Mandatory fields
Database: Testing will be done on database integrity.
#2) Usability Testing
Usability testing is the process by which the human-computer interaction characteristics of a system are measured, and weaknesses are identified for correction.
• Ease of learning
• Navigation
• Subjective user satisfaction
• General Appearance
Test for Navigation:
Navigation means how a user surfs the web pages, different controls like buttons, boxes, or how the user uses the links on the pages to surf different pages.
Usability Testing includes the following:
- The website should be easy to use.
- The instructions provided should be very clear.
- Check if the instructions provided are perfect to satisfy its purpose.
- The main menu should be provided on each page.
- It should be consistent enough.
Content Checking: Content should be logical and easy to understand. Check for spelling errors. The usage of dark colors annoys the users and should not be used in the site theme.
You can follow some standard colors that are used for web pages and content building. These are the commonly accepted standards like what I mentioned above about annoying colors, fonts, frames, etc.
The content should be meaningful. All the anchor text links should be working properly. Images should be placed properly in the proper sizes.
These are some of the basic important standards that should be followed in web development. Your task is to validate everything for UI testing.
Other user information for user help:
Like the search option, the sitemap also helps with files, etc. The sitemap should be available with all the links on websites with a proper tree view of navigation. Check for all the links on the sitemap.
The “Search in the site” option will help users to find content pages that they are looking for easily and quickly. These are all optional items and if present they should be validated.
#3) Interface Testing
For web testing, the server-side interface should be tested. This can be done by verifying that the communication is done properly. The compatibility of the server with software, hardware, network, and database should be tested.
The main interfaces are:
- Web server and application server interface
- Application server and Database server interface.
Check if all interactions between these servers are executed and errors are handled properly. If the database or web server returns an error message for any query by the application server then the application server should catch and display these error messages appropriately to the users.
Check what happens if the user interrupts any transaction in-between. Check what happens if the connection to the webserver is reset in between?
#4) Compatibility Testing
The compatibility of your website is a very important testing aspect.
See which compatibility test to be executed:
- Browser compatibility
- Operating system compatibility
- Mobile Browsing
- Printing options
Browser Compatibility: In my web-testing career, I have experienced this as the most influencing part of website testing.
Some applications are very dependent on browsers. Different browsers have different configurations and settings that your web page should be compatible with.
Your website code should be cross-browser platform compatible. If you are using java scripts or AJAX calls for UI functionality, performing security checks or validations then give more stress on browser compatibility testing of your web application.
Test web applications on different browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape Navigator, AOL, Safari, and Opera browsers with different versions.
OS Compatibility: Some functionality in your web application is that it may not be compatible with all operating systems. All new technologies used in web development like graphic designs and interface calls like different APIs may not be available in all Operating Systems.
Hence, test your web application on different operating systems like Windows, Unix, MAC, Linux, and Solaris with different OS flavors.
Mobile Browsing: We are in a new technology era. So in the future Mobile browsing will rock. Test your web pages on mobile browsers. Compatibility issues may be there on mobile devices as well.
Printing Options: If you are giving page-printing options then make sure fonts, page alignment, page graphics, etc., are getting printed properly. Pages should fit the paper size or as per the size mentioned in the printing option.
#5) Performance Testing
The web application should sustain a heavy load.
Web performance testing should include:
- Web Load Testing
- Web Stress Testing
Test application performance at different internet connection speeds.
Web Load Testing: You need to test if many users are accessing or requesting the same page. Can the system sustain peak load time? The site should handle many simultaneous user requests, large input data from users, simultaneous connection to DB, heavy load on specific pages, etc.
Web Stress Testing: Generally stress means stretching the system beyond its specified limits. Web stress testing is performed to break the site by giving stress and it’s checked as to how the system reacts to stress and how it recovers from crashes. Stress is generally given to input fields, login, and sign-up areas.
During the web performance test, testing website functionality on different operating systems and different hardware platforms is checked for software and hardware memory leakage errors.
Performance testing can be applied to understand the website’s scalability or to benchmark the performance in the environment of third-party products such as servers and middleware for potential purchases.
Connection Speed: Tested on various networks like Dial-Up, ISDN, etc.
- What is the no. of users per time?
- Check for peak loads and how the system behaves.
- Large amount of data accessed by the user.
- Continuous Load
- Performance of memory, CPU, file handling, etc.
#6) Security Testing
The following are some of the test cases for web security testing:
- Test by pasting the internal URL directly into the browser address bar without login. Internal pages should not open.
- If you are logged in using a username and password and browsing internal pages, then try changing URL options directly. I.e. If you are checking some publisher site statistics with publisher site ID= 123. Try directly changing the URL site ID parameter to a different site ID that is not related to the logged-in user. Access should be denied for this user to view other people’s stats.
- Try using invalid inputs in input fields like login username, password, input text boxes, etc. Check the system’s reaction to all invalid inputs.
- Web directories and files should not be accessible directly unless they are given the download option.
- Test the CAPTCHA to automate script logins.
- Test if SSL is used for security measures. If used, the proper message should get displayed when users switch from non-secure HTTP:// pages to secure HTTPS:// pages and vice versa.
- All transactions, error messages, and security breach attempts should be logged in log files somewhere on the webserver.
The primary reason for testing the security of a web is to identify potential vulnerabilities and subsequently repair them.
- Network Scanning
- Vulnerability Scanning
- Password Cracking
- Log Review
- Integrity Checkers
- Virus Detection
Types of Web Testing
A website is classified into about 20 types. All of these are shrinking under static and dynamic types. Among them let’s discuss 4 types and their testing methods in a detailed manner. Before that, I just want to bullet those types.
- Simple static website testing
- Dynamic web application testing
- E-commerce website testing
- Mobile website testing
#1) Simple Static Website
A simple static website will display the same content for all visitors who are visiting the website at different times. It is also known as an informational website. On a static website, only developers can make changes that too in code only. This type of website will not have any major functionalities and it purely depends on UI design.
Testing a simple static website is very easy, you have to consider only a few things while testing. Some of them are mentioned below:
Points to Remember:
#1) Testing the GUI design is a must because a static website purely depends on it. You need to compare the approved PSD files with the web page developed. Check if all the elements in the design are present on the actual page.
#2) The other part of GUI design is to check the font size, font style, spacing, and color everything has been reproduced.
The image below explains the spacing alignment issue in the desktop view of a website.
#3) Secondly, you need to check the links (page links) to see whether it is working properly or not. Also, find out if there is a broken link?
#4) Verify the spelling and content in all web pages by comparing the content given by the client.
#5) In some cases the image will not display properly, it may break or sometimes the image gets duplicated, and wrong images may display. It has to be checked keenly. Because for a static website, only content and images will give lives.
#6) Check the scroll bar carefully, and in my experience, I have faced issues with the scrollbar. The issue you will face is unwanted scrolling appearing or scrolls getting hidden (it may hide the content). The above issues are applicable to both horizontal and vertical scrolls.
#7) If there is a contact form check it is working properly by sending some dummy messages.
Things to check on the contact form are:
- Is the message being sent properly and a successful message appearing?
- Check if the email received to the concerned person is in the proper format as designed.
- Check email should not land in spam as junk mail?
- If a reply email trigger is activated then check whether the sender receives the email.
#8) Check whether it is an error-free web page and validate it with the W3 validator or other related software.
#9) Some common website testing check points:
- Check if the favicon is present on the tab bar.
- URL should contain the correct page title.
- If copyright information is there, it should be displayed.
- If there is a contact form, Captcha is a must. [It prevents junk email].
- Check the loading speed of the website. [A static website should not take much time for loading]. If a gif image is used while loading then track its functionality.
Apart from these, there are huge things that have to be tested at the backend of every website such as system testing, security testing, interface testing, compatibility testing, performance testing, etc.
For this, you need to have technical knowledge. In a simple static website, you will not find more functionalities if there you need to do functionality testing too.
#2) Dynamic Web Application [CMS Website]
This is the type where the user can update and change their website content regularly. From here I am going to use the word “web application testing” instead of dynamic website testing. The web application is a combination of front-end and back-end programming.
The front-end will be HTML and CSS whereas the back-end uses programming languages like PHP, JavaScript, ASP, etc. With this backend, users/clients can add or change the content on the website.
Testing a web application is not as easy as testing a static website but not much more difficult than testing an e-commerce website. Functionality testing is the most important thing to be performed while testing a web application. The web application may contain much-complicated functionality so the tester needs to be very careful while testing.
There are two different types of web applications there, one is that no action will be carried out by the user on the front-end (i.e. only back-end changes will reflect on the front-end), the other is the end-user will work on the front-end itself (for example login, signup, newsletter subscription, and other similar actions). So testing should be done accordingly.
Points to Remember:
The points I mentioned in static website testing are to be included while testing a web application also. In addition to that, the following things are to be noted.
#1) In the GUI section, the tooltip is compulsory for all fields and buttons, field alignment (spacing) should be done properly, disabled field/ buttons should be greyed out, fields/ buttons should be in standard format as in SRS, error message should be displayed if something goes wrong, the pop-up message should only display at the center of the web page, a drop-down menu should not be truncated.
Tab shortcut key should work in all fields and more.
#2) In the functionality section, if your web application is having login or sign-up functionality then check the mandatory field validation, form validation (i.e. number fields should only accept numbers and not alphabets), and character restrictions on fields (i.e. only these many characters can be entered).
Special characters and negative number restrictions on fields, testing the email functionality, testing the document upload (i.e. only specified document type can be uploaded), timeout functionality, sorting functionality, JavaScript is working on compatible browsers, etc. should be tested.
