Snapchat Planets Order Meaning and Explained Friend Solar Systems (2025)

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated January 6, 2025
Edited by Kamila

Edited by Kamila

Kamila is an AI-based technical expert, author, and trainer with a Master’s degree in CRM. She has over 15 years of work experience in several top-notch IT companies. She has published more than 500 articles on various Software Testing Related Topics, Programming Languages, AI Concepts,…

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Decode Snapchat planets and become a Snapchat galaxy expert. Explore the Snapchat Planets order and quickly climb the celestial ladder to impress your friends and boost your social status:

Snapchat is a social media platform where its users send videos and images or what we call snaps to their friends that last for a certain period and then disappear.

This way, they can be in touch by sharing their experiences or expressions. You can easily use it free of cost on any Android or iPhone by just installing it from the Play Store or Apple App Store.

As the competition is tough, people prefer different platforms for connecting with their friends and different platforms offer distinct features.

Snapchat Planets: Order and Meaning

Snapchat Planets Order and Explained Friend Solar Systems

Snapchat introduced the Snapchat+ plan on June 29, 2022, which was initially accessible in some countries only including the United States, Canada, The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India, and more.

Snapchat+ enables its users to have early access to new features and updates and can have various add-ons to enhance their virtual experience.

There are many features that a Snapchat+ user can enjoy, including custom app icons, chat wallpapers, custom notification sounds, solar system, priority story replies, and so on. To use the Snapshot+ you need to buy its subscription.

Market Share: The paid version which is Snapchat+ had seven million paid subscribers in 2023 and had been increased to 9 million users in the first quarter of 2025 as per the sources. It has been used by over 36 million users who are US-based Gen Z users of age group 0-17.

This article is for readers who want to know about Snapchat Plus and its famous Friends Solar System feature. We covered everything about Snapchat, including how to subscribe to it, its features, some FAQs, expert advice, and the market share of Snapchat.

Friends Solar System is then explained in detail, covering every Snapchat plus planets, Snapchat planet order, and its meaning to how it works.

Expert Advice: As the bitmoji of the planet is assigned by the Snapchat itself, you can not make anyone your Mercury planet but if you want so then you can do it by sharing the most number of snaps with the person you want to be represented with the Mercury planet.

Snapchat Features

#1) Snapchat Best Friends Planets or Snapchat Solar System: This is the trendiest feature in which your friends can be represented as planets and be the sun. The friend whom you interact most with would be represented as the closer planet. Planet order represents the closeness of the friend. This way, you would know how close you are to the other person.

Snapchat Best Friends Planets

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#2) Custom App Icon: With this feature, you can change the app icon by choosing from the list of eye-catching app icons and this is for the users of Snapchat+ only who are the paid users.

Custom App Icon

#3) Story Rewatch Count: You can see who has rewatched your story and how many times easily with the feature called story rewatch count.

Story rewatch count

#4) Custom Chat Wallpaper: You can apply customized wallpaper to your specific chats or on chats with your special friends, which adds a special touch to the conversation.

Custom chat wallpaper

#5) Notification Sounds: This feature enables you to set a custom notification sound to the specific friend’s message. Whenever they message you, you will easily recognize the person who is messaging you. This way you can check the notifications of special friends on priority.

#6) Priority Reply: Snapchat+ users would get the opportunity for priority replies on friends’ stories.

#7) Story Boost: The users of Snapchat Plus get the story Boost for 24 hours to get more and more views which your friends don’t know.

#8) Other Features: There are many more amazing features that a premium user can enjoy, including exclusive Bitmoji backgrounds, Snapchat+ badge, accessorized look on a map, expansion of best friends list, and so on.

Snapchat Solar System

Snapchat friend solar system is a feature that can be availed by purchasing a Snapchat+ subscription only. It is a feature wherein the friends are ranked based on how much they interact on the platform and it is based on the real solar system where there is a sun and different planets revolve around it.

Likewise, here the sun is the person or user using this feature, and the planets are his friends. The closer the friend, the closer the planet would be to his representation. For instance, the person you share the most with or talk to the most would represent Mercury, since Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

This feature was introduced with the release of the Snapchat+ version in July 2022 in just 24 countries including the United States, Canada, The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India, and so on.

Unfortunately, the friend’s solar system feature got many backlashes. Some reports show it is causing anxiety, feelings of inadequacy or exclusion, and other negative mental health effects in younger users. As when you get to know that you are not the close friend of someone who you think and want to cause anxiety and anger.

Due to this, the Snapchat developers disabled this feature by default and did not completely remove it as it has got overwhelmingly positive feedback from many users. So they made it manual, so whoever wants to enjoy it can enable it easily.

