Different Types Of Resumes [Download Resume Samples]

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated February 3, 2025

Explore different types of Resumes and download ready-to-use resume types samples to build that perfect resume for your dream job:

Writing a resume is easy, but choosing the right type of format and layout, that’s the hard part.

You’ve probably heard of the three basic types of resumes: chronological, functional, and hybrid resume.

But what if we tell you there’s more – many, many more!

There are the traditional and modern resumes; as well as targeted resumes, and even mini resumes. And as if that’s not enough, there are also infographic and video resumes, online portfolios, and personal websites.

So which should you pick?

Types of Resumes

Understanding Types Of Resumes

Worry not – we’ve got you covered, no matter what your experience level or industry. Read on to learn more about these different types of resumes.

Resumes Type By Format

One of the most important considerations, when you write a resume, is what order to highlight information. Think about what stage of your career you are at right now and choose the best resume format accordingly.

#1) Chronological Resume

A chronological resume is the most commonly used format. In this kind of resume, you list the details of your work history, as well your educational qualifications, in reverse chronological order i.e. starting with your current or most recent job/qualification, and then going back in time to the oldest job/qualification you wish to list.

While pretty much anyone can use a chronological resume, it is ideally suited to candidates with little to no experience, i.e. college graduates or entry-level candidates.

Here’s an example of a chronological resume:

Example 1 - Chronological Resume

=> Click here for a downloadable copy of the chronological resume

#2) Functional Resume

When you wish to focus on your skills, abilities, and achievements, rather than your work experience, use a functional resume.

It might be the best type of resume for you if you need to draw attention away from the fact that there are gaps in your employment history because you can highlight your abilities by grouping them into skill categories instead of by time periods.

A functional resume is also great for career changers who may not have the right work experience but have relevant transferable skills. Include examples of your achievements and successes in the descriptions under the different skills categories.

Look at this example of a functional resume:

Example 2 - Functional Resume

=> Click here for a downloadable copy of the functional resume.

#3) Hybrid Resume

Also known as a combination resume, a hybrid resume mixes the most important elements of chronological and functional resumes. It showcases your work experience and your skills, with both sharing equal space on this resume.

If you are a highly skilled or seasoned professional, then you should use the hybrid resume, as it will allow you to simultaneously highlight your extensive experience and the range of skills you have acquired over the course of your career.

This is what a hybrid resume looks like:

Example 3 - Hybrid Resume

=> Click here for a downloadable copy of the hybrid resume.

Resumes Type By Layout

The second most important consideration is which industry you are applying to. You can choose either a traditional or modern resume depending on the type of industry you are seeking a job in.

#1) Traditional Resume

A conventional resume is best if you are applying for a job in a ‘traditional’ industry, for example, law, banking, government contracting, etc. A conventional layout is simple, and therefore easier to read, which increases the odds of potential employers actually picking up and reading your resume.

Some features of a traditional resume include classic serif fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond, no more than two colors – usually black and white, or white and any other dark color, and mostly text with few or no style elements i.e. no background art, icons, etc.

A traditional resume looks like this:

Example 4 - Traditional Resume

=> Click here for a downloadable copy of the traditional resume.

#2) Modern Resume

A modern resume is a good idea if you’re applying to work in a ‘contemporary’ industry such as media, design, or IT, where imagination and innovation are valued.

A modern resume can have graphic elements, for example, background art, icons for sections, a personal logo, etc., or visual representations of information about your experience, skills, and achievements through the use of charts, graphs, skills bars, etc. Unlike in the traditional resume, you can use a little more color in a modern resume to highlight the relevant information.

Here’s an example of a modern resume:

Example 5 - Modern Resume

=> Click here for a downloadable copy of the modern resume.

Other Types Of Resumes

We’ve looked at the types of resumes that recruiters commonly expect, but here are two more types of resumes that might be a great option for you.

#1) Mini Resume

A mini resume is literally, as the name indicates, a mini version of your actual resume. It can be the size of a business card, or slightly bigger, like a postcard.

Put a brief summary of your skills, achievements, and qualifications on a mini resume, and only the details that relate to the position you’re applying for.

A conventional resume is best for most job applications, but a mini resume is especially useful when you go to work-related events, such as if you’re networking at a business conference. Keep a mini resume handy for when you unexpectedly meet potential employers at such events.

Here’s an example of a mini resume:

Example 6 - Mini Resume

=> Click here for a downloadable copy of the mini resume.

#2) Targeted Resume

A targeted resume is not really a different ‘type’ of resume – because you can turn any type of resume into a targeted resume. It is just a name for a resume that is tailored to fit each job that you apply to.

All you have to do is pick out relevant keywords from the job description. These include any important requirements, skills, and responsibilities, and incorporate these keywords into the experience and skills sections of your resume.

Look at this job ad with examples of keywords highlighted:


Of course, it means you’ll have to customize additionally your resume for each application, but it’ll be worth it because you will seem like the ideal candidate for each specific position.

Use a targeted resume, especially if your skills and experience perfectly match the requirements of the job you’re applying for. Having said that, it’s a good idea to always tailor your resume, as much as you can, to each specific job application.

Remember, you can turn any resume into a targeted resume, so you can use any format and layout – chronological, functional or hybrid, and traditional or modern.

Just don’t go crazy with the keywords because then recruiters will doubt your authenticity.

Unconventional Types Of Resumes

There are other different types of resumes, which could really help you stand out, such as infographic and video resumes, online portfolios, and even personal websites.

Although you should keep in mind that, while you can use targeted and mini-resumes for all fields, the following types of resumes are more visual and/or technology-based and meant for specific industries.