#3) When coming to the back-end functionality section, test image uploading for broken images, whether text entering in the fields is working or not. The back-end update should reflect front-end and database testing (i.e., whether you can add new fields or delete unwanted fields) and all these things are to be performed.
Performance is not much necessary for a web application (dynamic website) since it has very little content. If you need you can do it with the tools with which you are familiar. Pick up some standard online performance tools if you want to do simple performance testing.
#3) E-commerce Website
An e-commerce website is somewhat complicated when compared to the above two. The tester needs to be very cautious while testing an e-commerce site. There is a huge amount of things to be checked on e-commerce sites out of them, I just covered some of the issues I experienced with e-commerce website testing.
In the GUI section, you need to check all the features as in SRS and the same with the functionality. The functionality will be almost the same for all commercial websites.
Functionality-wise you need to check all pages such as the main page (which includes featured products, special offers display, log-in details, search functionality), product detail page, category page, placing an order, payment gateway everything that has to be tested.
Points to Remember:
#1) Check if the shopping cart is getting updated when you buy or increase the quantity. Check this functionality in all pages and circumstances.
#2) Check if special coupons and offers are applied to correct orders and you see whether the discounted price is displayed or not.
[This image explains free shipping and how it is applied in the payment section]
#3) Sometimes while updating a single product it will get multiplied by considering the number of variations in the product. So check whether the single product is displayed and its variations are displayed correctly. (I faced this problem)
#4) Check if the filter option is working exactly. If filtering is been done, based on the category & pricing chosen?
#5) While signing up, super validation should be done. Only new users can sign up.
#6) If an existing user, added a product to the shopping basket, the wish list section during their previous login should be saved and displayed during the next login too.
#7) Compare products should work by comparing the products based on some specifications assigned in the back-end.
#8) Check whether the Currency converter is working fine. Based on the country chosen, the currency converter should display the relevant price and tax rates.
[On choosing the language Currency will be converted, here USD is meant to be the default]
#9) Generally many Plug-ins are used in an e-commerce (WordPress & similar) website. The plug-in installation may conflict with or affect any other major functionality. So follow up with the plug-ins installation and its usage.
#10) Check whether the social sharing option is working on the individual product or not.
#11) Shipping cost should be generated based on the region selected. Also check the tax rate generation. (It may cause some legal problems, during the end-users purchase).
#12) Payment gateway should only work if valid card details are given. Validation should apply to the Card number and CCV code number. [It is better to keep validation on the card number field itself].
#13) Email generation on each and every process during purchase should happen (sign up, product ordering, payment successful, order canceled, order received and other email triggers if any).
#14) Check the live chat with some dumpy emails.
Note: Generally, e-commerce websites will not be developed for mobile compatibility and when coming to the mobile version an app will be generated. In some cases, they will not create an app instead a mobile compatible website will be created. In such cases, you need to check carefully to see if there are any missing functionality and UI deviations.
These are some of the issues I faced and noted while testing an e-commerce website. Apart from this, you need to check all the general things related to an e-commerce website.
#4) Mobile Website
First of all, let’s be clear about the mobile website. Generally, people think both a mobile website and a mobile application to be the same, but in reality, a mobile website is developed with HTML pages and can be viewed only with an internet connection.
But the mobile app is nothing but an application that can be downloaded and used later without an internet connection. Here many of us get confused and raise a question: What is the difference between a mobile website & responsive website?
A responsive website means making the content fit into the mobile device size instead of creating a version whereas a mobile website is creating a new version that is not a reflection desktop version. On the mobile website, you will have limited pages, and unwanted functionalities will be removed here.
Testing a mobile website is somewhat tedious rather than other types of websites. It will have separate designs and you need to be careful while testing the functionalities.
Points to Remember:
Important points to consider while testing a mobile website:
- Usually, we will use an emulator for testing a mobile website and we can get ideal results but I always prefer you to test on real devices. I have faced many issues when I tested in real devices [Especially apple devices]. Real device specifications may conflict with the web pages developed.
- GUI & usability testing are more important as it is not the reflection of the desktop version.
- Performance is another important factor to be considered for mobile website testing. Performance-related issues can be tracked when you test in real devices.
- Check whether browsing normal web links from mobile is getting triggered by a mobile link.
- Check page scrolling, page navigation, text truncation, etc. on the mobile website.
Best Web Testing Tools
There are a wide range of testing tools that are available for web app testing.
=> Check this comprehensive list of the Most Popular Web Application Testing Tools.
Points to be Considered While Testing a Website
The websites are essentially client/server applications – with web servers and ‘browser’ clients.
Consideration should be given to the interactions between HTML pages, TCP/IP communications, Internet connections, firewalls, applications that run on web pages (such as applets, JavaScript, plug-in applications), and applications that run on the server-side (such as CGI scripts, database interfaces, logging applications, dynamic page generators, asp, etc).
Additionally, there are a wide variety of servers and browsers with various versions of each. They include small but sometimes significant differences between them in terms of variations in connection speeds, rapidly changing technologies, and multiple standards & protocols. The end result of which testing for websites can become a major ongoing effort.
Sample Test Scenarios for Testing Applications on the Web
A few other considerations to be included while testing a website are given below.
- What is the expected load on the server (e.g., number of hits per unit time)?
- What kind of performance is required under each load condition (such as web server response time, and database query response times)?
- What kind of tools will be required for performance testing (such as web load testing tools, other tools already in-house that can be adapted, web robot downloading tools, etc.)?
- Who is the target audience? What kind of browsers will they be using? What kind of connection speeds will they be using? Are they intra-organizations (thus likely with high connection speeds and similar browsers) or Internet-wide (thus with a wide variety of connection speeds and browser types)?
- What kind of performance is expected from the client-side (e.g., how fast should pages appear, how fast should animations, applets, etc. load and run)?
- Will downtime for server and content maintenance/upgrades be allowed? If so, then how much?
- What kind of security (firewalls, encryption, passwords, etc.) will be required and what is it expected to do? How can it be tested?
- How reliable are the site’s internet connections required to be? How does that affect the backup system and redundant connection requirements and testing?
- What process will be required to manage updates to the website’s content?
- What are the requirements for maintaining, tracking, and controlling page content, graphics, links, etc.?
- What HTML specifications will be adhered to? How strictly? What variations will be allowed for targeted browsers?
- Will there be any standard requirements for page appearance and/or graphics throughout a site or parts of a site??
- How will internal and external links be validated and updated? And how often? will it happen?
- Can testing be done on the production system, or will a separate test system be required?
- What are browser caching, variations in browser option settings, dial-up connection variability, and real-world internet ‘traffic congestion’ problems to be accounted for in testing?
- How extensive or customized are the server logging and reporting requirements; are they considered an integral part of the system and do they require testing?
- How are CGI programs, applets, JavaScript, ActiveX components, etc. to be maintained, tracked, controlled, and tested?
- Pages should be 3-5 screens max unless the content is highly focused on a single topic. If larger, provide internal links within the page.
- The page layout and design elements should be consistent throughout the site so that it’s clear to the user that they are still on the site.
- Pages should be as browser-independent as possible, or pages should be provided or generated based on the browser type.
- All pages should have links external to the page; there should be no dead-end pages.
- The page owner, revision date, and a link to a contact person or organization should be included on each page.
Web Testing FAQs
Below mentioned should be the various questions coming to a tester’s mind while thinking of a website that is already developed and can be exposed to the public:
- Is the website functioning as expected?
- Will the end-user find the website easy to browse?
- Is the website accessible on different devices possessed by end-users?
- Is the website secure enough?
- Is the website performance up to the mark?
- Is the data entered on a website stored accurately and if it persist across sessions?
- Is the website integrated well with other interfaces in the workflow?
- Will the website perform as expected even after going live?
To answer these questions, different testing techniques have been identified that can be used to test a web application.
Let’s take an example of an e-commerce website that has been recently released to the QA team for testing.
We’ll go through each one of the above-specified questions in detail to understand the scope of the test and see how website testing can be performed.
#1) Is the website functioning as expected?
To confirm that the website is functioning well, QA needs to perform functional testing. During functional testing, different features of an application need to be validated against the requirements mentioned in the functional specification document.
Below are a few generic scenarios a QA is expected to cover while performing functional testing of any website even if they are not mentioned in functional specifications:
- User navigates to different pages of the website and completes the end-to-end workflow
- If the user can select/deselect checkboxes
- If the user can select values from the Dropdown fields
- If the user can select/deselect Radio buttons
- Different navigation buttons like Submit, Next, Upload, etc. buttons are working well
- Calendars are loading properly and allowing the user to select a date
- Calculations are happening as implemented
- Search functionality is working if any
- Correct Information display
- Various internal & external links to other pages
- Correct Tab Order of the fields on web pages
- Mandatory and Optional fields should be verified for positive and negative inputs
- Default values for each web field should be verified
- Email functionality is implemented for some action on the website
It’s important for websites to be compatible with search engines. Hence, we should review websites for HTML syntax correctness, format & compliance standards like WS-I, ISO & ECMA.
Considering cookies, which are used to maintain login sessions, the website should be tested by enabling/disabling cookies or by using the mismatched domain. Testing can also be performed across sessions by resetting cookies to bring browsers back to the vanilla state.
QA should also validate that website cookies are always stored locally in an encrypted format.
Considering our e-commerce website, there are various links like Men’s Fashion, Women’s Fashion, Kid’s Fashion, Home Accessories, Electronic Appliances, Books, Movies & Music, etc. available on a web page, it should be clicked on and verified if the user navigates to the expected page.
