11 Best Automation Tools for Testing Android Applications (Android App Testing Tools)

Best Automation Tools

List of the Best Android Application Testing Tools for your reference:

Nowadays, automated tests are used during almost every testing process. This is not surprising, as properly organized automated testing reduces the time needed for a testing process, and excludes errors and omissions in test execution caused by a human factor.

There is a wide choice of tools for automation. While some are free, others are rather expensive. Some automation tools were created years ago; some have just appeared on the market. Each tool is unique and possesses certain characteristics.

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40+ Most Common Mobile Testing Interview Questions and Answers with Sample Mobile Testing Resume

mobile application testing interview questions

In today’s article, we will focus on the top common mobile testing interview questions and answers with a sample mobile testing resume. Let’s get right to it.

Welcome to Part 2 of the mobile testing career guide. Part 1 dealt with what is required to acquire the necessary skills & certifications to qualify as a mobile tester and we also passed on some time-tested tips and tricks that are sure to be helpful.

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Appium Tutorial for Testing Android and iOS Mobile Apps

Appium tutorial for beginners

Here’s How to Install and Setup Appium on Windows with First Program to Get a Kick Start on Appium:

Appium is an open-source test automation tool used for testing mobile applications. It allows users to test various types of mobile applications (such as Native, Hybrid and Mobile Web) using a standard WebDriver library.

There are three types of Mobile Apps:

  • Native: Native apps built using iOS, Android, or Windows SDKs. They are platform-specific. They are built to work on a platform and/or device.
  • Hybrid: Hybrid apps are web applications developed using HTML, CSS, and wrapper of a native application on top of UIWebView for iOS and “webview” for Android Apps.
  • Mobile web apps: Mobile web apps are the apps ones accessed using mobile browsers.

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Selendroid Tutorial: Android Mobile Test Automation Framework (Part 1)

Selendroid Test Framework Tool

Mobile Automation using Selendroid (Part-I):

Until now, millions of apps have already been developed using Android as a platform and the count still keeps on increasing day by day.

The catch is, how do we validate each and every app? As we will be requiring dedicated resources such as manpower and real devices (say e.g. mobile), etc., again it is a time-consuming task.

On the other hand, the android version, applications (.apk) version, device dimension, etc., are not consistent.

Hence, it becomes very difficult to define test exit criteria as we cannot define the complete testing scope, thereby exact testing effort estimation cannot be done.

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Appium Studio Tutorial for Mobile Automation (15+ Hands-on Tutorials)

Appium Studio Guide

Appium Studio Mobile Test Automation Tool Hands-on Review Tutorial:

This is a series of 15+ text and hands-on video tutorials. (Scroll down to get the complete list of tutorials)

Appium, the amazing open-source testing app, has now been made even better, thanks to Appium Studio.

With Appium Studios, you can cut both the cost as well as the effort of running your automated mobile tests on Appium. This will help you release high-quality apps even faster.

This FREE tool, Appium Studio community edition, allows users to enjoy improved service and community support through the forum.

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