How Does Snapchat’s Friend Solar System Work

Snapchat’s Friend Solar System

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Snapchat’s Friend Solar System is just like the original solar system, where there is a Sun and different planets that revolve around it. Here the Sun represents the person using the solar system feature and the planets represent the different friends of him.

The closer the planet, the closer would be the friend. The order of the snap planets depends on the interaction of the user and his friend.

For example, if the user shares more snaps with person A than with person B, then person A would be represented by Mercury planet which is closest to the sun, and then B would be represented by Venus.

There are 8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Mercury represents the first best friend, Venus represents the second best friend, Earth represents the third best friend, and so on.

To make the person Mercury you need to share the most number of images, videos, or snaps with that person in a straight two weeks, then it would automatically be assigned to Mercury bitmoji.

Snapchat Planets Order

Snapchat’s planets are ordered in the sequence of actual planets in the solar system. The person who has interacted the most would be represented by the mercury planet, which is the closest to the sun, and so on.

The representation of planets is based on the interaction and streaks. There are a total of 8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

#1) Mercury: This is the closed planet near the sun and represents the closest friend with whom the user interacts the most. It is red with 5 red hearts and some stars around it. The sun and the planet have big smiles on their faces.


#2) Venus: It is the second planet that represents the second most interacted person of the user or the second most favorite person. The planet is yellow-white with some pink, yellow, and blue hearts around it.


#3) Earth: This is the third planet in the solar system which represents the thirst best friend of the user. Here the planet is blue-green with a moon, red hearts, and some yellow stars around it. The people representing the sun and the planet have smiles on their faces that look lively.


#4) Mars: It is the fourth planet and represents the fourth favorite person whom the user interacts with the most. The planet is bright red with some purple and blue hearts and different colored stars around it. The person representing Mars in the bitmoji has a little less smile on her face.


#5) Jupiter: It represents the fifth best friend in the Snapchat+. The planet is orange in color with some different colored stars around it. The person representing the sun is a bit farther and the person representing the planet does not have a smile on her face.


#6) Saturn: It is the sixth planet in the solar system and represents the sixth best friend on the list. The planet is orangish in color with a beautiful ring and stars around it. The persons representing the sun and the planet are a bit farther.


#7) Uranus: This is the seventh planet and represents the seventh most interacted person on the list. It is green which gives cool vibes and some stars around it. The persons representing the sun and the planet in the bitmoji do not have smiles on their faces.


#8) Neptune: This is the eighth planet and the last planet, which represents the eighth favorite person. It is violet in color with some bluish stars around it. The persons representing the sun and the planet do not have a smile on their faces and are far from each other comparatively.


Tips and Tricks

There are certain tips to make the most out of Snapchat’s friend’s solar system feature. Such as:

  1. You can make anyone your best friend if you are consistent.
  2. You should send as many messages as you can to make your desired person your best friend or to have them the best friend badge, which is Mercury.
  3. Frequently check the badge and see which planet you have been assigned.
  4. You can enhance your interaction with your friend by using emojis and can also customize one.
  5. It includes exclusive emojis and more detailed analytics on your social interactions if you subscribe to Snapchat Plus.
  6. You should keep updating your app as the new updates enhance the existing features.

Also Read => How To Get Snapchat On Windows 

Benefits of Using Snapchat Planets

There are many benefits of using this amazing feature called Snapchat Planets, like:

  • It represents your relationship with your friend visually.
  • You can come to know whether you are the one whom your friend shares the most snaps with or not.
  • You can build strong relationships by sharing maximum experiences with your friend in case you find you are not in their solar system.
  • This enables you to know the place where you exist in the friend list of your friends.

How to Enable Snapchat Solar System Feature

As this feature has received much criticism, you now need to manually activate it. For that, you need to follow the steps:

Step #1: Tap on your profile icon located on the top left corner of the mobile screen.

profile icon

Step #2: Now select the Snapchat+ option right under your profile name.

Step #3: Here you will see all the features offered in the Snapchat+ version. Scroll and find the solar system feature.

solar system feature

Step #4: Now turn on the feature and press the okay option that pops up after turning on the feature.

Snapchat+ Pricing:

  • Snapchat: Free
  • Snapchat+ : Its pricing differs as per the region.
    • In the US it is:
      • $3.99 per month
      • $21.99 for six months
      • $39.99 per year
    • In the UK it is:
      • 3.99£ per month
      • 21.99£ for 6 months
      • 39.99£ for a year
  • A free trial of 7 days is available to experience and decide whether you want to pay for it or not.

Further Reading => How to Deactivate Snapchat – Simple Steps

How to Subscribe Snapchat+

To subscribe to Snapchat+ you can go through the simple steps given below:

Step #1: Firstly, you need to install the Snapchat Application on your device.

Step #2: Then you need to sign up and create your account.