Similarly, different functionalities like Login, Signup, Search Options, Filters, Sort Order, Add to Cart, etc. should be verified on different web pages like Login Page, Sign up Page, Product Details Page, Shopping Cart, Order Review, Payment, etc. The website should be checked for session/cookie management like session expiration, session storage, etc.
#2) Will the end-user find the website easy to browse?
Usability testing has to be performed to measure the website’s ease of use for an end-user in the context of accessibility, searchability, usefulness, etc.
Below mentioned are a few of the test scenarios that should be verified while performing usability testing for a website:
- Website content should be informative, structured, and linked logically so that users can understand it easily
- Web page controls should be easy for users to navigate
- The website should have Help & Instruction documents uploaded
- The website should have a Search feature for end-user convenience
- Access to/from the Main menu to all pages should be there
- Website content should be verified for any spelling mistakes
- The website should follow defined guidelines in the context of background colors, patterns, styles, fonts, image placements, frames, borders, etc.
- The website should be accustomed to the translation feature considering the fact that it can be accessed by users from different nations with different languages, currencies, etc.
A few tools that can be used to perform usability testing are User Zoom and Reflector.
An e-commerce website should be customer-friendly, easy to navigate, and attention-grabbing. All web pages should be verified for accessibility, fonts, styling, images, spelling mistakes, and product-relevant information. A website should be equipped with relevant help documents and customer support facilities.
Considering the increase in touchscreen-based interfaces, we need to validate the accessibility of both key inputs and touch screen inputs. Similarly, images and website content should be validated for usability on different screen sizes (mobiles, laptops, tabs, etc.).
#3) Is the website accessible on different devices possessed by end-users?
Assuming that our website can be accessed by a range of users with a different set of devices, we need to ensure that the website runs well on all of them without any glitches.
To ensure the same, website compatibility checks should be done which comes with Compatibility Testing. During the compatibility testing of a website, it is ensured that the website runs well on different browsers, Operating Systems & Devices like laptops, mobile phones, tablets, printers, etc.
Browser Compatibility (Cross Browser Testing): The website should work well with different browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera. All active versions of these browsers should be verified with different browser features turned ON/OFF.
Also, while performing cross-browser testing, QA should also check for optimal website performance across browsers.
Operating System Compatibility (Cross Platform Testing): In order to identify potential user experience issues, a website should be tested on various platforms like Windows, Linux, and Unix.MAC, Solaris, etc. in order to be sure of the OS compatibility.
Device Compatibility (Cross-Device Testing): A website can be browsed through different devices like laptops, mobiles, tablets, etc. with different OS available like iOS, Android, Windows, etc. Hence, testing should be performed on the devices to cover the below scenarios.
- Website screen size should be adjustable as per the device
- A device should be screen rotation featured
- The website should not show up any loading issues on different devices with different network speeds
- Verify the website behavior when the device is in/out of network range
- Verify the website behavior on low CPU and Memory to support different form factors
For an e-commerce website, the compatibility check is one of the most important testing types. The customer base will be large and will access our website from different browsers, operating systems & devices.
Considering mobile platforms are becoming popular, we should ensure website load on small form factor under acceptable load time. It is also important to validate the use of different network speeds to ensure it is usable for all customers.
#4) Is the website secure enough?
Security testing is performed to uncover vulnerabilities in a system and ensure a website is secured.
Below is a checklist that can be verified while performing security testing:
- The website should only be accessible to authenticated users
- Website users should only be able to perform the tasks for which they are authorized
- The website should be verified for CAPTCHA fields for user identification
- Browser security settings should be verified while moving from secure to insecure pages
- Web Server protection should be there for inaccessible web directories or files
- Ensure restricted files should not be downloaded without appropriate access
- Sessions that got inactive should automatically get killed after a certain period of time
- All invalid and unauthorized attempts by end-users or intermittent system errors/failures should get logged for analysis purposes
Tools like Vulnerability Management, Veracode, and SQL Map can be used to perform security testing of your website.
As part of security testing, an e-commerce website should be validated for
- Website Access Controls
- No leakage in the user’s personal information
- Secured Payment Methods
#5) Is the website performance up to the mark?
To check the performance of a website, performance testing can be done. It will evaluate the behavior of an application under a variety of workload conditions which could be a realistic scenario. If the system goes live without conducting performance tests, it may end up with issues like a slow running system or poor usability which likely will affect the brand image as well as market sales.
A website can be tested against load & stress.
Below given is the checklist for web performance testing:
- Website behavior should be observed under normal and peak load conditions
- The website’s performance should be examined by measuring response time, speed, scalability, and resource utilization
- Proper RCA (root cause analysis) should be done with a solution if the system breaks down or gets unstable at any point in time
- Network latency issues should be identified if any
An e-commerce website should be tested thoroughly using a set of simulated users during normal as well as peak load conditions which can be during ‘Sale Season’.
During the sale, users accessing the website will multiply. Also, website behavior should be examined while multiple concurrent users are accessing the same items or performing the same actions (like transactions or placing orders) on the website.
There are various tools available in the market for performance testing. A few of them are LoadRunner, WinRunner, Silk Performer, JMeter, etc.
#6) Is the data entered on a website stored accurately and persist across sessions?
The database is one of the critical components of a web application that holds the complete information entered through a website. Hence, to ensure that the correct user data is getting saved in database tables without any manipulation and to maintain data integrity verification should be performed.
- Verify data consistency across user interfaces i.e. Website UI and Database
- Verify that DB tables are updating properly whenever insert/update/delete actions are performed by a website application
- Verify the response time of technical queries and fine-tune them if required
- Check for DB connectivity and access permissions
As a QA team member testing an e-commerce website, you can perform the below activities and validate the changes each time in the corresponding database tables. This will ensure that the website UI and DB are consistent.
- Placing an Order for a product
- Canceling Product
- Opt to Exchange Products
- Opt to Return Product
#7) Is the website integrated well with other interfaces in the workflow?
Interface level testing is performed to check on the smooth interaction of the website with different interfaces like Web Server & Database Server.
During interface testing, the tester needs to make sure that the application requests are being sent properly to the database and correct information is displayed to the client as output. A webserver should not throw any denial exceptions at any point in time and the database should always stay in sync with the application.
#8) Will the website perform as expected even after going live?
Once a product moves into a production environment, a regular inspection should be done to keep a check on quality control.
Below are scenarios that can be considered while verifying the product in production:
- Web application tests should be executed periodically and test logs should be saved as proof of Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliant
- Auto-scaling systems and load balancers should be checked if in place and functioning
- Keep a check on the end-user experience and try to uncover defects or malicious attacks that typically go unnoticed during QA testing
- Monitor product response time during peak loads
- Execute edge-level test cases in real-time to identify network failures, connection failures, or interruptions by an unexpected call
I have drafted this detailed tutorial with years of experience testing different websites.
Hope this article helps you understand the different facets of web application testing. Next time you sit down to write a test plan for your website, do remember to validate various aspects beyond the functionality of the website.
Hope this article was informative for you!
good sir
This is very useful information. This page is going to be part of my favorites.
Thank you
Giridhara Reddy.S
Thanks. It was helpful for me to get idea about Web Application testing.
Anyone can help me? i need E Commerce based test plan document. If any one having please send me. this is my email id “”
Hi there, I wanted to test several web-based applications in IE9. What kinds of testing should be carried out? Any tips?
Many thanks,
The information which i got its good but these in formation understandable by only experienced candidates but people are intrested on how the error will accrue and how it looks. I am expecting from you that with real time examples or block diagrams for each and every testing.
Hii folks!!!
any one having documents ,notes related to website testing please forward me to my mail id…
web testing is kind of specialization in manual testing???
Excellent information about Web Testing.
Thank you Very Much.
how we can test what is the maximum users that can access a particular web site at a time???
superb site
very useful information thanks a lot when ever
by reading that v cn face interview.
now i cm to know the xact web testing
in security testing there r some test cases xlent
Hi Folks,
This is the simplest yet very informative way of explaining this article. Explained for beginners yet contents were for professional… Nicely done.
am not clear….:( k let me try…
u do one thing insted of answering my quest …
u only tel me what u have done in website testing, which might help me:) …
Not urgent , reply when u r free…..
Thank you for this information. This is quite easy to find out that all companies work for simplifying business process and make it clear, so it could be easy to be manageable.
This is happening in IT and programming, especially in web development. User should clear to find the things he or she is browsing.
And without a testing team, it is hard to figure out what is better and what should be simplified.
It is not at all useful site please dont waste you’r time according to me
QTP & selenium easy use tool
good work..keep it up.
thanks for providing us information regarding web testing.
Please ignore my above questions. As other links in this site explains every thing in detail.
This is an excilent site…. I Love it.
Total summary of testing is very useful.
great article. Thank You
please suggest me the whole web testing automation tools link.beacuse i want to test the web site so plz give me some suggestion
I have read this artical very carefully & learned many things from this. Thanks for giving such a greate knowledge in very simple words which can’t be possible even one can read book because launguage in books are difficult to understand.
Thanks again
This is very use ful information.
hi every one somebody please send me the excel for writing the test case for online shopping site
What about concurrency testing how to write effective test cases for the same ?
I am new one to this site….. I would like to ask which is the best testing domain to choose…I am waiting for your reply… plz reply on my mail id..
Hi Vijay,
Really this is a excellent site for all of us. The information are really very practical. I am very much thankful for this.
Could you please help me to prepare a testing strategy for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007). I mean how do I approach for this and what should be my strategy??