#1) Infographic Resume

An infographic resume uses more visuals and less text than the usual resume. Work experience and skills are represented as graphs, pie charts, icons, and timelines. There are some online tools that you can use to create your own infographic resume, but is it really right for you?

If you are seeking a career in creative fields like graphic design or architecture, you might use this as an opportunity to showcase your skills in design and illustration.

Consider, however, that while you might use visuals to describe your skills and achievements, the graphic elements take up such a lot of space that you may not be able to adequately showcase your work history and experience in this type of resume.

You should be wary of using an infographic resume, as it isn’t suited to all fields. This is because most recruiters use Applicant Tracking Systems, and an infographic resume is not at all ATS-friendly.

But if you think this is the right resume for you, here is an example of an infographic resume to help inspire you:

infographic resume

#2) Video Resumes

A video resume is a great idea for fields where audience engagement and consumption are primarily audio-visual in nature. Done right, a video resume can really give you a competitive edge over other applicants, but be cautious about using this type of resume because you don’t want your ‘out-of-the-box’ idea to turn into a cheap gimmick.

Use a video resume only if you belong to one of these fields:

If you are applying for a job in media, as a news broadcaster for example, or even if you’re an aspiring filmmaker, you can use a video resume to showcase your skills – whether they are acting and screen presence, or other technical skills like editing and production.

Another industry where video resumes could work is fashion. Fashion designers can use video resumes to present their designs in a more dynamic manner, as video footage of models walking a runway will have a stronger impact than a regular resume.

Design being an industry that values creativity and aesthetics, you might have better luck submitting a video resume if you’re applying for jobs in this field, because what better way to demonstrate your experience than by actually ‘showing’ it.

=>> Here’s a great example of a video resume by Lauren Goodman, a writer, content creator, and designer.

#3) Online Portfolio & Personal Websites

Writers, graphic artists, photographers, and other creative professionals often need to send a portfolio, either in lieu of or in addition to a resume. There are several websites where you can build your online portfolios, such as Behance or Dribbble.

You could even create your own customized website for your portfolio using platforms like WordPress or Wix.

One quick way to decide whether such unconventional resume types are suitable for you is to ask yourself this question – Does the job you’re applying for require the same skills and abilities that you will use to create these resumes?

Then, if you believe you can do yourself justice, and you’re willing to put the time and effort into creating a killer resume – Go for it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q #1) What are the 3 most commonly used resume formats?

Answer: The most commonly used resume formats are the Chronological, Functional, and Hybrid resume formats, and among these, the Chronological resume is what most employers expect. If you’re in doubt about which type of resume to use, the Chronological resume is your safest bet.

Q #2) How do I know which type of resume is best for me?

Answer: Choose a type of resume based on your profession, i.e. which industry are you applying for a job in – depending on the field you may choose either a modern or traditional layout for your resume.

The second consideration is what stage of your career you are at. The functional resume is best for career changers and anyone with gaps in their employment history, while the hybrid resume is good for highly skilled and experienced candidates, and for everyone else, there’s the chronological resume format.

Q #3) How many types of resumes are there?

Answer: There are several types of resumes.

The most common types of resumes are:

  • Chronological
  • Functional
  • Hybrid
  • Traditional
  • Modern

Other types include:

  • Targeted resumes
  • Mini resumes
  • Infographic resumes
  • Online portfolios
  • Personal websites
  • Video resumes

Q #4) Should I put my photograph on my resume?

Answer: We’ve become accustomed to using a lot of visuals when we communicate, and almost everyone uses memes, GIFs, emoticons, and avatars in their texts and emails.

So it’s understandable if you’re tempted to include a photograph on your resume, but don’t – at best it will make no difference, at worst you might actually hurt your chances of landing an interview, and here’s why:

  • In countries like the US, UK, and Canada, where they have strong anti-discrimination laws, recruiters are more bias-conscious, and will often reject resumes with photographs as a matter of policy, for fear of being sued. According to this study, there is an 88% chance of your resume being rejected if you put your picture on it.
  • The same study says recruiters spend an average of 5-7 seconds perusing each resume. Adding a photograph may distract them, eating into those few seconds.
  • Employers might think it’s too informal and therefore unprofessional, especially if you are applying to a traditional industry where they might expect the standard resume format.
  • Photographs are not ATS-friendly.

Q #5) What is the difference between a resume and a CV?

Answer: A CV, or Curriculum Vitae (Latin for ‘course of life), is an account of your entire academic history.

Besides the basics (i.e. name and contact details) includes information about your educational qualifications, any research and teaching experience, publications, presentations, grants and fellowships, professional memberships, licenses, and anything else that may be relevant to the role you are applying for. There is no limit to the length of a CV.

A Resume, on the other hand, summarizes only those details about your education, skills, and professional experience that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. A resume is usually 1-2 pages long.

The terms ‘CV’ and ‘Resume’ are often used interchangeably, so it can be quite confusing to know what’s expected when. This should help clarify when a CV is required, and when you should send a resume:

  • If you’re applying in the US or in Canada, a CV is commonly required in academia, while a resume is used in professional, non-academic contexts.
  • In Europe, a resume is called a CV; so if you’re asked to submit a CV, remember that what they really want is your resume.
  • Everywhere else, CV and resume mean the same thing, and you’ll be expected to submit a short 1-2 page document that is the equivalent of the US/Canada resume.


As you’ve seen, there are numerous different types of resumes. Too many choices can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Just ask yourself these 3 key questions to help you choose the perfect type of resume:

  • What stage of your career are you at?
  • What industry are you applying for?
  • Do your experience and skills match the job description?

Choosing a resume type is not, unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all kind of situation. But now you’ve seen the different resumes, you should have no trouble picking the type of resume format that best fits your needs.

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