Step #3: Now you need to open your profile by clicking on the profile icon given in the upper left corner.

profile icon

[image source]

Step #4: Now you need to click on the settings icon given in the upper right corner.

settings icon

Step #5: Here a list will be opened from where you need to click on the Snapchat+ option.

settings icon

Step #6: Now you need to click on the subscribe option.

subscribe option

Step #7: Here you would be presented with the options to choose your plan. It would be for a month, 6 months, or a year.

Step #8: Pay for the plan and restart the app to enjoy the Snapchat+ features.

Step #9: You can also gift the Snapchat+ feature to your friends by selecting the option Snapchat+ Gift, then selecting the desired person from the list, and then completing the payment.

Comparison of Snapchat Planets with Other Social Media Platforms

Many social media platforms offer similar features to Snapchat plants. There are Instagram’s Close Friends list, Facebook’s Friends category, etc. Snapchat’s planet feature is slightly different from all.

  1. Option of choosing friends on the list: Snapchat does not allow you to choose your friends on the list of planets, but Instagram’s close friend list and Facebook’s Friend list allow you the same.
  2. Excitement: Snapchat planet creates excitement about who would be on your friend list, but on Instagram’s and Facebook’s friend list, it is not like that.
  3. Engagement: Snapchat Planet’s friend list is based on the engagement or sharing of snaps, but it is not the same in the case of other platforms. Whether or not you engage with your friends, you can add them.
  4. No. of friends on a list: Snapchat Planet can have only 8 top friends with whom you interact most and on Instagram you can have an unlimited number of friends on the best friend list and on Facebook the close friend limit is up to 50,000.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you make someone your #1 best friend on Snapchat fast?

To make anyone your #1 best friend on Snapchat, you both need to continuously share snaps for at least a minimum of 2 weeks. Then Snapchat automatically assigns that person as your best friend and can be represented with a Mercury bitmoji.

2. How many best friend planets are on Snapchat?

There are a total of eight planets on Snapchat: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These all are arranged in the same order as our solar system.

3. What is the order of Snapchat’s best friends?

The order of planets in Snapchat is the same as in the solar system. Mercury is closer to the sun than Venus, then Earth, and so on. Likewise, as the planets represent friends, the closer the friend or the friend with whom you share the most snaps is closer to you or to the sun.
The closest friend would be assigned the Mercury bitmoji, then the next closest friend would be assigned the Venus bitmoji, and so on.

4. How do I get a Snapchat Plus free trial?

Snapchat Plus is a paid version of Snapchat where you need to subscribe with a plan to start using it. But you can use it for free for 7 days by selecting the subscription plan and then you would be given the option to use its free trial.

5. How much does Snapchat Plus cost?

Snapchat plus costs are different in different countries. Its pricing plans are:
UK- £3.99 per month
US- $3.99 per month

6. Why is Snapchat Disabling the Solar System Feature?

The solar system feature has many backlashes. Some reports show it is causing anxiety, feelings of inadequacy or exclusion, and other negative mental health effects in younger users. As when you get to know that you are not the close friend of someone who you think and want to cause anxiety and anger.
Due to this, Snapchat developers disabled this feature by default and did not completely remove it as it has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from many users. So they made it manual, so whoever wants to enjoy it can enable it easily.

7. Which planet is first on Snapchat?

Mercury is the first and closest planet to the sun. The person to whom you chat or share the most would be assigned the Mercury bitmoji which is red with 5 red hearts and some stars around it. The sun and the planet have big smiles on their faces.

8. What does the best friend planet mean on Snapchat?

The best friend planet on Snapchat means the closeness or the frequency of intersection to the friends. The more frequent the interaction, the closer would be the planet and vice versa. Mercury is considered the best friend planet or the closest planet.

9. How to check Snapchat orbit?

You can check Snapchat orbit by tapping on the badge or the bitmoji you are given. You would see where you stand in the orbit, whether you are closest (represented as mercury) or the farthest in the orbit (represented as Neptune).

10. What is the highest friend rank on Snapchat?

The friend rank on Snapchat is based on the number of snaps you send or receive to and from a particular friend. The highest friend rank on Snapchat is two pink hearts, which means you have been the number one best friend of each other with each other for two months straight. Other ranks are red heart, yellow heart, and more.

11. How to see your friends’ solar system?

You can see where you stand on your friends’ solar system by tapping the badge under the profile of your friend where you can see best friends or friends written there. Best friends mean you both are in the top 8 friends of each other and friends mean you are in the top 8 of your friends.

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The Snapchat Solar System is a great feature that a Snapchat+ user can use. It makes an extra topping to the conversation and the app experience. You can easily get to know with whom you are sharing the most memories and it is very simple to enable the feature by just subscribing to the Snapchat+ version and manually activating it if you want it.

I recommend this feature and would rate it 4.5 stars as it makes the app experience more interesting and happening.

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