Thanks in advance.
Hi,please tell me how to test a web browser firefox,what are the factors i have to keep in mind. both manual and automation using vbscript,pls its urgent
really usual for the beginners who are all in learning
Sure ranjith. You are welcome.
new and handy information provided…
wow! what an informative site… i am really thankful for this. as i’ve said before, i have learned a great deal on these infos. again, a lot of thanks! i’ve done all 5 checklist except for the security… now that u hav the details on how i’l do the checking, i wil defntly try it. thank you again… 😀
its a good one i am really enjoyable……..
Hello sir
i am going for a interview . They are asking for web based project testing but i dont know about web load testing.
so is this necessary to have knowledge on web load testing
kindly suggest me about this………
Very useful, nice content, thank you so much
This course is very useful. And your information is easy to understand to me. Thanks a lot.
Hi ,
Thanks for everything that you have provided. This is a very useful articles……. 🙂
hello Vijay…your article relly help us in testing
plz write article for cookie testing ,we all waiting for this .
thanks Bhai
Please can one tell me more on Checklists????
What actually are those??
Is it it that we mark (Make a note of that these are the testings we do on the S/w or Apllication)
PLease suggest, and this doc from Vijay is helpful a Lot 🙂
tell me the easy way to learn automation tools
Amazing explanation!
I am new to this site. And I am really very impressed with above article. This is very useful to me, as I am a web-application tester.
Can you please explain hot to find Bugs in a Videos performing website?
Really this site is awesome.. Very useful information.. I love this site.. Thanks a lot..
Nice article …Nice read..
I don’t did whether you missed it so intentionally, in the Web Testing checklists,
1) Globalization Testing
2) Localization Testing
These things also might need to be tested sometimes, i think so.
This one very useful to’s nice one
Thanks for details.
ur tip will be very useful for me
great…, thank you…
Hi Vijay and Mayasen,
very good work guys, you both have helped a lot of QAs till more than half way through in the comments, i know its very hard to keep up with all comments. Your dedication is very much appreciated, there are still many open questions which if answered will kind of help all the people who have commented so far .
Please can you take time to reply to them, its to much to ask but helping fellow QAs to get through huddles in their career will be an achievement and appreciation by them.
Looking at comments, people are following your foot steps, you should feel very proud of yourselves.
many thanks
Very helpful article and very nicely written. I have a question, how to represent the test output on paper(in the form of tables which includes expected outcome and actual outcome).
Very usefull info for those who want to start their carrier in web testing.Keep up the good work….
nice 1…!!!
i dont know the web testing plz send me the full length of web testing metirial
Iam 37,an under graduate, and want to become a software taster.What are my chances of getting a job in the Gulf countries or New Zealand as a software tester?
Very useful guide on web application testing….
Thank u sooo much
your articals are really great . i would like to ask what is quiet phase in sdlc.
This is very useful!
Very Good Testing Comments!!!
Thank You.
You can opt for crowdsourcing testing which is basically testing of apps and its compatibility on various devices by testers. Mobile app testing helps the developers analyse bugs, predict the acceptance of app in the market etc.
for mobile app testing I suggest Qualitrix which allows you to select your crowd among the community of testers and tests the app in a real world environment.
i just can say wow it’s very usefull
Does Istqb certification is considered in U.S.Do the companies look in to certification before giving the job.
Very useful guide on web application testing….
Thank u sooo much
good effort!
Please add cross site scripting, sql injection etc information. that will be more helpful for newbies.
Relay vary good information for us who to be website tester.
This site is really good.I didnt understand following description about security testing.Pls reply me
Web directories or files should not be accessible directly unless given download option.
Test the CAPTCHA for automates scripts logins.
Test if SSL is used for security measures. If used proper message should get displayed when user switch from non-secure http:// pages to secure https:// pages and vice versa.
All transactions, error messages, security breach attempts should get logged in log files somewhere on web server
very nice information……
these comments and article is very useful for me
thanks a lot.
please provide me the way to test the web application as i am a fresher one in testing field.
There is good guide about web testing!
Can someone give me an example of test cases please email me here Thanks in Advance
Excellent, Thankyou
Hope we’ll get a lot of information in your next articles
“knowledge is power”
Hi, Good notes. I am preparing for interview for web testing. If you have documents for the same, please share on
thanks a lot it helped me.but i want to know regression testing aspects for web applications.
Hi all,
This web site is very helpful. I need to know what are the problems the testers faced during cross browser testing? Are they going to test the application with different versions of same browser and different browsers on the same box? Please let me know..Thanks in advance.
@ Manju,
It’s not a spelling mistake. I have used word ‘stats’ as an abbreviation for word ‘statistics’ which here means data reports for user account and this word ‘stats’ is commonly used in online advertising business.
Very useful web testing document………
Client/server and web based testing u describe in #100 which is very helpful. Never think that bottom of topic but thank you so much.
Only one thing i wont understand which is
“As per difference in both the applications come where, how to access the resources. In client server once connection is made it will be in state on connected, whereas in case of web testing http protocol is stateless, then there comes logic of cookies, which is not in client server.”
Client server connected made will be “in state” and web “stateless”.
Can you please explain me?
Excellent work
Ur information is indeed very helpful.Can u please tell me ,hw can we perform cookie,html &css testing.
Thanks, very well written and great info!
Especially liked writing style. Straight to the point and none of those annoying paragraphs at the end of every topic saying “there is much more available on this topic, but there is not room to cover everything bla bla”
good stuff!
hi, Which one tool is best for testing and easy to use. give introduction about this tool and perfect Details.
only for website testing tool.
This was really helpful for one who has not worked on web application testing and appearing for an interview
lot of useful information
very useful tips to learn web testing
Very useful,Nice content, thank u so much
There is good guide about web testing .I get a chance to tell about this method .Thaks
hi i liked this site.. it has excellent information that useful for all testers…
Recently we faced one new kind of issue in cookies testing. During the time of testing an application (ASP.NET/IIS 7/MS-SQL 2008/XP-SP2) i found a expiry time of cookie (authentication cookie) get varied from browser to browser.
In Firefox it shows 3hrs; for the same time period in IE (6.0/7.0/8.0), Opera 10.6, Chrome 5.0, Safari – it shows 1 hr time period.
This is really a nice forum and excellent information in web testing.
Special thanks to Vijay , Mayasen and others.
If any one can provide the steps/check list for Security and URL test in web application.
I have one more query; what are the checking you perform in web server and DB server. (as my understanding is the above checklists are mostly performed in client system).
Appreciate your help.
Nice tutorial, thanks a lot.
Can u also explain me the difference between integration and interface testing.
This is a great article. Thank you very much though I was aware of this information in bits and pieces. But, this is the place where its collated well nicely put under one title.
Hi this is good application guide for web based application, I would like to know what types of testing done for web based what and all not done for client_server based applications. Suggest me which sites are good for telecom domain, My company got few projects on telecom domain and moreover we are not familiar with telecom domain. I will let you now the difference the way the web based will test and client-server based test.
bye……………………. Have a nice day
hi, excellent article, learnt a lot. I need to know security test cases where Credit Card or any type of Payment is there in e-commerce product. Waiting for ur ans
Do you have useful link for Videostreming testing? OTT products?
Qa for OTT?
Any help?
All the above information is very helpful.I am new to testing field so if any one can please email me standard test case or checklist for web or Client server application.
I want to test an application as a part of my testing project to add in my resume. Please suggest me some web or mobile apps
Describe what and how you will test a web page that accepts user’s information :
(first name, last name, email address, password, phone number)
and creates a user account using the email address and the password.
plz reply the descriptioon asap….. thankyou….:)
what is orphan link,broken link , internal link, externallink .
give with examples
i felt this site is very useful and is there any free tool available on net to do the performance and stress testing…which should be easy to understand
hey vijay,
I find this website very helpful ….thnx alot . I was waiting for a answer on validation of HtML/CSS which was posted by Kaustubh as even i wanted to know more abt the HtMl/css and wat role it has in search engines.
Hello Vijay,
I was able to save the material and have checked the main points. It’s a bit disappointing though, because I wasn’t able to find certain “models” I’ve previously encountered, like for example the K-model, A-model, L-model… but am not sure if they’re really existing in the testing world or just a made-up. I happened to encounter these terms when I took online tests about testing. I really have no idea what these models are all about.
In fact, the one mentioned in the material are what I know about. Is there really such models as K, A and L (or others)?
What about terms like “invasion” or “non-invasion”, and not to mention “stub” and “smart monkey”? Are they really using these terms on daily basis? I mean, these terms are so alien to me. Hope you could enlighten me on this one.
Thank you and more power!
this article is very easy to understand and useful to every test engineers.
Rohit, QA engineer.
Thanks for the information. When we want to perform compatibility testing ie., browser compatibility and OS compatibility … do we need to have separate set of test cases for each browser testing?
And for OS compatibility, do we need to test the same set of test cases on different systems having different Operating systems?
Hi, thanks for this useful imformation you provided.. my site is basically designed for shopping and have 100s of links of different brands to shop.. could you please tell me what would be the best tool for testing? and I need to check all the links which are more than 500 i hav to check them manually by pasting it on URL link or any tool available there to check all the links by typing the main URL? wud appreciate your response
i am working as tester with 2+ of exp in manual testing only.
up to uploading the resume and shortlisting the resume,every thing is working correctly.but after that i am not getting any proper reply.
i don’t know is mistake from my side i mean from my resume and skills or problem from company side
please give me the reply
thanku in advance
Kindly send how to test web based application in manual
Suggestions about User Messages in web application:
# All success messages should be displayed with Green color – Bold face (Don’t use all caps/Italics/underline)
# All failure messages should be displayed with Red color – Bold face (Don’t use all caps/Italics/underline)
# All alert message should be thrown in a pop-up window with “OK” button. (Which is the best way to alert the user attentively)
# Error / Confirmation message should be displayed in the respective page only. Confirmation or error message in pop-up is not advisable.
