Selenium Framework Creation and Accessing Test Data from Excel – Selenium Tutorial #21

Selenium Framework Creation and Accessing Test Data from Excel

In the last tutorial, we familiarized you with the basics of test automation Frameworks, their components, and their types. The frameworks illustrated in the previous tutorial were a few of the most popular frameworks used by the testing fraternity.

We briefly discussed Module Frameworks, Library architecture-based frameworks, Keyword-driven frameworks, Data-driven frameworks, and Hybrid frameworks. There are various other frameworks also in place.

Please take note we will adopt a Data Driven Test Automation Framework for the rest of our tutorials.

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Check Visibility of Web Elements Using Various Types WebDriver Commands – Selenium Tutorial #14

Visibility of Web Elements Using Various Types WebDriver Commands

How to check the visibility of web elements using various types of looping and conditional commands in WebDriver:

Previously in the series, we discussed WebDriver’s Select class which is primarily used to handle web elements like dropdowns and selecting various options under the dropdowns.

Moving ahead in the Selenium series, we will discuss the various types of looping and conditional commands in WebDriver like isSelected(), isEnabled(), and isDispalyed(). These methods are used to determine the visibility scope for the web elements.

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How to Use TestNG Framework for Creating Selenium Scripts – TestNG Selenium Tutorial #12

Selenium TestNG Framework

In the last few tutorials, we shed light on the basic and commonly used WebDriver commands. We also learned about the locating strategies of UI elements and their inclusion in the test scripts. Therefore, we developed our very first WebDriver Automation Test Script.

Moving ahead with this tutorial, we will discuss all about TestNG, its features, and its applications.

TestNG is an advanced framework designed in a way to leverage the benefits of both the developers and testers. For people already using JUnit, TestNG would seem no different with some advanced features. With the commencement of the frameworks, JUnit gained enormous popularity across Java applications, Java developers, and Java testers, with remarkably increasing code quality.

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Introduction to Selenium WebDriver – Selenium Tutorial #8

Introduction To Selenium WebDriver

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver:

Earlier in this series, we published tutorials that focused more on Selenium IDE and its various aspects. We introduced the tool and discussed its features. We also constructed a few scripts using Selenium IDE and Firebug. From there, we moved on to different types of web elements available and their locating strategies.

Now that we are well versed with Selenium IDE, let us move our learning curve towards creating more advanced automation scripts using Selenium WebDriver. WebDriver is one of the most compelling automation testing tools. Let us discuss it in detail.

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Data Driven Framework in Selenium WebDriver Using Apache POI

Data Driven Framework in Selenium using Apache POI

How to work on Data Driven Framework in Selenium Using Apache POI?

Data Driven Framework is one of the most popular Automation Testing Frameworks in the current market. Data Driven automated testing is a method in which the test data set is created in the excel sheet, and is then imported into automation testing tools to feed to the software under test.

Selenium Webdriver is a great tool to automate web-based applications. However, it does not support read and write operations in excel files.

Therefore, we use third party APIs like Apache POI.

What you will learn in this tutorial:

  • What is the data driven framework in Selenium WebDriver using excel example
  • How to read and write data from an excel sheet in Selenium WebDriver using Apache POI

What is Apache POI?

Apache POI (Poor Obfuscation Implementation) is an API written in Java to support read and write operations – modifying office files. This is the most common API used for Selenium data driven tests.

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Introduction to JUnit Framework and Its Usage in Selenium Script – Selenium Tutorial #11

Introduction to JUnit Framework

This tutorial will give an insight into JUnit and its usage in selenium script. This is tutorial #11 in our comprehensive Selenium tutorials series.

JUnit is an open-source unit testing tool used to test small/large units of code. To run the JUnit test, you don’t have to create a class object or define the main method. JUnit provides an assertion library that is used to evaluate the test result.

Annotations of JUnit are used to run the test method. JUnit is also used to run the Automation suite having multiple test cases.

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Usage of Selenium Select Class for Handling Dropdown Elements on a Web Page – Selenium Tutorial #13

Select Class for Handling Dropdown Elements on a Web Page

In the previous tutorial, we studied the various types of assert statements available in Java-based unit testing framework and their applications with specimens. Re-iterating the fact that being an “Automation Test Engineer”, assertions play a very decisive and significant role in developing test scripts.

Moving ahead with the few upcoming tutorials in the Selenium series, we will concentrate on handling the various types of web elements available on the web pages. Therefore, in this tutorial, we will consider “dropdowns” and exercise their handling strategies.

Before moving towards the problem statement and its resolution, let us take a moment to introduce and create an understanding regarding the application under test. As a sample, we have created a dummy HTML page comprising multiple and assorted web elements.

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Implementation of Our First WebDriver Script – Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #10

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial

In the previous two tutorials, we made you acquainted with the basic architecture and features of WebDriver and the infrastructure required to get started with Selenium WebDriver. Assuming that you all might have set up the system with all the utilities and packages, we will move further with the implementation of our first WebDriver test script.

Therefore, moving ahead with the consequent Selenium WebDriver tutorial, we will create a WebDriver script. In addition, we will cover the basic and commonly used WebDriver commands. We will also cover the strategies for locating UI elements and incorporating them into test scripts. Get Commands will be studied in depth too.

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Hudson Continuous Integration Tool Tutorial – Selenium Tutorial #25

Hudson Continuous Integration Tool Tutorial

This tutorial analyzes the importance and benefits derived from using a continuous integration tool – Hudson.

In the last two tutorials in the Selenium series, we discussed the two most important build tools – ANT and Maven. We discussed their significance and practical importance.

In our previous tutorial in the DevOps series, we learned about the Integration of Jenkins with Selenium. In the current Selenium online training tutorial, we would discuss a continuous integration tool known as Hudson.

Read Through => Exemplary Guide on DevOps

Note: This tutorial is a part of the Selenium and the DevOps tutorial series. Click the appropriate links to navigate to the concerned series.

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Most Popular Test Automation Frameworks with Pros and Cons of Each – Selenium Tutorial #20

Automation Testing Frameworks

In the last few Selenium tutorials, we discussed various commonly and popularly used commands in WebDriver, handling web elements like Web Tables, Frames and handling exceptions in Selenium scripts.

We discussed each of these commands with sample code snippets and examples to make you capable of using these commands effectively whenever you encounter similar situations. Amongst the commands we discussed in the previous tutorial, a few of them owe utmost importance.

As we move ahead in the Selenium series, we will concentrate our focus on Automation Framework creation in the next few upcoming tutorials. We will provide insights into different aspects of an Automation framework, various types of frameworks, the benefits of using a framework, and the fundamental components that make up a framework.

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