68 Essential Resources To Be A Successful Tester (Don’t Miss!)

resources for QA testers

STH has compiled for you the 68 most important resources for the benefit of every software testing professional.

It takes a lot to be a successful QA.

Strong technical knowledge, core functional area expertise, excellent communication and a positive working/team playing attitude all play a critical role.

Even with all that and more, it can take a toll on the best of us if we are not prepared and armed with a few tricks, tips and tools that can make things much easier and enjoyable.

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Software Testing Course: Which Software Testing Institute Should I join?

Which Software Testing Institute Should I join_

Software Testing questions and answer posts are back! Yes, this post is a part of the Question and Answer Series we started a couple of months back and we will be doing it frequently in the upcoming posts.

If you want to ask any question, just write it in the comments below.

Abhishek Asks:

“I want to take a Software Testing course so I need your guidance on which institute I should join? I am preferring the institute to offer placement after completion of the course”

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How to Get a Mobile Testing Job Fast – Mobile Testing Career Guide (Part 1)

mobile testing jobs and career

In this article, we have provided a few tips on how to get a mobile testing job fast. This is an extensive mobile testing career guide for the benefit of our readers. 

Part 1: You Are Here: How to Get a Mobile Testing Job Fast
Part 2: Mobile Testing Interview Questions with Sample Mobile Testing Resume

There is a tremendous requirement for skilled software testers, especially mobile testers, in the future. This is really a no-brainer because the IT industry is still evolving and there is lots of room for more innovative software apps that will need to be tested.

The mobile industry too is no longer a minority as we can see that all software applications have their equivalent mobile apps too and hence we can say that the requirement for mobile and mobile application testers is also on an all time rise and will be in the days to come.

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Global Software Testing Services Market Size and Statistics

Global Software Testing business

Explore the different forecasts and predictions from various research companies about the anticipated global software testing services market size.

The most frequent question that has been often heard is “What is the future of the Software Testing business?” “Should I consider Software Testing as my career option?”

There wouldn’t be any need to ask these questions anymore. Just see the good news below.

Software testers and analysts are now a key part of any product team.

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9 Common Software Testing Myths and Facts

software testing myths

This article is intended to make our readers aware of some of the most common myths in software testing vs reality. Get a detailed explanation of all these Myths in simple terms:

Having been in the QA field for 9 years now, I have seen that some people tend to generally stay away from a testing job. They feel inferior and have a lot of negative thoughts running through their minds.

I would like to share my thoughts and experiences and address some of the common myths that people have.

Sometimes, for various reasons, there are a lot of expectations that we set for ourselves but aren’t always true. These expectations often lead to a lot of disappointment and distress because none of them are going to be met, as they weren’t valid in the first place.

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Want to Get Paid to Play Games? Become a Game Tester!

Game Testing

Our sole aim is to cover almost all the topics from the Software Testing industry.  Very few testing professionals are aware of the Game Testing industry and the Jobs offered by it.

The Game Testing Industry is expanding rapidly, and currently, there are several “Game design” and “Video Game testing” openings available in the market. This is a very interesting tutorial on game testing which will give you a brief idea about the Game Testing industry!

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