# Maintain consistency in the message displaying area.
Eg: If you are showing the error/confirm message at the top of the page, then maintain the same all over the system.
# Message focus should be maintained consistently.
At the bottom of the page you are clicking the “Submit” button for a form and confirmation/error message is displaying at the top of the form. Then move the page focus to top of the page to show the confirmation/error message to the user.
I am a Testengineer in a MNC company. Our team is planning to migrate one of the existing .NET application to sharepoint. can i have the checklist to test the sharepoint. where i can get detailed information on this. please help me its very important
hi this site is really very useful. i have a doubt is web testing and website testing is same or different
Hi Vijay,
I am working on website automation testing project using QTP but facing one problem.
Website is simple Content Management System (i.e CMS). My query is as bellow.
Currently I am able to add any record from admin side but then How to check integration of that record in frontend?
For more clear idea, I am giving you an example.
From admin area, I am adding one new record in product section. after added product, that record should be display in frontend in to listing and then while click on that record name it should redirected to product details page.
Now, my query is What should I do to check that title is displaying in listing in frontend or not?
Please note that, I am using data driven also to add record with different different data in page title in admin.
Looking forward for your positive reply.
Thanks a Lot!! Very Good Article with lots of valuable info…..its really Usefull Thanks a lot!!
please tell me details about web testing……… and let me know the interview questions asked over web testing…….please help me
Very useful. very interesting thank you so much
Hi Sir I am Chandra Kumar Tiwari, i do the job as a web application tester, i need your help to promote myself in same field, kindly provide a shot note on Web application testing and also how i improve myself.
Thanking You
This artical of webapplication testing is realy gng to be usefull for me to continue my carrier in this field. Requet you to plz update the new ways n details of web application testing manually. I would like to ask you a question that – in small companies where we have to decide up till what level the website should get tested, so how deep it is neccessary to test the web application? What all must get covered? Waiting for your reply. It would be good if I get the reply on my mail Id.
Its really helpful for me to understand how to do web testing. Thanks for your article. hope to see many more articles like this.
Ur information is indeed very helpful.Can u please tell me ,hw can we perform cookie,html &css testing.
Very useful guide on web testing…. pls send the details
This works ….dude , Thankxxxxxxx
thanx for such compact & useful article….
plz explain the get and post methods in web based app
Really nice one………..
Sashi you have given the perfect opinion…
Please note that there is a spelling mistake for the word user status in the last line
Cookies testing:
if the cookies are encrypted before writing to user machine. If you are testing the session cookies (i.e. cookies expire after the sessions ends) check for login sessions and user stats after session end.
can u tell me the steps how to follow in web testing by giving one example (possible if screen shots)
Hi all,
The web testing guide is really excellent and it is helping me out in my work. I am currently working as a tester in a company which is developing websites .
I would like to know if web testing as a career have a growth in my future ? How?
very useful tutorial………….
Thanks a lot for sharing all this information. please keep on updating the article so that we can get more and more knowleadge in terms of website testing….please share about selenium IDE like how to use..? and how to generate test scripts…?
Again Thanks
Really nice post.
To the point and also covered all the points.
very useful info ,i am working as manual tester, i am a fresher, am going to testing surveys,
please give some ideas on how to test surveys.
thank you
The article was very useful.
thank you again. 😀
Very useful all . Thank you so much
Give brief explanation on manual testing
~A client-server app is about to go on web., How we use selenium webdriver in testing the application before going on web?
Thanks .
I am fresher in testing domain . In my comany not provided any requirements so how can i test the web application . How can i ensure myself that i am tested product completely without leaving any Bugs in application .
I am going to start my carrier in testing and doing a course in chennai.
where can i get sample applications(projects) for practising manual testing.
Please can anyone send me info about it,i will be grateful……..
Thanks in advance
This articale is awesome and fantastic.!!!1
The information is very useful….
Thx to all those who hv provided the great information
Informative. Thank you
Thank you very much for sharing such useful information, I got to know many new things from the above information.
Hii folks!!!
In an Webapplication So many Navigations (hundread of links)are there .how to test it manually.if we check each and every page it will take so much time. how to test it manually with out using Automation tool.One of the interviewer asked me.(dont use Automation tool).Can you please tell me the answer.
Could you please explain in detailweb application penetration testing test cases
Your comprehensive guide to web application testing is invaluable for software testers. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
Thanks a lot for this information on Web app testing.. It’s very helpful easy to understand… Can any of you please tell me top 3 automated tool for Web Application Testing and three main features of that tool.
please give detail demo on tools.
good info
which tool should i use for wesites testing?…I have no idea about testing ….please tell me how to start testing profession.. Fresher
can anyone send me the test case samples pls ..
A very nice ,informative and usefule website
This article helped me a lot. I started earning online by testing websites and application through various companies. But to get there this article is a must-read. Thank you for such valuable information.
This article is really helpful…its so nicely explained..
Hi all,
i Would like to know and kindly let me know… is there any open source tools for D2K from supports application -Client server and Web application…
Thank’s & Regards,
hai can any one suggest free online testing books for download?
This is very useful guide to understand web testing.
one more thing want to know:-how u can compare system browser with mobile browser.
Good Site
video-driven OTT apps and a solid working knowledge of QA tool
Very Informative and useful.Thank you.Expecting more articles from ur real time experiences
Very nice and informative blog, thanks for providing such unique information.
Hi all,
Would you please let me know… is there any open source tools for D2K from supports application -Client server and Web application…
Thank’s & Regards,
Snehasish exactly i have same situation which u have. if u get the same,kindly mail to me at this address:
thank you in advanced!!
what an informative site… i am really thankful for this. as i’ve said before, i have learned a great deal on these infos. again, a lot of thanks!
Is We application having nested folder structures cannot be tested cause the scanners(tools for testing) cannot scan for testing??
Plz reply urgent to my Mail -Id:
what r the best automated tools for web testing????
Very useful tutorial
Very good article. It helped me a lot. Thank you.
hi sunitha, when u r going to start web testing plz let me know……..if u don’t mind at this mean time what ever u have collected the info for the project, if could u share with me that will be very help full to me. this is my mail id,, Once u send that doc’s i will go through that and will give inputs any uncleared requirements and different thoughts to u…
Hi Mayasen, If u don’t mind if u have any small web app testing projects plz share with will be more and more help full to me… now i am on bench until we get new project i want use this time very effectively…
thanks in advance… both of u
Really wonderful information’s for the pro testers like me and please continue your good work, just found the website and liked a lot and iam referring to my friends who are into testing
Excellent guide.. Very informative.. 🙂 I enjoyed reading it..
@ Vijay: A very nice article. And we are always looking for such kind from you. Hats off for knowledge sharing. We will definitely help this. Continue with your Good work along with Good Health.
what is the best Load Test tool for web to choose
Please write about cookies testing
How can I write test cases for fields in a web page that have the same inputs and outputs. The difference between them is the names. Do I have to write all testcases for each field or Can I group them. Thanks!
Welcome sunitha. Surely will help you.
Not clear about mobile browsing
Thanx for information
Was very useful for me as I just started my testing career….Thank you Vijay
Thank’s Very useful and helpful article!
its very..very good
It is a good article that really help me to understand the Website Testing.
Thank You!!!!
i think manual testing is best.
It was very help full , I did hunted this URL after interviewer aksed me the below question:
How many types of testing can be carried out in web application.
Thanks again
hey we are the last year students of computer engineering branch…we r doing project on -“improving testing techniques and reliability for web based applications “…do let us know how to work on it..and where to start…..pls help
Sure. Will try to send soon. Same time check all the comments in this page, so that you can get some additional info.
Its a really helpful website….I have completed my in ECE and recently I joined as a Quality Analyst in a company….Currently I am testing web applications. Do I need any tools for my testing purposes? I have not done any training in software testing.
Really it is good… we will get many Theoritical information in many places but sharing practical experience lik this is really helpfull…..
Very nice site for testing
First off, congratulations on this post.
We appreciate your sharing this informative article. Your information is beneficial and essential for everyone. Web Application Testing Complete Guide (How To Test A Website) to reach their target audience and show them the most recent updates and offers. We all have to start somewhere, and your article is perfect.
Great Share, and thanks for the mention here. Wow……
How cool is that
NogaTech shares this post now. I want all those new bloggers to see that if they don’t already have an article, then they read now.
Ya sure #303mak i will send you.
This is a very useful articles…….
Very useful information. Thank you.
It’s really a very good site for web application testing.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with every one.
Hi all
Can any1 give me idea about the task which is given to me for webtesting as follows:
“As developer I want the system to include configurations for different environments so that I don’t need to handle different configuration files for different environments”
How to test this task???
I am in a class where they want us to figure it out, but I either go too deep or not deep enough. For example we are looking at the expedia site and I need to write recommendations for the account link, My Scratchpad, and rewards links in the nav bar. I have excel sheets. The first is for recommendations. The second has requirements covered and tabs for tabs for test scripts, test purpose, test data required, test steps, and results and the third sheet is for each scenario and data. I asked for an example and was told it would be better if I figure it out. Can you shed any light on what this would mean. I know it might be too long of an answer, take too much time, and be hard to answer without seeing the sheets. If you have any suggestions I would really appreciate it.
I have already implemented functional testing and security testing.Now i get an idea about various testing but i need detailed explanation about other 4 testing which is most useful for my career, excepting more things related to web testing
Hi Ranjith,
rite now i have prepared one checklist which covers almost all types of basic testing….that i can share with u.
you are telling now u have bit free time so try to find out some tools which vl be helpfull for website testing (like spelling check, broken link etc….) and share with me 🙂
1.i have to test dynamic data in my website , for dynamic data we are using WCM tool… if u have any idea of how dynamic data can be tested with 3rd paty website(webservise testing)..what if , while testing 3rd party websiteis not available?
2. Now i am planning to starting testing by page wise(i.e in each page that cheklist needs to be executed ) , but we have requirement doc also, so plz tell me from ur exp which approch is good executing chk list or writting scenarios from req doc??
very useful summary of Application testing,,
puts one in the right way…. THANK YOU
hi thanks for the team, can develop more using this
Really nice one……….
Hi this article is really awesome and helpful for each and every testing beginners. we r really thankful to vijay for giving such a nice article.thanks a million vijay 🙂
useful information
Wonderful. A complete guide. Very user friendly. Keep up the good work.
Very useful. Really Appreciate your efforts. Thank you.
Hi, this is prasanna
All u r experiences talks on u r article.. easy to understand.. … every web testers should read this…..
Hi Vijay,
Information u gave for Web Application Testing is very useful. 2 Tier & 3-tier architecture concept is helpful.
Can u tell me any freeware tools to automate test for a website developed in PHP. I do not have any information on selenium tool, could u please provide information on Selenium
Hi Vijay,
This site is very helpful.. Can you please explain what is “Validate your HTML/CSS”.
And what are the questions asked on web based testing.
Thank u so much for ur awesome help line. Timely help.
Awaiting for more details and updates.
All the best.
Its really Nice tutorial. as im starting my career in software testing with website related stuff….
Hi Vijay..
Very Nice Article…
Best Way To Learn Web Testing.
Thank You so much for posting…
Thank u very much for the optimum information which cleared the whole web application testing concept.
I am new to this site. And I am really very impressed with above article. This is very useful to me, as I am new to web-application testing. so,plz if any body can guide me on web portals(dummy) testing and if possible some test cases related to it, i’ll be very thankful to those who could help me asap..if possible send it to(
Thanks for such a great information…I have 1 question…take for example we are testing then where all the data is stored(Server that i know)but as such a large data what these kind of site use to store data (SQL or access)
Very helpful article at least someone try to explain like this otherwise all is garbage these days
Ya, I’m so thankful for ur information.
In links section we should add – linked page that does not exist
Good stuff that sheds much-needed light on mobile application development as for any service, whether to find a good restaurant or book a cab, most people prefer and rely on relevant service provider mobile apps. Moreover, in today’s world, it becomes difficult to get enough traffic for your business if your business doesn’t have an online presence. However, the details you mention here would be very much helpful for the beginner. Here is yet another top-notch service provider “X-Byte Enterprise Solutions” who render feasible and credible solutions to global clients that help global brands design and build superior digital products, enabling seamless user experiences across all modern platforms and devices
Hi I am new to this website. The information on this website is really helpful.
Hi i am new to this website i have few doubts.. the fifth phase come the performance testing in web testing so will that be done using automation tools or manualy cos some says performance testing cant be done manually..pls clear this doubt for me
Hello Sir,
I have got recruited in a S/W company as a fresher and the domain they have allocated for me is TESTING.Since i don’t have any idea about Tools and all ,will it be easier to learn and work on it without going for any Courses.Please do reply me Sir.
Thank You .
send me different kind of books regarding testing to read.
Hey bro, thanks a lot for posting such a valuable resource.
Being a fresher i had no idea abt web testing, but it was your article on web testing that fetched me a job. U r the sole reason for my knowledge on W.T, keep up the good work bro,
when we test a new application first time then what we calls to that testing
E.g: we perform regression on an enhanced/updated application.
please advise
Can anyone tell me about the automation tools for load testing and stress testing.
How to perform database testing.
Lovely article . It’s sweet & simple. I have downloaded it . If such simple articles are published then everyone woulld like it.
really great information … thx a lot !!!
Hi Suni, (#286)
For first run go ahead with the requirement spec. and then with your checklist.
Reg dynamic data you can use either web service or can handled by the code itself. It depends on your proj requirements.
I am impressed with the comprehensive website test guide. Thank you so much!
Hi all,
I want to know what are the tools used to validate all the non standard objects in a website
Your efforts are really appreciate.
its a usefull article.thanks a iam going to test the e-commerce application.Can u give the details how to test the creditcard and its related modules.
such a great info for complete website testing.
got a query while reading the article,regarding “Validate your HTML/CSS”..Please elaborate this with an example.
Thanks for sharing such wonderful information on web application testing through this blog.
Great content. Very useful. Thanks for sharing in such detail.
Could anybody tell me how much SQL commands knowledge is important for website testing and where we can use them while testing a web based application?
Cookies testing:
if the cookies are encrypted before writing to user machine. If you are testing the session cookies (i.e. cookies expire after the sessions ends) check for login sessions and user status after session end.
hey vijay,awesome artical i want exactly same kind of information.very usefull information.i want information about how to do performance testing of images included in our web application.please help me guys if anyone know the solution for this.
thank you.
very helpful for those who are new in testing.
please suggest test cases also
can any one tell the practical guidence for web based testing
can anyone send me how to write testcases for OS compatibility testing with examples to my mailid
thanks a lot
Vijay this is really a great material which helps freshers to understand what the web testing is. Thank You from sharing this.
I do really appreciate your article, this is really the brief information that covers all of the aspect of Manual Software Testing. I used it to test our Medical Practice Application. Thanks.
pls give more clear description on session check & cookies test.
this doc is very useful for tester………. thanks
Regards ——Sangram
Thanks for the informative articles…
It will realy help in testing web applications.
Very Very useful
Thank u so much for sharing such a valuable information keep on updating
how to test a application what are phases in it and how it faces done by the tester
sir i doing diploma in computer i want some information about website testing & why we are test graphics(images)in website.please give me reason.
It was so helpful. Good examples and explanations. Thank you very much (:
In Security testing we can also check,
# By direct pasting the link
# Login as one user and paste the link of another user
# Logout the session, use browser BACK button and try the access
# On view source, it should not display the scripts. (only html code can allowed to display)
# Password field should not allow the user to copy or paste data
Thanks for sending its help us
Hi All,
For performance testing, the best tool can be used is LOADRUNNER…
Web testing and mobile testing is totally different. Web testing experience may be helpful for testing web applications, but not for Mobile Testing…
Testing methodologies are same for all kinds of applications but the domain knowledge is different from each other…
Please find more details about mobile wireless testing from the below link:
Hi sai,
Thanks for you interest.
Addnl things wat i want to share:
# There is no generic way in testing a web application. It may differs from one application to another.
If you are going to test a simple web page with some basic applications like blog, forum, etc. There won’t be much typical functionality, so just check basic functionalities, usability and compatibility.
If you are checking some social networking application, you must perform compatibility test. Because now a days lot of toolbars are available on site based (orkut/fb…). If the end user is passionate about the site, surely he/she will search for best toolbar for that site (regardless of browser). On such case we cant judge the user’s browser.
# On usability, your system should be friendly for both mouse and keyboard. Coz based on the people’s profession and practice they are majorly addict with specific input device.
Eg: Designers will majorly use the mouse, hardware based peoples majorly play with Keyboards, beginners or Non-IT people will use both.
thnks for providing useful info on web testing. its really nice.
can anybody explain web testing wit a simple example?
Can you please explain what is “Validate your HTML/CSS”.
i need to know more about the security testing like other than sql injections where the application is hacked and the datas are lost. this has happened with one of my websites although there were validations with sql injections.
do help me out ..awaiting for your positive reply.
I am new to this site. And I am really very impressed with above article. This is very useful to me, as I am new to web-application testing. so,plz if any body can guide me on web portals testing and if possible some test cases related to it, i’ll be very thankful to those who could help me asap..if possible send it to(
hey , u had done a great job..
its really helpful… thanks
i am a beginner in testing plz suggest me which topics i need to learn..
really helpful
Good Article..really helps 🙂
Very Nice,
can you add SQL injection and Session hijacking in security testing.
Please check and correct the spelling mistake for the word others status in the last line of the second case in security testing
6) Security Testing:
Following are some test cases for web security testing:
Try directly changing the url site ID parameter to different site ID which is not related to logged in user. Access should denied for this user to view others stats.
The article is quite very use full but their must be a sample for web application testing. One thing more where are the white box and black box testing?
This is very usefull website for me. I learnt a lot of techniques. May be this is not much usefull site for some people but for me it’s very usefull and meanning full site. I’m very thankfull to owner of this site for providing me a really good learning platform.
Thanks for all
Thank you for ua info and am very new to testing so its will be very useful to me…:)
Nice Article
As i am new to testing this article is very helpful to me . Can any body provide me good link for web and server side interface testing
any lead would be appreciable
Best article i ever read on web testing. Its so simple and easy to understand. I would like to know which automated tool wil make our job easy to test web application.? Also i would like to know the future of Mobile testing ? is the experience of manual testing in Web application enough for performing Mobile testing ?
I tried it while Testing a Web site in my office,hope it will help :
Tests for a web site (Generic tests/check list)
Manual Testing coverage
*color combinations used for page body,logos,arrows,menus etc.
*thoroughly check all the Spellings used on page
*check for any gramatical mistake as such
*page title must match the information given on page
*the page URL must be proper (avoid abbreviations if any on url)
*check the web site behaviours against varying window sizes (size in pixels)
*Text sizes & fonts must match with specifications/or must be proper(suitable)
*the text box,dropdown lists,radio buttons,buttons etc. must be properly Alligned,
*the text box,dropdown lists,radio buttons,buttons etc. must be properly Sized,
*navigation between menus,pages must be provided properly
*”alt” text must be used for graphical images where ever needed
*there should not be any “Orphan Page ” as such
*check web Sites behaviours against various types of Browser Software(s) & their versions(IE,Mozila,Opera etc.)
*check the web site with disabled ” Plug ins ” (Flash /Java) required navigations and text must work here
*check whether any avoidable scroll bars on web site pages
*Height and width attributes of the web page contents must match Specifications/be Appropriate
*check Print outs of page (use of CSS features such as “@media print” or “@import print” )
* Help menu must be there to guide any new user of web site
* check for the presence of any broken link(s) is there but either it’s unused or pointed wrongly.(on _click it leads us to page not found)
please give me some sample testcases for web application testing.
plz tell me web testing in qtp
Excellent stuff.
I would like to ask one question regarding performance testing. Can we perform performance testing manually. as you mention about web stress testing where we stress input file, sign up screen etc. So, how we gona perform that as we all know sign up page has already has validation. Please elaborate this concept a bit.
Thanks & Regards
Awsm article Dear
Best Way To Learn Web Testing.
Really awesome article!!! this is very useful for my web Apps. testing……Good job.
For typical e-com site:
# Check the display options (images-contents-price-etc.)
# Zone based Pricing (Eg: some product should display for US, some are only for south Asia)
# Encryption of link and date while sending them to payment gateway (third party)
# In URL, expect main page’s names all other items should be encrypted
# Handling of sending/receiving data to/from third party page (Eg: Payment gateway)
# No cookies should save the sensitive records
# All cookies must be encrypted
# Privileges of registered (login) user and unregistered (guest) users must be handled properly
nice… its very good for new TESTRs
Thanks a lot….
very usefull information.
thank u so much.
Good description of Web based testing
Can somebody plz provide me a tutorial or a study material by which i can have thorough knowledge of web based testing along with the terminologies used and also the scenarios based questions and other interview questions asked for web based testing.
Thanks in advance!
Nice Article
Thank you.
Hello ,
Thanks for the useful article.
I would like to ask you if you can help me with Automated testing of applications for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server2007.
I’m new to sharepoint and I don’t have any idea what I have to do!
If I can have your help for the strat?
Looking forward to receiving your email
Many Thanks
Incroyable, le site c’est trop utilisant.
Merci pour les informations
Realy very good points explained…
Awesome work by u and ur team… Hats off 2 u…
If possible, please share what all questions are mostly asked in an interview.
Hi Chetan, #248
Already such tips and methods are explained in comment numbers 239,243,244,245 and 246. I am sorry to say, here there is no option to upload file, so we can’t share screen-grabs.
If you’ve any specific requirement, feel free to query. Surely we’ll discuss. Because lot of knowledgeable people are there in this forum, so i hope that we can get good and best suggestions.
very useful content, thanks a lot
thank you so much , very useful.
Waiting for a reply.Thank you.
Can you please explain hot to find Bugs in a Videos performing website?
very useful information thanks a lot when ever
this article is very easy to understand and useful to every test engineers.
vikas jain
very useful for web testing………. thank you
Hi i recently start my study in manual testing.Can someone give me an example of test cases please email me on Thanks in Advance
Thanks for the information provided, really it is very usefull for me and helped a lot in getting the knowledge regarding web testing
This is very useful information. This page is going to be part of my favorites.This website is the best website i ever been visited.
lots of useful information for every one.
it is really very helpful guide
wht is broken links in web application
hi tanu This is an excilent site…. I Love it.
@ bhavya, i am not a tester yet but i would try to answer you. for example in a bank’s website, there should be a link to download a loan application pdf file and any user should not be able to access this or any other file by directly typing the address in the browser.
If it is accesible, it is non-secure and vulnerable.
CAPTCHA are challenging questions generated by machines to be responded by humans and not by machines, to make sure that the attempt to access is by a human and not by a bot. If CAPTCHA is enabled in a web login, it has to be tested.
SSL is a cryptographic protocol for securing HTTP communication over the internet. When user switches from HTTP to HTTPS or vice-versa, a message window is pops up to inform about this switching and do you want to continue.
Log files should be maintained to recording and future analysis of all web activities, so that corrective and preventive measures could be taken.
@ For Vijaya and all testers, please correct my knowledge, where wrong.
the explanation is well okay i appreciate it.
Hey, I am doing my M.C.A final year and i have chosen webserver performance testing as my curriculum project, but i am unable to understand what to do and where to start from. PlZ help me by telling me what to do. Thank you. and also plz tell me the name of the sites that has uml diagrams for web server testing. Thank you once again
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about feminist.
I really like you article. It is very organized and very nicely explained. It doesn’t seem like u have only 2 yrs of web testing.
I would love to see more of ur article on testing various application.
nice article.
it helps me while testing my site.
thanks a lot 🙂
Had a helpful article,
Want help on Qtp basis or one best article on that . .
Email id-
Hi All, Has anyone prepared SOP document for web testing? if you have can you please share the document.
Hello Viijay,
Thats an awesome article covering the entire basics on web testing. I’m really glad 2 have read your wonderful article and looking forward for more such articles.
very useful…thank you…..
Hi, I am working as web test engineer. So my doubt is that is it a good career? Or should I search for new domain?
very useful information about web browser testing. really its very much clear. i need information about mobile browser testing. can anyone give me the information abt it?
!@#$%^&*()_ HAI HAVE ANICE DAY_)(*&^%$#@!
Testing Levels or positions involved in testing:
Junior Test Engineer-> Software Test Engineer->Senior Test Engineer (Test Analyst)->Test Team Lead-> Senior Test Lead->Associate Manager->Manager-> Senior Manager->Delivery Unit Lead…..
Thank u sooooooooo much for this tutorial.
I am new to qtp.Can anyone please let me know how to calculate the load time for the web page using qtp . I need to prepare the time statistics report of how much time it tooks to load when I click any link or button or icon in my webpage.
Thanks in advance..waiting for ur reply… my mail id
Very Good information. Easily understandable.
vijay, wat do u mean by “Check if site is crawlable to different search engines.”
This is good site and as well as very useful to freshers
Very useful guide on web testing…. pls send the details
very nice….tutorial.thnq
This article defentitely very helpful who are working on web kind of applications,
I don’t know, i feel that in security testing , It would be nice if you give some more information reg. where data should be encrypted and stored in which logs in web applications.
Thanks very much Vijay
I need a tool for testing a web application.please share me the complete details regarding the tool and installation process.Thanks in Advance.
hey hi,
very useful information.But want more information abt web testing please provide it…
I am working as a tester in elearning division. i need to know about software testing , prepartion of test cases and test plan.
Please provide me all the relevant details about test case preparations.
what are different levels of people involved in a company for software testing. what are their position names starting from the tester.
Respected sir,
I am pursuing mca final year.I am doing my project title is”finding bugs in dynamic web Applications using combined concrete and symbolic execution with explicit model checking”.
I am requesting u explian me on this topic.
Perfect for junior’s. Very structured guidelines.
I have recevied useful information about testing artical.
Hi, Superb article i learned a more from this and also i need more information about cookies testing,How to test cookies testing,please advice us.
Manully its quite complicated to identify non standard object in any web need to use any automation to use QTP..
I hope u got wt u meant..for more info ping me back
Very useful article. Several times however it refers to the writer “I”. Who wrote this?
Thanks for sharing, this article is extremely great and helpful it is very useful for users. Thanks and keep Sharing.
Hi nice description
Even for starters also its providing good guidance
Thanks 4 sharing
For this perticular scenario like a web application is given and we need perform penetration testing on it and one week time is given for it.
What could be the possible test cases scnarios to find out vulnerabilities. The complete lify cycle. This would really help us.
Thanks in advance.
First of all i convey my greetings and thanks to this author to build and frame a perfect document about the web application testing,but still i feel few gray areas and a gap found in this document the scenario like servers side testing and cross platform testing etc .Need much more clarification and better view explanation on this scenario i mention above.Apart from this is the perfect document for beginners to start to learn about testing terms and terminology ,
thanx Vijay sir,
very useful and imp information provided through ur article.
please help me find a tool for testing web applications
I learnt so much on how to test a web application in reading ur article.Thank you so much for expanding my views on testing.
Hi Team,
I just want to know in test cases preparation when we are describing our test steps, every time do we need to start from the installation of the application in every test case.
please let me know the test conditions for web based architecture for non functional like sessions r working properly & cookies ,browser …..ets, please give me the response.
Very nice article covering all the aspects of web application testing.
There is a simple typo mistake in this line
Some functionality in your web application is may not be compatible with all operating systems.
I truly appreciate your efforts.
This is a great article! It is very informative and describes things perfectly. Thank you so much!
can u pls give the live example for web testing!!!!!!!
Hi Vijay,
Thank you so much for the very detaied and easy to understand information.
our web application development started now prototype design is going what are the steps to be taken now for testing
awesome man!!
hi vijay,
I really appreciates your work for the testing professionals. The tutorial you provided is crystal clear and very simple to understand.
And thankful to you and all the persons who participates in solving people’s doubt regard testing.
I have a problem regarding test cases i mean to say i don’t know the proper approach to write high level and low level test cases. If u guys are having any test cases documents which you prepared for any website or any software product, kindly forward me at “”
I am a game tester and want to switch my career to software testing.
thanks and regards
Hi, I will share my thoughts on how to execute in unstable network.
If your network is slow, then you should implement appropriate Wait in your automated tests. This would allow the application to respond even when the network is slow or the page is taking time to load.
So, you can use Explicit and Implicit Waits in your Selenium tests to avoid any failure due to network issue.
Hi All. nice post . can anyone suggest me what are the future prospects of opening a Application testing company ? i an about to start one soon. just now collecting and connecting with people around the world.
Hi All…
User Acceptance Testing…is a testing by the cleint’s team at the end of testing before the code goes to production. The main AIM of this testing is Testing the Major functionality of the application is functioning as per User Acceptance Criteria (the functionality should be derived from the Requirements, based on the importance)…For UAT also testers can write the test cases (not exactly writing test cases..just picking up the major functionality test cases from the Test Cases you have prepared for execution, and giving them to the UAT team along with the screenshots for those test cases and proper data used)
@ -Kishore
The only way is to do performance testing on pages having Captcha is to disable the Captcha while recording the script using automation tool. Disabling Captcha will not effect on your performance standards as your final goal is to stress the system for its resources.
@ Ramdev Sharma
Yes to explain about Load testing I need to write a article on it as this topic itself is a big one.
@ Trupti Gandhi
For regression testing using automation tool is the best and efficient method. However you need some test cases written on the module you are going to test for regression. You can use old test cases to record the scripts on.
For performance testing tools mentioned here
First decide your performance criteria and then apply the test cases accordingly
@ lavanya
On every page there are some links pointing to some pages. So we can differentiate all these links.
The links pointing to same domain are said to internal links. e.g The link is pointing to same domain so it’s a internal link.
Links pointing to other domain are external links. E.g See the above link pointing to domain.
Broken links: If clicking on any link displays 404 page not found error then that link is said to be broken or unreachable link.
Orphan link: If no internal link is pointing to any particular web page on your domain then that web page link is said to be orphan link i.e not having any ancestor and no way to reach that link from your domain !
for Cookie testing you can refer the article
@ pradeep mathew
You can use load or stress testing automation tools to simulate n number of virtual users accessing particular web page or site simultaneously.
This is best training for the new tester in the market.
Thanks for the for giving us this precius traing.
hiii i am nandini.. i have not learned testing but worked as a manual game tester.. bt i want to learn testing.. so can anyone suggest me that which is the best tool to learn and which type of testing is better to find a job soon.
thanks in advance…
very useful information
Hi everyone,
Yes this has also proved very useful for me.
very nicely wrote and covered as much points as possible. I am regular visitor of this site and found it truely useful to me. thanks, thanks a lot .
keep writing such article for future correspondance.
Hi, I’m new in this Software Testing subjects..
Can you tell me, what is the best programming language that can be used to create our own Web Testing Tools?
I’m working it for my college final project.. I’m going to create my own web testing tool..
thanks for the advice 🙂
This site is very helpful for freshers.It is very understandable to everyone.
hi thanks for this website i got a great knowledge abt the web based application testing, and security testing of web based application.
Office SharePoint Server2007.
Its just a server where you can upload, download, create, delete uploaded files…like yahoo…
Please get the book from the below link and go through it..if it is not proper please reply back me…
Plz tell me SSL with example and how to test
This was very usefule information try to provide some automated tool also which is useful for web based technology.
Very very excellent knowledge u have dear, I have used this article in testing webpages in my company and gained a lot of tricks to break an application.Really thanx and appreaciable.All the best and Plz send me this types of useful articles.
Some more information
-Disable of right click after login ..i.e. if an user is right clicked on the web page after login there are possibility of viewing the page source save the web page or print the web page.
If it is required to enable the right click , then do check that if after saving the web page to pc , if user wants to open that directly double clicking that ,it should not open without credential
-Check for the session timeout
-Check the password is encrypted properly
-check “sql injection ” is disabled or not.
could you please tell me the test case format for website testing.Its a backend testing(admin part ,not database).
Well, as an SEO consultant and certified software tester, I must say that, knowledge of SEO factors (specially on-Page) are considerably important in web application testing. And the need for it becomes more important if the project is an eCommerce portal.
As, in case of eCommerce projects every aspect of a webpage including code, images, content, meta tags, scripts, page structure etc. is highly important.
So, I think, web application testers should also possess SEO knowledge for developing a quality web application for their customers.
I think answer of 8 is incorrect. Correct answer is C. Exhausitive testing is not possible. Plz correct me if i am wrong.
8. Exhaustive Testing is
a) Is impractical but possible
b) Is practically possible
c) Is impractical and impossible
d) Is always possible
Ans C and not A
Hi everyone, i need help for one thing.
I have one project to test one E-commerce website. so how can i test this project. How can i initiate to test this. Need Checklist for it.
very useful content, thank you so much for this.
It was very helpful.. Thanks for sharing..
Thanks for such a clear explanation
I want open source functional testing tool for web application . pl write me tool name which i can download.
This articale is awesome and fantastic
This information is very helpfull for me…………..
Can u explain me abut the Interface Testing in details….
Thank you…
its really provides an good information. its help a lot for me
Thank You,
good job,if interaction is done or chat is provide we can learn nice informations on testing .
Because i believe testing is innovative,every person will have his own creations what ever we see or learn ,while in implementation we loose the ethics on that particular concept ,so the person intrested can chat and solve the doubts regarding testing
Hi i recently start my study in manual testing.Can someone give me an example of test cases please email me on Thanks
In web site testing,
1. Block the cookies in internet options, many websites doesn’t work
2. Check for error console and java script console. Many website (Popular websites) report error objects…
@ manjula (manu), i am not a tester yet but i would try to answer you.
Builds are program codes which developers deliver from time to time to the testers, while version is the complete application delivered to the end users.
Adding to this, there are also multiple releases with slight improvements in a version.
@ For Vijaya and all testers, please correct my knowledge, where wrong.
tnx for artical
An extraordinary blog for the tester. Thanks guys.
This is really good informative session.
i started web testing in mannualy from 15days. i know how can write test cases in ms excel . but i want to know that how can i wriote test cases on flash images. please reply me.
superb explonation on web testing., thank u very much..
and also i need to ask one more que–>
plz explain on unit & ,whitebox &,regression testing
currently am working on black box & UAT testing.,
and also explain me about QTP automation
Hello everyone!!!
Hope u all doin great… There is no doubt that is site was an awesome infomative one for all of us(QA).
Can anyone pls tel me the best certification that i can do in software testing?
Thanks & Regards,
what is web testing
If you were to place the leading web testing tools in the test pyramid (Unit, Integration,UI), which would you put where? Protractor, Nightwatch, RobotJS, CasperJS, Chimp, JSDOM, Phantom, Buster.JS, WebDriver.IO,Codecept?
I have found my site in not working in search engine.
Hi all I am new to this QA I am taking class now. My question to you how you will get a job with out any working experiences before.Please let me know
explain this statement pasting internal url directly into browser address bar without login.and give some examples
Hi Vijay,
Firstly, this site is very helpful for beginners.
All your posts are very easy to understand and have in depth information.
I would be thankful if you could suggest some simple websites / software etc that beginners could test at home to understand all the concepts better.
Hi….its a superb information to upgrade beginners like me…
very useful information
Hello ,
I am going for an interview soon for testing. This article explained a lot to me. Thanks so much for the info. Keep up the good work. Your helping a lot of people out there.
The article was very useful. I am new to testing, so which programming languages should i know before going to my job.
thanks for sharing
Perfect information i was looking for. Excellent work.
good, needed crisp details given about web testing..
informative and good to understand..
great work
Done great job!!!
Ye sub jut hai
hi..I m working in web based applications..Is it mostly required automation testing for web applications while comparing manual testing?
Very nice work man. Keep updating.
Very useful for the guys like me
Nice Article on Web based testing..
What Can I say It is one of the best articles on testing s/w and for new testers
Hi vijay.
you really deserve thanx from the bottom of heart. Thanx a lot.
If you have more guide related software testing. i m really need of your guide.
Please revert me back on
Thanks a million for sharing your experience.
Hi All,
Please correct me if i am wrong…
There is no difference between these two…Because in testing terminology Build is the term used for particular code for that particular release…Once build (or code)goes to production, then we call it as Version…
Hi Ranjith (#275)
# 1. Functionality testing will be the first level
# 2. Basically we people are using some readers for spell and grammar check. Typically user only provide all the textual information, developer won’t change them. They simply copy-paste the item. Possibly the typo error will come only on the messages, button, page titles, etc.
# 3. Based on SRS (Software Requirement Spec) our business people will prepare the BRS. On that time the project’s functional spec get designed by the managers. That doc will help you to test the each and every page and its functionality.
Nice article thank you!
Hi Sunitha (#274)
For IE 8, Press F12 -> Cache -> View Cookie information (Information will get opened in IE Browser)
For IE 6, Tools -> Internet options -> Browsing History settings -> View files -> (Temp internet files) there you can find that cookie file
For Firefox, Tools -> Page info -> Security -> View Cookies (By selecting the appropriate cookie file name, you can find the expiry time)
Hi ,
Thanks for evrything that you hav provided , this is really fantastic article . expecting more from you like this .
Thanks for sharing this information with us. 🙂